
marcoceppihazmat: I ran in to an issue00:36
marcoceppihatch ^^00:36
marcoceppibut he's offline00:36
marcoceppiI'll file bugs00:36
rick_h_marcoceppi: definitely, anything big?00:40
marcoceppirick_h_: well, commit doesn't tell me anything00:40
marcoceppilike I press commit00:40
marcoceppithen wait00:40
marcoceppiand hope00:40
marcoceppiand pray00:40
rick_h_huh? you don't get the summary? 00:40
marcoceppiwell, I get summary00:40
rick_h_and then all the blue circles should turn yellow00:40
marcoceppithen I'm like "make it so"00:40
marcoceppinot after some time of lag00:41
rick_h_and then they turn off the cirlces as Juju takes the commands?00:41
marcoceppiand it says X items to commit at the bottom00:41
marcoceppineeds like a spinner00:41
marcoceppior something on the commit button00:41
rick_h_marcoceppi: hmm, ok. We'll take a look at it. 00:41
marcoceppiso I know it's working00:41
rick_h_it should be resetting the button after you commit00:41
marcoceppia few times I tried to deploy and never got the confirmation screen on commit00:41
rick_h_we allow you to stack sets of changes, you don't have to wait for one to complete before starting another one00:41
marcoceppihad to hard refresh and try again00:41
marcoceppiI didn't capture any debug output00:42
marcoceppiI'll try again to replicate00:42
rick_h_ok, what provider was this? Was the network slow? I want to try to match up our QA/replication. 00:42
marcoceppiit was local provider and I was connect to my home machine over sshuttle00:42
rick_h_marcoceppi: ok, thanks a ton for the feedback. I can see where there might be some issues to make more solid there. 00:42
marcoceppisince I was 25 machines deep00:42
marcoceppirick_h_: np, I'll try to videotape/record the issue with deploying a service if it crops up again00:43
marcoceppihard to explain00:43
rick_h_ok, we can try to replicate some slower network and do some more looking at it. Most of our QA is just our machine on lxc, ec2, azure, and maas00:43
marcoceppiotherwise it was a great experience00:43
rick_h_ok cool, hopefully worth the growing pains of a new release the day of00:43
marcoceppiIw as able to answer the density question by using the machine view00:43
rick_h_we'll get it more polished for sure00:43
marcoceppihah, worth it00:43
marcoceppiI explained that this was like brand new00:43
marcoceppiand played it down00:43
marcoceppieveryone loves a live demo anyways00:43
rick_h_you know it00:43
rick_h_yea, please do file bugs with as much info as you can pull together and we'll look into it. 00:44
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* fabrice going for lunch with friends09:47
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rick_h_boom! https://insights.ubuntu.com/2014/09/26/juju-machine-view-more-control-at-your-fingertips/11:31
rick_h_go team go, go team go!11:31
rick_h_luca__: ok email to canonical-tech sent12:08
luca__rick_h_: nice12:08
* rick_h_ ducks12:14
rick_h_ok, posts out, email out, sharing has begun, filed over at the juju reddit...now time for breakfast12:18
jcsackettthere's a juju reddit?12:31
jcsacketthuh. i'll be damned. neat.12:31
rick_h_Makyo's video is outpacing mine. They love his professional tones! :)12:42
jcsackettMakyo does have a very good "presenting" voice.12:45
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jcsackettrick_h_: did we test the charm with charm-upgrade? b/c for grins i upgraded my installation this morning (for my blog and stuff) and i'm not seeing changes. :(13:35
jcsackettupgraded to cs:trusty/juju-gui-813:36
rick_h_jcsackett: so it worked on staging and had an error on production13:36
rick_h_jcsackett: check for an error with a symlink command. frankban was looking into it and seeing it he could replicate it13:36
jcsackettrick_h_: did it come up in `juju status`? b/c i'm getting no errors reported.13:37
rick_h_jcsackett: not sure, it was noted in the RT that they hit the error and worked around it by killing the directory and resolving/retry. 13:37
frankbanjcsackett: have you set juju-gui-source to 1.2.0?13:37
rick_h_which I guess means it hit an error13:37
rick_h_frankban: oh that's a good point, we have those notes in the prodstack stuff but that's non-obvious if people just try to upgrade their charm :/13:38
rick_h_ugh, that's a horrible ux sorry jcsackett. Never thought about that 13:38
jcsackettfrankban: my gui-source appears to be "local".13:39
frankbanrick_h_: yeah updating the charm does not mean updating the GUI currently, and that's not obvious13:39
rick_h_jcsackett: yea, set it to 1.2.013:39
rick_h_and then watch out13:39
jcsackettfrankban, rick_h_: does setting gui-source to stable work, or explicit revision required?13:39
frankbanjcsackett: yeah, but since it didn't change, config-changed does not re-run the GUI installation13:39
frankbanjcsackett: stable should work13:40
jcsackettfrankban: well, it's "local" now, so switching to "stable" will run config-changed for me, right?13:40
rick_h_jcsackett: right, you have to trigger some sort of 'change' and in production we set a hard value. 13:40
frankbanjcsackett: but then next time you'll still have to change "stable" to something else, so I'd prefer the specific version13:40
jcsackettah, but then i'll have to set it again to update next time. ok, explicit revision it is. :)13:40
jcsackettfrankban: indeed. :p13:40
rick_h_that darn disconnect between a charm and what it does vs the software contained. 13:41
* jcsackett nods13:41
jcsackettrick_h_: it actually makes sense, if i stopped to think about it.13:42
rick_h_jcsackett: yea, but it is still a horrible UX. I'm trying to think of how one would make that more seemless13:42
jcsackettrick_h_: i wouldn't want my charm to be tied to the version of the software it installs. ghost is that way now (version is set in the charm and it's a bit of a pain.13:42
rick_h_jcsackett: yea, it's not an easy fix for sure13:42
frankbanrick_h_: we could introduce a new "latest" juju-gui-source option, meaning each time the charm is updated the last revision is downloaded from lp13:43
jcsackettwhoo! update worked, no problems.13:43
rick_h_frankban: hmm, and cron up something that watches it?13:43
rick_h_frankban: I was thinking the ideal way would be to get a notification into the GUI itself on charm upgrade or something13:44
rick_h_frankban: "There's a new version of the GUI available, would you like to upgrade?"13:44
rick_h_frankban: and then the gui can set the source on itself :)13:44
rick_h_jcsackett: awesome, <313:44
jcsackettthat would be pretty cool, actually.13:44
frankbanrick_h_: not really a cron, I'd still prefer an explicit user action. it should just run when you upgrade the charm13:45
rick_h_but I'm not sure how the GUI would know it had a new source available or something. And what happened if you intentionally set an older version13:45
rick_h_frankban: that's true, if you upgrade the charm and the old source isn't there and a new one is, upgrading that source seems resonable at first glance13:45
rick_h_the tarball that is, in the releases folder13:46
hazmatMakyo, nice work on the voice over the screencast.. you got some complements on it13:54
luca__Is this sentence true or false? “In the CLI (command line interface) each unit has to be placed using a specific command, this tends to be quite laborious with most developers scripting it. “14:20
rick_h_luca__: not sure checking if add-unit can take a list of placement directives14:20
luca__rick_h_: cool :)14:21
rick_h_luca__: hmm, help text isn't clear, I'll have to test it out biab14:21
luca__rick_h_: ok14:22
luca__rick_h_: I just wanted to express the problem14:22
rick_h_luca__: yea, I think that's true, but don't want to lie to you14:23
luca__rick_h_: I’ll run with it for now14:24
rick_h_luca__: bah, hitting ec2 issues due to the big reboot today 14:24
lazyPowerrick_h_: at some point today, you guys need to pull together an animated gif team photo of your team in front of the machine view gui, and all of you just drop the mic and walk off frame.14:29
rick_h_lazyPower: lol14:29
hatchholy we have the main page14:35
rick_h_hatch: when you get your post up let me know and I'll make sure to reshare things out as much as I can14:37
hatchyeah sure I'll just make some updates now14:37
hatchrick_h_:  was there one from design somhwere too?14:38
rick_h_luca__: ^14:39
rick_h_and Makyo's video races ahead to 100 views https://www.youtube.com/user/celebrateubuntu wheee14:44
luca__rick_h_: mine is out for review14:45
rick_h_luca__: gotcha hatch ^14:46
hatchcool, luca will it be up today?14:46
MakyoNot a big deal, but any chance of changing my name on the post?  It's fine if not, just a bit of a clash with the video.14:48
rick_h_Makyo: on the insights one? Did I use matt?14:51
Makyorick_h_, yeah, toward the bottom. Maybe it's just the title of the video, not sure.14:52
rick_h_Makyo: I've put in a request for update 14:52
MakyoNot a big deal.14:52
MakyoAh, thanks rick_h_ :)14:52
rick_h_no, it's a good deal. Sorry about that. It wasn't in my write up but they probably grabbed it from somewhere internalaly14:53
MakyoYEah, that's fine!  Since it's taking forever to change it legally, it hasn't propagated.14:54
hatchluca__: do you think it'll be live today?15:12
rick_h_heh, the luca__ tell all book of the century! or blog post forced upon him by peer pressure :P15:13
luca__hatch: yes15:14
luca__it’ll be done!15:14
luca__writting blog posts is so hard15:14
rick_h_luca__: what time are we all meeting at the bar?15:14
luca__I can never dedicate time for it15:14
luca__11am? :D15:15
* rick_h_ heads for early lunch biab15:27
hatchluca__: ok when you're thing is up can you ping me with the url so i can add it to my post?15:32
luca__hatch: sure thing, Ale is just reading it now15:32
hatchThis is interesting http://www.getpostman.com/ looks like CURL but for the browser15:37
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rick_h_Makyo: name updated15:47
luca__rick_h_: hatch ale has had to run off so I’m not sure if she’ll read it today but I’ve the doc with you guys. If you can read it and give feedback that would be great.16:08
hatchok sure sounds good16:08
Makyorick_h_, thanks!16:28
rick_h_jujugui I'm going to EOD early and head out. Thanks again for the great release day! Have a good weekend17:28
lazyPowerhttps://plus.google.com/100016143571682046224/posts/PaVGh51FYCR - i'm just going to leave this here...17:35
jcsackettlazyPower: awesome!17:49
=== fabrice|out is now known as fabrice
=== lazyPower is now known as lazyPower|Spinni
fabricehave a good week end everyone20:23
sebas5384what a nice surprise to see the "machine view" in the https://jujucharms.com :)21:07
sebas5384what a beautiful work! 21:07
rick_h_sebas5384: <3 21:24
sebas5384rick_h_: :D21:50
sebas5384rick_h_: I think we have some problems with the charm store search22:19
sebas5384some charms where missing22:25
rick_h_sebas5384: let me know which ones are missing and I'll look. We can check if they pass proof (they won't show if they don't) or something else. 22:46
sebas5384rick_h_: i think they are back to normal now22:49
rick_h_sebas5384: ah ok, sometimes when the stuff updates and the fulltext index is hit they fade for a few min22:50
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sebas5384ahh ok23:31
sebas5384rick_h_: we started to work in a juju client api23:32
sebas5384in javascript23:33
sebas5384inspired in the macumba project :P23:33
sebas5384but we are a little dependent of the socket opened by the juju-gui23:34
rick_h_sebas5384: ok, we've been removing promises as we hit some issues with them in use if they are to the A+ spec23:53
rick_h_sebas5384: https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/blob/develop/app/store/env/go.js is our api 23:53
sebas5384hmmm rick_h_ good to know23:58

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