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* thumper sighs05:48
thumperaxw: you may recall a fix for this05:48
thumperupgraded an environment from 1.19.4 to 1.20.805:49
thumpernow I see this:05:49
thumpermachine-0: 2014-09-30 05:47:53 ERROR juju.worker.instanceupdater updater.go:267 cannot set addresses on "0": cannot set addresses of machine 0: cannot set addresses for machine 0: state changing too quickly; try again soon05:49
thumpermachine-0: 2014-09-30 05:47:53 ERROR juju.worker runner.go:218 exited "instancepoller": cannot set addresses of machine 0: cannot set addresses for machine 0: state changing too quickly; try again soon05:49
thumpermachine-0: 2014-09-30 05:47:55 ERROR juju.worker runner.go:218 exited "machiner": cannot set machine addresses of machine 0: cannot set machineaddresses for machine 0: state changing too quickly; try again soon05:49
thumperevery 10s or so05:49
thumperactually, every 5s05:49
thumperactually... every 3s05:51
axwthumper: hmm, I thought that was fixed...05:51
thumperit is the worker restart delay05:51
thumperseems not05:51
axwI will investigate05:51
thumpercould be because I was on a dev version before05:51
axwthumper: 1.19.4 was broken05:55
mupBug #1334773: Upgrade from 1.19.3 to 1.19.4 cannot set machineaddress <landscape> <lxc> <maas-provider> <precise> <regression> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Fix Released by axwalk> <juju-core 1.20:Fix Released by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1334773>05:55
thumperok... so I now have an environment which is broken, how do I fix it?05:56
axwthumper: I *think* you would have to resort to mongo surgery05:57
axwrenaming the "scope" fields to "networkscope"05:57
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gnuoyjamespage, while prepping the mp for cells I noticed that I was carrying a fix for a neutron-api/nova-cc endpoint race. I've broken it out into a small mp if you have time https://code.launchpad.net/~gnuoy/charms/trusty/neutron-api/next-fix-endpoint-race/+merge/23645908:12
underyxhey there08:18
underyxI'm writing a charm where the install hook needs to install a package hosted on another service08:19
underyxis it okay to block execution in the install hook until the relation to the package server is live?08:19
jamespagegnuoy, +108:23
jamespagegnuoy, what does your priority list look like right now?08:39
gnuoyjamespage, I've got about 1.5 to 2 hours work to do which I could really do with getting finished but then I'm free for urgent studd. does that help ?08:40
jamespagegnuoy, I was just looking through my list of features we still need to land08:40
jamespagegnuoy, l2population driver and vxlan overlays being two we must do08:41
gnuoyjamespage, the l2pop branches are done08:41
gnuoyI can take a look at vxlan08:41
jamespagegnuoy, OK _ looking at l2pop now then08:41
jamespagegnuoy, awesome on vxlan - I think we probably just need a toggle option in neutron-api08:43
jamespagegnuoy, which charms does l2pop impact?08:44
jamespagegnuoy, can you propose those please?08:45
gnuoyjamespage, sorry, it looks like I didn't create mps. I think that was because I hadn't had a chance to check it was blocking the propagation of multicast08:46
jamespagegnuoy, don't block on that :-)08:46
jamespagetrusty upstream!08:46
jamespagegnuoy, ah  - I just spotted that the neutron-api charm is not nsx enabled just yet - but that was not working on trusty yet so that OK08:55
* jamespage makes a note to enable that once we get to trusty support with upstream08:55
jamespagegnuoy, just looking through your charms - neutron-api needs:08:59
jamespagemechanism_drivers = openvswitch,l2population08:59
jamespagethe l2_population flag is only used by the agents on neutron-gateway and neutron-openvswitch (which is correct)09:00
jamespagegnuoy, I'd probably inconditionally enable the driver and use the agent flag to turn it on and off09:00
gnuoyok, I'll take a look at that09:01
jamespagegnuoy, thanks09:01
underyxhuh, does the install hook have to finish execution before a relation can be added?09:02
jamespageunderyx, it does yes09:03
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jamespageunderyx, well the relation can be added as soon as you deploy the charm, but its hook won't run until after install->config-changed->start has completed09:04
underyxjamespage, so if I need a relation to complete installation, can I block execution in the install hook until I get the required data from a relation?09:05
jamespageunderyx, I'd just move what you are blocking for into the -changed hook of the relation - as soon as the remote service signals its done via a changed execution, you can complete things09:06
jamespageunderyx, install does not need to complete install if you see what I mean09:07
jamespageits more 'init#09:07
jamespageinit rather09:07
underyxalright, that makes sense09:08
thumperaxw: still around?09:15
axwthumper: yo09:15
thumperaxw: do you have the commit handy where you fixed that problem?09:15
axwI'll have a look09:15
thumperaxw: I'm going to look at mongo surgery locally to fix my db09:15
thumperI don't really want to re-deploy09:15
axwthumper: https://github.com/juju/juju/commit/80ca2ac1765e5f1ec555939006d14f23325da7d8#diff-0854f7d657770b8adf41defe45fc8cd109:16
thumperaxw: ta09:16
thumperI should really write this down somewhere09:18
thumperfor the love of all things good...09:47
thumperwhy does a machine have both "addresses" and "machineaddresses" ?09:47
thumperand why is there overlap in them...09:47
* thumper thinks09:47
marcoceppifor the glory of satan, of course thumper09:47
thumperI think, for those following at home, that one is what the provider says09:47
thumperand one is what the machine says09:47
thumpero/ marcoceppi09:47
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gnuoyjamespage, l2pop mps:10:03
jamespagegnuoy, all merged - thanks!10:24
gnuoyjamespage, fantastic, thanks10:24
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ayr-tonIs possible to move a service/unit to other enviroment?12:25
underyxhas anyone ever successfully used charmhelpers.contrib.python.packages with a manually specified index URL for installation?12:49
underyxbecause reading this code it seems to be completely broken12:50
underyxif I'm reading it correctly, it checks the keyword arguments if they are in the tuple specified here12:50
underyxbut an argument in python can't contain a hyphen12:51
underyxhave I got this completely wrong, or did this really go unnoticed for half a year?12:51
Odd_Blokeunderyx: You can pass hyphenated kwargs if you use ** at the call-point.12:53
underyxOdd_Bloke, right, I just realized and tested if that would work12:53
underyxand yep, it does12:53
Odd_Blokeunderyx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8465842/12:53
underyxit wouldn't be an issue if I were to fix this in charmhelpers though, right?12:55
underyxif I retained backwards compatibility of course12:55
underyxit's just not very pythonic to have to do that12:55
Odd_Blokeunderyx: I agree that it's un-Pythonic; don't know the answer to your question though. :p12:59
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jamespagegnuoy, I pushed a  trivial to neutron-api to change the default mcastport - it was conflicting with nova-cc and I ended up with a broken cluster13:13
gnuoyjamespage, I'm thinking about adding a relation between neutron-gateway and neutron-api so that neutron-api can dictate config like l2pop and network type driver to the neutron-gateway. What do you think?13:18
jamespagegnuoy, +113:19
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gnuoyjamespage, https://code.launchpad.net/~gnuoy/charms/trusty/quantum-gateway/add-neutron-plugin-api-rel/+merge/236533 once that has landed I'll do the vxlan change since I'll use the same mechanism as l2pop14:43
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jamespagegnuoy, merged - thanks!14:48
gnuoyjamespage, fantastic, thanks14:48
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lazyPowerhttps://github.com/juju/docs/pull/188 - large refactor on the relationship docs15:39
lazyPowerkwmonroe: ^15:43
lazyPowermarcoceppi: when you get time, i'd like your +/- 1 on this as well. ty15:44
kwmonroeack lazyPower- i'll fetch my spectacles shortly.15:45
marcoceppilazyPower: you've got feedback15:50
jamespagegnuoy, we might need to make the neutron db migration conditional on >= juno16:22
gnuoyjamespage, ok16:22
gnuoyjamespage, I'll add that condition in the morning. fyi I've prepped the vxlan branches but things aren't looking too chipper when I try and deploy an gues iwth vxlan running on the overcloud16:39
jamespagegnuoy, ta16:44
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bloodearnesthazmat: heya, trival deployer MP for your consideration: https://code.launchpad.net/~bloodearnest/juju-deployer/run-build-cmds-in-shell/+merge/23659619:34
hazmatbloodearnest, thanks looks good19:40
bloodearnesthazmat: cool, thanks. I have a few ideas for further changes I'd like to run by you before I spend time on them. Shall I drop you an email?19:43
hazmatbloodearnest, sounds good19:44
hazmatbloodearnest, or we can g+ now? there's one other pending merge/pull request from yesterday19:44
hazmateither way19:45
bloodearnesthazmat: g+ is good - you mean chat or video?19:45
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mwenningstokachu, good afternoon!19:48
stokachumwenning, hey there19:55
mwenninghi, trying to get cloud-install to run a second time - it worked once OK, I tore it back down with -u -19:56
mwenningnow when I try again it loops on error: kvm container creation failed: exit status 119:56
mwenningany ideas?19:56
stokachumwenning, what does kvm-ok report?19:57
mwenning/dev/kvm exists19:57
mwenningKVM acceleration can be used19:57
stokachuok hmm19:57
stokachudoes virsh list show an existing vm or did it get removed?19:58
mwenningshows nothing19:58
stokachuok hmm19:58
stokachumwenning, does juju give you any other information other than 'kvm creation failed'?19:59
stokachuprobably not iirc19:59
bloodearnesthazmat: thanks for that, gives me confidence to get started, as it seems we're on the same page.20:00
stokachumwenning, you could also do a juju destroy-environment local && juju bootstrap20:01
stokachumanually to see what happens20:01
mwenninglooks like 0 was created ok, after that I get a succession of "1":   "2" etc20:01
stokachuthen run juju debug-log in a separate terminal20:01
stokachuand juju deploy 'service-name'20:01
stokachusee if it gives us any other information20:01
mwenningstokachu, found it .  Firewall permissions had expired - It couldn't access any archives.  Sorry to bother.20:11
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