
=== _salem is now known as salem_
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
=== tom_ is now known as Guest89672
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
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elfyballoons: has someone stopped whatever reports to jenkins for install tests - nothing reported for 7 days11:35
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pittijibel: FYI, I got 4 wolfes back (although slightly different numbers), setting them up now (they are totally blank)13:33
pittijibel: err, halp -- we try to install "jenkins-slave", but that package only exists on precise14:01
jibelpitti, you can install the version from debian14:01
jibelpitti, jenkins in unmaintained in Ubuntu and has been removed14:02
pittijibel: I wonder how we did that when we first set up these machines; I'm fairly sure it was in ubuntu14:02
pittijibel: ooh -- perhaps it was still there in saucy, and dist-upgrade to trusty just kept the old version14:02
jibelpitti, https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Installing+Jenkins+on+Ubuntu14:02
jibelpitti, yes something like that, I don't remember precisely when it has been removed14:03
jibelpitti, bug 129400514:04
ubot5bug 1294005 in jenkins (Charms Trusty) "Please remove jenkins from trusty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129400514:04
=== _salem is now known as salem_
pittijibel: how do I reconfigure http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/computer/wolfe-06-adt/ to be wolfe-02-adt? I don't see any kind of "configure" in the menu there?14:12
pittiI might just lack the privileges to do that14:14
=== qwebirc197358 is now known as slickymasterWork
pittijibel: or, I figure I might need an RT for that and let retoaded handle it?14:30
retoadedpitti, you need me to rename wolfe-06-adt as wolfe-02-adt correct?14:34
pittiretoaded: yeah, and adjust the IP14:35
pittiretoaded: i. e. wolfe-02 is now (one less than wolfe-03)14:36
pittiretoaded: do you need an RT for this?14:36
retoadedpitti, nah, shouldn't take but a moment once I find where the IP is stored.14:36
retoadedpitti, the IP isn't used within Jenkins configuration. The node has been renamed and appears to be up.14:38
pittiretoaded: cool, thanks; ah, it's the node itself telling jenkins about its hostname, I figure?14:39
retoadedpitti, yes14:39
pittijibel: so, ppc64el boxes are back; I retried the recently failed tests14:41
pittijibel: although they feel like a tarpit, I asked smoser about that14:42
balloonselopio, link? >you mean the AP tests for ubiquity?.15:42
elopio->brain freeze<-15:42
=== spineau is now known as spineau_afk
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
wxlelfy: have you guys come up with a new input engine e.g. scim or uim as a default or what are you doing?17:32
elfyconfused ...17:35
wxlelfy: you nixed ibus, no?17:35
elfyoic - we did nothing17:35
wxloh, i guess i'm confused :)17:36
elfywe just don't have ibus by default anymore - if someone wants it they have to install it17:37
wxlic, so what is the default?17:38
elfyno ibus installed17:45
wxlin other words, you have no input manager at all?17:46
wxlelfy: to make a long story short, i'd like to kill ibus sometime soon, but i know people need the functionality, so i'm exploring other options and wanted to see if you had any input17:52
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
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ianorlingrr had a kernel panic while in a live session not really sure how to report the bug on this new desktop I built but haven't installed to yet for utopic23:04
ianorlinhow would I report a bug in the live session of a kernel panic and get debug info?23:10

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