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Laneyxnox: at least the NEWS would be nice, preferably some info on how you've tested it too08:20
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Laneycan we have a v-series set up in LP?09:04
infinitywgrant: ^09:10
infinitywgrant: Time for v/w/x to get ahead of the curve?09:11
wgrantinfinity: TB should be able to do that, I think.09:34
wgrantI can't do it myself.09:35
infinitywgrant: Oh, sure, I can do it.  I thought for some odd reason you'd been involved in the last round of "make a ton in advance".11:05
wgrantinfinity: It's of course very possible that I fixed that permission as part of the RTM work.11:07
infinitywgrant: Heh.11:07
elfyapw: still no go here with vbox and today's daily re bug 137165111:43
ubot2bug 1371651 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Daily does not boot into graphical interface after installation" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137165111:43
apwelfy, i'll resync my images and see what it does for me11:43
apwelfy, what version of plymouth do you have11:43
elfyapw: 0.9.0-0ubuntu611:47
apwelfy, and your symptom is the "no lightdm starting, but if you start it manually it works"11:47
elfylightdm status is stop/waiting11:48
elfyapw: new symptom now - previous to the plymouth change - it WOULD boot to login if I booted with systemd - now it doesn't do that11:51
apwelfy, that makes little to no sense ... hmmm11:52
elfyyea - I'm just telling what I see ;)11:52
elfyback to work now11:53
pitticleaning up -proposed a bit; for a case like mercurial where the new version in -proposed Breaks: an existing version in utopic (like mercurial-git)12:17
pittishould we sync hg-git from unstable as well to get the matching version, or remove the new mercurial from -proposed?12:17
cjwatsonpitti: well, judgement call, but unless the new hg-git seems crazy, for a leaf-ish package like that I'd probably sync it12:22
pitticjwatson: yeah, my gut feeling, too; I'll review the changelog12:22
Mirvcould qtbase-opensource-src's autopkgtest regression (u-s-s-online-accounts i386) be ignored so that qtbase could proceed to release pocket? it's a mesa/llvm regression, not qtbase.12:24
Laneymost of that desktop stuff from the last hour is no-change rebuilds, apart from u-s-d12:28
LaneyI'd appreciate review so that we can progress the gnome-desktop3 transition12:28
Laney(sorry for using API copies)12:28
apwelfy, seems to work on my vbox setup, come find me on #ubuntu-kernel to discuss12:31
jamespage^^ the retrying bump is needed for the openstack glance rc1 I'm working on atm12:36
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MirvFYI oxide-qt's debdiff other than chromium bug fixes: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8466001/13:27
pfsmorigoinfinity, cjwatson: the ppc64el daily is still broken.14:02
rtgpfsmorigo, I've just uploaded a kernel a few minutes ago that should fix powernv bare metal installations.14:15
pfsmorigortg: we had an issue that was cause by the chrp note at the bootloader. do you have a lauchpad id for your fix?14:16
rtgpfsmorigo, the 2 bugs that directly impact ppc64el are #1374438 and #137444014:18
pfsmorigortg: nice14:22
cjwatsoninfinity: ^- here we go again14:33
cjwatsonself-accepting d-i as an obvious no-change rebuild14:53
cjwatsonoh maybe somebody already handled that14:53
LaneyCool, I'll accept my own no-change rebuilds then14:56
cjwatsonI think that's fine14:57
ogra_yum, cheese15:01
LaneyIt does always look rather tasty when I run it15:02
dobeyanyone can approve FFe for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-click/+bug/1368252 please? about to land in ubuntu-rtm and would like to get it synced back into utopic as well, asap.15:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 1368252 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu RTM) "[FFe] Repetitious language during uninstallation of Apps" [High,In progress]15:02
slangasekinfinity: did you run the openssl test suite yesterday for POWER8?15:18
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infinityslangasek: Didn't get to it yet, and I'm about to nap after being up all night, but leave me a poke in /msg as a reminder and I'll do it later (or if you have a victim machine with a chroot and a few minutes, go nuts)15:35
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Laneythanks reviewer17:00
apw^ second fix for another group of "no display-manager" issues on utopic17:57
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