
ScottKRiddell: quassel bug fix release in the queue for after the beta is out.05:21
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* jussi01 splashes blue paint over the channel06:10
valorie{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} to jussi0106:13
lordievaderGood morning.07:26
apacheloggermitya57: no one uploaded your lintian?07:54
apacheloggerI do wonder if that should be on hold until ISO anyway07:57
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mitya57apachelogger: noone08:03
mitya57it can be uploaded now but it won't migrate until ISO08:03
apacheloggerah fair enough, let's do that then08:07
apachelogger  Uploading lintian_2.5.27ubuntu1_source.changes: done.08:08
apacheloggerSuccessfully uploaded packages.08:08
mitya57Thank you!08:08
mck182tsdgeos: hey, so I finished the timezones-hash patch, it's on RB, if you could give it a look it would make Riddell happy10:31
mck182as he'll bring winter10:31
tsdgeosmck182: can it wait for this evening so i'm out of work-work ?10:32
mck182tsdgeos: would I be hunting you on this channel if it could? xD I guess it can, it's just that there is supposed to be string freeze about now...but I'll take that as an exception10:32
RiddellI'll probably be tagging plasma 5 this afternoon, I can always hold back plasma-workspace if needed10:33
mck182well we already pre-agreed on that, so in the worst case I can just ship it so the strings are in and then move the code around10:33
mck182but if you can wait, fine with me :)10:33
mck182(on the other hand, when will skripty extract those strings anyway?)10:34
BluesKajHey folks10:53
soeehi BluesKaj10:56
Riddell!testers | beta 2 candidates, I especially need installs of amd64 plasma4 tested as it doesn't work for me http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/324/builds10:56
Riddellok, ping BluesKaj, soee, lordievader et al: beta 2 candidates, I especially need installs of amd64 plasma4 tested as it doesn't work for me http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/324/builds10:56
BluesKajhey soee10:57
RiddellPaulW2U: do you really test a live image but not install?10:57
soeeRiddell: downloading amd62 iso, will test it a bit10:57
PaulW2URiddell: sorry but yes. lack of hardware at present  :o)11:01
RiddellPaulW2U: virtualbox is your friend :)11:03
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soeeRiddell: does the installation with non english language works  ?11:15
Riddellsoee: it did when I tried it but the point of testing is you never know until you try :)11:25
* sgclark is testing amd6411:25
sgclarkI kinda miss being on euro time, I feel so behind11:27
Riddellah but sgclark , just think of all those extra hours in the way later on :)11:28
soeeuhm, system does not boot after installation11:32
Riddellah, that's the trouble I had :(11:33
Riddellbut I tried it on a real machine and it works ok11:33
Riddellsoee: you on real or virtual ?11:33
soeeRiddell: vb11:33
apacheloggerI really really think no one should be testing on vb11:34
Riddellsoee: could you file a bug on ubiquity attaching any logs you can get?11:34
soeeha if only i could get some :)11:34
Riddellapachelogger: whyever not? we can't do all the tests on vb but it's unrealistic to expect everyone to do all on real hardware11:34
Riddellsoee: fire up a live image again I guess and mount the hard disk for logs11:35
apacheloggerRiddell: kvm is the solution11:39
apachelogger100% less weird problems than vbox11:39
soeeRiddell: what log file should i be interested with ?11:39
soeein syslog i have something like: Installer works fine, though when using not English language - in my case Polish - the slides during installation aren't localised.11:40
soeeah sorry 11:40
soeecan copy from VB11:40
Riddell /var/log/syslog and /var/log/installer/*11:41
soeeRiddell: syslog http://paste.ubuntu.com/8424922/11:44
soeethere is something like: Sep 25 13:32:20 soee-VirtualBox kernel: [   17.335310] init: plymouth-stop pre-start process (1405) terminated with status 111:45
Riddellsoee: lovely, slap it on a bug report11:45
soeewhere should i exactly file a bug ?11:50
Riddellsoee: shttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+filebug11:51
Riddellsoee: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+filebug11:51
soeethe missign translation for slides is a bug or not ?12:01
sgclarkno problems on real hardware12:17
soeesgclark: are you going to test Install (entire disk with lvm and encryption) on rela machine ?12:23
soeei can try on VB but probably it will ends same as fullsize12:24
sgclarkerr no, I do not have awhole drive to spare :(12:24
Riddellsoee: not sure, depends if anyone has done translations into polish, worth reporting13:09
soeesgclark: what the 5.0.2 status ? you were working on some armhf fixes but amd64 should work ?13:10
sgclarkI cannot fix arm, I do not have arm. yeah amd64 has been done for awhile, we kept missing each other.13:11
soeeRiddell: any chanche to put 5.0.2 amd64 intp next-ppa ?13:16
Riddellsoee: yes but after beta 213:19
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Riddellsoee: did you report a bug?13:47
soeeRiddell: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/324/builds/80011/testcases13:49
Riddelllovely thanks13:51
Riddellnext question I guess is does it affect ubuntu unity13:51
soeeoh no idea :) on my parents PC there is Ubuntu with Unity but 14.04 and i dont want to mess them the system :D13:52
Riddellit's just virtualbox someone needs to test in13:52
Antisoundhi everyone! can you tell me, why there are no daily builds anymore since 2 days?14:06
RiddellAntisound: because we're testing for beta 2 due out today, free hugs to all testers :)14:08
AntisoundRiddell: Thx! Will the Beta 2 include 5.0.2?14:08
Riddellalas no that still needs copied over, again testing welcome14:09
Antisoundhow to test?14:10
Antisoundcan i test too?14:11
RiddellAntisound: sure, want to test a beta 2 Plasma 5 ISO and upgrade to 5.0.2 ?14:13
Antisoundsounds good ;-)14:13
Riddellgrab an image from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-plasma5/daily-live/20140922/14:13
Antisoundalready installed ;-)14:13
Riddelloh cool, what would you tick here? http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/324/builds/80011/testcases  (just tell don't tick as I can't work out how to add plasma 5 to the iso tracker now)14:14
Antisoundinstall entire disk14:15
Riddellyou can then add this PPA and full-upgrade to test 5.0.2 https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/next-staging14:15
Riddell(but remember that's a staging PPA so remove it after)14:15
Antisoundi'll try it :-)14:16
RiddellAntisound: did you run the live desktop on the ISO or just install? (cos I don't think the live dsektop works)14:16
RiddellAntisound: oh amd64 or i386?14:16
soeeRiddell: sgclark mentioned once that there are some packages that my break system, not related to plasma 5.0.214:16
soeeare they removed ?14:16
Antisoundi386 just install 14:16
soee*in next-staging14:16
sgclarksoee: I fixed that that same night14:16
Antisoundbecause as you said live does not work14:16
soeesgclark: cool so its safe to tests ?14:17
sgclarkyup, been using it for days now14:17
sgclarkI tried to ping you a few times, we just keep missing each other.14:17
soeesgclark: what timezone are you ?14:18
sgclarkPacific US...14:18
soeeoh :)14:18
sgclarkwrong side of the pond :(14:18
AntisoundRiddell: updating to 5.0.214:19
Antisoundgoing to reboot14:25
soeeso do i, brb14:28
Antisoundcan you tell me, why the system show's still 5.0.1?14:28
Antisoundi updated via sudo apt-get upgrade14:29
Antisounddo i need to do a dist-upgrade?14:29
Antisoundahhh i c i needed to do that *banggg*14:30
soeeAntisound: do what ?14:30
Riddellapt full-upgrade  is what the cool kids use these days14:31
soeeoh i did dist-upgrade :)14:31
soeethe only "issue" i see is that my wallpaper was replaced by the default one ;)14:31
soeenew icons for wired connection in nm, clipper ;)14:32
Riddellsoee: seems like our non-booting in virtualbox issue is bug 137165114:32
soeeand i think overal performance is a bit better14:32
ubottubug 1371651 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Daily does not boot into graphical interface after installation" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137165114:32
soeeRiddell: the one mentioned as duplicate of ?14:32
soeeah yes, seen it fe minutes ago14:33
Riddellapachelogger: so this kvm thing, I want to install qemu-kvm?14:35
soeein 5.0.2 activities completely dont work right ? cant even show panel to manage the,14:38
sgclarksoee: just discovered that myself14:45
Riddellsoee, sgclark: is that a regression from 5.0.1 ?14:50
sgclarkyeah, I used kactivities 5.0.114:52
sgclarkRiddell: I only just noticed because I am moving to a desktop so still setting everything up14:52
soeeRiddell: yes in previous version activities worked14:56
soeesgclark: if you disable wirless connection in nm, are they still listed for you ?14:57
sgclarksoee: negative, they disappear15:02
soeehmm i had wirless enabled, than i disabled ity and i have list visible15:04
Riddellkubuntu docs/qa server has updated magically for shellshock bug15:54
Riddellany other servers I need to care about?15:54
* sgclark finally posts on her blog...16:38
Riddellsgclark: ooh? is it on planets?16:42
sgclarkRiddell: I did the intructions to add but I don't see it, is there a time?16:43
sgclarkI just hit publish16:43
Riddellplanet kde updates every hour or so16:44
sgclarkok, then check in an hour lol16:44
Riddell"Thank you Canonical for sponsoring me" that was ubuntu donors who sponsored!16:45
sgclarkmeh I did not know that, just copied what valorie said on one of her blogs :(16:46
sgclarkI can change it16:46
Riddelloh I should do a dot story about the videos16:46
* sgclark hates blogging16:46
Riddellsgclark: you may want to add yourself to http://planet.ubuntu-women.org/ depending on your view of women only areas17:02
* Riddell does the 2nd krfb security update17:21
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soee_sgclark: i linked your post on g+ kubuntu chan18:53
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valoriehmmm, I thought I fixed that22:37
valoriewell, I did link to the ubuntu donors page almost every time....22:37
BluesKajwhere's the proposed repos containing the bash patch22:42
BluesKajcan't find it on launchpad22:43
BluesKaji was given a so called patch which <i configurted , compiles and installed , but the check command still shows my system as vulnerq22:44
valorieit came out in updates last night for me22:44
valoriewhich check command, BluesKaj?22:44
BluesKajvalorie, env check='Not vulnerable' x='() { :;}; check=Vulnerable' bash -c 'echo $check'22:45
valorieall I did was install updates22:47
sgclarkhrmm, using utopic and mine says vulnerable but I see no updates : /23:35

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