
xubuntu84whello. after i've upgraded from 13.10 to 14.04 the system does not use the selected cursor theme but instead uses a default00:34
xubuntu84whow do i fix this00:35
Pyro_KillerHello everyone, I've made a fresh install of xubuntu, I open ther terminal and misspell "apt-get" so I click upwards, and nothing happens, why is this and is there a way to fix it?00:42
brent__brent2: test02:07
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brent3ok then02:09
brent3sorry for the spam02:10
brent3notifications being weird02:10
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Unit193brent3: You can use #test for testing.02:18
brent3alright, thanks02:19
xubuntu017how many people join this chan just because they've got nothing better to do while installing xubuntu?07:21
xubuntu017(there's a link to the channel from the install wizard)07:22
elfyyes I know :)07:23
elfysome pop in - but not a huge number07:23
xubuntu017there should be a link to tetris instead07:25
priuonhey there. Using .profile the orage timezone can be changed to a userdefined timezone with export TZ=.. This method requires to logout of a session though. Is it possible to do it without logging out? possibly from shell?08:12
xubuntuazeezhi please help me to install flash player in xubuntu09:40
xubuntuazeezhi please help me to install flash player in xubuntu09:41
xubuntuazeezhi please help me to install flash player in xubuntu09:41
xubuntuazeezhi please help me to install flash player in xubuntu09:41
xubuntuazeezhi please help me to install flash player in xubuntu09:42
priuonxubuntuazeez: are you on a xubuntu installation?09:44
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PMunchI think I might have an issue with my graphics card. It appears to work fine but I checked the log by doing: "dmesg | egrep 'drm|radeon'" and I got this ominous line: "fb: conflicting fb hw usage radeondrmfb vs VESA VGA - removing generic driver"11:43
PMunchCompletely fresh install by the way. Graphics card is CAYMAN Radeon HD 695011:43
deshipuPMunch: I think that's fine11:45
PMunchIt certainly seems fine. But googling the error I found quite a bunch of people with similar logs who couldn't properly boot. I have noticed some times in the past on the same setup that my machine would hang on boot. Not a huge issue though..11:46
PMunchBe right back, have to relog11:50
xubuntu57wIs englis language best to use in linux ?11:55
cfhowlettxubuntu57w, if you speak English, yes.11:56
PMunch@xubuntu57w Other languages are good as well, but English is best supported11:56
PMunchDepends a bit on the distro11:57
xubuntu57wI speech 2 languages..  i use english in linux,11:57
xubuntu266I am very new at this...and i need help loading flash player to my system...i am lost on all the new yerms can someone please help me?11:58
cfhowlett!flash | xubuntu266,11:59
ubottuxubuntu266,: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash11:59
xubuntu266sorry "terms:11:59
cfhowlettxubuntu266, easy method:   open a terminal.  run this command:  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras11:59
xubuntu266Thank you both for your help i got it.....12:16
xubuntu57wI figure out that the restricted extras is used if you check the two download boxes when you install xubuntu.12:25
cfhowlettxubuntu57w, not true.12:26
cfhowlettxubuntu57w, mp3 codecs yes.  flash no.  other restricted extras, no.12:26
lollix01Howdy, strangers!12:50
lollix01Can I ask you a question?12:51
lollix01Ok, I'll ask..12:52
lollix01I've installed xubuntu today after a non-gnulinux time12:53
PaulVernthat's a statement12:55
lollix01For a my distraction I've selected U.S.A. keyboard, but I wanna use the Italian keyboard on the desktop and on the terminal12:55
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PMunchGuessing you're asking how to switch keyboard layouts?13:01
PMunchSettings > Keyboard > Layout13:01
PMunchDoes anyone else have a "problem" with Chromium "crashing" on unlock? If chromium is the active window when screen is locked it "crashes" on unlock. Doesn't seem to do much, apart from sometimes freezing the ui.13:02
lollix01I know that, but I don't remember how to  change the layout in the terminal? (Ctrl+Alt+F2)13:03
PMunchIf you change it system wide it should be chosen for the terminal as well13:03
PMunchOr do you mean the actual teminal? Not the terminal emulator?13:04
PMunchTerminal - no windows, just text. Terminal Emulator - window with same functionality as terminal, colloquially called terminal13:05
lollix01I know that, I don't remember how to change the keyboard layout!13:06
lollix01In the terminal13:06
lollix01I remember what's the difference between a terminal  and a terminal emulator13:07
PMunchI'm not sure if you can. I think the terminal might read raw input from the keyboard..13:11
PMunchCould be that it has some way of doing it but probably not through the interface13:11
lollix01I remember a command: dpkg-reconfigure13:12
lollix01I want to learn again how to use terminal, GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Slackware, Gentoo13:13
PaulVernis it just me, or do xfce packages mimmic other desktop environments?  I installed gnome-terminal next to xfce4-terminal -- they look basically identical13:14
PaulVernand gmusicbrowser looks the same as rythmbox13:14
lollix01after an accident13:15
xanguaAnd xfce video player looks like gnome video player13:16
lollix01And LibreOffice looks like OpenOffice13:17
PaulVernLO is a fork of OO13:18
PaulVernjust curious about these xfce apps though13:18
PaulVernI take it they're not forks13:18
PaulVernjust a way of getting the same feel as gnome, without the gnome libs13:18
lollix01And my mother looks like my neighbor13:22
PaulVernis she a fork?  or just imitating?13:33
lollix01No, my neighbor is a proprietary person, my mother is a clone of his.13:42
lollix01(a free clone)13:43
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:43
lollix01I'm sorry!13:43
lollix01I Don't find a way for creating a new tab for xubuntu-offtopic using XChat13:45
GridCube/join #xubuntu-offtopic13:46
GridCubeor click #xubuntu-offtopic13:47
GridCubeor >server >enter a channel >type channel name13:47
lollix01T*hank you very much, I used the join IRC command13:48
alkethow do I disable the "log in" screen when computer is idle for 5 min ?14:35
brainwashalket: disable it in settings manager > light locker settings14:37
alketbrainwash, thanks14:37
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brent2my highest uploaded linux distro apparently17:42
xubuntu74wIs it possible to share folders with xubunt and windows on wifi a wifi network ?20:50
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html20:50
holsteinxubuntu74w: though, there are many ways, on the same network, or with 3rd party applications like dropbox..20:51
holsteinxubuntu74w: you can remove "on a wifi network" from that question when searching..20:51
holsteinhttp://www.7tutorials.com/how-access-ubuntu-shared-folders-windows-7 for example.. will be similar in xfce20:52
superkuhWhee. I just love thunar. http://pastebin.com/3p9K7Xn523:53
knomesuperkuh, awesome attitude.23:55
superkuhI do have a good one, yeah. I mean, it's not like I've spent 30+ hours on my end of actual work trying to figure out what exactly has been going on and being polite about it.23:56
superkuhOver about a month, being polite.23:56
Unit193superkuh: Any additional sources that you're pulling these things in from?  Doing anything specifically weird?23:56
superkuhThe two things that are weird are: upgrading from 12.04 to 14.04 and running Ubuntu MATE desktop.23:57
Unit193whoopsie reported an upload too, at that.  Got a bug link?23:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1372140 in thunar (Ubuntu) "thunar segfault, memory corruption in the gslice magazine allocator" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:57
superkuhI feel fairly justified in my every other day sarcastic whining.23:58

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