
=== zz_Setsu is now known as RedDeath
=== RedDeath is now known as Guest42059
=== Guest42059 is now known as setsu
=== setsu is now known as RedDeath
qwerkushello. Yesterday I tried dual monitoring on lubuntu10:03
qwerkus14.04 with xrandr. Worked fine. Today, I boot up an get a blank desktop (background + mouse)10:04
qwerkushow can I fix it ?10:04
koellqwerkus: so there are no panels there or the menu at the bottom?10:07
qwerkusexactly. ctrl+alt+t doesn't work either.10:07
koellqwerkus: so does every restart fail?10:08
koelldid you put the xrandr command in the autostart config file?10:09
koellim using xrandr as well and just put it there so after login i got dual monitor setup10:09
qwerkusbut I had to try it first, so I used a term, and entered the commands manually10:10
qwerkusis there a log file somewhere showing what's going on after lighdm passes over to lxde ?10:11
koellbut if you only try it is reset after restart and now that problem appears?10:11
qwerkusyes; that's why my guess is that it's not xrandr related10:12
rockworldmiHi all.11:43
rockworldmii am unable to boot into LiveDVD on hp45011:43
rockworldmii have disabled uefi but still not working11:44
qwerkusstill facing a blank desktop here; no clue where the problem is..12:24
zy3pDmouse visible?12:26
zy3pDtried with a seound monitor? maybe drivers are missing12:27
zy3pDor with Ctrl+Alt+F1 on terminal?12:27
qwerkusxorg.0.log shows no problem with nouveau12:28
qwerkusit's a laptop though12:28
zy3pDso additional drivers are missing12:34
qwerkusyou mean nvidia bins ?12:35
qwerkusha: works. Turns out there was no space left on /12:39
qwerkusclear some space; problem fixed12:39
qwerkusI think I already experienced this somewhere12:40
qwerkusthere should be a quick check upon boot time12:40
qwerkusto see if there is enough space left12:40
pacmycAfter latest update on lubuntu 64-bit the computer freezes for about 1 minute when the "logout"-button is pressed on the "start menu". I never had any issues like this before. After a minute the logout menu appears and seem to be working. Any ideas? Or hints which log log files to check=16:13
yz3pDpacmyc, i had the same problem! installed additional display drivers...runs fast16:14
pacmycok i'll try that, thanx16:16
taiebotWouah guys i have just updated to the latest updates today and i won 60Mb of ram on startup. I am on 14.04 and i have proposed as updates. if i login as the guest session it uses only 140mb of ram that's a massive improvement.19:21
wxltaiebot: that's interesting. wonder if it was bash's fault hahahah19:24
ianorlinwxl for bug 1374546 what am I supposed to strace?19:27
ubottubug 1374546 in lxsession (Ubuntu) "lxsession-default does not launch in reattached screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137454619:27
wxlianorlin: the command(s) you're running19:27
taiebotwxl: Did someone notice the same improvement? i do think its more related to the kernel update19:27
wxltaiebot: can't say i've been paying attention.19:29
taiebotwxl: I have a widget always on, with ram and cpu displayed. I did clearly notice after i updated a big improvement on startup19:33
BuntuTechhello lubuntites20:14
holsteinBuntuTech: hello, and welcome .. be sure to use the #lubuntu-offtopic channel for casual chatting20:50
BuntuTechwhat casual chatting im just sitting here20:55
kamikaze1993could someone help me get my wifi card intel 6235 to get more stabil?22:10
dresdenhow do I force lxpanel to load on my primary display if my external monitor is positioned left?23:04

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