
tewardanyone know how to enable the php hash plugin/functionality?00:03
mdevinstall uh00:06
mdevapt-get install php5-mcrypt00:06
mdevbut I believe it already has some builtin to core00:06
mdevlike md5, sha256 etc...00:06
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keithzgHmm, where does do-release-upgrade (or is it just apt?) get its expected download speed from? I'm doing a 12.04 -> 14.04 upgrade right now, and it told me "You have to download a total of 992 M. This download will take about 1 minute with your connection." I mean, I WISH our connection was that fast ;)02:07
lifelesskeithzg: you are on 1Gbps ethernet, right ? :)02:10
lifelesskeithzg: erm 10Gbps02:10
lifelesskeithzg: alternatively, it might be going by how long it took to update the package indices, I'm not sure - have never bothered looking02:11
mdevhas there been another shellshock patch?02:12
mdevgoogle engineers said the things still super vulnerable to where it was before02:12
mdevin a different way02:12
sarnoldmdev: the hardening patch that we released on saturday should mitigate the scope of the remaining flaws down from "crisis" to "bug that needs to be fixed"02:14
mdevalrighty thanks02:15
mdevi'd say it'd be nice to avoid this sort of thing in the future but apparently bash is worked on literally 1 guy so...02:15
sarnoldand he's done heroic work this last week02:16
mdevthought an ubuntu dev fixed it for ubuntu?02:16
sarnoldyes, mdeslaur provided us with updated packages; he used Chet's patches :)02:19
mdevahh nice02:19
mdeslaursarnold: for the record, I used redhat's patch, as did debian02:19
mdeslaurChet's patch came out a few hours later, and used a different suffix02:20
sarnoldmdeslaur: aha :)02:21
mdeslaurand now apparently apple has used a different prefix/suffix combo also02:21
mdevwell inital ubunut patch wasn't completely, was that from redhat?02:21
sarnold>() or something.. go figure.02:21
iDealzanyone know how I can lookup what version of ubuntu I'm running from initramfs prompt?02:27
iDealzI know it is 12.04 but dont remember if there was anything beyond that02:28
mdevlsb_release -a02:28
mdevmay have to apt-get install lsb_release02:28
iDealzdoesnt work from initramfs prompt02:28
iDealzI have a broken array so loads into funky prompt02:29
iDealztrying to get a boot usb going so I can boot into root02:29
mdevcat /etc/*-release02:29
iDealzbut want to make sure I get the right version02:29
mdevcat /proc/version02:29
mdevuname -a02:30
iDealzcat /proc/version and uname -a both worked02:31
iDealzbut unexpected results02:31
iDealzLinux (none) 3.2.0-43-generic #68-Ubuntu SMP02:32
iDealzis what it returned02:32
iDealzand a date02:32
mdevuname -r02:33
iDealzsame result less date02:34
iDealzmust be because of the failed array and not being able to boot into root02:34
mdevlsb_release really the best way, when I first started porting code to nix I was rather annoyed it was so hard to cross distro version info reliabily like you can on windows, but apparently that's not really cared about in nix community02:34
mdev*get rather02:35
mdevyou maybe able to get version info based off your repo but I don't know how02:35
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iDealzanyone have any experience with rebuilding broken arrays?03:18
iDealzanyone have any experience with rebuilding broken arrays?03:47
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lordievaderGood morning.06:28
|\nhey guys, noob situation here... was trying to set it with a value much lower than 65535 and got "sysctl: setting key "net.core.somaxconn": Invalid argument" what should i read to get understanding on why i see this error at all?06:59
=== ggherdov`___ is now known as ggherdov`
soren|\n: EINVAL for that sysctl should only be caused by the value being outside the valid range.07:34
soren|\n: ..which is 0-65535.07:34
|\nsoren, i can not agree with that due to what i see, many thanks for pointing that out07:34
soren|\n: How are you setting the value?07:35
|\nsoren, i've edited sysctl.conf directly and -p07:35
|\nthat is not all, i also got the same for net.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets, net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse and most of things i tried to set out of experimental purposes07:36
soren|\n: pastebin your sysctl.conf.07:36
|\nsoren, http://pastebin.ovrnet.ru/paste/gH1BsuJ-#J2z2Ic2i07:38
soren|\n: If you stop putting comments after the values, you'll be fine.07:40
soren|\n: Those aren't comments. They'll get written to the sysctl, too, so you're not even passing in integeres.07:40
|\nsoren, oh, hah, good if so! many thanks!07:40
|\nsoren, i don't do such things often enough to stop myself from commenting things like that before i put em07:41
|\nthank you, man07:41
jamespagerbasak, there is a bug for that writable /usr/lib thing in mysql already I think07:54
jamespagelet me check07:54
jamespagemorning soren07:54
sorenjamespage: 'morning!07:54
gnuoyjamespage, I've updated https://code.launchpad.net/~gnuoy/nova/bug1314677/+merge/236321 as per your comments however the patch has been -2 upstream due to stable/icehouse freeze for 2014.1.309:27
jamespagegnuoy, bah - nm - we can carry it as a patch for .309:27
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sveinseHi. I'm running 14.04 server in a VMWare Datacenter (don't know exact which, but I'm using vSphere to access it). I have problems with this build server where it becomes mindbuggingly slow. It is doing dpkg-builds and may take ages to complete. We have a similar server running 12.04 on the same datacenter, with the same setup which runs fine. When the 12.04 takes 1.5 hrs to build all...11:34
sveinse...software, the 14.04 server may take 8-10 hours.11:34
sveinseI can't figure out why this happens. From the data center side, the two servers are identical. Looking from the 14.04 guest side, the kernel log sais nothing, but you see it running at 100% on all cores and is generally very slow11:35
sveinseI'm running the latest kernel 3.13.0-36-generic 64-bit. The core of the problem is: How can I figure out if this is a datacenter issue or a kernel/guest issue?11:36
sveinseI'm lost and IT cant help me any more as I can't provide any description to what is wrong11:37
jamespagezul, ok - what do we have rc's for - keystone?11:43
zuljamespage: ?11:43
zuljamespage:  afaik nothing has changed packaging wise for keystone or glance11:44
jamespagezul, yes - I mean't which upstream rc's11:44
zuljamespage:  glance and keystone so far11:44
jamespagezul, http://pad.ubuntu.com/juno-rc111:47
jamespagefor tracking11:47
zuljamespage: coolio...ill keep my eye on things and update it if i see any more11:48
rtfmozHello, I was wondering why "w" was returning an ip address like Ubuntu 12.04.05 kernel 3.8.0-44-generic. Is there a bugtrack I can check?11:52
maxbrtfmoz: Nothing you've said so far indicates a bug11:54
rtfmozok what should I check...11:54
maxbNothing, as nothing appears to be wrong?11:55
jamespagezul, rage watch files11:55
rtfmozoh? my ip address is
rtfmozsystem seems to think I am coming from that address... 21:59:12.243307 IP > Flags [P.], seq 1178096:1178304, but i dont think I am. will be back12:00
rtfmozto check something12:00
maxb172.31.0.23 is a RFC1918 private address12:02
maxbClearly NAT is involved12:02
rtfmozyes but thats happens inbound to that address. my source is internet address and should not be modified.. investigating.12:05
jamespagezul, coreycb: hmm - either of you doing MIR for python-glance-store ?12:11
coreycbjamespage, I can, the sync just went through yesterday12:11
jamespagecoreycb, please - its needed for glance rc112:11
jamespagecoreycb, I'll upload with it added to the deps12:11
coreycbjamespage, ok12:11
rtfmozok it seems is a valid IP address after all. go figure.12:12
henkjaninetnum: -
henkjannetname:        TELSTRAINTERNET49-AU12:13
jamespagecoreycb, ok - just dealing with an issue in the unit test execution in glance12:13
rtfmozyep that the carrier I am using. just thought it was a bogus address. thanks12:13
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jamespagecoreycb, zul: glance needs a minor bump on retrying as well - syncing that now12:24
sveinseI am now testing server performance with sysbench, and I am seeing that my 14.04 server is on cpu performance is a factor 5(!) worse performance than on a twin 12.04 server installation.12:30
sveinseI don't understand this. Kernel issue? Kernel on vmware host issue? Only on 14.04?12:31
jamespagesveinse, are you benchmarking ontop of vmware?12:35
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coreycbjamespage, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/137577012:37
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1375770 in ubuntu "[MIR] python-glance-store" [Undecided,New]12:37
sveinsejamespage: Yes. Because this is the (corporate) environment we have to run our build servers.12:37
sveinsejamespage: the 12.04 server performs adequate, but the 14.04 server performs very poorly for unknown reason. Takes factor 3-5 longer time to compile same software as on 12.04 server12:38
jamespagesveinse, are they on the same underlying hypervisor?12:39
sveinsejamespage: They are on the same host, with the same back-end storage solution12:39
patdk-wkwell, didn't the scheduler change?12:39
patdk-wkfor the disk?12:39
patdk-wkdid you tune any of them? or both just default installs?12:40
sveinseboth servers are running out-of-box solution for storage, that is with lvm2 default. No encryption12:40
patdk-wklvm2 default? that was never a default when I installed my servers12:40
patdk-wkyou need to check for differences12:41
patdk-wkare both vm's built using the same scsi controller? same queue scheduler? same readahead? .....12:41
sveinsepatdk-wk, yes, that is what IT is telling me.12:42
patdk-wkheh? it? what is an it?12:42
sveinseThe biggest difference I can see is the kernel, but I guess you guys would have known if there were issues with the 3.13.0 kernel...12:43
sveinseIT = IT department. The BOFH that controls the mandatory datacenter in our company12:43
sveinseAnd they are giving up claiming that this is the 14.04 guest's fault, not the host system. So here I am12:44
qman__Well, you could install the trusty kernel on 12.04 and see if it causes the problem12:45
sveinseqman__: What about the oposite? Taking the 12.04 kernel to the 14.04 server?12:46
patdk-wkhow exactly are you using sysbench?12:46
patdk-wksveinse, that would never work12:46
sveinsepatdk-wk: Rudimentary really. sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 run12:47
qman__The current kernel is backported to 12.04 and supported, the reverse is not12:47
patdk-wkwhat? that is a cpu test, not disk12:47
patdk-wkwhy would you think disk is the issue12:47
qman__That's the only reason I suggested it12:47
sveinseTakes 30.2s on 12.04, while it uses 168.5s on 14.0412:47
patdk-wkbut that doesn't even involve the kernel12:48
sveinseI never said disk perf, did I? I said system performance. My apps compile awfully slow12:48
sveinseDisk performance is not that skewed, just a factor of 30-40%, instead of 500% percent difference on CPU12:49
patdk-wkfor me12:49
patdk-wk23.3525s on 14.0412:50
patdk-wk23.7733s on 12.0412:50
patdk-wkso it is defently the 14.04 kernels issue12:50
patdk-wknot that cpu tests even use the kernel12:50
sveinsepatdk-wk, on my VirtualBox 14.04 instance: 25.2s12:52
jamespagesveinse, the 14.04 kernel does have more in-tree support for the esx hypervisor - its possible something there is causing issues; are you running open-vm-tools?12:53
patdk-wkmost likely, using a cpu's that lack ept support12:54
sveinsejamespage: I was reccommended to install the commercial vmware tools from the hypervisor instead of using the open-vm-tools. Could this help perhaps?12:55
jamespagesveinse, well its something to try12:56
patdk-wkjamespage, it's still just cpu benchmark12:56
patdk-wktools aren't going make a difference12:56
patdk-wkexcept to help network/disk/memory12:56
jamespagehmm true12:56
patdk-wkI would look for lack of ept support on the cpu, the host overloaded, or cpu overtemp12:57
sveinsejamespage: I notice in vsphere that my 14.04 vm is setup with "hardware virtualization" disabled, and "performance counters" disabled. They are so for the 12.04, but could this be related as well?12:57
patdk-wkwhat cpu is in this server?12:57
sveinsepatdk-wm: I would too, except 12.04 and 14.04 run on the same host server12:57
patdk-wkdoes the server only have a single cpu?12:58
RoyKsveinse: I am such a BOFH ;)12:58
patdk-wkcould be improperly installed heatsink on one12:58
patdk-wkand intel is suprising resilent about mixmatched cpu's :)12:58
RoyKsveinse: this is vmware, right? is vmware tools installed on the guest? I'd recommend using the vmware tools from vmware, not the open source variant12:59
sveinsepatsk-wk: I don't know the specs for it (as I don't have the rights to access this info in vsphere). I think its a 12-core AMD blade server (but I'm guessing)12:59
sveinseRoyK: Yes, that was the recommendation from the datacenter admins as well13:00
patdk-wkcat /proc/cpuinfo, should get you *close*13:00
RoyKpatdk-wk: on the guest? ;)13:00
patdk-wkit normally shows the *correct* cpu model name13:00
RoyKit should show the cpu model, yes13:00
patdk-wkbut not the correct flags :)13:00
patdk-wkbut only the one the system was booted on, incase of vmotions it will be wrong13:00
sveinsepatdk-wk: AMD Opteron 623813:01
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jamespagecoreycb, http://pad.ubuntu.com/juno-rc113:01
jamespagefor rc1 tracking - I'm dealing with keystone and glance - next is all yours ;-)13:01
sveinseRoyK, you have any experience with running 14.04 on vmware data center? (unfortunately I don't which and which version)13:02
patdk-wksveinse, all of my tests where from ubuntu 12.04/14.04 running on esxi 5.513:03
RoyKsveinse: I have a few VMs running 14.04, yes13:03
sveinsepatdk-wk: Thanks13:03
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coreycbjamespage, ah thanks!  it looks like only Keystone and Glance have been released thus far?13:05
sveinseWhat I'm seeing in vsphere management is that my 14.04 server is almost always maxing out the CPU figure (and gives CPU usage alarms). The other's are only a few 100's MHz, but 14.04 is consistently maxing out to 10320 Mhz (it is setup with 2 cores 2 sockets)13:06
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jamespagesveinse, "hardware virtualization" disabled sounds bad to me13:08
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coreycbjamespage, zul: could one of you merge this?  https://code.launchpad.net/~cjohnston/horizon/icehouse-1308651/+merge/23597813:10
sveinsejamespage: I'll try to change that. I also see that CPU/MMU virtualization is set to automatic. What is it for you guys?13:10
coreycbjamespage, zul: and this please, https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/horizon/b3-css-fix/+merge/23616113:11
patdk-wksveinse, you want automatic13:17
patdk-wkbut where is hardware virtualization even an option?13:17
sveinseIn vsphere (the web page). My VMs are running VM version 10 (ESXi 5.5 and later) and as such only available on the web interface, not the dedicated client13:19
sveinseUnder CPU options13:19
patdk-wkah, I only use the web interface if required13:20
sveinsevmware has changed the policy, so some new features are only available in the web interface13:20
patdk-wkthat has always been the policy13:20
sveinseSetting HW virtualization enabled didn't help. 12.04: 30.3s, rebooted 14.04: 182.1s13:21
sveinseThis is just so weird13:23
sveinseHmm. Hang on. My 14.04 is set to 32-bit linux in the host, while running 64-bit linux. Could this be the cause?13:24
patdk-wkit will cause issues, yes13:25
patdk-wkcause using 32bit on a 64bit system is slower than crap13:25
patdk-wkso it will use software virtualization for 32bit guests13:25
patdk-wkinstead of hardware13:25
* tafa2 did not know that13:27
tafa2from #ubuntu [14:27:00]  BluesKaj: kodiak1, kvm and qemu, virtualbox13:28
sveinsepatdk-wk: That's it! Just rebooted. And it took 10s to come online with ssh. Results: 28.8s :D13:28
kodiak1Hey folks, Redhat sysadmin here - wondering if Ubuntu has a supported oVirt-based virtualization product (like Redhat has with RHEV)13:28
sveinseI am really happy guys! Let me test this for a day or two, but I am very optimistic13:28
kodiak1tafa2:  Those aren't really a reasonable competitor to VMWare.  If those are 'it', I'm guessing Canonical aren't really trying to compete with Redhat or VMWare in the virtualization market...13:29
tafa2kodiak1 im just the messenger someone posted that after u left13:30
kodiak1tafa2, thanks haha13:30
jrwrenwhat is ovirt? isn't that just the windows driver for kvm?13:30
tafa2i thought that was virtio13:30
jrwrenah, yes, virtio. I was confused.13:31
jrwrenhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Virtualization is just KVM with extra stuff.13:31
jrwrenoh... this ovirt: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OVirt  huh, never heard of it.13:32
jrwrenkodiak1: I think you are correct in saying that Canonical has nothing which directly matches up to those products.13:33
tafa2looks cool13:34
kodiak1"RHEV is just KVM with extra stuff" is kind of an understatement.13:34
kodiak1That's kind of like saying that Openstack is just KVM with extra stuff13:35
jrwrenkodiak1: i'm crazy enough, I probably would say that :)13:35
kodiak1I know that Canonical is heavily invested in Openstack but I'm still kind of surprised that they don't have the resources to roll a supported oVirt product.13:35
RoyKjrwren: heh - kvm is just the hypervisor - there's a *lot* more13:35
jrwrenkodiak1: I know enough about openstack to know how foolish that would be. Is RHEV as much of a beast as OS?13:35
kodiak1If you've ever used vSphere & ESX in a clustered config you're seeing basically the gamut of what oVirt does13:36
jrwrenkodiak1: what would such a product do? Allow management of virtual machines?13:36
jrwrenkodiak1: transparent migration too?13:36
kodiak1All of it13:36
jrwrenkodiak1: that is impressive. good job redhat!13:36
kodiak1People like to say that Openstack is for managing herds and RHEV / oVirt is for managing pets13:37
kodiak1If you have specific long-running VMs that make up important long-term services they usually go on RHEV or VMWare, whereas appdev, testing, and more transient VMs go in Openstack13:38
jrwrenThat is one approach. Another approach is everything in openstack.13:38
kodiak1People are starting to use Openstack where they would traditionally use VMWare but that's kind of overkill13:38
jrwrenI think some folks have a goal of making openstack so easy that it is not overkill.13:39
kodiak1oVirt is much more mature as well, I think a lot of mid-size shops are waiting on dust to settle on openstack because as-is it takes a lot more care and maintenance13:40
jrwreni don't know that it takes a lot more care and maint. In fact, that was not my experience. It required very little maint.  It does havea  very steep learning curve.13:41
kodiak1There's the learning curve13:42
kodiak1There's the upgrades13:42
jrwrenkodiak1: at this point we are really talking business and markets, right? RHT wants to sell in that market right now and apparently canonical does not.13:42
kodiak1Trust me as someone who's dealt with both recently oVirt is much simpler for people who don't have dedicated ostack people - and it'll run for way longer than havana, icehouse, etc are supported13:43
jrwrenkodiak1: is there a free open source ovirt thing that one can play with? Can I install fedora and try out the tools you are talking about?13:43
kodiak1Yep oVirt is 100% free upstream project of the RHEV product13:44
kodiak1I'm not too bummed that Canonical isn't in on oVirt in a paid-support kind of way, just a little surprised.  I'm a Redhat guy coping with a buddy working on Canonical stuff so it's not a big deal to me13:44
jrwrenkodiak1: :)  Why be "a redhat guy" why not be a linux guy ?13:45
kodiak1When there are a million other things to stay current on it's easier to focus on what the employer is interested in using.13:46
kodiak1I do check in on Canonical every few years.  I was a Debian user from 2002 on and used Ubuntu from 4.10-9.1013:47
jrwrenkodiak1: always good to stay aware of what is out there.13:47
kodiak1Allegedly oVirt is supported on Debian13:47
jrwrenkodiak1: i saw that on ovirt.org. Probably not much to make it work on ubuntu.13:48
jamespagecoreycb, zul: keystone done13:48
zuljamespage:  sweet13:48
gnuoycoreycb, do you have anytime for https://code.launchpad.net/~gnuoy/nova/bug1314677/+merge/236321 ?13:55
coreycbgnuoy, sure I'll take a look13:55
TuxBrotherIf I have a UnixListenSocket at /var/chroot/dev/log, how do I redirect the input to it to /var/log/blah.log?14:04
TuxBrotherWithin rsyslog, the only possibility is to create a socket, not where the input is directed14:04
fricklerbug #1322568 also affects cloud-archive:icehouse, should this be added to the bug report and if yes, how? or will the updated libvirt packages be backported anyway?14:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1322568 in libvirt "nova interface-attach fails" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132256814:12
zulcoreycb: ceilometer is out14:19
coreycbzul, thanks14:20
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tafa2I personally dislike vmware - a lot14:38
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RoyKtafa2: why?14:44
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tafa2RoyK so clunky14:44
jamespagecoreycb, both of those horizon merges merged; I switch the changelog entries to UNRELEASED - please do that for any changes that won't be uploaded immediately14:45
tafa2much prefer for example onapp14:45
RoyKtafa2: clunky?14:45
coreycbjamespage, ok, and thanks!14:45
coreycbjamespage, can we merge liam's update to nova?  https://code.launchpad.net/~gnuoy/nova/bug1314677/+merge/23632114:45
jamespagecoreycb, already done!14:45
jamespagejust call me Mr Merge14:46
RoyKtafa2: rather different things, though14:46
coreycbjamespage, whoa, Mr Lighting Fast Merge!14:46
tafa2RoyK yes - and I meant it from a hosting perspective14:46
RoyKfor that, I'd probably used openstack14:47
gnuoyjamespage, coreycb, thanks14:49
coreycbgnuoy, yw - nice job14:49
jamespagegnuoy, the UNRELEASED comment above is a good one for you as well btw14:49
jamespagecoreycb, gnuoy: using UNRELEASED means that additions to the changelog get appended to the UNRELEASED entry14:50
gnuoyjamespage, yep, I did update the changelog after your comment14:50
jamespagecoreycb, gnuoy: leave releasing to the uploader... normally zul or I but might be others14:50
coreycbjamespage, k thanks for the tip14:51
smoserrbasak, or jamespage or anyone..15:55
smoserowonder if we have a sane source of information that shows package upgrades between T->U15:55
smoserin a consolidated view (ie, not "go crawl utopic-changes")15:55
rbasakWhat do you mean?15:55
rbasakA list of packages that are newer?15:55
smoseryeah. and i guess new packages too.15:56
rbasakFor the entire archive?15:56
smoserand dropped.15:56
smoserwell, i care about main more than universe15:56
smoserand universe more than multiverse15:56
rbasakI'm not aware of one, but some shell-fu with grep-dctrl and comm or meld might be enough15:56
smoserbut i assume if such a thing exists it probably has data for all.15:56
rbasakMaybe distrowatch?15:56
jamespagezul, coreycb: oslo.vmware 0.6.0 also in the release team review queue for glance rc116:01
jamespageI'll get there even if it kills me16:01
zuljamespage:  okies16:01
coreycbjamespage, thanks16:02
RoyKoslo.vmware? why 'oslo'? it's where I live :P16:03
jamespageopen stack library something or other16:03
=== kickinz1|afk is now known as kickinz1
rbasaksmoser: how about something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/8466864/ ?16:05
rbasak(could do with some tuning though)16:05
smoseryeah. not unreasonable as a start.16:07
smoserthis was for someone asking "what else is new in ubuntu server"16:07
smoserand me wanting a way to somewhat easily answer that.16:07
rbasakI guess maybe we want to filter that to packages subscribe to in LP by ~ubuntu-server or something.16:08
rbasakThere might be stuff in universe that'd slip through that net though16:08
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jamespagezul, are you intending doing anything with ironic? its currently bit-rotted all release stuck in proposed16:16
zuljamespage:  not really, i thought someone else was taking care of that16:17
jamespagezul, who?16:17
zuljamespage:  adam_g16:17
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[1]AzI want to ignore the error I get when I try and run an uninstalled program, but its not on STDERR16:53
[1]Azis there a way around this?16:53
RoyK[1]Az: 2>/dev/null16:54
[1]Azi had a space in there like an idiot16:55
[1]Aztoo pro16:55
RoyK[1]Az: > somewhere or 1> somewhere sends stdout to somewhere, 2> somewhere sends stderr to somewhere16:55
[1]Azyeah i know :)16:55
RoyK2>&1 sends stderr to stdout16:55
[1]Azbut I'd done 2 > /dev/null16:55
[1]Azand assumed it was a kernel error16:56
[1]Azwhich you cant send to /dev/null?16:56
RoyKit very rarely is ;)16:56
[1]Azdd does it i think16:56
[1]Azoh no it wasnt dd16:56
[1]Azit was something weird16:56
[1]Azcant remember now16:56
[1]Azone of time or sync has unpipable messages16:57
roaksoaxyou are reading more than me about it17:26
smbhallyn, So if you not beating me to it, I would do that forward of the libvirt/apparmor discussion tomorrow17:27
hallynsmb: sure.  reply go guido now though to tell him you'll do so17:29
hallynsmb: zul: you'r enot working on any utopic libvirt push right now are you?17:36
zulhallyn: hell no17:36
hallynok, pushing a quick fix for bug 137591017:37
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1375910 in libvirt "package libvirt-bin 1.2.8-0ubuntu6 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137591017:37
TuxBrotherI want logrotate to store the rotated files in a subdirectory17:50
wedgieHello. running 12.04 and am noticing this HWE business. Just trying to make sure i'm understanding the ramifications of updating to 12.04.5 HWE: Does this mean that i will be moving from a 3.5 kernel to a 3.13 kernel?17:55
patdk-wkif you are on anything other than 3.2, yes, you will get 3.1318:05
sarnoldwedgie: correct, this is the package you'd be using https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-lts-trusty18:05
patdk-wkanything inbetween is *unsupported*18:05
wedgieok, thanks18:07
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== bilde2910|away is now known as bilde2910
iDealzanyone have any experience with rebuilding broken RAID arrays?  I had a drive fail completely in an mdadm array 5 and now when I boot my server it boots into initramfs prompt.19:19
iDealzwhen I choose the option to load a degraded array it seems to ignore my response and proceed to initramfs prompt anyway19:20
nyktovusrunning ubuntu server 12.04. looking for someone to help walk me thru adding a swap file on a system19:28
nyktovusswapon -s19:28
nyktovusFilename                                Type            Size    Used    Priority19:28
nyktovus Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System19:29
nyktovus/dev/sda1   *          63    36812799    18406368+  83  Linux19:29
nyktovus/dev/sda2        41082880    80021503    19469312    5  Extended19:29
nyktovus/dev/sda3        36812800    41082879     2135040   82  Linux swap / Solaris19:29
nyktovus/dev/sda5        41084928    80019455    19467264   83  Linux19:29
nyktovusso theres no swap on currently.. yet i have a partition available for it.19:29
nyktovusall the walkthroughs i've seen dont seem to cover this scenario19:30
lordievadernyktovus: Could you pastebin your /etc/fstab?19:30
lordievader!paste| nyktovus19:30
ubottunyktovus: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:30
nyktovusthanx for the  link19:33
lordievadernyktovus: Your swap partition is not defined in fstab that is why it is not used.19:38
nyktovusso how should i best define this?19:39
hallynutlemming: heads-up, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxc/+bug/1373981 sounds like a bug in cloud images (awaiting more info)19:40
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1373981 in lxc "ubuntu 14.10 server, amd64 - lxc-start fails to start container" [Undecided,Incomplete]19:40
lordievadernyktovus: Add an entry like "/dev/mapper/padme-swap_1 none            swap    sw              0       0"19:40
lordievadernyktovus: Of course edit to your configuration.19:40
nyktovushow bout add "19:41
nyktovus/dev/sda3       swap            swap    defaults        0       019:41
nyktovussorry.. there shouldnt have been line breaks in that19:41
lordievadernyktovus: /dev/sda3       swap            sw    defaults        0       019:41
lordievadernyktovus: /dev/sda3 none       swap            sw    defaults        0       019:42
lordievaderDisregard the previous one ;) none needs to be added.19:42
nyktovuswhich one?19:42
nyktovusok.. so i added your line.. reboot? or do i need to tell it to swap on or something?19:44
lordievadernyktovus: Try 'mount -a' or 'swapon', I forgot...19:46
nyktovusswapon -s is now showing my listing19:47
nyktovusi dont need the UUID of the partition in fstab?19:48
lordievaderIt's preferable but not mandatory.19:48
nyktovuswhy preferred?19:48
blaaahwat is preferable? the UUID of the partition or the UUID of the filesystem?19:48
lordievadernyktovus: sdXY namings can change, UUID's should not.19:48
nyktovusapparantly i've been running this server for years with no swap... been flawless tho19:50
blaaanyktovus: should be like that19:52
blaaanyktovus: if not get more ram19:52
iDealzanyone have any experience with rebuilding broken RAID arrays?  I had a drive fail completely in an mdadm array 5 and now when I boot my server it boots into initramfs prompt.19:54
iDealzanyone have any experience with rebuilding broken RAID arrays?  I had a drive fail completely in an mdadm array 5 and now when I boot my server it boots into initramfs prompt.19:54
iDealzoops, sorry for the double post19:54
slops17hey all i have a wierd question. I am running ubuntu server 14.04 and during boot up the resolution is fine once it gets to the login prompt the resolution is just a small box on the screen. any one ever experienced this before19:55
nyktovusso i shouldnt use a swap?19:55
sarnoldnyktovus: swap is nice but if you have too much swap traffic too often it's a sign you need more memory. :)19:55
blaaanyktovus: swap can be useful sometimes, to keep stuff in memory when it's _not_ used19:56
nyktovusoh i dont have that issue at all.. i'm at 20% usage as we speak..19:56
slops17its on a dell 1907 monitor19:56
iDealzslops17: this might be of some help http://askubuntu.com/questions/299975/proper-way-to-change-terminal-resolution-in-ubuntu-server-13-0419:58
slops17iDealz, i tried that already and didnt work19:58
iDealzanyone have any experience with rebuilding broken RAID arrays?  I had a drive fail completely in an mdadm array 5 and now when I boot my server it boots into initramfs prompt. I believe I need to boot from a CD to get into root, but dont know where to go from there20:02
slops17iDealz, i found this and seams to have worked20:15
patdk-wkslops17, good thing we don't do graphics in this channel :)20:20
slops17patdk-wk, i had problem number 3 on that link only the upper left portion of the screen was in use and it was a paint to do anything on the box but it is now fixed20:21
=== markthomas is now known as markthomas|away
=== bilde2910 is now known as bilde2910|away
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
Logos01Howdy folks. I just updated my LXC binary, and now my apparmor service is dying on me with the below error. Can someone help me understand what "TOK_MODE" means so I can maybe take a stab at remediating it?20:54
Logos01"AppArmor parser error for /etc/apparmor.d/lxc-containers in /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/lxc/container-base at line 42: syntax error, unexpected TOK_OPENPAREN, expecting TOK_MODE"20:54
tyhicksLogos01: Hi - what Ubuntu release are you running?20:58
tyhicksLogos01: also, can you copy and paste line 42 of /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/lxc/container-base?20:59
Logos01err, 14.04.1 (just updated) -- Whole line is "  unix (receive),"21:00
blaaaLogos01: I have run into issues with apparmor scriptsa few months ago, don't know if they have been fixed, have stopped trying21:00
blaaaLogos01: your issue looks different though21:00
Logos01Mine is specific to LXC.21:01
Logos01I have the lxc-daily ppa enabled (necessary because I'm using ZFS as backing store)21:01
tyhicksLogos01: what is the output from `apt-cache policy lxc apparmor | grep Installed`?21:01
Logos01Installed: 1.1.0~alpha1+master~20140930-0358-0ubuntu1~trusty ; Installed: 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu521:02
Logos01If I only knew what "TOK_MODE" meant I could maybe puzzle out what's going on.21:03
tyhicksLogos01: the problem stems from having a brand new version of lxc and an slightly old version of apparmor21:03
patdk-wkheh? it makes perfect sense21:03
tyhicksLogos01: ignore the TOK_MODE error message - it is just trying to tell you that the apparmor_parser program can't compile your policy21:03
Logos01I get that TOK_OPENPAREN means it's seeing the open parenthesis in "unix (receive)", when it's expecting some other character.21:03
patdk-wkunexpected token open parentheses, expecting token mode21:04
Logos01tyhicks: Okay, then how do I resolve this?21:04
Logos01(And how do I rule out a typo making it into the daily PPA?)21:04
tyhicksLogos01: you can do one of two things: 1) comment out, with '#' characters, the lines that start with "unix" or 2) install the apparmor package from Utopic21:05
tyhicksLogos01: I'd go with option #121:05
Logos01It seems to me that neither of these are optimal.21:05
Logos01What *does* "TOK_MODE" mean anyhow?21:05
patdk-wkmode :)21:05
Logos01patdk-wk: heh.21:05
patdk-wkread, write, create, ....21:05
tyhicksLogos01: the apparmor_parser program in 14.04 doesn't know about "unix" rules21:06
tyhicksLogos01: we just recently landed support for unix rules in Utopic21:06
tyhicksLogos01: unfortunately, those are the only two possible workarounds available at the moment21:07
patdk-wkrm / being one?21:08
Logos01Okay, so going into backup of the etc dir I see the old file did not in fact have the unix lines.21:08
Logos01So I'm not losing anything by commenting them out I suppose.21:08
tyhicksLogos01: just a sec21:09
patdk-wkyou will be21:09
patdk-wkyou need something to give you that permission21:09
patdk-wkso what is missing in the new file? that the old one had21:09
tyhicksLogos01: looks like the lxc guys have a workaround for this in the lxc packaging21:09
tyhicksLogos01: I'm not sure why it isn't working for you21:09
tyhicksLogos01: what does `grep DISTRIB_RELEASE /etc/lsb-release | cut -d= -f2` output on your machine?21:09
tyhicksmaybe they use different packaging for their daily ppa21:11
* tyhicks goes to look for it21:11
Logos01I've had good history with the daily ppa, kinda surprised by this.21:12
Logos01But ... it's rare that *nothing* goes wrong.21:13
Logos01( And at least this isn't bash related ... <_< )21:13
patdk-wkoh ya, I haven't had time to check my bash hit counter today yet21:13
Logos01patdk-wk: Just be thankful you don't have to deal with explaining to infosec people that "no, it's not possible to patch the system-provided bash shell on an OS version that went End of Life 12 years ago."21:15
patdk-wkI was in charge of patching our systems from 10years ago21:17
Logos01Re-read that.21:17
patdk-wkpatching bash 3.221:18
patdk-wkah, I didn't have to go that far back21:18
tyhicksLogos01: upgrade to lxc 1.1.0~alpha1+master~20140930-1924-0ubuntu1~trusty and everything should work without any manual changes21:18
Logos01tyhicks: I did just perform upgrade about half an hour ago21:18
Logos01But there's an LXC package available. Interesting.21:18
tyhicksLogos01: do another21:18
tyhicksLogos01: it'll fix it21:19
tyhicksLogos01: they added in the change that removes the unix rules if you're running 14.04 or older in the latest version21:19
Logos01tyhicks: It did not fix it.21:20
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
tyhicksLogos01: same error?21:22
Logos01It left my modified file in place.21:22
Logos01When I uncommented the unix lines it errored again21:22
tyhicksLogos01: I thought I stopped you before you edited it21:23
tyhicksLogos01: well, you now know the fix21:26
tyhicksLogos01: sorry that you upgraded in the small window where the install script was missing the logic to comment out the unix rule21:27
Logos01tyhicks: I'm not sure I do know the fix.21:27
Logos01I tried uninstalling and reinstalling lxc altogether, both with and without the container-base file present, and it's not doing any good.21:27
Logos01Well this is interesting. I decompressed the latest lxc *.deb from /var/cache/apt/archive and compared it's container-base to what I had on-hand. http://paste.ubuntu.com/8468711/21:30
=== markthomas|away is now known as markthomas
tyhicksLogos01: I think `sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confask" install --reinstall lxc` should do the trick21:30
Logos01I then *copied* the deb's container-base file in place and restarted apparmor and it did not balk at the syntax.21:31
tyhicksgood to hear21:32
Logos01Odd behavior is odd, to say the least.21:33
Logos01tyhicks: Thanks for your help. Much appreciated.21:39
tyhicksno problem!21:40
iDealz    hhhhhju[p5+]\721:49
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
adam_gzul, jamespage https://code.launchpad.net/~gandelman-a/ubuntu/utopic/ironic/juno/+merge/236635 <- refreshed the ironic packaging for juno. RC1 isn't released yet but it shouldnt require anythign new. python-ironicclient could use an upload, and eventlet could use those patches for bug 132178722:25
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1321787 in python-eventlet "Paramiko does not properly work with eventlet concurrency" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132178722:25
mgwI've got an install that's failing on setting up grub22:29
mgwI dropped into a shell22:29
Logos01mgw: What device are you using?22:29
mgwand there's no device.map22:29
mgwI've tried hd0 (default) and hd122:29
mgwonce I drop into a shell I can run grub-mkdevicemap22:29
mgwand then grub-install works22:29
Logos01device.map shouldn't be necessary.22:30
mgwMight it be mapped to a different name?22:30
mgwhow can I print what devices grub knows about22:30
Logos01Something seems odd that this is necessary at all.22:30
Logos01What would be a brief description of your hardware setup? Anything unusual? VM? Physical? Installing to LVM?22:31
mgwThe unusual thing is that hda is a 3TB XFS volume and hdb has / on the first partition22:33
mgwIt's physical22:33
mgwI can't set the 3TB as bootable22:34
mgwhdb0 is marked as bootable22:34
Logos01What version of Ubuntu are you trying to use?22:34
Logos01mgw: If I understand correctly, your goal is to boot off of an XFS volume?22:37
mgwLogos01: it's to boot off the ext422:37
mgwon the second drive22:37
mgwfirst partition of second drive is an ext4 partition22:37
Logos01Physical partition?22:38
mgwI got grub to install once, by dropping into a shell when it failed22:38
mgwand running mkdevicemap22:38
mgwand install hd122:38
mgwYes, the first partition is physical22:38
mgwthere are some logical volumes there too22:38
mgwafter the first22:39
Logos01logical partitions, not LVM2 logical volumes22:40
Logos01mgw: Just for confirmation, are you able to remove the XFS drive from the system?22:41
mgwno LVM involved22:41
mgwphysicall remove it?22:41
Logos01(Re-attempt installation w/o XFS present is the goal, to isolate behavior)22:41
mgwI cannot physically remove it22:41
mgwthis is PXE booting22:41
mgwI'm on kvm22:41
mgwI can reformat it as ext4 though22:41
mgwbut I cannot make the 3TB bootable even as ext422:42
mgwin the paritioning manager22:42
Logos01"the partitioning manager" being ... ?22:42
mgwin the installer22:42
mgwLogos01: should I try again having formatted the 3TB as ext4?22:46
mgwAnd leaving "d-i grub-installer/bootdev string (hd1)" in the preseed?22:47
mgwLogos01: would the devices always be hd0, hd1, etc?22:51
Logos01mgw: Just a sec. I'll admit that I'm far better w/ kickstarts than w/ preseeds.22:51
mgwor maybe they're sda1 ro something?22:52
mgwbefore i run mkdevicemap22:52
mgwto reiterate, before running mkdevicemap, grub-install complains that hd1 (or hd0 for that matter) does not exist22:52
mgwafter I run mkdevicemap hd0 and hd1 are properly mapped22:53
mgwand grub-install works22:53
mgwLogos01: I think i got it22:56
mgwI can run "grub-install /dev/sdb" from busybox22:56
mgwand it works22:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1012629 in grub-installer "grub-installer ignores "bootdev" setting in preseed file" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:56
mgwIt's not ignoring it22:57
mgwin my case22:57
Logos01Right, but read that ticket history.22:57
mgwIt complains the device in the preseed does not exist22:57
Logos01What you describe is very similar.22:57
mgwhmm, I think the installer i'm booting into is newer than the release22:58
mgwbut perhaps not22:58
mgwI"m going to try setting bootdev to /dev/sdb though and run through an install22:59
mgwif that doesn't work, I'll ensure I have the latest install image22:59
mgwLogos01: thanks for the help!23:00
Logos01mgw: You tried 'd-i grub-installer/bootdev string /dev/sdb' ?23:00
mgwno, i'm about to23:00
mgwI was using hd123:01
Logos01I'd suspect that by using the string you'd be able to avoid the need for the mkdevicemap.23:01
mgwyeah, that's what my tests in busybox indicate23:04
mgwsince grub-install /dev/sdb worked23:04
mgwand grub-install (hd1) did not23:04
* Logos01 crosses crossable phalanges23:05
Logos01(that's fingers/toes)23:05
mgwwill know in a few minutes23:19

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