
buntutechgood evening technicians01:19
=== RedDeath is now known as Guest11594
knosysCould you please help me to know if my hardware is a good candidate for lubuntu ? :P12:48
knosysi have a fresh ubuntu distro, just installed nvidia drivers12:48
knosysand everything is good but, when running firefox + a java 2d game + irc , i cant use computer properly... even minimizing windows get's annoying12:49
knosysHW: intel celeron 2,7MHZ x2, FSB1333, 4gb ram ddr3, NVIDIA G210, sata hd 7200 rpm12:50
knosysso this makes the second ubuntu support channel where i dont get a single "Hello" :D14:23
knosysi love you all too14:23
zy3pDknosys, Hello14:50
knosyshi :)15:00
AscavasaionThe Power Manager seems to have been deprecated in 14.04.  Now if I forget to plug laptop in I get no warnings, and the laptop just shirts down and whatever I am doing disappears.  Please can you advise.16:19
zy3pDconfig xfce4-power-manager-settings16:20
AscavasaionI found that the other day, but it tells me it is not running and whether I want to start it.  I need to know how to auto start it I think.16:23
AscavasaionI tried Default applications for LXSession.  I see that power manager IS enabled on startup.  I checked the laptop=yes option.16:27
AscavasaionMaybe that works, will see when I restart again,16:27
AscavasaionThank you zy3pD16:43
AscavasaionChannel is pumping.17:29
wxlusually is Ascavasaion. if you wish to chat, i suggest #lubuntu-offtopic.17:30
Ascavasaionwxl: I was just teasing.  I understand why it is quiet.17:30
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=== mgodzilla_ is now known as mgodzilla
onla3I have just connected with hdmi cable a 42" plasma tv as my 2nd monitor. I got the picture alright and got it as extended desktop. I have 2 problems though. I can't get the audio from hdmi. I don't know where to set it in lxde. 2nd problem is that this is a plasma tv, and I want to chagne the wallpaper after short intervals, but I can't get any wallpaper app to recognize the 2nd desktop so that it would work on that also or rather than the 1st monitor17:43
zy3pD=wallpaper change17:45
onla3I tried that. It changed the 1st monitors picture only17:45
zy3pDthere are many apps which could do that17:46
onla3also the lxde default "desktop preferences" app doesn't work properly for me I guess, cus if I tag the "use the same wallpaper on all desktops" it won't change the same for both, independent on which monitor I right click to "desktop preferences"17:47
zy3pDduckduckgo is your friend17:47
zy3pDlogoff+login tried?17:47
ianorlinonla3 that might be more sometihng in pcmanfm doesn't do multiple monitors on desktops really that well17:47
onla3ye I tried to logoff-login and also reboot17:48
zy3pDianorlin, for me it worked well17:48
ianorlinno I mean the desktop backgrounds sometimes can't change them17:48
zy3pDok maybe17:48
ianorlinhow do you have the monitors positioined relative to one another?17:48
onla3primary monitor is the 24" on left side with 1900x1080 and on the right is secondary 1280x720 or smth17:49
ianorlinwhat happens if you swap them?17:49
ianorlinwhich one can you change then17:50
onla3swap like just swap positions or primary-secondary status?17:50
ianorlinswaping primary secondary might be something to try17:50
onla3swapping just positions, and the backgrounds changed17:51
onla3now primary has what 2nd had17:52
onla3and vice versa o.O17:52
onla3so the backgrounds are side by side and they stayed at their positions kind of17:52
ianorlinnow if you try to change it with pcmafm or another program does it change which one changes17:52
ianorlinI think you don't want to burn the plasma tv right17:53
onla3now it changes the background to which ever monitor i right click and choose to change it17:54
onla3like it did before17:54
ianorlinyou can also change it from the command line with pcmanfm if you wanted that in a cronjob17:55
ianorlinso you don't have to worry about changing it manually17:55
ianorlinit is pcmanfm -w but I don't think it allows you to choose monitor17:55
zy3pDianorlin, what is the name of this term based image viewer?17:56
zy3pDthis program can do it i think so17:56
ianorlinthat changes wallpaper not image veiwer17:56
ianorlinit is part of pcmanfm I learned about from reading the man page17:57
onla3pcmanfm -w changes the primary monitors desktop background17:58
onla3installed wallch once again, and that also just changes the primary :<17:59
onla3I tried to install nitrogen to try stretch background to both monitors, but it didn't work. Didn't bother to check log files and debug, as I would guess that I can find a working solution faster18:00
Autoclesis"packages fail to install --- check internet connection" :(18:00
ianorlinthen try changing primary monitor18:01
AutoclesisI have Ubuntu stretched on two monitors but not Lubuntu18:01
onla3can I have the panel with start menu on the secondary monitor, and when I run apps, to start the in 2nd monitor by default?18:01
onla3and to not have the panel in primary, as that would help the plasma burn in18:02
ianorlinhmm didn't think of that18:03
onla3oo this works on both monitors. just need to install the daily from launchapd for 14.04 http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2013/07/easiest-way-to-set-animated-wallpaper-on-ubuntu-desktop/20:53
gabryHi everyone, lxde power manager won't consider the power option I choose. For example: I tell it to not shut off the laptop screen nor to go in standby ever, but it does after the computer is not being used for 5 minutes. Any suggestions?21:04
melodieyes, pure command line in a file?21:05
melodiexset dpms 0 0 0 &21:05
melodiein the .config/openbox/autostart file (if Lubuntu lets it work)21:06
gabryoh, now I get it21:06
melodieif not you can add it to a .xinitrc file21:06
melodiebefore the line "exec blabla"21:06
gabrythere isn't such file21:06
gabrycould you please point me to a guide to do so? I'm not so much good at these things21:07
mackstingHowdy. I've successfully shared files from a Lubuntu laptop, over its wireless NIC, to an XP machine with an ethernet connection to the household modem. I'm certain Samba's involved, but there's a few things I'd tried that didn't work, and so the extent to which this is functional is a bit serendipitous. How did I skin this particular cat? I'd like to reconstruct it so I can make it work with the Lubuntu install on my desktop.22:53
wxlmacksting: let me get this straight: you've shared files with lubuntu successfully, but you want to know how to make it work?22:55
* wxl scratches his head22:55
mackstingI'm also interested in this for learning's sake, and learning how to do something is not greatly helped by succeeding without knowing what you did. So yeah.22:55
mackstingI mean, if it were the XP machine hosting, that'd be one thing...22:55
mackstingAh. Sorry, no, a Kubuntu install on the lappy. Lubuntu on the desktop. Wonder if this is the wrong channel. (The Kubuntu is using lxde, but...)22:56
wxloh my that's scary22:56
mackstingThe security concerns alone...22:56
wxlsamba is a pain in the butt for simple things22:57
* macksting nods.22:57
wxli'd sooner use sshfs22:57
wxlbut that may be asking too much out of xp :)22:57
mackstingIs that something one should do with a shaky wireless card?22:57
mackstingI was told otherwise.22:57
wxltry less pronouns pleae22:58
mackstingOh. I'll try.22:58
mackstingI've been told I shouldn't try SSH with a shaky wireless NIC. It's inconsistent, and prone to stop working often.22:59
wxlby that notion, nothing works22:59
wxland what's "shaky" with the nic?23:00
mackstingNot sure. It just stops working often. I don't actually know how to diagnose the problem.23:00
wxlthen if you shouldn't use ssh, you shouldn't use anyuthing23:00
mackstingOh. So SSH isn't actually worse for the purpose?23:01
wxlit's no worse than smtp or pop or imap or http or…23:02
* macksting nods.23:02
wxllooks like samba's the best way :/23:02
mackstingOh. Is it? Here I was thinking of dismantling my successful but dubious sharing for safety's sake. Any clue what I did right?23:03
wxlconfigured samba.23:03
* macksting nods.23:03
mackstingWell, I guess that's pretty much the answer. Situation's scary.23:03
wxljust install samba, read the docs, you'll be fine23:04
wxlcopy config files from the other install as needed23:04
wxlthat's probably where your success lies23:04
mackstingOkay. I'd say I didn't have a lot of luck with doing so before, but it seems I DID have some luck doing it before and just couldn't tell until I got my XP install working.23:04
mackstingWhich is unnerving.23:04
wxland afaik it's not well integrated into pcmanfm so don't expect too much out of the file manager (i could be wrong, but pcmanfm is pretty darn simple)23:04
wxldoubtful you'll break anything23:04
wxlworse case you simply don't get it working23:05
wxlkeep track of what you do if you need ot undo it23:05
mackstingGood thinking.23:05
mackstingPart of what worries me is I don't know what I did, so I don't know what I didn't do. I don't know much, but it seems to me from a security standpoint that's worriesome.23:06
wxlit all lies in the config file23:06
wxlopening ports in and of itself is not a huge deal, especially if it's within a local network23:06
* macksting nods.23:06
wxlreading samba config files can be intense23:06
wxlthey're not simple23:06
mackstingOh dear.23:06
wxlif you want an audit, hit up the samba guys!23:07
mackstingOh! Where? #samba, perhaps?23:07
mackstingThink they'd find the circumstance amusing?23:07
wxlthey've had much worse23:07
mackstingIf "worse" is what amuses them, I'll have to try harder.23:08
mackstingWell, I'm'a try to look at the Samba docs so I can find the configuration files so I can try to suss them out, or at least copy them.23:10
wxluse yours as a starting point23:10
mackstingYep. Figured I'd hit up the laptop, as it's pretty clearly all there and done.23:10
wxldon't try to understand samba, but try to learn what your config does23:10
mackstingSo I'll be on the other side of the room for a few, trying to suss this out for myself. If I find a question, I'm apt to come back, and/or just ask in #samba.23:11
macksting(Why is it necessary to go to the other side of the room? 'Cause the laptop battery's too old to disconnect for long, and the cord sucks.)23:11
mackstingIt says samba isn't installed.23:12
mackstingThe LAPTOP says that. The laptop that is hosting a folder which is accessible by XP.23:13
wxlmacksting: run through all your services and see if you can figure out what's running23:13
wxlit HAS to be a daemon of some kind23:13
wxlmight be nfs? doubtful but23:14
mackstingWorth a look. How do I get a list of what's running at the moment?23:14
mackstingSorry, total n00b.23:14
wxl`service --status-all`23:14
wxlde nada.23:15
mackstingWell, nfs-kernel-server shows as functioning.23:16
mackstingThink that's the culprit?23:16
wxlyeah though i thought that nfs didn't work out of the box on windows23:16
* wxl is not the windows expert23:16
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.23:17
* macksting nods23:17
wxlyay there you go macksting ↑23:17
mackstingGracias. That's a familiar URL. It's been a couple months, but I feel like this is a good place to start.23:17
* macksting grunts.23:20
mackstingIt appears I didn't use that particular how-to, nor the one to which it links (the tl;dr version), 'cause I don't have the directories described in either page. This could be hilarious.23:21
=== Guest11594 is now known as RedDeath
mackstingHrm. With that in mind, I looked at the list of running services again and found smbd. Curiouser and curiouser.23:23
mackstingWhy I have smbd but not samba, I can't say.23:26
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html23:26
wxloh you silly thing23:26
wxlmight just be the smb protocol?23:27
* macksting chuckles.23:27
mackstingFound smb.conf, too. That should help.23:28
mackstingIt really did tell me I don't have samba. Even suggested I apt-get install samba23:30
mackstingI think I'll opt not to.23:30

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