
james0rinstalled gnome over xubuntu, most things running well. i'm noticing in the app search feature it pulls up all xscreensavers02:45
james0ris there a way to limit the scope of what that displays?02:45
james0rsorry for my layman's terms. pretty new to gnome shell02:46
james0ralso, minor issue, but it pushes my filters on the bottom off the screen --> http://ibin.co/1c4V8J8wZy4t02:48
arturtrHello! Can anybody help me to solve this ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+bug/132019704:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1320197 in Ubuntu GNOME "Application icons are showed incorrectly" [Undecided,New]04:06
darkxstarturtr, those programs are probably missing .desktop files04:40
darkxst(or have invalid .desktop files)04:40
darkxstAnyway they are not from the archive, so you should file bug wherever you got them from04:40
darkxstoh you mean the resolution04:46
arturtrI have not installed this programs. As I now04:48
arturtrProblem is in big sizes of icons04:48
darkxstarturtr, only in the applications view?04:49
arturtryes. in all apps tab04:49
darkxstarturtr, or is the search overview also messed up?04:50
darkxstalso you gnome-session-GNOME.log on the bug is 500MB, can you delete it (~/.cache/upstart/gnome-session-GNOME.log restart session to make a new one04:51
darkxstarturtr, also add the output of `xrandr -q` to the bug04:52
arturtrsearch overview also with wrong app icons04:54
arturtradded xrandr to bug04:54
arturtrdone with ~/.cache/upstart/gnome-session-GNOME.log04:58
arturtrI remove old file and restart gnome with alt+f2 r then attach new log file05:00
darkxstis 1366x768 the real resolution of your screen?05:02
darkxstare you using any extensions?05:03
arturtryes. hamster indicator support and appindicator support05:05
darkxsttry disable the extensions05:05
darkxstmake sure you are using Adwaita theme (gnome) theme05:06
darkxstthen make a new gnome-session-log05:07
arturtrdone http://paste.ubuntu.com/8463581/05:09
arturtrI use dafault GNOME theme Adwaita05:11
darkxstartur_trofimov, not to sure what is causing it, looks like mutter is getting you resolution wrong, but xrandr says that its right05:20
darkxstI suppose you could test with a new user, just in case you have some messed up dconf settings?05:21
arturtrok. i'll try make new user05:23
arturtrthank you05:23
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arturtrwith new user I have the same problem05:30
mgedminI wonder, can you poke around with Alt-F2 lg in the app grid?05:31
arturtrI you tell me how - I can :)05:32
mgedminyou press Alt-F2, type "lg" (it stands for 'looking glass') and press Enter ;)05:33
mgedminthen you get this internal debug window with an eye-dropper tool in the top-left corner where you can click on gnome-shell screen objects05:34
mgedminand inspect their various properties05:34
mgedminunfortunately I'm not familiar with the app grid and don't know what properties there are that may be useful to inspect05:34
arturtrI think than I have problem with StcrollView.all-apps05:37
arturtr* StScrollView.all-apps05:37
mgedminBTW gnome-shell developers are all in #gnome-shell on irc.gnome.org05:38
arturtrOh thank you05:39
arturtrI'll ask there. Good luck05:39
ricotzdarkxst, hi, i assume when the webkit build is finished it won't be possible to directly upload new packages to the staging ppa due space limitations, this should resolve itself when the saucy package are getting really deleted08:40
darkxstricotz, ok08:49
darkxstI am going to take a look at gdm update a bit later08:50
darkxst(if I don't get tied up with gnome-desktop transition)08:52
Noskcajdarkxst, What package should the UIFe be against08:56
darkxstNoskcaj, I suppose ubuntu-gnome-meta, since the seeds themselves dont actually have a package08:56
artur_trofimovHello! Can anybody help me to solve this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+bug/1320197 ?11:12
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1320197 in Ubuntu GNOME "Application icons are showed incorrectly" [Undecided,New]11:12
artur_trofimovI tried to ask in gnome-shell room on irc.gnome.org but nobody replyed me11:13
darkxstartur_trofimov, most gnome-shell devs will be sleeping now ;011:14
artur_trofimovwhich time is good for asking?11:14
darkxstartur_trofimov, no idea, I gave up on timezones ages ago ;)11:17
yecril71plHello, what do I need to have nautilus run over ssh?11:44
fleetfoxyecril71pl: just enter ssh:// into address bar11:48
yecril71plI want nautilus to run under ssh channel, not to display contents via ssh.11:49
yecril71plI can open nautilus under ssh all right but the trouble is it refuses to display the trash.11:49
darkxstyecril71pl, assuming an X-forwarded ssh app has access to the dbus session on the host, it might work, but you may need to set dbus variables11:51
yecril71plSo the answer is { dbus-launch nautilus; } thanks a lot!11:52
darkxstyecril71pl, probably not, that will give it a dummy dbus interface11:53
* yecril71pl can see the trash now11:53
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LinDolhi all12:30
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Noskcajdarkxst, Should we sync meld 3.12?21:20
NoskcajDo you have sync rights for it?21:21
darkxstNoskcaj, I should, but for some reason it never got added to desktop-extra23:09
darkxstso no23:10

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