
TwoCubedAnybody know how to install Ubuntu Touch on a Samsung Galaxy Fascinate?01:10
ubot5You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices01:12
lotuspsychjemorning to all01:46
nhaineslotuspsychje: morning!01:50
lotuspsychjenhaines: hello mate01:50
lotuspsychjenhaines: ive tested the reset function to factory settings on channel=devel01:50
lotuspsychjeworking nicely and smooth01:51
nhaineslotuspsychje: great!  :)  I think I tried it out a month ago and it worked pretty well.01:52
lotuspsychjenhaines: are you gonna try rtm or stick to devel?01:55
nhainesI'm sticking with devel.  There's no reason for me to try RTM until... well  :)  Until it's actually RTM.  I'm mostly just doing promoted images anyway.01:57
nhainesI'm on a Nexus 5 anyway.01:57
lotuspsychjedevel will have stability of rtm also no?01:57
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charlesnik90: awake? :)04:06
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dholbachgood morning07:00
nhainesdholbach: good morning.  :)07:15
dholbachhi nhaines07:16
nhaineshi dholbach.07:16
nhainesThis Ubuntu phone thing is starting to look pretty good.  :)07:18
dholbachit is :-D07:18
nhainesI ran it on my N5 on Saturday during the LUG meeting.  A lot of people were pretty interested.  And I may give a presentation at a local Android user group in November.  :)07:21
=== tarman is now known as zyga
seb128where did the calendar app go?07:57
seb128it's not in the dash anymore since the update to rtm58 on krillin07:57
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Punctuation Day! :-D08:08
mandelElleo, morning! do you have an example of the download you are trying to deflate, else I'll be testing with a random zip08:29
Elleomandel: I'm testing with a 7digital album download (which you'd need to purchase) but I expect any zip would give the same results08:36
mandelElleo, I'll test with the python download then :)08:36
mandelElleo, will post my results in a few mins08:37
seb128pete-woods, hey, do you know what code displays the error page in the click-scope (like if you try to install a click without having an u1 account configured)08:38
Elleomandel: I'm thinking it probably only applies that are reported as being encoded as deflate/gzip/zip/etc by the server, rather than downloads with zip mimetypes08:39
mandelElleo, correct, but what I could see in the bug report is that the header from 7digital are correctly set to do so08:40
Elleomandel: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_compression08:40
pete-woodsseb128: I think it's a preview, with an arrangement of widgets to make that screen up08:40
seb128pete-woods, ok, my issue is that the error label doesn't wrap and it's too long to fit on screen in french, what component should I open the bug against?08:41
pete-woodsseb128: if the issue is that the bold part doesn't wrap, perhaps unity8?08:43
Elleomandel: are you sure? https://bugs.launchpad.net/webbrowser-app/+bug/1365993/comments/4 <-- shows the transfer encoding as "Chunked" rather than "zip" or similar08:43
ubot5Launchpad bug 1365993 in webbrowser-app "Support download of albums as zip files from 7Digital" [Critical,In progress]08:43
seb128pete-woods, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/unity.jpg08:44
Elleomandel: it just has the content-type as application/zip which I don't think is enough to be treated as a deflatable thing08:44
seb128pete-woods, screenshots are easier I guess ;-)08:44
seb128pete-woods, the "subtitle" line08:44
mandelElleo, true, application/zip is not enough08:44
Elleomandel: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8412245/ <-- and those are the headers I got, which are pretty similar08:45
nerochiaroogra_: i've been told you might know how does the android layer decide what is the local timezone when calling the localtime() from libc. it does not seem to think it's the same timezone that ubuntu thinks it is08:45
mandelElleo, will test with other file, in the case in which we do not have the correct header we will call the trusted helper.. I don't see other possible way08:45
Elleomandel: okay08:46
pete-woodsseb128: yes. okay, that might be intentional. we'd need to see what the unity8 guys say about that widget. I'm a relative latecomer to scopes, so don't really know the designs08:46
mandelElleo, is kinda ugly if you ask me, but doable I suppose08:48
mandelElleo, the other way is for you to pass the posdownload command with the unzip08:50
seb128pete-woods, so bug against unity8?08:51
pete-woodsseb128: I think that's a starting point. then if u8 guys say no, need to go to unity-scope-click, and try there?08:52
seb128pete-woods, well, it really depends who renders the ui, the string comes from unity-scope-click/libclickscope/click/preview.cpp:41108:53
seb128but that only seems to return the text08:54
seb128not sure where the rendering is done08:54
Elleomandel: sending a command to execute some string from the browser sounds like something security might get rather worried about to me08:54
pete-woodsseb128: well the rendering is certainly happening in unity8. my point it just that it may be argued that the subtitle widget is behaving according to spec. so the click scope guys will need to use a different widget08:54
mandelElleo, yes, I'll deal with the use of the trusted helper and be done with it or unzip myself08:55
pete-woodshence my suggestion to try reporting u8 bug first, and seeing what is said08:55
seb128pete-woods, that makes sense, going to do that, thanks!08:55
Elleomandel: okay, thanks08:55
mandelElleo, I dont see the diff between the trusted helper and udm, I'll talk with jdstart about it and you will have a fix this afternoon08:55
Elleomandel: okay cool08:56
mandelElleo, udm is getting huge hehe08:57
seb128pete-woods, ok, I filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/137331508:57
ubot5Launchpad bug 1373315 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "click scope errors don't always fit on screen" [Undecided,New]08:57
pete-woodsseb128: hopefully the response will be positive :)09:03
seb128yeah, let's see09:03
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
nerochiaroogra_: ping10:35
nerochiarorsalveti: do you know how the android layer decides what is the local timezone when calling the localtime() from libc. it does not seem to think it's the same timezone that ubuntu thinks it is10:37
ogra_nerochiaro, why would that matter ?10:45
ogra_(it gets it from bionic i guess)10:45
nerochiaroogra_: because when we ask android to take a picture it will save in the EXIF tags a timestamp that is different from the current time on the phone10:46
nerochiaroogra_: well i have a bug assigned asking to fix that, and either we keep the tz info in android the same as in ubuntu, or i have to fix the exif tag before saving the jpeg to disk10:48
nerochiaroogra_: not a big problem but if there's an easy solution in android i'll take that10:48
nerochiaroogra_: if not, i already have a branch that does the exif fixing10:48
ogra_well, seems we shuld be able to just set the persist.sys.timezone property to a proper TZ value10:49
ogra_the question is if the naming of bionic is the same here ... if not it will be tricky10:49
ogra_(for the timezone names i mean)10:49
nerochiaroogra_: right, any pointers on how to check that ?10:50
ogra_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ sudo lxc-console -t0 -nandroid10:52
ogra_[sudo] password for phablet:10:52
ogra_root@mako:/ # date10:52
ogra_Wed Sep 24 10:51:11 GMT 201410:52
ogra_root@mako:/ # setprop persist.sys.timezone Europe/Berlin10:52
ogra_root@mako:/ # date10:52
ogra_Wed Sep 24 12:52:15 CEST 201410:52
ogra_seems it uses the same notation10:52
ogra_(but to verify 100% one would likely need to check the source of bionic or so10:53
ogra_nerochiaro, probably copy the above into your bug ;)10:54
ogra_pitti, do you think it would be possible to make timedated set that property alongside setting the timezone ?10:55
ogra_(assuming this it what sets it)10:55
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
nerochiarodpm: can you please have a look at this .desktop i18n MR ? https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/notes-app/inline-desktop-i18n/+merge/23578510:57
ogra_nerochiaro, oh, and https://gist.github.com/arpit/103559610:58
pittiogra_: oh, first time I hear about it; what is using that property? Why can't we just use /etc/timezone?11:06
pittiogra_: yes, I guess it can be put into timedated (we already have that hideous hack to support /etc/writable), but NB that this is by far not the only way to set/change the time zone11:08
ogra_pitti, we use bionic inside the android container and libc outside ... seems bionic need the property above set ... the camera service runs completely inside the container11:08
ogra_pitti, i would like to wait for rsalveti's feedback, though, he usually has a better overview of the container stuff ...11:09
nerochiarozbenjamin: when you modified apps to be more compatible with qtcreator did you also do that for notes ?11:32
mardympt: hi! There is the case of some account providers (U1 and facebook) for which we should limit to 1 the number of accounts created11:40
mardympt: from the system settings, that is easy: I just grey out the option to click on that provider, when there is already one account configured11:41
mardympt: but when the request comes from an app, there is at least one case in which I need your decision:11:42
mardympt: if the app has already one account authorized, and it requests a new one, what should happen?11:42
mardympt: I guess we need to show a dialog with an error message11:42
mptmardy, I don’t see how that could work. If I used my Facebook account in an app, but then I told the app to forget about it, and then later I used it again … To Online Accounts that would look like the app is trying to use a second account, when it isn’t11:48
mptWhy does Online Accounts need to do anything special for that case at all? It’s up to the app to make sure it isn’t trying to use multiple Facebook accounts.11:49
dbarthmardy: what is the UI presented in the application in that scenario?11:52
rsalvetinerochiaro: have the bug in hands?11:52
nerochiarorsalveti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtubuntu-camera/+bug/137139011:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 1371390 in qtubuntu-camera (Ubuntu) "pictures taken with camera have wrong timestamp" [High,In progress]11:53
ogra_rsalveti, i suspect a wrong tz in the contaainer can have other issues too (timestamps on radio packaets etc)11:54
rsalvetinerochiaro: ogra_: yeah, this is a problem because we abstract the camera by using the camera-service11:54
dbarthmpt: we  need to reflect the terms of the service at the system level; if an app wants to use another FB account, it can do so on its own11:54
rsalvetiand not only the HAL11:54
rsalvetiso indeed, not something I can fix on the hybris side11:55
ogra_rsalveti, well, seems it luckily isnt to hard to set (with a simple property) and the TZ naming in bionic seems to match the libc one11:55
rsalvetiso the workaround in qtubuntu-camera looks good, but ideally it'd also be good to set the right timezone inside the container as ogra_ suggested11:55
dbarthmpt: just not the system one11:55
ogra_so we could just have timedated set the property alongside11:55
rsalvetiogra_: yeah, that would already help11:56
ogra_nerochiaro, add a timedated task then i guess11:56
dbarthmpt: i guess, irrespective of the terms & criteria discussion, we're looking for a solution for accounts which need to be unique, like U111:56
ogra_(systemd source package afaik)11:56
mardympt: so, the goal is to have at most one facebook account configured in System Settings11:56
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nerochiaroogra_: rsalveti: so you suggest for now fixing the EXIF and later on removing that fix once we set the right tz in the container ?11:57
rsalvetinerochiaro: right11:57
ogra_really ? why not just fix the TZ and be done ?11:57
mardympt: we do know which accounts an app is using, because that information is in the System Settings (that list of enabled apps per each account)11:57
mptdbarth, mardy, that’s fine. App X says to Online Accounts, “Hey I need to use a Facebook account.” OA puts up the prompt asking you if it’s ok for X to use it. You accept, and OA gives X what it needs. Sometime later, X says to OA, “Hey I need to use a Facebook account.” OA gives X what it needs, because you already granted permission earlier.11:58
rsalvetiogra_: well, if we can get someone to fix the TZ, even better11:58
rsalvetibut I don't mind having the change in qtubuntu-camera if that helps unblocking a critical bug already11:58
ogra_well, i'm not sure how hard it will be to make timedated depend on the property service ... that will need some clever checks11:58
ogra_since it need to operate without as well11:58
mardympt: not really: when the app starts up later on, if it needs just 1 facebook account, it won't talk to OA, because it already has one11:59
ogra_the setprop call itself should eb a one liner11:59
rsalvetiyeah, ideally just checking if setprop is available, if so, run the one liner11:59
mptmardy, this is in the case I described where you told the app to forget about the Facebook account, or it forgot because of a bug, or whatever11:59
mardympt: when the app starts up, it enumerates the accounts which are available to it; it doesn't (or shouldn't) store this information anywhere12:00
nerochiarorsalveti: ogra_: what project is timedated in LP ?12:00
ogra_apt-get source systemd ... the amount of patches that applies on unpack exceeds my terminal scrollback buffer !12:00
dbarthogra_: help; where can i enable debugging for a device not showing up in adb devices?12:00
mardympt: once you have authorized an app to use an account, that app will see that account, until you go and disable the app from the System settings (or you delete the account)12:01
dbarthi have adb enabled on the phone, according to google-gadget-service12:01
ogra_dbarth, hmm, is the UI session running ? and is the password *not* identical with the user name ?12:01
dbarththey are different yes12:01
dbarthunity8 is running if that's what you mean12:01
ogra_yeah ... well, adbd looks for lightdm ...12:02
ogra_do you see adbd in the processlist in the termianl app ?12:02
mptmardy, sure. So for an account type where you can have only one, the OA prompt will be just “Allow”/“Don’t Allow”, without the “Add Another…” button. Do we need to change anything other than that?12:03
mardympt: this is fine in case the app hasn't been authorized to use that account before, but we need something more for the case where the app requests another account of the same type12:03
mardympt: indeed, the app should not do that12:04
mardympt: but maybe the app does not know that this account type is limited to one account12:04
rsalvetiogra_: yeah, changing systemd is no fun12:04
mardympt: we might even decide to change this in the future (maybe one day we'll decide to limit twitter to one account, for example)12:05
ogra_timedated.c looks ppretty straight forward though ...12:05
mardympt: so yes, I think it's a bit of a corner case12:05
mardympt: we can silently fail, maybe. That is, in that case we always return "declined" to the app, without actually showing any UI12:06
nerochiaroogra_: where do i get that ?12:06
mptmardy, I was thinking that OA would always return "accepted", giving the account that the app has already been granted access to, on the grounds that the app has forgotten about it during runtime12:08
ogra_nerochiaro, apt-get source systemd12:08
ogra_nerochiaro, then src/timedate/timedated.c12:08
mptmardy, but I guess if the app hasn’t forgotten, and is expecting to handle multiple accounts when it can’t, that would be a problem12:08
ogra_nerochiaro, i guess adding some snippet to write_data_timezone() should be the way to go12:09
mptmardy, so yeah, always returning “declined” makes sense12:09
mardympt: OK, thanks12:10
nerochiaroogra_: whoa, the list of patches is mind boggling indeed12:10
ogra_yeah, entertaining :)12:10
nerochiaroogra_: rsalveti: to be perfectly honest i'm a bit scared to put my hands down there in systemd. i'd rather have the patch to qtubuntu-camera in for now and leave that to someone who knows what they are doing at that system stuff better than I do12:15
mptmardy, specification updated. <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OnlineAccounts?action=diff&rev2=21&rev1=20>12:16
ogra_nerochiaro, well, all you need to do is to check if the setprop binary exists in $PATH ... and if it does call "setprop persist.sys.timezone" pointing to the new tz12:16
ogra_nerochiaro, and pitti will surely happily review a patch from you12:16
mardympt: excellent, thanks!12:17
nerochiaroogra_: i'm having an headache just trying to get that stuff compiled, but ok, i'll give it a shot. where does the project live in lp ?12:17
ogra_nerochiaro, i dont know, ask pitti12:18
nerochiaropitti: ^12:18
ogra_but i guess a debdiff will be simplest12:18
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
ogra_hmm, when did the reboot option come back ?12:27
seb128ogra_, where? I don't have it on rtm 5912:28
ogra_seb128, on my utopic device12:28
seb128oh, hum12:28
ogra_which still runs 25112:28
ogra_will soon be in rtm too i guess12:29
seb128  * Re-add restart button for power menu. (LP: 1358197) (LP: #1358197)12:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 1358197 in Ubuntu UX "Power off dialog box no longer shows restart" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135819712:29
seb128ogra_, it's in https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu-rtm/landing-00612:32
ogra_sweet !12:32
zbenjaminnerochiaro: https://code.launchpad.net/~zeller-benjamin/notes-app/sdkcompat/+merge/23389212:35
Laneyseb128: could you install and test a bit glib from rtm silo #15 please?12:35
seb128Laney, sure12:35
seb128did you get any feedback from qa on it yet?12:35
LaneyI think QA don't want to test it ...12:35
Laneythey like to have a plan12:36
seb128let me install it on my killin, reboot and use it for a bit12:36
Laneylunch, brb12:36
=== nik90 is now known as nik90|Lunch
boldiHi all! I have a quick question. When I clicking the camera icon at Messaging App, a new dialog popup and says No app installed or similar. What app is that? So were are can find this string?12:39
boldiit is also in the address-book-app12:39
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boldiscreenshot: http://oi59.tinypic.com/15zqvew.jpg12:42
boldiCan somebody help?12:42
jgdxmpt, ping12:42
ogra_blake_r, i think thats the content-hub12:43
seb128shrug, unity8 is hanging on the sudoku start screen12:43
seb128can't swipe from any edge or anything12:43
ogra_seb128, starts fine here12:44
seb128oh, back, I guess it segfaulted12:44
seb128with apport blocking it for a minute12:44
ogra_yeah, check for crashes12:44
boldiogra_: Yes, that is it :) Thanks12:44
seb128bah, I wish design would make the "unlock dialpad" screen use the lock-screen image, rather than the purple default one12:45
* seb128 wonders if he can hack that up locally easily12:45
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
ogra_seb128, oh, gimme the patch if you find a way !12:47
ogra_i bet simply replacing the default image would do though ...12:47
ogra_(til the next OTA)12:47
seb128it's just that I don't get what they are thinking12:48
seb128you get like 3 images12:48
seb128lock, unlock dialpad, dash12:48
seb128which unlock dialpad is the purple image which you might really dislike12:48
* ogra_ would also love if it would immediately lock 12:48
ogra_buut only after a few seconds12:48
seb128it wouldn't hurt to use the lockscreen one, maybe with renforced constrast to see the number or something12:48
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
mptChipaca, hi, is/was there a bug report about getting rid of the notification bubbles for system updates?13:08
jgdxmpt, hi, can you change the reset launcher spec[1] to work with a reboot action, which is required?13:11
mptjgdx, yes, is the bug assigned to me?13:13
moooooopHi guys. I do have a question regarding the list of supported devices etc13:14
jgdxmpt, no, and I don't have perms to assign it to you13:14
mptjgdx, what’s the bug number?13:14
moooooopI noticed for example Xperia Z is on the list of supported devices, however the "mobile modem" seems not to be working. Is that statement linked to official/legal issues and can be bypassed by coding your own call software?13:14
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
moooooopIs it a taboo question? Googled it wrong?13:22
plarsif anyone who likes to look at phablet-tools has a moment, I would appreciate a review of https://code.launchpad.net/~pwlars/phablet-tools/network-no-sudo/+merge/23568913:30
=== nik90|Lunch is now known as nik90
plarsogra_: someone told me you already had something in progress for phablet-tools landing but I don't see it, so maybe it made it through already?13:31
* mpt crashes indicator-network by opening it13:34
mptjgdx, I’m looking at your fix to bug 1364366…13:37
ubot5bug 1364366 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Wi-Fi networks in System Settings lack strength or authentication icons" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136436613:37
mptjgdx, I’m really impressed at how the fix was just one line, but somehow the appearance in System Settings is so different from in the indicator menu :-)13:37
jgdxmpt, yeah, it was an impressive fix13:38
jgdxmpt, right, there's difference. But AFAIK it's very hard/impossible to make the separation between the currently active Wi-Fi network and other inactive ones.13:41
mptjgdx, oh, I’m not referring to that, but to the icons being four times larger, the padlocks being a different color, and the padlocks being a different position13:42
jgdxmpt, right, I sped ahead. So if you move the padlocks, they are going to be besides the checkbox?13:43
mptHow is that even possible if it’s just reusing the indicator code?13:43
LaneyIt uses the data from the indicator but lays it out itself13:43
mptAhh, ok13:44
mptWorst of both worlds :-)13:44
jgdxto a point13:44
seb128we should use unity-settings-components13:44
jgdx*from a point13:44
jgdxseb128, if you write the backend, I'll happily do the FE13:45
seb128that's not a backend13:45
moooooopHi people, I do have a question prior to buying a phone from the compatibility list, anyone cares to provide me guidance?13:45
seb128it's replacing custom qml by shared components13:45
cwaynemoooooop: the only really supported phone atm is nexus 413:46
moooooopI noticed on the "compatibility list" that for some phone * is okay, however "wireless modem" is greyed out. Is there any way to bypass that through custom software?13:46
moooooopLike what they did on the pi phone etc?13:46
moooooopthank you cwayne13:46
mptjgdx, anyway, sorry to gripe. I was just dealing with a bug report about the white padlocks and wondered why that icon existed13:47
jgdxseb128, oh13:47
cwaynemoooooop: there's a community build for the nexus 5 that works quite well also, but not officially supported13:48
moooooopI guess i dont mind for the support, thank you13:48
moooooopofficial that is ;)13:48
jgdxseb128, where can read about this magic?13:49
jgdxseb128, right, but using shared components fixes not all issues with the wifi list13:50
seb128jgdx, I didn't say it would, but it would be less custom code13:51
seb128jgdx, dunno if it's documented, ted might know, he did work on that back then iirc13:51
moooooopcwayne: thanks a lot.13:55
tedgahayzen, Were you able to confirm whether UAL caused the issue?14:03
ahayzentedg, literally reflashing back to #243 at the moment!14:04
tedgahayzen, Hah, cool.14:04
ahayzentedg, when it flashes back what is the best way to upgrade just the UAL packages?14:04
tedgahayzen, apt-get install ubuntu-app-launch libubuntu-app-launch214:04
ahayzentedg, cool thanks14:04
tedgahayzen, You'll have to reboot so that unity will reload the lib.14:05
ahayzenok cool14:05
mptkenvandine, hi, after I recovered from the black-screen system update, I went back to following your instructions, and realized that I don’t know how to *add* a silo14:15
mptkenvandine, citrain device-upgrade upgrades everything, right? Whereas I just want to install specific packages14:16
kenvandinempt, it could pull in some other updates as well14:16
kenvandinebut that's not usually much14:17
kenvandineyou could just add the ppa and apt-get install14:17
ogra_plars, yeah, yesterday14:17
ogra_plars, land away :)14:17
kenvandinesudo apt-get install ubuntu-system-settings-wizard ubuntu-system-settings libsystemsettings114:17
kenvandinempt ^^14:17
* tedg still can't get used to the sudo password for phablet not being phablet14:23
mptkenvandine, I need to add the silo before I do any of those things, right?14:24
kenvandinempt, yes14:24
kenvandineyou can always just use add-apt-repository on the device if you like14:25
mptkenvandine, so, how do I do that?14:25
kenvandinesudo add-apt-repository ppa:ci-train-ppa-service/landing-00114:25
davmor2kenvandine: only if you are not on rtm14:25
kenvandinethen apt-get update14:25
kenvandinedavmor2 yes :)14:25
tedgmpt, phablet-config writable-image14:25
kenvandinempt, unfortunately... there is now a newer version in the archive... so you need to specify the version :)14:27
kenvandineapt-get install {ubuntu-system-settings-wizard,ubuntu-system-settings,libsystemsettings1}=0.3+14.10.20140923.1-0ubuntu114:27
kenvandinempt, oh so many steps :)14:27
mptThanks tedg14:27
* mpt tries not to wonder why phablet-config pings launchpad.net14:29
mptkenvandine, sorry, a newer version of what?14:29
seb128mterry, hey, do you have an issue about the issue I described on https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/ubuntu-system-settings/flickable-passwd-page/+merge/235117 ?14:30
kenvandinejust landed in utopic-proposed14:30
tedgmpt, It's the most reliable server on the Internet. :-)14:30
mterryseb128, no I couldn't reproduce14:30
mterryseb128, thought I mentioned that on IRC, sorry14:30
seb128mterry, you might have and I might have missing it14:30
mterrykenvandine, I have a few USS branches I'd love you review if you have time today14:30
kenvandinemterry, planning to :)14:30
* mterry hugs kenvandine14:30
mptkenvandine, “E: Version '0.3+14.10.20140923.1-0ubuntu1' for 'ubuntu-system-settings-wizard' was not found” (etc)14:31
davmor2mpt: sudo apt-get update after you added the ppa14:32
mptthanks davmor2 :-)14:34
ahayzentedg, ...ok so flashed back to #243...ran ap test worked fine.... updated ubuntu-app-launch libubuntu-app-launch2 .. restarted... reran ap tests and mocking is broken!14:34
tedgahayzen, Uhg, okay. Do you know which module is getting an error?14:35
ahayzentedg, i have seen no errors that is why we were stumped what was causing it....but maybe now we know UAL is causing it we can dig a bit easier14:36
ahayzentedg, does UAL have a log somewhere?14:36
tedgahayzen, Well, the problem is that it's not a thing itself, it's more a way to use upstart. So it doesn't have its own log.14:37
barrykenvandine: can you comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-image/+bug/1370586/comments/2 ?  i'd like to take a crack at this soon14:37
tedgahayzen, So can you walk me through how the test works?14:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 1370586 in Ubuntu system image "Add synchronous method to determine if there are known updates" [High,Triaged]14:37
tedgahayzen, You setup the media-scanner, start the app? Do you set anything? (env vars, etc)14:38
ahayzentedg, erm i can try :) ... yeah we do14:38
ahayzentedg, the magic happens in here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~music-app-dev/music-app/trunk/view/head:/tests/autopilot/music_app/tests/__init__.py14:39
ahayzentedg, so for a click env... we build a fakeenv fixture14:39
ahayzenset that as HOME14:39
kenvandinebarry, commented!14:39
ahayzentedg, then go and copy the music.... live patch the ms2 db14:40
tedgahayzen, So then who knows what $HOME is?14:41
ahayzentedg, and then launch the app via ap's launch_click_package()14:41
barrykenvandine: thanks.  my big question is what to do in the "we-don't-know" case.  should the target_build_number key just be missing?  should it return a non-number like "none", or should it return a nonsense number like -1 (or 0?).  my initial preference would be to omit the key, but i don't know how much trouble the different options would cause the client14:41
tedgahayzen, Do you restart Unity in the new $HOME?14:41
kenvandinebarry, i think i'd prefer -114:41
ahayzentedg, no ... this is where part of reason we are patching the db but we're looking to improve that14:41
barrykenvandine: thanks, i will copy and paste that into the comments14:42
ahayzentedg, i think only python and the app itself are affected by the new HOME?14:42
ahayzentedg, balloons probably has more knowledge of how it all works ;)14:42
tedgI'm a little disturbed that you're trying to replace $HOME for half the world, without telling the other half.14:43
tedgHonestly, shocked it worked before :-)14:43
ogra_$HOME is where the heart is though14:43
ahayzenit works well :) until ms2 change their db schema14:43
tedgogra_, Yes, the problem with that with two $HOME's for your heart, well, that never works out well ;-)14:44
ogra_yeah, that might have some circulation issues14:44
popeymv ♥ $HOME14:44
tedgSo my guess is that the environment variables aren't getting set correctly.14:44
tedgThey changed slight in the new UAL as part of the performance optimizations.14:44
ahayzentedg, this is where it is set currently http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~music-app-dev/music-app/trunk/view/head:/tests/autopilot/music_app/tests/__init__.py#L16214:45
ahayzentedg, yeah so then it is seeing the wrong db cache?14:45
tedgahayzen, So I think what probably needs to happen is that also needs to call a "setenv()" to set it for the test process as well.14:45
ogra_this will only affect things started by upstart otherwise14:46
ahayzentedg, ok i'll try that and report back14:46
tedgahayzen, Cool, thanks!14:46
tedgJust for lurkers, basically we changed that a bunch of the environment variables are built into one big structure in libual.14:47
tedgSo that way we don't have to do it in the job.14:47
ahayzenah ok14:47
tedgThat got us under the time limit.14:47
tedgSo that environment processing would be in the test, as it's the libual user in this case.14:47
ogra_we have a time limit ?14:48
tedgogra_, I was given a budget.14:48
tedg100ms for UAL stuff.14:48
mptkenvandine, ok, now I’m trying to “sudo nano /etc/system-image/channel.ini”, but after I change the version number, it won’t save14:48
ahayzentedg, do you mean $ initctl set-env ? or a different way just to check14:48
ogra_mpt, in "adb shell" or phablet-shell ?14:48
ichigo-roku@find noein 1514:48
tedgahayzen, I mean what ever the python equiv of "setenv" is. I'm guessing system.setenv('HOME', tempdir) ?14:49
ichigo-rokusorry wrong channel14:49
ogra_mpt, note that adb doesnt use termcap ... which means control chars wont work properly in some cases14:49
ahayzentedg, oh so >> os.environ["HOME"] = tmpdir14:49
ogra_mpt, use phablet-shell for that it works around that issue14:49
kenvandineogra_, ah.. thx :)14:49
tedgahayzen, Sure! :-)14:49
ahayzen\o/ i'll try that14:49
tedgahayzen, Just make sure it's not only for Python, as the C lib needs to see it as well.14:49
tedgahayzen, Not sure if that sets the actual environment or just the Python copy.14:50
* balloons is listening14:50
ahayzenballoons, o/14:50
ahayzenballoons, any comments/pointers?14:50
ogra_kenvandine, oh, btw, i kind of stepped on your  toes with a u-s-s landing that went into utopic ... if you do the next rtm landing, can you make sure https://code.launchpad.net/~ogra/ubuntu-system-settings/system-settings-fix-devmode-page-refresh/+merge/235778 doesnt get forgotten ?14:50
mptogra_, phablet-shell says “ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host”14:52
ogra_are you up to date with phablet-tools ?14:52
mptphablet-tools | 1.1+14.10.20140918-0ubuntu1 | http://ppa.launchpad.net/phablet-team/tools/ubuntu/ trusty/main i386 Packages14:53
tedgmpt, Did you turn on developer mode on your device?14:53
mpttedg, yes14:53
mptadb shell works fine, right up to the point where nano prompts me for a filename to save the file to, and the Enter key doesn’t do anything14:54
balloonsahayzen, well I'm trying to catch up with what tedg was saying. We do some mocking via fixtures in python to set things like home and the xdg dirs, etc. We don't change $HOME for the world. So what else needs to know about the new $HOME? We used to setup an env, and then pass it to upstart to launch. Is that not enough?14:55
balloonsif something else needs to run under our faked $HOME, typically we've resorted to restarting the service ourselves with the new $HOME, then cleaning up at the end by restarting it again with the real $HOME14:56
nerochiarojhodapp: with bill we decided to go ahead with the EXIF fix for now, then follow ogra's advice and have systemd set persist.sys.timezone so that android uses the right tz directly. so if you could please review the MR today that would be great14:58
tedgballoons, Well you are changing it for the world, you're changing it for all Upstart jobs that start after your tests start running.14:58
tedgballoons, So if something was to restart, it would pick up the new home.14:58
jhodappnerochiaro, sounds good...I'll get to it as soon as possible...so crazy around here today :)14:58
tedgballoons, I'd argue that, in general, that's dangerous.14:58
nerochiarojhodapp: thank you14:58
jhodappnerochiaro, np14:58
tedgballoons, But in this case I think the issue is that the test itself doesn't know about the changed variables in its own environment.14:59
tedgballoons, So when it runs libual that library doesn't know which ones to use, so it sets up the application incorrectly.14:59
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ahayzenballoons, tedg, for whtever reason when i set HOME via os.environ the music-app sits at the loading thing and times out15:03
tedgahayzen, Anything in the music app's log file?15:05
ahayzentedg, this is the log when i ran under adt http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8418700/15:06
balloonsahayzen, I'll leave you to continuing to hack on it.. I'l try and catch up with you in a hour or so15:07
ahayzenballoons, hehe thanks :)15:07
ahayzentedg, i don't think there is anything in the music-app log as it didn't get that far?15:08
tedgYeah, it can't find the application now.15:08
ahayzentedg, it was just at the black screen with the app and spinning circles15:08
ahayzen....and it still is there...15:08
ahayzentedg, yeah and if i close it and run manually from the dash it works so doing os.environ["HOME"] = temp_dir seems to totally break it!15:09
tedgWe're going to have to move the click DB to the correct directory.15:09
ahayzentedg, click db? as in the mediascanner db?15:10
tedgahayzen, Is the music player you're testing a click app?15:11
ahayzentedg, yep15:11
tedgahayzen, So it's not getting detected as one…15:11
ahayzentedg, where does it say that?15:12
ahayzentedg, "Unable to find keyfile for application 'com.ubuntu.music_music_1.3.636'" ?15:12
tedgahayzen, libual is saying that it can't find the key file for it. Which means that it's falling back to legacy app mode.15:12
ahayzentedg, hmm i guess because of the $HOME setting?15:12
ahayzen...as the app actually launched earlier with the latest UAL just it had the wrong ms2 db15:13
jgdxseb128, thanks for the review. Addressed comment.15:14
tedgahayzen, So you need to set UBUNTU_APP_LAUNCH_LINK_FARM to be $(originalhome)/.cache/ubuntu-app-launch/desktop15:14
huanhi, how can I copy a file to my emulator instance with adb push? I got a permission denied error15:14
jgdxalso manged to misspell "files" as "failes", but it actually works well in that context15:15
ahayzentedg, ok ... via os.environ ?15:15
tedgahayzen, Yes15:15
ahayzentedg, cool i'll try that...15:15
ogra_huan, adb runs as the "phablet" user, yu can only push to places where that user has write permissions15:15
ogra_huan, push to /home/phablet ro /tmp ... then you can use sudo to copy to the place you want to have it15:16
huanogra: ok, so how could I copy a file to my emulator instance? :D15:16
seb128jgdx, thanks15:16
huanogra: thank, I'll try that15:16
ahayzentedg, OMG!15:19
ahayzentedg, you sir are a genius! ... "16:19:22.065 INFO testresult:44 - OK: music_app.tests.test_music.TestMainWindow.test_reads_music_library(with touch)"15:19
huanogra: It works, thanks for the solution :)15:20
ogra_np :)15:20
tedgahayzen, Great!15:22
ahayzentedg, i should only need to do this for click tests right?15:23
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* ahayzen is trying to tidy up things15:23
tedgahayzen, Uhm, not sure. I'd do it anywhere you change the HOME variable.15:23
tedgahayzen, Or more correctly, when you use libUAL.15:23
ahayzentedg, ok i'll leave it....15:24
tedgahayzen, For the next work I'd recommend adding a way to restart media scanner with a different db. i.e. a MEDIA_SCANNER_DB variable to just adjust that instead of trying to move all of HOME.15:26
ahayzentedg, yep we are investigating that at the moment...i heard rumours of a ms2 helper for autopilot15:27
tedgCool. The HOME variable is always going to be fragile.15:27
ahayzentedg, does this look good from your point of view? https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/ap-mocking-fixes/+merge/23582115:28
tedgahayzen, Yup15:28
ahayzentedg, cool thanks :)15:28
ahayzenpopey, balloons, you able to try the above mp ^^? as hopefully this will get CI passing again15:29
sil2100boiko: hey! Remember when I poked you about dialer-app test failures in ubuntu-rtm smoketesting? Is there anything we can do about those?15:31
ahayzentedg, thanks for your help with this :)15:32
ogra_sil2100, we could just doi the same as with calendar to fix them ;)15:33
boikosil2100: hmm, are there new failures? cause salem_ and I have submitted fixes for the failures :/15:33
sil2100boiko: oh? Do you know if those got into RTM?15:35
boikosil2100: they did15:35
boikosil2100: do you have recent failures there? if so, can I check the logs to see what's going on?15:35
sil2100boiko: wait, most probably I got this wrong, I see those are gone ;) Thanks!15:36
* sil2100 is not sure what he was looking at before15:36
boikosil2100: you were looking at the past :)15:36
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seb128kenvandine, sorry, laptop froze, I though it was an unity segfault/apport blocking it but it didn't come back and did hang for good after vt switch15:42
seb128kenvandine, did I miss anything?15:42
jhodappsil2100, just wanted to make sure that you saw that the video issues are all fixed so you can take that out of the daily email15:46
sil2100jhodapp: yes, from what davmor2 mentioned those are no longer happening, so \o/15:47
jhodappsil2100, so happy to have that fixed, I'm depressed when video isn't working right15:48
davmor2jhodapp: I should of known it was all your fault ;)15:48
jhodappdavmor2, guilty15:48
huanWhy can't I add contacts to address book in emulator. Is it normal?15:51
nerochiarooSoMoN: trivial MR https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/webbrowser-app/fix-add-tab-label-width/+merge/23582815:58
oSoMoNnerochiaro, commented16:03
nerochiarooSoMoN: the only other way to do it is to create a custom item. Personally I would suggest not using tool buttons but putting anohter normal button like the "done" button at the left. standard tool buttons are too limited, i had a convo with zsombi about this and can't really do much16:04
nerochiaroor just keep the icon and remove the text. "+" is pretty universally understood as "add" anyway16:05
nerochiarooSoMoN: ^16:05
oSoMoNnerochiaro, not my call, that’s for design to decide, but I don’t imagine it’s hard to write a custom toolbar button component that does what we need to implement the current design, is it?16:06
nerochiarooSoMoN: i don't know, probably not hard16:07
nerochiarooSoMoN: so that's what you want me to do ?16:07
oSoMoNnerochiaro, yes please, at this point I don’t want us to revisit the design, I’d rather fix the bug and move on to more important things16:07
nerochiarooSoMoN: ok16:07
tedgballoons, So do we have other test suites that work like the media player one that could be similarly broken?16:13
ahayzentedg, elopio mentioned something about reminders16:14
ahayzeni thought all of the apps used fixtures....but i'm probably wrong16:15
balloonstedg, ahayzen, there is certainly some other apps that could have similar problems. I saw you had success, but haven't been able to follow along. Let's see here.16:16
ahayzenballoons, this is the resultant code change https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/ap-mocking-fixes/+merge/23582116:16
ahayzenballoons, i've tested myself on my utopic VM and on utopic device #243+UAL and #254 .. would like someone else to confirm on device though16:17
balloonsahayzen, so those changes overlay the actual environment.. do you intend to clean them up and restore them after?16:18
ahayzenballoons, hmm good point16:18
balloonsalso, you set the $HOME env after you setup a fixture to set $HOME to temp_dir.. that's a bit odd16:18
ahayzenballoons, yep that seemed to fix it..16:19
ahayzenballoons, well break it until we put the extra UBUNTU_APP_LAUNCH_LINK_FARM in16:19
ahayzenballoons, how does the fixture set that env var?16:19
ahayzenballoons, as it must be different to doing os.environ if that has fixed the issue?16:20
kenvandinemterry, can you merge trunk into your here-comment branch and fix the conflicts?16:23
kenvandinemterry, i'm trying to build it in the silo, but conflicts in the pot file16:23
seb128you people stop including pot updated in your merge request!16:24
nerochiarooSoMoN: see if it's better now. Basically we were already using a custom component anyway, so i just fixed it to make it take as much space as the text needs16:25
ahayzenballoons, how should i cleanup those vars? use addCleanup() or tearDown or something?16:25
oSoMoNnerochiaro, thanks, I’ll check in a moment16:26
balloonsahayzen, the fixture only sets it for our parent process and any children16:26
ahayzenballoons, ah that is probably why os.environ works then16:27
balloonsahayzen, sure, but are we able to instead launch the needed child process that requires $HOME16:27
ahayzenballoons, erm.... tedg i assume ^^ would be UAL ?16:28
ahayzenis it a service that we would need to restart?16:28
balloonselopio, if you haven't been following along, ^^ ahayzen and tedg worked out fixing music app, and ahayzen proposed https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/ap-mocking-fixes/+merge/235821. The discussion was around how $HOME, and our patching of it only affecting our processes is causing failures16:29
elopioballoons: I saw it. I'm not sure how it will play when we set the initctl HOME, but it's worth a try.16:30
elopioworst case scenario, we will get a temp home for desktop executions, which is a win.16:30
ahayzeneveryone wants to set HOME! lol16:30
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balloonselopio, so you are ok with just setting $HOME itself directly, then restoring it via cleanup when the test completes16:34
elopioballoons: I didn't get that.16:35
elopiothat's what we are doing everywhere. The problem comes when we launch the app with upstart, that it will listen to the initctl var instead of the $HOME env var.16:35
balloonsahayzen, go ahead and do the addcleanup() on your mp to restore the env vars you are setting16:42
ahayzenballoons, ok :) now i've got to remember how to use it16:43
balloonsahayzen, with those changes I guess I'm happy if it works16:47
balloonsit's worth the experiment so to speak16:47
ahayzenballoons, cool gimme a sec just testing the cleanups16:48
ahayzenballoons, something like this? https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/ap-mocking-fixes/+merge/23582116:56
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mterrykenvandine, yeah, give me a moment17:09
kenvandinemterry, thx17:10
mterrykenvandine, done17:11
kenvandinemterry, thx!17:11
nerochiarobfiller: regarding the failing tests: cycle flash in video mode works for me. the zoom slider test fails because it executes a pinch gesture to show the slider, but for some reason the slider doesn't appear. might be a change in the autopilot pinch() code ? and the last one, test_take_picture, fails because the picture directory was ~/Pictures/camera and now is ~/Pictures/com.ubuntu.camera17:12
nerochiarobfiller: the fix for the picture taking test is here: https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/camera-app/fix-tests/+merge/23583817:18
bfillernerochiaro: ok, weird that pictures directory failing now, that change has been in there for at least a month17:18
nerochiarobfiller: that is strange. i don't see anyway it could not fail if the dir isn't there17:19
nerochiarobfiller: it calls os.listdir which AFAIK always fails on non-existing paths17:19
nerochiarobfiller: who's an autopilot wrangler that can tell me if anything changed in the pinch implementation ?17:20
kenvandinemterry, i have your flickable_passwd_page branch in my current landing, i'll get all your others in my next landing (hopefully later today)17:29
mterrykenvandine, the very latest one probably can't land yet (needs some unity8 changes).  This would be the wizard-refresh-take-6 branch17:32
kenvandineah... ok17:32
mterrykenvandine, but can certainly be reviewed if you have the time, just not landed17:32
kenvandinemterry, i was just looking at that17:32
kenvandineit's big :)17:32
mterrykenvandine, yeah I kept shaving yaks17:33
bfillernerochiaro: elopio might be able to tell you if the pinch gesture changed17:37
elopionerochiaro: is that related to the camera?17:37
nerochiaroelopio: yes17:37
elopionerochiaro: om26er started working on it, but then they took him for manual testing.17:38
elopionerochiaro: he can tell you what's missing for his branch to land.17:38
om26erelopio, nerochiaro so the problem seems to be with the icons model. The test clicks the wrong icon due to the relevant property being on the 'location' icon17:39
om26eri.e. we are selecting the icon with a 'settingsProperty' but due to a problem somewhere the 'videoFlashMode property is given to the 'location' icon.17:40
om26erso the test fails.17:40
nerochiaroom26er: that test is actually the only one of the three that works on my mako17:41
om26ernerochiaro, it doesn't fail all the time,. you have to retry multiple times17:41
nerochiaroom26er: argh, ok. so what's missing from your branch ? it seems to fix all the 3 tests17:41
om26ernerochiaro, it does fix other tests, except for one.17:43
nerochiaroom26er: which one ?17:44
om26erso that failure is a bug that's outside autopilot.17:44
om26ernerochiaro, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-click-autopilot-runner-mako/543/testReport/junit/camera_app.tests.test_flash/TestCameraFlash/test_cycle_video_flash_with_touch_/17:44
nerochiaroom26er: i see17:44
taiebotCongrats guys i am enjoying devel-proposed r.254. Just a question the new keyboard i see is it final design? Something feels wrong about it.17:46
om26ertaiebot, the background color17:53
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taiebotom26er: Is it final design? the font also looks out of shape. It just does not feel integrated with the rest of the phone. i love the spacing i can finally compete with fast typer on this keyboard.17:58
om26ertaiebot, I really hope not, the colors definitely need tweaking. The spacing did indeed make life easier.17:59
taiebotom26er: does this need a bug report?18:05
om26ertaiebot, yes, I believe, report a bug for ubuntu-keyboard18:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 1373549 in ubuntu-keyboard (Ubuntu) "New keyboard design looks weird" [Undecided,New]18:18
elopioping artmello_: on the debian/rules of the gallery app there is a statement that makes the QML tests fail at build time18:27
elopioexport QT_QPA_PLATFORM = minimal18:27
elopioartmello_: do you know why is it there?18:30
artmello_elopio: hey, let me check18:30
artmello_elopio: it is there for a long time, 201218:33
artmello_elopio: did something change recently to make it fails?18:33
elopioartmello_: yes, I don't know who is the one bzr blame points to.18:33
elopioartmello_: oh, no, this is the simple QML test I'm adding18:33
alecukgunn: mzanetti: hi! what's missing to have rtm silo 6 landed? just the QA signoff?18:33
elopioartmello_: https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/gallery-app/qmltests1/+merge/23539018:33
elopiowith that minimal set, it fails with a message saying something about opengl.18:34
kgunnalecu: yes!18:34
alecukgunn: great!18:34
elopiowhich makes sense. But I don't know if the build statement is there for a good reason. I don't see it on the other apps.18:34
artmello_elopio: I am not sure why it is there and I think guenter is not around anymore for us to ask18:35
artmello_elopio: well, I can propose an MR removing that and we see the result18:36
elopioartmello_: or you can review my MP, I think it's ready. I removed it there.18:37
artmello_elopio: sure! I am finishing the url scheme support for gallery. I will review it then18:38
elopioartmello_: thanks. I'm not in a hurry, so don't worry if you have critical things to do before.18:39
elopioI'll look for a core dev to check the debian bits in the mean time.18:39
elopioballoons: how did you get to remove the screen from your mako? I've been heating it with a hair drier for like 30 minutes and it's just as stuck as before.18:40
elopioah, it's coming off, finally.18:43
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balloonselopio, :-) Screen replacement fun sounds like19:28
taiebotWaouh just read that the latest update of ios 8.0.1 breaks Touch ID and cell service and me who was thinking that it was only happening on the devel-proposed channel :-D20:08
ahayzenHi, anyone else's camera app freeze on launching, then reset and eventually launch....i see this in the syslog ubuntu-phablet kernel: [11563.678588] type=1400 audit(1411589411.008:1552): apparmor="DENIED" operation="chmod" profile="com.ubuntu.camera_camera_3.0.0.387" name="/run/user/32011/" pid=28341 comm="camera-app" requested_mask="w" denied_mask="w" fsuid=32011 ouid=3201120:12
jjohansenahayzen: yes I have seen that reject and reported it20:14
popey[ 6380.076196] (0)[6557:camera-app]type=1400 audit(1411589620.370:208): apparmor="DENIED" operation="chmod" profile="com.ubuntu.camera_camera_3.0.0.387" name="/run/user/32011/" pid=6557 comm="camera-app" requested_mask="w" denied_mask="w" fsuid=32011 ouid=3201120:14
taiebotahayzen works here on r.25420:14
popeyI see it on krillin 5920:14
jjohansenpopey: yeah I noticed it on manta, but not mako. It seems to be device specific20:15
jjohansenahayzen: ^20:15
jdstrandthat is a known bug20:16
jdstrandit chould not be the cause of the camera freeze20:16
* jdstrand gets bug20:16
jdstrandbug 135983120:16
ubot5bug 1359831 in camera-app "Apps incorrectly perform a chmod on XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135983120:16
jdstrandahayzen, popey, jjohansen ^20:17
jjohansenjdstrand: yep20:17
ahayzenjdstrand, ah ok20:17
ahayzenjdstrand, yeah the whole of unity like froze as it happened20:17
jjohansensorry you are faster at digging out the bug than me20:17
jdstrandahayzen: yes, this bug is almost certainly unrelated20:17
ahayzenok weird20:18
jdstrandahayzen: you may have an apport process running in the background20:18
jdstrandI reported seeing crashes like this earlier today20:18
ahayzenjdstrand, ah i have a _usr_share_click_preinstalled_com.ubuntu.camera_3.0.0.387_camera-app.32011.crash20:18
ahayzenjdstrand, that was probably it then20:19
* jdstrand also notes he can use his camera just fine with that denial20:19
jdstrandahayzen: there you go. now, it *could* be that bug, but I doubt it since it has been around for a month and no one else reported it as the cause of the crash20:19
* ahayzen also wonders if the issue where you switch you front facing and then back to rear facing that the controls disappear has been reported...20:20
* jdstrand also notes the denial is legitmate-- apps should not be able to do a chmod on XDG_RUNTIME_DIR20:20
* ahayzen checks20:20
jdstrands/apps/click store confined apps/20:20
ahayzenjdstrand, yeah probably a crash for another reason20:20
ahayzenhmm can't see one for switch front/rear... time to report a bug!20:21
ahayzenjdstrand, that crash log should automatically be pushed up right? so i don't need to report it?20:22
jdstrandahayzen: it should yes. if you want to do it manually, you can do: sudo /usr/share/apport/whoopsie-upload-all20:23
ahayzenjdstrand, cool if it doesn't go up i'll push it20:23
jdstrand(I don't think the sudo is needed if the crash file is owned by you)20:23
ahayzenjdstrand, awwwww :( ERROR: processing /var/crash/_usr_share_click_preinstalled_com.ubuntu.camera_3.0.0.387_camera-app.32011.crash: Invalid core dump: BFD: Warning: /tmp/apport_core_fdtm02s6 is truncated: expected core file size >= 191430656, found: 3211264.20:31
* ahayzen clears up /var/crash and makes it crash again20:31
jdstrandahayzen: I wonder if your filesystem is full20:34
ahayzenjdstrand, ah it may be the location  service crashing as well that is causing bad things20:34
ahayzenjdstrand, oh yeah and that ... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8420655/20:34
ahayzenjdstrand, i think i have "4% left"20:35
jdstrandit is amazong how many mounts we have20:35
ahayzenbut i did clear a load of crash logs before ^^ so it was probably even wrose20:35
Drew_Neilsonquestion: if I had a Nexus 4 and downloaded and installed the Ubuntu Touch RTM version, would I be able to plug in a monitor, keyboard, and mouse and use it as a full desktop Ubuntu PC?20:35
jdstrandahayzen: actually, that df looks ok20:35
ahayzenjdstrand, yeah i had a *lot* of crash logs20:35
jdstrandI wonder why they weren't submitted20:35
ahayzenjdstrand, my /home is full of music for testing :) hehe20:36
ahayzenjdstrand, most were... other than the corrupted ones20:36
jdstrandahayzen: mine too! :)20:36
ahayzenjdstrand, right that location one has been submitted so hopefully it is that20:36
jdstrandahayzen: oh ha, I am at 93% on /home too :)20:36
spikebDrew_Neilson, dont think so, not yet.20:38
Drew_NeilsonI'm not a developer20:38
ahayzenjdstrand, system-settings reckons i have 1.2 GB of "other files" ... i wonder what those are...20:38
popeyDrew_Neilson: no, you can't do that yet.20:38
Drew_Neilsonpopey what remains to be done before that is possible?20:39
jdstrandaiui, /home is actually shared with other stuff. tbh, I can't keep it all straight20:39
popeyDrew_Neilson: lots of work.20:39
Drew_Neilsonwhat, specifically?20:39
ahayzenjdstrand, well if it is not audio/video/pictures/apps/"used by ubuntu"...then what is it? logs and crash files?20:40
popeyDrew_Neilson: I'm not about to list it all.20:40
popeyDrew_Neilson: suffice to say there's lots to do.20:40
Drew_Neilsonhas Canonical said how long before this is possible?20:41
popeytarget is 16.0420:41
popeythe next LTS release20:41
Drew_Neilsonwow, seriously?20:41
Drew_NeilsonI'm kinda surprised, that's a while off20:42
spikebthey have a lot of work to do :)20:42
popeyI'd like it by next tuesday, but what can you do?20:42
jdstrandahayzen: if you look at 'mount' output, that tells you what the kernel sees. you can see that /home is on /dev/mmcblk0p23, and there are a lot of other mounts that are shared by that device20:42
popeyComputers eh? Lazy things.20:42
spikebi'd like it by last april!20:42
popeyYou want the moon on a stick!20:43
spikebi need to get a supported device20:43
popeyshould be able to get one of those soon enough ☻20:43
spikebhoping that by the time i am in the market for one, i can get it pre-installed :)20:44
spikebif not, i'll get a nexus20:44
ahayzenjdstrand, oh yeah there is a lot of mounts!20:44
popeynot long now20:44
nith1210Dual boot on nexus 5 works well; atleast it has for me for two days.20:44
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Drew_Neilsonsorry, I don't have a smartphone and I was just hoping I could go online, buy a Nexus 4/5, plug in a monitor, keyboard, and mouse, and use it like a PC... if that's not coming until April of 2016, then I guess I'd better buy an Android or an iPhone... Google's Project Ara is another interest of mine20:46
gcolluraI need to have on some devices some fake data to show off, does phablet-demo-setup still work? I've tried to run it, but it gets stuck after downloading the data from the server..20:47
taiebotnith1210: what is performance of nexus 5 compared to nexus 4 ? What is average launch time of an app on nexus 5 on Nexus 4 is approx 3-6sec. have you tried some webbrowser test like peacekeeper? on Nexus 4 i reach 55520:47
Drew_Neilsontheir modular phone project, which is rumored to come out in January of next year20:48
spikebi have an unsupported tablet (2012 nexus 7)20:48
spikebit sucks :)20:48
popeyDrew_Neilson: can you plug a monitor, keyboard and mouse and use an iphone or android phone then?20:48
nith1210taiebot: Launch time is pretty long, that sounds about right. I've not done any webbrowser tests but I'll run peacekeeper right now and let you know.20:49
Drew_NeilsonIf we're talking about iPhone and Android, I assume no20:49
popeyso i fail to see how thats a factor then?20:49
popeyyou can't do that on any phone, so why is it the decider on whether you'd get an ubuntu phone or not?20:50
Drew_NeilsonCause it's a game changer for the PC industry20:50
chrisca nexus 5 has hdmi out with an adaptor and supports bluetooth keyboard and mouse20:50
Drew_NeilsonI don't *need* it, but it's awesome20:50
popeythe slimport, right?20:50
spikebi think 16.04 will be a watershed moment :)20:51
chriscworks ok with a tv and cm20:51
spikebhmm, multirom doesn't have any utopic builds for my device, wonder if they're broken or something20:52
Drew_Neilsonwhoops, didn't mean to reenter my previous comment20:52
taiebotnith1210: Thanks. So launch time could be improved for every form factor even nexus 4. I am hoping to see some great improvement for app start up time. Some apps have shown great improvement like pathwind which now opens in <3sec but normal app like dialer or messages are painfully slow.20:52
Drew_Neilsonchrisc but if Ubuntu-Touch isn't yet optimized yet for connecting an external monitor, then everything on screen will be giant, right?20:54
Drew_Neilsonpopey please correct me if I am wrong, but if Ubuntu Touch won't support external monitors and input devices until 16.04, then if someone is running Ubuntu on a Nexus 4 or 5 and they connect it to an external monitor, everything will be blown up way larger than it should be, right?20:58
popeyno, it probably wont work at all20:58
* spikeb orders a nexus 420:59
Drew_Neilsonpopey I'm asking because ChrisC just pointed out that the Nexus 5 has an HDMI output via an adapter21:01
popeyhaving a port doens't mean the software supports it21:01
nith1210taiebot: Peacekeeper result: 75321:02
Drew_Neilsonah, so you're saying that connecting an external monitor simply will do nothing, nothing will appear on the external screen, right?21:02
nith1210taiebot: also, I disabled the screen sleep so the screen was on the entire time (just in case it affects the results).21:03
popeynot tried it, but most likely, yes21:03
nith1210taiebot: I'm happy to run any other tests you'd like.21:03
Drew_Neilsonmaybe I'll search online to see if anyone has tried it and written what happened21:04
Drew_Neilson'cause even if it does work, but each icon is five feet tall, that's not good21:05
popeyDrew_Neilson: we haven't worked on that at all, it won't work ☻21:10
taiebotnith1210: it is better than nexus 4 but not way better i get 565 for Nexus 4. Anyway might not be a really good way to assess performance but if multiple phone comes up with UT it will be hard choice to decide which one to go for.21:12
nith1210Also worth noting, the youtube scope doesn't work on the nexus 521:13
nith1210(for me)21:13
Drew_Neilsonpopey I guess then that the Meizu MX4 Ubuntu edition won't have HDMI out (or MHL out, etc)?21:13
taiebotI think there is already work going on on some BQ phone but i have not heard of any specs http://design.canonical.com/2014/09/canonical-and-ubuntu-at-dconstruct/21:13
beunoI don't think we'll be able to provide any of that information21:15
popeyDrew_Neilson: no idea.21:15
beunothings are in motion21:15
beunoyou'll see  :)21:15
Drew_Neilsonbeuno were you responding to my question or to someone else?21:16
beunoDrew_Neilson, to yours  :)21:17
beunoabout specs and such21:17
Drew_NeilsonBeuno: popey told me that Ubuntu Touch does not yet support external monitors, which was why I wondered whether the MX4 Ubuntu edition will have HDMI/MHL output21:19
* beuno nods21:19
beunoDrew_Neilson, some devices may ship with features that are enabled later21:20
beunoI'm not saying it's the case here21:20
beunobut they might21:20
Drew_Neilsonso the device might have the HDMI or MHL port but the port will be non-functional?21:21
popeyDrew_Neilson: as I said, we haven't worked on that yet/21:22
Drew_Neilsonpopey beuno right, so I assume that the port will be non-functional, or they will remove the port for the Ubuntu edition21:23
* popey shrugs21:23
Drew_Neilsonok thanks for the info popey and beuno21:25
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zestererHello. I own a Motorola Moto G. I recently heard of a third-party version of Ubuntu Touch that runs on it. Has anyone tried Ubuntu Touch on a Moto G?22:42
zestererIt's my primary phone, so I'm scared of putting something still in development on it. Can it take calls, send texts, take pictures and browse the web? Because I don't need all that much more than that.22:43
greybackzesterer: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices#Working_ports.2C_but_w.2BAC8-o_system-image_server is the list of unofficial ports. Unfortunately I don't see your phone there22:59
greybackoh no, it's there further down22:59
zesterergreyback, This was the topic I found. I've just not dared to try it yet :D http://forum.xda-developers.com/moto-g/development/ubuntu-touch-utopic-ubuntu-touch-falcon-t282035923:00
zestererI'd really love to though, since Ubuntu Touch looks much nicer and smoother to Android than me.23:00
greybackwell fortune favours the brave:) I can't see any info on how many phone features are working however23:02
zesterergreyback, Yeah, that's what worries me... I hope it'll eventually be officially supported on my phone.23:03
zestererIf there's no info, I'm not gonna risk it. Bricking thing thing would not be good at all.23:03
zestererSo nobody has any experience with the Moto G at all on here?23:04
greybackyou could try mailing the ubuntu-phone mailing list (ubuntu-phone@lists.launchpad.net)23:05
zesterergreyback, Ok, thanks for the info :-)23:05
zestererIf nobody else knows anything else, I guess I'll be off then. Sleep beckons. Thanks very much greyback for helping :-)23:06
greybacknighty night :)23:06
notreadyforprimetrying to install rtm on nexus 4.  does not work.  stuck on spinning ubuntu logo.23:34
notreadyforprimeinstalled using 14.04 x6423:34
notreadyforprimeany ideas?23:34
notreadyforprimehard reboot, only ends up with "Google" and unlock icon on scren23:35

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