
=== Pez is now known as Guest63527
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AssociateXI set up vsftpd but I can not access it publicly. What am I missing?02:21
valorieTheFakeazneD525: did you look in `top`?02:25
valorieusually you can see what's misbehaving and kill it there02:25
TheFakeazneD525valorie: don't widgets run within plasma-desktop though02:26
TheFakeazneD525so I'd have to kill plasma02:26
valorieI don't think so02:26
TheFakeazneD525but it would still be there02:26
valoriehave never let bouncy ball loose on my desktop02:26
keithzgI do think it's all run within plasma-desktop, but I think you could hand-edit the config at ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc if you want to remove it from your config.02:31
keithzgAt very least, that should make it go away upon your next login, TheFakeazneD525.02:32
wetwitchSERVER/ rizon.net03:14
=== denza252 is now known as TheFakeazneD525
drobuddyI have an Kubuntu 14.04 install where somehow my user is no longer in the sudoers file (or wheel group). I'm currently booted on a Live CD with the disk mounted; I chmod'd the sudoers file so I could edit it and saved. Is there anything I should do while I'm at it?06:20
drobuddyI have no idea how / why this could have happened... Drunk moment? Hardly think so, but I'm not gonna rule it out. :P06:20
drobuddyAnd, for security reasons, I need to chmod those permissions back... Can someone tell me what they are supposed to be real quick? ;)06:21
drobuddyNvm, found the perms.06:21
drobuddyAnyone awake?06:22
drobuddyWell, I'm gonna go for it. We will see...06:24
lordievaderGood morning.06:28
lordievaderTheFakeazneD525: I believe you can disable widgets through the add widgets thingie.06:28
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alvinWhat KDE4 version is available in beta2 at the moment? Is it already 14.4.1?07:56
lordievader!info kdelibs5 utopic07:56
ubottuPackage kdelibs5 does not exist in utopic07:57
lordievader!info kdelibs-bin utopic07:57
ubottukdelibs-bin (source: kde4libs): core executables for KDE Applications. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.14.1-0ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 177 kB, installed size 807 kB07:57
lordievaderalvin: Looks like it has 4.14.107:57
alvinlordievader: Thanks. In that case I think I'll risk it. (I want IMAP back)08:02
lordievaderImap back?08:02
alvinBUg in Kmail in 4.14.0. IMAP doesn't work on Courier servers.08:03
lordievaderAnd that is fixed in 4.14.1?08:04
alvinYes, this one https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33818608:04
lordievader!info kdelibs-bin kubuntu-backports08:04
ubottuKDE bug 338186 in IMAP resource "Since updating to the latest Kubuntu packages Kmail is not picking up imap mail." [Grave,Resolved: fixed]08:04
ubottukdelibs-bin (source: kde4libs): core executables for KDE Applications. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.14.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.04~ppa3 (kubuntu-backports), package size 217 kB, installed size 726 kB08:04
lordievaderalvin: "I updated to kde 4.14.1 on Arch (testing repository) and kmail is still not usable for me." better check before you make the plunge.08:06
lordievaderRunning a development version, still, is not recommended.08:06
alvinYes, that comment bothers me too08:07
alvinWill we get KDE 4.14.1 for Kubuntu 14.04?08:08
alvinI've been using webmail for the past month, but it's just not the same.08:08
anqxyrhi, can someone help me? My super/win key is not working.08:34
anqxyrI'm running kubuntu 14.04 right now. I had the same problem in older versions as well. It went away after I upgraded to 12-something, and not it's back.08:35
anqxyrI'm using a Logitech G15 keyboard if that's relevant08:38
hateballanqxyr: not working, as in... ? it does not get detected or what?08:49
anqxyryes, any win+key shortcuts don't work, and when I try to create my own shortcut in 'Shortcuts and Gestures', pressing it isn't detected08:50
hateballanqxyr: have you set up the correct keyboard in keyboard settings?08:51
anqxyrprobably not, let me check08:52
anqxyrno, yes, the keyboard is correct08:52
anqxyr'Logitech G15 extra keys via G15daemon'08:53
anqxyrjust tried changing it to 'Logitech generic keyboard' and 'Generic 104 key keyboard', doesn't help08:55
hateballanqxyr: Is the g15daemon package installed?09:02
hateballNote, I have not used such a keyboard so I dunno much about it :|09:03
anqxyrit's installed and all the fancy media-key features are working, except for the win-key09:04
hateballanqxyr: if you run "xev", does the system pick up the key at all?09:06
anqxyralso, I just noticed, the 'context menu' key, the one between the right win and right control, isn't working as well09:07
anqxyrbut I don't much care about it09:07
hateballanqxyr: you havent toggled the gaming mode?09:07
hateballI have such a mode on my g105 keyboard09:08
anqxyrI'm pretty sure that's not something that I can toggle with the linux drivers, but it could be on by default09:09
anqxyrlet me try uninstalling the g15daemon09:10
hateballwell for me it's a physical key09:11
hateballlooks like a joystick or some such09:11
hateballit disables the windows/meta key in hardware09:11
anqxyrok, yes, this helped09:12
anqxyrthank you so much09:12
anqxyrI feel a bit stupid now09:12
anqxyrI've had this problem for years, but just ignored it because it wasn't that big of an issue09:12
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BluesKajHowdy folks11:38
soeehiho BluesKaj11:39
BluesKajheyhey soee11:39
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yossarianuk hi - I would like a specific USB  HDD drive to appear as /dev/xda rather than /dev/sd* (this is so I do not accidentally dd to the wrong drive) - how can I do this ?12:26
yossarianuk(i'm assuming its udev related ?12:26
BluesKajyossarianuk, do a blkid to find the correct /dev/xxx , the do your dd12:33
lordievaderyossarianuk: Write a udev rule for it.12:39
yossarianuklordievader: cheers - any example links12:51
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lordievaderyossarianuk: As you can do it with network interface names I suppose blkid's would not be really different: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/13:45
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rberghas anybody gotten microsoft lyric (sipe) to work with any of the kde IM clients? I dont want to use pidgin if I can help it14:45
rbergno I hear the protocol is called sipe14:46
rbergknowing MS its a incompatible offshoot of something cross platform :)14:47
anderslanyone in here using darktable? It crashes if I try to start the darkroom mode, or just click on an image15:07
anderslhm, if I run with LC_ALL=C it appears to work. Not so elegant...15:09
=== TheFakeazneD525 is now known as OpenGL
=== TheFakeazneD525 is now known as OpenGL
m_tadeuhi...I'd like to hear your thoughts about any git frontends for kde...what's the best, in your opinion?15:29
genii!info qgit15:32
ubottuqgit (source: qgit): Qt application for viewing GIT trees. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5-2 (trusty), package size 425 kB, installed size 1034 kB15:32
lordievaderm_tadeu: The commandline ;)15:37
m_tadeuyeah...my team is changing from bzr to git....and bzr has all these cool tools, so I was hoping to see something similar for git15:38
gomekhello all15:40
gomekI just installed Kbuntu 14.04  love it15:41
rbergI kind of have pidgin-sipe working (had to compile from source to get it to not segfault) but I cant get it to work in telepathy yet.. it keeps telling me I havent filled out required fields15:50
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=== OpenGL is now known as TheFakeazneD525
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Etheret1Chello :.)20:37
Etheret1CI'm on a laptop which hard disk is toast, running Live Kubuntu from CD. Got a memory stick with Kubuntu on it, but can no longer boot from the stick after an upgrade. Can someone suggest howto correct this?20:41
Etheret1C(it's a  bit urgent  since i'm on a time-limited wifi connection)20:43
Etheret1C261  users, 0 activity. que pasa?20:58
FritigernStart a live CD and use update-grub to correct the problem? We don;t have enough info to help you20:58
malc_calcEther: if you have a time-limited wifi connection, I'd also decide to boot from the Live CD if you have it handy. It should then be possible to at leasts access the data on the pendrive. Insert it, mount it, and look for /home/your_username. Most data should be there21:16
malc_calcIf you have the time for it, you could begin troubleshooting by using the Partition Manager to see if the bootflag is still set for the pendrive.21:21
malc_calcbut it's true thata there should be more info for concise advice: does the pendrive NOT BOOT AT ALL, or do you get a shell somewhere halfway ?21:23
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