
bazhang#xubuntu-offtopic is the place for that00:16
knomesuperkuh, right, i'll get you your money back.00:17
superkuhHm. No. It doesn't seem like -offtopic is the place for talking about bugs.00:19
bazhangthe sarcastic whining is00:20
superkuhBut not sarcastic whining about bugs.00:21
bazhangof course not. we appreciate any bug follow-ups00:21
wrongplaceknome, i feel you have a problem with people standing up to your bully ways00:26
knomewrongplace, not really, but this is not the channel to discuss that.00:28
D-coyhi all00:39
xubuntu59wIs it possible to remove the enevlope form the indicator plugin ? after i open thunderbird it show up.00:44
Unit193You can remove indicator-messages if you don't use or like it.00:45
xubuntu59wi dont use it.. how can i remove it ?00:46
D-coyI lost the grub, cuz replace the motherboard,and i have a partition in efi :S00:46
Unit193Use the software center, synaptic, or  sudo apt-get purge indicator-messages  and it'll go away.00:46
brent2xubuntu59w: http://i.imgur.com/drXG0WB.png00:46
brent2xubuntu59w: or from terminal: sudo apt-get remove indicator-messages -y00:46
Unit193Or that. :P00:46
brent2Unit193: is the indicator-messages package xfce-specific or does it show up in the unity indicator set? because there's a second package which spawns an independent message indicator00:48
brent2for xfce00:48
Unit193brent2: indicator-messages is used in both unity, and xfce4-indicator-plugin for Xfce.00:49
brent2alright thanks00:49
brent2are all of the indicator-* packages unity indicators?00:49
xubuntu78wiI disconnected here.00:52
xubuntu78wthe envelope on the indicator plugin is still there after i try to make it hidden.00:53
xubuntu78wis it permanent after i open thunderbird ?00:53
brent2is the fact that thunar stops being able to set a wallpaper after a few wallpaper changes a known bug?01:14
brent2I can change it a bunch of times but eventually it no longer works from within thunar and I have to restart my system (or probably just my session)01:14
brent2always works from the xfdesktop menu01:14
brent2kind of annoying though since that doesn't have very good sorting01:14
knomebrent2, just pick one and use it ;)01:20
brent2I want to use the one that's broken01:20
brent2which is the problem01:20
knomei mean, a wallpaper...01:20
brent2"doctor, it hurts when I do this"  - "so don't do that"01:21
knomei'd search for that bug in launchpad, if you can't find one, file it so we can potentially fix it later01:21
brent2do I join this? https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-users01:22
knomebrent2, feel free to if you consider yourself a xubuntu user, but it's not a requirement to file a bug :)01:22
brent2I've never used launchpad--how do I go about filing the bug?01:23
brent2(assuming it's not already filed)01:24
knomesearch there first01:24
brent2alright, ty01:25
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sohail-ahmedI have cloned the : https://bitbucket.org/fenics-project/dolfin, and have successfuly done make web, now when I do make import_doc, it gives an error. This error means that DOLFIN_DIR is not an environment variable. fenics is already installed on my computer, have even imported dolfin in my certain programs. How can I define this variable. I mean to what directory should I point to for this variable?08:40
knomesohail-ahmed, i'd ask the fenics/dolfin support channels09:26
cfhowlettyou have to actually ask a support question to get an answer.  ms. cleo has retired.12:02
bgdmotaScreen brightness is not working, could you help me?13:19
bgdmotaIt displays the animation, but it does not change anything after that, I think I need to install drivers, but acer only has support for windows. Is there a way to fix this problem? Thanks in advance.13:21
mpmcHey folks, I'm having an issue with xubuntu, pavucontrol refuses to show my bluetooth speakers, I've installed the module (pulseaudio-module-bluetooth), Any ideas guys?13:24
bgdmotaHello, I installed xubuntu and I am having some trouble with drivers, my hi (acer) only supports windows, do you know if there is a fix for this problems, (I am having problems with the screen, touchpad and bluetooth). Could you help me? Thank you.13:37
bgdmotaHelp me please.13:44
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:44
jarnosSaving session on logout does not work in 14.04. What's the fix?16:57
phenomAny idea how to resolve the black screen on lid close bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/135709017:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1357090 in linux (Ubuntu) "Black screen on resume in Xubuntu 14.04.1" [High,Incomplete]17:11
phenomIs it safe to remove lightlocker and reinstall xscreensaver?17:12
brainwashphenom: did you read all the comments?17:12
phenomand followed another thread17:12
brainwashyes, you can remove light-locker and install xscreensaver17:13
phenomsimilar or dupe17:13
brainwashdid you verify that the bug only occurs with light-locker?17:13
brainwashyou should deactivate light-locker and test again17:14
brainwashjarnos: clearing ~/.cache/sessions would be the first thing to do17:15
jarnosbrainwash, while you are on a xfce session?17:16
brainwashjarnos: try it17:17
brainwashyou can easily clear the session cache via settings manager > startup and session > session17:17
jarnosbrainwash, I did that, loggod out with saving session enabled, logged back in, and have xchat and xfce4-terminal running. But not chromium-browser even if it was running when I logged out.17:21
phenomdisabling lightlocker and installing/running xscreensaver doesn't raise any flags does it? I'm timid about installing non default lock/window managers etc.17:21
holsteini would just autostart things17:22
brainwashxscreensaver is not the default locker app anymore, but it's well tested17:23
brainwashjarnos: yeah, it's somewhat buggy and there is no one to actually fix the messy session restore functionality17:24
jarnosphenom, running "xfce4-session-logout && xflock4" on terminal works better, if xscreensaver is running than when light-locker is running.17:24
brainwashjarnos: maybe it's not even possible, because some apps just behavior differently17:25
jarnosphenom, sorry, I meant "xflock4 && xfce4-session-logout -s"17:25
holsteini like xtrlock, but its quite "bare-bones"17:25
brainwashhowever, the screen locking might not even be the actual problem17:26
holsteinas far as adding "non-default" lockers.. which i agree can be problematic, or feel bolted on17:26
phenomThis appears to be a well known problem.17:26
brainwashthis one has been fixed17:27
holsteinyeah... thats just one of my default things i do on a system.. add xtrlock and remove whatever other locker17:27
jarnosholstein, you can use that. Write a script in /usr/local/bin which runs xtrlock.17:27
phenomlinks to,, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-power-manager/+bug/125933917:27
brainwashbut your linked bug report is different17:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1303736 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1259339 [SRU] Black screen after wakeup from suspending by closing the laptop lid" [High,Fix released]17:27
holsteinjarnos: right.. thats the one i *do* use17:27
phenomdifferent bug17:27
phenomI have 0 preference on locker. I just want it to wake up hah..17:28
holsteindoesnt address session state saving, which, i personally am not interested in having17:28
brainwashphenom: so, it's your turn to remove specific packages and test other ones17:29
phenomalso seems like some light locker settings have no effect. I set the screen to lock on screen close but it wants to suspend anyway. I have to mod  logind.conf to HandleLidSwitch=lock17:31
brainwashit suspends and locks the screen?17:31
brainwashthis would be the expected behavior17:31
brainwashyou need to change the power manager settings instead17:32
* m3n3chm0 nasZ17:33
phenompower manager is set to lock screen when closed also.17:33
phenomto no effect.17:33
brainwashbug 130754517:33
ubottubug 1307545 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Power Manager settings are ignored when closing laptop lid" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130754517:33
brainwashusing the workaround is one way to fix it17:34
phenomyea, that's essentially what I did.17:34
phenomNot to the T17:34
phenomI'll look in to it.17:34
brainwashthis issue should be fixed since xubuntu 13.10, but people still experience it17:35
jarnosbrainwash, It seems that only app session restore can't open is chromium-browser, even if it is mentioned in ~/.cache/sessions/xfwm4-2a04da60c-30c7-4c9e-8d5f-b72e93ef7a9f.state17:37
phenomLet me try #1317:37
jarnosbrainwash, and when I open chromium-browser manually, it will complain it didn't shut down correctly.17:38
brainwashjarnos: mmh17:38
brainwashmaybe closely related to bug 117560117:38
ubottubug 1175601 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "Two Chromium background instances and a browser window open on boot without my permission" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117560117:38
phenomYea, never had it the issue 12.0417:38
phenomI'm going to reboot. Thanks guys. brb.17:40
phenomjeez guys, looks like my issue is the first "known issue" on the 14.04 release notes.... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes/Xubuntu17:56
brainwashphenom: but this one has been fixed with 14.04.117:59
brainwashsee "Bug fixes for the first point release"17:59
phenomNot that I disagree but.17:59
phenomThe xrandr "fix" still works.18:00
brainwashtry this:18:00
brainwash1a. Turn "Enable Light Locker" Off. Click "Apply".18:01
brainwash1b. Turn "Enable Light Locker" On. Click "Apply".18:01
brainwashif you are still using light-locker18:01
phenomI did hah18:02
phenomit did something weird18:02
phenomwhen it resumes, it shows a notification with a lock that the screen is currently locked and will resume in 5 seconds. Something to that effect. I have never seen that with light locker18:03
brainwashbut it fixed your problem?18:05
brainwashthe notification screen is part of light-locker18:05
phenombrainwash, After I did what you just said, and edited logind.conf and set HandleLidSwitch=lock18:05
phenomthat came up. ok.18:06
brainwashgreat :)18:06
phenomit worked for 3 or so "unlocks"18:06
phenomwhich this issue has seemed to be intermittent anyway.18:06
phenomIf I set HandleLidSwitch=ignore18:07
phenomit seems to heed powermanagers settings18:08
brainwashit can be troublesome, sadly18:09
phenomcan anyone tell me the default setting of ResetControllers=,, in gksu mousepad /etc/systemd/logind.conf please18:10
phenomit's blank is my guess18:11
brent2it's not in here: http://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/logind.conf.html18:11
brent2if you comment it out it'll reset to default18:11
brent2Does apport file the bug through launchpad or do I have to use launchpad's web interface?18:12
phenomcan someone just open theirs and check please? :)18:14
phenomI'm pretty sure I didn't change the setting.18:14
phenomBut I'm just a bit curious that is has no value.18:14
brainwashapport collects crash information and submits it to launchpad18:14
brent2ok thanks brainwash18:14
elfyutopic - not even in the file18:15
brent2phenom: is there any reason not to simply comment it out?18:15
brent2phenom: mine's blank as well as per the pic18:15
phenom Well, I'm pretty sure I didn't change it.18:16
brent2blank is apparently the default18:16
phenomOther than I have no idea of the effect of commenting it out. :)18:16
phenomthank you sir18:16
brent2commenting it out uses default setting18:16
elfyahh = trusty is ResetControllers=18:17
phenomI'm going to try a few things, may disconnect. If anything thinks of an ahh ha! Please let me know.18:19
phenomThis bug sucks18:19
phenomIf anyone,,, rather18:19
brent2what's your bug phenom18:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1303736 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1259339 [SRU] Black screen after wakeup from suspending by closing the laptop lid" [High,Fix released]18:20
phenomI fear18:20
brent2lol i was just going to file that one..18:21
brent2or similar18:21
brent2my solution: kill xfce4-power-manager18:21
brent2problem solved18:21
phenomeyes elfy18:21
brent2I run a script at startup which kills that amongst other things18:21
brent2I'd uninstall it but it's a dependency18:21
brent2xfce4-power-manager is useless18:21
brent2just mucks up the system and does nothing18:22
brainwashdependency for?18:22
brent2phenom: is your black screen before or after logging into lightdm18:22
brent2brainwash: brightness indicator applet18:22
brent2phenom: i get this problem when lidswitch is set to 'ignore' and i close my lid before the laptop can fully suspend18:22
brent2this is reproducible 100% of the time18:22
phenomon boot,, I log in fine. then I close lid, and light locker appears albeit dim,, and when I input my password it goes black.18:23
brent2on boot after suspend, or cold boot18:23
phenomon cold boot it works fine18:23
phenomnever had a problem18:23
brent2alright, we have the same problem then18:24
phenombut after suspend and apparenlty lock.18:24
brent2it works fine if I wait until the laptop is fully suspended before closing the lid18:24
brent2e.g. use fn+suspend key18:24
brent2but if I close the lid before the laptop has suspended, this problem occurs18:24
brent2works totally fine without xfce4-power-manager running, so that is the problem18:24
phenomI changed lidswitch to "lock",,, and it worked fine a few times.18:25
brainwashisn't suspend super fast anyway?18:25
brent2brainwash: not with power manager running18:25
brainwashit takes like 1sec here18:25
brent2on my end it's almost instant without power manager18:25
brent21sec or less18:25
brent2with power manager, using the fn+suspend key, it takes 3 sec or more18:25
brainwashI see18:25
brent2and by that time I've usually closed my laptop18:25
brent2which then induces this bug18:25
brent2based on something i read on launchpad, there was a patch added recently to restore the state of the display prior to logging out, and since this form of this bug didn't occur for me in the past I can only assume that the new patch caused this regression18:26
brent2not sure though18:26
brainwashpower manager has a builtin 2sec delay I think18:26
brainwashbefore it triggers lock screen + suspend action18:26
brent2I see18:27
brainwashfeel free to file a bug report, but make sure that you don't create yet another duplicate :)18:28
brent2is there an alternate way to do so apart from apport brainwash ? apport crashes for me when submitting the bug18:28
brent2pic: http://i.imgur.com/w1YgtUw.png18:28
brainwashtry "ubuntu-bug xfce4-power-manager"18:28
brent2that's what I did18:28
brainwashdid this crash happen while the web browser was loading to open the launchpad site?18:29
brent2am I mistaken?18:30
brent2it seems to hang after this occurs, waited quite a while18:30
brainwashbug 116056918:30
ubottubug 1160569 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "[regression] GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion `sys_page_size == 0' failed" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116056918:30
brainwashno clue18:32
brainwashtons of comments to read18:32
brainwashfurthermore, it's a general ubuntu issue18:33
brent2I was mistaken though18:33
brainwashcross channel discussion? :D18:34
phenombrent2, How are you killing power manager?18:35
Unit193Yeah sorry, didn't see it here.18:35
brent2phenom: with conviction18:35
brent2hang on let me check18:35
brent2phenom: you can literally just pkill it though18:35
brent2if you want18:35
brent2phenom: http://i.imgur.com/VH8bOxL.png18:36
brent2i have this and i run it at boot18:36
brent2using settings -> session -> autostart18:36
phenomthank you sir18:36
brent2I use sleep 5 because otherwise some issue arises18:36
brent2although I don't remember exactly what18:36
brent2keep that in mind18:36
phenomI'm going to leave it as I have it for  a while. It's unlocked correctly the past 10 or so times.18:37
phenomthanks. I'm going to give that a shot if it fails. Do you notice any other issues by killing it out of curiosity?18:38
brent2none, completely solves all issues related to this bug i think18:38
brent2light locker works perfectly too18:39
phenomHave you tried a different locker by chance?18:39
brent2simpler ones like i3lock18:39
brent2but that's a standalone program with no relationship with your power settings18:39
brent2in power manager or otherwise18:39
brent2it always Just Works18:39
brent2phenom: any idea if there's a bug filed already for the fact that the logind.conf settings override power manager settings? (e.g. lid switch)18:40
brent2I don't see one18:40
brainwashthat's bug bug 130754518:41
ubottubug 1307545 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Power Manager settings are ignored when closing laptop lid" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130754518:41
phenomMy understanding is it was supposed to.18:41
phenomok, my misunderstanding18:42
brent2thanks brainwash18:42
phenomOh yes,,18:42
phenomI followed that one also..18:42
phenomI tried rm ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-power-manager.xml18:42
phenomafter changing the settings.18:43
brent2so far, my black screen issue seems tied completely to whether or not I close the lid before the system suspends18:43
brent2took me a while to narrow it down to that18:43
phenomI want to start a linux,, thinkpad movement.. Keep dev's on a single platform. Preferably mine hah..18:45
brent2which thinkpad are you using?18:45
phenomhigh five18:45
brent2I wonder if this could be a hardware-specific thing18:46
phenomKind of spooky. Thinkpad is a very popular platform for dev's. I'm surprised I've had the amoung of issues in the past with this laptop.18:47
phenomMy fingerprint sensor has gone bad.18:49
ObrienDavecarefully clean it, q-tip and rubbing alcohol18:50
brent2mine has a few issues, ethernet port stopped working unfortunately, IPS display has all kinds of issues18:51
phenomI'm getting a million: http://pastebin.com/e6CWVCPN18:51
phenomObrienDave, I'm afraid the hardware has failed18:51
brent2might be able to simply disable it in bios18:51
ObrienDave^^^ worth a shot18:52
phenomI'm not getting the green led anymore,, and am getting flooded with that in dmesg.18:53
phenomObrienDave, right on.18:53
phenomI need to get in to the machine..18:53
phenomI have no tools at present.18:53
phenomJust need a frikkin tweaker..18:53
phenomI'm living in a hotel room at present on assignment. ;P18:54
phenomForgot the leatherman. :)18:54
ObrienDaveleatherman, vise grips, duct tape. don't leave home without them ;P18:55
phenomI'll try to disable it again. I was putzing around in the settings earlier to try it and got side tracked.18:55
phenomIn bios*18:55
phenomObrienDave, Don't forget the cipro!18:57
ysandershi all, not sure if i'm in the right place but i'm having a sound issue18:57
ysandersis anyone here capable/willing to help?18:58
phenomysanders, You should try to explain the problem in the chan.18:59
ysandershere? OK18:59
ysandersi recently upgraded to 14.04 and it mostly worked fine19:00
ysandershad to reinstall tex, but that was about it19:00
ysandershowever, after rebooting, i don't have any sound in my headphones19:00
ysandersi have volume control open19:00
ysandersand some sound playing (a youtube video)19:00
ysandersit seems like there is sound being output, but not to my headphones19:01
ysandersi googled a bit and tried reinstalling pulseaudio and alsa-base19:02
ysandersthat's pretty much it19:02
phenomClick the volume icon, sound settings, output devices, port, headphones. try that.19:02
phenomI have to sleep.19:05
brent2phenom: http://i.imgur.com/vQeRYTk.png19:05
ysanderswasn't quite sure on your instructions, but if you have to sleep maybe someone else can help?19:05
brent2ysanders: try pavucontrol19:06
ysandersok, one sec19:06
brent2ysanders: apt-get install pavucontrol19:06
ysandersi have it open19:06
ysandersso on the output devices tab, there are two things19:06
ysandersHDMI/DisplayPort (unplugged)19:07
ysandersthe volume bar thingy below the volume mixer is moving around... seems to notice the sound from the youtube video19:07
phenomclick the output tab19:07
ysandersand the second port is Headphones (plugged in)19:07
phenombrent2, That looks good to me.19:07
phenomysanders, select it.19:08
brent2phenom: http://i.imgur.com/ytWhmPv.png19:08
brent2that doesn't work for you?19:08
ysandersjust a sec, let me screenshot19:09
ysandersi'm afraid i didn't understand what you meant by "selecting"19:11
ysandersthe bar for the first port fluctuates as though sound is coming through, but nothing on the second port19:11
brent2can you change the first from hdmi to headphones?19:12
brent2where it says Port:19:12
phenomIt looks muted19:13
brent2mute's on the far left, I don't think that's it19:13
brent2the button would look indented19:13
ysandersno, hdmi is the only option on the first port19:14
ysandersthe mute button looks different if it's actually muted. also greys out the volume mixer19:14
phenombrent2, thanks man19:14
ysandersi'm using the dark version of this xfce theme: http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php/axiom+xfwm?content=90145 -- this might make the icons look different to what you're used to19:15
phenomSee you guys. Zzzz19:15
brent2ysanders: try toggling the fallback19:15
brent2phenom: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-power-manager/+bug/137483019:15
brent2bug there19:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1374830 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Closing laptop lid before system can suspend causes black screen upon login after resume" [Undecided,New]19:15
brent2not sure how this works, do other people upvote them?19:16
brent2phenom: http://i.imgur.com/inrD2Si.png19:16
knomebrent2, and you're sure it's not bug 1303736?19:16
ysanderstoggling fallback didn't do anything. currently have both fallback icons toggled to "off"19:16
ubottubug 1303736 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Black screen after wakeup from suspending by closing the laptop lid" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130373619:16
phenomknome, if it is,, it's not fixed19:17
brent2knome: I could be wrong but 1303736 was fixed on Aug 28th19:17
knomephenom, are you using a PPA?19:17
brent2knome: mine is a similar but different bug19:17
brent2should I note this in my bug report?19:17
phenomknome, default19:18
knomebrent2, how is it different?19:18
brent2knome: it occurs exclusively when shutting the display off before the system can suspend19:18
brent2knome: it does not occur when suspending and resuming without shutting the lid19:18
knomebrent2, like, closing the lid? that's the same bug.19:18
brent2clarification: lid suspension is disabled19:19
brent2e.g. I can close the lid and open the lid and nothing happens19:19
knomeok... so when do you get that bug then?19:19
brent2I press suspend key on my keyboard, then close the lid (which, on its own, does nothing)19:19
brent2if I close the lid *before* the system can suspend, I get a black screen upon reusme19:19
brent2after logging in19:20
knomei would argue that's still the same bug19:20
brent2knome: I don't think it is because on the 28th of last month they updated it to patch this bug19:20
brent2but this form of the bug in question still exists. Same basic issue with same symptoms but it no longer occurs for the same reason19:21
brent2should I delete my report and add the note to the one you linked?19:21
brent2(or something else)19:21
knomebrent2, yes, which isn't working until you do the disable/enable cycle19:21
knomeat its core, the bug might imply that you simply have problems with suspending generally19:21
brent2yes but I just installed19:21
brent2I have no problem with suspending in general19:21
knomehow do you know?19:21
brent2I can suspend and resume as expected in every other case19:22
brent2literally every other method of suspension and so on19:22
brent2the only time this occurs is when the display shuts off before the system can suspend19:22
knomei still haven't heard anything that says it's a different bug...19:22
brent2in the past, I'd get a similar bug (same symptoms, same problematic result) whenever I suspended19:22
brent2that was fixed and I confirmed that it was because I no longer got the issue19:23
brent2now, however, this new thing happens19:23
brent2that's why I think it's different19:23
brent2if that's the same by the definition typically used for bug reports then I accept that19:23
brent2but the procedure to reproduce it is not the same on my end19:23
brent2do you understand my point?19:23
knomei understand, but usually it's still the same bug19:23
knomewhat does "xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -p /xfce-power-manager/logind-handle-lid-switch" on terminal say?19:24
brent2the workarounds and fixes in that thread don't seem to affect me on this specific one19:24
* brent2 Property "/xfce-power-manager/logind-handle-lid-switch" does not exist on channel "xfce4-power-manager".19:24
phenomknome, just fyi. I have the same exact issue. I can't speak of it being the same bug or not without sacrificing another hour of sleep. :)19:25
brent2I just want to help get it fixed, and if it turns out to be a separate issue from bug 1303736, that will only take longer19:26
ubottubug 1303736 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Black screen after wakeup from suspending by closing the laptop lid" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130373619:26
phenomAnd no fix has remedied the issues on any of the bug threads if found so far.19:26
knomebrent2, sorry, that should be "xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -p /xfce4-power-manager/logind-handle-lid-switch"19:26
brent2knome: 'false'19:27
brent2(as I intended)19:27
knomebrent2, try setting that to true: "xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -p /xfce4-power-manager/logind-handle-lid-switch -s true"19:27
knomebrent2, then logout and login19:27
knomebrent2, and try suspending19:27
brent2that works as expected but I don't want that to happen19:27
brent2unless I'm mistaken19:27
brent2that causes it to suspend when closing the lid, no?19:28
knomebrent2, np.19:28
brent2brb will try19:29
brent2problem occurs exactly as before19:32
brent2is it possible to edit my launchpad report for clarity?19:34
bluesabrehey brent219:36
knomebrent2, yes19:36
bluesabreI just want to confirm a few things... so this happens when you suspend from the menu, but close your laptop lid before disk activity has stopped?19:36
brent2yes but that's much harder to do because the delay between clicking the UI button and the actual suspension occuring is much smaller19:37
brent2so, to answer you simply: yes, it still happens19:37
brent2it's just harder to reproduce19:37
ysandersin case anyone cares, i fixed my problem. it was something pretty dumb.19:37
knomeysanders, great to hear that19:38
bluesabreok, and you have light-locker-settings configured to "Lock on Suspend" = "ON"?19:38
ysandersthanks for indulging me. tata19:38
brent2what was it ysanders19:38
brent2bluesabre: yes19:38
brent2bluesabre: but this is unrelated to the problem at hand19:38
brent2(I think)19:38
brent2problem occurs regardless of light locker settings afaik19:38
bluesabreright, just trying to get an overall idea of the conditions leading up to the issue19:39
brent2switching devices19:42
bluesabrebrent2/3: can you paste your light-locker args from `ps ux | grep light-locker`?19:46
brent2bluesabre: should/can I edit the bug report I just submitted for clarity? is it possible and/or necessary?19:47
bluesabreyes please19:47
brent2how do I go about editing it?19:48
* brent2 light-locker --lock-after-screensaver=0 --lock-on-suspend --no-late-locking19:48
bluesabreJust add comments to it, or you can click the yellow edit button on the right19:49
phenomlight-locker --lock-after-screensaver=0 --lock-on-suspend --no-late-locking19:50
phenommy output is the same19:50
bluesabreyeah, that looks right19:50
bluesabrebrent2: I'll let the light-locker devs know, this looks like a new corner case19:52
bluesabresince the issue is fixed for you otherwise19:52
brent2I don't think this is related to light-locker as the problem stops when xfce4-power-manager is disabled19:52
brent2the issue isn't fixed though19:53
brent2I have to kill or uninstall power manager for it to work19:53
brent2which means I do lose the display power management functionality19:53
brent2such as dimming etc19:53
brent2and also the nice UI19:53
bluesabreThis might be fixed in the latest xfce4-power-manager, if you'd like to test it with our staging ppa?19:56
brent2I will, although I've got to leave now, I'll give it a shot when I get back19:57
=== brent4 is now known as brent2
brent2bluesabre: ppa name?20:16
bluesabrebrent2: https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/xubuntu-staging20:16
bluesabrethis will upgrade light-locker-settings as well, so be sure to open it and toggle lock-on-suspend off, apply, on, apply20:17
brent2is it possible to selectively update just those two packages?20:18
bluesabrebrent2: yes20:23
bluesabreinstall the ppa, then sudo apt-get install xfce4-power-manager xfce4-power-manager-data xfce4-power-manager-plugins light-locker-settings20:24
brent3done and done20:24
brent3bluesabre: same problem, same symptoms, same solution20:27
bluesabreok, good to know20:29
bluesabreI'll ping the devs20:29
vrkalakwhat Dev?  Xfce devs?20:30
bluesabreone other things to try with the new xfpm...20:31
brent3bluesabre: potentially helpful information in post 178: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/+bug/130373620:31
vrkalakbluesabre, try > /join #xfce,#xfce-devs20:31
brent3If the patch mentioned in post 178, which caches the brightness level upon suspend, was implemented, that could explain why the issue I'm experiencing occurs. If the display is completely off when the lock occurs, xfce4-power-manager may simply be turning the display off again from some errant code in that patch20:31
brent3just speculation though20:32
bluesabregood note20:32
bluesabrevrkalak: I know, I'm an xfce dev, just not one of the power-manager maintainers20:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1303736 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Black screen after wakeup from suspending by closing the laptop lid" [High,Fix released]20:32
brent3bluesabre: this issue will be much more widespread once the unrelated bug concerning the lid switch UI setting is fixed20:32
brent3because it requires manual configuration to even reach this point (in practice)20:33
=== ponbiki is now known as Guest33542
livingdaylightI am looking for the component in xubuntu-restricted-extras responsible for playing .wmv files. Does anyone know?20:43
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
livingdaylightdon't want to install  entire restricted-extras because already have oracle java and don't want to create conflict with ice-tea for e.g.20:44
=== dormito_ is now known as dormito
livingdaylightI am looking for the component in xubuntu-restricted-extras responsible for playing .wmv files. Does anyone know?20:47
livingdaylightdon't want to install  entire restricted-extras because already have oracle java and don't want to create conflict with ice-tea for e.g.20:47
knomelivingdaylight, no need to repeat quickly; you can search for an answer in other places (like askubuntu and ubuntuforums) while you wait20:48
livingdaylightknome, sure... i just wanted those two sentences together and a lot of people had joined after I posted who wouldn't see that I thought might now20:49
knomea lot of people = two?20:50
livingdaylighti have googled but the basic message is install restricted20:50
livingdaylightknome, 620:50
=== RayneSplit is now known as Rayne
brainwashyou could install and use vlc20:52
brainwashif you want to avoid xubuntu-restricted-extras20:53
livingdaylightI have vlc but it doesn't work20:53
livingdaylighti want the w32 package but medibuntu seems no longer to exist. How do we install w32 codecs these days, please?20:53
ubottuThe Medibuntu project has come to an end and its repository is no longer maintained and is offline.20:54
brainwashso it's a general question, maybe someone in #ubuntu knows how to resolve your problem20:55
livingdaylightok, I'll try there - thx.20:56
knome!bot | livingdaylight20:56
ubottulivingdaylight: Hi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone20:56
=== maijin_ is now known as maijin
vik_any one there ?22:42
vik_need help in creating a boot disk for xbuntu on mac22:42
vik_any one can help22:44
brainwash!patience | vik_22:50
ubottuvik_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:50
brent2vik_: use dd22:50
brent2i think macs have that22:50
vik_when i use dd22:51
brent2assuming you're using a flash drive22:51
vik_it says dd not found22:51
brent2try sudo22:51
brent2i dunno much about osx22:51
brent2sudo dd22:51
vik_ok trying22:51
vik_now sure any one was listening so typed question sorry.22:52
sergio-br22someone knows how to add bluetooth in the context menu?23:06
brent2indicator-bluetooth maybe23:08
brent2sudo apt-get install indicator-bluetooth23:08
brent2sergio-br22: for that to work you might need to have xfce4-indicator-plugin and have it active on a panel23:11
sergio-br22no way, it install a lot of packages23:11
brent2and restart the panel afterward23:11
brent2works for me: http://i.imgur.com/8v7ZVYz.png23:11
sergio-br22but i need in the context menu, don't in panel23:12
sergio-br22i want to click with right button in one file, and send it easily23:12
brent2I think you have to make a thunar custom action for it then23:13
PMunchIs there a way to set a webmail (GMail in this case) as default for mailto links in xfce? There's an app in the software center which does it for Gnome, what about xfce?23:23
Unit193!info desktop-webmail | This looks like it.23:25
ubottuThis looks like it.: desktop-webmail (source: desktop-webmail): Webmail for Linux Desktops. In component universe, is optional. Version 003-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 38 kB, installed size 259 kB23:25
xanguaYou can set default webmail for mailto in Firefox23:25
PMunchxangua: Want them to work anywhere though. So to be sure I want to register directly in XFCE. Unit193: Looks promising, right now I'm looking at just creating a small script to run a browser command with a link.23:31
PMunchUnit193: Tried it but the XFCE default mail chooser didn't find it23:33
Unit193PMunch: Should be able to select /usr/bin/desktop-webmail23:34
vik_i have created the live usb23:36
PMunchUnit193: Didn't get recipient in the composing window..23:36
PMunchHi vik_23:36
vik_when i boot form that usb nothing happens just the windows boot happens23:36
vik_any thing ican do23:36
PMunchvik_ are you sure you are in fact booting from the USB?23:37
vik_yes i went into F2 boot and selected the usb23:37
PMunchHmm, seems like it doesn't recognize the drive as bootable or it's unable to find the boot part of the live usb.23:38
PMunchWhat does the base folder in your USB look like?23:38
Unit193PMunch: YOu could change 'URL=https://mail.google.com/mail/?extsrc=mailto&url=%s' if you can pickup the new one.23:39
vik_1 sec23:39
vik_i have boot23:40
vik_dists etc ..23:40
vik_on the usb23:40
PMunchHmm, seems like you managed to write it correctly..23:40
Unit193And that looks right, would have to poke at it.23:41
PMunchvik_: Try steps 7-10 from here: http://www.johnpapa.net/bootfromusb/23:42
PMunchUnit193: This did it for me: https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&ui=2&tf=0&fs=1&to=WHOEVER%40COMPANY.COM&su=SUBJECTHERE&body=LINE1%0aLINE223:45
PMunchJust changed it to: https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&ui=2&tf=0&fs=1&to=%s23:45

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