
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 262 DONE (finished: 20140930 00:45) ===00:44
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/262.changes ===00:44
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 263 building (started: 20140930 02:10) ===02:09
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 73 building (started: 20140930 03:10) ===03:09
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 263 DONE (finished: 20140930 03:45) ===03:44
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/263.changes ===03:44
rsalveticjwatson: ogra_: bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtmir/+bug/137555503:51
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1375555 in qtmir (Ubuntu) "[regression] qtmir landing for image mako 256 (emulator 255) broke the x86 emulator" [Undecided,New]03:52
rsalvetijdstrand: ^ as you're always using the emulator (just heads up)03:52
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 73 DONE (finished: 20140930 04:20) ===04:19
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/73.changes ===04:19
robrucamako: thanks for hitting the DEBUG flag, output clearly shows SILONAME being set, so yeah, you must have hit some kind of transient error during the deployment. everything looks fine on this end (well, except your build failing, but that's a separate issue. ;-)06:50
* Mirv archived landed landings07:11
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loolToyKeeper: I dont know what network manager usually uses as test plan; what cyphermox_ told me to test is noted in the spreadsheet: that you see as many wifis around before and after the change07:41
=== vila changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need other help? Ping vanguard: vila | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: -
ogra_cjwatson, bah, i messed up with ubuntu-touch-meta again, i copied it to rtm-proposed (had forgotten about the desktop deps) ... is it enough if i copy again but to the rtm archive or does it need archive admin action ?09:15
Mirv^ that's the one-liner for bug #137380709:19
ubot5bug 1373807 in unity-scopes-shell "Unity8 freeze (caused by shell plugin) after performing OA workflow" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137380709:20
popeyMirv: could yuou please upload http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/rssreader-app-click/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/out/com.ubuntu.shorts_0.2.330_all.click to the store09:32
=== vrruiz_ is now known as rvr
cjwatsonogra_: what no!  don't copy directly to rtm09:42
cjwatsonyou can't anyway :)09:42
ogra_didnt we do that the last time ?09:42
ogra_and i think i see pitti do it all the time09:42
cjwatsonpitti needs to stop that :)09:42
ogra_and steve too :)09:43
cjwatsonI've asked him not to09:43
ogra_can you push it through then09:43
cjwatsonyes, the correct thing to do here is to tell proposed-migration to do it09:43
cjwatsonpitti and slangasek can do that because they're archive admins, but shouldn't (may be accidental)09:44
ogra_right, so i did mindlessly the right thing, great :)09:44
cjwatsonyou can't because you're not09:44
ogra_ah, k09:44
cjwatsonogra_: you know what, I'd rather not force this, I'd rather finish my job of copying the dependencies09:45
ogra_ok, nothing urgent in there iirc09:46
ogra_cjwatson, oh, wait ... looking at the excuses page, the notes-app should actually be removed from desktop09:47
cjwatsoncopying it isn't a problem though09:47
ogra_indeed, but we want desktop to match touch09:47
cjwatsonnot my problem for now09:48
ogra_no, but one dep less for you09:48
cjwatsontoo late anyway09:48
ogra_heh, k09:48
cjwatsonok, all of rtm update_excuses should clear shortly10:03
cjwatsonand ubuntu-touch-meta shouldn't be a problem in the future, at least until more desktop deps are added10:04
cjwatsonogra_: also pitti has said he stopped doing that ages ago after the last time I asked him :)10:04
ogra_ah, k10:12
ogra_i just saw the uploads on the changes ML10:12
ogra_sil2100, any idea what happened to the content of rtm-007 ?10:16
ogra_(i know it was there yesterday, now the PPA is empty)10:16
bzoltan2cjwatson: I have tested the new click with the named chroots. Fixed the QtCreator Ubuntu plugin for it https://code.launchpad.net/~bzoltan/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/support_named_chroots/+merge/23624510:17
bzoltan2cjwatson: Thank you for that feature. It enabled the automatic functional testing of the SDK tools.10:17
sil2100ogra_: let me take a look10:18
ogra_the dashboard still says "packages built"10:19
sil2100ogra_: ugh10:20
cjwatsonbzoltan2: Great, thanks for the confirmation.  I've yet to be able to test click properly otherwise because of the emulator being broken at the moment.10:20
ogra_i have no prob starting over ... but i thought you might want to investigate :)10:20
sil2100ogra_: I have no idea what happened! I'll look into what's up, but you'll probably have to press build and list 'android-tools' there now to get those back in10:21
=== vila_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need other help? Ping vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: -
bzoltan2cjwatson: Yeps, I started my day with the broken emulator. Indeed it is more important.10:21
ogra_sil2100, no prob10:21
cjwatsonbzoltan2: It's not my wheelhouse, but having a look at it to see if I can track down the broken object10:24
Mirvpopey: shorts uploaded.10:37
popeythanks Mirv10:37
t1mpis there a problem with the makos (or something else) in CI?10:48
t1mpIn this MR I get a different (seemingly unrelated) failure for every CI/autolanding run https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/gc/+merge/23597710:49
t1mpcihelp ^10:51
popeyMirv: could you please upload calendar 484 to the store. http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/calendar-app-click/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/out/com.ubuntu.calendar_0.4.484_all.click10:54
sil2100camako: hey! You want me to perform a rebuild of i386 mir in rtm/20 ?10:54
t1mpelopio: do you have an idea what can cause the failures in https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/gc/+merge/23597710:55
mzanettitrainguards: please reconfig silo 6 for me10:59
sil2100mzanetti: ACK!10:59
sil2100mzanetti: ugh, this is taking awfully long11:01
mzanettisil2100: there are quite a few branches in there11:01
sil2100mzanetti: ok, done, but just so you know:11:02
sil2100mzanetti: WARNING ubuntu-system-settings is already prepared for the same serie and destination in ubuntu/landing-00211:02
sil2100WARNING qtmir is already prepared for the same serie and destination in ubuntu/landing-00711:02
* mzanetti looks11:02
sil2100Please coordinate accordingly11:02
mzanettisil2100: ok. not a problem for landing-007. but indeed need to coordinate with landing-002. thanks for the hint!11:03
sil2100yw :)11:03
bzoltan2trainguards: I could use a Utopic silo for the  line 7011:31
Mirvbzoltan2: ok11:31
cjwatsonemulator investigations have taken me to http://www.akkadia.org/drepper/tls.pdf .  if I do not emerge in a few hours then please send a search party11:45
ogra_cjwatson, i think rsalveti chnaged some TLS bits initially to make the emulator work at all ... not sure that was ever changed back11:46
cjwatsonogra_: well we should be able to track down and destroy the libraries that are using static TLS, since in general libraries shouldn't be11:46
ogra_ah, i think thats what he did back then11:48
ogra_cjwatson, hmm ... http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/256.changes ... not sue if you really want the fake-env installed, that came in with the last qtmir landing (by accident it seems)11:52
ogra_(some broken "or" dependency )11:53
cjwatsonnot installed on my test system11:53
ogra_how did that end up in the changelog at all ... i dont see it in any of the manifests either11:58
* cjwatson is walking through debugging steps from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=112498711:59
ubot5bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1124987 in calibre "Fix static TLS usage in Fedora shared libraries." [Unspecified,Closed: errata]12:00
cjwatsonwonder if this libc patch from RH would fix it12:10
cwaynesil2100: btw we'll likely need QA to do a pass over a custom tarball today in conjunction with a landing from jdstrand12:10
sil2100cwayne: oh, ok, since we're also waiting for test results for the new device tarball12:11
cwaynesil2100: ah, ok, cool, how much testing is left to do there?12:11
sil2100cwayne: not sure12:12
sil2100brendand, john-mcaleely: any news on the device tarball?12:12
sil2100kgunn: ping12:13
kgunnsil2100: hey12:13
sil2100kgunn: hey! So you mentioned that the utopic issue with videos not launching from the scope is related to media-hub - do you know if that landed in utopic already?12:14
kgunnsil2100: landed in utopic yes, but not on rtm...was waiting on qa as of last night12:15
sil2100Ok, well, it was basically a problem in utopic, so in this case it's good to know it's fixed12:16
kgunnsil2100: so you've confirmed those mediahub branches were in the image tested ?12:17
brendandkgunn, i just signed off 2612:17
john-mcaleelysil2100, none yet. been a morning of distractions12:17
=== cprov changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need other help? Ping vanguard: cprov | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: -
cjwatsonbuilding a test glibc with Carlos's DTV_SURPLUS patch from RH to see if that fixes the emulator12:23
jdstrandrsalveti: thanks for the heads up! (I do love the emulator)12:27
cjwatsonjdstrand: could you have a look over my proposal at the end of bug 1371574?12:38
ubot5bug 1371574 in click (Ubuntu) "After installing clicks to /custom/click, /usr/share/click/preinstalled version are still preferred" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137157412:39
cwaynejohn-mcaleely: sil2100: would it make sense to do a custom + device check? or do they need to be separate12:40
john-mcaleelycwayne, I think we should keep them separate12:40
cwayneprobably makes the most sense12:42
jdstrandcjwatson: yes, I was getting through all me other irc pings so I could focus on yours :)12:43
dbarthhi trainguard, on line 51 i have finished testing the silo12:50
sil2100dbarth: you need a sync for RTM now, right?12:50
dbarthit's marked as "needs building", but of oxide was binary copied in the silo12:50
sil2100dbarth: ah, ACK12:51
dbarthsil2100: just next, yes; the line exists, but i still need to repeat the test on my rtm phone now12:51
dbarthsil2100: but to test from an rtm silo, i need the sync i guess ;)12:52
dbarthdo a bin. copy if at all possible, otherwise, it's 5h at best12:52
sil2100dbarth: in theory, yes ;) Doing that anyway now12:52
sil2100All is a binary copy now12:52
sil2100So no worries ;)12:52
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john-mcaleelysil2100, ogra_ brendand New device tarball13:04
ogra_you mean it passed and is released ?13:05
ogra_cool !13:05
sil2100brendand: ^ o/13:05
john-mcaleelyI think it now needs your QA signoff13:05
sil2100john-mcaleely: thanks :)13:05
brendandjohn-mcaleely, can't access that file13:05
john-mcaleelynote that at least one test was not performed because I lack the kit (a locked SIM(13:05
brendandjohn-mcaleely, the .ods file13:06
john-mcaleelybrendand, doh. please try again :-)13:06
Mirvsil2100: I wonder how/if Oxide can be landed to utopic, since it's not in bug #1371635 list and is a new version13:09
ubot5bug 1371635 in Ubuntu "[FFe] standing freeze exception in utopic for Ubuntu Touch-specific packages" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137163513:09
sil2100Mirv: true, depends if this is a bugfix or not13:10
Mirvor maybe that is really small(ish) bugfix releae13:10
Mirvwith oxide, I kind of assumed "huge things changing", but that doesn't look too bad13:10
sil2100From the changelog I see that there are many bugfixes there, but only bugfixes13:11
sil2100So this could be feasible for a release13:11
jdstrandrsalveti: hey, for preinstalled apps on the device (specifically not custom), where do the precached profiles live, in the device tarball? the rootfs?13:19
Mirvwget:ing and debdiff:ing two 300MB sources (compressed) makes one appreciated network, cpu and ssd speeds13:20
ogra_jdstrand, rootfs13:20
jdstrandok, thanks13:20
cjwatsonha!  libc fix is enough13:20
ogra_jdstrand, iirc there is a hook for pre-generation in the livecd-rootfs package13:21
Mirvsil2100: did you add the oxide rtm line?13:24
MirvI just fixed its fields so that status is correctly shown13:25
sil2100Mirv: yeah, I added it some time ago, what happened?13:26
Mirvsil2100: adding the rtm silo like that straight beneath the utopic silo is nice (I always do that), but you need to copy-paste C and N columns' special equation from another line13:27
sil2100Mirv: but the line was there13:28
sil2100Mirv: I just assigned the silo for that13:28
Mirvsil2100: ah, ok, then it was someone else who added the newline originally13:28
sil2100Ah, maybe dbarth copied it that way, I didn't check if the formulas were like that13:28
Mirvanyway, FYI oxide debdiff (omitting chromium) http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8466001/13:28
sil2100I just changed the sources list to a "sync:" and assigned :)13:28
thostr_Mirv: could we get a silo again for line 8?13:29
fginthert1mp, added comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/gc/+merge/23597713:37
t1mpfginther: thank you!13:48
t1mpfginther: so the solution, for now, is to wait for the fix in [1] to land in the image that is used for testing?13:48
t1mpfginther: ^ how can I know that the fix is in?13:54
fginthert1mp, the fix for [1] landed yesterday, but it did impact all of those results.13:55
fginthert1mp, the system-settle problem is new. Was trying to track down if this is being seen elsewhere13:55
ogra_fginther, t1mp, note that we see settle_after issues in image smoketesting too ... usually due to unity8-dash not settling properly13:55
fgintherogra_, thanks for that info13:56
ogra_there was also a bug for the dash about it leaking a lot of memory13:56
ogra_might be related13:56
t1mpok, I'll do an empty commit to trigger CI again13:56
fginthert1mp, just re-approve the MP13:56
t1mpzsombi: ^ can you happrove https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/gc/+merge/235977 again?13:57
zsombit1mp: nope :)13:57
t1mpzsombi: this is serious. No time for jokes ;)13:58
zsombit1mp: nope :)13:58
brendandjohn-mcaleely, just getting started with the tarball - i was finishing a silo14:02
john-mcaleelybrendand, great!14:02
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need other help? Ping vanguard: fginther | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: -
sil2100ogra_: btw. since it's Tuesday again, could you lead the evening meeting? :)14:21
ogra_sil2100, since it's Tuesday again, indeed :)14:22
LaneyIT'S TUESDAY?!?!?!14:24
ogra_Laney, didnt they tell you ?14:29
Laneynobody tells me anything!14:30
ogra_evil !14:30
thostr_sil2100: can I get a silo again for line 814:44
sil2100thostr_: sure :)14:45
sil2100thostr_: hmm, there are at least 2 silos with u-s-s right now14:45
thostr_sil2100: right, we'll sync once we now how it tests14:46
ogra_hmm, the indicators look weird in the latest utopic image14:49
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
cjwatsonogra_,rsalveti,jdstrand: emulator should be unbusted in the next image build after glibc publishes14:55
popeyMirv: still about? can you upload that calendar click?14:56
ogra_cjwatson, cool, i'll make sure we get a build then14:57
sil2100ogra_: didn't we land that indicator-display thing in utopic?14:57
ogra_"that indicator-display thing" ?14:57
ogra_can you be more specific ?14:57
ogra_indicator-display is in both archives afaik14:58
ogra_and now also seeded in both images14:58
jdstrandcjwatson: cool, thanks!14:58
ogra_(with the next rtm build)14:58
cjwatsonogra_: glibc takes ~3h to build on armhf, and it'll presumably trigger All The Autopkgtests, so might just end up being tomorrow morning's run14:58
ogra_oh, yeah, sounds like it :)14:58
jdstrandcjwatson: and you now have a response to bug #137157414:59
ubot5bug 1371574 in click (Ubuntu) "After installing clicks to /custom/click, /usr/share/click/preinstalled version are still preferred" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137157414:59
jdstrandstepping into a meeting now, so won't be terribly responsive for a bit15:00
cjwatsonjdstrand: will ponder, and likewise15:01
brendandogra_, for silo 7 did you just test that the bugfix works?15:09
ogra_brendand, i did everything i described15:09
ogra_(see the spreadsheet)15:09
cjwatsonogra_: I guess if everything works tomorrow we should sync glibc through a silo into rtm; I can't point to a single change that caused this, it was a limit we tipped over, and we could tip over it in rtm at any time15:09
brendandogra_, so it's not worth repeating any of the same tests i ran for the last android-tools-adbd landing?15:12
ogra_brendand, i only left QA signoff checked because the package has more than one fix included :)15:12
jhodappsil2100, line 25 in the spreadsheet (silo 13) is ready to publish15:12
ogra_brendand, not really ... juust verifying the two bugs are fixed should be fine i think15:13
sil2100jhodapp: thank you!15:13
jhodappsil2100, np! :)15:14
Mirvpopey: sure15:28
Mirvthostr_: seems you've got it now15:29
Mirvpopey: hmm, have I missed some link? my Debian hosting irssi crashed earlier today and I restarted15:29
popeyMirv: ah okay... yes15:30
Mirvpopey: oh, yes I have!15:30
Mirvpopey: found15:30
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rsalveticjwatson: thanks for fixing glibc15:58
rsalvetijdstrand: there are only two possible paths for preinstalled apps, either custom or rootfs16:00
rsalvetijdstrand: at least atm we're not shipping any app in the device tarball16:00
* ogra_ hopes we'll (they*ll) never do 16:01
ogra_robru, meeting ?16:02
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need other help? Ping vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: -
jdstrandrsalveti: ack, thanks16:14
brendandjohn-mcaleely, actually just hold on a little bit before pushing it16:16
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john-mcaleelyogra_, sil2100 new device tarball pushed16:16
john-mcaleelybrendand, ah16:16
ogra_merci !16:16
brendandjohn-mcaleely, give me 15-20 minutes more16:16
john-mcaleelybrendand, sorry. I thought I could push, and I have16:19
cwaynesil2100: do you guys have time for a QA custom then?16:19
brendandjohn-mcaleely, ok well the thing i had trouble with is something you guys tested, so i expect it might be something else causing me trouble16:20
john-mcaleelybrendand, ah, what?16:21
brendandjohn-mcaleely, anyway if we get bitten then we can always improve the test plan16:21
brendandjohn-mcaleely, video playback - yes i too don't see how the tarball could break that16:21
john-mcaleelybrendand, that's super flaky, so some files are definately still broken16:22
AlbertA2trainguards: utopic landing-013 is ready to publish16:23
brendandjohn-mcaleely, it's one that worked earlier in the day16:23
john-mcaleelybrendand, and we can break it in the device tarball, but I don't think this one has changes there.16:23
john-mcaleelybrendand, hrm. not so good16:23
john-mcaleelybrendand, +1 on iterating the test plan16:23
brendandjohn-mcaleely, in the worst case scenario are tarballs revertable?16:25
john-mcaleelybrendand, yes, and I'd be happy to do that drill.16:25
john-mcaleelybrendand, it's good practice :-)16:25
brendandjohn-mcaleely, ok phew - it's not the tarball but something that landed in #7316:27
john-mcaleelybrendand, phew!16:27
john-mcaleelybrendand, ah, there's a bug in the test plan. no slot for which build I tested against...16:27
john-mcaleelybrendand, your master is view-only for me. can you revise it?16:27
brendandjohn-mcaleely, done. and i made a new tab - can you complete the name and copy the contents of the ods file in there?16:29
john-mcaleelybrendand, sure16:29
brendandjohn-mcaleely, actually i was going to say my preference would be for you just to create new tabs in that doc for each test run16:30
john-mcaleelybrendand, ok. I'll save each tab as an ods - otherwise I'm not publishing them :-)16:31
brendandjohn-mcaleely, i'll ignore that16:32
john-mcaleelybrendand, fine by me16:33
robrupstolowski: ok you got utopic 2416:40
pstolowskirobru, thank you16:40
robrupstolowski: you're welcome!16:40
robrukgunn: not sure what's going on in utopic-6 there. let me know if you need me to delete qtmir/u-s-s16:42
mzanettitrainguards: need another reconf of silo6 please16:50
popeyfginther: did you see pings about music remix 2.0 needing to be added to jenkins?16:50
robrumzanetti: really a reconf, or do you just wan me to delete qtmir and u-s-s? (eg did you add MPs?)16:51
cwaynesil2100: brendand: heya, would you guys be able to test a custom tarball for release today? or would we need to wait for davmor2?16:51
mzanettirobru: yeah, that would be enough. I removed some mps16:51
brendandcwayne, i don't think it will happen today16:52
robrumzanetti: ok, clicked delete, that takes a few minutes to take effect.16:52
mzanettirobru: thanks16:52
robrumzanetti: you're welcome16:52
jhodapprobru, what does the status on utopic silo 13 mean exactly?16:53
jhodapprobru, I want to get that published16:53
robrujhodapp: it means it's in the proposed pocket ;-)16:54
robrujhodapp: it means it's been publish it's just not done yet16:54
jhodapprobru, ah, I guess I was referring more to the one package at least is not available in the destination message16:54
robrujhodapp: right, that's because one package at least is not available in the destination ;-)16:55
jhodapprobru, lol, ok...confusing me because there only being 1 package in my silo16:55
jhodapprobru, but I guess it's a generic message16:55
robrujhodapp: if it stays like that for more than an hour or two, you can click on the package name (the one where it says "in the proposed pocket", not the one in the upper list), and it'll show you the proposed migration page that might explain if there's any problems with the migration16:55
jhodapprobru, ok cool, thanks16:56
robrujhodapp: yeah it's a generic message, the one package you're publishing just isn't in release pocket yet, it's in proposed.16:56
jhodapprobru, ok, thanks for humoring my question :)16:56
robrujhodapp: you're welcome!16:57
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plarsmterry: did that unlock loop fix land yet?17:06
mterryplars, no but it did get approved17:09
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fgintherpopey, yes. I'm just now getting to that17:55
popeyfginther: awesome, thanks18:01
robruThat's odd, both my laptops lost Wi-Fi at the same time, but my phone is working fine18:24
fgintherballoons, can you provide a review for: https://code.launchpad.net/~fginther/cupstream2distro-config/add-music-remix/+merge/23658618:30
balloonsfginther, is the hook_source outdated now? I was noticing it on reminders18:31
fgintherballoons, no, the special version of the pep8 pyflakes checker for reminders is still in that branch18:32
balloonsfginther, ahh right.. to ignore the other plugins, gotcha18:32
balloonsI approved, thanks18:32
fgintherballoons, much thanks18:33
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
sergiusensrobru: hey, can I get a silo for line 57? Not all MPs are approved, but I need to do some test builds18:56
robrusergiusens: you're welcome!18:58
sil2100Ok, now that was intense19:07
sil2100brendand, ogra_, cwayne: so the custom tarball sign-off has been moved to tomorrow? Or did someone else got assigned to the sign-off19:08
cwaynesil2100: sounds like it19:11
sil2100cwayne: maybe we could ask ToyKeeper? Or can you wait for tomorrow indeed?19:12
ToyKeeperIf that's what I think it is, it's probably going to be 8+ hours of testing to cover all the click apps, and even then will probably have significant gaps.19:14
cwayne8+ hours? davmor usually does it in like 2-ish..19:19
sil2100cwayne, ToyKeeper: I guess you would have to poke davmor or brendand about that19:20
cyphermox_sil2100, could you please sync urfkill from Silo ubuntu 11 to RTM 24? I think you have some Jenkins job to do that or is it purely juste the build job?19:20
sil2100cyphermox_: CI Train does it easily, let me take a look19:21
brendandcwayne, what's the urgency?19:21
sil2100cyphermox_: yeah, so I see all is configured properly - just press the build job and input 'urfkill' in the list of packages to rebuild19:22
cwaynebrendand: no huge urgency except it'll pre-seed the aggregators as favorites, and it will go with jdstrand landing apparmor-easyprof19:22
sil2100It'll sync it up if a sync is needed19:22
brendandcwayne, so you won't die if it lands tomorrow :)19:23
ToyKeepercwayne: I'm estimating 5+ hours for the AP tests, and a few more for manual exploration, plus extra time to check whether the bugs also existed before the change.19:23
cwaynebrendand: I didn't even ask again to do it today sil2100 asked if it was going to happen today, calm down :)19:24
sergiusenscjwatson: robru the rtm silos only build for the 3 popular arches, right? Means a binary copy from rtm silos to ubuntu ones are not desirable, or am I overthinking here?19:25
ToyKeeper(depending on what actually changed, that is...  any unchanged click apps can skip the AP tests and get reduced manual testing, which speeds things up a lot)19:25
brendandcwayne, you calm down...19:25
robrusergiusens: you're right, it's better to binary copy from utopic to rtm19:25
brendandcwayne, i'm sure davmor2 will be happy to look at it19:26
cwaynebrendand: that's fine, I'm not even trying to push for it today anymore! i accepted earlier when you said it probably wouldn't be today19:26
cyphermox_Sil2100 thanks19:26
sergiusensrobru: so I'll tick "only copy source" since I'm doing it the other way around; not sure if the missing arches would be rebuilt (I think they are); but would be better if they are built from one place together19:27
robrusergiusens: right, I think the better solution is to start in utopic. there's some changes in the pipeline that'll make it easier to build in utopic first and then just publish to utopic and rtm simultaneously without even needing two different silos.19:28
sergiusensrobru: well the big blockers (time wise) have to be at the beginning of the pipe and not end; qa signoff is one of those19:29
robrusergiusens: right, but everything will be faster if you only have one silo to test & publish rather than needing two.19:30
sergiusensrobru: well if that is made irrelevant, the where to push is too as we only have one :-P19:30
sergiusensrobru: and that's good news if true19:30
robrusergiusens: yep, sil2100 is working on it, hopefully should land soon-ish19:30
sil2100Oh uh!19:38
robrusil2100: quick, let's push it to production!19:42
cjwatsonsergiusens: Yes, but it would work out - a binary copy from ubuntu-rtm to ubuntu would copy the binaries have have been built and rebuild the rest19:44
cjwatsonsergiusens: Which doesn't really seem worse than rebuilding everything19:44
cjwatson*that have been built19:45
cjwatsonrobru: That sounds reasonable, indeed, if I'm guessing the implementation correctly19:45
sil2100ogra_, cjwatson: is the emulator in a fixed state right now?19:46
cjwatsonsil2100: Fix is only in -proposed right now, pending doing something about autopkgtest failures19:46
robrucjwatson: yeah, basically the publish job just also does a binary copy19:46
cjwatsonrobru: Well, two binary copies rather than just one, presumably19:47
robrucjwatson: right, well, the publish job doesn't really do a binary copy, it just makes that rsync file so snakefruit can do a binary copy, but yeah19:47
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need other help? Ping vanguard: fginther | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: -
cjwatsonrobru: It should probably have snakefruit do both19:47
cjwatsonThe reasons for that would be the same either way ...19:48
robrucjwatson: makes sense.19:48
robrusil2100: ^^ sounds like you need to be hacking on copy2distro ;-)19:48
sil2100No no19:48
sil2100No hacking needed19:48
cjwatsonsil2100: The autopkgtest queue is way too full right now for it to be worth me looking at it for a bit.  If you desperately need the emulator to work, then you can boot it once, adb shell, grab the libc6/libc-bin/multiarch-support i386 binaries from LP utopic-proposed, dpkg -i, reboot19:49
sil2100What we'll do is simply the publish job will write 2 entries to the rsync file and we're done ;)19:49
robrusil2100: oh, can it be that easy? dear god20:04
dbarthrobru: hey, do i need to make a special request to get the new language-pack into rtm?20:14
dbarthrobru: i need 1:14.10+20140923 or superior to fix the accept-language headers with oxide20:15
robrudbarth: well if nobody requests it, it doesn't happen automatically, so... yes20:15
dbarthi can add a silo dependency for ex?20:15
robrudbarth: just make a regular landing request, and in source packages put 'sync:ubuntu,utopic language-pack' (or whatever the source package name is)20:16
dbarthadding an oxide dep update is a bit of a pain20:16
dbarthok, perfect20:16
dbarthi'll put that in silo 1820:16
robrudbarth: ok you're going to want it to say 'sync:ubuntu,utopic oxide-qt language-pack' then and then you'll have to wait for oxide-qt to fully land in utopic, thenreconfigure and rebuild the rtm silo20:18
dbarthrobru: rebuild? oxide is a binary copy (given the time it takes)20:18
robrudbarth: yeah but the build job will need to re run in order to do the binary copy for language-pack20:19
dbarthrobru: ok20:20
dbarthrobru: i copied your line in the cell, hope it's fine this way now20:20
robrudbarth: right, is 'language-pack' the source package name? i don't actually know20:21
dbarthrobru: uh, there is a source package for each language:20:23
dbarthlike https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-pack-touch-de20:23
dbarthit's language-pack-touch-{...}20:24
robrudbarth: right so you need to list the source package names in that spreadsheet cell. it only works on source package names.20:24
dbarthuh ok, i need to find an example with the right list20:24
robrudbarth: but in the case of language-pack-touch-de it looks like the rtm version is actually newer than the utopic version so I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish exactly20:25
dbarthrobru: i just noticed that the problem with oxide accept-lang headers is fixed in utopic20:27
dbarth(it takes a langpack update techically)20:28
dbarthwhereas it's still not fixed in rtm20:28
robrudbarth: perhaps some other source package is responsible20:28
robrui don't actually know much about langpacks.20:28
dbarthnot fixed in rtm #7420:28
dbarthso maybe i'm not on the right rtm channel20:28
dbarthrobru: so i put it back to sync:16 for now20:31
dbarthwill clarify tomorrow morning with pitti how to handle safely20:32
robrudbarth: ok no worries20:32
robrubrb, lunch20:40
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
tedrobru, I need a silo for integration work with mterry, line 77. Should that be "ready" or just not ready as it's actually not ready? :-)20:51
robruted: "ready" means "give me a silo"21:06
* ted doubles down on readiness21:06
tedrobru, Ready! :-)21:07
robruted: ok, 1321:08
tedrobru, Great, thanks!21:09
robruted: you're welcome!21:10
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need other help? Ping vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: -
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
bfillerrobru: silo 1 in ubuntu not showing up correctly in spreadsheet21:39
robrubfiller: what row?21:58
robrubfiller: i don't understand the state the spreadsheet is in. address-book-service seems landed?22:00
robrubut the silo is there22:00
barryrobru: finally got si 2.5 built in landing-002!  i am a good monkey22:08
* robru gives barry a banana22:08
barryoo oo aa aa22:09
camakowhy are our CI mahines using kernels from 2012? Kind of old for an OS company...22:13
robrucamako: because they're probably running precise, because it's an LTS, because any company would desire stability from a server?22:14
camakoRobru, I have code that requires kernel >= 3.11.. and the unit tests are failing. What do I do?22:15
robrucamako: uh, fix your code?22:18
robrui dunno22:18
robrucamako: like make your unit tests conditional on the right kernel being present or something22:18
camakorobru, lol... this was the "fix"22:18
barrycamako: ping infinity (i think) or stgraber tomorrow and see if one of them can help you22:18
* camako was hoping you'd say we can build/run on a newer kernel22:20
robrucamako: i don't have any power over what system the buildfarm uses.22:22
robrucamako: like you're talking about a PPA build right? that's not even part of the citrain system that I'm maintaining, that's into lp itself.22:23
camakorobru, understood...22:23
* camako goes back to revert the offending "fix"22:24
=== robru changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need other help? Ping vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Please inform robru of all build failures today.
robrursalveti: anpok_: kgunn: mzanetti: Mirv: poke because you guys have silos that are "Ready to build". any chance we could kick some of those builds off?23:44

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