
mterryted, I have a branch that uses _greeter profiles, but it has two bugs (doesn't switch to non-greeter profile correctly and you get two datetime indicators(!)) -- if that's useful I can upload to LP else I'll continue working on it tomorrow00:16
* mterry got sidelined by a critical security bug00:16
cjwatsonjdstrand: The more I work on bugs like bug 1371574, the more I wonder if I made a mistake in the design of system-level hooks.  Do you think it would make sense to add a ${db-name} substitution, which would get the name of the database (perhaps as "10_core", "20_custom", or "99_default" to match the database configuration file names)?  Then apparmor could use that and guarantee to have different profiles for each unpacked copy of each ...00:39
ubot5bug 1371574 in click (Ubuntu) "After installing clicks to /custom/click, /usr/share/click/preinstalled version are still preferred" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137157400:39
cjwatson... package, even if there are multiple instances of a single version lying around for some reason00:39
cjwatsonjdstrand: This is something like the fourth or fifth time we've had a bug like this, and the fixes are always super-delicate.  Maybe it would be better to dodge the problem!00:40
cjwatsonjdstrand: Slight awkwardness that the API doesn't really keep track of database names, only their paths, so we might just have to mangle or hash the database path instead of having a short name (so maybe we'd end up with /var/lib/apparmor/clicks/usr_share_click_preinstalled/com.ubuntu.calendar_calendar_0.4.json or something like that), but even with that it seems like it would be simpler than all this very careful fiddling with ...00:49
cjwatson... garbage-collection00:49
cjwatsonaa-exec-click would have to take care to look up the instance of a given app-id in the database that matches the executable path it's given00:56
cjwatsonjdstrand: I've written up a manifesto for this in bug 137457401:14
ubot5bug 1374574 in Sahara "[DOC][EDP] EDP section does not list streaming mapreduce or spark job types" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137457401:14
cjwatsonjdstrand: Sorry, bug 137157401:14
ubot5bug 1371574 in click (Ubuntu) "After installing clicks to /custom/click, /usr/share/click/preinstalled version are still preferred" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137157401:14
rsalveticjwatson: which image?01:27
rsalvetiwonder if the gles packages are out of sync again01:27
rsalvetilet me try latest utopic01:27
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rsalveticjwatson: $ cat ./.cache/upstart/ubuntu-system-settings-wizard.log02:28
rsalvetifile:///usr/share/ubuntu/settings/wizard/qml/main.qml:21:1: plugin cannot be loaded for module "Unity.Application": Cannot load library /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/Unity/Application/libunityapplicationplugin.so: (dlopen: cannot load any more object with static TLS)02:28
rsalveti     import Unity.Application 0.102:28
rsalvetiprobably why02:28
rsalvetinow to find which qtmir broke that02:31
kurt_how can I help with Ubuntu touch? mainly with python, I have used the SDK for qml a little.03:26
lotuspsychjekurt_: devs are working on RTM right now to get it done03:27
lotuspsychjekurt_: im sure you can help03:27
kurt_I would like to even with testing or something small03:28
kurt_seems as if testing is needed most getting this close to an actual phone, should i just try devel-proposed branch and find issues or is that the correct branch to try after rtm03:31
lotuspsychjeim using channel=devel but im just a happy user on nexus703:32
kurt_I have a N4 with multi rom03:32
kurt_i have a 2012 N7 and 2013 N703:32
kurt_the N7 2013 has multi rom as well03:32
lotuspsychjekurt_: i think now its most important RTM gets stable and bugfree03:32
kurt_so just list bug reports (if any are found......very stable thus far!!!!) on the rtm version03:33
lotuspsychjekurt_: yes, or help making new apps always nice too03:34
kurt_tried to make a guitar tab application with tabster's API but I hit a wall when they said I cant revert my searches to their site.03:35
kurt_in every way I looked I couldn't use the API for anything so I dont know why they have an API03:35
lotuspsychjenot sure03:36
lotuspsychjeim not so smart for develope :p03:36
kurt_I really wanted that was because we dont have one and I have to see the store fill with copy cat apps03:36
lotuspsychjekurt_: idle here some longer, many devs will be able to help out03:36
kurt_I haven't actually ever had anything submitted on ubuntu or android03:36
lotuspsychjei just switched to ubuntu for safety reasons03:37
* ahoneybun walks in03:37
kurt_very nice!03:37
lotuspsychjeahoneybun: morning :p03:37
ahoneybunlotuspsychje, night03:37
kurt_I switched because I couldn't get windows vista to work correctly03:37
ahoneybunI switched for app dev03:38
lotuspsychjeahoneybun: you make apps mate?03:38
ahoneybunand I like Linux more then windows03:38
ahoneybunI have some webapps03:38
lotuspsychjesame here, ubuntu fan for years03:38
kurt_and I was to dumb to reinstall windows so I started with 10.04, and learned more than I ever would have on windows03:38
lotuspsychjesomeone should make an easy ubuntu-touch app creator03:38
* ahoneybun has a real app ready but the tools for click packages are broken for him03:38
ahoneybunthere was a update for it but it still does not work for me03:39
lotuspsychjekurt_: try 14.04 its splendid ubuntu03:39
ahoneybun14.10 is not bad03:39
ahoneybun3.16 kernel at least03:39
lotuspsychjebest ever03:39
ahoneybunkurt_, you want to make a guitar tab app>03:40
* ahoneybun is thinking of a guitar app that shows the basic guitar chords03:40
lotuspsychjethere is a chord app on touch already03:41
ahoneybunoh I see03:41
* ahoneybun found it, looks nice03:42
lotuspsychjei more miked the old apps view03:43
lotuspsychjewhere all apps showed in one list03:43
lotuspsychjeinstead of category03:43
ahoneybunI kinda like both03:44
lotuspsychjeeasier to find stuff now indeed03:47
ahoneybunkurt_, anymore app ideas?03:48
kurt_not cords03:49
kurt_guitar tablature for melodies and solos03:50
kurt_kinda like sheet music but simpler03:50
kurt_more simple lol03:50
kurt_i do but its geared towards lawnmowers03:51
kurt_and cars03:51
kurt_requires a hall effect sensor and a buffer circut03:51
* ahoneybun is sad that wallbase.cc is gone03:51
kurt_so its kinda a pet project that i want to get going but i need to do it on android just to get people to use it. but of course ubuntu after I get it on android.03:52
kurt_it would be a free app and you would just pay for the dongle that I would have to make......It would be around 5 bucks03:52
kurt_I do need to see if a mp3 jack can count signals that come in03:53
kurt_like how headphones can work as microphones do to the reversed polarity03:54
kurt_but instead or record sound I just need it to count when the signal hits a peak and then run the count through a formula03:54
kurt_really just been going to the play store and app store and seeing what they have that would make ubuntu more complete. but I am seriously limited by my programming skills but I hope to change that in the process lol03:57
kurt_ahoneybun i could be down to make one still just hit a wall with tabster03:57
kurt_it would be really nice to have cords and tabs in the same app03:57
kurt_I use guitar pro for android, to learn songs through tabs you download in a midi format. Ubuntu has tux guitar on it and It works just as well as guitar pro for the most part03:59
kurt_i really like tux guitar and depending on the license we can im sure use any of its code03:59
kurt_I can look at my old source and see if its usable I saved it just in case. Its my goal to get something in the ubuntu app store! haha04:01
* ahoneybun flys off *waves bye to kurt_ 04:03
kurt_it all worked for the most part but i didnt polish it up after tabster(the host of the api) said I cant point them to their site.........so maybe I can strip their html and present it in the app instead of thier site?04:03
kurt_? was it something I said?04:03
pdxwebdevWhat package to edit for the pulldown menu?04:16
pdxwebdevIf I wanted to add another tab along side "notification center" "networking" and all that04:17
sammoCan anyone help me with a permissions issue?04:28
jameshsammo: perhaps describe the issue first?04:35
sammoSorry-- first time on IRC, not sure of the etiquette.04:36
sammoI can execute a shell script on the phone through ssh but on the phone itself I get permission denied in the terminal app.04:36
sammoI'm not sure if this is some sort of security feature built into the phone, but it feels like my permissions got somehow messed up; I can run scripts as in /root if I become super user, but that's it.04:37
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jameshwhat sort of things are you trying to do?04:38
sammoWell at this point I just wanted to see if I could write a bash script that printed 'hello world' from the terminal04:38
sammoI was messing with home permissions when I was trying to set up the ssh server. I changed everything back to 755 but that doesn't seem to work.04:40
jameshI wonder if the terminal's shell process is running under any confinement profile?04:42
jamesh(I'm reflashing my phone right now, so can't check)04:42
sammoHow could I check?04:42
jamesh"cat /proc/$$/attr/current" inside the terminal would probably give an indication04:43
kurt_ Js.song = inputSong.text       I have this code bit and get this error Error: Invalid write to global property "song" /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qmlscene exited with code 0        I have a JS file and in it i have this code bit song = inputSong.text;       anybody know why the error comes up? worked in an older sdk not sure version but it was in 13.04 or 13.1004:44
sammoIt says 'com.ubuntu.terminal_terminal_... (enforce)'04:45
sammoI'm guessing that's it then?04:45
jameshit is confined then, yes.04:45
sammoOkay, that explains a lot. I was about to go reinstall so that saves some time. Thank you!04:46
jameshactually, I'm wrong.  It has its own profile, but that profile is unconfined04:47
jameshIf you don't have any critical data on the phone, then reinstalling probably is easiest04:48
sammoOh... So there is a problem :P04:48
sammoOkay. I'll go do that then. What does the (enforce) mean?04:49
jameshUbuntu uses a mandatory access control security system called AppArmor04:49
sammoBut that shouldn't prevent execution of files in home?04:50
jameshWhen it is in enforcing mode, any access that is not explicitly allowed by the process's AppArmor profile will result in an error04:50
jameshThe terminal is running with a profile that allows anything, so the fact that it is enforcing that profile doesn't mean much04:50
jameshthe non-enforcing modes are intended to help debug the security policies: they'll just log problems that would become errors in enforcing mode so the developer can see what's wrong with the policy04:51
sammoRight, that makes sense. Is the best way to do a clean install 'ubuntu-device-flash --wipe --channel=CHANNEL' as listed on the install page?04:52
sammocool cool. thanks so much!04:53
kurt_what could cause the sdk to not see my phone? i saw something about a devolper mode or new tools in the mailing list. So do i need to do something on the phone for the sdk to see it?04:56
kurt_rtm-14.09-version 304:56
nhaineskurt_: well, you'll need to enable Developer Mode.05:07
nhainesSystem Settings > About this phone > Developer Mode.05:07
kurt_Why are some messages red?05:09
kurt_kinda flips out in developer mode05:16
kurt_cant use my device in the sdk screens pop up every where like the computer is still trying to connect as a device05:17
kurt_and in the sdk it finds it starts then blinks reconnect over and over05:17
kurt_i gotta go to bed ill try tomorrow05:18
kurt_thanks for the help so far eveyone05:18
pittited: hey Ted, would you mind having a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/indicator-session/autopkgtest/+merge/235599 ?05:22
sammoI re-flashed my device and still I can't execute shell scripts in home. It must be some sort of built-in permissions thing.05:23
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy International Translation Day! :-D08:36
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cjwatsonrsalveti: thanks for investigating09:38
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oSoMoNpopey, is bug #1326378 still valid?11:24
ubot5bug 1326378 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "webapp-container leaks memory over time on #64" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132637811:24
popeyoSoMoN: not tried for a while. will test and see11:25
popeyoSoMoN: commented on the bug11:45
nerochiarojhodapp: hi, you around ?11:45
oSoMoNpopey, thanks, I’ll mark it fixed then11:46
seb128mpt, hey11:48
seb128mpt, so it looks like that by design request the listitem separators have left/right margins, is that what we want in settings? (on the main screen we currently have a mix of separators touching the side and with margins because they apply the margin for listitem elements and not for standalone divider, which we use e;g between categories)11:49
mptseb128, can you give an example of each? I’m not exactly sure what you mean by a separator vs. a divider11:59
seb128mpt, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/settings.png12:01
seb128mpt, see how the horizontal lines between e.g orientation lock and flight mode don't goes to the left/right but the ones between categories do12:02
mptseb128, I see, that looks bad12:03
seb128mpt, right12:04
seb128mpt, we used to have those lines without borders, but they changed the uitk recently to have margins for listitems (and only those)12:04
mptseb128, and what’s supposed to happen when you tap one of those list items? If the item highlights all the way to the edge, it’s inconsistent with the border above/below it. But if it highlights only as far as the border, then it stops at the edge of the icon/switch, which looks ugly.12:05
nerochiarojhodapp: it turns out that I might be doing something weird in the gallery. i created a simple example and I seem to be getting all the signals. the code in media hub looks ok too12:05
mptseb128, so tell me who “design request” is, and I’ll have a word :-)12:05
seb128mpt, you should have email, fwded you the info I managed to get12:06
seb128mpt, the "selection" effect goes to the edge, further than the line and it does look weird12:06
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ogra_seb128, mpt, i see the same for the two bottom entries too12:07
ogra_(the shirtened separator)12:07
seb128ogra_, right, any listitem element is going to have margins, any standalone widget is not12:07
seb128and we mix those12:07
seb128yeah for uitk changes, now instead of focussing on rtm fixes we have to deal with new UI issues12:08
nerochiarozbenjamin: i see that now qtcreator tried to uninstall an app if it's already installed. however that fails for gallery currently. I get "Sdk-Launcher> Uninstalling the application failed"12:09
nerochiarozbenjamin: i normally don't mind changing the name of the app in the manifest. the problem is that in this case i need to test video playback, and if i change the name in the manifest it will refuse me access to media hub12:11
seb128mpt, oh, it also leads to weirdness on use of divider like http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/settingsdiv.png12:26
seb128mpt, the standard items have a simple line, when followed by a "Divider" which is used between sections, you get the result there, a shorter line follow by ones without margin12:27
seb128mpt, we can fix that by using showDivider: false on the listitems before the Dividers though, just needs some work/more code|workarounds12:28
mptI love how the second and third dividers are different colors and thicknesses from the first one >:-]12:28
seb128mpt, btw thanks for bringing the topic to design ;-)12:28
mptI didn’t do anything, I didn’t even know the discussion was taking place12:29
seb128mpt, the 1 line version is ThinDivider{} and what is used between items, the bigger one is Divider{} and used between sections12:29
seb128mpt, well, you just said you can have a word with whoever decided on those, so thanks in advance for that :-)12:29
seb128mpt, did you get the email I fwded you btw?12:29
mptOh, you’re referring to the future rather than the past, ok :-)12:30
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loolcyphermox_: hey, around?12:36
loolcyphermox_: QA is wondering which test plan to run with NM; would you mind listing whatever standard tests they should usually run there?12:37
loolcyphermox_: see https://trello.com/c/iFoYYgij/138-ubuntu-rtm-landing-012-network-manager-tvoss-cyphermox-lool12:37
loolbrendand: ^ FYI12:37
loolbrendand: have also updated card12:37
mptseb128, I just discussed with jounih, and he said the border is going to be reverted so that it goes right to the screen edge12:47
seb128mpt, \o/12:47
seb128mpt, thanks!12:47
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jhodappnerochiaro, oh ok, glad you could figure that out :)13:01
nerochiarojhodapp: i haven't yet. there seems to be something that messes up the state of qtubuntu-media when i don something from the gallery. i haven't figured out what that something is yet13:05
jhodappnerochiaro, oh interesting...let me know what you find out because maybe we can make qtubuntu-media more robust too so it's harder to get into such a state13:09
tedbfiller, It looks like the camera is trying to use a file:/// URL? https://errors.ubuntu.com/oops/fa49391c-487e-11e4-9f5f-fa163e4aaad413:12
nerochiarojhodapp: so what seems to be the problem is loading the Video element with a Loader. When the Loader is reset (by setting sourceComponent = null) something gets messed up and from that point on I don't receive any more playback_complete events from the hub13:13
nerochiaroafter reloading the Video13:13
jhodappnerochiaro, this sounds like the same issue that we ran into with Unity itself and loading a NULL Audio component...it was a bug in the Audio component itself13:14
jhodappnerochiaro, ping ricmm to see what the solution there was and if this is the same issue13:14
bfillerted: yes I think it uses that to call mediaplayer-app to playback a video13:15
bfillerted: does that need to change to use video:// now?13:15
tedbfiller, Yeah, would probably be better if it used content hub though.13:15
tedbfiller, That way if "Super Video Player" gets installed people could view it in that.13:15
bfillerted: content-hub? the video is in the Video subdir13:15
nerochiaroricmm: let me know when you have a minute please13:16
tedbfiller, Well, it doesn't matter which directory it's in. But it is "viewing content" which is content-hub's problem space.13:16
tedbfiller, For certain a video URL would work though.13:16
nerochiaroricmm: i'm having a problem with the state of the QML Video component when it is loaded and unloaded via a Loader, and jhodapp says you had a similar problem with the Audio component13:17
bfillerted: is there a related bug with that errors.ubuntu.com report?13:20
tedbfiller, No, just going through all the bad URLs that get reported.13:20
tedbfiller, https://errors.ubuntu.com/bucket/?id=url-dispatcher-bad-url13:20
tedbfiller, They're on a bunch of different projects though.13:20
bfillerted: thanks13:20
tedLook at all the version numbers! ;-)13:21
mzanettikenvandine: hey, what's your ETA on landing silo 2?13:34
kenvandinei hope today... but i might have a regression13:34
kenvandinemzanetti, why?13:34
mzanettikenvandine: I need to land a change in system-settings too13:35
mzanettikenvandine: so just syncing with you.13:36
mzanettiI'm also not entirely sure if I'll make it today... I would let you know before doing the merge13:36
kenvandinemzanetti, ok, which branch is that?13:36
mzanettikenvandine: its in silo6, this branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/ubuntu-system-settings/sigstop-for-upstart/+merge/23611213:37
bfillerpopey: any chance you can upload a new calendar app today? the changes to sync-monitor have landed so it should be ready13:37
mzanettikenvandine: code looks good to me, I would approve it if it works fine in the silo13:37
kenvandinemzanetti, ah... yeah13:37
kenvandinemzanetti, i'm fine with that, thanks!13:38
popeybfiller: i expected that and asked mirv to upload a couple of hours ago. I can't upload myself.13:38
bfillerpopey: cheers, thanks13:38
ricmmnerochiaro: I did?13:55
ricmmnerochiaro: walk me through, lets see13:56
nerochiaroricmm: i don't know if you did, that's what jhodapp said ;) basically I have a Component that has a Video element in it. I load this component from a Loader, and it play video just fine, and I get notified when the video is finished playing. However if I set the sourceComponent to null on the Loader, then reload the component with the Video in it, from that point on I never receive again playback complete signals13:57
jhodappnerochiaro, ricmm: not exactly the same, just seems very similar13:58
jhodappricmm, this was from a couple of weeks ago...we were debugging why the extra dbus position() calls13:58
mterryted, OK...  I have something for you14:00
mterryted, and it's already exposed one indicator bug -- indicator-transfer has a datetime path for phone_greeter  :)14:00
tedmterry, hah, blame charles ;-)14:01
tedmterry, Cool14:01
ricmmnerochiaro: thinking14:01
mterryted, lp:~mterry/+junk/u8-greeter-profiles has a work in progress -- still some debugging output and such which is why in a junk url -- menu content itself doesn't seem to change -- probably a bug still on my end.  But indicator icons do, which is how I saw the datetime/transfer bug14:03
ricmmnerochiaro: how are you reloading the component with the video in it?14:04
ricmmsetting it to the loader's sourceComponent once more?14:04
tedmterry, I have branches with different content, but I can't really land them unless QA can verify they fix the bug, which is why I need your patch :-)14:04
ricmmalso, do youreceive any signals at all? is it playing something?14:04
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nerochiaroricmm: loader.sourceComponent = null, then later { loader.sourceComponent = myVideoComponent; loader.videoItem.source = "file://video/file.mp4" }14:07
nerochiaroricmm: something similar tothat14:07
mterryted, I'll have this cleaned up today I hope14:07
ogra_ted, oh, so you land new features by pulling other peoples bugfixes into your branches ? clever :)14:08
* ogra_ grins14:08
sil2100boiko: hey!14:11
boikohi sil210014:11
sil2100boiko: did you have a look at the recent dialer-app smoketesting results for ubuntu-rtm?14:12
boikosil2100: not really, sorry, is there a failure there?14:12
sil2100boiko: especially in krillin we're seeing 3 failures14:12
sil2100boiko: let me find you a link14:12
boikosil2100: ok, I fixed one failure in the MRs that are on rtm silo 314:13
boikosil2100: let me check the other two14:13
jgdxmzanetti, you have some conflicts in your reset branch. And did the test pass with the new backend? They might need a new way of asserting that the launcher was reset.14:14
nerochiaroricmm: after reloading the video plays, and i can play and pause the video fine14:14
mzanettijgdx: I don't think there are conflicts, but not sure about the tests14:16
jgdxmzanetti, I'm looking at https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-system-settings-utopic-i386-ci/772/console14:17
jgdxmzanetti, cd tests/autopilot && autopilot3 run ubuntu_system_settings # to go through the tests14:17
jgdxpmcgowan, Wellark, how do you add apns on desktop? phonesim or files?14:18
mzanettijdstrand: ack, thanks14:18
ricmmnerochiaro: what happens if you make the loader inactive during the operation14:19
ricmmand only active after setting the source14:19
jdstrandmzanetti: did you mean jgdx?14:19
jgdxjdstrand, think so14:19
nerochiaroricmm: what do you mean by "inactive" ?14:20
pmcgowanjgdx, I only tested on the phone14:20
mzanettijgdx: sorry14:20
mzanettijdstrand: ^14:20
mzanettiI give up :D14:20
Wellarkjgdx: you need both14:20
jgdxmzanetti, np, lol14:20
Wellarkjgdx: the default phonesim installation defines a configuration that comes up with multiple contexts14:20
jdstrandmzanetti: hehe :)14:21
Wellarkyou just need to make sure you online the modem14:21
jgdxWellark, cool, thanks14:21
Wellarkjgdx: the contexts also change the first time you call Refresh() from the ofono API14:21
Wellarkoh, wait. it was for Carriers14:21
Wellarkjgdx: anyway14:21
Wellarkjgdx: then you can either add more contexts by using d-feet14:21
Wellarkor if you want to drop files14:21
Wellarkstop ofono14:21
Wellarkand add/edit files under14:21
jgdxWellark, worked14:22
Wellarkjgdx: /var/lib/ofono/{imsi}/gprs14:22
Wellarkand start ofono again14:22
Wellarkjgdx: you can also simulate dualsim by using the org.ofono.phonesim.Manager interface me and jussi added to the ofono / object14:23
ricmmnerochiaro: loader.active = false14:23
Wellarkyou just need to fire up ofono-phonesim processes manually and provide them with a config14:23
ricmmthen your setup then loader.active = true14:23
nerochiaroricmm: ok, so basically load the loader only once and just make it active = false instead of sourceComponent = null ?14:23
jgdxWellark, right, I've had to do that before when working on sim services.14:23
ricmmnerochiaro: yes, or if you do need to swap the loaded component then do the binding assignments while (!loader.active)14:24
jgdxWellark, seems dual sim for apn behaves much like the carriers page, though. So that's great.14:24
Wellarkjgdx: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/indicator-network#Run_ofono-phonesim14:24
Wellarkjgdx: ok. cool. just be aware that the i-network testplan is a bit outdated as it does not tell how to use the phonesim.Manager interface14:25
Wellarkjgdx: so no ofono restarts required14:25
Wellarkjgdx: https://github.com/rilmodem/ofono/blob/master/doc/phonesim-control-api.txt14:26
tedogra_, It's not a feature, it's a bug!14:32
Wellarkjgdx: after having a quick chat with thostr_ you and I should have a quick HO to agree on the division of labor and the battle plan on the UI changes to the CustomApnEditor page14:44
oSoMoNsergiusens, hey, is there anything I can do to help with bug #1365993 ?14:44
ubot5bug 1365993 in webbrowser-app "Support download of albums as zip files from 7Digital" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136599314:44
jgdxWellark, yes, please14:44
Wellarkjgdx: in 5 minutes?14:45
jgdxWellark, yep14:45
Wellarkjgdx: marvellous!14:45
Wellarkjgdx: I will get you the link.14:45
sergiusensoSoMoN: I just need to figure out mandel's branches he asked me to merge14:46
sergiusensoSoMoN: it seems he wrote his email in a hurry and wasn't quite clear14:47
oSoMoNsergiusens, ok, let me know if there’s anything I can do/test14:48
sergiusensoSoMoN: let me create MPs of what he wrote and at least get reviews for them14:49
sergiusensI don't have the knowledge for a good review there14:49
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nerochiaroricmm: disabling the loader instead of unloading the component seems to do the trick15:36
nerochiaroricmm: not sure if it's the best thing in terms of memory usage, but it works15:37
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ricmmnerochiaro: I'm not sure that unsetting the component does anything15:55
ricmmas it had already resulted in a creation15:55
ricmmit just allows you to use the loader for *another* sourcecomponent or source15:56
ricmmbut it doesnt mean much to the existing instance of the Component you had already loaded through it15:56
ricmmbut I might be wrong15:56
nerochiaroricmm: doesn't it destroy the instance and free the memory ?15:56
ricmmnerochiaro: you are right, it should delete the object15:59
ricmmthe active property does the same as the sourceComponent cycling tho15:59
ricmmfalse -> active means a delete and re-incubation15:59
nerochiaroricmm: there has to be a difference, otherwise i don't see why it would break in one case and not in the other16:00
ricmmmaybe there is something blocking the deleteLater() when resetting the source16:00
nerochiaroricmm: but even if the Video object is stuck there, why that would prevent the new Video object to be able to receive signals ?16:00
ricmmit shouldnt16:01
asacseb128: ogra_: i someone cannot disable my calendar notifications.16:03
asacseb128: ogra_: i have calendar app installed, i disabled the calendar in there16:03
ogra_i someone ?16:03
ricmmnerochiaro: reading through the code but I dont see anything obvious that would cause it to not delete correctly16:03
asacseb128: ogra_: but still the events are constantly reminding me16:03
asacogra_: somewhat :)16:03
=== kickinz1|afk is now known as kickinz1
nerochiaroricmm: sorry, it's actually my fault, i mixed up "active" with "enabled". setting active false then back to true causes the same problem as unsetting the sourceComponent16:04
seb128asac, don't get me started about the calendar ;-)16:05
nerochiaroricmm: so back to the start, why does it break ?16:05
ricmmtheres no enabled for loaders16:05
ricmmthere might be an issue with the QDeclarativeAudio instance then16:05
ricmmcan you see the duration?16:05
ricmmthat one is also a property, like position16:05
asacseb128: if it helps, just use /msg and be frank :P16:06
seb128asac, lol, read the log from friday evening on this channel if you want to see an argument about the calendar removal and the side effect :p16:09
asacseb128: its not about removal16:09
asacseb128: i have calendar installed and it still doesnt stop :/16:09
seb128asac, but I think things are being worked on now, I saw mps today about moving the calendar syncing to the calendar application itself16:09
asacseb128: does that include moving notification control somewhere?16:10
seb128to the calendar itself16:10
asaci think what i really lack is disabling notifications16:10
asaci dont even have that feature with calendar installed it feels16:10
asacor am i missing it somewhere?16:10
seb128asac, not sure, https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/sync-monitor/split-calendar-and-contacts/+merge/230239 and there is a corresponding side on the calendar-app itself16:11
seb128but I'm unsure all the bits landed16:11
seb128and if the calendar-app got an update in the store yet16:11
seb128where can we see what revision is included in the store?16:11
ricmmnerochiaro: can you see both properties?16:14
ricmmis it only position that fails to update?16:14
nerochiaroricmm: the problem is that I don't get the playback_complete event maninly16:15
nerochiaroricmm: i'm checking the properties now16:15
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
ricmmnerochiaro: whats the name of the signal16:16
asacseb128: hmm. good question. i think beuno might be able to help :)16:17
asacbeuno: how can seb128 find out which version of something is in the store?16:17
ogra_i think there was a calendar landing in flight today16:17
nerochiaroricmm: core::ubuntu::media::Player::set_playback_complete_callback16:18
barrykenvandine: the build of si 2.5 in the silo is not going well.  it seems to be incredibly slow which causes timeouts in the dbus connection to udm.  i've tried rebuilds several times.  maybe i'll get lucky soon (usually i get lucky after 1 or 2 rebuilds).  i'll keep trying but i wonder if there's something we can do about the silo/ppa to give it more juice to run the test suite more quickly.16:19
nerochiaroricmm: this is a signal that qtubuntu-media gets from the hub16:19
ricmmI mean in QML16:19
ricmmwhich signal as you using16:19
ricmmthat you are missing16:19
kenvandinebarry, i saw that... :/16:20
nerochiaroricmm: in QML it's Video.onStatusChanged , it never received the status MediaPlayer.EndOfMedia16:20
nerochiaroricmm: and that signal is implemented by qtubuntu-media, and it's emitted when qtubunut-media received the playback_complete signal from the hub16:21
barrykenvandine: anyway, i will keep trying.  one thing we can do if we have to is to disable the problematic parts of the test suite during build and rely on autopkgtest to verify them.16:21
ricmmnerochiaro: yup16:22
ricmmsorry just not clear where the signal is dropped16:22
ricmmis it actually not showing over the bus?16:22
ricmmor is it being dropped client side16:22
nerochiaroricmm: it's not received by qtubuntu-media, but it's emitted by the hub16:23
nerochiaroricmm: as far as i can see at least16:23
ricmmI mean do you see it with dbus-minitor16:23
nerochiaroricmm: i'll try that now16:23
popeybfiller: fyi, calendar r484 approved16:25
bfillerpopey: great, thanks16:27
ogra_asac, ^^^^ there, new calendar16:29
seb128does the location service requires a working SIM?16:30
asacogra_: so i just hit update apps and all will be good?16:30
ogra_you should see a new calendar there, yes16:30
ogra_not sure that has all fixes yet though16:30
asacseb128: only if your wifi APs are not known16:30
asacseb128: i have it working without SIM here in city centre16:31
asacbut if wifi isnt known you need cell info and for that you need sim16:31
ogra_yeah, works fine on my mako without sim16:31
seb128asac, my is using 100% cpu for 3 weeks, consistently between reboot and wipe/new image16:31
seb128I wonder if that's because I've an invalid SIM in the phone16:31
ogra_seb128, any trustdb crash files ?16:31
seb128(it's a prepaid one which I bought while traveling and which seems not valid in France)16:31
mzanettikenvandine: hey, I pulled out that systemsettings change again because it doesn't seem to fix the reason that motivated it. so no need to pay attention for collisions any more.16:31
seb128ogra_, no, ubuntu-location-service just eating cpu days and night16:32
ogra_seb128, well, lool and tvoss are the location go-to guys16:32
ogra_i have heard of that but i dont see it myself16:32
seb128tvoss was looking at the 100% cpu issue 3 weeks ago16:32
seb128I provided him a backtrace and debug info and he said he had an idea about the issue16:33
asacseb128: good question. i think there is some aggressive logging still going on16:33
seb128but nothing changed since16:33
asacseb128: check with lool16:33
kenvandinemzanetti, thx16:33
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1358918 in location-service (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-location-serviced cpu usage spikes to 100% occasionally" [High,Confirmed]16:33
seb128is the cpu bug16:33
ogra_well, only occasionally ... :P16:33
seb128well, maybe my issue is different16:33
seb128it has never been working for me, it keeps hitting full cpu accros reboots, wipe & bootstrap, etc16:34
nerochiaroricmm: i'm trying to see the signal with  dbus-monitor "interface='core.ubuntu.media.Player'" but I can't get anything. Am I using the wrong string or missing something else obvious ? (first time I use it on the device)16:39
seb128ogra_, but yeah, I've a _usr_bin_trust-stored-skeleton.32011.crash16:39
=== kickinz1 is now known as kickinz1|afk
seb128ogra_, do you know if we have ddebs for the rtm archive?16:45
seb128pitti, ^16:46
beunoseb128, did you figure out how to find out the version in the store?16:47
seb128beuno, no16:47
beunothere's a few ways16:48
ogra_seb128, i think we do, but not sure where16:49
seb128beuno, well "version", is the store version related to the vcs commit number?16:49
beunoseb128, it's up to the uploader16:49
beunohow they version it16:49
beunothe store doesn't know about VCSs16:49
seb128beuno, is there an equivalent of the debian/changelog for clicks?16:49
beunoseb128, there is a field for "what's new"16:50
beunoso a more human-oriented16:50
seb128beuno, anyway, I found the version in the click scope view16:50
seb128I guess then linking that to a vcs commit to see if a fix has been rolled out has no "magical solution"16:51
Laneyhttp://ddebs.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-rtm/ exists16:54
dobeyseb128: be careful when reading the info in the scope. the "what's new" and "version" are from the store, so are for whatever the latest version in the store is, not necessarily what is installed.16:54
seb128Laney, thanks16:54
dobeyand the "what's new" is a text field entry on the dev portal, not something in the click manifest, so we can't pull that locally :-/16:54
seb128dobey, right, thanks for pointing it out!16:55
seb128speaking about portal16:56
seb128dobey, you might know, are the categories in the apps/click scopes coming from the server?16:56
seb128is there a way to get those translated?16:56
seb128dpm, ^16:56
beunoseb128, they are, and they are being translate16:57
beunothe portal will return a different language based on the header the request sends16:57
seb128beuno, do you know if that's something we can contribute to?16:57
seb128I'm using french and I only have english categories atm16:57
dobeyright, what beuno said16:57
dobeyseb128: they might not be translated into french yet?16:58
seb128dobey, do you know where I can check? can I do the translations/contribute to them on launchpad?16:58
dobeyi have no idea what languages are on the server16:58
seb128like do you pull from some public project?16:58
beunoI'll find out where they are translated16:58
dobeythat's a beuno question16:58
seb128beuno, thanks16:58
dpmseb128, let me get you the bug. In summary, they're translated in the database, but recently we put them in LP16:59
dobeythose are all on the server. click scope just shows what the server gives in the response (and sends the Accept-Language header to tell the server to give us the translations)16:59
beunoseb128, https://translations.launchpad.net/software-center-agent/trunk/+pots/click-feed16:59
beunoseems to be where we pull from16:59
dpmseb128, beuno, JamesTait is the man to talk to about translations for the store Departments16:59
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dpmyes, that's where we recently put the translations ^17:00
beunoseb128, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppStore/Interfaces/ClickPackageIndex has more detail than you'll ever want if you care about the APIs themselves17:00
seb128beuno, how often do you pull from? french is translated and that says those strings are there since 2014-09-1917:00
beunoJamesTait, ^17:01
JamesTaitseb128, not all the translations are in devportal yet, because they're stored in the devportal DB and there's no automatic process yet to import them from .pot files or LP.17:01
seb128JamesTait, but that's coming for e.g french?17:02
JamesTaitseb128, IIRC, we manually uploaded the translations for Spanish only, so far, but the others will be imported, manually or otherwise, as soon as we can.17:03
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JamesTaitseb128, I appreciate it's not an ideal situation, but rest assured it is on my radar and flashing very brightly.17:04
beunoseb128, so in conclusion, learn spanish.17:07
seb128beuno, ola! ;-)17:08
seb128JamesTait, k, thanks17:08
seb128beuno, dobey: thanks as well!17:08
dobeyno problem17:09
dobeyseb128: that's portugese!17:10
seb128bah, I'm screwed, the one spanish word I know is not spanish ;-)17:11
dobeyseb128: it's hola in es and ola in pt :P17:12
seb128oh, I see17:12
seb128I'm french, we don't spell the "h" :p17:12
* popey wonders which "otel" seb128 is staying in at the sprint.17:13
seb128popey, :-)17:13
ogra_popey, lets hope e doesnt miss is flight else e needs to stay ome :)17:14
seb128ogra_, you screwed it on the second word :p17:15
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nerochiaroricmm: i'm about to go out for today. can you email me a cmd line you would use to see the signals coming from the hub ? I can't seem to be able to filter them17:27
ricmmnerochiaro: ok17:27
nerochiaroricmm: thanks17:27
ricmmwell actually maybe jim might be betterfor that17:28
ricmmjhodapp: ^17:28
jhodappricmm, missed him17:28
ricmmjhodapp: can you send him that email?17:33
ricmmyou are better than me with dbus17:33
jhodappricmm, I could, but I've never had to filter those before17:33
dobeyogra_: waoh, did you suddenly become british?17:33
* dobey pictures ogra_ as a yorkshireman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe1a1wHxTyo17:34
ogra_i wouldnt mind the cigars and whisky :)17:35
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ogra_though i guess they have port17:35
dobeyogra_: well, i'm sure we can have a glass of whisky at the sprint :)17:37
ogra_++  !17:37
JamesTaitseb128, http://pad.lv/1375922 - just so it doesn't get forgotten.17:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 1375922 in Software Center Agent "Manually uploading translations for Departments and Highlights doesn't scale" [Undecided,New]17:45
bfillerted: did you land changes that make file:// break? cause camera-app and video scopes both dont' work anymore17:51
cjwatsonjdstrand: could you test that ubuntu silo 4 fixes your click garbage-collection problems?17:53
ogra_bfiller, camera works here17:53
seb128JamesTait, thanks17:53
ogra_(mako, latest utopic image)17:53
bfillerogra_: playing back a video from it doesn't17:54
cjwatsondobey: just don't let ogra_ pour it17:54
* cjwatson learns from mistakes17:55
ogra_cjwatson, lol17:55
jdstrandcjwatson: hmm, my device is on rtm. would it be safe to do there?17:55
dobeycjwatson: i'll let the bartender pour it :)17:55
ogra_bfiller, oh, i didnt try video17:55
cjwatsonjdstrand: ubuntu-rtm silo 2 then17:55
cjwatsonjdstrand: GC should run at the next reboot after upgrading17:56
* cjwatson -> dinner17:56
jdstrandcjwatson: ok, testing now17:57
ogra_** (process:2884): WARNING **: Unable to dispatch url 'file:///home/phablet/Videos/sintel_trailer-1080p.mp4':GDBus.Error:com.canonical.URLDispatcher.BadURL: URL 'file:///home/phablet/Videos/sintel_trailer-1080p.mp4' is not handleable by the URL Dispatcher18:00
ogra_bfiller, ted ^^18:00
ogra_(from unity8-dash..log)18:00
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jdstrandcjwatson: oh, at first I didn't think it was working, but now I see that the garbage collection is happening after lightdm starts18:03
jdstrandcjwatson: yes, it seems to have worked. I only have 109 files in /var/lib/apparmor/clicks/*json and /var/lib/apparmor/profiles/click_*18:05
jdstrandcjwatson: it was 260 before I rebooted18:06
jdstranda 2nd reboot is needed to remove them from the kernel, but that is expected18:07
jdstrandI also noticed bug #1375938, which is mine18:20
ubot5bug 1375938 in click-apparmor (Ubuntu) "remove cache files when removing profiles" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137593818:20
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
tedbfiller, We removed the file:/// URLs. Yes, the video scope had two MRs that it needed, but only one was linked to the bug. Pawel is landing the other.19:15
cjwatsonjdstrand: excellent, thanks.  for my records, which image/device were you testing on?19:38
jdstrandcjwatson: rtm, mako r6319:39
cjwatsonjdstrand: thanks19:43
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* cjwatson wonders where logs from attempting to remove an app might go19:52
cjwatsonoh, duh, it'll be on the other end of packagekit won't it19:54
robotfuelkenvandine: ping, do you know where can I get debug symbols for system-settings?20:23
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
nero_ hello    wondering    when note  3  will have   ubuntu touch love21:04
nero_can i use the  note  2    stuff  for install ubuntu touch   or will it  break  it21:05
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
dobey!devices | nero_21:34
ubot5nero_: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices21:34
nero_  i a\lreally look  there  but    no luck at  finding   121:44
nero_   its like    1   ever made it  for   note  321:44
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pdxwebdevUnknown CMake command "qt5_use_modules"???23:48
pdxwebdevEverything says I'm using an old version of cmake but I'm at
pdxwebdevI'm trying to build a plugin in the system settings repo23:50
pdxwebdevAh, it looks like one does not build the plugins from their respective directories.23:59

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