
superkuhI keep hopping that the libglib/thunar bug that causes my filemanager to segfault every 15 minutes will be fixed.00:28
superkuhAt this rate I might just have to forget this entire OS install. Maybe time to switch to arch.00:28
superkuhI can't fix it. I've spent at least 30 hours of real time trying to figure it out with gdb, etc.00:30
bluesabrethat looks like caja... not thunar00:30
superkuhLook again.00:30
superkuhAnd it is both, because of the way they interact with glib.00:30
bluesabreI see00:30
superkuhMemory corruption in the gslice magazine allocator.00:31
superkuhI closed my bug on the Ubuntu MATE launchpad when I found out thunar did it too.00:31
superkuhSame segfault, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunar/+bug/1372140/+attachment/4211926/+files/thunar_full.txt00:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1372140 in thunar (Ubuntu) "thunar segfault, memory corruption in the gslice magazine allocator" [Undecided,New]00:31
superkuhSometimes I wish I could just disable the Apport "this executable already crashed 2 times, ignoring" so the devs could see how often it really happens.00:32
superkuhSupposed to be fixed by https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0/+bug/1316509 , but it's not.00:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1316509 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu Trusty) "GtkFileChooser crashes due to a signal connection left behind by GtkMountOperation" [High,Fix released]00:34
bluesabreThen this is a problem with glib/gtk, and you're probably going to run into the same issue with arch00:35
superkuhAs someone here asked, I tried another use account to verify it wasn't just something odd in my user config. It wasn't.00:35
superkuhbluesabre, damn.00:35
superkuhAnd indeed you're right. The same types of errors are even reported (at various places) for Fedora, Arch, etc.00:36
superkuhBut given the situation I feel like I must do something. It's an unusable system.00:37
bluesabreYou might want to add a comment to one of the bugs indicating that these issues are still affecting you... there might be some corner cases or race conditions that you're running into00:37
superkuhThat is a good idea.00:41
superkuhAdded a reference to my issues to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunar/+bug/1203296 .00:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1203296 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu) "thunar crashed with SIGSEGV in magazine_chain_pop_head()" [High,Fix released]00:41
bluesabrethanks superkuh, that should get some eyes on it00:45
xubuntu22whello team00:52
=== Drone`` is now known as Drone`
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
xubuntu22wwhich bash version should fix CVE-2014-6271?  I have GNU bash, Version 4.3.24(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) but env x='() { :;}; echo vulnerable' bash -c "echo this is a test" brings vulnerable00:54
ubottu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-6271)00:54
xubuntu22wnobody here ?01:00
Unit1934.3-7ubuntu1.1 fixed it, and is in security.01:01
xubuntu22whow can I downgrade from Version 4.3.24(1) ?01:02
xubuntu22wI'm on 14.1001:03
Unit193Aha, right, that was the next question.  4.3-9ubuntu2 will fix it for you, and should land soon.01:04
xubuntu22wah ok, is not in the repo? ok01:04
Unit193It's in proposed, hasn't migrated yet (beta freeze, but since it's a security risk it should migrate faster).01:05
xubuntu22wok, so it will come in  less hours?  :)01:06
xubuntu22wor what means fast :)01:06
Unit193Couldn't say exactly when, don't know.01:07
xubuntu22wis there a way to fix it intermediate, by using 4.3-7ubuntu1.1 ?01:09
Unit193https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bash/4.3-9ubuntu2 could download directly, I suppose...01:09
xubuntu22wdoes it create an issue ?01:11
Unit193I'd just wait for it to release the update, and that's what I'm doing.01:12
xubuntu22wok, so I will do the same. on the desktop the risk is less in compare to a server?01:12
xubuntu22whttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/amd64/bash/4.3-9ubuntu2 this is the ni bin file as I think ?01:16
xubuntu22wok thanks01:18
=== Bl4ckSh4d0w is now known as zz_Bl4ckSh4d0w
deckard__hello. I am not hearing new message alerts from Xchat. In Xchats preferences -->'sound' . the 'sound playing method is set to automatic. I am not hearing any of the files when i try to test them with the'play' button.02:38
xubuntu37wIf anyone is here, I would like a bit of help, please02:59
|zer0|good evening all09:59
|zer0|trying to do a system update an system is advising that I need more space in /boot09:59
|zer0|I assue that all system updates download to this folder?10:00
|zer0|Does the system remove th einstall or are they left there?10:00
cfhowlett|zer0|, nope.  you need to clear out old kernels.10:07
cfhowlettsudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get clean10:07
xubuntu89wis xubuntu looking for updates automatic ?10:13
cfhowlettxubuntu89w, only if you set it up that way.10:14
cfhowlettxubuntu89w, system > software updater > settings > updates > Automatically check for updates: ???10:16
alkethi, why doesn't the windows button doesn't stretch 100% http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-2014-sht-25-121957cest.php10:20
knomealket, you'll need to add an expanding separator after the window buttons item10:22
|zer0|<cfhowlett> trying it out10:22
cfhowlett|zer0|, OK10:23
|zer0|<cfhowlett> lookin good now  :)10:23
alketknome, thanks10:23
cfhowlett|zer0|, /boot    holds your kernels.  if you don't do spring cleaning, it can fill up10:23
|zer0|<cfhowlett> excellent, I will keep that command handy, thanks again10:23
=== meh is now known as Guest31927
xubuntu89wcfhowlett: it is set to check for updates daily but still there was 200MB to donload in yesterday and i found them manually.10:49
xubuntu41whello there, can i ask a rather simple question?12:43
xubuntu41wi installed some documentation packages using the software center. any advice where these are stored so i can open them?12:44
xubuntu41we.g. matplotlib, mysql documentation etc12:44
brainwashxubuntu41w: open a terminal window and run "dpkg -L <package>" to list the content of an installed package12:45
xubuntu41wohh well, i see. thanks a lot brainwash!12:48
=== zz_Bl4ckSh4d0w is now known as RedDeath
=== RedDeath is now known as Guest68841
=== Guest68841 is now known as Bl4ckSh4d0w
taneI just installed 14.04 on my machine, and i'm missing the default bottom panel with the internetbrowser etc. Is there any way to restore it, like it was on 12.x and 13.x?14:30
cfhowletttane, nope.  just add the panel14:31
taneso essentially i have to place all buttons by myself?14:31
cfhowletttane,  yep14:32
tanecfhowlett, thank you for that information :)14:32
cfhowletttane, happy2help14:33
GridCubetane, you need an addon, like status-4-evar or The Addon Bar (restored)14:46
taneah ok, well, i'll try that when i miss it then, for now i'll try to work with those shortcuts, but thanks!14:47
cfhowletttane, for guidance, log into the guest account, note the arrangement of the bottom panel and reproduce in your user account14:48
taneok, i just wondered what the motivation behind this change was14:48
GridCubetane, ask firefox gui designers14:49
GridCubeit was quite a bother when it happened to many of us14:49
GridCubebut you just learn to live with people changing your tools because you don't really know how to code them yourself14:50
taneyeah.. i used ubuntu because it came out of the box like a system i'd configure manually (so i could get on with my own coding :)14:51
tanebut it still does, so everything seems fine, good job! :)14:51
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xubuntu36wi'm unable to run the update from 13.10 to 14.04. the prompt comes up but when i accept it it does nothing15:54
GridCubexubuntu36w, try from a terminal and run, sudo do-release-upgrade15:58
xubuntu36wseems to have worked. thanks15:59
xubuntu36wand all of my settings and programs inusestay the same right?16:01
xubuntu36w*in use stay16:01
GridCubein theory yes16:01
xubuntu36whow 'bout in practice?16:02
GridCubeyou always have to keep backups of your sensitive data before doing any change on your system16:02
deshiputhat we will see16:02
GridCubewe run tests and many of us have done upgrades with no problems, but then again, you never know16:02
GridCubeyou are indeed changing whole parts of your system16:02
xubuntu36wis it wirth it?16:03
GridCubesure it is16:03
GridCubeyou can always log in in the guest account and fix things if something fails for some reason16:03
GridCubeor go to the rescue system and re-run the install xubuntu-desktop16:03
GridCubesometimes, things fail, and there is no preventing that can avoid it16:04
GridCubebut in general, you should be safe16:04
GridCubeand its a general good idea to keep backups of your sensitive data anyway16:04
xubuntu36wwhats the chance for data loss or total failure16:05
GridCubenot high at all16:05
GridCubeyou should be fine16:05
xubuntu36wjust a tad worried16:05
GridCubebut do notice the should, its always better to be ready for when something fails than get a nasty surprise later16:06
GridCubexubuntu36w, you should be, if you understand what you are doing, but you should also be happy to know that if something fails you can come here and we will try to fix it with you16:06
GridCubeand then again, its not common for something to fail16:07
xubuntu36wyeah. its just taken me awhile to get everything just right16:07
xubuntu36w70 what?16:09
bazhangwindow 7016:16
xubuntu21wwhy is the software updater asking me for other non-root user?16:21
xubuntu21wwhy is the software updater asking me for other non-root user?16:24
xubuntu21wwhy is the software updater asking me for other non-root user password?16:25
xubuntu21wwhy is the software updater asking me for other non-root user's password?16:25
xubuntu21wi want to be able to get updates with my user16:26
GridCube!patience | xubuntu21w16:27
ubottuxubuntu21w: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:27
xubuntu21walready tried16:28
GridCubeyou can only do updates using your root password16:29
GridCubeyou don't ever need a different password16:29
GridCubexubuntu21w, there is no user "root" in ubuntu16:29
xubuntu21wi know16:29
xubuntu21wi'm not root16:29
xubuntu21wi have two non-root users16:29
Henry___Hello. New user here. Set up 5 'sleve' Xubuntu PCs as a render farm forr Blender 3D. Have 6th laptop to run as Master....16:30
xubuntu21wif i try to install updates with my user, it's ask me for the other non-root user password16:30
Henry___I can't even figure out how to make my File Sytem drive writable :(16:30
Henry___all options on File Sys Props are greyed out16:31
Henry___any clue how to make my drive read/write for ME and for network connected PCs?16:33
xubuntu48wis xubuntu 14.10 beta frozen? there is now update in Firefox17:51
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for that please17:52
xubuntu48wwhen will xubuntu 14.10 release?17:52
bazhang!14.10 | xubuntu48w17:53
ubottuxubuntu48w: Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) is the next development release of Ubuntu due for release in October 2014. Support in #ubuntu+1. For more info, see the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/136317:53
xubuntu48wahhh, thx. I did not know17:53
xubuntu48wok thanks17:54
BlueHelixhi o/19:17
BlueHelixanyone got an idea when xubuntu will recive the patch regarding bash ?19:18
knomeBlueHelix, it already did.19:20
BlueHelixthats nice :) but I didnt recieve any. I still have version 4.3.11(1) after I ran apt-get upgrade19:20
BlueHelixMay be its my apt.source file?19:21
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BlueHelixI run trusty and have "deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty main restricted" in /etc/apt/sources.list19:23
Unit193BlueHelix: What's  env x='() { :;}; echo vulnerable' bash -c "echo this is a test"   give you?19:24
brent2BlueHelix: already patched19:25
BlueHelix:) guess what :) vulnerable19:25
brent2it says "vulnerable"?19:25
brent2should look like this19:25
BlueHelixrunning ubuntu-support-status --show-unsupported shows me No longer downloadable:19:25
ObrienDavewhew! that's what i get \o/19:26
BlueHelixshall I purge bash ?19:26
knomeBlueHelix, no, don't do that.19:27
Unit193So looks like you manually installed it from another source, thus of course it won't give you the update, it's "older".  apt-get install bash=4.3-7ubuntu1.119:28
brent2who needs bash anyway19:28
BlueHelixE: Version '4.3-7ubuntu1.1' for 'bash' was not found19:29
BlueHelixits my sources ... my guess19:29
Unit193...Is that all you have in sources.list?19:30
BlueHelixthats it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8427692/19:31
BlueHelixI do not rememeber installing bash form any other source not building it from source.19:32
Unit193Well that's a bit odd too.19:33
knomeUnit193, maybe it just didn't propagate to de. yet,.19:33
BlueHelixwhats the main trunk ?19:34
Unit193knome: That was my thought, or that he didn't apt-get update.  He doesn't have security.ubuntu.com though either.  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors seems to say de. is up to date.19:34
BlueHelixUnit193:he did19:34
BlueHelixI added "deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty main restricted" by hand but19:35
BlueHelixapt-get update: Ign http://security.ubuntu.com trusty/main Translation-en_US19:36
Unit193deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty-security main restricted19:36
Unit193(This is what I have: http://paste.openstack.org/show/bah75f4tsaVB8pDFClrB)19:37
BlueHelixwow.... 364 to upgrad now.19:40
BlueHelixincluding base-files bash19:40
BlueHelixUnit193: thx19:43
Unit193I also don't see trusty-updates in your list.19:44
emerald_Does anybody happen to know if xubuntu 14.04 LTS has the patched bash version to help with the Shellshock exploit?20:08
ObrienDaveemerald_, i have it patched20:08
Unit1934.3-7ubuntu1.1 is the fixed version for trusty.20:08
emerald_ok I've run 'env X="() { :;} ; echo busted" /bin/sh -c "echo stuff"' and not recieved busted back, so I guess I'm ok?20:11
emerald_well, relatively ok anyways since I've also read that the patching hasn't fully prevented the bug only helped it not be so easy.20:11
huhyep, https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1141597#c23 <- still not patched20:12
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 1141597 in vulnerability "CVE-2014-6271 bash: specially-crafted environment variables can be used to inject shell commands" [Urgent,New]20:12
emerald_Thanks :)20:12
huhIt /probably/ doesn't matter if you delay patching unless you have some sort of web server or open SSH port20:12
huhbut better safe than sorry20:13
emerald_saw it on facebook, figured I'd investigate, not like I have any information to worry about lol20:13
BlueHelixoh no. after the upgrade I get:  initctl: Unknown job: systemd-logind20:38
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* Setsu Back20:46
knomeSetsu, thanks, but we don't need that information20:47
BlueHelixcan I flash the xubuntu.iso with just "dd" on a usbstick that already got xubuntu on it ?20:54
nomicdon't think so20:58
nomicunetbootln etc wipes it20:58
nomicinstalls bootloader onit20:58
BlueHelixsure the image does not contain bootloader in it self?20:59
BlueHelixIts called hybridimage ... ahh I see21:00
Unit193BlueHelix: Yes, the iso is hybrid.21:01
BlueHelixNice ! I love it21:02
xubuntu24wSometimes the firefox be a small window, is that a bug ?21:10
xubuntu24wIs there any site with list of the programs in the softwarecenter online ?21:11
xanguaI just searched software center online21:12
xanguayou should too ;)21:12
xubuntu24wgood idea..21:17
=== LazyUserBNC is now known as LazyUser69
maijinHi everyone o/ Is it a good place to make suggestion?21:29
ObrienDavedepends on the suggestion21:29
maijinMinor, I've just seen that xfburn is installed by default on the distrib21:30
maijincould be nice to detect if burners is available and then install it no?21:30
ObrienDavetoo many different types to detect all21:31
maijinor just detect cdrom present21:31
xanguayou mean not incluid a burner program¿ and neither incluide bluetooth program and installed if there is, and so on¿21:32
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maijinbluetoot support is ok21:32
ObrienDaveyou can always uninstall it21:32
maijincould be nice21:32
maijinyes yes but just reporting that I don't have cdrom player and could be nice not to install that by default :)21:33
maijinif no cd21:33
xanguayou just said is fine21:33
maijinFor bluetooth support it's part of xfce no?21:34
maijini mean it's an applet21:34
xanguanetwork manager is not 'justn an applet' neither21:34
maijinbtw just to report thing :)21:35
ObrienDavethere are literally 10's of THOUSANDS of different hardware combinations. impossible to accout for ALL of them21:35
maijinyes I know :)21:35
ObrienDaveso, what you propose is impossible to achieve21:36
ObrienDavemaybe not impossible but doing so would make the task 1000's of times more difficult21:37
xubuntu24wmaijin: i have also thinking about the same but it can be one day you connect an external cd dvd player.21:39
maijinxubuntu24w: You right :p21:39
xubuntu24whow do you send private messages in here ?21:40
maijinBtw very efficient distrib, really like it21:40
maijin /query maijin21:40
maijinThanks all guys for your great work =)21:41
ObrienDavexubuntu24w, you right click the name and "open dialog window"21:42
ObrienDavexubuntu24w, which IRC client?21:42
wrongplaceis there a xubuntu touch?22:10
xubuntu19whello. i've had to update via the erminal to 14.04. where do i go from here: http://imgur.com/v3UOvXb22:34
knomexubuntu19w, type exit to return to the installation22:38
xubuntu19wand from there?22:38
xubuntu19woh shit it's gone22:39
knomeplease watch the language; this is a family-friendly channel22:39
xubuntu19wsorry. the terminal is just gone!22:39
xubuntu19wwhat do i do22:41
knomexubuntu19w, what do you mean with the terminal? the terminal emulator window, or something else?22:45
Unit193What do you mean by 'it's gone'?  Typing 'exit' will "complete" the difference and continue configuring the rest of the packages.22:45
xubuntu19wyes the window22:45
xubuntu19wthe window seems to have closed22:45
xubuntu19won its own22:46
Unit193Just to make sure, you don't have two workspaces do you?22:46
xubuntu19wno i have 2. i've checked them both22:47
Unit193Alright, well it shouldn't have and doesn't generally for me.  Open a terminal and type  sudo dpkg --configure -a22:47
xubuntu19wdpkg: error: dpkg status database is locked by another process22:48
Unit193Meaning, yes, dpkg is still running.22:48
xubuntu19wso, what do i do?22:48
Unit193Check that it's actually still locked by an active process, before forcefully removing the lock.22:54
xubuntu19wand i do that how?22:56
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
Unit193xubuntu19w: Use `lsof` to find what pid is using the lockfile, then see if you can find any terminal that has it, and if that's really missing, then you may have to kill dpkg.23:09
xubuntu19wUnit193, i have absolutely no clue what i'm looking at23:11
wrongplacei cant find daa2iso anywhere. Just installed it from the repo23:42
Unit193wrongplace: Look a little harder?  `dpkg -L daa2iso | grep bin`, `which daa2iso`, `type daa2iso`, `apt-cache policy daa2iso`23:45
bazhang!info daa2iso23:45
ubottudaa2iso (source: daa2iso): The DAA files (Direct Access Archive) to ISO converting tool. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.7e-1 (trusty), package size 21 kB, installed size 84 kB23:45
bazhangit 's cli , right?23:46
wrongplacethx Unit19323:47
Unit193bazhang: Yeah.23:47

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