
silverliongood $daytime to you ;)07:34
elfymorning silverlion07:39
silverlionhey elfy my friend :D07:39
silverlionfinally someone to distract me from the boring tasks I am doing :D07:39
* silverlion has to work through like 2 TB of data 07:42
silverlionluckily I am allowed to do that from HomeOffice so I can wear what I want :D07:43
* elfy is going to busy eating and drinking today 07:43
elfymight read a bit too07:43
silverlionI need to understand inkscape for job07:44
silverlionand finally get a php project draft ready to present on monday07:44
elfysounds like you've been a busy bee07:45
silverliontry to be ^07:47
elfygood for you07:48
silverlionwell I'd like to have the day off07:48
* silverlion feels lazy today07:48
dpmmorning all o/07:52
silverliongood morning everybody07:53
=== czajkows1i is now known as czajkowski
popeyczajkowski: thank you for the clicker!07:54
* popey tested it, and now wants one07:55
* popey goes to get train ticket.. biab07:55
czajkowskipopey: lol np08:08
czajkowskihappy clicking08:08
dholbachall rightie... getting ready for travelling to xda:devcon09:52
dholbachsee you! :)09:52
popeysee you there!09:52
* silverlion definetly wants to visit one big ubuntu conference10:01
popey---> train10:02
silverlionpopey : where are you going?10:02
=== ara_ is now known as ara
bkerensa_jono: ping17:42

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