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delinquentmesay I have a brand new instance of ubuntu ... and I want to install git ... TYPICALLY I need to $ apt-get update .. before doing this ... however that installs a ton of other stuff ... is there a way to ONLY get the packages I need to install git ?01:45
Patrickdkok, what is the REAL issue?01:46
Patrickdkapt-get update, installs NOTHING, EVER01:46
PatrickdkNEVER EVER01:46
Patrickdkwhere is the logs of it INSTALLING TONS of crap?01:47
delinquentmePatrickdk, apt-get update + apt-get upgrade01:48
Patrickdknow your changing your statement01:48
PatrickdkWHY would you run apt-get upgrade?01:48
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Patrickdkwhat does that have to do with installing git?01:48
delinquentmePatrickdk, let me fire up an instance and get the failing message01:48
delinquentmePatrickdk, preferrred paste service?01:51
delinquentme" has no installation candidate "01:52
Patrickdkdid you do a apt-get update01:52
delinquentmePatrickdk, I know that will solve it but Im looking to run fewer operations01:53
Patrickdkyou ALWAYS must run apt-get update01:54
Patrickdkit's REQUIRED01:54
Patrickdkif you don't run it, you have your issue01:55
Patrickdkyou want to *install* packages that NO LONGER EXIST01:55
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m_anishHi I am trying to setup an ubuntu server (to serve as an LTSP server) .. and I have 2 NICs .. one for the WAN where I get an IP thru DHCP, and one for the LAN which the server will manage06:12
m_anishduring install I'm being asked "Choose the primary network interface" which will be used during the setup, listing the 2 nics I have06:12
m_anishwhich should I pick? WAN?06:12
m_anishguess it shud be WAN, it's doing dhcp06:15
ThumpxrGuys, could you tell me, why i dont see ä,ö,ü in my ssh client? my locales are all de_DE and i'm on UTF-806:16
sarnoldThumpxr: check out locale-gen on the server, perhaps de_DE.utf8 doesn't exist on the server?06:19
sarnoldThumpxr: also check outputof 'locale', perhaps a shell script is setting stupid variables06:19
Thumpxrsarnold: output of locale is everywhere the same "UTF8-de_DE" or sth like that. did the locale-gen.. must i relogin afterwards ?06:21
sarnoldThumpxr: hmm, maybe...06:22
Thumpxrsarnold: it worked. Thank you :)06:24
sarnoldsweet :)06:24
lordievaderGood morning.07:26
jamespagezul, jdstrand: lp:~james-page/horizon/juno-b3-fixes07:57
jamespagezul, jdstrand: there is a build of that in https://launchpad.net/~james-page/+archive/ubuntu/junk08:57
jamespageit appears to work OK08:57
lynxmanjamespage: o/10:13
jamespagehey lynxman10:13
lynxmanjamespage: ello ello :)10:13
jamespagerbasak, ping re websocket clietn10:49
jamespagerbasak, looking through hazmats requested jujuclient and deployer updates (which I've ignored for to long)10:49
jamespageneeds > 0.18 for websocket client and we only have 0.13 now - any thoughts?10:49
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* rbasak looks to remind himself10:57
jamespagerbasak, merging with debian looks good as we can drop your patches tests11:00
jamespagerbasak, 0.18 unit tests OK and is fixes only over 1.16 as in debian11:01
rbasakjamespage: looks OK to sync. Do need an FFe for this? I see only Juju, python-socketio-client and python-docker as reverse deps.11:02
rbasakjamespage: for 0.18, Debian doesn't have it yet, but it is DPMT so maybe update Debian and sync?11:03
jamespagerbasak, I'm not DPMT - maybe barry can11:03
jamespagerbasak, yeah we can sync tho - the breaks/replaces is no longer required11:04
jamespagerbasak, your reverse deps are correct11:06
rbasakjamespage: agreed we can sync - b/r was in Trusty, so all supported upgrade paths should be fine.11:06
jamespagerbasak, it probably does need a FFe I think11:07
rbasakjamespage: there is a testsuite, so that should mitigate any regression.11:08
jamespagerbasak, yah11:08
jamespagerbasak, I pinged barry in #ubuntu-devel11:09
rbasakhallyn: fyi, I've uploaded your fix for bug 1372368 as a workaround for now at least. I think there's a much deeper libvirt bug though. I'm still looking into it.11:09
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1372368 in uvtool "VM creation fails on Utopic" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137236811:09
zuljamespage: +1 for horizon, although I think the README.Debian should be updated to reflect how you generated the xstatic tarball11:26
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jamespagezul, ok - ack12:43
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jdstrandjamespage: looked at the debian/changelog. that seems fine to me. it is more like what we have now. you can make sure the right xstatic packages are available. nothing else will start using them12:47
jdstrandjamespage: thanks for working on that!12:49
jamespagejdstrand, np - I just added a README.source to explain why and how to use all that stuff12:53
rbasakjamespage: while you're working on horizon, have you seen https://code.launchpad.net/~cjohnston/ubuntu/utopic/horizon/1308651/+merge/235741 ?13:22
Azarilhey guys]13:27
Azarillooking at unattended-upgrades13:27
Azarilwhat does "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow unattended-upgrades" do exactly?13:27
Azarilis the only thing the creation of 20auto-upgrades, 50unattended-upgrades13:30
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Scrix0Hello, I am looking for assistance with nfs userid mapping14:29
juice23Can somebody explain Ubuntu's support policy for PHP 5.2. PHP 5.2 is discontinued upstream, but included in editions of Ubuntu server that are still supported. Did Canonical force users to upgrade to PHP 5.3 to continue receiving security updates? or what is the story with it? how does it differ from debian-lts as it is 'limited support' in debian-lts.14:29
mdeslaurjuice23: do you mean PHP 5.3?14:30
mdeslaurjuice23: we don't have 5.2 in any supported versions of Ubun14:30
juice23mdslaur: i thought 5.2 was in ubuntu 12.04 lts, or was. no?14:31
mdeslaurjuice23: no, 12.04 lts shipped with 5.3.10 to which we've been backporting all the security fixes14:31
juice23mdslaur: and what about ubuntu 10.04 lts for server? even if it isn't 5.2 it would have been an earlier version that was discontinued.14:32
mdeslaur10.04 lts has 5.3.2 to which we backport security fixes14:32
mdeslaurbasically, we backport security fixes to whatever php version we shipped, whether or not the versions are discontinued upstream14:32
juice23mdselaur: ok, so in other words i'll probably run into this problem again.14:32
mdeslaurjuice23: into what problem?14:33
juice23mdeslaur: 10.04 lts wouldn't have shipped with 5.3.x though back in 2010. right?14:33
mdeslaurjuice23: yes, it originally shipped with 5.3.2, and we've backported all the security fixes to it since then14:33
jamespagezul, just got enought of a +1 on #ubuntu release for that horizon upload14:34
jamespagecan you +1 my mp - https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/horizon/juno-b3-fixes/+merge/23595914:34
jamespageand I'll upload for release14:34
juice23mdslaur: the problem is content management systems dependent on specific versions of php that are then discontinued by ubuntu and other distributions.14:34
mdeslaurjuice23: whatever version we ship a release with is supported for the lifetime of the release14:34
juice23mdeslaur: OK, thanks for the info. i guess my choice of distribution was poor (well, maybe not, back when we setup the server in 2008, but currently).14:34
juice23mdselaur: thanks, i think i might move to ubuntu then14:35
mdeslaurjuice23: np14:35
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zuljamespage:  +1ed14:35
Azarilare there firewall rules to allow security updates through?15:22
Azarilwhats the server ip i should allow?15:22
arrrghhhmost firewalls will block inbound traffic but are permissive for outbound... are you blocking outbound as well?15:23
arrrghhhmost firewalls by default I should say ^^15:23
ses1984hi, i'm trying to get postfix installed and configured as a gmail smtp relay, and i'm running into some weird problems15:27
ses1984i've tried to purge sendmail, and install --reinstall postfix, and for some reason, i can't get the postfix service to start15:27
ses1984service postfix start *says* it's starting, but status says it's not running and the mail.err log says that port 25 is already bound15:28
arrrghhhses1984, have you checked what is hogging port 25 with netstat?15:28
ses1984yes, it's in my paste, it says, 20604/sendmail: MTA, which i dont understand because i purged sendmail15:29
ses1984but then i read that postfix includes a drop in sendmail binary so i dont know what i'm seeing...is *part* of postfix running but the postfix service is not?15:30
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JayJ_Anybody have any pointers on how to slipstream a driver into Ubuntu PXE server? My server need a RAID driver to see the volumes15:38
Azarilarrrghhh: we are blocking outbound as well15:47
arrrghhhAzaril, well then you need to determine how to allow that out I spose ;)15:47
arrrghhhlook at your apt source list, see which mirror you chose... and allow that host15:47
arrrghhhmaybe it's chose.  blah.15:48
Azarilsure, but if i run an nslookup on security.ubuntu.com i get 7 ips15:48
arrrghhhAzaril, might want to pick a specific mirror15:49
rostamHI I am using ubuntu 14.04, where could I get the patch for ubuntu bash security issue? thanks16:02
bazzzbsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade16:03
rostambazzzb, thanks16:04
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JayJ_ANy help to preload a driver into ubuntu installation?16:06
dmsimardAny ETA on the proposed patch to bash for it to merge to stable ?16:12
jdstrandrostam: the main issue is fixed in http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2362-1/ . all you need to do is apply your regular security updates. a followup fix is forthcoming16:12
jamespagejdstrand, we have a few new MIR's that are pending security team review - specifically pysnmp and kazoo - http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed.svg16:22
jamespagejdstrand, just checking these are on your list ;-)16:22
jdstrandI'm not sure they are16:25
* jdstrand looks16:25
jamespagejdstrand, thanks16:35
axisyswhy would bash upgrade stuck at kernel dependecy?16:43
ogra_where do you see bash in there ?16:45
jamespagecoreycb, can you unsubscribe ubuntu-release from the xstatic sync requests pls; we've agreed a different way forward for this cycle16:45
ogra_your package system is messed up  and it wants to fix itself ... even "apt-get install foo" would have triggered that16:46
jrwrenaxisys: nothing to do with bash, your apt is messed up to begin with.  apt-get remove linux-headers-server && apt-get install bash16:46
coreycbjamespage, ok will do16:46
axisysogra_: I only have unattended upgrade running nightly for security patches16:46
jamespagecoreycb, fyi the approach was to embed the xstatic bits within horizon; using a multi orig.tar.gz approach16:46
axisysjrwren: apt-get remove linux-headers-server won't hurt my server?16:46
axisysjrwren, ogra_ : may be unattended upgrade broke it?16:47
jamespagecoreycb, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+queue/?queue_state=1&queue_text=horizon16:47
jrwrenaxisys: they are header files, you only need them if you are compiling kernel modules.16:48
ogra_axisys, no idea how it happened, but it isnt realted to bash16:48
jrwrenaxisys: i don't know much about unattended upgrade.16:48
axisysjrwren: did not let me remove the header16:49
axisysjrwren: http://pastebin.com/CLP0rfg216:49
axisysjrwren: how do you address zero day exploit? I am using unattended for security to address just that16:49
jrwrenaxisys: I don't sufficiently understand the vulnerability to do a risk assessment.16:50
ogra_axisys, i dont get that, why dont you just let "apt-get -f install" do its job ?16:51
axisysbecause it will try to remove a newer kernel than what I have16:53
axisysogra_: ^16:53
axisysogra_: My guess some upgrade is pending a reboot16:53
axisysogra_: and it will apply the newer kernel.. so I dont want to prematurely remove it16:53
ogra_axisys, oh, you dont have 3.2.0-69 installed ?16:54
axisysI am on16:54
ogra_well, it wont "just remove" kernels16:54
axisysso those might be in the queue and pending to be applied16:54
ogra_(it even tells you that you have to do that yourself)16:55
ogra_your first paste:  http://pastebin.com/RjFQ2gHd16:55
ogra_$ sudo apt-get install bash16:56
ogra_E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).16:56
ogra_... thats what i read in the first paragraph16:56
ogra_ sudo apt-get -f install16:56
ogra_Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them. (your old kernels ... and only if you want to)16:56
ogra_and then it just wants to fix package conflicts for you16:57
ogra_i donrt see anything related to your 3.2.0-59-generic16:57
jrwrenogra_: to answer your question - i don't have CGI enabled. I'm the only user of my servers or all my server users are trusted. I haven't figured out where else I'd be vulnerable.16:58
ogra_(if you are worried you can even hardcode the kernel in your grub config)16:58
axisysogra_: I am few kernel version behind.. so I would reboot first to make the change..16:58
axisysbut you guys already answered my question16:58
axisysit is not bash dependcy .. it is apt related16:58
ogra_yes, your local setup is a little out of sync16:59
axisysogra_: unattended upgrade might have a security update which forced the new kernel..17:01
ogra_could be17:01
ogra_that stil doesnt mean you need to run it :)17:01
ogra_it just wants to install it17:01
ogra_to solve the packaging issues17:02
axisysthere are few linux kernel vulnerability from 23rd17:03
axisyseven APT vulnerability from 23rd17:03
RoyK[offtopic] http://techreport.com/review/27062/the-ssd-endurance-experiment-only-two-remain-after-1-5pb/4 <-- interesting17:36
ikoniaRoyK: don't need the [offtopic] posts please, as you know17:39
LucidGuyNeed to order me a new 1U SuperMicro server to run Ubuntu 12.04..  finding it difficult to determine what hardware 12.04 will support.  Tips?17:39
ikoniaresearch the hardware17:40
LucidGuyikonia, thats what I'm doing.  Is there a simple way to list supported hardware?17:41
ikoniathe HCL is poorly maintained17:41
LucidGuyfor example where do these kernel modules come from /lib/modules/3.11.0xxxx/kernal/drivers  ?17:45
LucidGuyDid my distribution bundle these in and create these during the install .. or some how from the kernel itself?17:46
RoyKLucidGuy: why 12.04? 14.04 has been stable for a while17:46
LucidGuyRoyK, we sit on an LTS for quite some time, no need to upgrade17:46
RoyK14.04.1 is LTS17:47
LucidGuyI know17:47
RoyKLucidGuy: I've used a lot of supermicro systems, and haven't had issues with drivers17:48
RoyKlast thing was setup with debian wheezy - no issues17:48
axisysI have lots of supermicros running ubuntu server17:49
axisysno issue either17:49
axisysI even have systems with ssd17:49
axisyswith only SSDs17:49
LucidGuyaxisys, version of Ubuntu?17:49
axisysUbuntu 12.04.3 LTS17:49
RoyKLucidGuy: I've used 10.04 and 12.04 and debian with those systems - no issues17:50
RoyK(and obviously, 64bit)17:50
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pmatulisjamespage: do you know why slapd in utopic is still at 2.4.31 while debian unstable is at 2.4.39 ?18:32
budmanubuntu 14.04 stuck booting after nonblocking pool is initialized19:09
* patdk-wk feels dirty19:17
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jamespagepmatulis, because no-one has noticed and merged it19:32
pmatulisjamespage: so too late?19:32
jamespagepmatulis, without looking at the upstream changelog I could not say - it would need a FFe from the release team and we are in final freeze now19:33
pmatulisjamespage: ah well.  i thought these things were automatic19:33
Lapadineanyone know how I can upgrade bash on saucy? it doesn't seem to want to, it is showing latest version as 4.2-5ubuntu3 which is vulnerable to "shell shock"19:54
lordievaderLapadine: Saucy is EOL and won't receive updates.19:55
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lordievaderLapadine: You should upgrade to Trusty.19:55
SeveasLapadine: grab the sources from trusty/utopic and rebuild on saucy. Then do it again when the final fix is out :)19:55
keithzgMan, that was far more harrowing than it should have been, updating bash on the old server we use as a router at work.20:10
keithzgIt was still running Bash 2.05b!20:11
Lapadinedo-release-upgrade == not fun over ssh...20:15
lordievaderLapadine: Never had any trouble with it, it opens a screen anyhow.20:15
Lapadineam running it in screen so should be ok, just dont like it20:16
keithzgehh, I've never had it fail. It opens a second ssh session you can connect to in case of failure, too.20:21
jamespagepmatulis, not merges - sorry20:24
claude2does anyone here know why snmpd wants to install mysql in 14.04?20:37
TJ-claude2: It depends on "libmysqlclient18"20:41
claude2but why is that and mysql-common necessary? that seems odd20:42
Lapadineserver unreachable :/ reboot seems to have failed....20:55
ayr-tonMy friends, how to use cloud-init to create ISOs? I do need to generate a bunch of images for a dark hypervisor.21:03
ikoniawhat's a dark hypervisor ?21:05
ayr-tonikonia: A hypervisor with thousands of instances without openstack support.21:08
ikoniaI've never heard of a dark hypervisor before.21:08
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dmsimardHas the second bash patch hit the repos outside proposed yet ?22:28
mdeslaurdmsimard: which one?22:30
mdeslaurin stable releases?22:30
dmsimardmdeslaur: The one you made :)22:30
mdeslaurI pushed out the one for CVE-2014-6271 about 10 minutes ago22:30
uvirtbotmdeslaur: GNU Bash through 4.3 processes trailing strings after function definitions in the values of environment variables, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted environment, as demonstrated by vectors involving the ForceCommand feature in OpenSSH sshd, the mod_cgi and mod_cgid modules in the Apache HTTP Server, scripts executed by unspecified DHCP clients, and other situations in which setting the environmen22:30
mdeslaursorry, not that one22:31
dmsimardmdeslaur: Looking to get the proposed patch in the stable branches for precise and trusty22:31
mdeslaurI pushed out CVE-2014-7169 about 10 minutes ago22:31
uvirtbotmdeslaur: GNU Bash through 4.3 bash43-025 processes trailing strings after certain malformed function definitions in the values of environment variables, which allows remote attackers to write to files or possibly have unknown other impact via a crafted environment, as demonstrated by vectors involving the ForceCommand feature in OpenSSH sshd, the mod_cgi and mod_cgid modules in the Apache HTTP Server, scripts executed by unspecified DHCP cl22:31
mdeslauruvirtbot: will you shut up22:31
uvirtbotmdeslaur: Error: "will" is not a valid command.22:31
mdeslauruvirtbot: die22:31
dmsimardSo an apt-get update should get it ?22:31
uvirtbotmdeslaur: Error: "die" is not a valid command.22:31
mdeslaurdmsimard: yes, it'll take a few minutes for the mirrors to catch up22:31
mdeslaurand the USN should be going out in about 5 minutes22:31
dmsimardmdeslaur: Thanks for your work.22:31
mdeslauryou're welcome22:32
Patrickdkmy cache servers have it :)22:45
Patrickdknow to repatch lenny and fc9 systems :(22:45
Patrickdkwhy did they have to dump those onto me last month22:45
PatrickdkI'm suppost to migrate them22:47
Patrickdkwe where still in phase one, figuring out what they did, cause no one knew22:47
sarnolddid anyone propose "turn them off one at a time and see who screams"? .. cause fc9. wow.22:48
Patrickdkyes, they where all confirmed working and production22:49
Patrickdkthey had another cluster too22:49
Patrickdkthose where running ubuntu 13.1022:49
Patrickdkthose are halfway migrated22:50
PatrickdkI just patched bash in it22:50
Patrickdkand for fc9 :(22:50
Patrickdkand lenny, and squeeze22:50
Patrickdkovious what my day was spent doing :)22:52
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hurin_hello, sorry, i'm just a newbie looking for some help about how i should configure my apache2 in the purpose to get my vhost working, i'm trying to do so since 2 hours and 3 tutorials and i still can't figure out what's going on23:06
sarnoldhurin_: this guide is well-suited to the ubuntu / debian configuration style: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/httpd.html23:07
hurin_whatever i'm doing i still see only my default virtual host, even if i write my virtual hosts name,...23:08
hurin_sarnold: i'm going to look at it, thank you23:08
sarnoldhurin_: is there anything interesting in the apache logs?23:08
hurin_sarnold: no, all i see are http 200, as if all was working perfectly23:09
hurin_but i keep see only my default website, and never any of my vhosts23:10
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MrPPSany of you folks know off-hand if there's a regex to grep for checking to see if any "shell shock" exploits have been attempted?23:48
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sarnoldMrPPS: pals were grepping for :; in their apache logs earlier, finding all kinds of fun things23:52
MrPPSsarnold: I'll take a look, thanks kindly :)23:54

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