
davecheneyI now have -3 open reviews in my RB incoming review queue00:41
perrito666is that a minus?00:41
thumperdavecheney: those are your reviews I think00:41
thumperif it is, that's funny00:41
davecheneythumper: how many (negative) reviews do you have ?00:43
thumperpersonal ones are positive, juju-team shows -300:44
jcw4davecheney: that seems like double entendre00:44
thumperjcw4: I'm looking at yours now00:44
jcw4thumper: cool... I hope it's not negative00:44
* jcw4 cracks himself up00:44
davecheneyyay software00:45
* thumper wonders what jcw4 will think of this...00:50
* jcw4 waits with anticipation00:51
jcw4unless you hit publish in the next 2 minutes though my anticipation will have to stretch til after family supper.00:52
davecheneythe man knows how to negotiate00:52
* thumper recoils from that idea after reading the code, and goes back to the review00:52
* jcw4 suspects recoil isn't usually used in context of a happy review00:53
thumperit isn't too bad, just getting my head around this00:54
jcw4thumper: you should know that you bang your head on your desk a lot in irc... my thin skin can't take too much of that m'kay?00:54
thumperjcw4: do we have a way to remove actions and their results yet?00:56
jcw4thumper: no00:57
jcw4thumper: we do have a forthcoming 'Cancel' API call00:57
jcw4thumper: but that's not quite the same thing00:57
thumperpretty sure I'm not going to want every call around for ever :)00:57
jcw4thumper: +1... should that be handled with an API call (ArchiveActions) or within Jujud somehow?00:58
thumperjcw4: probably some api call00:58
* jcw4 adds that to the actions api branch00:59
* jcw4 is off to supper01:02
thumperoh FFS01:05
* thumper wanted to edit that01:05
thumperwrong button01:05
axwthumper: pong (it was a public holiday yesterday)01:08
thumperaxw: hey, guessed that in the end01:08
thumperaxw: got a few minutes?01:08
thumperaxw: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/gvxqrkm74ije2z64ochcr5bbhia?hl=en01:09
sebas5384hey there o/ :)01:11
sebas5384i'm building a juju api client01:11
sebas5384but i don't know why i only can connect to the socket ws://juju-gui:8001/ws01:13
sebas5384which i suppose is being proxyed or something like that01:13
rick_h_sebas5384: well the juju-gui talks to a proxy service on the charm01:14
sebas5384because that socket is already knowing to which environment to communicate01:14
sebas5384hmmm yeah01:14
rick_h_sebas5384: it does that to provide services like bundle deployments which the juju api doesn't have at this time. So it intercepts some calls to do actions manually01:14
sebas5384rick_h_: hi o/01:14
rick_h_sebas5384: but most calls it just proxies through to the state server01:15
sebas5384hmmm i was imagining something like that01:16
sebas5384can you show me the code of that proxy ?01:16
sebas5384I want to use it as an example of how to connect to the api state server01:17
rick_h_sebas5384: yep, looking now, it's the 'guiserver' bit http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju-gui-charmers/charms/trusty/juju-gui/trunk/files/head:/server/guiserver/01:17
sebas5384i'm taking a look at it01:18
rick_h_sebas5384: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju-gui-charmers/charms/trusty/juju-gui/trunk/view/head:/hooks/utils.py#L140 might be of interest to you01:20
sebas5384hmmmm here it is:)01:20
rick_h_sebas5384: since it sounds like you really want the real ip addr of the state server01:20
sebas5384yeah exactly!!01:20
rick_h_sebas5384: but yea, there's some magic bits in the juju-gui charm so worth going through some of that.01:21
rick_h_sebas5384: hope that helps01:21
sebas5384definitively rick_h_ !01:21
sebas5384thanks man! you are always helpful :)01:22
sebas5384rick_h_ ++01:22
rick_h_np, have fun. I'm out for the night.01:22
sebas5384rick_h_: o/01:23
axwthumper: I just saw your email from yesterday about the 403s; it *shouldn't* be using the proxy for uploading to provider storage (probably the no_proxy mask isn't quite right)01:26
axwthumper: that wouldn't happen on master tho01:27
jcw4thumper: responded to your comments... great review. thank you.01:41
thumperjcw4: the old name or the new name?01:43
thumperjcw4: if Name -> Id01:43
thumperand Id() returns the localID01:43
thumperall good01:43
jcw4thumper: good01:43
jcw4thumper: did you get your first question about old vs. new name answered?01:44
jcw4oh... I think it all goes together01:44
thumperit does :)01:44
jcw4in which case I'm clear and that's cool01:44
thumperjcw4: names.Tag represents any tag02:02
thumperjcw4: names.UnitTag is a concrete implementation of a tag02:02
thumpersince the design leans towards different receiver types02:02
thumperit makes sense to be a names.Tag rather than a UnitTag02:02
jcw4got it02:02
thumperwe can then do type switches on it02:02
thumperand know that it is well formed02:03
thumpertags have become more than just API level02:03
thumperthey are typed key values02:03
jcw4so if we use Tags instead of string ids for the receiver,  we make the parameter the general Tag type02:03
jcw4thumper: okay, so it's okay to use them internally02:03
thumperthe document should keep a string value02:03
thumperbut it is internal02:03
thumperthe public interface to the Action should use a Tag02:03
thumperjcw4: state.User now takes a names.UserTag arg02:04
jcw4but the string repr. is the tag version instead of the internal Name() version02:04
thumperso we know that it is valid02:04
thumperjcw4: no, just store the Id() of the tag02:04
thumperwhich is the same value you are storing now02:04
jcw4hmm; I see in the case of Units yes02:04
jcw4I was distracted because the internal representation of action* id's are different than the tag version02:05
sinzuithumper, do you have a minute to review https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/86202:18
* thumper looks02:18
thumpersinzui: do we have a good power build now?02:19
sinzuithumper, we don't know yet. I have update all the machines and sent 1.20.9 off to the builders to find out02:19
thumpersinzui: ok, thanks for the info02:20
wwitzel3jam: for bug #1375507 , should I be looking at going the NonValidatingClient route? should we generate new certs and leave the client as is?03:17
mupBug #1375507: rsyslog worker continuously restarts due to x509 error following upgrade <logging> <rsyslog> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1375507>03:17
wwitzel3menn0: what provider did you use when you noticed the bug ^03:23
menn0wwitzel3: local03:56
menn0wwitzel3: it's probably not relevant but I can give you the script I was using to set up the 1.20 env03:57
wwitzel3menn0: actually, that'd be helpful .. my local is giving me a bit of a different error04:02
menn0wwitzel3: i'll email it to you know04:03
wwitzel3menn0: also were you using 1.20 from the git tag? Or a pre-built?04:03
menn0wwitzel3: pre-built - I noticed the problem coming from both 1.20.7 and 1.20.8 from the stable PPA04:04
wwitzel3menn0: k04:04
menn0wwitzel3: just sent the script04:06
menn0wwitzel3: I was using it to test upgrades for the units collection migration to using env uuids in the _id04:07
menn0wwitzel3: the rsyslog issue is just something I noticed incidentally04:07
menn0wwitzel3: wait for all agent-states to be "started" before running "juju upgrade-juju --upload-tools" with the juju built from master04:08
wwitzel3menn0: thanks again, I'll give it a whirl right now04:12
menn0wwitzel3: ok04:12
* thumper feels much better after a few hours coding04:40
* thumper EODs04:40
thumperjam: FWIW, just implemented 'juju api-info' with nice options04:40
thumperjam: will propose tomorrow04:40
jamthumper: sounds good04:40
axwjam: are you still maintaining the old juju landing bot? I tried to land a contribution to gwacl, and it spat the dummy04:43
axw`/bin/sh: 1: Syntax error: "&&" unexpected`04:43
jamaxw: mgz is probably more aware of that bot than I am.04:44
axwokey dokey04:44
jamaxw: I'll see if I can find it04:44
jamaxw: can you link the MP ?04:44
axwjam: https://code.launchpad.net/~mark-sheahan-ms/gwacl/cert-args/+merge/23588904:45
axwI can merge manually if it's too much hassle, unit tests should be pretty a safe bet04:45
=== uru_ is now known as urulama
dimiternmorning all05:40
wwitzel3dimitern: morning05:41
dimiternwwitzel3, hey, isn't it way to late there?05:42
jamdimitern: isn't it a bit too early there :)05:43
jamI think its only about midnight for wwitzel305:43
dimiternjam, 8:44, nice and early :)05:44
wwitzel3dimitern: yeah, it isn't super late, but mostly I'm sick and not sleeping well, so figure I'd be productive since I was up anyway05:44
dimiternwwitzel3, oh, get well soon then!05:44
wwitzel3dimitern: my goal is to not be sick at the sprint, that would be awful05:45
dimiternwwitzel3, yeah, I almost managed to get a cold in the past few days, but it's ok now05:46
wwitzel3dimitern: I hung out with some friends who have kids on Saturday and felt it coming on Sunday .. I should know better than to leave the house :P05:47
dimiternjam, can I bother you for a couple of early reviews? :) http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/123/ and http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/125/05:47
dimiternwwitzel3, is it cold already in fl ?05:48
wwitzel3dimitern: my friends tell me no, not yet, I'm up in NC05:49
wwitzel3(north carolina)05:49
dimiternwwitzel3, ah, right05:49
dimiternfwereade, hey, I know it's awful early, but can you take a look as well when you can? ^^05:51
jamdimitern: commented on http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/123/05:59
jamfwereade: I'd like your input on the idea of "Does adding a method require us to bump the API version"05:59
jamdimitern: and a comment on http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/125/06:05
dimiternjam, thanks!06:05
dimiternjam, well, it's the agent api, and if we needed to do that for the uniter api, we already missed the train a few times with the actions and metrics, etc.06:06
jamdimitern: "we made mistakes in the past, so clearly we shouldn't stop making mistakes now"06:07
dimiternjam, :)06:07
dimiternjam, btw Tag() returning names.Tag is wrong06:27
dimiternjam, it's only like that in state because of FindEntity() and things like that06:27
dimiternjam, in other places, esp. in the api we should use proper tag types - return them and take them as args; that was one of davecheney's comments on one of my previous PRs06:28
dimiternjam, introducing versions into the uniter api server facade, considering how big it is, will require massive changes to the PR06:31
jamdimitern: grep -rnI "func.*Tag()" . shows an awful lack of common implementations06:31
dimiternjam, yes, but we're moving towards better consistency in the implementations06:31
jamdimitern: type  UniterV1 struct { Uniter } is not particularly large06:31
dimiternjam, and testing both versions without much code duplication will need all test suites to be refactored06:32
jamdimitern: so I agree we should move towards consistency, though (IMO) having a consistent "you can call Tag() on objects to get a Tag describing it" seems useful, and Go tends to require that if you ever want to put those objects into an Interface the method has to return identical types06:33
dimiternjam, like what I did for the firewaller06:33
dimiternjam, yeah, that kinda sucks, esp. having to do apiuniter.Unit(stateUnit.Tag().(names.UnitTag))06:34
jamdimitern: I feel like the pain of Versioning is a pain we need to endure sooner rather than later, as there will always be "its a lot of work" for anything we want to do.06:35
jamdimitern: I can live with us agreeing it isn't worth it06:35
jambut we should discuss that with more than just 2 people06:35
dimiternjam, much of the stir around serializing and deserializing tags for the api can be solved by making the tags handle that and use tags instead of strings in params/results06:36
dimiternjam, so how about instead of adding a new version of the api in this PR, I add some fallback code in the uniter to handle IsCodeNotImplemented ?06:38
jamdimitern: as stated, I don't want it to just be you and I that come up with what is good enough in this case. I want at least fwereade and maybe a wider agreement from the list.06:39
jamdimitern: there is lots of ways we can reduce the work (like just using what you have right now which is even easier for you)06:39
jamdimitern: but whatever we do is going to be precedent (like Metrics, etc), and I'd like the group to have decided what we are doing06:40
dimiternjam, considering the rush to implement a lot of features in the past months, by different teams, even outside contributors, the mess will only get worse if we don't gate api changes with some process we agree upon06:41
dimiternjam, ok, while waiting for consensus I'll switch to container addressability to prepare some tasks for breakdown and estimation06:49
axwreviewboard's dead? :(09:01
=== Spads_ is now known as Spads
dimiternaxw, works for me btw09:36
axwdimitern: it started working again09:36
axwguess someone restarted it ...09:36
=== fabrice_ is now known as fabrice|lunch
dimiternmorning perrito66610:47
dimiternjam, standup?10:47
tasdomasI'm having problems trying to bootstrap a juju environment on amazon using the latest master11:04
perrito666fwereade: ping me if you have a spare moment11:08
fwereadeperrito666, I have to be out in 10 mins, let's be quick11:09
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perrito666mattyw: remember to get approval from someone more senior than I12:21
mattywperrito666, thanks very much for the review12:22
mattywand I will12:22
perrito666ericsnow: wwitzel3 I am in the noisiest place ever, I am bailing out13:50
perrito666of the call13:50
ericsnowperrito666: pity13:50
ericsnowperrito666: I need to talk to you about backups at some point13:50
perrito666ericsnow: well if you need to I can squeeze myself into a quieter place13:52
ericsnowperrito666: it can wait13:52
perrito666they seem to have these meeting booths13:52
perrito666ericsnow: gimme a moment and Ill be there13:52
perrito666cameraless as usual13:52
perrito666ericsnow: I am in13:55
=== cmars` is now known as cmars
perrito666ericsnow: wwitzel3 you both just froze14:16
perrito666I guess itsme14:16
ericsnowperrito666: yep14:16
perrito666ericsnow: I am having some form of connection error to hangouts14:18
perrito666man rainy days really kill internets here14:18
perrito666I have lost dns14:18
ericsnowperrito666: :(14:19
perrito666ericsnow: so, yes, scp approach is far from perfect if you are doing an upload/download mechanism I am sure there are better things to use14:23
perrito666ericsnow: I dont remember very well now but voidspace had done something for download14:23
ericsnowperrito666: I'll see what I can come up with14:23
perrito666maybe that can be used as a start point14:23
ericsnowperrito666: yeah, that's what I'm doing14:23
ericsnowperrito666: :)14:23
TheMueoh, looks like my test error is a race. interesting, but ok, logically it made no sense14:52
tasdomascould somebody take a look at http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/124/ and http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/131/ ? Much appreciated!14:56
perrito666tasdomas: looking14:56
tasdomasperrito666, thanks!14:57
perrito666tasdomas: 131 has already been reviewed by me earlier14:59
tasdomasperrito666, thanks14:59
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perrito666tasdomas: done15:32
tasdomasperrito666, thanks15:54
mgzperrito666: care to stamp a trivial dep change for me?16:13
mgzperrito666: <https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/867>16:14
perrito666mgz: looking16:15
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perrito666mgz: lgtm16:18
perrito666brb lunch16:22
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wwitzel3I guess that is the number of things I'm winning at today18:48
wwitzel3is there an easy way to get rendered URL and params of a FacadeCall?18:49
wwitzel3figure a well placed Debugf should give me that ..18:51
alexisbperrito666, what is your twitter handle?19:01
benjiGoing down.19:04
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perrito666alexisb: extremelite late ping, my twitter handle is: perrito66620:15
perrito666no surprise there :p20:16
jcw4thanks thumper20:37
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
cmarsthumper, hangout? or should i reschedule +1 hour21:04
thumpercmars: can we reschedule for 30min?21:05
cmarsthumper, np21:05
arosalesthumper: working on deploying to a power8 maas cluster from a amd64 client21:10
arosalesthumper: we try to use --arch=ppc|64|64el|64le with no luck21:11
arosaleslooking at the juju help it does not list ppc* as a supported arch21:11
thumpershouldn't that be constraints?21:12
arosalesthumper: do you know what the recomended way to deploy from an x86 client to ppc maas cluster21:12
thumperno I don't, sorry21:12
arosalesjuju deploy --constraints arch=ppc*21:12
arosalesthumper can you confrirm ppc64* is a valid arch?21:13
thumperI think ppc64, ppc64el and ppc64le all work21:14
thumperso 'juju bootstrap --constraints arch=ppc64' should work21:15
* thumper crosses fingers21:15
arosalesfrom x86 it fails miserably21:15
arosalestrying from ppc64el21:16
thumperarosales: fails how? and bug plz?21:18
arosalesthumper: will file, just trying to get something to work.21:21
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
arosalesmbruzek: has the details, but he is trying to get 1.20.9 to test that hypothesis21:21
jcw4thumper: still cleaning up in response to your other points, but I updated http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/127/ with a couple questions for you21:22
* thumper looks21:33
thumperjcw4: don't see your answers21:33
jcw4thumper: hmm; last two points you made21:34
jcw4basically you suggested when searching for actions or actionresults by actionreceiver that we could just use the receiver name instead of using docID on the receiver name21:34
jcw4I was asking 1) don't we need to still include the EnvUUID prefix in the filter21:35
jcw4and 2) can we safely ignore using QuoteMeta on the combination of env uuid and receiver name21:35
thumper1) yes, but you can specify the uuid field21:38
thumper2) avoid regex21:38
jcw4thumper: +121:38
jcw4thumper: so just reconstruct the prefix with uuid + receiver name21:38
jcw4thumper: but can I search for matching actions by prefix without regex?  is there a simple prefix search method I can use in the bson package?21:39
thumperjcw4: just look for the specific fields bson.D{{'env-uuid': envuuid},{'reciever': receiver}}21:39
jcw4thumper: doh21:39
jcw4thumper: got it21:39
jcw4thumper: thanks21:41
thumpercmars: still around?21:42
davecheneythumper: fuck21:52
davecheneyingore mu half sent mail21:52
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
wwitzel3anyone know where the FacadeCall stuff gets distilled down in to just a URL with params? I'm trying to Debugf the URL for the rsyslog facade calls.22:27
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cmarsmenn0, can i trouble you to take a look at my versioned login API PR, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/392 ?23:09
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menn0cmars: sorry, was having lunch. looking now.23:55

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