
=== airtonix_ is now known as airtonix
willz06jwplease excuse me if this has been answered many times: where can I donate a buck or two for lubuntu.  It greatly helped me and I want to make sure it doesn04:05
willz06jwt go away04:05
holsteinwillz06jw: AFAIK, you cant.. you can only contribute time, or, theoretically, pay someone else to contribute time, or contribute $$ upstream somewhere04:07
ubottuTo contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu04:07
holsteinwillz06jw: its great to offer.. thanks!04:07
willz06jwthanks for the fast response.  I will donate to ubuntu in the hopes that a sheckel or two shoots down to lubuntu.04:10
mackstingHowdy. I'm trying to figure out how to do something which sounds simple, but my Google fu is awful and just isn't yielding anything I can grasp or which is applicable. How do I use Linux, Lubuntu in particular, to back up my XP partition?04:35
Boscopshould i select "install updates automaticall"? when will it do this? as a cron job?04:38
Boscopdoes it make sense for a server?04:38
Boscophow can i change this setting later?04:38
mackstingHrm. Not a good sign.05:01
Unit193macksting: What type of backup?  You can do full image, or just grab the important files.05:02
mackstingI was thinking an image.05:03
mackstingSomething where, should all go awry, I can restore it and actually have it function.05:03
mackstingGot a few games in particular which simply don't function in Wine, and at their age the support's never going to come.05:04
Unit193Clonezilla would be my goto.05:04
Unit193Old enough and you can go dosbox. :P05:04
mackstingWell, I DID manage to get Win95 working in DosBox, but I never did figure out how to get it to mount the CD drive running off that drive...05:06
mackstingThe other game which required Win3.1 went a lot smoother through DosBox. It was so cute. It thought it was a computer.05:06
* macksting looks up clonezilla05:07
Unit193Just not the server part of it, never used that.  Old game: OMF2097 and slightly old: StarCraft. :P05:09
mackstingTo be fair, I have games old enough to run for governor.05:14
mackstingFallout 1 is old enough to get drafted.05:14
mackstingVideo games old enough to run for president are pretty rare. I don't think I have any of those. I imagine some have to be played on an oscillascope.05:18
mackstingFor now, I'm okay calling 1996 games "old."05:18
* macksting is downloading Clonezilla.05:19
mackstingHrm. I seem to have buggered something up. I'm'a restart. Thank you for your assistance.05:41
mackstingTa for now.05:42
sjoshihello, i am not able to see any battery/power manager in the indicator applets. How can i get it?05:57
sjoshiusing Lubuntu desktop on Ubuntu 14.0405:58
Cervanteshi, anyone know how to solve "broken package and unmet dependencies" problems?07:24
Cervantesi can't install couple of stuffs since using lubuntu.07:25
rmychey does anybody know how to completely remove any locks and any formof sleeping on ubuntu13:13
rmycno matter what i can't remove or disable light locker13:13
BuntuTechgood afternoon lubuntu technicians19:41
AndresDollaralguien ayuda a novato desamparado?20:33
AndresDollarholas alguien ayuda a novato desamparado :(20:35
AndresDollarthanks! i see sorry20:36
ianorlinIf you also speak English it would be nice to know specifically what the problem is20:37
AndresDollaryes ,too get found channel in spanish, but my english is very poor im know not if my undertand me20:39
AndresDollarI'm from a session guest on my lxde is vergonsoso but I think damage the openbox because the system is hanging when I enter my personal session20:41
AndresDollaras I can restore from the session openbox guest?20:45
testdrAndresDollar: no -- no admin rights for guest - you need the lubuntu-live-version to boot from and repair - or create new user20:47
testdrAndresDollar: you can try to login on a terminal -- strg+alt-F1/F2.. - and change the bad data of your openbox-session in your home-directory in the files of ./config20:49
Andresdollarthe problem too in my quest session :/20:54
[SLB]it should be sufficient to delete the config files as testdr said20:57
[SLB]or rename them in any case20:57
Andresdollarbut specifically deleted file? guess I erased and the system retrieves default?20:59
Andresdollaras? sorry am a newbie also being from guest session not let me delete that folder config?21:01
testdrAndresdollar: in your guest-session try to switch to a console-terminal with strg+alt+F1 and there login with your old admin-account. Then you can rename your local configs like this:    mv     .local      .local-old21:03
ianorlincouldn't he su into his old account from lxterminal in the guest session as well21:04
forthewinhi, my iso only asks me to install lubuntu. I want to try live session first. How, please?21:04
ianorlinforthewin: did you download the alternate installer?21:04
ianorlinbecause alternate installer is better for really old computers but doens't have a live session21:05
forthewinianorlin: yeah the alternate installer ok i understand now21:05
forthewinthank you21:05
ianorlinhaving a cd with live session around can be useful21:06
testdrforthewin: the alternate-installer is necessary for install on computers with less than 500-700 Megabytes memory21:06
forthewintestdr: yea my 2000 desktop only has 512ram and i need every drop of speed i can get21:08
testdrforthewin: then you can try the lubuntu-live-version, but the install from this could fail. The install is only a question if you want to install it to the harddisk.21:09
forthewinit is on mint mate right now and it is crawling21:10
forthewintestdr: guess ill just go for it and install, nothing much to lose21:10
nmsmhi everyone21:10
ianorlinyou could try the live disk and then install from alternate but live session won't run the best with 512 mb or ram21:10
forthewinianorlin: true, but it wont be representative of its real performance, so i got to install and see for myself21:11
testdrforthewin: there are 3 ways to do the install:  1. without live-version,  2. out of the live-version (needs more memory), 3. with internet-updates during install(needs more memory) -- you get it?21:11
forthewintestdr: ok i think i do, i will do number 121:12
ianorlinyeah livecd aren't that great for performance anyway as it is slow to access disk21:12
forthewinjust hoping it doesnt take 90 minutes to get past the 90% mark like i saw on a blog somewhere21:12
testdrbut live-version is an easy way to test if the hardware is supported and the main-tools may fit21:12
nmsmforthewin me too, i just wiped mint mate... here my compaq nx9030 with 715 RAM was struggling.. on lubuntu now and it's blazing fast21:13
ianorlinif it runs fine iwth compatibility on mint but is slow then hardware testing is not as nescary21:13
ianorlinalthough if a different kernel version regression bugs can break things21:14
nmsmforthewin mine took 20/30 minutes with updates on a M Celeron CPU21:15
nmsmtry to directly install it without booting on the live session21:16
nmsmit installs faster21:17
Andresdollari follow this tutorial http://tweakies.blogspot.com/2014/04/lxde-compiz.html (translate to english) ... and is the oringin of my problem :(21:20
[SLB]Andresdollar, you probably have screwed here windows_manager/command=compiz --sm-disable --ignore-desktop-hints cpp21:22
nmsmslb tuga, boa noite21:22
testdrAndresdollar: spanish - portugal? - but who ever tries compiz (the 3d-enhancements and eye-candys) does not need lxde and openbox to save memory and performance!21:22
[SLB]sorry i don't speak porto eheh21:23
nmsmok sorry mate, thoght you were portuguese21:24
[SLB]no worries, it often happens on irc with my nick :p21:25
nmsmhehehe it's because of Benfica's21:25
nmsmcheers ;)21:27
nmsmhehehe i support their rival FC Porto hehe i actually born there, nevertheless, tricked me this time hehehe21:29
faildoxhey guys, just spent the last couple of hours playing around and fixing up an old dell inspiron 1501 amd sempron (lol) It worked for a hot moment like a dream after i upped the ram21:30
faildoxbut then after a few successful reboots it went to a black screen with a cursor after login!21:30
faildoxanyone eer seen this issue?21:30
ianorlindid you change the session to openbox21:30
ianorlinfaildox what happens if you right click21:31
faildoxobviusly i can ctrl alt f4 etc21:31
faildoxbut startx runs some kernel output and then goes to the black screen and cursor again21:31
nmsmfaildox,  never happened to me mate, sorry i can't help21:32
ianorlinfaildox: does sudo service lightdm restart bring you to a login screen? to restart the the lightdm which allows you to log in?21:33
faildoxyes it does21:33
faildoxi done the hole dpkg --configure21:33
faildoxbut after logi21:33
faildoxhang on21:33
faildoxits doing things21:33
faildoxits offering me updates to 14.0421:34
faildoxlol now its upgrading automatically awesome21:35
faildoxproblem solved21:35
[SLB]things that happen when an old pc is just old and needs its time :p21:35
phillw;flood | faildox21:35
faildoxgot excited21:36
phillw:flood | faildox21:36
[SLB]where's the flood? if no one talked inbetweeb it's not his fault, lol21:36
phillwSLB, Im's not IRC copper... but they do want people to use paste bin :)21:37
[SLB]for chatting? :°)21:37
ianorlin!flood | faildox21:38
ubottufaildox: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:38
faildox!flood | faildox21:38
ubottufaildox, please see my private message21:38
phillw[SLB]: a hard call... #lubuntu-offtopic is always safer for an on going conversation21:38
* [SLB] facepalms, hardly21:38
faildoxthanks fgts21:39
faildoxso much for a good community21:39
faildoxbai bai21:39
phillwI wonder if we could simply disable his lubuntu installation...21:41
[SLB]eheh, he wasn't doing bad, but at the end he screwed, lol21:42
phillw[SLB]: indeed :)21:42

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