
=== _salem is now known as salem_
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ahoneybunthe new update to click-reviewers-tools did not fix my errors03:15
mihirGood Morning all :)04:36
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zsombinik90: ping05:28
zsombinik90: dunno what happened recently with EDS backend, but I cannot run Alarm tests so they pass the same amount... one run stops with fatal error, one run fails 4 tests, then a next one fails only one, aso...05:29
mihirzsombi: ping quick question05:35
zsombimihir: shoot05:35
mihirzsombi: who will be the right person to talk about date time indicator package issues ?05:35
mihirzsombi: to be precises this project , https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime05:39
zsombimihir: charles05:40
mihircharles: ping05:40
mihirzsombi: thank you :)05:40
zsombimihir: he is located in US, so he will probably respond in +7h05:40
mihirzsombi: ahh okay thanks for that too , i will poke him in my night time :D05:41
zsombimihir: you better write an email to him :)05:41
mihirokay :)05:42
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justCarakaso/ morning all07:21
mardy_rpadovani: hi! This is the reason for the crash you were seeing: https://bugs.launchpad.net/accounts-qml-module/+bug/137516107:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1375161 in accounts-qml-module "Objects returned by the AccountServiceModel have wrong ownership" [High,In progress]07:21
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nik90zsombi: the most recent change to EDS was https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/qtorganizer5-eds/fix-1371341/+merge/23545208:33
zsombinik90: exactly... 1) the event data update is screwed, the IDs somehow are not teh same, though when printed they look the same, but when I compare two QOrgenizerItemId's then they say they're different08:34
zsombinik90: 2) tags seem not to be supported at all :D08:34
zsombinik90: so the fix for tagging Todos it doesn't work :D08:34
nik90zsombi: but the change to EDS happened before your tag branch.08:35
zsombinik90: yes... we had not tested with eds... so that's our fault...08:35
zsombinik90: I've tested only with memory manager, and that works08:35
zsombinik90: btw everything works with that08:36
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy International Translation Day! :-D08:36
zsombinik90: look at this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8464441/08:36
zsombinik90: teh cookies look teh same when printed with toString()08:37
zsombinik90: but they are compared as QOrganizerItemIds08:37
zsombinik90: and that gives false on ==08:37
zsombinik90: wow.... there's something wrong....08:39
nik90I was told by renato that previous to his patch, recurring alarms were saved with the wrong format and as such they stopped working after a while08:39
nik90it was also confirmed by charles08:39
zsombinik90: I do get that... but there's something else that is wrong still!08:41
nik90zsombi: if you revert your tag branch, does that fix the tests?08:41
zsombinik90: why is it so that if I compare two QOrganizerItemIds which show the same when toString()-ed, they differ08:42
zsombinik90: nope08:42
zsombinik90: and this only happens if I'm getting the organizer IDs from EDS!!!08:43
zsombinik90: huhh???! If I run teh tst_alarms from QtC, I don't get warning, that the alarm is not in the list... but if I run it from the terminal I get them...08:47
mivoligomzanetti: hi08:54
mzanettimivoligo: hi08:54
mzanettimivoligo: I think I broke the google drive :D08:54
mivoligomzanetti: how so?08:55
mzanettimivoligo: I renamed the file color-specifications to color-specifications.txt08:55
mzanettiand then all the content from the folder disappeared08:55
mzanettioh look08:55
mzanettiits back08:55
mzanettireally couldn't access anything any more yesterday08:55
mivoligobut the name is not changed08:56
mzanettiyeah. I pressed back in the browser until I came back to the file and renamed it back, hoping it would restore things...08:57
mzanettilet me try again :)08:57
mivoligomzanetti: drive does not have a clue how to open the text file :D08:57
mzanettiwell. not it its not named .txt08:57
mzanettiwhich is why I renamed it08:57
mzanettioh... doesn't work with .txt either08:57
mivoligoyep, asks me to select an app to open it08:58
mzanettiyay for the web08:58
mzanettiplease give random app x access to all your docs08:59
mivoligomaybe rename it to .html ;)09:00
mivoligomzanetti: now I broke the drive :D09:05
mzanettistill working here :D09:05
mivoligomzanetti: right, it's back after refreshing09:05
mzanettiyesterday it didn't come back even after relogin for me09:06
mivoligochanging to html does not help too :D09:06
mivoligomzanetti: anyway, I'm with the question regarding enemy destruction effect09:08
mivoligomzanetti: can you use multiple images in the particles effect or should it be only one?09:09
mzanettigood question09:09
mzanettiI guess I can use multiple09:09
mzanettibut this was really only the first and only time I ever used the particleeffect09:09
mzanettiit looks it can do quite a lot of things09:10
mzanettimivoligo: what do you mean with using multiple images?09:11
mzanettimivoligo: a different one per enemey09:11
mzanettior mixing multiple images into one explosion?09:11
mivoligomzanetti: yes09:11
mzanettiwhich one?09:11
mzanettiwell, in any case, both should be possible09:12
mzanettinot sure how it behaves performance wise09:12
mivoligo:) multiple in one explosion some nuts, bolts, cogs09:12
mzanettiyeah. I guess I can do that09:12
mivoligomzanetti: I'm slow with writing :)09:13
mivoligoeven more now with one of my finger out of play :)09:13
mzanettidid you hurt yourself?09:15
mivoligomzanetti: yes09:15
mivoligono worries, I'll be fine :)09:16
mivoligomzanetti: had a chance to review the merge proposals?09:16
mzanettimivoligo: no... I was lazy yesterday... needed a rest09:18
mivoligomzanetti: no problem, you deserve it :)09:18
mzanettilol. looking at my mailbox today morning, not sure if everyone agrees there09:19
mzanettiA friend of mine came back from holidays yesterday and I asked him to play the game. he got totally addicted09:21
mivoligomzanetti: GOOD :d09:21
mivoligomzanetti: one more thing09:21
mzanettihit me09:22
mivoligomzanetti: I thought about the level background on the welcome screen and I think it's useless. I'd go with just an artwork specific for a levelpack09:23
mzanettimivoligo: ok09:24
mzanettimivoligo: in levelpack.json, there is already a entry, levelSelectorBackground09:24
mzanettimivoligo: we can use that09:24
mivoligomzanetti: is it that random enemy in the background?09:25
mzanettiwell, yeah, initially I intended to use it as background behind the level selection. but then we switched over to show random enemies/towers09:26
mzanettiI never bothered to remove that property so it still exists (in the code too)09:26
mivoligomzanetti: ah, ok, so we can use it09:26
mivoligomzanetti: I'm planning to work on that today09:26
mzanettimivoligo: just so that I can plan next steps a bit. what's the state with the next level backgrounds?09:27
mivoligomzanetti: nothing ready yet09:27
mzanettimivoligo: ok09:28
mivoligomzanetti: I'd like to finish with the UI first09:28
mzanettimivoligo: yeah, that's fine.09:28
mivoligomzanetti: btw, have your friend finished the game?09:29
mzanettimivoligo: so I've started over again with the levels, and noe changed it that in the first world we only use normal enemies, in the second world the -blue ones come in09:29
mzanettimivoligo: then we have the red ones still, and orange/aubergine09:30
mzanettimivoligo: so the idea would be that maybe the general theme of the next worlds might line up a bit with that09:30
mivoligomzanetti: I guess I can do couple more diffrent kinds of enemies09:31
mzanettimivoligo: like, the red ones come in in a "hot" world, with fire or whatever09:31
mzanettimivoligo: just an idea, to think about while still busy with the general ui09:31
mzanettimivoligo: not sure yet if we need more...09:32
mzanettimivoligo: maybe a -big variant to have sort of like a boss at the end of each world...09:32
mzanettibut that's all still a bit open09:33
mivoligomzanetti: ok, good idea09:33
mivoligomzanetti: afk for now, I'll ping you if I finish the welcome screen artwork09:34
mzanettimivoligo: ok. see you later09:34
mihirnik90: rtm-proposed is latest right ?10:22
nik90mihir: I think so..I mean I think utopic devel-proposed should be slightly ahead but not for long10:24
nik90mihir: try "ubuntu-device-flash --list-channels" to see all available channels10:24
mihirnik90: okay.10:24
DanChapmanmzanetti: hey for your bcc request, would you say the user email should be visible in the recipients lists when composing or just add it at submission time and save some screen space10:30
mzanettiDanChapman: other mail clients do show it usually10:30
mzanettibut yeah... the screen space saving might be an argument...10:31
mzanettiDanChapman: I'd be happy either way, as long as the outcome is that I have my own messages listed in the same mail thread10:32
DanChapmanmzanetti: ok well i will make a note to just have it visible for the time being then and see if the space is needed. Thanks :-)10:36
mzanettithank you :)10:37
mihirhey bfiller10:42
mihirsorry , balloons10:42
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zsombinik90: I think I'm back to the same problem we were in the beginning, that the QtOrganizer request completion signals are emitted after the actual request is completed.11:00
zsombinik90: like when I update an event, I get the waitForFinished() conplete and then I get the itemChanged() signal emitted... which is stupid, because the request completion should also report what got completed...11:01
ahayzenpopey, ping11:09
popeyahayzen: pong11:10
ahayzenpopey, whats the best way to ping jouni to reply to comments on the spec?11:10
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ahayzenpopey, is he around on irc/hangouts?11:11
ahayzenpopey, or is only around on email?11:11
popeyhmm, he usually is around.11:11
* popey pokes him11:12
popeyahayzen: if he's not on irc then ping him a mail. i invited him to our daily stand-up too11:13
ahayzenpopey, ok...whats his irc nick?11:14
popeyjouni_ iirc11:14
popeyhe may be afk right now11:14
ahayzenpopey, cool thanks11:14
mihir_nik90, which is latest one ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed-customized11:29
nik90'or just go with ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed11:29
nik90both are the same11:29
mihir_nik90, okay thanks11:30
* mihir_ create new emulator :D11:30
ahayzenHey, Is the 'correct' way to make the background colour of the app a solid colour to set the backgroundColor and headerColor to the same value in the MainView?11:59
ahayzenpopey, should i poke francis about enabling jenkins or will he see the work item?12:05
popeyI thought balloons had already. fginther .. were you aware of https://blueprints.launchpad.net/music-app/+spec/music-remix-2.0 ? (specifically the ones with your name on) ☻12:06
ahayzenpopey, ah cool if balloons already has :) ... just wanted to ensure it was on his radar12:06
popeyyeah, +112:06
zsombicharles: sire, we have a problem... QtOrganizer EDS backend doesn't support tags :/12:12
zsombinik90: help understand https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/136587612:33
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1365876 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Hour value of new alarm always jitter during scrolling." [Undecided,New]12:33
popeyahayzen: jounih ^12:39
ahayzenjounih, hey12:39
ahayzenjounih, i was wondering if you could respond to my comments on slide 2 regarding the small toolbar, when you have a moment?12:48
jounihsure i’ll do it now12:49
ahayzenjounih, thanks :)12:49
jounihre: the media control icons, they are all in the icon theme12:49
jounihmedia-playlist- prefixed12:49
jounihyou can call them with the icon SDK component12:49
ahayzenjounih, ok so media-playlist-{forward,previous,play,pause} ?12:49
* ahayzen tries that12:50
ahayzenjounih, ah sweet at the moment we have svgs in a images directory so we can get rid of those :)12:51
jounihyou can colourise these icons with the icon component to any colour you want12:52
renatudpm, hi12:53
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renatudpm, thanks for review my mr: https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/mediaplayer-app/translators-comments/+merge/16526012:53
ahayzenjounih, regarding the empty state have you seen what we do currently? i wonder if we should do something similar12:53
renatudpm, I am not using launchpad to translate the app because it is ver unstable, I am getting timeout every time that I submit a change12:54
renatudpm, after submit suggestions for the hole dialer-app and it did not get saved, the guy from brazilian translator team, told me to do the changes direct on the po file12:55
jounihahayzen: empty state for what sorry?12:55
ahayzenjounih, for the toolbar let me take a screenshot...12:55
zsombirenatu: dude, we have a problem! QtOrganizer doesn't save the tags at all!!12:56
jounihahayzen: ah you mean if you have nothing playing or queued? I think we should hide the play bar in that instance12:56
zsombirenatu: beside that, each request is completed before the change() signal woudl come!12:56
renatuzsombi, let me take a look12:56
ahayzenjounih, yeah ... this is what the toolbar looks like currently when nothing is the queue https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3XynHVKfrvMNzFQaWltdTJJcGc12:57
jounihahayzen: ah ok. yeah could be a nice thing to have12:58
ahayzenjounih, i wonder if we should have the new controls and then that text with no cover art or something?12:58
renatuzsombi, I can not grantee the signal order I send the change singal when I receive it from eds12:58
dpmrenatu, yeah, unfortunately Launchpad has timeouts, and it's something that's being looked at, but it's not a trivial fix. I know it's a real pain :/. However, I've never heard about suggestions not being saved or data being lost - the timeouts happen after saving the translations. If it's a new bug, I'd suggest submitting it. In any case, my point was that if you choose to translate offline, you don't need to commit it, you can just upload a .po fi12:58
dpmle using the web UI.12:58
zsombirenatu: I've digged in with this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtorganizer5-eds/+bug/136494912:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1364949 in qtorganizer5-eds (Ubuntu) "Editing alarm sounds doesn't actually change them" [Undecided,New]12:59
zsombirenatu: but you shoudl not complete a request while teh signal from EDS is not received12:59
renatuzsombi, since this is a async operation the change signal can be fired late after the request finished12:59
jounihahayzen: you probably only need the play button and the text prompting to hit play to shuffle for an empty state. Either that or hide the toolbar12:59
ahayzenjounih, ok13:00
renatuzsombi, I received ok from eds, then I return the results13:00
zsombirenatu: and that's teh problem, because I call fetch after the request ends, and meanwhile that is working I get teh update, and they get messed13:00
zsombirenatu: but ok might not mean that teh actual work got complete. It gets complete when the signal is received, then you complete the request...13:00
renatuzsombi, well ok means the change is complete but not that the signal was fired13:01
ahayzenjounih, ok and the other point do we want the progress bar? ... this is what it looks like currently (the orange thing) https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3XynHVKfrvMUjVDSzVXN2lwd0E13:01
ahayzenjounih, oh just seen ur comment on the doc... is ^^ the sortof thing you were thinking?13:02
renatuzsombi, the problem is that I relaying on eds signals, I can not fire a signal by myself otherwise you will receive 2 signals13:02
zsombirenatu: the change is complete, but because O do not get teh update, I cannot refresh the alarm data, meaning I get the old data still. if I put a wait of 400 msecs (on my machine) then I get the data updated...13:02
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jounihahayzen: that works, can you make it blue and a bit thinner?13:03
zsombirenatu: you don't need to fire two signals, just catch the signal in the request and close the request when the signal is received13:03
renatuzsombi, I understand you problem, this change will be very complex13:03
zsombirenatu: like save, save ok, then connect o itemChanged() and when that comes, you complete teh request13:03
ahayzenjounih, yeah :) .. the same blue as on the now playing? (could you comment with the hex code of that in the doc?)13:04
zsombirenatu: I got it, but that's the way a request works...13:04
renatuzsombi, I will need make sure that this change is related with my request, and there is now easy way to do that13:04
zsombirenatu: beside that, tags :)13:04
jounihahayzen: yeah same colour/height as this bar - https://www.dropbox.com/s/qcy0excb3rtympy/music_now_playing.jpg?dl=0 - will comment in the doc with hex13:04
renatuzsombi, I will check the tags right now13:04
zsombirenatu: how about connect the request-related signal to your request only when you know EDS is OK with that13:04
ahayzenjounih, thanks :)13:05
ahayzenjounih, and just to double check the blocks you see in some of those dropbox files roughly equate to 1GU ?13:05
renatuzsombi, sorry I did not understand what do you mean13:05
jounihahayzen: can you please use UbuntuColors.blue13:05
jounihahayzen: yeah the grid view blocks are 1GU each13:06
ahayzenjounih, yep :)13:06
ahayzenjounih, gimme a second i'll update all the things and rescreenshot :)13:08
zsombirenatu: so, you could have your own QOrganizerAbstractRequest derived one, where you have a slot which is connected to the EDS signal fired. in this slot you complete the request.13:13
ahayzenjounih, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3XynHVKfrvMMEVDUW5Sd291d1k13:13
renatuzsombi, but if  for example , a sync operation is happening at the same time and it changes eds during my request, I will need make sure that this change came from my request and not a external one13:15
renatuor a different app13:15
ahayzenjounih, hmm i think things look a bit close together i'll check the margins are right...13:15
renatuzsombi, btw every time that you cann engine->saveItems its return the new items already13:17
zsombirenatu: yeah... if you use the sync API... but I'm using teh async one13:18
renatuthe request will contain the new items too13:18
renatuthe request items will be updated to the new ones13:18
renatuzsombi, look the sync func implementation: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8465976/13:19
renatuits uses the async implementation13:20
jounihahayzen: thanks. I assume I’m just looking at the bottom play bar since the rest of the design is old?13:20
zsombirenatu: ok, and the fun is that itemChanged() comes after that waitForRequestFinished() and we use that signal in the models...13:20
ahayzenjounih, yep :) i'm only working on one component at a time13:20
ahayzenjounih, this is a bit closer https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3XynHVKfrvMRV9CTi0yeDhBbUE13:20
ahayzenjounih, i think the margin between the cover art and labels is too big now though..13:20
renatuzsombi, I do not see a problem with that, since the model will request the items only after the itemChanged is received13:21
zsombirenatu: because I don't want to refresh teh entire list view when one item changes13:21
renatuand at this point the items will be already updated13:21
renatuzsombi, but you have the ids of the items that changed13:21
renatuon the singal13:21
zsombirenatu: the problem is with the tests. I do only fetch teh changed data when teh itemChanged() comes.13:22
ahayzenjounih, is it 1.5 GU between the cover art and text on this image? https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hwpmf9i8f8axysd/AABy8dttpsKu7fxB01jKEAQra#lh:null-music_playbar_gridview.jpg13:22
renatuzsombi, on the tests you can use the intens  on the request->items()13:23
jounihahayzen: looks alright, i would increase the margin between the media controls more to make them easier to tap. What text size do you have atm?13:23
ahayzenjounih, whatever the default is...what should i set it to?13:23
jounihahayzen: also please colorise the media control icons to white13:23
zsombirenatu: no, because the alarm API should NEVER use the backend's stuff to test :)13:23
ahayzenjounih, the second one i colorised them? https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3XynHVKfrvMRV9CTi0yeDhBbUE13:23
zsombirenatu: it must always use the Alarm API to test the backend :)13:24
renatuzsombi, I am not saying to use backend specific stuff13:24
zsombirenatu: so, in order to get the changes I must use teh backend then13:24
jounihahayzen: could you please use Small font size, and Regular font weight for the playbar text?13:24
ahayzenjounih, yep13:24
jounihahayzen: artist name solid white, album name solid white, 40% opacity13:25
jounihsorry song name13:25
ahayzenjounih, cool13:25
jounihahayzen: after that i think the playbar is good13:26
ahayzenjounih, i'll send u another screeny when done..13:26
jounihahayzen nice! thanks13:26
ahayzenjounih, no problem :)13:26
renatuzsombi, I created a unit test and looks like that the tags is getting saved correct13:27
zsombirenatu: then for some reason I do not get them using event.tags()13:27
zsombirenatu: I get some trash there13:27
renatuzsombi, let me share my test with you13:27
ahayzenjounih, https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3XynHVKfrvMMGtOUE5pSDBYdGM13:28
jounihahayzen: i think it’s good to go! the cover art is throwing me off a bit but i’m sure it’ll look good with most things :)13:29
renatuzsombi, https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/qtorganizer5-eds/save-tags/+merge/23651213:29
jounihahayzen: maybe increase the distance between the media controls even more? so that people won’t tap two at once13:29
ahayzenjounih, cool :) yeah i'll try it at 3GU .. so the long term plan is to always have this bar shown right?13:30
jounihahayzen: yes I think it would make sense it to have it persistent13:31
zsombirenatu: and this works...13:31
ahayzenjounih, ok and to confirm what was our stance on when there is nothing in the queue?13:31
ahayzenjounih, hidden or show the play button with some text?13:31
renatuzsombi, works, let me try something different13:31
jounihahayzen: I like the text + play button idea13:32
zsombirenatu: try to set a QStringList13:32
ahayzenjounih, ok i'll do that now then :)13:32
zsombirenatu: it's weird, as I don't get that tag when the itenChanged() comes...13:35
renatuzsombi, let me try that13:35
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zsombirenatu: I'll try to see whether teh tag is there when the save completes13:35
ahayzenjounih, thats at 3GU with some different cover art https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3XynHVKfrvMQ0J0a2RxckNiYmc13:36
jounihahayzen: nice, works for me :)13:36
ahayzenjounih, sweet :) thanks for the pointers ... i'll have a go at that empty state thing13:37
jounihis the cover art provider now getting high res album art? or should I hassle the unity guys again13:37
jounihthanks ahayzen, my pleasure13:37
renatuzsombi, I can confirm that the tags is broken when retrieving with a new Request13:37
ahayzenjounih, erm well it gets embedded art and then falls back to online... but i've requested (and is WIP) to get any cover art in the same directory such as Folder.jpg13:37
zsombirenatu: yep, I can also confirm that the alarm tag is there after teh save completes...13:38
jounihahayzen: ok. What’s the online art resolution?13:38
ahayzenjounih, i'm not sure of the exact dimensions but we use the same as the scopes now13:38
jounihahayzen: ok. does it look blurry/pixelated?13:38
zsombirenatu: maybe I skip that update, and simply fire update signal when save completes...13:38
zsombirenatu: then we hit two flies teh same time...13:39
ahayzenjounih, depends how big ur trying to make it aha ... i'll see if i can find the exact size13:39
jounihahayzen: cool. yep as long as it’s high quality enough for our “now playing” view it’s good. thanks13:39
ahayzenjounih, 350x350 pixels it looks13:40
jounihahayzen: ok should be good enough I guess13:40
ahayzenjounih, yeah should be enough for now13:40
* ahayzen waits for super super high DPI screens13:41
popeywell.. a friend got an oppo find 7 over the weekend, and I'm trying to convince him to port ubuntu to it...13:41
popeythat's got a silly high res screen13:42
ahayzenjounih, what font size would you use for that empty state message?13:42
jounihahayzen: try Medium or Large13:43
ahayzenpopey, like we have 1080p displays on our phones..but a lot of laptops are 720p lol :/13:43
ahayzenjounih, will do, will you be around if i ping one across in a bit?13:43
jounihahayzen: sure13:43
ahayzenjounih, thanks :)13:43
jounihi can hang out on this channel if this is where the action is13:44
ahayzenjounih, that would be really useful if you could :)13:45
renatuzsombi, fixd13:47
zsombinais :)13:47
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renatuzsombi, pushed into the same branch13:49
zsombirenatu: looks pretty simple :D13:50
renatuzsombi, yes EDS does not use the same field type for categories as it uses for comments13:51
renatuzsombi, just changed that13:51
renatuzsombi, thanks for point me that13:52
zsombirenatu: thx for fixing it :)13:52
ahayzenjounih, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3XynHVKfrvMSm5aRzFJQzZPWlU ?13:53
zsombirenatu: so the only thing remaining is the delay between the request and the itemChanged() signal....13:53
zsombirenatu: but perhaps I will not rely on that signal at all...13:53
zsombirenatu: as it is painful13:54
zsombirenatu: the only problem I see is to find the place a new event is inserted...13:54
renatuzsombi, thanks, I will keep the bug open until I have a good solution for that13:54
jounihahayzen: can you give the text 2gu margin on the left. And I think we could say “Tap to shuffle music” and make the whole bar a touch area (leave the icon there too though)13:54
ahayzenjounih, ok agreed13:55
renatuzsombi, what do you mean?13:55
zsombirenatu: like when I add a new item, that is not reported as itemChanged() as it was no prev item with the same ID registered... so I have to deal differently with those13:56
zsombirenatu: if I do not rely on the itemChanged() anymore13:56
zsombirenatu: or I simply do sthing for testing purposes only....13:56
zsombirenatu: that woudl be easier13:56
ahayzenjounih, like so https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3XynHVKfrvMdzdRcVY0VFJkSzA13:57
jounihahayzen: looks good to me13:58
ahayzenjounih, yey thanks :)13:58
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zsombirenatu: charles: still, the bug seems not to work, as if I change the sound, EDS reports as being changed, but the sound played by indicator-datetime seems to be the original one14:15
zsombirenatu: charles: talking about this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtorganizer5-eds/+bug/136494914:15
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1364949 in qtorganizer5-eds (Ubuntu) "Editing alarm sounds doesn't actually change them" [Undecided,New]14:15
* zsombi bbl14:18
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dpmpopey, looks like folks are looking forward to another set of core apps hack days? https://plus.google.com/103255629963793469067/posts/UDPnD6jRdZN :-)14:40
dpmpopey, perhaps we can reach out to Boren to help out with Music14:41
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elopioartmello_: thanks for your review. Can you please top-approve it? https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/gallery-app/qmltests1/+merge/23539015:33
elopiooh, I'm missing the checklist. One second...15:33
elopionow it's ready.15:37
elopioping ogra_, the external drives application is yours, right?15:40
ogra_elopio, sergiusens15:40
sergiusenselopio: what up?15:41
elopiosergiusens, or ogra_ you might know, what's the name of the project in launchpad?15:41
sergiusenselopio: ciborium15:41
elopiosergiusens: I'm going to change the translation of the app in spanish to unidades externas.15:41
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1353226 in Ubuntu Translations "[dash] On the dash the available space for app names is too small" [Medium,Triaged]15:41
sergiusenselopio: do as you wish ;-) I didn't do the translations :-P15:41
sergiusenselopio: I think it was vrruiz15:42
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ahayzenjounih, what is the font size for the cards? is it small again?16:00
jounihahayzen: yep, small16:00
ahayzenjounih, cool thanks16:01
ahayzenjounih, for the Albums tab are we expecting to use the cardview?16:01
* ahayzen has been using that page to prototype16:01
jounihahayzen: I think we could use the cardview for everything for now. Maybe some of the views would work better as a listview but we can start off with cards for everything16:03
jounihwhat do you think?16:03
ahayzenjounih, my understanding was the 'start' page would be cardview... the albums would be cards.... the artists and songs tabs make sense to be a list i think...and the playlists is up for debate16:03
jounihahayzen: playlists definitely cards - albums and playlists are very similar. OK to use listview for artists and songs - i’ll need to provide a design for that, i’ll do it now16:04
ahayzenjounih, yep agreed thanks :)16:05
ahayzenjounih, FYI our initial implementation is unlikely to have the differing heights...we are likely to investigate this further in if we have time etc16:06
jounihahayzen: I think we really really want the organic cards.. should be pretty easy16:06
ahayzenjounih, heh maybe ... we're using GridView at the moment which i *think* only allows the same height... but i'll investigate this over the next few days16:07
jounihyeah we’ll need a new component for it. Maybe that’s something nekhelesh could work on, would be nice to use in other apps too16:07
jounihQML gridview won’t do it AFAIK16:07
ahayzenjounih, it is a special gridview hehe i'll post a screenshot in a sec16:08
ahayzenjounih, this is basically what the WIP looks like at the moment (i'm trying to sort out the margins/label sizing etc) https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3XynHVKfrvMSmlvRV80d3pCZ00/edit16:18
nik90ahayzen: you need to use a QML FlowLayout. That should fix it16:18
ahayzennik90, ooo any docs for that? ...16:19
ahayzennik90, oh as in the Flow {} ? https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/QtQuick.Flow/16:19
jounihahayzen: cool looking good! I can see one SDK thing we need to fix. The staggered grid instead of … would be really really good16:19
ahayzennik90, interesting i'll see if i can port over my cardview ^^ that is using GridView to that16:20
nik90ahayzen: cool.16:20
ahayzenjounih, what is the SDK thing?16:21
jounihahayzen: the divider below the header.. the white bottom highlight on it is too bright. Will ask the SDK guys if we have access to that. What are you using as your base theme? SuruDark?16:21
ahayzenjounih, well i asked this earlier...16:22
ahayzen"Hey, Is the 'correct' way to make the background colour of the app a solid colour to set the backgroundColor and headerColor to the same value in the MainView?"16:22
ahayzenjounih, as we aren't sure if we are setting the bg correctly anyway? we just set the bg and header colour to the same value?16:22
ahayzennik90, do you know ^^ ?16:23
ahayzenjounih, but if we are doing it correctly, like an SDK thing16:23
jounihahayzen: i guess that works, i’m not sure what the correct way of doing it is, we can ask the SDK guys tomorrow16:23
ahayzenunless t1mp is still about?16:23
nik90ahayzen: if you set the background color, it should be sufficient16:23
jounihit’s a small thing - the staggered grid view would have more impact16:23
nik90ahayzen: only for gradients we used to set header, background and footer color16:23
ahayzenjounih, hehe yeah but we're still aiming for pixel perfect right ;)16:24
ahayzennik90, ah right... hmm i thought i had to set the header colour otherwise it was like white though or something16:24
jounihyep. I think the divider bottom highlight is something that is exposed in the theming - we’ve talked about it before with the SDK guys. Let’s ask them tomorrow when they are around16:24
ahayzenjounih, cool :)16:25
ahayzenpopey, meeting time?16:31
popeyyeah, hangout?16:31
popeyjounih: dpm ^?16:31
ahayzenpopey, yeah let me migrate to my room....16:31
jounihgive me 2 mins16:31
ahayzenpopey, i'm about now :)16:34
popeyshould be in the calendar invite16:34
dpmpopey, can't make it today, sorry16:34
ahayzenarg why is it using my brookes google16:35
* ahayzen shakes fist16:35
zsombinik90: this bug is invalid I guess, right? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/126859916:40
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1268599 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Deleting Alarms does not update the alarm manager count" [Undecided,New]16:40
popeydpm: added task to bp for you to add remix to the sponsoring page..16:40
nik90zbenjamin: yeah16:41
dpmpopey, ok, sounds good, will add tomorrow morning16:44
seb128who is working on the calc application?16:52
seb128wondering what is blocking https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-calculator-app/1365564/+merge/23340016:53
seb128but I see somebody else commented on the mp today asking that as well16:53
nik90zsombi: you are cleaning up all the old alarm bugs?16:58
zsombinik90: all teh bugs, I decided to becoem a cleansweep now :D16:58
nik90zsombi: lol..my inbox is getting spammed16:59
popeyseb128: design, i asked for them to review it.16:59
zsombinik90: sorry :D16:59
* nik90 packs to go home17:01
seb128popey, thanks17:01
brendandpopey, hey do you have that bug about the video scope being broken?17:06
popeybrendand: bug 1375349 was made17:07
ubot5bug 1375349 in Unity Media Scanner Scope "Can't launch videos on mako utopic #261" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137534917:07
mihir_popey, why i am not seeing clock on fresh RTM image?17:16
popeyoh really?17:17
popeyogra_: where is the rtm changelog page like your changelog?17:17
ogra_mihir_, the last rtm image was a device tarball rebuild17:17
ogra_rootfs is identical to the last one17:18
ogra_popey, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/17:18
mihir_ogra_, that means ? i didn't get that17:18
mihir_ogra_, so you mean i should install them from store?17:18
ogra_mihir_, that means there is no new software in the rootfs17:18
ogra_only kernel and drivers got updated17:19
popeyjust updating my device...17:19
ogra_(device tarball = android container, kernel and drivers)17:19
mihir_popey, scrennie , http://i.imgur.com/5aaMAS3.png17:19
ogra_(rootfs tarball = OS and software/apps)17:19
mihir_ogra_, okay understood17:19
ogra_you should see a new calendar in the updates from the store though17:20
mihir_ogra_, yeah i can do that from store..but i couldn't even see Clock so was wondering what it is.17:20
mihir_popey, out of the box , are you facing this issues with imgur and ubuntu screen caputre , the copy to clipboard doesn't work :|17:21
popeyoh, thats the emulator....17:21
popeyi dont know why the emulator would be missing the clock - is that the x86 one? maybe we haven't got an x86 clock click?17:22
* popey chuckles at "clock click"17:22
mihir_popey, yes it is x8617:25
mihir_popey, ahhh seriously ..17:26
popeycould be, just a guess17:26
* mihir_ get calendar from store 17:26
mihir_popey, strange not able to find it from store17:28
popeyyou won't. the version in the store is armhf17:32
mihir_popey, okay so i'll create emulator with i38617:33
popeyyou mean armhf?17:33
popeyor you could just branch the code and build an i386 click?17:33
mihir_popey, will that work with x86 emulator ?17:35
popeyx86 is i386 effectively, so yes.17:35
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mihir_popey, okay will , thanks for clarification.17:37
mihir_popey, one quick question regarding event Reminder, would you like to have  "No Reminder" and "On Event Start"  then other reminder options or just "No Reminder" and other options ?17:45
mihir_balloons, again is this related to wait time , ?17:52
balloonsmihir_, looks like the app loaded and things started working17:53
balloonswhere is that from?17:53
mihir_balloons, didn't get you :|17:53
balloonsahh https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/rewriteGetRecurrenceString/+merge/23601317:53
mihir_balloons, https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/rewriteGetRecurrenceString/+merge/23601317:53
mihir_balloons, because in that MR there no change regarding newEvent stuffs17:58
balloonsmihir_, I re-triggered it18:04
balloonslet's see what happens18:04
mihir_balloons, thanks.18:05
mihir_charles, pin18:05
mihir_charles, ping*18:05
mihir_balloons, got it , there was typo and i missed after saving it18:32
balloonsmihir_, :-)18:32
* mihir_ hates new keyboard :( 18:32
sammoI get stuck in a loop when trying to connect my device to qt creator. It detects it and then unmounts and disappears.18:36
sammoDoes anyone have any ideas about that?18:36
* ahoneybun ubuntu phone says "no sim" when there is one in there18:36
ahoneybunnow to reinstall ubuntu18:40
* ahoneybun laughs are "Task View"18:42
mihir_anybody facing issues adding contacts in emulator ?18:50
mihir_balloons, ping19:24
balloonsmihir_, pong19:24
mihir_balloons, we're missing these dependency on Jenkins machine : qtdeclarative5-qtcontacts-plugin19:25
mihir_balloons, did anything got changed on machine?19:25
balloonsmihir_, no nothing should have changed.. that sounds odd19:25
mihir_balloons, wait let me re-check19:26
balloonspackages might have changed, so those might not be pulled in automatically anymore19:26
mihir_balloons, okay issue is something diff.19:31
mihir_balloons, if you see last two Jenkins run of diff MR , Failure is same19:31
mihir_balloons, though tests passes on my machine19:33
balloonsmihir_, you could change return self.select_single(NewEvent, objectName='newEventPage') to a wait_select and the same with     DeleteConfirmationDialog, objectName='deleteConfirmationDialog')19:34
balloonsif you feel like they are timing out that is19:35
mihir_balloons, okay , let me try that but it fails on both MR so was wondering waiting is the only issue  :|19:35
balloonsmihir_, looking at the video I see the popup comes up just barely.. it's possible19:36
balloonsthere's animation there, I'm not sure it's being accounted for19:36
mihir_balloons, you mean in DeleteConfirmation ?19:37
balloonsmihir_, yea, just looking at the traceback you linked19:37
balloons  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/calendar_app/__init__.py", line 658, in delete19:37
mihir_balloons, okay it hasn't since long time19:37
mihir_balloons, okay let me try then19:38
mihir_balloons, added lets see , if it works , i'll push separate MR for this change.19:44
mihir_balloons, that worked :D19:47
balloonsmihir_, :-)19:49
balloonspesky pesky things19:49
mihir_balloons, would you mind to review this MR ,https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/addingWaitTime/+merge/236598 ?19:56
balloonsmihir_, I would add root.wait_select_single(DayView, objectName='dayViewPage') in as well in the delete method19:59
balloonsmihir_, also,         return root.select_single(NewEvent, objectName='newEventPage') to a wait20:00
balloonsthat's in edit ^^20:00
balloonsmihir, hey you did come back, heh. I thought maybe you had gone so I finished the mp20:18
mihirballoons, pushed the change20:23
balloonsmihir, hey you did come back, heh. I thought maybe you had gone so I finished the mp20:24
balloonsmihir, so I add all my tweaks and made a new mp20:24
mihirballoons, okay no issues i got disconnected20:25
mihirinterent issues20:25
balloonsmihir, yea.. no worries. But hopefully all those tweaks will stop the random failures20:25
mihirballoons, thanks a lot :)20:25
renatuhey nik90 are you around?20:28
nik90renatu: hey, yeah20:28
nik90renatu: just sent you an email :P20:28
renatunik90, I got your email20:29
renatunik90, about the number 220:29
renatunik90, is working fine for me20:29
renatunik90, which version are you using?20:29
nik90renatu: I made a typo there..it doesn't work in the dialer app when I press the buttons (rtm devel-proposed mako)20:29
renatunik90, about number 3, I agreed with the designers to not implement that, this will be very complex to do and they are happy with the current implementation20:30
nik90renatu: ah okay. I can let my designer know about this.20:31
renatunik90, to make it to disappear you need to get the focus back, just call item.forceActiveFocus()20:31
mihirballoons, is this because i pushed in older MR ?20:32
nik90renatu: ok..so for the flickable that I use in the clock page, if the user scrolls (or flicks), I should do forceActiveFocus() to hide the bottom edge. Sounds simple enough.20:32
nik90renatu: but I cannot debug why the bottom edge does not have the focus when openning the clock app.20:32
nik90renatu: considering you call the forceActiveFocus() in the loader.20:32
balloonsmihir, ? this is the autolanding: it should land fine I think20:33
renatunik90, yes this is trick, I do not know if there is a QML function to say who has the focus :D20:33
nik90renatu: :)20:33
nik90renatu: in the address book, did it just work? because it looks like we (clock and addressbook) use a flickable in the page with the bottom edge.20:34
nik90renatu: so I would expect similar results20:34
renatunik90, yes is working fine on address-book20:34
renatunik90, I do not know if boiko did something different on dilaer-app20:35
boikorenatu: nik90: I don't need active focus on the bottom edge page in dialer-app20:36
nik90boiko: but bug 1357945 says that the bottom edge hint in the dialer app should be visible at all times and be hidden when a user presses on the number buttons.20:37
ubot5bug 1357945 in Ubuntu Clock App "[bottom edge] Current bottom edge hint timeout makes it difficult to read the bottom edge action" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135794520:37
nik90boiko: the last part doesn't work as expected though20:37
renatunik90, yes we know that20:38
nik90renatu: ah ok20:39
renatuKaleo, do you know if is possible to debug the current focused item? We want to know which item has the focus20:39
nik90renatu: I have managed to fix issue 2 in the clock app by calling forceActiveFocus() where needed. Issue 3 isn't valid due to the reasoning you mentioned above.20:40
nik90renatu: so only issue left is the bottom edge hint not being shown when clock app is opened.20:40
renatunik90, great , we just need to know which item is stealing the focus20:41
renatunik90, btw the item could be in the alarm pages, since the page is loaded20:41
* nik90 checks if alarm page has any input fields20:41
nik90renatu: in the alarms page, there is not input text fields...however I do show the checkbox in the case of multiselection view.20:42
renatunik90, check if the check bottoms20:42
nik90renatu: didn't follow...check bottoms?20:43
renatunik90, check if the checkbox is receiving the focus20:43
renatusince they are visible20:43
* nik90 checks20:43
renatunik90, there is the "settings" button on the main page20:44
renatunik90, I am not sure about the "Add city button"20:44
nik90renatu: both AddCityButton and Settings button are AbstractButtons20:45
renatunik90, is the abstract button a FocusScope ??20:45
renatulet me check the implementation20:45
nik90it inherits ActionItem which in turn inherits StyledItem20:46
renatunik90, try to add: onActiveFocusChanged: console.debug("Has focus:" + activeFocus) on both20:49
renatunik90, :D20:49
nik90renatu: ah...I tried onFocusChanged instead of onActiveFocusChanged20:49
nik90renatu: no debug statements for the buttons.20:50
nik90wait why were you happy? :P20:50
renatunik90, I am not happy. yet20:51
renatunik90, try with checkbox20:51
nik90renatu: checkbox doesnt have it either20:52
nik90when I press the checkbox, it says it has active focus. But when I go back to the main clock page, it looses active focus.20:53
nik90and the bottom edge stays shown then.20:53
renatunik90, the bottom edge page call forceActiveFocus when collapsed20:54
mihirballoons,  again it needs some modifications, wait_single should be wait_select_single i believe20:54
renatuthis will make the tab to appear20:54
mihirballoons, that's why it it failed again.20:54
balloonsmihir, hehe.. yes indeed20:55
mihirballoons, sorry for bugging you for small tweaks hehe :)20:55
renatunik90, ok, you will need to comment part of the code until you find who is stealing the focus20:55
renatunik90, sorry I do not know how to help on that20:55
balloonsmihir, pushed rev 488. Please approve it20:55
nik90renatu: no worries, I will try to find out where the issue is20:55
nik90renatu: thxn for your help20:56
mihirballoons, done :D20:56
renatunik90, btw I have a new MR for bottom edge: https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/address-book-app/fix-1375513/+merge/23652220:57
nik90renatu: Yeah I saw. I will integrate that as well.20:57
mihirrenatu, you got a min ?20:58
mihirrenatu, need some info regarding this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/137259920:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1372599 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Wrong time zone for calendar sync" [High,Confirmed]20:59
mihirrenatu, i am not sure whether it should go to Sync Monitor or EDS.20:59
renatumihir, well we do not have support for timezones on qtorganizer-eds yes, This is new in qt. (only after 4.3), and this will affect  a lot of projects21:01
renatumihir, If I add support now this will break the alarms21:01
mihirrenatu, because it is really making calendar sync (useless)21:02
mihirrenatu, what would you suggest on this ?21:02
renatumihir, to implement that I will need to discuss with szombi and charles , and bill. This will consume some time and can break a lot of stuff21:03
renatumihir, sorry I do not have a solution right now21:03
mihirrenatu, okay21:03
renatumihir, just add qtorganizer5-eds as effect project21:03
mihirrenatu, yeah i have already did that.21:04
mihirrenatu, can you confirm that bug in eds ?21:04
renatumihir, I do not know why. but I can not do that21:06
mihirrenatu, okay21:06
mihirrenatu, no issues , i just updated bug with our chat, hope that's fine.21:07
renatumihir, humm I did notice that. I post some comments too21:08
renatumihir, btw the timezones supports appear on qt 5.3 not 4.3 :D21:08
renatumy mistake21:08
mihirrenatu, okay thanks :) hope that's fine :)21:09
renatumihir, I will talk with bfiller about, I hope we can find some time to implement that21:10
mihirrenatu, yes that would be great , otherwise the syncing with calendar doesn't make any sense as it'll be use less for users21:11
mihirnik90, finally able to run application on device :) :D21:12
nik90mihir: yay! It is critical you keep it that way21:13
nik90mihir: hard to digest that you have been able to only test on desktop for a phone app21:13
mihirnik90, yeah that's why there were back and forth reviews on MR21:14
mihirnik90, thanks to you for help.21:14
nik90mihir: I didnt help much with your emulator issues21:15
bfillerrenatu, mihir: yes this is a dupe of bug that was reported many months ago21:15
mihirnik90, but even for UI how does that looks on device , that was more helpful too :)21:15
bfillerI agree, google sync is quite limited by that issue21:15
mihirbfiller, hmm yup21:17
mihirbfiller, but is very critical for calendar.21:17
bfillerrenatu: seems that is should be possible, pulling the events from google does the correct thing with the time. It's only events that you edit or create in the Calendar. Should be just converting the local time back to UTC before syncing21:17
bfillermihir: not arguing that21:18
mihirbfiller, yeah i understand that.21:19
nik90renatu: strange, I competely commented out everything in the clock page and the alarm page. https://imgur.com/G6VL59F .. and still the bottom edge doesn't get active focus.21:20
* nik90 digs deeper21:20
mihirnik90, when you get a couple of mins, could you please review this https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/RemoveGuest/21:24
mihirnik90, i have made it working and it should work now :)21:24
nik90mihir: sure21:25
mihirnik90, thanks :)21:25
nik90renatu: On debugging, it seems if I use a timer and set the tip to focus to be set after 1 sec, it works :P21:25
renatunik90, yes because some other item is getting the focus :D21:26
nik90renatu: but I commented out everything in the clock page and alarm page.21:26
nik90renatu: the only thing that was seen was the header title :)21:26
nik90renatu: I didnt even leave a flickable behind :)21:27
renatulet me finish that bug I am working on, than I will try debug the clock app with you21:27
nik90renatu: I will be sleeping soon. But I created a sample project with just the bottom edge component at lp:~nik90/+junk/bottomedgefocus. I tried with both our implementations, but still the bottom edge doesn't show up on startup.22:10
renatunik90, nice22:10
nik90renatu: it could very well be that I am using the bottom edge component incorrectly22:10
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