
infinitywxl: Getting there.00:04
knomei guess i'm the only one around who could push the xubuntu announcement to our website, and i'm about to hit the bed00:05
wxlinfinity: no worries, just checking00:06
knomeso our announcement will most probably be a tad late :)00:06
infinityknome: Announcements matching reality is probably not critical. ;)00:06
knomenot really, but just FYI, if somebody wonders what's going on00:06
wxlknome: just stay out of ubuntu+1 :)00:07
infinitywxl: So, skipping ppc entirely, despite the tests that claim to have been done?00:09
infinityOh, done but all failed because it didn't boot. :P00:09
wxlinfinity: i know they're only 32 bit00:09
infinitySkipping away.00:09
* wxl nods00:09
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mdeslaurcan someone please reject 4.3-9ubuntu3 from the queue, please01:40
mdeslaursorry, bash 4.3-9ubuntu301:40
infinitymdeslaur: With pleasure.01:46
mdeslaurinfinity: thanks01:47
infinitymdeslaur: Yet another fix needed?01:47
mdeslaurinfinity: build issue, bison isn't regenerating the file from the patched source because of a timestamp issue01:48
infinitymdeslaur: Whoops.01:48
mdeslaurinfinity: what's the filesystem used on the builders?01:49
infinitymdeslaur: ext3/ext4, depending (so, yes, some might not have micro-second timestamps, if that's your issue)01:50
mdeslauryeah, I've hit that a couple times01:52
infinitymdeslaur: The vast majority are ext4 at this point, but that's not something one should rely on (and I consider it a bug if a build system needs precision timestamps anyway, since it rules out building on a lot of filesystems)01:54
* mdeslaur nods01:55
=== infinity changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Released: Trusty Final, Utopic Beta 2 | Archive: Feature Freeze | Utopic Release Coordination. Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team | We accept payment in cash, check or beer | melior malum quod cognoscis
=== infinity changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Released: Trusty 14.04.1, Utopic Beta 2 | Archive: Feature Freeze | Utopic Release Coordination. Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team | We accept payment in cash, check or beer | melior malum quod cognoscis
wxlyay we're released04:12
loolwould a RT member mind reviewing and releasing network-manager from unapproved? it brings wifi scan fixes that we need in RTM for the wifi based positioning08:23
LaneyI assumed we'd unfreeze08:31
apwLaney, we have nominally remained in hard freeze from beta to final so that things in main get extra review (iirc)08:36
apw(final beta)08:36
LaneyMaybe, I forgot what we did last time08:38
apwthat is my memory, i don08:39
apwdon't think it is intended to imply a higher bar, just more care being applied08:39
LaneyI know08:39
Laneylool: no patch headers, bug reference or description of the problem being solved :( - forwarded upstream?08:43
infinityLaney: Can you hunt down the uploader of that gtk+3.0 and investigate if it breaks ABI?08:59
infinityLaney: At a glance, it looks like it's altering argument counts for at least one non-static function (but that might just be hard to read right in the diff context), which would need at best a symbol version bump, at worst, a new SOVER.09:00
infinityLaney: (I'd do the hunting myself, but I should be asleep, and need to be up again in ~4h)09:00
infinityLaney: Actually, I'm going to reject it, pending further investigation, just in case.  But please do hunt down said person and see about investigating properly.09:03
loolLaney: yes, this was discussed with upstream09:04
loolcyphermox: ^ do you have upstream references for the NM changes?09:05
cyphermoxit was on IRC, really09:05
cyphermoxwe came up with a solution that was proposed to dcbw, and we all mutually agreed this was what was required09:05
cyphermoxI'm not sure tvoss posted the patch yet09:06
cyphermoxperhaps I'll just go ahead and ship it to the mailing list now09:06
LaneyI picture it disappearing into the void09:06
cyphermoxLaney: ?09:06
LaneyIf not forwarded upstream09:06
loolcyphermox: can we open a bugzilla ticket with the patch?09:06
cyphermoxsure can09:07
Laneywould it be bad to reupload with the reference?09:07
Laneyor, I guess there's a VCS?09:07
Laneyinfinity: Okay, I'll see in a minute09:08
cyphermoxit will be in ~network-manager/network-manager/ubuntu shortly09:08
Laneyseb128: ^? did you upload gtk by any chance?09:08
loolLaney: this is fairly urgent I'm afraid09:08
LaneyIsn't it always :)09:11
LaneyI accepted it - please update the VCS with the appropriate headers09:12
loolcyphermox: ^ if you dont mind09:13
seb128Laney, yes I did for printing/cred, why?09:14
seb128shouldn't be an abi change, it's in the printing code which is used only by gtk itself09:14
seb128that's a backport from gtk 3.1309:15
infinityseb128: Can you double-check it doesn't affect any exported functions?09:15
LaneyIt seems from first glance to change the signature of exported symbols09:15
infinityseb128: The diff sure made it look like it might.09:15
seb128sorry I have to go, I can do that this afternoon09:15
seb128I just sponsored a backport of an upstream commit09:15
seb128that change is in debian unstable btw and they didn't change anything afaik09:15
seb128but I can check later09:15
infinityseb128: At first glance, it only looks like added args, so wouldn't be an ABI break, just an ABI progression (ie: need symbols min versions updated), but I could also just not be getting enough context.09:16
seb128that's not an external symbol afaik09:16
seb128the print module is just used by gtk itself09:16
infinityseb128: "just used by gtk itself" is a statement, not necessarily a reality.  If the symbols are public symbols in an object we ship, and that object has an ABI, it has a contract.09:17
infinityUnless it's a plugin that literally only GTK *can* load.09:17
seb128ok, discard it, I don't care09:17
infinityAnyhow, just have a check sometime.  If my glance was wrong, cool, we can accept from rejected.09:17
seb128well, I fail to see what outside gtk would load the gtk print dialog09:18
seb128but I don't have the slots to do work on that, I though it would be a no issue change09:18
seb128so if it's not let's drop it09:18
ogra_could someone unembargo the hud package from unaccepted ?09:19
ogra_(i need it for a pending fix)09:19
infinity(base)adconrad@cthulhu:~$ nm -D /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgtk-3.so.0.1200.2 | grep gtk_print_backend_set_password09:22
infinity0000000000318bd0 T gtk_print_backend_set_password09:22
infinityseelaman: FWIW, definitely not in a plugin.09:22
infinityseb left.  Bah.09:22
cjwatsoninfinity: Any reason I shouldn't start working my way through the queue?09:39
rbasakbcache-tools has in the Utopic NEW queue for a while now, if you have time to look at that.09:40
cjwatsonoh I was talking about unapproved, new is a different headspace ...09:40
infinitycjwatson: Work away.09:41
infinitycjwatson: Fairly sure you can ignore half of it (all the KDE stuff), which I expect Riddell/ScottK to get to soon.09:41
infinitycjwatson: But all the pending syncs probably want love.09:41
infinity(and oh, how we all love reviewing syncs)09:41
infinitycjwatson: Though, if you're, y'know, bored for a few minutes, getting to the bottom of the grub2/ppc64el breakage (or reverting to the cross-build hack for now) would be nice.09:42
infinityNot that I ever verified that it didn't work, I just took your word for it and didn't release that ISO.09:43
cjwatsoninfinity: There were patches on grub-devel this morning which I'm going to apply09:43
cjwatsonWell, not for the nvram bit09:44
infinitycjwatson: I haven't looked at how it works now.  It's still building a 32eb binary, right, just using the native toolchain?09:44
cjwatsonBut at least for the VSX chaos09:44
infinitycjwatson: Kay.  When you think it's all fixed, I should try it on my old PowerStation, to make sure it's happy on old very big-endian-only kit.09:45
infinityThough testing on a POWER3/4/5 would be ideal, since that also rules out accidental AltiVec leakage too.  But what are the odds?09:45
infinityOh, except testing it on my machine would mean manually extracting the binary from the ppc64el package.  That's a bit of a pain.09:49
infinityAlright, I'm giving up on the fiction that I'll be able to sleep between now and when the exterminators come to tear apart my apartment.09:54
* cjwatson raises eyebrows at queuebot09:59
cjwatsoninfinity: I've reviewed all the syncs in the queue with the exception of libav, which I requested.10:04
loolhey, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html shows network-manager has been waiting for autopkgtests "in progress", but it's been 3 britney passes that they are finished and green in jenkins10:40
loolit looks like britney is not getting the right status from the tests10:40
cjwatsonfilm at 1110:40
rbasakCould this be anything to do with the recent maintenance?10:41
cjwatsonit's just broken sometimes10:41
cjwatsonthat said10:42
cjwatsonwhen I go to the "private" link for friends, the job is apparently still running10:42
loolthe public one has a recent date and is finished10:42
cjwatsonthough not the n-m one10:42
loolah friends10:42
cjwatsonthe public one is basically just informational10:42
cjwatsonthe relevant status file on snakefruit is dated a bit over an hour ago ...10:43
cjwatsonbut screw it, I'll just force it10:43
cjwatsondon't have time for subtlety10:43
cjwatsonhint committed10:44
loolin other news, I intend to do a source + binary copy of qtubuntu-sensors ubuntu2 from ubuntu-rtm to ubuntu as ubuntu as an ubuntu1 source with the same contents, but that's a lower version10:45
loolit might end up in unapproved10:45
cjwatsondon't need to tell us in advance, we'll be notified10:45
davmor2cjwatson 's been committed man we need a plan to break him like they did with murdoch......I love it when a plan comes together.10:46
cjwatsoninfinity: I just realised - the dubious ppc64el changes in grub2 never made it into utopic, because I forgot to do grub2-signed11:03
cjwatsoninfinity: so final beta might be bootable on ppc64el after all ...11:03
oSoMoNhey release team, if I can do anything to help approve webbrowser-app quickly, let me know (this landing only has unintrusive bug fixes, and needless to say, has been thoroughly tested)11:03
cjwatsonoSoMoN: it's ok, we're reasonably on top of the queue at the moment11:04
oSoMoNcool :)11:05
infinitycjwatson: Oh.  I guess I should have actually looked into it and tested instead of taking you at your word.  I guess I could still test that image and release it before it gets culled.11:05
cjwatsoninfinity: might be a plan, yeah11:06
cjwatsonsorry for misinormation11:06
oSoMoNthat was fast indeed, thanks :)11:06
infinitycjwatson: In that case, please don't re-enable dailies, I'll get to testing today/tomorrow.11:06
infinityI guess I could chattr that daily so it can't go away. :P11:07
infinityProbably a bit unfriendly.11:07
cjwatsonor just hack cdimage/etc/purge-days11:07
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cjwatsoncowboy "ubuntu-server 10" in there for a while or something11:08
infinitycjwatson: Oh, yeah, I've done that in the past.11:08
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cjwatsoninfinity: doesn't appear to be bootable on snyder.  Of course, the latest debian-installer was built against the broken grub-ieee1275-bin11:52
infinitycjwatson: Oh, of course it was, cause it was built in proposed.12:06
infinitycjwatson: So, the migration status is meaningless.12:06
infinityAlso, this is an argument for me adding exact (= ) deps to d-i's output.12:07
infinityHave britney enforce a rebuild any time anything it was built with changes.12:07
infinityOr implement Built-Using, fill it in properly, and make Britney enforce that.12:07
infinityThe former is much less effort, though. :)12:07
infinityI suppose we can't avoid properly implementing Built-Using forever though, so we should probably do it.12:08
cjwatsoninfinity: ^- could you review that?  I'm aware the pre-existing code is horrible, and I'm flying blind; but I don't think it can make things worse, and apparently the bug reporter is working to a deadline14:54
cjwatsoninfinity: also, can we turn dailies back on now that we know ppc64el was hosed?14:54
infinityLaney: Did you triple check that that was the only public symbol that was affected by that patch?14:59
infinitycjwatson: Yes to the latter.  Maybe to the former, I'm waiting on exterminators to knock on the door, I can make no promises once they do.15:00
LaneyPretty sure. I gave up trying to fiddle with acc to check though15:00
cjwatsoninfinity: ok, I'll go ahead and do the latter.  I'll keep your purge-days cowboy for a bit though15:01
infinitycjwatson: Huh.  People partition /dev/mdX?  Weirdoes.15:01
cjwatsondmraid apparently15:01
cjwatsonand yeah that's much what I thought15:02
cjwatsonmaybe a consequence of the new dmraid looking like mdadm thing15:02
infinityOh yeah, it would do.15:02
infinityThat pattern just gets prettier on every iteration, doesn't it?15:03
cjwatsonit sure does15:03
cjwatsonone of these days ...15:03
infinitycjwatson: s/hs/hms/ -> lexical order, or subconscious desire to join the navy?15:04
cjwatson(âllo c'est l'heure)15:05
cjwatson(oh wait I've mangled that, it was "a l'eau, c'est l'heure")15:05
infinitycjwatson: And maybe context would be enlightening, but why does the second block hand vdX, but the first not?15:06
cjwatsonI would love to know that15:06
cjwatsonthis is in the category of "too scared to fix without extensive testing")15:06
cjwatsonthe whole thing needs refactoring15:07
infinityWith a shotgun behind the shed, yes.15:07
cjwatsonbut to do that safely I have to test it on every device type15:07
* didrocks learnt today a new way how English people mock French, thanks cjwatson :p15:07
cjwatsondidrocks: apologies, feel free to mock English15:08
cjwatsonto be fair I think that was more mocking the navy, but point taken :)15:08
didrockscjwatson: I think I'm doing that everyday butchering the language with all those typos ;)15:08
didrockscjwatson: no worry, was just interesting… Took me some googling to understand the reference though15:09
infinityThe English are too easy a target.  It's like kicking a toddler in the face.15:09
infinityExcept that the toddler's only going to look that way *after* you've kicked him.15:09
jamespage^^ point release needed for openstack horizon15:45
jdstrandfyi, libvirt has a few libvirt-lxc apparmor policy refinements16:26
ogra_that dbus and ubuntu.touch-session need to go in together ^^^^16:27
Laneyogra_: you've found everything that expects this old path?16:40
wxlare those updates for the bash fix???16:42
cjwatsoner that's just the dailies16:43
cjwatsonI don't know why they're showing up as Beta 216:44
wxli didn't think beta 2 implied dailies16:44
wxlah ok16:44
cjwatsonI think it's because Beta 2 hasn't been marked as Released in the tracker16:44
ogra_Laney, that path was dropped from desktop about one release ago ... thats touch only nowadays16:44
cjwatsoninfinity: ^-16:44
ogra_Laney, desktop even used to use it from a different location in home when it still used it16:45
Laneywhat is 'desktop'?16:45
ogra_Laney, ubuntu desktop ... that was the original consumer16:45
ogra_from years ago16:45
LaneyI'm not making any distinction like that16:45
ogra_Laney, anyway, it is touch only16:46
jdstrandthat contains ^ apparmor policy updates that were reviewed by upstream and tested by me and the server team16:47
infinitycjwatson: Oh, I didn't mark Beta2 as released on the tracker, that's why.16:49
* infinity tries to remember how to do that.16:49
wxlinfinity: your g5 uses dvi?16:51
infinitywxl: PowerStation, not G5, but close enough, and yeah, dual DVI.16:56
wxlinfinity: did you manage to get to the splash screen or did you just check yaboot success/fail the other day?16:57
infinitywxl: Hrm?  I didn't test any PPC images (except server on a VM)16:59
wxlinfinity: ah, ok, nevermind.16:59
ogra_Laney, was that Q+A just out of interest or did you plan to unleash dbus ?17:04
ogra_hmm, seems he said good night in another channel ...17:08
ogra_could someone else please let dbus thought then (else AP/smoke testing on touch will break now that ubuntu-touch-session landed)17:09
infinityogra_: Does it really still need the mkdir there?17:14
ogra_hmm, i guess not ... unless it doesnt trust upstart to create it (all apps log there under touch anyway)17:15
ogra_its a no-op i guess17:16
* ogra_ hugs infinity 17:17
ogra_i'll drop that line in a subsequent upload17:17
ogra_(for cleanness)17:17
infinityogra_: Well, assuming something else creates it.  Maybe others are relying on it. :P17:19
ogra_i'm pretty sure init creates it when it starts the session .. but yeah, i dont mind either way17:20
Laneyogra_: I was actually interested in the answer17:48
Laneybut I just got "it's touch only"17:48
ogra_Laney, well, the only other consumer was the hud ... that dropped using it17:48
stgrabercan somebody pretty please review and accept ^ that's fixing ubuntu touch18:42
infinitystgraber: Looking.19:22
infinitystgraber: Ew?19:23
infinitystgraber: Why aren't packages doing this on install?19:23
ogra_infinity, they do ... thats the prob :)19:24
stgraberinfinity: they assume adduser/useradd will do it for them19:24
infinity... and why isn't it?19:24
stgraberinfinity: but they don't call adduser/useradd when we already created all the users for them19:24
infinityOkay, and why are we creating the users instead of letting the postinsts do it?19:24
ogra_infinity, with readonly images (and readonly /etc/passwd) but dynamically assigned UIDs you get a mess19:24
stgraberinfinity: and we create all of the users and groups ahead of time to avoid misordering on the image which breaks the world when uids and gids suddenly change between images19:25
ogra_if your readonly image ships a different UID all your RW bind-mounted dirs owned by that user get messed up19:25
infinityOh, gross.  Okay.19:25
infinityYeah, I get the problem.19:25
stgraberinfinity: yeah, not too pleased I had to come up with that hack, but the alternative was even worse :)19:25
stgraberinfinity: (alternative was to detect changes on the device and do some chown all over the place from initrd)19:26
infinitystgraber: Yeah, that's not at all viable.19:26
ogra_well, androoid just ships a header file with hard mapping of user and group IDs ... you can only change them at compile time19:26
stgraberat least now we've got a static list of uid/gid and a second hook which detects additions and fails the build, so we're guaranteed some consistency19:26
ogra_(as replacement of any password mechanism)19:27
infinitystgraber: Well, I'm not happy with the explanation, but I guess it's the one I'm going to get. :P19:28
infinitystgraber: Want to review jdstrand's lxc upload?19:43
jdstrandstgraber: (it includes what we agreed to earlier and reviewed by hallyn)19:44
infinityI guess this libvirt upload goes with it?  Seems like it relates.19:45
jdstrandinfinity: it doesn't actually. it is just similar changes for libvirt-lxc19:45
jdstrand(they're wholly separate)19:45
infinityjdstrand: Not dependencies, but worth reviewing together to make sure the changes seem to match functionality.19:46
slangasekinfinity: could you have a look at FFe bug #1374609?19:46
ubot2bug 1374609 in perftest (Ubuntu) "[FFe] update perftest to 2.3+0.12.gcb5b746-1 from Debian testing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137460919:46
jdstrandstgraber: fyi, the libvirt-lxc changes don't use the more lenient unix (receive) and signal (receive) because these a) each container has its own profile and b) there is no preexisting policy for libvirt-lxc prior to utopic19:47
jdstrandstgraber: also, libvirt's control file was updated previously for apparmor19:49
infinity1.2-OFED-1.4.2-2 -> -> 2.3+0.12.gcb5b746-1 ... This package sure has some creative versioning.19:49
infinityslangasek: No open bugs since it was uploaded (or at all, for that matter, I wonder if it has users?), built everywhere, complete leaf.  Go for it.19:51
stgraberjdstrand: yeah, I don't care about libvirt, that's fine to use the more restrictive one there :)19:54
stgraberI'll do the review for both19:54
slangasekinfinity: thanks19:58
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