
wolfgermrgoodcat: how prolific is ubuntu-security-announce?11:12
wolfgerrick_h_: zsh? :-p psh!11:13
cmaloneypsh -aw11:14
wolfgerUgh. Speaking of psh made me log in to Perl Monks for the first time in... forever. Couldn't remember my password, and now I remember why I quit going there. They are still e-mailing plain-text passwords when you forget them.11:19
cmaloneyYeah that place is like a museum11:19
wolfgerSuch a wonderful site full of wonderful people, and they can't bother to have a modicum of security.11:20
cmaloneyThey do, they just choose to undermine it. :)11:21
wolfgeralso: "psh -aw" would be a better pun if the -a flag was valid. :-p11:49
cmaloneyOf course it would. :)12:17
mrgoodcatwolfger: like 1 or 2 a day12:34
wolfgerI don't think having a bot toss out 1 or 2 security announcements a day would be a bad thing. Might even occasionally have some value. :-)12:40
mrgoodcatcan't remember how to get rss from bookie.io12:49
mrgoodcatrick_h_: docs.bookie.io shows the "welcome to nginx" page12:50
jrwren_ps -haw # works!12:50
mrgoodcatjrwren_: works for what?12:57
wolfgermrgoodcat: he's attempting to resuscitate cmaloney's psh -aw pun13:08
mrgoodcatfail what?13:14
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Get some coffee. :)13:14
mrgoodcati must need coffee....13:14
mrgoodcati still don't know what the fail was...13:15
cmaloneywolfger mentioned psh as an alternative to bash13:15
cmaloneyI said "psh -aw" (as in pshaw)13:15
cmaloneyjrwren_ mentioned that ps -haw is valid13:16
cmaloneyand now we have spent way too long on a silly joke. :)13:16
mrgoodcatyea i'm going to get coffee13:16
wolfgerwhich I determined to be a fail, because he switched commands :-D13:16
wolfgertoo long, not funny enough, and on top of it all: had to be explained. :-p13:17
cmaloneyhttps://www.jimmyjohns.com/datasecurityincident/ <- geez13:18
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/GMr3E7 - Data Security Incident13:18
cmaloneyWe can't get to chip and pin soon enough13:19
wolfgerchip and pin?13:20
cmaloneyyeah, the USA is the only one that uses magnetic stripe credit cards13:22
cmaloneywhich contain all of the information for the card on the card itself13:22
cmaloneychip and pin is like two-factor13:22
cmaloney(in a sense. Totally over-simplifying it)13:22
mrgoodcatyea. would be cool if your pin actually was the decryption key or something13:23
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/h7n9X - Chip and PIN - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia13:23
cmaloney.np squeekyhoho13:28
bookiebotsqueekyhoho's current track - Paranoico by proyecto hombre13:28
cmaloneyBlack Sabbath's Paranoid, in Spanish13:28
cmaloneymrgoodcat: If you need some metal language immersion LMK. Lots of CC-licensed metal in Spanish13:29
wolfger"Since 2008, VISA has been running pilot projects using the Emue card,[3] where the generated number replaces the code printed on the back of standard cards." Sign me up!13:30
wolfgerThen about the only thing you have to worry about is actual physical card theft.13:31
jrwren_Is the chip in pin and chip a samrt card?13:34
jrwren_ya know the smart cards from 15yrs ago? They have super lower power low clock ARM cpus in them!13:34
brousch_cmaloney: Looks like they missed my jimmy johns13:38
mrgoodcatsrsly... internet connected forks? http://www.hapi.com/product/hapifork13:45
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/p8o0Zi - HAPI.com : Enjoy Your Food with HAPIfork by Jacques L&eacute;pine13:45
mrgoodcatbrousch_: they missed mine too :)13:45
mrgoodcatsome good bug names recently13:57
mrgoodcatnot sure if i like "heartbleed" or "shellshock" better13:57
* jrwren shakes fist at comcast.14:47
brousch_Was someone here involved with KLUG?15:46
cmaloneyThe kalamazoo lug?15:51
cmaloneyNot sure15:51
mrgoodcati used to live in kzoo15:54
brousch_Maybe I'm thinking of mrgoodcat15:57
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/on1lt1 - Red Hat Declares Client-Server Computing Era Over16:13
cmaloneyI find this a rather dumb statement16:13
rick_h_my web browser would like to disagree with that headline :P16:14
cmaloney"cloud" is still a server.16:14
jrwrencmaloney: yup. is n-server. its a very stupid statement. sell your RHAT shares. the CEO is crazy!16:16
jrwrenalso, why did they change from RHAT to RHT???16:17
rick_h_"Yo kids, I heard cloud was cool...we can do it!"16:17
cmaloneyi think it's also called "reframing the shit that you just finshed paying off so you'll want to spend money with us again"16:27
cmaloneyThat RHEL license? That's the old "client-server" model.16:28
cmaloneyHere's our new Open-Stack cloud model, running RHEL16:28
cmaloneyInstead of paying $120,000 a year you only pay us $12,000 a month.16:28
cmaloneyer, $10,000 a month16:28
cmaloneySUCH A BARGAIN!16:29
jrwrenremember, redhat owns ceph and jboss, so they need to spin themselves as a company that does those things, not just rhel16:35
greg-ghere's a better headline:16:45
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/0tE2v0 - 403 Forbidden16:45
cmaloneyI'm gonna driunk me some IQ points tonight!16:47
cmaloneyor is that IQ PINTS!16:47
wolfgerHey, it worked for me.... (for some value of "excessive")16:54
mrgoodcatcmaloney: i lied17:39
mrgoodcatmy lit class is pre-civil war, not pre-colonial17:40
rick_h_oh, well that's a bit better17:40
rick_h_I was wondering how my literature there was pre-colonizatoin17:40
mrgoodcatnot much17:41
mrgoodcatlots of art tho17:41
rick_h_ /my/much17:41
rick_h_yea, true enough17:41
mrgoodcata lot of the stories depicted are pre-colonial17:41
cmaloneyThat's only about 100 years of lit17:45
jrwrenpre-civil war US lit? there can't be that much of it?18:24
jrwrenor wait... Samuel Clemens is in that time period eh?18:24
greg-ghence his satire on slavery18:40
jrwrenyeah, duh, wtf was I thinking. :)18:45
cmaloneyjrwren: Apparently not enough to keep from snubbing one of the US literary greats. :)18:45
jrwrenHe was even on ST:TNG!!!18:46
cmaloneymany times18:46
* greg-g grew up in Hannibal, MO18:48
greg-gover fourth of july weekend is "National Tom Sawyer Days" with fence painting, frog jumping, etc. Including a contest to crown the official Tom and Becky (7th graders) who become our town's ambassadors. The ones from my grade went to Japan for a week.18:49
greg-gthe funny thing is, Samuel himself thought Huck Finn was a better book than Tom Sawyer18:51
greg-g(I agree, we had to read them both in middle school)18:52
cmaloneyIt was a more complicated story18:52
cmaloneysimilar to The Hobbit / Lord of the Rings18:52
* greg-g nods18:52
jrwreni had to read them. I don't remember much about them.19:18
jrwrenHuck was the 2nd one right? where Tom isn't around much and Huck runs away?19:19
jrwrenI remember that one more.19:19
jrwrenI couldn't tell you much of anything about Tom Sawyer19:19
jrwrensomething about getting kids to whitewash fences for free by convincing them its fun and collecting payment from the fence owner?19:28
greg-gbeing told to white wash your fence, but convincing friends that it's way fun and getting them to pay YOU to have the priviledge19:33

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