
infinitykees: Or just apt-get install gcc-multilib.01:08
infinitykees: Which sets up the symlinks to make it all work for -m3201:08
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elfyapw: currently I am at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/1371651/comments/5813:35
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1371651 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Daily does not boot into graphical interface after installation" [Critical,Fix released]13:35
apwelfy, ok then this is something new, as the segv was the clear trigger for the problem i fixed13:36
apwcan you file a new bug against, erm lightdm to start with and let us get the bits for your issue together13:38
elfyapw was just going to ask that :)13:38
elfyapw: do you want me to do the bug before I've started lightdm ?13:39
apwelfy, sounds best yes13:41
apwelfy, also when there what does "cat /proc/fb" say13:43
elfyonce booted or before?13:44
apweither i think13:44
elfyok - well once lightdm starts 0 VESA VGA13:45
elfyI'll check the other in a minute13:45
elfyapw: bug 137580513:48
ubot5bug 1375805 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Lightdm fails to start in VirtualBox " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137580513:48
apwelfy, ok can you grab a dmesg from the machine before lightdm starts onto the bug as well13:52
elfydo my best 13:52
apwjodh, is there a way to say "status all" to get all jobs ?13:55
elfyapw: done13:55
apwelfy, and an "initctl list"13:56
elfyyep - anything else while I'm there? 13:57
apwelfy, not sure, /me is flying blind currently13:57
apwelfy, i wonder if this reproduces with --verbose on the end of the kernel command line13:58
elfyapw: initctl added - I'll try with --verbose14:00
elfyapw: just goes straight to tty1 without even trying tty714:02
apwelfy, i hate debugging upstart interactions14:04
elfyapw: ok - so now when I start lightdm (with --verbose and it not even trying tty7) it starts into a sensible sized vbox instance instead of 64x480 14:06
apwelfy, erm14:06
elfyprobably no help - but I'm trying to just give you what I see here14:06
apwelfy, ok so i guess i need the syslog bits for init: at least from the --verbose boot you did, so i can compare them to mine; which obviously works14:13
elfyso verbose and do a new syslog? 14:13
apwyeah the --verbose bits get dumped into syslog, well they did on mine14:16
elfyapw: added14:17
apwelfy, what video options did you select for this VM btw ?14:17
elfyI don't tend to fiddle much - 3d enabled and 128Mb14:18
apwok so you are different to me, i'll try those14:19
elfyapw: ok - what do you have - I can try with yours14:19
apwwhatever the defaults are, something like 12M and none of the tickies on14:20
apwyeah 12m14:20
apwnope that works for me as well (128m and 3d(14:21
apwelfy, what release is your host14:21
apwthis is a trusty host14:22
elfyok - I'll reboot into trusty and see what occurs there - biab14:22
elfygive me a while to install the vm - biab14:23
elfyand whatever updates I've got pending - don't boot it often :)14:23
jsalisbury** Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting14:51
elfyapw: ok - so in trusty with vbox v 4.3.16-95972 I get exactly the same fail14:53
apwelfy, ack thanks for testing that, i am sure it was a pita14:53
elfyfairly :)14:53
elfynot sure it puts us anywhere further forward though 14:54
apwelfy, ok i think i know approximatly what is happening; you are not getting a graphics card notification15:17
apwelfy, which for the moment i am going to put down to a race15:17
apwelfy, which means you should hit the fallback, and it seems that that is busted in utopic15:17
apwelfy, someone has tried to fix it, and failed badly15:17
* apw will poke it and get back to you15:18
apwelfy, actually could you take the contents of http://paste.ubuntu.com/8466613/ as /etc/init/udev-fallback-graphics.conf15:19
apwelfy, and let me know if that at least gets you lightdm15:19
backjlackI'm seeing a major problem on Ubuntu 12.04 with trusty-lts: https://i.imgur.com/EXQm49N.png15:32
backjlack1 GB of RAM is used by upstart-udev-bridge and 240 MB of RAM is used by "init"15:33
backjlackI was able to run into this problem by running ~200,000 Docker containers.15:33
apwjodh, ^^ that sounds like a memory lieak in upstart-udev-bridge or something15:38
elfyapw: I succeeded in killing the existing vm - reinstalling it now - will do that ^^ asap15:39
apwbackjlack, is that in one instance of upstart-udev-bridge ?15:39
backjlackapw: yes15:39
backjlackapw: headless ubuntu server with trusty lts kernel, fully updated15:40
apwbackjlack, ok that does sound like a memory leak or similar in upstart-udev-bridge ... could you file a bug on that15:41
backjlackapw: Ok, what should I file the bug against?15:41
apwbackjlack, ubuntu-bug upstart15:42
jodhbackjlack: as apw says, please raise a bug so we can investigate.15:43
hallyn"skipabi=tue"  well that ain't gonna fly15:43
apwhallyn, :)15:44
elfyapw: posted confirmation to bug - that .conf works here15:48
rtghallyn, try skipabi=weds15:49
apwelfy, thanks ... thats at least an easy fix15:49
apwrtg, :)15:49
apwelfy, now to go and beat on the person who removed it :)15:51
elfyI shall toddle of into other less uncharted channels for me now - I'm about if needed :)15:52
elfyapw: thanks for your help 15:52
apwelfy, heh yeah thanks to you for your quick testing, that got us there15:52
elfywelcome as always 15:52
elfycheers :)15:52
hallynrtg: why not just shoot for the moon, fri no doubt will have the happiest results.  unless we're in one of those countries where kids get a hlaf day every wed15:54
backjlackapw: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/137587415:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1375874 in upstart (Ubuntu) "upstart leaks memory in init and upstart-udev-bridge" [Undecided,New]15:57
backjlackapw: You also had https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/1198180, but that was ignored.15:57
apwjodh, ^15:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1198180 in upstart (Ubuntu) "possible leak in upstart 1.5" [Medium,Confirmed]15:57
backjlackShould I also investigate 14.04 to make sure it doesn't have the exact same problem?15:59
apwbackjlack, that owuld be interesting to know for sure16:00
backjlackOk, that should take only a few minutes to confirm.16:04
apwsmb, shortly there should be new udev binaries for this fallback thing in https://launchpad.net/~apw/+archive/ubuntu/lp1375805 ... i'll be interested to know if they fix your binary-drivers not giving you lightdm issue too16:23
smbapw, okidok16:23
apwsmb, of cour the build estimates are just static in time16:36
smbIt will be build by 6pm (though we do not say which day)?16:37
rtgapw, can you comment on this ? (should be simple) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1121699/comments/916:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1121699 in linux (Ubuntu Raring) "aufs CONFIG_AUFS_EXPORT build option should be enabled" [Medium,Fix released]16:38
apwrtg, ack, and i still have that perl thing to look at now i have "fixed" this vbox "kernel" issue16:40
rtgapw, the hyper-v dudes are complaining about crash dump still, but it appears to be a matter of a larger reservation.16:41
apwsmb, ^ didn't we talk about using a smaller initrd for those? ==neeed or something ?16:42
apwsmb, as i suspect we are holding like half the ram in these instances16:42
smbapw, Though the size was also just made bigger...16:42
apwsmb, "just" == ?16:43
smbapw, would have to install it again.... though maybe arges remembers it from his head (having to use it)16:44
apwsmb, ok trying to work out if the hyper-v folk tested before or after "just"16:44
smbapw, iirc it would be = something (something maybe 256M16:45
apwyeah i assumed they changed it from 128 to 256 or somethign16:45
apwbut more it is the when of it ...16:45
apwthough how big is am m1.small, that isn't going to leave anything for the actual instance :)16:45
smbSomehwen between P and T but I know that is vaque16:46
jsalisbury## Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - in 15 minutes - #ubuntu-meeting16:46
smbsmalles you get would be micros (~ 600M). I think m1.small is 3.5G already16:46
smbapw, Hrm... and m1 seems to be "old fashion" anyway http://aws.amazon.com/de/ec2/instance-types/16:47
smbok... m1.small down there , so 1.7 G16:48
apwsmb, that feels like they have gotten a whole heap bigger than i remember16:50
smbapw, Yeah. m1.small is now considered something similar than micro... at least one could think that16:51
backjlackIs there any way at all to get a libc with dbgsym?16:51
argessmb: what happened?16:55
smbarges, Nothing immediate. Just apw was asking about what mem size we nowadays use for kcrash16:56
argessmb: i think i had a bug to bump it16:57
argesit would be nice if we made it have an auto parameter16:57
smbYeah, at least for the small ram size it would not work in the past. So I think we just went to something for all... just cannot remember what value16:58
smboh ok. quite a bit for small systems but we probably not expect those being around that much16:59
argessmb: we can specify ranges too16:59
smbYeah, I know. Problem was the initrd by default being too big17:00
jsalisbury## Meeting starting now17:01
=== jsalisbury changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Tues October 7th, 2014 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer! If the question is should I file a bug for something, likely you can assume yes.
jdesfossezHi, I'm trying to detect if a target kernel is a ubuntu kernel17:21
jdesfossezI noticed the new UTS_UBUNTU_RELEASE_ABI symbol which is great17:21
jdesfossezbut I need to include generated/utsrelease.h to have it17:22
jdesfossezwhich might not exist17:22
apwwhy might it not exist17:22
jdesfossezI don't see it on a vanilla kernel17:22
jdesfossezhum actually I see it, but I'm wondering if this file always exists17:25
apwi believe that is a purfectly standard header indeed, i am not sure you need to nclude generated though17:31
apwisn't there a real wrapper for that ?17:31
smbinclude/linux/vermagic.h:#include <generated/utsrelease.h>17:35
jdesfossezah great17:35
backjlackIs there anything I should do for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/1375874 ?18:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1198180 in upstart (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1375874 possible leak in upstart 1.5" [Medium,Confirmed]18:03
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backjlackThe ddebs repo is the slowest thing I've ever seen.20:24
backjlackgood luck debugging the Ubuntu kernel to whomever is stupid/brave (choose the one you like most) enough to try.20:25
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