=== achernya_ is now known as achernya === barrypri1 is now known as barryprice [09:46] hi, a person has left our company and we don't really have a way of contacting them, but their old email is still subscribed to a couple of teams and bugs, is there a way to unlink the email from their account if we control the email? [10:28] I can't think of any self-service way to do that (well, short of stealing the account entirely), so you'll probably want to ask at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion [10:37] cargill: surely if it's a company email you control, you can jsut do it on their behalf? [10:39] yes, we own the email but if it is not the only email linked to their account, we cannot (or at least should not) trigger password reset [10:40] ahh, I see [10:40] didn;t realise it was multiple emails on one account [10:42] I've posted a question on the launchpad project, hopefully that can help resolve that [11:14] hi guys, i've been told this is the place i ask for arm to be added to my ppa [11:14] is it? [11:14] :D === mpt_ is now known as mpt [11:26] tsdgeos: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad [11:27] cjwatson: so i post there? or ask william grant? [11:27] wgrant: hi ho [11:27] tsdgeos: you post there [11:28] asking an individual deters others from helping :) [11:29] yeah [11:30] on the other hand asking a comitte is the way to get things never done :) [11:30] one can use popular sayings for everything [11:30] there's too many of them [11:30] i'm pretty sure i spelt comitte wrong [11:39] tsdgeos: "committee" :) yes, too many doubles ^^ [11:39] tsdgeos: This is an administrative ticket queue. Please use it. [11:39] Ah you did. [11:40] And now I remember that I'm only in the self-admins team and can't enable armhf for other people :-) [11:42] cargill: if someone in your company is bug supervisor for the projects the bugs belong to, and is admin of the team you want him out you can kick him without his intervention. [11:50] mapreri: he was the admin in a couple of them, noone else in our company is, so we can't do it this way [11:50] wgrant: cjwatson: so now that i have that do i need to reupload the packages? i can't see how to trigger an arm build [11:51] tsdgeos: After ARM support is enabled and your ticket is answered, you'll need to reupload. [11:52] ok :/ [13:00] cjwatson: now i don't have premission to upload to my ppa [13:00] http://paste.ubuntu.com/8458052/ [13:00] shall i open another question? [13:01] wgrant: ↑ [13:04] tsdgeos: That's not an upload to your PPA. That's an attempt to upload directly to Ubuntu. [13:05] stupid me [13:05] what's why i shouldn't be doing this ppa thing :D [13:05] sorry for the noise [13:07] there was clearly written [13:08] it's all clearly written when you know what to read [13:14] tsdgeos: it looks like you attempted to upload to the ubuntu or debian archive and not your PPA, what dput command did you use? [13:14] tsimpson: the wrong one sorry === seelaman is now known as IS_hr_bot === IS_hr_bot is now known as seelaman