
=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja
hiren_harmw: supp00:53
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harmwhiren_: nvm, my configdrive still sucks07:23
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smoserharlowja_away, did you get sorted above ?15:45
smoseri've never been able to make a network-interfaces appear in config drive either15:45
smoserharmw, did you re-try my config drive ?15:46
harmwsmoser: apart from networking, it all works17:12
harmwdidn't I say that the othr day? :)17:13
smoseri'm sorry. i didn't see that. 17:17
smoserok. i'll pull that in.17:17
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harmwhm, no rhel6 juno packages from rdo :|17:21
harlowjaharmw did u figure out the networking stuff?17:23
harlowjaif u want u can ping 'markmcclain'  in #openstack-neutron, he might be able to help, say josh sent u :-P17:24
harmwnope, I got to tired17:24
harlowjaand don't forget to do the secret handshake17:24
harlowjaotherwise, bad  things...17:24
harmwah yea17:24
harmwI once forgot17:24
harmwsince thn, alwys shake17:24
harlowjaya, the saga of harmw and his lost fingers, lol17:24
harmwfingrs? which it ended there...17:25
harlowjanever again!17:25
harmwkinda sux thre apparently are no el6 packages for juno17:28
harmwI wasn't planing to upgrade both openstack + centos17:28
harlowjau can generate them17:32
harlowjausing anvil ;)17:32
harlowjaif it works for juno (i haven't tried)17:32
harlowjamy other project, lol17:33
harlowjahttp://anvil.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/summary.html :-P17:34
harmwso anvil takes care of sysvinit vs systemd?17:34
harlowjawell it does that by just using sysvinit, lol17:34
harlowjafor now :_P17:34
harmwaren't you clever :>17:34
harlowjait might not work for juno though, i haven't tried since juno not out yet, lol17:34
harlowjabut it does build things for icehouse17:35
harmwwell, RDO covers icehouse so thats no problem :p17:36
harmwits juno I worry about17:36
harlowjahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/8467423/ is a script that will run anvil if u want to try juno17:36
harlowjau should just be able to point anvil @ https://github.com/stackforge/anvil/blob/master/conf/origins/master.yaml17:36
harlowjaalthough harmw if u are feeling lucky u can try '' 17:37
harlowjawhich i believe the RH guys are creating from juno17:37
harlowjausing https://github.com/openstack-packages/delorean17:37
harmwfc20? rdo.fedorapeople also has that :)17:37
harlowjawell nm, let me know if anvil works ;)17:38
harlowjaif u want, haha17:38
harmwI'm used to using this repo: https://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/openstack/openstack-juno/17:38
harlowjakk, seems similar17:38
harlowjaexcept none of thats for el617:38
* harlowja i talked to RH about this, they don't seem to care much about el6 17:38
harmwhmk, well that sucks17:39
harlowjaya, sucks for people that can't just jump to RHEL717:40
harlowjawhich is like all the enterprise folks, lol17:40
harlowja*aka me*17:40
smoserharmw, it freebsed config drive merged17:40
harmwI noticed17:40
harmwthough I want static networking covered/fixed but can't test that on my cloud :(17:41
harmwit *should* work just fine, but I can't test it (regarding configdrive)17:41
harlowjahiren_ hopefully can test that17:51
harlowjasince y! uses static networking  + configdrive still17:51
harlowja*for better or worse*17:52
harmwharlowja: when did you say you wre planning on visitting RH to do/package Juno for el6?19:11
harlowjawhenever y! get around to it, probably when juno gets released :-P19:12
harmwi'd vouch for Juno rc1 :P19:13
harlowjanot many people here trust openstack enough to run trunk ;)19:18
harmwbut rc1 stage is a good stage to start harassing RH people they need to package for el6, instead of just 7 :p19:20
harlowjaya, well we already harassed them a little19:21
harlowjawe'll probably harass them again, lol19:21
harmwplease do19:21
harlowjasince if they are going to do what anvil is doing, we need to make sure they have el6 packages19:21
harmwthe world depends on you!19:21
harlowjaotherwise anvil has to keep on doing what it does (building packages)19:21
harlowjaalthough i don't think y! signed the RDO support stuff, so they might not care19:22
harlowjau not pay us $$19:22
harlowjau no get packages, lol19:22
harlowja*which is ok, cause i can automatclaly already build the packages, lol19:24
harlowjabut they said, u not get packages that we verified, and we like 'meh'19:24
harlowja* not how it went down, lol19:25
harlowjaarg, i get scared of the proposals peopel put up for openstack alot :(19:28
harlowjatoday was https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OpenStack_cascading_solution#Architecture 19:28
harlowja^ makes me so sad19:28
harlowjamy response http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2014-September/047507.html 19:28
harlowjawe should add a few more layers in there19:30
harlowjathen we will get a 7 layer openstack burrito19:30
JayFthe problem is19:31
JayFIronic is a burrito bowl19:31
JayFso is vmware19:31
JayFand openstack only wants to support wraps19:31
JayFno respect for those of us intolerant of hypervisors :(19:32
harlowjataco bell would be so proud19:36
harlowjahttps://github.com/stackforge/tricircle/tree/master/novaproxy is interesting from a theortical perspective, but imho its not helping make openstack more reliable 19:37
harlowjathats just my 2 cents19:37
harlowja^ the above is what that cascading thing would use to proxy from one nova to another19:37
harlowja'Nova-Proxy acts as the same role of Nova-Compute in cascading OpenStack. Nova-Proxy treats cascaded Nova as its hypervisor, convert the internal request message from the message bus to restful API calling to cascaded Nova.'19:37
harlowjawhich seems sorta like ummm wrong19:38
harlowjago all the way through the nova API, quota system, database calls... to just at the final end pop out a call to another nova19:38
harlowjaand the 'nova API, quota system, database calls' initially there are already sorta messed up19:38
harlowjaso X levels of messed up doesn't seem like an improvement, lol19:38
harlowja*same with https://github.com/stackforge/tricircle/tree/master/cinderproxy (which does the same thing for cinder)19:39
harlowjaonce u hit ∞ levels all problems go away ;)19:40
harlowja*because nothing ever finishes, haha19:41
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