
pittikees, mdeslaur, slangasek: infinity sent his apologies; waiting for stgraber (he's supposed to chair today)16:01
pittinot that we'd have much of an agenda, except the dragged MAAS MRE16:01
* stgraber waves16:05
mdeslaurhi stgraber16:06
pittiça va stgraber16:06
mdeslaurstgraber: and here we thought you were trying to skip out on your chairing duties :)16:06
stgrabernah, just came back from the shop :)16:06
stgraber#startmeeting Technical Board meeting16:07
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Sep 30 16:07:08 2014 UTC.  The chair is stgraber. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.16:07
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick16:07
stgraber#topic Action review16:07
stgraberinfinity to review and respond to MAAS SRU thread16:07
stgraberwell, infinity isn't around so I guess we'll just carry that one over16:07
stgraber#topic Scan the mailing list archive for anything we missed (standing item)16:08
pittimdeslaur got a response to the MAAS thread16:08
pittior two in fact16:08
mdeslaurdo we really need to wait for infinity on that one?16:08
pittibut at this point I feel like we don't get any more useful answers16:08
pittiI still don't have the feeling that I know how they ensure backwards compatibility, but I could just be overly paranoid16:09
pittimdeslaur: "legally" we don't, a single +1 is enough for an MRE, but some consensus is certainly prudent16:10
mdeslaurthey claim the API with the nodes will be stable, but don't mention how they plan on making sure of that16:10
mdeslauractually, I think I'll ask that as a follow up question16:10
stgraberok, so back to the ML for that one16:11
stgraberthat's the only thing I see in the ML history for September so I guess we didn't miss anything :)16:11
stgraber#topic Check up on community bugs (standing item)16:11
stgraberstill nothing16:11
stgraber#topic Select a chair for the next meeting (next from https://launchpad.net/~techboard/+members)16:11
stgraberthat'd be infinity16:12
stgraber#topic AOB16:12
stgraberanything anyone?16:12
keesnothing from me.16:12
pittinothing from me either16:12
ScottKRe MAAS, they are currently pushing for invasive changes in psycopg.16:14
ScottKIt makes me wonder how they expect to support trusty.16:14
pittiwell, if they only make that to trunk, not to the stable branches, that'd be ok?16:15
mdeslaurScottK: oh? do you know what changes those are, or where they've been discussed?16:15
pittiI'm not sure whether we are still talking about microreleases only, or new major releases; but I expect the latter (yay terminology)16:15
ScottKLooking for the bug.16:15
pittiindeed, sorry, it explicitly said "new releases"16:16
* pitti confused, sorry16:16
pittianyway, there's precedent; newer python modules could be bundled into the new release16:16
pitti(which is fairly simple with python)16:16
mdeslaurthanks ScottK16:17
mdeslaurhrm, interesting16:18
stgraberpitti: though psycopg2 contains a C extension module, so still possible but not nearly as clean :)16:19
mdeslaurbut it uses a libpq 9.3 only api16:19
pittiI'm not sure how much pressure there is to also put new maas releases to 12.0416:20
pittithe effort/gain ratio seems too big for me (but that's just gut feeling)16:20
ScottKWhich is why it's a much more invasive change than the sloc count indicates.16:20
ScottKI'm assuming they decided not to care about 12.04 anymore.16:21
mdeslaurtheir request to the tech board was for "latest LTSes"16:22
ScottKUpstream pretty much said "you're on your own" re backport the change.16:22
ScottKThen at least the libpq is there.16:23
pittilatest LTS seems reasonable16:23
mdeslaurif you want changes in other packages, that's up to the SRU to decide whether they are acceptable or not16:23
pittiyeah, fixes are certainly okay16:23
ScottKIn this case I'll say not.16:23
mdeslaurif they can't get the fixes they require, then it's up to them to work around them16:24
pittilike, fixing psycopg to get along with large files smells like a bug fix worth having in an LTS16:24
ScottKThe psycopg2 change is way more than a fix.16:24
pittiI didn't look into it in detail, just the description and some comments16:24
pittibut https://github.com/psycopg/psycopg2/pull/259/files looks reasonable at first sight16:25
ScottKI'd say changing the libpq API you're using post-release is crazy.16:25
pitti(not sure if that's an ABI break due to teh changed types)16:25
mdeslaurwell, the code is condition and checks the version16:25
ScottKWho knows what latent bugs exist in the new api.16:26
pittianyway, putting that detail aside, if changes to other packages are not applicable as an SRU, there's always the bundling option, or working around it in another way16:26
ScottKWe'd get the new api on 14.04 since we'd build against 9.3.16:26
pittiright, and 14.04 is all we talk about, isn't it?16:27
ScottKWhich is why backporting that patch concerns me.16:27
ScottK'Works with MAAS' doesn't really help.16:28
ScottKIt's everyone else I worry about.16:28
pittiyes, that's what I mean -- if that change is too intrusive for an SRU, there's other ways to get this for maas16:29
pitti(I didn't claim that the psycopg fix was fine for an SRU, just that it looks reasonable at first sight)16:29
mdeslaurif the change gets NACKed by the SRU team, it's up to them to work around it somehow16:29
ScottKSo it'd be nice to consider the possibility they have to bundle stuff in any MRE approval.16:29
pittiyes, I think for some bits that's quite unavoidable16:30
ScottKTo bring us back to the topic.16:30
pittie. g. if there's a new dependency which is in trusty universe we don't want to promote it post-release16:30
pitti(or binNEW it, etc.)16:30
pittiat least then both the effort and the impact of bundled stuff is restricted to maas itself and its devs16:31
ScottK(or add a patch that's not SRU suitable)16:31
pittiand the latter will make sure that it doesn't happen too often16:31
pittiScottK: yeah, obviously16:31
pittiso, are we done for today then?16:33
* pitti smells dinner, yummy :)16:33
* kees waves16:33
mdeslaurI think we are16:34
* pitti waves good bye then, see you!16:34
pittistgraber: *nudge*16:34
* ScottK waves. 16:34
stgraberoops :)16:40
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Sep 30 16:40:28 2014 UTC.16:40
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting-2/2014/ubuntu-meeting-2.2014-09-30-16.07.moin.txt16:40

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