
pittiGood morning04:56
sarnoldgood morning pitti04:57
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
seb128good morning desktopers!07:19
didrockshey seb12807:20
seb128lut didrocks ;-)07:20
darkxsthey seb12807:24
seb128hey darkxst07:24
darkxstseb128, empathy is working fine under gnome now with my Adwaita patch in Bug 133935207:25
ubot5bug 1339352 in empathy (Ubuntu) "Update to 3.12" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133935207:25
seb128darkxst, great07:26
seb128darkxst, btw I just commented on the gnome-desktop ffe, you are sure than updating gnome-session is ok?07:29
seb128they dropped the gtk session dialogs iirc and those are needed in some session types?07:29
seb128"13_display_session_properties.patch, Dropped session UI is gone "07:33
seb128that also I think is not true, I don't see it being dropped in 3.1007:33
=== maclin_ is now known as maclin
Laneybounjour tout le monde08:05
seb128Laney, salut, ça va bien ?08:08
Laneypas mal08:12
Laneyet toi?08:12
seb128ça va bien merci !08:13
LaneyI ordered the new aphex twin album from japan and now I'm getting emails in japanese08:13
Laneyit has my address in it so I am going to assume it means 'this has been sent'08:13
seb128send the email to didrocks, he can read it for you ;-)08:14
seb128some training before he goes there!08:14
didrocksahah, "yeah yeah"08:14
Laneythis is the crucial line08:15
Laneyご注文いただいた商品を本日、Amazon.co.jp が発送し、ご注文の処理が完了しましたので、お知らせいたします08:15
seb128lot of weird chars in there, but it's from amazon.co.jp I can tell you :p08:16
Laney14.10 top errors are funny08:28
Laneymostly new phone stuff08:28
seb128that's what is the most tested/run in utopic08:28
Laneyyou think there are no desktop users?08:28
LaneyI don't believe that08:28
Laneythe top one has 69 occurrences which is also not believable to me08:29
seb128I think that they full test/autopilot/etc 100 times a day each08:29
seb128they don't*08:29
seb128in previous cycles we had the top ones at like 10 a day08:29
Laneywait, I had it on day08:29
Laneynow those counts are better08:29
seb128but yeah, I didn't say we don't have desktop users08:30
seb128but lot of those turn off reporting/dismiss the prompts/etc I think08:30
seb128and they don't run a full testsuite in loop08:30
seb128so I think we just exercice more stress testing on the phone image08:31
Laneyit's noised out desktop issues08:31
seb128well, set the arch filter on amd6408:31
seb128that's probably representative of desktop08:31
Laneyubuntu-push-client url-dispatcher at the top?!08:32
seb128yeah, people working on touch and installing unity8 stuff on their desktop and hitting those bugs08:32
Laneyanyway, I thought that the goal of errors was to allow us to prioritise issues users are hitting08:40
LaneyCanonical QA reporting to the same instance as end users isn't furthering that IMHO08:41
seb128how do you suggest resolving the problem you describe?08:41
seb128to me the problem is not new08:41
Laneysomehow allowing these reports to be subtracted08:41
seb128the number of reports we get in unstable series is not significant enough to be useful08:42
seb128like in previous cycles we had the most reported issues being at 10 instances a day and they falling to 5 - 4 -3 -1 -108:42
seb128e.g not enough report to have a statistically useful set08:43
Laneyit's more useful than knowing that every time url-dispatcher is run on the phone it crashes in the same way08:43
seb128then when we flag stable that jumps and the bugs topping a vastly different08:43
Laneyor maybe we just say errors is a waste of time for unstable releases08:43
seb128that's my feeling for several cycles08:44
Laneywhich is kind of crap because it should be a good way of telling us what to work on08:44
seb128and nothing new/specific to the fact that touch runs some qa08:44
seb128well, we can't invent users08:44
seb128our unstable userbase is just too small08:44
seb128or they don't report issues through whoopsie08:44
Laneydunno about that08:44
seb128or those issues fail to retrace08:44
LaneyI bet they just disable whoopsie08:45
Laneyor whatever08:45
seb128or a combinaison of those08:45
seb128yeah, likely08:45
seb128hey Sweetsha1k08:45
seb128Laney, well, I don't say we have not enough users08:45
Sweetsha1kricotz: 4.3.2~rc2 seems to be good to go for the PPA.08:45
=== Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetshark
seb128but maybe we need 1M users to have enough datas for an useful e.u.c view08:45
seb128and we only have 100k08:45
seb128(making up numbers"08:45
seb128Laney, but on the daily view, if you skip the touch stuff, the first desktop issue is an apport one with 11 reports08:47
seb128that could be one user having a problem and trying to report it 10 times08:47
ricotzSweetshark, no08:47
Laney'week' is more useful than 'day'08:48
ricotzSweetshark, hi, i cc'ed you to a bug08:48
seb128Laney, same issue, there one apport high, then the second seems to be an apport with 36 reports in a week, that means 5 a day, for what we know that could be pitti while hacking on it all day :p08:48
pittihey seb12808:48
ricotzSweetshark, this is a good example to hold of the copying to the dedicated versioned ppa a bit08:49
pittiseb128: so, hibernate is indeed still supposed to be disabled in polkit-desktop-privs08:49
pittiseb128: you are sure you didn't enable it locally to test something?08:49
seb128pitti, hey ;-)08:49
seb128pitti, it's disabled ... do you have the hibernate item in your indicator-session menu?08:49
pittiseb128: no, I don't08:49
seb128so maybe I hacked up something and I don't remember :/08:49
seb128pitti, the pkla from polkit-desktop-privs is correct08:50
seb128pitti, what would an override for that be copied to?08:50
pitti$ gdbus call --system -d org.freedesktop.login1 -o /org/freedesktop/login1 -m org.freedesktop.login1.Manager.CanSuspend08:50
pitti$ gdbus call --system -d org.freedesktop.login1 -o /org/freedesktop/login1 -m org.freedesktop.login1.Manager.CanHibernate08:50
pittiseb128: can you try that?08:50
seb128'yes' for both08:51
pittiseb128: could go into /var, or perhaps also /etc/polkit-1/08:51
pittiseb128: (warning, you can't read that dir as user)08:51
pitti$ sudo find /etc/polkit-1/ -type f08:51
pittishould find 51-ubuntu-admin.conf, 50-localauthority.conf, 50-nullbackend.conf08:52
seb128/var/lib/polkit-1/localauthority/10-vendor.d/com.ubuntu.desktop.pkla is the only one referring to hibernate08:52
seb128and it has "no"08:52
seb128 /etc only has those 3 files08:53
pittihm, that's odd then08:53
seb128is there a way to ask polkit what file it loads/in what order?08:53
pittiseb128: we can try with pkcheck08:55
pittineed to change train, bbl08:55
seb128pitti, k08:55
seb128pitti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8424103/08:56
Laneyhmm, 'yes' for me too08:56
Laneyhow did you get that output?08:56
* Laney just knows pkcheck --action-id08:56
seb128pkaction --action-id org.freedesktop.login1.hibernate --verbose08:56
seb128Laney, do you have an hibernate in your session indicator?08:57
Laneylogind still says 'na'08:57
Laneyfor some reason08:57
* ogra_ is sure that means "yes" in *some* language :)08:57
ypwongseb128 or anyone, does 14.04 or 14.10 adapts to HiDPI screens automatically by scaling things up?08:58
seb128ypwong, 14.0408:58
seb128well, >= 14.0408:58
seb128not sure if it's automatic08:59
seb128we have a slider in the settings08:59
ypwongseb128, yes, wanna know if it's automatic08:59
seb128Trevinho, ^08:59
ypwongare there any enhancements of hidpi support in 14.10?09:00
seb128some bugfixes but those are being SRUed as well09:00
ypwonggot it09:01
seb128ypwong, I think unity tries to be clever with hidpi and apply settings automatically on start but I'm unsure, Trevinho should be able to help when he's around09:05
LaneyI think pkaction is bogus09:05
Laneyit's telling me 'yes' for hibernate even though I made it not authorised any more09:05
ypwongseb128, ok, will check with him when he's around09:06
seb128Laney, what would be the right check?09:08
Laneypkcheck --action-id foo --process $$ && echo authorised09:09
pittiseb128: pkaction is just querying the .policy files (not the overrides), you want pkcheck09:09
Laneyyeah, just shows you the default09:10
Laneythe docs don't explain this very well09:10
pittiseb128: indeed, the pk priv is true for me, too09:10
pittiseb128: I suppose hibernate is n/a for me as I don't have swap09:11
pittiseb128: is there a bug # for this?09:11
Laneyah, me neither09:11
Laneyanyway I fixed pk-d-p09:11
pittiseb128: maybe the recent sponsored upload broke some syntax09:11
seb128$ pkcheck --action-id org.freedesktop.login1.hibernate --process $$; echo "right"09:11
Laneythere's a bunch of other actions which imply hibernate09:11
Laneyone second09:11
pittihm, the override file looks alright09:12
seb128it didn't change09:12
Laneydid logind change?09:12
pittinot recently, we've had 208 for months09:13
pittibut then again, not sure how long this regression has existed09:13
seb128that's buggy since I'm on utopic09:13
Laneyif that added these new actions then it's this09:13
pittifor that matter, we sohuld at least disable org.freedesktop.login1.hibernate-multiple-sessions09:13
seb128pitti, ^09:13
Laneyexactly that09:13
seb128I noticed it much earlier in the cycle09:13
Laneyin the policy file you can see these 'imply' .hibernate09:13
Laneyso it's not enough to disable this one action09:13
seb128but there was too much going on, I never took the time to try to debug it09:13
pitti       <action id="org.freedesktop.login1.hibernate-multiple-sessions">09:14
pitti                <annotate key="org.freedesktop.policykit.imply">org.freedesktop.login1.hibernate</annotate>09:14
Laneytry that09:15
seb128Laney, that fixes it09:15
pittiLaney: ah, you're on it? I just built a fixed source package09:16
seb128Laney, pitti, how come you guys didn't have that entry? because you have no swap?09:16
pittierk, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8424201/09:16
pittiseb128: right09:16
pittiI have 16 GB of RAM, what do I need swap for :)09:16
seb128pitti, you changed name? ;-)09:17
pittierk, used dch -m :)09:17
Laneypitti: 25/09 10:11:23 <Laney> anyway I fixed pk-d-p09:17
pittiLaney: cheers, i'll discard mine then09:17
Laneyyeah. 32 GB -> no swap09:18
Laneymy laptop has this bug though, guess I never noticed there09:18
seb1284G i386 here09:18
seb128swap :p09:18
seb128it's time for a refresh09:18
Laneyseems like it09:20
Laneystill 8 months on this old beast for me09:21
Laneyit'll be 5 years old then, which is like 125 in laptop years09:21
seb128yeah, mine is over 4 years now09:21
seb128I had the refresh in june 201309:21
Laneynever used it?09:22
seb128but I want an xps 13 and I keep being delayed09:22
seb128first I wanted to haswell refreshed hwd09:22
seb128then desrt got it and told me about the noise issues09:22
seb128since I'm waiting for the new motherboard which resolves those09:23
seb128they apparently start rolling those out a few weeks ago09:23
seb128hopefully it should be good now ;-)09:23
Laneynice, time to order09:25
Laneyis there a bug # for this hibernate issue btw?09:28
ochosiseb128: i was considering that laptop too but i'd rather wait for others' reports on new issues before ordering - after all, it's not exactly cheap09:28
Laneyseb's got money to burn09:29
Laneyhis mattress is stuffed with 500 euro notes09:29
seb128Laney, I bet you 1k€ it's not true09:30
* Laney runs09:31
ochosisearching the european dell site for "ubuntu" turns up a laptop featuring "linux ubuntu 11.11"09:31
seb128urg, don't ctrl-r IRC09:32
seb128Laney, I missed you reply I bet :p09:32
willcookemorning from Lond09:33
seb128hey willcooke09:33
Laneynot Swed09:33
seb128right, what happened there?09:34
willcookeThey found a volunteer from PES to go instead.  Flights for me meant that I wouldnt get there until lunch time, so there wasn't much point09:34
willcookeso I'm here instead09:34
Laneynothing more uplifting to the soul than a trip to London anyway09:35
Laneyseb128: do you know of a bug for the hibernate issue?09:35
davmor2willcooke: if you're at blue fin find cyphermox and invite him out for a beer, he'll appreciate that :)09:36
seb128Laney, no, but I can open one if you want09:36
willcookedavmor2, I'll see what I can do :)09:36
cyphermoxah, we haven't even met before09:37
Laneysomeone stand up and wave09:37
davmor2cyphermox: then it's a perfect excuse for a beer :)09:37
willcookeWe might have in passing cyphermox09:37
cyphermoxbeer good09:38
cyphermoxthough maybe it's a little early for that today ;)09:38
didrocksis it me or the whole ci infra is slow?09:38
didrocksdavmor2: did you notice/experience that? ^09:38
didrockslike, even sshing to a machine and typing is slow like death09:39
davmor2willcooke: meet cyphermox he works on network manager, cyphermox meet willcooke he is a user of network manager, there now you have some common ground and willcooke knows to blame you for all of his network manager woes :P09:39
didrockshey willcooke09:39
pittiseb128: ah, when I got my new ThinkPad I considered waiting for haswell too, but in the end I thought that the previous one (Ivy Bridge?) was good enough :)09:39
cyphermoxdavmor2: another interesting fact is that he almost had to manage me ;)09:39
pittiseb128: still impressive how much better they get; 4 -> 16 GB RAM, faster, bigger/faster SSD, and still it eats even less power than my x20109:40
seb128pitti, well, I was decided like a month before the new model was coming out09:40
davmor2cyphermox: man that was a lucky escape for willcooke ;)09:40
seb128pitti, and it's always nice to be able to have some extra hours on battery ;-)09:40
LaneyI get like 2.5 hours09:41
pittiseb128: yeah, the next flight to DC will come for sure :)09:41
pittiLaney: urgh09:41
Laneyit's going to be weird having good battery life09:41
* pitti pats 10 hours09:41
seb128and that's without haswell09:41
seb128it would be like 13 otherwise ;-)09:41
pittii. e. 8 to 9 W drain and a 100 Wh battery09:41
pittiseb128: I can get it to 13 without wifi/USB tethering, i. e. on the plane09:42
pittibut the effing mobile phone draws quite a lot -- I wish there was a "don't charge over USB" button09:42
pittianyway, "first world problems" :)09:43
cyphermoxpitti: 13 hours laptop battery on a plane in flight mode?10:04
cyphermoxthat's pretty impressive10:04
cyphermoxmy laptop lasts only about 2 hours10:04
cyphermoxbut it might also be caused by playing Kerbal Space Program ;)10:04
davmor2pitti: you could always not plug the effing phone into the usb :P10:06
pittidavmor2: -ENOINTERNET then :) (I'm tethering)10:07
* didrocks grumbles on docker automatically created images regressing again and go back to a local created image10:07
davmor2pitti: ah sorry mis-read it as without wifi or usb tethering, ie on the plane10:08
Sweetsharkhmmm, my firefox lost all the stored passwords yesterday ....10:12
didrocksfirst medium tests passing in the CI infra \o/10:33
didrocksphew, now, let's put in real test runs10:34
=== thumper-afk is now known as thumper
dgadomskihello desktop team11:29
dgadomskisome of the users are affected by Bug 445333 on precise & trusty11:30
ubot5bug 445333 in Ubuntu "remember password on printing to windows printers does not work" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44533311:30
dgadomskiI have analysed the possibility to backport it and it's fairly easy for trusty11:31
dgadomskicould one of the sponsors could take a look and mark it as affecting precise & trusty?11:31
seb128jdstrand, hey, how do I turn off apparmor for click apps on touch?11:34
seb128dgadomski, hey, you should be able to propose a nomination for a serie no?11:35
seb128it's one of the link under the bugtable at the top11:35
dgadomskiseb128: I have "Also affects project" and "Also affects distribution/package" there, didn't see series there11:38
seb128dgadomski, hum, maybe it's restricted to some teams11:38
dgadomskiseb128: could you give me a hint under which of them I should look?11:38
seb128you don't have it I guess11:38
seb128targetted utopic now11:38
seb128I doubt we are going to backport to precise11:39
dgadomskiand it also affects gtk+2.0 (the user experiences this in firefox)11:40
dgadomskiI have prepared debdiffs for trusty (for gtk3 and gtk2)11:40
seb128great, thanks11:41
seb128I've added gtk2 to the list11:41
dgadomskiok, I will upload them and appreciate having a look at them11:41
seb128is the issue fixed in 3.12?11:41
seb128if not we need to get the fixes in utopic first11:41
dgadomskilet me check that11:42
dgadomskiunfortunately not, it's since 3.13.811:43
seb128so we need that in utopic first11:43
dgadomskiok, I will make a debdiff for utopic first11:43
dgadomskiseb128: thank you :)11:44
dgadomskibtw. there is also another issue: bug 110423011:45
ubot5bug 1104230 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "DisplayPort 1.2 MST support is missing in the Intel driver" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110423011:45
dgadomskithe fix for it can be easily cherry-picked for utopic11:45
dgadomskiare you aware if the utopic kernel is available for trusty in any package?11:45
dgadomskiI was told that there are those -lts- packages that may provide it11:46
seb128dgadomski, can you mention it to mlankhorst on #ubuntu-devel?11:46
dgadomskiseb128: sure, thanks!11:46
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
Laneymvo: does update-manager have support for pulling people out of old-releases?12:06
mvoLaney: it should do that, yes12:06
mvoLaney: like if you want to go from "unsupported1 -> unsupported2 -> barely-supported" ?12:07
mvoLaney: that should work12:07
LaneyI was just dealing with a friend in this situation12:07
mvoLaney: did it not work?12:07
Laneyhe was on quantal(!) but his sources.list was I guess still on a.u.c12:07
mvohmm, I maybe misremembering but I thought it would rewrite to something sensible on do-release-upgrade12:08
Laneyhe said 'something' went wrong but I was helping remotely so not sure what happened exactly12:08
mvoLaney: what commend did you run? do-release-upgrade/update-manager -d?12:08
LaneyI just got him to put old-releases in sources.list and will take a look myself tomorrow12:09
Laneythe interesting thing here might be that release+1 is also on old-releases12:09
Laneyjust wondering if this scenario is supported at all12:09
mvoLaney: yeah, I think that works, but it will be a bit of a pain as it takes a long time12:09
mvoLaney: to upgrade and then to upgrade agian12:09
Laneyto do it properly is q->r->s->t12:10
mvoLaney: might be quicker to install trusty with the keep-home-intact option of the installer12:10
Laneyjust concerned that he got left in a tricky situation12:10
Laneylucky that he knows someone who can drive apt ...12:11
mvodid update-manager not show him that he should upgrade? was that the issue?12:11
mvo(its always painful for me to hear these stories where a super-hero needs to come in to save the day :/12:11
LaneyI will see what u-m is telling him tomorrow12:12
darkxstseb128, was just renamed for 3,11, but gah maybe I pushed the wrong branch12:31
darkxst3.10 even12:31
seb128darkxst, well the changelog has 3.1012:32
seb128darkxst, did you see my comment about the gtk dialog and wether they are required for fallback sessions?12:32
darkxstseb128, look through emails now12:33
darkxstseb128, I don't know if it breaks fallback12:35
darkxstupdate was actually blocked on api changes that cause crashes12:36
seb128right, well I looked at the git log12:36
seb128and it drops the gtk dialogs12:36
seb128which I'm pretty sure Laney needs12:36
seb128(to mention somebody using a gnome-panel type of session)12:37
darkxstseb128, gnome-session can stay at 3.9.x whatever, its no big deal12:38
seb128darkxst, I've no strong opinion, just pointing out what I see as an issue12:38
seb128we can also update and revert the gtk dialog dropping in a patch12:38
darkxstseb128, does unity use those?12:39
seb128darkxst, btw empathy looks good, does Jackson or you want to merge propose the change so we can turn the bug into a ffe request?12:39
seb128darkxst, no, unity has its own dialogs12:39
darkxstseb128, so why revert? session-properties or whatever its called was just renamed for 3;1212:41
darkxstdropped in 3.1412:41
seb128darkxst, revert what?12:42
seb128there are 2 things there12:42
seb1281 is the gtk logout dialogs12:42
seb128the other one is the capplet to manage autostarts12:42
seb128the dialogs are needed, otherwise people using gnome-panel sessions can't logout anymore I think12:42
seb128which is what I suggest reverting12:42
seb128what = the dropping of the dialog12:43
seb128unity and gnome-shell have their own dialogs12:43
seb128but gnome-panel doesn't12:43
seb128 12:43
Laneyin debian/panel I don't have logout or shutdown dialogs any more12:43
seb128the capplet issue is orthogonal12:43
seb128Laney, with the ppa for gnome-desktop right?12:43
Laneyno, unstable12:43
seb128well, same issue likely12:43
Laneysame thing12:43
seb128gnome-session 3.10 dropped them12:44
Laneyjust saying12:44
seb128do you consider that acceptable?12:44
Laneyit's not great12:45
darkxstseb128, ok, happy to leave gnome-session whereever its at12:45
Laneyhow hard is it to keep them?12:45
Laneyare panel upstream going to fix that?12:45
Laneymitya57: do you know?12:45
darkxstLaney, last I heard alberts was fighting with upstream trying to get maintainership12:46
seb128Laney, I think it's basically reverting https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-session/commit/?id=705699b2799a3434d1a8f35c9a92868a5057f73e12:46
seb128Laney, which should be fine at least for this cycle12:46
Laneytry that12:46
darkxstbut as far as a the gnome-desktop transition, gnome-session can stay as is, just a rebuild12:47
Laneydoesn't it use idle monitor?12:48
darkxstLaney, no12:48
Laneyk I believe you12:49
* Laney goes to lunch12:49
darkxstgnome-session runs way before idle-monitor is relevant12:49
* darkxst goes to sleep]12:49
Laneyunstable is mostly fixed for gi now12:49
seb128Laney, darkxst, https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-desktop/commit/?id=545c774e967fa2f21f9b8ee1acbb50bffcee01d012:50
seb128is GnomeIdleMonitor *monitor; from gnome-desktop?12:50
seb128ignore that12:51
darkxstseb128, yes12:51
seb128I got confused by https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=70753312:51
darkxstbut that is in roberts code that moved to u-*12:51
ubot5Gnome bug 707533 in gnome-session "gnome-session 3.9.91 segfaults with" [Critical,Resolved: fixed]12:51
jdstrandseb128: you cannot "turn off apparmor" for click apps on touch for all apps (they'll fail to launch). what is it that you are trying to do and I can tell you how to disable it for a specific app12:52
darkxstI never worked out why that crashes, but it only apples to gnome-desktop 3.8 with gnome-session 3.9.9112:52
jdstrands/disable/do something equivalent/12:52
seb128jdstrand, hey, in fact I don't need it anymore, we have a bug about importing pictures leading to blank image and I was trying to debug it12:53
seb128jdstrand, gallery-app triggers chmod denies in apparmor log and I was wondering if it's the issue, but it's not12:53
* darkxst really sleeps now, bye all!12:53
seb128that might still be worth looking at though12:53
seb128darkxst, night12:53
jdstrandseb128: no, that is bug 1359831. it is a legitimate denial. it is harmless12:54
ubot5bug 1359831 in camera-app "Apps incorrectly perform a chmod on XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135983112:54
jdstrandseb128: (in terms of app functionality)12:54
jdstrandseb128: though I really wish someone would fix it cause it causes confusion12:54
seb128jdstrand, great, thanks12:54
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
=== rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3
Sweetsharkseb128: Could you please tell me "Nobody cares about LibreOffice Base anyway?" -- it would be convenient for a decision to make ...13:21
seb128Sweetshark, you know that's not true though ;-)13:21
Sweetsharkseb128: yeah, but I got a build that is using mergedlibs again (thus being fast in startup again and quite a bit of a smaller package) and it passes unittests, but it seems to cause bug 1373928, which admittedly is kind of a bummer for base.13:24
ubot5bug 1373928 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Numeric values are "not" shown and displayed as "0"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137392813:24
SweetsharkO<- rock13:25
Sweetshark    hard place -> O13:25
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=== mvo_ is now known as mvo
willcookecyphermox, my afternoon meeting was cancelled so I decided to dash home while it was still off peak.  Beer next time?15:00
cyphermoxyeah, no worries15:00
cyphermoxI'm kind of tired anyway, I didn't sleep so much15:00
happyaronLaney: please cancle the nmu, I've prepared the update already15:01
Laneyhappyaron: no need, if you upload then the nmu will just bounce15:02
happyaronLaney: was waiting g-i to make sure the behavior are the same across archs. was sucessfully built on some archs..15:02
happyaronLaney: still prefer to cancle it, or I can do that15:02
Laneyhappyaron: eh, feel free if you're sure you will upload it. :)15:06
Laneythis source package builds a lot of binaries15:06
happyaronI'm definately sure for fcitx...15:08
LaneyI don't want to be responsible for RC bugs15:08
Laneyhence nmuing stuff15:08
Laneyhappyaron: btw .gir files go in the -dev package conventionally15:20
didrocksfginther: s-jenkins going to shutting down?15:31
fgintherdidrocks, yes, there is a lab network outage coming shortly15:32
fgintherdidrocks, there was an email "Planned Maintenance Advisory (Service Affecting)", please let me know if you did not receive15:32
didrocksfginther: right, but it was supposed to be at noon, without telling which timezone. I took it as being UTC :)15:34
didrocksfginther: but ok, in the end, there is another time, with UTC, so in 25 minutes15:34
didrocksfginther: would be cool to take into account the shutdown of machines into that time though15:35
fgintherdidrocks, :/ right. that is a little unclear15:35
didrocksfginther: no worry, thanks for confirming :)15:35
didrocksI guess that's why I got some '404' not found in "Can't download (504): Gateway Time-out"15:36
fgintherdidrocks, I'll pass that along for future notices. the time (and timezone) should be painfully obvious and mentioned first thing15:36
didrocksfginther: indeed, thanks! :)15:36
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desrtLaney: around?16:39
desrtLaney: remember that gnome-do bug where the app wasn't taking the gtk lock before gtk_init() and was therefore silently unlocking a not-yet-locked mutex?16:40
desrtLaney: turns out that dropbox does the same....16:40
desrtupstream gtk wrote a workaround for the problem -- perhaps we should take it16:41
desrt(ie: as a backport)16:41
desrtsee https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/137403016:41
ubot5Launchpad bug 1374030 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "Dropbox crash on Ubuntu MATE Remix" [Undecided,New]16:41
desrtwe could also reduce the fatality level of the assert in glib -- make it just a critical for now16:41
desrti prefer this to the gtk patch which imho is a bit of a hack16:42
Laneycritical seems a bit nicer16:44
Laneyyou want to do that upstream?16:44
desrti'm thinking about it -- discussing it in #gtk+ right now16:45
desrti may do a new glib 2.42 soonish16:45
desrtprobably i'm going to disable the property deprecations as well :(16:45
desrtat least on the stable branch16:45
desrtfolks are pretty upset16:45
Laneythe warnings?16:47
desrti kinda agree that it's of somewhat limited usefulness to have it in a stable release16:47
desrtit's almost certainly going to cause more grief to innocent users than it helps by warning actual devs16:48
LaneyI see that, I only resisted on the basis that I didn't like this being an Ubuntu only solution really - feels like it should come from upstream16:51
Laneydo that in a 2.42 stable and we'll get it through the normal channels16:52
desrtprobably will be an upstream stable-only solution16:52
desrtand we can reevaluate each stable release if we should do it again16:52
desrthopefully we get to a point where we can stop...16:52
LaneyI patched some testsuites for this last week ...16:52
Laneyshould be tending towards being less of a problem16:53
LaneyI wonder why dropbox is still working for me16:53
Laneynight chap{pesse,}s17:04
Laneyhopefully this vps host will have sorted out its io load before long17:04
willcookel8r Laney17:11
willcookepopey, FYI ^^^^17:11
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didrockssee you guys!18:23
* willcooke EOD18:39
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