
=== ggherdov`___ is now known as ggherdov`
glenis launchpad bzr having difficulties?09:02
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wgrantglen: What symptoms are you seeing?09:06
glenfirst timeout and then remote lock09:26
glen+ bzr push09:36
glenUsing saved push location: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/eventum/09:36
glenUnable to obtain lock  held by glen666@bazaar.launchpad.net on taotie (process #16641), acquired 52 minutes, 57 seconds ago.09:36
glenSee "bzr help break-lock" for more.09:36
glenbzr: ERROR: Could not acquire lock "(remote lock)": bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%2Bbranch/eventum/09:36
wgrantFollow the instructions that it gave you.09:36
gleni'm afraikd to do break lock actions as i already once break git<>bzr syncing09:36
glenhad to recreate whole git repo part09:37
glenso you say it's safe to break lock?09:37
wgrantHow did that break it?09:37
glennot *that* exactly09:39
wgrantglen: As long as the offending bzr process is dead, break-lock is safe and the only way to proceed.09:39
glenok. thanks. i'll try break lock then09:40
glenyet i have no idea is the offending process dead or not09:41
glentaotie is not under my control09:42
glenbut seems now ok. thanks again09:42
wgrantglen: That's true, but it's almost always a safe assumption that the remote process is dead, or at least not going to cause any more damage, if your local one is.09:47
wgrant(taotie is bazaar.launchpad.net:22, so that process is the server-side of your previous SSH connection)09:47
bookwarhi all, can you help me with bug reports acl? I have 'mos' project where bugs supervisors are set to 'mos-all' group.10:10
bookwar But then in this activity log: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mos/+bug/1371723/+activity we have 'Vasilios Tzanoudakis' who is not in this group but he can change the bug status to 'fix released'10:10
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1371723 in Mirantis OpenStack 6.0.x "To many reconnects in logs" [High,In progress]10:10
bookwarHow i can set the restriction, such that only member of mos-all group can change bug statuses?10:11
cjwatsonbookwar: That would require a patch to the Launchpad code; only certain bug status transitions (reopening Fix Released; switching away from Won't Fix; switching to Won't Fix, Expired, or Triaged) are restricted at all10:31
cjwatsonSee lib/lp/bugs/{interfaces,model}/bugtask.py10:31
bookwarcjwatson: thanks10:32
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