
rick_h_huwshimi: review in, thanks for the great stuff01:03
rick_h_hatch: you do your blog post?01:39
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luca__Hi urulama 09:27
luca__Rick said I can make some cards on the Juju GUI kanban09:27
luca__do you know which column I should put them on?09:28
fabrice_luca__: I suppose I would put them under ready to code 09:31
luca__thanks fabrice_ 09:32
luca__I’ll add them there09:32
luca__rick can move them if need be09:32
fabrice_luca__: he will be there in 90 minutes most likely so you can check with him09:34
luca__thanks :)09:35
urulamaluca__: hey, was otp09:46
luca__urulama: no worries09:46
luca__urulama: I have added them now09:46
* urulama gets worried :D09:47
urulamaluca__: where did you put it?09:48
luca__ready to code in the urgent section09:48
urulamaluca__: oh, robin will be happy :)09:50
luca__urulama: haha, he’s sitting near me. He’s on it :)09:50
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frankbanmarcoceppi: morning, any idea about why I get "ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused" from ec2 when running juju-test? the same environment works when bootstrapped directly09:54
marcoceppifrankban: what flags were passed?09:55
luca__urulama: I just made the Urgent section of ready to code go red!09:55
luca__urulama: rick_h_ is not going to be happy with me09:55
frankbanmarcoceppi: yes | juju-test --timeout=60m -v -e "ec2-precise" 20-functional.test09:55
urulamaluca__: that is a great good morning welcome!09:56
marcoceppifrankban: so, I need to check if juju test is still making an isolated environment, if so you'll need to reset your JUJU_HOME to access the environment09:56
frankbanmarcoceppi: reset my juju-home?09:57
marcoceppifrankban: not reset, sorry, override09:57
marcoceppijuju-test, used to, create an isolated JUJU_HOME from the users, copy over the credentials for just that environment and bootstrap from it. This way we didn't polute people's JUJU_HOME. This was fine until juju started creating it's own SSH keys09:58
marcoceppiactually, we're not doing that anymore, good09:59
marcoceppihum. Why can't you access it09:59
frankbanmarcoceppi: the weird stuff is that it worked since yesterday or a couple of days ago. btw this is the full output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8464993/09:59
marcoceppifrankban: could it just be that the instance took too long to come online?10:00
frankbanmarcoceppi: tried several times, trying again10:02
marcoceppiit's weird that it's listing the internal IP address. I mean, nothing has changed in juju-test in months10:03
frankbanmarcoceppi: I don't exclude this can be some oddity on my local configuration, it's just weird that it works when the environment is bootstrapped manually10:03
marcoceppifrankban: that is totally werid10:03
marcoceppithe bootstrap command is literally a Popen to juju bootstrap10:04
frankbanmarcoceppi: yeah I know that10:04
* marcoceppi scratches head and wakes up a bit more10:05
frankbanmarcoceppi: uhm, same error, Connection refused10:21
* frankban bbiab10:27
rick_h_luca__: hah11:42
* luca__ starts hiding up his desk11:42
rick_h_frankban: need me to test something out to see if I get the same issues?11:46
frankbanrick_h_: it would be great, to double check there is not something crazy here11:47
rick_h_frankban: what branch are you running and I'll pull it done and try to run the tests11:47
rick_h_frankban: is this the symlink branch?11:48
=== fabrice|lunch is now known as fabrice
frankbanrick_h_: "make ftest JUJU_ENV=ec2" in charm trunk could dupe the problem11:48
rick_h_~juju-gui-charmers/charms/trusty/juju-gui/trunk/ ?11:49
rick_h_frankban: ok, starting up11:49
frankbanrick_h_: the dev branch should work: lp:~juju-gui/charms/trusty/juju-gui/trunk11:50
frankbanrick_h_: thank you11:50
frankbanrick_h_: in maas, I tried strating a node and It doesn't seem I am able to ssh into it (even without juju involved)11:51
rick_h_frankban: is this from the maas host?11:51
rick_h_frankban: and did you generate an ssh key on that user?11:51
rick_h_frankban: or you're letting juju generate the ssh key and then usnig juju ssh?11:51
frankbanrick_h_: yes, from the ubuntu user in the maas host, and yes, quickstart generated the keys for me, and added them to the preferences before starting the node11:52
frankbanrick_h_: could it be we need to do that before commissioning the node?11:52
rick_h_frankban: I can't imagine, it's wiped with a new ubuntu image when it's bootstrapped I had thought, but perhaps not11:53
frankbanrick_h_: I'll try to commission the node again11:53
rick_h_frankban: rgr, tests are running here. 11:54
rick_h_frankban: juju-test.conductor DEBUG   : State for 1.21.0: started11:54
rick_h_juju-test.conductor.20-functional.test DEBUG   : Running 20-functional.test (tests/20-functional.test)11:54
frankbanrick_h_: so this is something on my side11:54
rick_h_that's on the main branch, I'll try the dev branch as well11:54
frankbanrick_h_: what charm-tools version are you using?12:07
rick_h_and the other branch is running tests here as well12:07
frankbanrick_h_: can I see the initial output from make ftest?12:13
rick_h_frankban: sure12:14
rick_h_frankban: ^12:14
frankbanrick_h_: aha, trying to manually connect to ec2 I get "Received disconnect from 2: Too many authentication failures for frankban"12:16
rick_h_oh :/12:18
frankbanrick_h_: I removed some old ssh keys and now it works :-/12:21
rick_h_frankban: woot12:21
frankbanmarcoceppi: is it possible that the juju-test failure was caused by too many keys in ~/.ssh?12:22
frankbanrick_h_: nuc1 is still in commissioning state, do you have any logs to check what's wrong with maas?12:24
rick_h_frankban: let me log in and check the maas logs in /var/log/maas12:24
rick_h_frankban: hmm, bunch of errors OAuthUnauthorized: 'Expired timestamp: given 1411951792 and now 1412009155 has a greater difference than threshold 300'12:26
marcoceppifrankban: that's weird, but...possibly?12:26
rick_h_frankban: oh, I probably have to power cycle the node, let me try that out. 12:26
frankbanrick_h_: thanks12:27
rick_h_hmm, I thought maas would control power on the nodes. wonder if there's a missing step for that as well12:27
frankbanthere are power parameters in the node edit page12:28
rick_h_maybe I need to set it to static ip so that I have an ip there. 12:28
rick_h_I've got the amt stuff setup for dhcp12:28
rick_h_frankban: ok, it's ready12:33
frankbanrick_h_: uhm... no success with ubuntu@guimaas:~$ ssh
rick_h_frankban: yea, I think I need to change them to static ips to complete the power settings12:37
rick_h_frankban: if you try to 'start' the node it can't and http://askubuntu.com/questions/481947/maas-unable-to-start-commisioned-nodes12:37
rick_h_goes into power settings, I'll work on hooking up kvm and fixing their amt setup12:37
rick_h_oh, never mind lol12:37
rick_h_I just managed to do a stop, so I guess 'ready' means it is started12:38
rick_h_frankban: and you're doing a deploy? looks like they're both allocated now?12:38
frankbanrick_h_: I started them bot, in order to try connecting to those via ssh12:38
frankbanrick_h_: I receive pings back from both nodes, but ssh hangs12:39
rick_h_frankban: ok, so maybe not open?12:40
rick_h_firewall/etc wise?12:40
frankbanrick_h_: maybe12:40
rick_h_http://askubuntu.com/questions/173112/what-is-the-maas-node-login hmm, seems we're on the right path12:41
frankbanrick_h_: yes we did everything there12:42
rick_h_frankban: ok, hooking up kvm on one of them sec12:44
luca__rick_h_: frankban free for a call for 2 mins?12:50
frankbanluca__: I am12:50
rick_h_luca__: yes12:50
luca__rick_h_: frankban I’ll make a hangout12:50
* rick_h_ goes to get a quick drink12:50
luca__frankban: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/gwtlakndzaeym3q5jvmwk7aq24a?authuser=1&hl=en-GB12:51
luca__frankban: rick_h_ https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/gqnbftvjxao6zsvpnnaehd2viya?hl=en12:51
luca__rick didn’t pick up the last call12:52
rick_h_frankban: ok cool, I can ssh to nuc1 now13:11
rick_h_it took forever going through a big install for 10min, but it's up now13:11
frankbanrick_h_: me too \o/13:11
rick_h_going to power cycle nuc2 and see what it does13:11
rick_h_the lack of visibilty kind of sucks13:12
rick_h_I need to figure out how to do the remote kvm over the browser to these things13:12
rick_h_I think the amt stuff supports it13:12
frankbanguihelp: anyone for a quick review of a doc-only branch? https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/59613:18
rick_h_frankban: looking13:18
rick_h_frankban: lgtm ty much I kept meaning to add that in13:19
frankbanrick_h_:  thank you!13:19
rick_h_frankban: when you cut the charm release can you do a micro gui release with the bug fix from hatch's work please?13:21
rick_h_frankban: and the nuc2 is up and showing ssh key info so think that's set as well13:21
rick_h_frankban: hopefully it all works now!13:21
frankbanrick_h_: is Jeff's fix merged?13:21
rick_h_frankban: yes13:21
frankbanrick_h_: cool, so I'll restart the process13:22
rick_h_frankban: sorry, missed you had started it 13:22
frankbanrick_h_: np13:22
frankbanrick_h_: is it the only thing worth being included in the changelog?13:23
rick_h_frankban: I believe so, /me dbl checks13:23
rick_h_frankban: yes, that's it. Other stuff is small/internals13:23
frankbanrick_h_: stopping the nucs and trying juju13:25
rick_h_frankban: rgr13:25
rick_h_frankban: any luck? I didn't see the nuc shut down13:38
frankbanrick_h_: quickstart failed: ERROR waited for 10m0s without being able to connect: /var/lib/juju/nonce.txt does not exist13:39
rick_h_frankban: ugh13:40
frankbanrick_h_: /var/lib/juju/nonce.txt should be created by cloud-init AFAICT13:41
rick_h_https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju/2014-May/003849.html 13:41
frankbanrick_h_: trying to bootstrap without quickstart13:41
frankbanrick_h_: 2014-09-30 13:47:54 DEBUG juju.utils.ssh ssh_openssh.go:129 running: ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o "PasswordAuthentication no" -o "ServerAliveInterval 30" -i /home/ubuntu/.juju/ssh/juju_id_rsa -i /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa ubuntu@ /bin/bash 13:48
frankbanrick_h_: it seems this still fails13:48
rick_h_frankban: ok, booo and such. 13:48
rick_h_frankban: let me hard code ip addresses on the boxes for their power settings and such and see if we can find something to try 13:48
frankbanrick note that without the trailing /bin/bash the command succeeds when run on a shell13:49
rick_h_frankban: hmm, that's interesting, I can't imagine bin/bash isn't allowed ?13:49
frankbanrick_h_: everything is possible on "Weirdness Tuesday"13:51
frankbanrick_h_: yeah it exited with the same (ambiguous) error13:54
frankbanrick_h_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/131468213:56
mupBug #1314682: Bootstrap fails because of virt-manager config <bootstrap> <juju> <maas-provider> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1314682>13:56
rick_h_frankban: resetup the amt on the nucs to hard coded ip and 14:07
rick_h_frankban: I've adjusted the dhcp config in the mass that is static allocated14:08
rick_h_and is dynamic14:08
rick_h_frankban: and readding the two nodes to maas, hopefully with more success this time14:08
frankbanrick_h_: thanks14:09
rick_h_bah, how did it get to be .104?!14:10
* rick_h_ is about to have a fit and start chucking nucs14:13
hatchwould they then be  called "nuc chucks" ?14:14
hatchoh c'mon that was hilarious 14:18
* rick_h_ stops grinding teeth long enough to chortle at it14:19
hatchrick_h_: so the MAAS experience was not designed for non sysadmins hey?14:20
frankbanjujugui heads up, working on a new GUI release now, please don't land changes14:21
hatchoh is this to fix the upgrade issue?14:21
jcsackettfrankban: ack.14:22
rick_h_hatch: it's actually more of a total install issue14:22
rick_h_hatch: so bigger than ugprades, and including your search fix as part of the release14:23
hatchkadams54: your latest PR update is missing a test for the float branch14:23
hatchrick_h_: ahh ok14:23
hatchmaybe we can do bi/weekly releases now :)14:23
kadams54hatch: you know a charm with float config? I looked for one in all of the featured charms and couldn't find any.14:24
hatchI thought you did because it was in your parsing code14:24
kadams54I did in my parsing code because the docs say configs can have floats :-)14:25
hatchoh well then the tests should test for that14:25
hatchI added another comment14:26
frankbanrick_h_: any idea about why 1.2.1 xz is 5.1MB and 1.2.0 is 8.5? https://launchpad.net/juju-gui/+download14:38
rick_h_frankban: not off the top of my head no14:38
frankbanrick_h_: note that 1.1.1 is 5.114:38
rick_h_frankban: maybe I had something on my system that made a bad tarball?14:39
frankbanrick_h_: ok, I'll continue with the process14:39
frankbanrick_h_: the manual build on CI step failed: http://ci.jujugui.org:8080/job/juju-gui-merge/698/console14:49
rick_h_jujugui call in 1014:51
rick_h_frankban: rgr looking14:51
frankbanrick_h_: do I need to use juju gui or juju gui merge?14:52
rick_h_frankban: wiped the workspace and retrying. Worst case I'll have to ssh in and git fetch in the tree14:53
rick_h_frankban: looks like it's running your sha now http://ci.jujugui.org:8080/job/juju-gui-merge/699/console14:53
frankbanrick_h_: cool thanks14:53
rick_h_frankban: sorry, head is in 5 different places and I'm not 100% following14:53
frankbanrick_h_: no worries, long time did not make a gui release, it's an interesting process14:54
rick_h_frankban: oh, I see what you're doing yea heh that should be just juju-gui14:56
rick_h_frankban: the -merge job will attemt to land a pr that's not there14:56
hatchagreed, release is confusing14:56
frankbanrick_h_: ok trying on "juju gui" (trying not to ping everyone)14:57
hatchkadams54: to avoid failures in CI you can run make check before pushing14:57
rick_h_frankban: all good14:58
kadams54hatch: yeah, one day I'll get that commit hook setup :-)14:59
rick_h_bac: call?15:04
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rick_h_jujugui afk for a few min I need a coffee break15:27
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hatchheh this notifier code is so old it's not even using Base.create()15:39
frankbanjujugui uploaded the new GUI tarball, you can now land branches15:48
hatchthanks frankban15:49
rick_h_frankban: <315:52
frankbanrick_h_: now running the charm tests15:52
hatchrick_h_:  I think this bug is invalid now? https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/121801116:05
mupBug #1218011: full notification list is difficult to read and to use <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1218011>16:06
rick_h_hatch: yea, not really sure. we don't really get that many notifications at once these days16:10
Makyojujugui quick branch for review/qa https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/59716:21
hatchMakyo: not able to remove the environment.js stuff eh? :)16:22
Makyohatch, wasn't any.16:23
MakyoThat whole file was just dead code.16:24
MakyoI was ready for that branch to be a million times harder than it was.16:25
hatchhaha gotcha16:25
hatchMakyo: so were there no tests for this code? 16:30
hatchI mean, obviously not if they didn't fail 16:31
Makyohatch, as far as I can tell, every use of the code had been removed, the file was just left there.16:31
hatchheh...but wow16:31
MakyoSomeone did my work for me :)16:31
hatchhaha nice16:32
frankbanrick_h_: gui/charm release done, and now to wait for ingestion. done for the day, have a nice evening!16:49
rick_h_frankban: night thanks!16:49
bic2kif I have a single machine with three services on it and I destroy one service on it, should it destroy the entire machine? I'm reproducing right now to confirm thats what happened.17:01
rick_h_bic2k: does it do it in a live env? we have a known bug that it does it in the demo mode that's being worked on atm 17:02
bic2krick_h_ I really hope I'm in live mode, otherwise I've been pretending to update our services all morning ;-) So yes :-D17:03
rick_h_bic2k: ok, kadams54 ^17:03
bic2krick_h_ is appears that I removed the service in juju-gui and juju-gui decided not to show the machine anymore, but `juju status` still shows it with the other services and a refresh of the gui shows it... may just be a bug in destroying services on the UX side17:04
rick_h_bic2k: rgr, makes sense and we'll add the note to the current wip to make sure we fix that17:04
kadams54bic2k: thanks for the report. Does the machine show back up with a refresh?17:05
bic2kkadams54 ya, machine reappears on refresh.17:06
hatchbic2k: did you have the charms in containers or all on the root machine?17:08
bic2khatch all root machine charms17:10
hatchok I think I know what the issue is17:11
hatchkadams54: it's probably because when the service is destroyed it matches on the machine assuming it's in a container but it's not17:11
kadams54hatch: yeah, but destroying a service shouldn't destroy the container, regardless of whether it's root or not.17:12
hatchtrue true17:13
hatchbic2k: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1375918 17:37
mupBug #1375918: units can be created without a service causing cascading failures <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1375918>17:37
kadams54guihelp: So I've traced bic2k's issue (and likely some of the WIP cards) to this line: https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/blob/develop/app/models/handlers.js#L211 Does anyone know why we'd want to invoke machine delta processing as part of unitInfo delta processing?17:38
bic2khatch stack traced added to #137591817:39
mupBug #1375918: units can be created without a service causing cascading failures <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1375918>17:39
kadams54That particular line of code been there since April of last year.17:39
hatch bic2k thanks17:39
bic2kfeeling like QA this morning :-)17:39
hatchkadams54: ohh we process the delta information so that we can add the unit information to the machine models17:39
kadams54OK… but just straight up passing the same action (as we currently do now) is dangerous…17:40
hatchbic2k: haha - it's odd that no one else ran into these issues before but I'm glad you're helping us by reporting it :)17:40
hatchkadams54: how do you figure?17:41
hatchoh because the action is remove17:41
hatchhaha duh17:41
kadams54hatch: Because in this case, the action (remove) only applies to the unit. But since we pass it into the machine delta processing…17:41
kadams54Ditto for adding a unit.17:41
hatchgood find17:41
kadams54Ditto (probably) for just about any action on the unit.17:42
hatchwow how have we never noticed this (or any of our users) in a year17:42
kadams54It sounds like we want *:unitInfo actions to trigger an update:Machine action.17:42
hatchwell we'll still need new units to add machines 17:42
kadams54hatch: it was sorta noticed. I wrapped it in an if statement that prevented trying to create machines when there is no machine ID. But that's not a complete fix.17:43
hatchbecause we'll need machines to place units on in the event that the machine delta comes in afterwards17:43
hatchwana have a quick chat about this in standup?17:43
kadams54hatch: Yeah, that's what I'm getting at here. I think we need to nail down exactly what the behavior ought to be.17:43
hatchok joining17:44
kadams54hatch: will be there in a moment17:44
hatchjujugui I need a review on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/598 plz and thx17:58
hatchbic2k: looks like kadams54 has a good way forward on fixing the 'remove root machine' issue 17:59
MakyoOn it17:59
=== fabrice is now known as fabrice|family
hatchbic2k: and the expose toggle is also being worked on now :) we are stomping your bugs into the pavement :P18:01
arosaleshatch: I recall a javascript console "trick" to change the name of the provider in the GUI do you know what that is?18:01
hatcharosales: I don't but I can figure it out, 1 min18:01
hatcharosales: yui.one('#environment-name').set('text', 'My rockin env');18:05
hatchthat of course will only work until you refresh 18:05
hatcharosales: that won't however change the one in the machine view - would you like one for there as well?18:05
hatcharosales: here use this one instead   app.env.set('environmentName', 'this environment is the best');18:07
hatchthat one will update it throughout the app18:07
arosaleshatch: thank you sir18:08
* arosales will write it down this time ;-)18:08
hatchthat also will only work until you refresh18:08
hatchthen it'll reset to whatever Juju says the environment name is18:09
* hatch lunching18:27
=== uru_ is now known as urulama
* Makyo runs to the store over lunch, back in a few.18:45
* rick_h_ goes to doc, back later19:07
hatchhmm what card to work on19:21
=== urulama is now known as urulama-afk
hatchjujugui if the user has conflicted config changes should we block them from comitting their changeset? Or simply notify them?20:05
jcsacketthatch: i'm sort of leaning towards block until they resolve.20:08
hatchjcsackett: I am too but also not sure if that's very good UX20:08
jcsacketthatch: it's not great, but just notifying and then paving over isn't either.20:09
hatchit may not be clear that there is a conflict even with it in the changeset list20:09
jcsackettthe conflict likely indicates there's something setup that's not good.20:09
jcsacketthatch: so then we need better UI about what's wrong.20:09
jcsacketthatch: when you say notify, do you mean like we do with machines that can't be destroyed?20:10
hatchmaybe allow them to click commit - but then pop up that black tooltip20:10
jcsackettb/c that works for me--don't do the thing we aren't sure about and pop up an error about why.20:10
hatchso user clicks the commit button, it opens the changeset list, they miss the 'conflict' section and they see that the commit button is now disabled but not sure why20:11
hatchit's not clear that the conflicts must be resolved20:11
hatch( it doesn't help that we don't have a mockup for this ) :)20:11
hatchjcsackett: I'll block it and work on some way to make it clear that this needs to be resolved first20:14
jcsacketthatch: kick it to UX.20:15
hatchI ain't got no time for their jibber jabber20:15
* jcsackett laughs20:15
hatchof course there is a bug in YUI's model list map function20:34
jcsackettBUGS EVERYWHERE.20:37
hatchwow this branch was a little too easy....I bet the tests are going to be impossible21:07
rick_h_hatch: yes, block but lead them straigh to the problem21:14
* rick_h_ is back from damn doc trying to break my arm21:14
hatchrick_h_: https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/59921:15
hatchrick_h_: thanks for the comments . I'll take a screenshot and send it to luca et'al for some more design input - maybe the background colour should be red or something...iunno21:22
rick_h_hatch: yea, needs to be called out for sure21:23
rick_h_jujugui going to eod and run away night all21:23

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