
rick_h_it'll all get better tomorrow...it'll all get better tomorrow11:34
wolfgerThat doesn't sound like a promising mid-week mantra11:36
brousch_rick_h_: Why will it get better tomorrow?12:01
cmaloneyGood morning12:02
cmaloneyI think that's release day, no?12:03
cmaloneyAlso: if anyone wants to practice their presenting skills we have a unique opportunity this month t MUG. :)12:03
brousch_Oh, right, what day is that?12:11
brousch_I'm trying to schedule my RPi/Python talk with the Kalamazoo Linux Users Group and Kzoo Makers too12:13
rick_h_yes, release day12:18
rick_h_well, it's our release day for our team for work we've been doing since Feb12:19
rick_h_Ubuntu release is end of next month12:19
brousch_How is this possible? http://www.modulecounts.com/12:20
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/bgFoE - Modulecounts12:20
rick_h_how is which part possible?12:20
brousch_RubyGems and NPM having more modules than pypi12:21
rick_h_yes, they reinvent the wheel more than anyone12:21
rick_h_at one point when doing nodejs stuff there were more than 5 different postgres modules to use12:21
rick_h_all of which had one feature you want while missing one feature from every other lib12:21
brousch_So immaturity breeds more modules?12:22
rick_h_and yes12:22
rick_h_ime with them and all that12:22
brousch_I guess that makes sense12:22
cmaloneybrousch_: Second Tuesday of the month12:32
cmaloneyso Oct. 14th12:32
cmaloneyFree dinner for speakers. :)12:32
brousch_Hm, still looks open for me12:39
cmaloneybrousch_: If you're willing to make the trek we'll talk specifics.12:41
cmaloneyeg: topic, expenses, etc.12:41
mrgoodcatwhat happened in july?12:42
cmaloneyAt MUG?12:44
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/v71uCi - July 8th, 2014 MUG Meeting | Michigan!/usr/group12:45
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/8nxjEI - Video: July 8th 2014 Meeting | Michigan!/usr/group12:45
brousch_My only expense is probably $20 in gas13:05
rick_h_and the $100 brain tax13:07
rick_h_as his agent I'd like to make sure my client is properly compensated for his expense of brain power13:07
cmaloneyAh yes of course.13:08
cmaloneyThe brain tax is always the harshest one.13:08
brousch_I haven't seen rick_h_ in more than a year. So you will have to guarantee he will be present13:08
rick_h_hah, when is this?13:08
cmaloneyOctober 14th. I think you're out-and-about13:08
rick_h_oh yea, I'll be helping another of my clients across a big pond13:09
wolfgerLifestyles of the rich and geek-famous?13:14
rick_h_lifestyles of the "boss wants to see you face to face and tell you what's up"13:15
rick_h_but it is fun, got my 'christmas' gifts for the new hires in so that's a fun part.13:15
wolfgerface to face... that's so 20th-century. Who do you work for again? ;-)13:16
rick_h_well, it is in little doses. I don't think he could stand to have us in an actual office with him full time :P13:16
cmaloneyI think it's more for your sanity13:17
rick_h_30-60min boxes of time wheee13:17
rick_h_hah, yea.13:17
cmaloneyYou'd have a task list about as long as your collective arms if you spent more than 30 mintues with Mark.13:17
* rick_h_ checks arms13:19
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/cwtWFo - image/jpeg13:21
rick_h_heh, not sure if I'm incrementing each day in the job or to the next end of cycle there :)13:22
mrgoodcatcmaloney: no not at mug. on modulecounts.com there is some interesting activity in july13:31
jrwren_haha, just read rick_h_ from 7:30... now I want to sing Annie.13:33
rick_h_jrwren_: hah! good call13:33
* rick_h_ makes a 'happy' playlist13:33
jrwren_"The sun'll come out... tomorrow."13:34
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Ah, not sure.13:37
jrwren_brousch_: I'm running with the devil.14:14
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/T6UP1A - Oracle and Canonical collaborate on support for Oracle Linux on Ubuntu | Ubuntu Insights14:14
jrwren_rick_h_: :)14:15
brousch_Sorry, makes sense if I RTFA14:19
rick_h_yea, headlines fml14:22
cmaloneyHm, Oracle announces Larry Ellison leaving, next day Oracle and Ubuntu collaborate14:30
rick_h_http://blog.lusis.org/blog/2014/09/23/end-of-linux/ interesting14:31
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/rgrQhB - The End of Linux - blog dot lusis14:31
rick_h_and yea, because I'm a systemd monolith hater14:31
wolfgerjrwren_: Van Halen earworm ftw!14:33
jrwren_wolfger: that is for what I was aiming, but my aim was more at cmaloney :)14:34
wolfgerVH might be too soft for him :-p14:35
cmaloneyI am impervious to a Van Halen earworm14:35
rick_h_"You might as well JUMP!"14:35
cmaloneyFuck you.14:35
rick_h_I swear they did something else but can't recall14:36
rick_h_"JUMP IN!"14:36
cmaloneyHot for Teacher14:36
rick_h_oooh, good one there14:36
cmaloneypretty much the entire 1984 album14:36
wolfger1984 album?  Eh. entire VH and VH2 albums14:37
wolfgerwith the exception of Atomic Punk14:37
cmaloneyVH is pretty good14:37
cmaloneyI like OU812, but I think I'm in the minority on that one14:38
wolfgerI recall that album being alright, though off the top of my head I can't name any song from it14:39
cmaloneyMine all Mine14:40
cmaloneyWhen It's Love14:40
cmaloneyCabo Wabo14:40
cmaloneyI think those are the biggies14:40
jrwren_Ain't talkin bout love is about the only riff that I get stuck.14:42
jrwren_and its the guitar, not the lyrics.14:42
jrwren_"Might as well jump" and "running with the devil" just makes me think of Nerf Herder14:42
jrwren_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nC3tJ_Nu7GQ  saw 'em back in '96. pretty funny show.  Blink182 was the little known opening band at the time.14:43
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/H2YSGI - Nerf Herder - Van Halen - YouTube14:43
jrwren_I had no idea Nerf Herder had a video for this until today.14:43
* wolfger is now listening to VH and VH2...14:48
wolfgerrick_h_: interesting blog post. I'm not sure how I feel about this gem: "Linux is becoming the thing that we adopted Linux to get away from."14:57
wolfgerI suspect the author adopted Linux for different reasons than myself.14:59
jrwren_haters gonna hate & there doesn't have to be logic behind the hate.15:01
jrwren_kinda like my android hate :)15:01
jrwren_that lusis blog post is just nonsense. I don't see a single valid point, its just a lot of "i don't like this" and "this is a problem" with no reasoning as to why.15:22
brousch_For you keyboard fetishists http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MJ3M3G0?psc=115:45
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/8BRREJ - Amazon.com: The Machinist Keyboard: Computers & Accessories15:45
cmaloneyI'm not nearly cool enough for that keyboard16:02
wolfgerI'm not nearly rich enough for that keyboard16:03
cmaloneyPursuant to our curl | bash discussion: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2362-1/16:15
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/nW5I3y - USN-2362-1: Bash vulnerability | Ubuntu16:15
cmaloneymakes me want to go back in time and have a successful OSS project that everyone downloads via curl | bash16:16
wolfgerwhat is the current state of Nvidia drivers on Linux?16:18
cmaloneyworking with a chance of telling your .icc profile to go fuck itself.16:18
cmaloneyNot that I'm bitter.16:18
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/unbkAJ - Rosetta Code Analysis17:25
brousch_I guess i know even less about Go than I thought I did17:26
cmaloneylang or game?17:31
mrgoodcat.hn 522:26
bookiebotCVE-2014-6271: Remote code execution through bash | http://seclists.org/oss-sec/2014/q3/64922:26
mrgoodcatthought you should all know22:26
rick_h_yep, stop using bash, zsh ftw!23:04
rick_h_mrgoodcat: you doing CHC tonight?23:04
mrgoodcati can't23:10
mrgoodcatrick_h_: doesn't matter. bash is the default environment for a lot of processes23:10
mrgoodcati'm in class :(23:10
mrgoodcatevery 2 weeks i have class wednesday23:10
rick_h_mrgoodcat: I know, just having zsh fun23:10
mrgoodcati <3 zsh23:10
mrgoodcathi there23:27
mrgoodcathow would you all feel about bookiebot posting ubuntu-security-announce to channel?23:27
cmaloneyI think that might be excessive23:27
cmaloneysince I already have it in my email23:27

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