
fleetfoxWhat is going to happen with wayland/mir?07:55
Noskcajfleetfox, We'll eventually use wayland, not fully sure when (will be by next lts unless something breaks)08:10
fleetfoxok, great08:11
darkxstfleetfox, we will continue to use X as default, for quite some time yet I imagine09:27
darkxstnext cycle we should have experimental wayland support09:27
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l3onwhy gnome-shell is not getting updates like other packages in gnome3-staging/utopic ?14:21
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megalodenHello all17:19
megalodenIs Gnome 3.14 available on Ubuntu 14.04? More specifically Linuxmint 17?17:20
Vault108quick question how wan i upgrade to gnome 3.14?17:32
hashemI don't know if there's a 3.14 PPA, but Ubuntu only has 3.12 packaged: http://packages.ubuntu.com/utopic/gnome-shell17:33
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ricotzmeetingology, only for 14.1017:47
meetingologyricotz: Error: "only" is not a valid command.17:47
MichaelTunnellnot sure if it matters or not to anyone but Ubuntu GNOME 14.10 Beta would not boot into VirtualBox it would just crash into a black screen. However, Ubuntu GNOME 14.10 Daily did boot just fine19:28
MichaelTunnellnevermind...once I installed it to the vmdisk it will not boot their with daily19:34
MichaelTunnellso virtualbox support is broken19:44
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