
MutantTurkeydoubt it00:02
MutantTurkeyi just took the receipt off at exactly 800:02
MutantTurkeyjust gotta say00:02
MutantTurkeyfuck the ppa, fuck philadelphia's parking situation, fuck the lack of parking when there are plenty of spots.00:03
MutantTurkeygiant no loading zones... every d-bag has a driveway, which is to a boarded up garage, half the streets are 2 hour parking, which is total bs, because during the day they're empty - nobody is home during the day, they're at work00:03
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, dogs, turkeys?, hamsters and everything else12:07
=== rmg511 is now known as rmg51
Guest80594okay, who remembers my burger outfit?18:26
Guest80594somebody here snapped a pic of it, like two years ago18:26
=== Guest80594 is now known as MobileTurkey
MobileTurkeyjedijf: was that you?18:26
MobileTurkeyi posted it here, but the res is so low... http://twitpic.com/7kx0xq/full18:26
MobileTurkeyi would love a higher res version18:26
=== root^2 is now known as r00t^2
ChinnoDogMobileTurkey: That is you?19:15
MobileTurkeyyears ago19:17
jedijfMobileTurkey: not me23:04

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