
saiarcot895Is there any chance that https://code.launchpad.net/~saiarcot895/ubuntu/utopic/openwalnut/armhf-fixes/+merge/232879 will be merged in before Utopic is released?00:46
saiarcot895or at least sponsored?00:47
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dobeysaiarcot895: is it seeded in an image?01:25
saiarcot895dobey: no01:25
saiarcot895At least according to http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/index.html01:26
dobeysaiarcot895: shouldn't be too difficult to gt it sponsored if you ping someone then. but final beta freeze is in effect, and beta release tomorrow, so i wouldn't expect too much before friday at least01:30
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pittiGood morning04:57
pittiinfinity: langpack uploads> from cron, yes04:57
pittisarnold: yw; the ddeb archive is fixed now04:58
pittistgraber: ah, great, thanks04:58
sarnoldpitti: yay :) thanks!04:59
infinitypitti: Was slightly odd timing, that's why I asked. :)05:01
pittiinfinity: yeah, sorry; if they are inconvenient you can just reject them05:01
pittiinfinity: utopic uploads every wednesday05:02
infinitypitti: Might make more sense in the future to ensure that devel series uploads happen on Fridays, to minimize possible clashes with milestones.05:03
pittiwgrant: ^ I'm happy to swap RTM and Utopic, i. e. Wed and Fri; or Tue and Thu for the LP exports05:05
infinitypitti: Not that it matters for utopic anymore, just in the future. :)05:06
infinitypitti: For devel series' going forward.05:07
pittiinfinity: yeah, the final langpack should be a full -base update, and coordinated manually indeed05:07
dholbachgood morning05:28
thopre01Laney: Thanks a lot for the sync05:47
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dholbachcan you all please help out review the incoming sponsoring items? there's 94 of them right now.08:55
seb128dholbach, I did some yesterday, I'm going to try to keep doing a few a day09:00
seb128like 5 a day or something ;-)09:00
* dholbach hugs seb12809:00
dholbachhaha, yes, that'd be great :)09:00
* seb128 hugs dholbach back09:00
seb128cjwatson, hey, do you have api documentation somewhere for libclick?09:53
chrisccoulsonhey seb128!09:56
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, how are you?09:56
chrisccoulsonseb128, not bad thanks, and you?09:56
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm good thanks ;-)09:56
cjwatsonseb128: just the gtk-doc-style comments in the source, though I'm not sure I've actually generated useful HTML out of them10:24
cjwatsonshould sort that out - build system help welcome :)10:24
seb128cjwatson, is using click_db_new/click_db_read/click_db_get_manifests_as_string the correct way to replace an exec "click list --all --manifest"?10:25
seb128(seems to work fine)10:25
cjwatsonseb128: right, if you're just replacing a command then you can just read through click/commands/list.py and do the equivalent things10:27
cjwatsonseb128: that's indeed right, you might want to drop _as_string if you want structured output10:27
seb128cjwatson, that code calls QJsonDocument::fromJson() on the output, seems to work fine like that10:28
cjwatsonah, yeah, that's fine too10:28
seb128I don't want to refactor the json/parsing code atm, just replace the call to click10:28
seb128cjwatson, thanks :-)10:29
cjwatsonyou get a few translations back and forward to json, but that has the effect of guaranteeing that it's valid json and normalising, so I don't think I'll "optimise" that10:29
seb128yeah, I'm not concerned about performance10:30
seb128the whole listing/parsing takes 100ms with the libclick version10:30
seb128which is good enough for me10:30
cjwatsonthat's probably ok, we can maybe look at profiling it at some point10:31
seb128yeah, that's good enough for rtm though10:31
seb128I'm sure we can do better, but let's do that after the important things are in place ;-)10:31
mvoseb128: just curious, what app is that that will use it?10:33
seb128mvo, ubuntu-system-settings, about->storage to list the installed clicks10:33
mvoaha, nice10:33
seb128we already do that10:34
seb128but we use a system call to the click command10:34
seb128replacing it by the lib10:34
* mvo nods10:34
cjwatsonI actually had a stale branch locally for that ages ago :-/10:34
cjwatsoncan't remember what I got stuck on - I think I couldn't figure out how to test it10:35
seb128gchar* click_db_get_manifests_as_string (ClickDB* self, gboolean all_versions, GError** error);10:35
seb128what happen if all_versions is false? it lists only the current/most recent one?10:35
cjwatsonlooks like I had http://paste.ubuntu.com/8424573/10:35
cjwatson         * @all_versions: If true, return manifests for all versions, not10:35
cjwatson         * just current ones.10:35
cjwatsonif you're emulating click list --all --manifest then you want that as true10:36
seb128yeah, I did10:36
seb128but we have a bug about some items being duplicated so I was thinking about that10:36
seb128but that needs input from design/mpt10:36
seb128those are the pre-installed clicks10:36
seb128they have their base image version and the store update listed10:37
seb128but since they both use space that might be the right thing to do10:37
cjwatsonthey do both use space, but the user can't do anything about the preinstalled ones10:37
seb128but that panel doesn't let you do anything anyway10:38
cjwatsonI mean they can "remove" (hide) them but they'll still take up space10:38
seb128it just gives you info on what uses space10:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1325656 in Ubuntu UX "[System Settings] Preinstalled apps in the storage list" [Low,Triaged]10:38
seb128that's the bug, waiting for design input10:38
cjwatsonthere are a few things you could do; you could do something with the boolean _removable key, or the _directory key tells you the full path10:38
seb128cjwatson, you diff looks similar to mine, except you did more and changed some of the json code ... I'm happy to test your version if you want10:39
cjwatsonI don't mind, didn't have time to do it properly, if you have something working then go ahead10:39
cjwatsonwas just FYI10:39
cjwatsonif you're using _removable then note the comment in the docs10:39
cjwatson * _removable: 1 if a package is unpacked in a location from which it can be10:39
seb128let me see if yours applies/work10:39
cjwatson   removed, otherwise 0 (this may be changed to a proper boolean in future;10:39
cjwatson   client code should be careful to permit either)10:39
seb128ok, thanks10:40
cjwatsonthere's some glib call that makes that natural10:40
seb128cjwatson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8424633/ is my diff which is working, I'm trying your in case, since you did a bit more work that would be a shame to see that wasted if it's working :-)10:44
cjwatsonwell, ok, your call :)10:48
seb128cjwatson, none of that applies without conflict :/10:48
cjwatsonI renamed a couple of files to avoid click.h clashing10:48
seb128cjwatson, I'm going to land my change and keep your diff for inspiration if I want to look at the json changes later10:49
cjwatsonyeah, don't worry about it, it's probably not worth the time10:49
seb128thank you for the help!10:49
cjwatsonseb128: your patch looks fine except that you should g_object_unref the db when you're done (looks like I forgot that too)10:51
seb128cjwatson, ok, good catch, thanks10:51
jamespagebarry, any chance I could persuade you to bump a new version of websocket-client (0.18) into Debian? I'd like to get that into 14.10 to support some updates into jujudeployer/jujuclient to suppport SSL11:09
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dgadomskihello everyone11:47
dgadomskimlankhorst: hi, I try to solve bug 1104230 for trusty, I checked and the fix for it may be fairly easy to cherry pick for the utopic kernel11:48
ubottubug 1104230 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "DisplayPort 1.2 MST support is missing in the Intel driver" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110423011:48
dgadomskiis the utopic kernel packaged for trusty anywhere?11:48
dgadomskiI was told that there were some *-lts-* backport packages, but I don't know any details11:49
dgadomskimlankhorst: I would appreciate your help on this11:52
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rbasakdgadomski: the lts backport kernel package for Trusty will only arrive in trusty-updates in preparation for 14.04.2. That won't be for a while yet.12:07
rbasakI'm not sure if there's another source to get a packaged Utopic kernel for Trusty though.12:07
dgadomskirbasak: I see, thank you for info12:08
rbasakdgadomski: you could see if https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds can help you.12:11
rbasakThat's not exactly the same as Utopic though.12:11
rbasakOr for testing just try installing a Utopoic kernel .deb directly on Trusty.12:12
rbasak(unless somebody says there's a reason that won't work)12:12
dgadomskirbasak: thanks, I will try to get the fix to utopic first (since it will be also useful there) and then will work on finding a way to get it to trusty12:13
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mlankhorstthe .deb should work12:22
mlankhorstbut if you have binary package the dkms drivers might now12:22
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barryjamespage: sure.  will take a look today13:13
jamespagebarry, ++ thanks13:13
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rbasak@pilot in13:30
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Final Beta Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> trusty | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: rbasak
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mdeslaurRiddell, ScottK: you've probably seen this already, but just in case: http://www.kde.org/info/security/advisory-20140923-1.txt14:26
Riddellmdeslaur: hmm, I'm sure we had that problem last month14:29
Riddellmm, a similar one 2014-08-03 krfb integer overflow14:29
mdeslaurRiddell: was a different one I believe14:29
RiddellI wonder why I didn't get notification of that issue14:30
Riddellmdeslaur: anyway, will put on the todo list for today or tomorrow14:30
mdeslaurRiddell: cool, thanks!14:31
barryjamespage: websocket 0.18.0 pushed to sid.  when it lands there, it will require an ffe and a merge/sync (we have ubuntu deltas).  do you want to take care of that or should i?14:52
jamespagebarry, I can do that - its OK for a sync - the delta can go now14:52
jamespagebarry, thanks for that!14:52
barryjamespage: \o/14:52
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seb128zul, hey, is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/keystone/+bug/1364854 still on your todolist? (it's in the sponsoring queue for a while, should sponsor be unsubscribed since you are assigned to it)15:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1364854 in keystone (Ubuntu) "python-ldap is needed as a dependency of keystone" [Undecided,New]15:17
zulseb128:  it is15:17
seb128zul, should I unsubscribe sponsors then?15:17
zulseb128:  yes please15:17
seb128zul, thanks15:17
slangasekapw: so if jodh is right and 'plymouth-ready' is never emitted, that points to a problem earlier with plymouth itself failing to start15:33
apwslangasek, and indeed plymouth is segv'ing which would be a fail15:34
apwjodh, ^ we're over here15:35
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apwslangasek, so how can we capture that coredump, i assume we arn't rw yet15:36
ogra_apw, into /dev15:37
apwjodh, on my reproduce we the plymouth-upstart-bridge blows up about .5s before plymouth log wise15:37
ogra_(thats always writable)15:37
apwogra_, point15:38
slangaseknot /dev, /run15:38
ogra_both work :)15:39
ogra_but /dev is there all the time, do we have /run in initrd already ?15:39
infinityogra_: We do, yes.15:41
infinitymount -t tmpfs -o "noexec,nosuid,size=10%,mode=0755" tmpfs /run15:41
infinitymkdir /run/initramfs15:41
infinity# compatibility symlink for the pre-oneiric locations15:41
infinityln -s /run/initramfs /dev/.initramfs15:41
infinity^--- The last line being to appease people who are too laze to get with the new world order. :P15:41
ogra_oh, right, i even remember these lines15:41
infinity(Not that it matters at all for a temporary hack)15:42
infinityYou could write your logs to /dev/bozo-the-clown for all I care.15:42
infinityapw: Please write your logs to /dev/bozo-the-clown15:43
infinity(This is in no way a statement about your hair style)15:43
apwi need a longer knee15:51
smoserhey. can i get someone to move cloud-init from -proposed to trusty-updates ?16:07
smoserbug 135300816:07
ubottubug 1353008 in juju-core "MAAS Provider: LXC did not get DHCP address, stuck in "pending"" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135300816:07
rbasakIf someone wants to sponsor emacs24 in bug 493766 it looks fine to me but I've just noticed it's in main so I can't upload it.16:14
ubottubug 493766 in emacs24 (Ubuntu) "Multi_key / compose does not work when XMODIFIERS="@im=SCIM"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49376616:14
rbasak(though a merge would be better)16:14
bdmurraysmoser: I'll have a look at cloud-init16:19
smoserbdmurray, thank you.16:21
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slangasekcjwatson: is bug #1334189 something I should assign to you, or should someone else look at it?16:31
ubottubug 1334189 in gfxboot-theme-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "pre-boot menu offers no OEM mode on Utopic live images" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133418916:31
cjwatsonslangasek: I don't have a *problem* with somebody else looking at it, but I don't think anyone else has any experience at all with the twisty pile of code involved16:32
cjwatson(which, I suppose, isn't a good reason not to assign somebody else to it to learn; just budget a few extra days ...)16:33
rbasak@pilot out16:34
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Final Beta Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> trusty | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
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bdmurraymitya57: where is the verification for bug 1370443?17:00
ubottubug 1370443 in retext (Ubuntu Trusty) "Crash after enabling line numbers" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137044317:00
Riddellmdeslaur: bug 1374043 for your review and upload17:12
ubottubug 1374043 in krfb (Ubuntu Utopic) "vulnerabilities in libvncserver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137404317:12
mdeslaurRiddell: thanks17:12
bdmurrayseb128: could you have a look at the verification of bug 1353951? one person says it works another says they have an issue…17:20
ubottubug 1353951 in evolution-data-server (Ubuntu Trusty) "gnome online accounts require autentication on startup" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135395117:20
bdmurrayarges: bug 1174098 is missing SRU information17:44
ubottubug 1174098 in util-linux (Ubuntu Trusty) "blockdev doesn't work as reported with loop devices" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117409817:44
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argesbdmurray: i'll update18:45
bdmurrayarges: okay, let me know when its good to go18:46
argesbdmurray: ok updated18:48
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nadrimajstorWhy LP keeps eating white space when I copy&paste snippet of patch file in to the comments?21:58
sarnoldprobably some "HTML doesn't care about whitespace" thing; everyone's used to it, though, so just paste away and be sure to include the patch as an attachment if you intend someone else to apply it as-is21:59
pataqSorry but where is the 14.10 final beta? i thought i was supposed to be released yesterday22:01
nadrimajstorsarnold: A bit annoying... It is snippet of .py to make matters worse... and it strips only lines that begins with `+` :|22:05
sarnoldnadrimajstor: hehe yeah I've had that happen to python snippets before too. not fantastic :) but you can still document what you mean that way..22:06
* nadrimajstor will provide patch as a attachment and appropriately changed bash line for applying patch.22:07
* nadrimajstor popey just loves my rants about LP :D22:07
nadrimajstorGoodnight everyone o/22:07

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