
seb128good morning desktopers07:44
didrockshey willcooke, seb12807:44
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didrockshey Laney08:04
Laneyhey didrocks08:05
Laneyhappy friday!08:05
didrockshappy friday Laney :)08:05
didrockshey mvo_! how can I get more info on a system where apt-get dist-upgrade is stuck on "Reading package lists... 0%"?08:05
mvo_didrocks: uh, what does strace -p say?08:08
seb128hey Laney, happy friday!08:09
mvo_hey seb128 and Laney, happy friday08:10
seb128hey mvo_, to you too!08:10
Laneyhey hey08:11
Laneyhow's it going?08:11
Laneyyou guys got exciting weekend plans? ;-)08:11
didrocksmvo_: nothing that I can spot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8431273/08:12
mvo_didrocks: and this goes on? i.e. its reading its packages lists?08:13
didrocksmvo_: no, it's stuck this way08:13
mvo_didrocks: oh, so the last call is read() and then nothing?08:14
didrocksdefective file/FHS?08:14
mvo_didrocks: hm, could it be something with the sd card or somesuch?08:14
mvo_didrocks: read returned size == num  so there is more data to read08:14
didrocksmvo_: can be, so I should remove the file at fd 6?08:14
didrocksto rebuild with apt-get update08:15
darkxstHey all08:17
seb128ok, I'm out for some errands and lunch outside09:15
seb128back in some hours09:15
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didrocksFJKong: done! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FanjunKong#preview13:54
didrocksFJKong: you should maybe state that you apply for ubuntu membership in the first stenza13:54
seb128kenvandine, hey13:57
seb128kenvandine, I set some mps up for the storage panel changes we discussed13:57
kenvandinelooks like another big landing day :)13:59
kenvandineseb128, but settings is stuck in proposed :/13:59
kenvandineautopkgtest failures from uss-oa13:59
kenvandinelooks like system-settings isn't even starting13:59
FJKongdidrocks: thanks, I will modify later14:00
seb128kenvandine, :-(14:00
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seb128kenvandine, the oa issue was probably due to the buggy mesa, cjwatson deleted that version from proposed14:06
seb128kenvandine, we should just retry the tests, I'm doing that14:06
kenvandineseb128, thx!14:06
seb128kenvandine, imho you can force m&c with skip_not_in_dest and start another landing14:08
kenvandineseb128, ok, will do that14:09
didrocksas long as you hang on to the delivery, there is really no issue in using skip_not_in_dest :)14:09
kenvandinewe're going to get a good size queue of branches to land today... so expediting that is a good thing14:11
happyaronseb128: can you approve the upload of ubuntukylin-default-settings?14:15
seb128happyaron, no, I'm not in the release team14:16
happyaronlet me check on #-release14:16
LaneyPeople, including me, are polling the queue regularly14:16
happyaronso just waiting14:17
Laneyit's only been there for 2 minutes atm14:17
seb128kenvandine, thanks for approving the storage tweaks ;-)14:50
seb128kenvandine, btw there is a second one that adds the freespace info in about going with it, would be nice to get in the same landing14:50
seb128kenvandine, we couldn't do that before because the "free space about partition" computation is slow, but having it for the user dir is easy ;-)14:51
kenvandinei just approved it :)14:51
ricotzLaney, hi, you didnt pick up the changes of debian's 2.40.0-3 :\ for trusty15:21
Laneyoops must have forgot15:21
Laneyfile a debdiff15:22
ricotz/usr/bin/gapplication is really needed15:22
kenvandineseb128, i have a landing building in silo 4, after it lands and merges, lets update the pot file and merge to trunk15:31
kenvandineand i'll do another small landing after it so we get the pot file updates15:31
* kenvandine is weary of including any of those in a landing with other branches :)15:32
kenvandinebut this landing includes the keywords and the wifi dialong thing, lots of strings15:32
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seb128kenvandine, +1 from me16:13
seb128kenvandine, we are likely to have small fixes that keep coming anyway16:14
seb128kenvandine, one thing you can do is to commit the update pot to trunk, including the strings that are not in trunk yet16:20
seb128kenvandine, so translator can work on those before the code land16:20
kenvandineoh right... good point16:21
seb128kenvandine, but translations are not going to be autocommited to trunk before tomorrow anyway so they are not going to be in this landing16:21
seb128still nicer for translations16:21
kenvandinei could go ahead and merge those two branches together and generate a pot16:21
kenvandineand push just the pot to trunk16:21
seb128I would just take whatever you put for landing16:21
seb128e.g merge all the approved branches16:21
seb128run make pot there16:22
seb128and commit the update to trunk16:22
kenvandineyeah, then i have to wait until after the landing... i thought you suggested updating the pot first16:22
seb128why do you have to wait?16:22
kenvandineoh.. .i re-read now ;)16:22
seb128just do that in your local tree you use to test the landing16:23
seb128or in the srcpackage from the ppa16:23
kenvandinethat's a good idea ;)16:23
kenvandineeasier than merging them all manually16:23
kenvandineso make pot16:23
kenvandinethen sed out those paths?16:23
seb128or don't16:24
seb128that's just cosmetic16:24
seb128e.g if you want to minimize diff or don't want to have your builddir path in there16:25
seb128but it's working without seding, most people updating it seems to not care16:25
kenvandineseb128, ok, pushing to trunk :)16:39
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Laneyhappy weekend #ubuntu-desktop!17:02
Sweetsharkseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/utopic/4.3.2/ <- prepared, disabled mergedlibs for now.17:03
SweetsharkBut lets not make a friday evening upload, I guess that can wait for monday.17:04
Sweetshark... and with that I join Laney: happy weekend, everyone!17:06
seb128Sweetshark, k, do we really want to disable mergelibs as well?17:12
seb128Laney, thanks, you as well!17:12
Sweetsharkseb128: as long as we dont have a proper fix for the bug, yes.17:39
Sweetsharkseb128: the base users are a minority compared to other parts of the suite, but they will be very loud when we break their toy. And they are still more users than for many other projects of the desktop, I guess.17:41
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ricotzSweetshark, exactly, seeing how fast the reaction came17:43
willcookeEOD - good weekend all17:45
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