Kilos | hi Squirm nuvolari inetpro and you others too | 05:01 |
Kilos | hi nlsthzn | 05:01 |
Squirm | morning | 05:33 |
Kilos | hi 18VAA3TVP | 05:36 |
Kilos | is dit jy barry? | 05:37 |
18VAA3TVP | More Kilos ek dink so | 06:00 |
18VAA3TVP | jip | 06:00 |
Kilos | lol | 06:00 |
=== 18VAA3TVP is now known as bduk1 | ||
bduk1 | ish like nie die ding wat my sommer rename nie | 06:01 |
inetpro | good morning | 06:47 |
ThatGraemeGuy | morning peeps | 06:57 |
charl | morning all | 07:08 |
Kilos | hi ThatGraemeGuy charl | 07:08 |
Kilos | hi Spekko | 07:09 |
ThatGraemeGuy | hey charl | 07:09 |
charl | hi Kilos, ThatGraemeGuy | 07:09 |
charl | Maaz: coffee on | 07:09 |
* Maaz washes some mugs | 07:09 | |
Kilos | ohi inetpro sorry busy negotiating with supplier for new drive | 07:09 |
charl | hi inetpro | 07:11 |
Maaz | Coffee's ready for charl! | 07:13 |
magespawn | good morning all | 07:18 |
Maaz | magespawn: By the way, superfly on freenode told me "tell magespawn we're good thanks" 3 days, 10 hours, 23 minutes and 18 seconds ago | 07:18 |
Kilos | hi magespawn | 07:18 |
Kilos | lol | 07:18 |
Kilos | the bot remembers well | 07:18 |
magespawn | hi Kilos | 07:18 |
Kilos | oo yay no hey today, well done | 07:19 |
* Squirm yawns | 07:19 | |
Squirm | I want to go to sleep | 07:19 |
Squirm | is work over? | 07:19 |
Kilos | sjoe | 07:19 |
Kilos | only just started man | 07:19 |
magespawn | hey is good, horses eat it | 07:19 |
Kilos | oh last month for you hey | 07:20 |
Squirm | Kilos: it started 2 hours ago :/ | 07:20 |
Kilos | thats hay man | 07:20 |
magespawn | for some Squirm, others have just started | 07:20 |
Squirm | this time next month, I'll be in Cape Town | 07:20 |
magespawn | Kilos, close enough for a monday | 07:20 |
Squirm | magespawn: that's unfair :/ | 07:20 |
Kilos | lol | 07:20 |
Squirm | but my new office hours are from 08h30 - 17h00 | 07:20 |
Squirm | so I get to sleep a few minutes longer | 07:20 |
magespawn | fairly normal | 07:20 |
Squirm | (depending of distance to work :P) | 07:21 |
Squirm | magespawn: currently 07h30 - 16h30 | 07:21 |
magespawn | Squirm, indeed i am 07:00 till 16:00 | 07:21 |
nlsthzn | alo | 07:21 |
Squirm | ouch | 07:21 |
magespawn | hi nlsthzn | 07:22 |
magespawn | i like the early start and finish | 07:22 |
Squirm | I struggle waking up early | 07:23 |
Kilos | late nights in the big city | 07:24 |
Kilos | haha | 07:24 |
theblazehen | hey guys | 08:22 |
Kilos | hi theblazehen | 08:22 |
Kilos | hi drussell hows things by you? | 08:33 |
Kilos | hello melwik | 08:34 |
drussell | Kilos: hey hey hey! Very good thanks yourself? | 08:34 |
Kilos | good ty drussell | 08:34 |
charl | hi drussell | 08:40 |
drussell | hiya charl | 08:43 |
ThatGraemeGuy | Squirm: where did you get the job? | 08:49 |
Squirm | ThatGraemeGuy: YuppieChef, in Westlake | 09:52 |
Squirm | been looking for accommodation close by | 09:52 |
Squirm | house share | 09:52 |
ThatGraemeGuy | cool, congrats! :) | 09:54 |
charl | congratulations Squirm ! | 09:59 |
Squirm | ThatGraemeGuy: let me know if you hear of anyone looking to share a house | 10:04 |
ThatGraemeGuy | mmmm that's a bit far outside my social circle :) | 10:04 |
Squirm | yeah, had to ask | 10:13 |
ThatGraemeGuy | Squirm: not sure how much research you've done, but traffic in that area tends to be worse in the northbound direction in the mornings and vice-versa in the afternoons | 11:17 |
ThatGraemeGuy | i.e. try and live somewhere north of your workplace to minimise traffic hassle if you aren't planning on using public transport | 11:17 |
Squirm | ThatGraemeGuy: that's the plan, though right now I just need somewhere to stay :/ Short term, maybe 1 month | 12:39 |
Squirm | then once I'm there, It'll be easier to look around | 12:39 |
superfly | there's no public transport near to Westlake | 14:01 |
superfly | Squirm: anywhere in the Muizenberg/Lakeside/Kirstenhof/Tokai area is really close, and should take no more than about 15 minutes to get to work | 14:02 |
Squirm | superfly: yeah, I've been looking. It's just hard with the budget I'm on :/ | 14:04 |
ThatGraemeGuy | haha, yeah more proof that's out of my 'hood. I have no idea what the transport options are on that end of the world :) | 14:04 |
Squirm | waiting for something to crop up. hoping the new month will yield good results for November :) | 14:05 |
Squirm | I check Gumtree a few times a day :/ | 14:05 |
Squirm | I should just check it once in the evening - I know. | 14:05 |
superfly | Squirm: just a warning, *most* of the adverts on gumtree are from letting agents, which means you're looking to pay an "admin fee" to the agent of anything up from R500 (i think it's usually R1000 these days) | 16:29 |
Squirm | superfly: yeah :/ I'm looking for a place to stay temporarily. At least once I'm there it may be easier to find/view places. | 16:51 |
charl | hi smile | 17:30 |
smile | hi! :) | 17:40 |
Kilos | haha coyote got him again | 17:49 |
Kilos | ohi superfly cant remember if i greeted you today | 17:50 |
gremble | o/ Sup yall | 17:50 |
Kilos | hi gremble | 17:50 |
charl | now it's not peer but it's coyote | 17:50 |
Kilos | ya haha | 17:50 |
charl | hi gremble, superfly and everyone else i didn't greet yet :P | 17:50 |
charl | i can't keep up, i'm on 4 different irc networks each with different users | 17:51 |
gremble | Psh. Need more coffee charl | 17:51 |
smile | lol ;) | 17:51 |
charl | gremble: it's evening, time to wind down with jasmine tea ! | 17:51 |
charl | tomorrow morning coffee for me again :P | 17:51 |
charl | have any of you people used bbs recently ? | 17:52 |
gremble | By jasmine tea you mean coke of the thigh from a hooker named jasmine? | 17:52 |
charl | you can access them via telnet these days, no need to dial in | 17:52 |
charl | gremble: lol no that wasn't my idea :P | 17:52 |
gremble | :p | 17:52 |
charl | sounds like an asian hooker | 17:52 |
charl | that also smells like the herb | 17:53 |
charl | time for a massage :P | 17:53 |
Kilos | i wonder if melwik gonne greet some time or just lurk | 17:55 |
Kilos | melwik ping | 17:56 |
Kilos | is it a bot charl | 17:57 |
charl | hmmm | 18:02 |
charl | the host is a canadian data centre | 18:02 |
charl | could be a legitimate user using a canadian data centre as a vps/bnc or something | 18:02 |
charl | i also irc from a host in germany while i live in netherlands | 18:02 |
charl | so that's not strange at all | 18:03 |
charl | but it could also be a bot indeed | 18:03 |
Kilos | ya but you dont just park off | 18:03 |
charl | yeah precisely, strange | 18:03 |
charl | well some people do just idle so it's not entirely improbable | 18:03 |
charl | but it is a good suspect for being a bot | 18:03 |
Kilos | those bots from last year looked same | 18:04 |
Kilos | name and ip | 18:04 |
charl | yeah suspicious | 18:04 |
Kilos | ctcp ping it | 18:05 |
Kilos | i dont have them buttons setup | 18:05 |
charl | ah it doesn't respond | 18:05 |
charl | nah it's a bot all right | 18:05 |
Kilos | inetpro kill it | 18:06 |
Kilos | nsa bot | 18:06 |
charl | who knows right, could be | 18:06 |
Kilos | looking for terrorists | 18:06 |
charl | they do consider irc to be used by terrorrists | 18:06 |
charl | yup | 18:06 |
Kilos | they must go play somewhere else | 18:06 |
Kilos | the terrorist story is a blind | 18:07 |
charl | yeah it's stupid | 18:07 |
charl | brb | 18:07 |
charl | have to go pump my bicycle wheels | 18:07 |
charl | they are getting flat | 18:07 |
Kilos | lol | 18:07 |
inetpro | !ping | 18:13 |
melwik | inetpro: Pong | 18:13 |
inetpro | good evening | 18:13 |
inetpro | !uptime | 18:13 |
melwik | inetpro: I have been running for 1 days, 18 hours, 21 minutes & 52 seconds | 18:13 |
Kilos | hi inetpro | 18:13 |
inetpro | !exit | 18:14 |
melwik | inetpro: Wrong password | 18:14 |
inetpro | hmm... | 18:14 |
Kilos | i think it sneaked past the freenode peeps | 18:14 |
inetpro | could be anyone man | 18:16 |
Kilos | anyone like who? | 18:16 |
inetpro | any other user in here | 18:17 |
Kilos | then its good manners to ask if they can leave a bot here | 18:17 |
superfly | !help | 18:17 |
superfly | !info | 18:18 |
superfly | I wonder how to get "help" from it | 18:18 |
inetpro | somehow suspect gwood started it | 18:18 |
Kilos | with difficulty | 18:18 |
inetpro | | 18:19 |
Kilos | we need a greeter bot | 18:37 |
Kilos | that says no bots without permission | 18:37 |
Kilos | superfly where is that guy that was going to sort out my greeter script for me | 18:44 |
Kilos | has he left? | 18:44 |
charl | Kilos: chanserv can do that for you | 18:48 |
Kilos | sort my greeter script? | 18:48 |
charl | oh i'm not sure if that's the case on freenode | 18:49 |
charl | but on most networks chanserv can do a on join notice | 18:49 |
charl | yes type /msg chanserv help set entrymsg | 18:49 |
charl | then you don't need a greeter script | 18:50 |
Kilos | oh | 18:50 |
Kilos | the pro will have to do that | 18:50 |
inetpro | charl: like this? | 18:51 |
inetpro | [ChanServ] Welcome to #ubuntu-za This channel is logged. Use of this channel implies acceptance of terms at | 18:51 |
superfly | Kilos: I don't know who you're talkign about | 18:52 |
charl | oh wait, there's already one set indeed | 18:52 |
Kilos | oh i did that once on my channel | 18:52 |
superfly | Kilos: I remember you kept on talking to HawkiesZA, but he had nothing to do with it | 18:52 |
Kilos | he worked with you superfly | 18:52 |
charl | i never notice it because it opens up in the server window | 18:52 |
charl | for me using irssi i mean | 18:52 |
Kilos | the python greeter script remember | 18:52 |
charl | what do you want to do with it ? | 18:53 |
inetpro | superfly: he is super paranoid? | 18:53 |
charl | ai | 18:53 |
Kilos | it needs cleaning up it makes mistakes and greets everyone not just newcomers | 18:53 |
charl | oh, now i see what you want to do | 18:53 |
smile | bye :) | 18:54 |
Kilos | it must remember all nicks not welcome someone again if he comes back in 30 mins time | 18:54 |
charl | ciao smile ! | 18:54 |
charl | :) | 18:54 |
smile | good night :) | 18:54 |
Kilos | slepp tight smile | 18:54 |
Kilos | sleep as well | 18:54 |
charl | Kilos: that's a hard one because people sometimes change ip and they sometimes change nick | 18:54 |
Kilos | then it can greet again | 18:54 |
charl | you have to save a list of already greeted nicks then | 18:55 |
Kilos | like if i tell it to join this channel it greets everyone here 1 by 1 | 18:55 |
charl | keep a text file or something | 18:55 |
charl | ah that's no good | 18:55 |
Kilos | i actually forgot all about that for a year or more now | 18:56 |
superfly | charl: or an sqlite db | 18:59 |
Kilos | superfly think back, i asked you one day how you were getting on with the script and you said he would do it as you were too busy | 19:00 |
Kilos | maybe it was hawkeyes okey i forgewt | 19:00 |
Kilos | forget too | 19:00 |
Kilos | not paranoid inetpro just think the nsa should keep their noses out of everyones busines | 19:01 |
Kilos | s | 19:01 |
Kilos | especially here these days its infringing on our human rights | 19:02 |
inetpro | Kilos: hmm.. surprise, surprise, we're in a public space here | 19:02 |
Kilos | if it is important to them they can ask for permission to leave a bot here not just do it | 19:02 |
Kilos | its normall decent behaviour to ask for permission not just do as you like | 19:03 |
Kilos | they dont own this channel | 19:03 |
inetpro | well neither does anyone of us | 19:04 |
Kilos | yes but this is | 19:04 |
Kilos | um | 19:04 |
* Kilos forgets his nick | 19:05 | |
Kilos | and highvoltage was it? | 19:05 |
inetpro | you can't exactly make the rules for who can enter a public shopping centre can you? | 19:05 |
Kilos | his channel and he knows us | 19:05 |
Kilos | if you read when i started i said it should be the decent way to join a channel and greet | 19:06 |
Kilos | if its a bot like smile left here for a day or so thats fine, he asked first | 19:07 |
inetpro | ai! | 19:07 |
Kilos | inetpro why do you think freenode peeps worked to block all those bots last year, doesnt the shopping centre rule work there too | 19:12 |
inetpro | uh, show me the rulebook? | 19:13 |
Kilos | lol what rule book? for shopping centres? | 19:13 |
Kilos | their rule is allow everyone because we make money from them | 19:14 |
inetpro | the freenode rule book man | 19:14 |
Kilos | why did the guys ban all those bots | 19:15 |
Kilos | block/ban whatever | 19:15 |
inetpro | who is 'the guys' and when/how did they do it? | 19:16 |
Kilos | last year freenode ops peeps worked for days to get those bot banned | 19:16 |
Kilos | you forgot | 19:17 |
inetpro | if you suspect that this melwik bot is malicious please feel free to speak to freenode staffers so they can check it out | 19:18 |
inetpro | they have better ways of checking than anyone of us has | 19:19 |
Kilos | how does one find out if a bot is maliscious | 19:19 |
inetpro | so far I don't see how it has negatively affected anyone | 19:19 |
Kilos | i dont mind asking | 19:19 |
Kilos | those other bots also just lurked but freenode thought it was best to basn them | 19:20 |
Kilos | now im the criminal | 19:20 |
inetpro | all I am saying is that you better behave yourself in this public space | 19:21 |
Kilos | me? | 19:21 |
inetpro | anyone for that matter | 19:22 |
Kilos | ai! | 19:22 |
inetpro | "This channel is logged." | 19:23 |
Kilos | so? | 19:23 |
inetpro | even google can find what you say | 19:23 |
Kilos | my nose is clean | 19:23 |
inetpro | the nsa doesn't even have to plant a bot | 19:24 |
Kilos | but they have | 19:24 |
Kilos | all over the internet | 19:24 |
* inetpro gives up | 19:24 | |
Kilos | lol | 19:24 |
inetpro | gwood: welcome back | 19:34 |
gwood | hi inetpro | 19:34 |
inetpro | gwood: did you by any chance start the melwik bot in this channel? | 19:35 |
Kilos | hi gwood | 19:35 |
gwood | inetpro, yes, sorry i am just playing with some library for logging, should i not use one here? | 19:36 |
Kilos | yay | 19:36 |
inetpro | Kilos: you see I was right :-) | 19:36 |
Kilos | just ask gwood so we know | 19:36 |
Kilos | yes inetpro well done | 19:37 |
inetpro | gwood: Kilos was worried it's the nsa spying on him | 19:37 |
gwood | lol, yeah, by talking to me now, you have now been branded a terrorist ;) | 19:38 |
inetpro | gwood: ai! | 19:38 |
Kilos | hahaha | 19:38 |
inetpro | gwood: like he said, nothing wrong with asking | 19:39 |
Kilos | gwood we had a couple of weeks last year with many bots just joining | 19:39 |
Kilos | maliscious ones | 19:39 |
inetpro | almost had to start banning this bot from another planet | 19:40 |
Kilos | freenode had to fight to block them | 19:40 |
Kilos | sorry inetpro | 19:40 |
inetpro | Kilos: no harm done | 19:41 |
Kilos | gwood did you come right with the network setup you have there | 19:41 |
gwood | oh, is there a nice irc terminal based client i can use to stay logged in from a remote server? | 19:41 |
Kilos | nice? | 19:41 |
Kilos | iirc works from server methinks | 19:42 |
Kilos | i dunno about weechat | 19:42 |
gwood | Kilos: not really, the problem seems to hard. I'm planniing to try it sometime with a debian distro laptop | 19:42 |
Kilos | the lappy uses wifi right? | 19:43 |
inetpro | gwood: even irssi does the trick | 19:43 |
Kilos | and you use fone to make a hotspot | 19:43 |
Kilos | eish i meant that inetpro | 19:43 |
gwood | Kilos: yes | 19:43 |
Kilos | sjoe | 19:43 |
Kilos | and the landlords wifi is to weak to reach you? | 19:44 |
Kilos | what about a wifi extender | 19:44 |
gwood | inetpro: thanks, i'll try use irssi to stay logged onto this channel remotely, then i won't need the bot | 19:44 |
inetpro | gwood: but quassel works best for me | 19:44 |
inetpro | just set up quasselcore on your remote server and then login to your own core with quasselclient | 19:45 |
gwood | Kilos: i want to learn how to setup a pi as a hotspot for fun, I just need to get a better wifi dongle | 19:45 |
Kilos | sjoe | 19:45 |
gwood | inetpro: cool quassel looks quite nice, will definately look into that, thanks | 19:46 |
inetpro | quasselclient even works on windows... and you also get quasseldroid for your mobile | 19:47 |
Kilos | wb gremble | 19:48 |
gremble | I will probably be kicked of momentarily again. :/ | 19:49 |
gremble | For some reason my connection with freenode is wonky | 19:49 |
Kilos | ai! | 19:49 |
=== root is now known as Guest28846 | ||
Kilos | haha | 20:08 |
Kilos | anyway night all. sleep tight | 20:08 |
=== Guest28846 is now known as gwood | ||
inetpro | gwood: eish, I really hope that you didn't connect to irc with the root account!? | 20:26 |
inetpro | that's looking for trouble | 20:27 |
gwood | inetpro: no, i was careful to logout | 20:31 |
gwood | i've got to be careful with the server i'm using, lots of attempts have been made to hack it | 20:32 |
gwood | what do you guys think of that big bash bug | 20:33 |
gwood | i've tested all my machines and they were all vulnerable, still need to test my phone somehow :/ | 20:34 |
gremble | Does Android come with bash? | 20:40 |
gwood | gremble: if you running a jailbroken Android or iOS you might be vulnerable | 20:42 |
gwood | gremble: it might affect other devices, i'm not too sure | 20:45 |
gwood | reading up on it now, it might even affect routers :( | 20:46 |
gremble | Well, if it runs bash it is affected | 20:49 |
* gremble shrugs | 20:49 | |
=== user____ is now known as gwood | ||
gwood | inetpro: oh poo, i was logged in as root, thought i made sure i was out | 21:04 |
charl | gwood: your bot doesn't respond to a ctcp version request | 21:05 |
charl | gwood: that alone can get you banned from some places | 21:06 |
charl | gwood: irssi or weechat are both two very good terminal based irc clients | 21:07 |
charl | gwood: a lot of people (including myself) run it inside a terminal multiplexer like screen, tmux or byobu | 21:07 |
charl | gwood: i would personally recommend byobu, it's a layer around tmux and it works really great | 21:07 |
gremble | haha I remember a guy that had a bot in irssi that would echo things you sent him. | 21:08 |
gwood | charl: oh, sounds like a bug for | 21:08 |
gremble | $BOT_NAME :(){:|:&};: | 21:08 |
gremble | It was fun | 21:08 |
gremble | $BOT_NAME /exec :(){:|:&};: | 21:09 |
gwood | lol trying to hack my bot | 21:10 |
gremble | Thats actually a forkbomb. Not the shellshock vulnerability | 21:10 |
gremble | Very old | 21:11 |
charl | gwood: and at least get some reverse dns there man :) | 21:13 |
charl | just kidding, now i'm just nitpicking | 21:13 |
tumbleweed | me wonders if it's a bug for :P | 21:24 |
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