
ScottKNow that mesa 10.3 went in, we should add a release note that kwin/display affects bugs should not be reported upstream.02:38
lordievaderGood morning.06:28
* Riddell does the 4.14.1 in utopic dance08:54
Riddelland kf5 5.2.0 nearly in08:54
Riddelljings that was more effort than it should have been08:54
RiddellSourBlue: you say the plasma5 image isn't fixed? :(08:54
RiddellI really wish I had time to care about Jung-Kyu Park's issue of korean fonts, but it just hasn't reached the top of my todo list yet :(08:58
SourBlueRiddell: I don't think it is09:00
SourBluedind't work for me but the sddm.conf isn't changed at all09:00
SourBluebtw. my desktop starts on tty8 and tty7 stays the same09:01
apacheloggeryou'll want to make sure that plymouth has quit by the time sddm tries to start, otherwise it will probably not be able to use tty709:05
SourBluesomeone said it's a vm problem do you know something about that?09:06
SourBluevm only*09:06
Riddellneeds testing on real hardware09:06
apacheloggerdo not bother with vbox09:06
apacheloggeruse kvm or real hardware or vmware09:06
apacheloggervbox is just always broken beyond comprehension before release09:07
SourBlueI mean Virtual Machines09:07
apacheloggerwell, *always broken09:07
SourBlueI use VirtualBox09:07
apacheloggerdon't use it :P09:07
apacheloggerit's rubbish09:07
* SourBlue thinks about what he just said09:08
* SourBlue gets that vbox and VirtualBox are the same09:08
* apachelogger killed kubunt-ci jenkins by trying to make it produce a graph -.-09:08
SourBluedoes vmware run under linux?09:11
SourBlueor you tell me how to use kvm :D09:14
Riddelltell me too please, I've not worked it out09:15
soeeRiddell: one user on g+ asked about 4.14.1 2 days ago, they are in 14.10 but how about 14.04 ?09:17
SourBlueapachelogger, thank you that works!09:19
SourBlueLive Session still not working but the vm is running :D09:19
* SourBlue uninstalls VBox09:19
Riddellsoee: I honestly don't know but I'll find out today09:23
soeeRiddell: the only thing i want to know atm is if it is or not available for 14.04 :)09:24
soeeim on 14.10 so dont know about 14.0409:24
SourBluesoee: if what is available?09:26
Riddellsoee: seems like it hasn't been packaged at all09:28
Riddellyeah, on to do list then09:29
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soeeRiddell: ok thank you09:33
soeeSourBlue: i was asking about 4.14.1 packages for 14.0409:33
SourBlueDo you know whats the difference between "apt" and "apt-get"?09:34
debfxSourBlue: man apt09:38
SourBlueThank you!09:39
Riddellapt is new and shiny, all the cool kids use it09:39
Riddellbut I get confused when I want to do something that isn't available in apt and I need to go back to apt-foo09:39
* SourBlue is a cool kid09:41
PaliRiddell: just to note that I applied these changes for backporting 4.14 to precise: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~pali/+junk/kubuntu-automation/revision/43809:53
Riddellthanks Pali, I'll get to it in a bit09:56
apacheloggerRiddell: nm-qt is still in bzr?10:37
apacheloggerah, no found it10:37
apacheloggerRiddell: it's not a plasma thing is it?10:47
Riddellhalf plasma, libnm-qt and libmm-qt want to become frameworks but are plasma for now, plasma-nm will probably stay as part of plasma releases10:48
apacheloggerI see10:49
apacheloggerthis reminds me of my concern on what happens to the git repos if a thing changes affinity from plasma to frameworks :S10:49
Riddelldebian git?  we ssh in and do mv plasma/foo frameworks/foo10:50
apacheloggerbut then people need to update their remotes10:51
apacheloggerit's fishy I say10:51
RiddellI'm sure we can just tell any packagers to do a fresh clone10:52
apacheloggerchanging remotes is faster10:53
apacheloggerit still requires one to do it10:53
apacheloggerpointless work if you ask me10:53
soeehiho sgclark11:22
soeeits 13:22 :D11:22
sgclarkhehe 4:22  am here11:23
SourBluesoee: are you german?11:23
=== kbroulik is now known as kbroulik-lunch
BluesKajHowdy folks11:39
BluesKajhi sgclark11:39
BluesKajwas about try plasma5 again , but read the email from valorie ...oops still not ready11:41
soeewhat is not ready ?11:42
soeeBluesKaj: yes but what exactly ? :)11:43
BluesKajsoee, http://paste.kde.org/ppyw6rujb11:46
sgclarkhmm, yeah that is sddm , however, it was fixed, not sure why it would happen11:47
apacheloggerI think that is more than sddm to be honest11:47
apacheloggerthe entire add-ppa-get-things thing is not exactly thought through11:48
sgclarkyeah sddm and plasma-framework broken caused it for me, but was fixed, so unless she is pulling in old packages somehow11:48
sgclarkanyway, plasma5 working fine for me11:49
apacheloggerit would for valorie if someone where to like document how to do this11:50
apacheloggeror well, not make it fail when one does not do everything right11:51
soeeBluesKaj: ah no idea, i have Plasma 5 installed in my dell since 3 or more months11:53
soeeworks fine for me11:53
BluesKajnot here , caused all kinds of troubles, no run comand/krunner, links , widgets etc and the icons/look wasn't to my taste and there were no alternatives to the breeze theme at the time11:57
BluesKajmaybe it's better now lookwise11:58
=== kbroulik-lunch is now known as kbroulik
apacheloggermaybe you should report bugs instead of whining12:08
BluesKajwhoa :)  , too many bugs to be useful apachelogger12:09
apacheloggernothing is ever going to change then.12:10
sgclarkwe cannot fix what we are not aware of12:10
BluesKajok < i won't mention plasma5 again, since I have no desire to use it anyway12:15
Riddellmeh, sddm will be the end of us12:17
RiddellI always said it12:17
apacheloggernono I said it :P12:22
kbroulikMirv: ping12:36
soeeBluesKaj: i like where P5 is going, im waiting for 5.1 that is going to be released september i think12:36
soeeyou should give it a try then if current version is not enough :)12:37
BluesKajsoee, are thee any other themes besides the default breeze available?12:38
soeewhen it comes to themes, 98% of the time is see only panel so the default is enough, no need to change it :)12:38
Riddellsoee: I'm releasing the beta today12:38
soeeBluesKaj: i think all/most from plasma 4 should be compatible12:38
soeeRiddell: 5.1 ? :o12:38
kbrouliksoee: you cannot use plasma 4 widgets in 5 because the architecture is completely different12:39
kbrouliksoee: yes 5.1 :) 12:39
soeekbroulik: but we are talkign about themes - tehy do not work ? i think i read somewhere they will12:41
kbroulikah, sorry then12:41
kbrouliktheoretically the themes should work but in practise that wasn't really looked after. Air for example sorta works but everything different from 4 (like systray) is broken12:41
kbroulikbut then Breeze has a light and dark version :P12:41
soeeyeah thats what im saying :) the 2 default breeze are enough for me atleast :)12:42
soeethough i prefere dark one12:42
soee*theme -.-12:42
kbroulikI think ivan or so was porting his dark theme12:42
soeedid he finished activities switcher alrfeady ?12:43
soeei think he said it will be in 5.112:43
Mirvkbroulik: pong12:44
kbroulikMirv: I'm having trouble with touch input on Qt 5.3 (which is shipped by 14.10) and I was told you were the person responsible for Qt stuff on kubuntu  :)12:45
Mirvkbroulik: sure, I've been packaging it. what kind of touch problem you have?12:45
kbrouliktaps are not registered in Qt5-based applications. I can scroll in listviews (using two fingers) but taps are not detected. the cursor moves and the button hovers but is not actually pressed12:46
kbroulikhttps://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/88361/ ← and in 5.3.2 I verified it works12:46
Mirvkbroulik: interestingly, we already have an earlier version of that patch in our 5.3.0 packages12:47
kbroulikinteresting indeed. very very very rarely a tap is registered by eg. Plasma's panel but other than that it doesn't work12:49
kbroulikfunnily scrolling through system settings using two fingers works12:49
Mirvkbroulik: can you file a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtbase-opensource-src and I can see what I can do. it's too close to the release so 5.3.2 will only land in the beginning of 15.04 dev cycle.12:49
kbroulikand also moving windows around or triggering screen edges (but then I think KWin is using lowlevel mouse detection rather than Qt's input)12:49
kbroulikrunning an app QT_XCB_DEBUG_XINPUT_DEVICES=1 shows that touch is indeed registered. But I will file a bug report once I am home (where that touchscreen is)12:50
kbroulikthanks for your patience Mirv :)12:50
Mirv:) thanks for reporting bugs12:51
soeeRiddell: ping me ater @night when you will put 5.1beta into some ppa, i could test it :)12:56
apacheloggerRiddell: are you sure kdesu is fixeD?13:12
Riddellapachelogger: well kdesu is, .desktop files with X-KDE-SubstituteUID=true not so much13:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1375786 in Kubuntu PPA "kdesu more broken" [High,Confirmed]13:15
* Riddell cheers the liberation of http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html from anything KDE13:20
RiddellPali: two override errors http://paste.kde.org/pzgwo55a613:35
RiddellPali: those need the breaks/replaces adjusted13:35
Riddellapachelogger: I'm dropping a patch in kdoctools, which branch do I want to do it in?13:48
apacheloggermaster if it is applicable to 5.213:49
apacheloggeryou then want to checkout kubuntu_unstable and git merge master and then push both branches13:49
Riddelloh, he left15:52
sgclarkRiddell: since I am clueless on the new git workflow, any interest in me backporting 4.14.1 to trusty?15:54
Riddellsgclark: yeah that would be cool15:57
soeeRiddell: hows the 5.1beta ?19:07
Riddellstill in upstream mode19:09
Riddelltagging and announcing, not yet done the kubuntu packages (cos I'm was still catching up on kf5 and previous plasma today)19:09
Riddellso mañana as we say in spain19:09
ScottKmañana is always a convenient deadline.20:31
Riddellyep, in scotland we just don't have anything with such enthusiasm21:44
valorieapachelogger: I did exactly as you suggested!21:53
valoriehow is that "#unsupportedinstallmethod"?21:53
valorieI guess I just need to use the neon5 environment on this laptop to report bugs21:54
valoriebecause SDDM still not installing cleanly is the problem, I guess?21:55
valorieor just go whole-hog and install from the plasma5 iso21:56
* jussi waves22:43
jussiand thinks australian keyboards now feel strange22:44
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=== android is now known as jussi
claydohvalorie: I run olasma 5 from the plsma 5 iso, but only had any serious issues when I decided to get some fresher crack from the Staging ppa :o23:07
claydohhaven't tried upgrading after  normal install yet, will try that on my "new" laptop when it arrives23:08
valoriethe staging ppa killed networking, was the biggest problem23:09
valorieI've not been able to get the nice lil applet back23:09
claydohnever had that myelf, just some broken packages for a couple days23:09
valoriehad to use nmcli to connect to my wireless23:09
* claydoh is inordinately lucky with installs and upgrades, it seems23:10
claydohJust can't have desktop effects on when using Chrome23:15
jussioh wow, its claydoh! hello old man! 23:19
claydohjussi: howdy ;)23:19

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