
=== alexandre is now known as alexandreromanel
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deanomaceffing pavu ctrl02:07
=== Imagine is now known as BeAsOne
Flutterwhatdoes anyone have problems installing skype?05:37
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga05:41
valorieI've not tried, but lots have with success05:42
=== Michael is now known as Guest71365
valorieI guess the multiarch section there in that first link is outdated05:42
TheFakeazneD525valorie: I have fglrx installed, but amdcccle won't pick it up06:29
TheFakeazneD525wat do06:29
valoriewoah, it's been a long time since I had to mess with that06:30
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto06:30
valoriethose help pages are usually really helpful06:30
TheFakeazneD525valorie: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8438361/06:33
valorieI think you are asking the wrong person, but I'll look.....06:34
valorieTheFakeazneD525: have you tried Driver Manager?06:36
valoriejust alt+f206:36
TheFakeazneD525I _only_ use Driver Manager06:36
valorieah, OK06:36
valoriebut the settings aren't sticking/aren't being seen?06:36
TheFakeazneD525and it says "Using video driver from fglrx-updates"06:36
TheFakeazneD525Hmm, wait06:37
valorieI have broadcom now06:37
valorieand there is a driver for it that Just Works06:38
TheFakeazneD525alright thats weird06:38
TheFakeazneD525The processor isn't overheating now when I play Red Eclipse...06:38
TheFakeazneD525a few moments earlier it was at 87.0C~06:38
TheFakeazneD525yet, amdcccle still won't load06:39
TheFakeazneD525and, its not in the path either06:39
TheFakeazneD525a few days ago it vanished from my applications launcher menu06:39
TheFakeazneD525and it's heating up again...06:41
valorieI guess it's called `fglrx-amdcccle`06:41
valorienear the bottom of that linked page that's discussed a bit06:41
TheFakeazneD525modprobe: FATAL: Module fgrlx not found.06:45
TheFakeazneD525Its using the "radeon" module06:45
TheFakeazneD525maybe its because of a new kernel?06:46
valoriethe default, I believe06:46
valoriethat could be06:46
valorieyou might have to re-do06:47
valorielook at the linked page....06:47
valorieI mean, somehow you installed fglrx?06:47
TheFakeazneD525One of the first things I did was install fglrx06:48
TheFakeazneD525on this computer06:48
valorieso do it again06:48
TheFakeazneD525in /etc/X11 there's supposed to be an "xorg.conf" right?06:49
TheFakeazneD525valorie: I think I don't have an xorg.conf06:50
valorieyou have to create it, these days06:51
valorieit is deprecated06:51
TheFakeazneD525what should I do?06:51
valorieplease look at the page I linked for you; the writers are the experts06:53
valorieI've not done any of this stuff for years06:53
TheFakeazneD525Alright, I'll reinstall the things according to tha page06:55
valorie....assuming just re-installing didn't work06:56
valorieof course try that first06:56
TheFakeazneD525brb reboot06:57
TheFakeazneD525alright, now it's installing the fglrx and fglrx-amdccccccccle07:01
TheFakeazneD525it loaded the fglrx module07:18
valoriechalk that up to the great writers of the help pages07:19
TheFakeazneD525now I need to test if redeclipse runs smoothly07:19
valorieI'm guess that's a game07:19
TheFakeazneD525its in the official repos :307:20
TheFakeazneD525say valorie, where could I find a binary of vokoscreen built with ffmpeg instead of libav?07:21
valorieis this a test?07:25
valorieI know what ffmpeg are, and libav07:25
valorieno idea about vokoscreen07:26
TheFakeazneD525frontend to ffmpeg/libav to record the desktop07:27
TheFakeazneD525I installed a ppa to give me ffmpeg instead of libav, and that broke vokoscreen07:27
valorieyou probably will have to try to build it from source07:30
valoriefront end probably won't take you long07:31
valoriealthough if it's really important to you, you might be able to find an old deb over on the debian repos07:32
lordievaderGood morning.07:56
TheFakeazneD525lordievader: I have a question07:56
lordievaderHey TheFakeazneD525, how are you?07:57
TheFakeazneD525so I have wine installed, and I want swf files to play with a windows standalone flashplayer07:57
TheFakeazneD525should I make the file association such that it executes wine /path/to/flashplayer ?07:57
TheFakeazneD525also I'm good, you?07:57
lordievaderNo idea, I dislike Wine quite a bit.07:58
lordievaderBut I am doing good though ;)07:58
lordievaderBesides Linux has stand alone flash players.07:59
TheFakeazneD525they're very alpha-stage though :c08:02
lordievaderGnash is allright IIRC.08:03
lordievaderBetter than using Wine, but then again, anything is...08:03
Fyrguys! why does kubuntu 14.10 KDE 5 not run in VirtualBox?08:50
Fyrsome errors prevent it from running. =(08:51
lordievaderI've heard of other reports where it was trouble some, please ask around in #kubuntu-devel Fyr08:54
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications08:58
ubottukqemu is a kernel module (now free under the GPL license) for speeding up the !QEMU virtual machine. Installation instructions can be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/KQEmu08:59
valorieoh that's interesting08:59
lordievader"If your CPU supports VT or you have access to hardware that supports VT, you have no need for kqemu", ah never mind then...09:01
ubottucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega09:05
BluesKajHowdy folks10:44
TheFakeazneD525sup BluesKaj10:53
BluesKajnot much TheFakeazneD525 , morning coffee :)10:54
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JakeNukemHi guys. I have problem with Kubuntu. Do not turn off the laptop after pressing the button "Turn Off".  After ubdates few days ago.11:20
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JakeNukemAnyone know how to fix it?11:23
JakeNukem_Hi all. I have a problem with Kubuntu. Do not turn off the laptop after pressing the button "Turn Off". Anyone know how to fix it?11:29
JakeNukem_Hi all. I have a problem with Kubuntu. Do not turn off the laptop after pressing the button "Turn Off". Anyone know how to fix it?11:30
BluesKajJakeNukem_, there a small white arrow pointing down beside the close button , make sure you click on that11:35
luc4Hello! Does the tech preview of kubuntu 14.10 use wayland?11:53
TheFakeazneD525nestor_: this isn't a terminal :P12:06
BluesKaj  ⍢12:14
davls82does anybody know how can i repair kde settings?14:45
BluesKajdavls82, which kde settings ?14:47
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BluesKajdavls82, kmenu>computer>system settings14:47
davls82yes but the fonts looking ugly after update and the theme looks ugly to i try default setting but don't help14:48
BluesKajdavls82, system settings>application appearance>fonts14:49
davls82i know where the font setting are but it don't help fonts looking ugly i try hinting but no effekt seems something wrong with the kde config files14:50
BluesKajdavls82, your opinion of ugly is strictly subjective, but you can also try dpi setting on the font page14:52
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BluesKajhi mario__15:57
mario__soy nuevo aqui15:58
BluesKaj!es | mario__15:58
ubottumario__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:58
mario__buenas tardes15:59
=== Michael is now known as Guest13786
anderslI find it very difficult to use kubuntu software system. I desperately try to get a up to date version of digikam, which should be available in something like "phillips ppa". I thought I added that to the software thingy, but I STILL have only an outdated digikam version.16:07
anderslIs it possible to somehow get a up to date application without having to compile it from source?16:07
luc4you mean 4.3.0?16:08
luc4andersl: I installed it without issues. Try with this: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/09/digikam-4-3-install-in-ubuntu-1404/.16:10
anderslluc4: 4.3.0 is outdated. The current version is 4.5, and due to the huge amount of bugs in the 4.x series, updating is crusial16:11
andersl4.3 is horrible16:11
luc4andersl: that seems to be a development version16:14
luc4andersl: I built 4.4 last week or so. What makes you think it is in that ppa?16:15
anderslhm, sorry - 4.3 is current... I just have to wait for them to fix more issues  :\16:18
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest85375
Guest30357Hey.I'm trying to write a video DVD using k3b.but get: Could not determine size of result image file.16:22
BluesKajGuest30357, pls don't crosspost16:29
KrixvarBluesKaj: I believe he was told to post here instead of there16:48
BluesKajKrixvar, he posted in 3 different chats16:49
KrixvarBluesKaj: ah didn't see that then, my bad16:49
BluesKajnothing bad about it :)16:49
BluesKajyou may be right about the fact that he was told to post here16:50
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KrixvarI'm pretty sure he was, but 3 is kinda excessive haha16:51
skinuxHow do we tell KDE to show icons on the desktop?16:55
Krixvarskinux: what kind of icons?16:58
skinuxDesktop icons16:58
skinuxAll there is, is a blue background and "Desktop" link in top right.16:58
skinuxEvery other desktop environment has desktop shortcuts, why not KDE by default?16:59
veqzI guess it felt more clean that way? Also, it is possible to use several Folder widgets at the same time to show different folders17:00
veqzanyways, to get the desktop shortcuts:17:00
veqzright-click on desktop -> Default Desktop Settings17:01
veqzswitch Layout from "Default Desktop" to "Folder"17:01
veqzclick OK17:01
skinuxWoah! Just looking at my CPU usage. Both cores are near 100%, RAM 86% and SWAP at 23%. Doesn't look good at all.17:02
veqzwhat are you running?17:02
skinuxWhat do you mean?17:02
veqzto run two cores at ~100% :)17:03
skinuxChrome, Firefox, Terminal, Sublime Text, and HexChat. In system tray: Skype, Weather, System monitor, DropBox17:03
veqzhuh. strange. that's close to what I'm running atm, and everything seems calm here17:04
veqzdid you get your desktop icons btw?17:04
skinuxChrome/tabs/extensions are using 958,044 memory17:06
skinuxYes, thank you.17:07
veqzhaha ok :)17:07
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veqzI'm usually using Opear with 40+ tabs myself, but I just cleaned up, and am down to a measely 4 open tabs atm17:08
Guest76712what is best chat for help with linux? Have some questions on permissions17:08
skinuxHow do you even have the space for 40 tabs? How do you need so many tabs anyway???17:08
skinuxGuest76712: Your client probably has a channel list feature.17:09
skinuxUnless you use a web-based client, in which case probably not.17:09
veqzthe tabs get rather tiny, but the rightmost tabs are usually about what I'm currently working on, and further to the left are tabs for projects I'm not working on right at this moment, but which I keep open to remind myself of what I was doing :P17:10
* skinux I've wanted to contribute such features to web-based IRC projects. Too bad I've never thought I had the time.17:10
skinuxveqz: Why not just bookmark stuff you're not actively using?17:11
skinuxI wish there were a some kind of website to compare various usages with that of others to determine where usage could be cut-back.17:11
veqzcause then it feels like I've "concluded" some task. if I keep the tabs open, they're still in my "working memory", so to say17:12
skinuxThat makes sense.17:21
skinuxIf I keep too many tabs open, I try to do everything at once and end up getting nothing done.17:22
=== joedj_ is now known as joedj
mackieHowdy. I'm presently running Kubuntu, but I'm finding KDE a bit too resource-intensive for my (old, old) hardware. I'm trying to install lxde, and folks in #linux said I'll need to "clean up after" KDE. Through a short and frustrating journey I find myself directed here. How do I "clean up after" KDE?17:59
soee_maybe try to remove kubuntu-desktop package18:00
mackieI'll try that.18:00
mackieI feel like I should restart first...18:04
mackieProbably a good idea?18:05
TheFakeazneD525mackie: you should also remove most of the widgets18:05
TheFakeazneD525if not all18:05
TheFakeazneD525and unload KRunner plugins18:05
mackieOh. That sounds like a good idea. Do I need to do all that manually, or is there a straightforward way to go about it?18:06
TheFakeazneD525er, there are probably guides online...18:06
TheFakeazneD525I have to go, but maybe someone else can help18:06
mackieOkies. Thanks.18:06
TheFakeazneD525search "manage krunner plugins" "manage plasma desktop widgets" and "make KDE faster"18:06
mackieMy google fu is AWFUL.18:06
TheFakeazneD525mackie: and always reboot after doing stuff with a lot of packages18:06
mackieThank you very much.18:06
TheFakeazneD525mackie: there are always others here18:07
TheFakeazneD525but yeah, good luck man18:07
* mackie nods.18:07
mackieStill, I'm kind of a fan of being taught to fish.18:07
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TheFakeazneD525Its always good to do things by the guidebooks one or two times18:08
TheFakeazneD525then taking off on your own18:08
TheFakeazneD525I learned that after 20+ reinstalls18:08
mackieI do rather enjoy learning the rules before I deliberately start breaking them.18:08
mackieSadly, I'm a long ways from there in Linux.18:08
mackieBut, all things in time, I guess.18:09
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mackieI'll restart now. Be back later in all likelihood, but in case I'm not, thanks again.18:12
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lordievaderHmm, is ubottu broken...?20:32
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.20:32
lordievaderAh he was just slow.20:33
Torededervalorie are you there?20:38
valoriehi tornz20:39
valorietab fail20:40
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=== dormito_ is now known as dormito
Bradoetwhat should i do if my kde icons keep disappearing on the desktop folder view? steps to reproduce are: change desktop layout to folder view, add some icons to the desktop and arrange them the way i like them. shutdown down computer. come back to computer after a day or so, start it up. login. desktop icons are gone.20:48
=== Avihay_ is now known as Avihay
Bradoetthe only way i know how to fix this is if change my desktop layout back to default desktop and back to folder layout. however if do this, then desktop icons are then not in the correct place20:48
markitI'm trying to upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04, but with apt-get update (well, aptitude update) I get bzip2: Data integrity error when decompressing20:58
markitand W: GPG error: http://se.archive.ubuntu.com precise-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>20:58
markitI've tried with different country mirrors20:59
markitalso removed /var/lib/apt/lists20:59
markitno luck20:59
markitany known problem globally to ubuntu repositories?20:59
markitsome day ago I upgraded another pc without all those troubles20:59
markitfound, a proxy was set21:02
David1965I hope that the firmware update that came through today fixes the issue that I and a few other people are having which results in the Hard-Drive led staying on constantly while the Hard-Drive is not actually doing anything21:05
David1965Cryptodan_Android are you there21:06
m_tadeuhi...I have a dual monitor config and it seems I only have them mirrored...how can I set them side-by-side?21:29
TheFakeazneD525System Settings > Display and Monitor21:30
TheFakeazneD525then mess around with the config21:30
m_tadeuwell...I set them side-by-side...at least in the drawing it shows like that....but they're mirrorer21:36
TheFakeazneD525Make sure only one has a star21:37
m_tadeuyup...only one has it21:37
TheFakeazneD525and make sure to apply settings21:37
m_tadeuyup...all aplied21:39
TheFakeazneD525hmm, odd21:40

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