
dupondjeHDMI output seems completely broken for me on Utopic :(17:19
tjaaltonon what17:24
dupondjeIntel & Nvidia card (optimus)17:24
dupondje01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF108M [GeForce GT 540M] (rev a1)17:24
dupondje00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)17:24
dupondjeImage of the screen http://dupondje.be/nouveau/20140923_013459.jpg17:25
dupondjeI can move cursor over the screen when loggin in. But after everything is loaded, even cursor doesn't display on it anymore17:25
dupondjeso really don't know where I need to start to debug17:26
tjaaltonthe hdmi is likely owned by the nvidia gpu17:29
dupondjeIt was even worse, HDMI didn't have any signal at first. But was able to track down the bug for that already (reported upstream https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=84203)17:29
ubottuFreedesktop bug 84203 in Driver/nouveau "[NVC1] HDMI gives no more signal since 3.15 (optimus)" [Normal,New]17:29
dupondjetjaalton: yes, HDMI is on the nvidia card17:29
tjaaltonso it's just nouveau being crappy I guess17:29
dupondjewell in #nouveau they tell me its prolly intel ddx that causes issues17:30
tjaaltonof course17:30
tjaaltontry a later mainline kernel17:32
dupondjelet me try :)17:38
dupondjetjaalton: same issue.17:48
dupondjealso tries xorg-edgers ppa, but doesn't fix it neither17:48
dupondjetested http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/drm-intel-next/ btw17:49
dupondjea quite annoying regression imo :(17:50
tjaaltonregression since when17:52
dupondjeworked on 14.0417:53
tjaaltonwell if #nouveau claims it's in the intel ddx then bisect that17:54
dupondjexserver-xorg-video-intel then? :)17:55
dupondjequite annoying to bisect no? Cause it depends on some versions of xorg-server ?18:02
tjaaltonbuild from source18:03
tjaaltontrusty had 2.99.91018:04
tjaaltonutopic has .91418:04
tjaaltoncheck the versions in between18:04
tjaaltonand file a bug18:16
dupondjelets bisect :D20:19
dupondjetjaalton: ok, already got it working20:53
dupondjenow 7 steps to go, and we have the commit :D20:53
dupondjethis one21:04
tjaaltonlet ickle know21:08
dupondjecreated a bugreport (https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=84298)21:42
ubottuFreedesktop bug 84298 in Driver/intel "HDMI output broken" [Normal,New]21:42

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