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tsdgeosCimi: how's the review of scopes_more_things_on_memory going?09:13
pstolowskitsdgeos, hey, any luck with the ppa?09:30
tsdgeospstolowski: no the personal ppa's are worthless09:31
tsdgeosneed to use one that is phone enabld09:31
tsdgeoswe have one09:31
tsdgeosbut mzanetti was using it for something else09:31
tsdgeosmzanetti: are we done with it?09:31
mzanettitsdgeos: sure. you approved the branches09:31
tsdgeosmzanetti: so how do i take over? :D09:34
mzanettitsdgeos: I think you should have permissions09:34
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mzanettitsdgeos: I'd suggest to just drop the existing packages09:35
mzanettitsdgeos: then go to your branch, create a packaging recipe and target that ppa09:35
mzanettithat's how I do it usually... you can also manually dput if you prefer that09:35
tsdgeosi'll dput09:36
tsdgeosit's somethin i have some knowledge of how to try to do09:36
tsdgeosok packages deleted09:37
tsdgeosnow let's add stuff09:37
tsdgeosCimi: there's a change in card-visual-tweaks i don't understand09:58
tsdgeoslet's see if you can help me09:59
tsdgeosCimi: run make tryCard09:59
tsdgeosand select Art, header, summary - overlaid09:59
tsdgeosthe "gray" area is with this patch quite bigger than without09:59
tsdgeosand i don't see why09:59
tsdgeosis it actually a regression of scope_more_things_memory?10:09
tsdgeosand now i can't find a difference10:10
* tsdgeos scratches his eyes10:10
tsdgeosouch that hurt10:10
tsdgeosok, can't see a difference anymore10:12
tsdgeosJohnLea: ping10:26
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yecril71plHello, what do I need to have nautilus run over ssh?11:41
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mzanettiseb128: hey, what's the recommended way to launch system settings from a build dir without installing?12:59
seb128mzanetti, hey, it's "don't"13:00
seb128sorry we just don't support that atm13:00
tsdgeospstolowski: https://launchpad.net/~unity-team/+archive/ubuntu/phone-right-edge/+packages has it13:00
seb128qml import paths are no fun13:00
mzanettiseb128: hah... works quite well for me :D13:00
tsdgeoskgunn: https://launchpad.net/~unity-team/+archive/ubuntu/phone-right-edge/+packages has the list bottom edge thing, who should be testing it?13:00
seb128mzanetti, you probably know qt better than us, patches are welcome ;-)13:00
mzanettiseb128: ok13:01
seb128mzanetti, we didn't figure out how making it load locale plugins13:01
seb128mzanetti, usually we just sudo cp over the system version, which sucks but sort of work...13:01
seb128sudo cp; system-settings on your command line and call that back every time you do a change13:01
tsdgeosmterry: ping13:03
mterrytsdgeos, hello!13:03
tsdgeosmterry: can you merge trunk over pull to referesh?13:03
mterrytsdgeos, oh sure13:03
tsdgeosmterry: also i was wondering about that style thing13:04
mterrytsdgeos, no conflicts...?13:04
tsdgeosmterry: don't know, just doesn't build as of now :D13:04
mterrytsdgeos, oh let me test13:04
mterrytsdgeos, the style sure, what about it?13:04
tsdgeosmterry: so you're only removing the activityindicator?13:05
tsdgeosor doing more things?13:05
mterrytsdgeos, removing the activityIndicator is most of it. Also adjusting height, but I think I could have done that with default style13:06
mterryI'm using same strings as normal style13:06
seb128kgunn, hey, any new about getting the unity8 rtm vcs updated?13:06
tsdgeosmterry: because the style exposes refreshIndicator which we may just use to disable it instead of that big chunk of code?13:06
mterryI looked into that and determined we couldn't... let me find out why13:07
mterryOh...  I also fixed a bug in the SDK with how the text fades in/out13:09
mterrytsdgeos, ok well besides fixing the text fading bug, the style instance is a super private variable of StyledItem (__styleInstance).  And refreshIndicator is only exposed by the Ambiance theme.  So hiding refreshIndicator that way would be extremely brittle13:12
tsdgeoswe do use __styleInstance in other places afaik13:13
tsdgeosactually, no, just on a test13:13
tsdgeosmterry: the other option is actually inheritnt from the Ambience theme13:14
tsdgeostaht we actualyl do quite a lot13:14
tsdgeosand then you can just set the property there to false13:14
mterrytsdgeos, I wondered about that, but wasn't sure how.  And wouldn't it require the ambience theme to be installed?13:15
tsdgeosit would13:15
tsdgeosbut it's our default theme13:15
tsdgeosit's a "requisite" anyway13:15
mterrytsdgeos, not normally of u8, right?  Just of Ubuntu13:15
tsdgeossee ./qml/Dash/DashContentTabBarStyle.qml:17:import Ubuntu.Components.Themes.Ambiance 0.113:15
tsdgeosor ./qml/Dash/PageHeader.qml:19:import Ubuntu.Components.Themes.Ambiance 1.113:16
tsdgeosmterry: we use it, so we depend on it13:16
mterrytsdgeos, looks like there's a bug in our packaging then, since debian/control doesn't capture that dependency  :)13:16
tsdgeosthat may be13:16
mterrytsdgeos, well anyway.  That's *why* I did it like I did.  If you like I can inherit from Ambiance.  I'm personally not thrilled with that solution, but if we already do it...13:16
tsdgeosmterry: i personally prefer less code than more code13:17
tsdgeosand sure the dependency is not super awesome13:17
tsdgeosbut if it still works i'd prefer that13:17
mterrytsdgeos, OK.  I can work on that today13:18
tsdgeosif it has other issues we can leave it13:18
mterrytsdgeos, it will be slightly uglier because of the SDK text fading bug13:18
mterrytsdgeos, but I can file an LP bug about that, maybe it will get fixed in time13:18
tsdgeosmterry: ok, then leave it and add a TODO13:18
tsdgeoswe don't want ugl13:18
tsdgeosand file the bug13:18
kgunnseb128: yeah, just confirmed with mzanetti what we do13:18
seb128kgunn, thanks13:19
tsdgeosmterry: and move it to a different file to GSV is ultra big as it is :D13:19
mterrytsdgeos, (to be specific, the two text labels fade in/out, but the text actually changes immediately, before the fade-out.  Looks really weird)13:19
tsdgeosmterry: it = the style13:19
mzanettikgunn: ?13:19
tsdgeosmterry: yeah i just saw looks very bad13:19
tsdgeosmterry: so let's do this, keep the code with a TODO to evaluate the use of the standard style, file the bug and move the style code to a different file to clutter GSV less, works for you?13:20
mterrytsdgeos, sure, will do13:20
tsdgeosawesome :)13:20
kgunnmzanetti: i'll sync up unity8/rtm from the unity8 trunk13:22
kgunnseb needs it13:22
mzanettiah, right, that one13:22
kgunnseb128: done13:33
seb128kgunn, mzanetti, excellent, thanks!13:34
mzanettiseb128: btw, I've simplified this one (https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/ubuntu-system-settings/update-reset-launcher/+merge/234309) as your team wished, and also am implementing a fix in the launcher to actually do the reset in real time13:35
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seb128mzanetti, thanks, the CI run suggest you have a merge conflict13:36
mzanettican't be :D13:37
mzanettiseb128: yeah, I had one, then I deleted everything and started from scratch because I got confused by it13:38
mzanettiseb128: so old ci run, but code should be fine13:38
seb128mzanetti, ok, great, thanks13:38
seb128mzanetti, if you make unity8 update without restart then we can drop the "need to restart" dialog ;-)13:39
mzanettiis there a restart dialog? didn't see that. but yeah, we can drop that13:39
mterrytsdgeos, done13:45
tsdgeospaulliu: ping13:46
tsdgeosmterry: cool13:46
paulliutsdgeos: hi13:59
tsdgeospaulliu: was going to say we may need to make the "mascot" of the previewheader a bit bigger13:59
tsdgeosbut let's leave it for later13:59
paulliutsdgeos: ok.14:00
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tsdgeosmterry: have you tried on the phone?14:07
tsdgeosdoesn't seem to play very nice with the apps scope14:07
mterrytsdgeos, I did.  What are you seeing?14:07
tsdgeosmterry: the bar doesn't go back to its intial height in some cases14:08
tsdgeossay 30%14:08
tsdgeosand then when you change to the next scope14:08
tsdgeosthe list changes vertically when there doesn't seem to be a need14:08
mterrytsdgeos, 30% of screen?14:09
tsdgeosnot your bug most probably14:09
tsdgeos30% of the times14:09
tsdgeosit's a few pixels ususally14:09
mterrytsdgeos, it's a small gap, right?14:09
mterrytsdgeos, yeah, that was there when I got there  :)14:09
tsdgeosnoticeable enough that if you scroll horizontally it will shrink14:09
tsdgeosmterry: what was there?14:09
mterrytsdgeos, yes I've seen that, it was there14:09
tsdgeosmterry: before your patch?14:10
mterrytsdgeos, righ14:10
mterrylet me double check on the other phone I have14:10
mterryjust to be safe, but I remember seeing that when I was first playing with pulling14:11
tsdgeosthat's weird14:12
mterrytsdgeos, ah hold on14:12
mterrytsdgeos, I can't reproduce on mako/utopic14:12
mterrytsdgeos, so maybe it's either my branch or krillin/rtm, will get back to you14:13
cwayneCimi: hey, you seen this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/savilerow/+bug/137582214:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1375822 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Settings go over header when scrolling" [Undecided,New]14:13
tsdgeosmterry: it'd be safer if you trigger the refresh once the thing has gone back to its initial state, seems you do it a bit earlier now14:14
mterrytsdgeos, perhaps -- I would have hoped that wouldn't screw anything up, so either delay refresh or fix that bug14:14
tsdgeosmterry: LVWPH is not designed for lots of things happening at the same time :D it's better if you delay the thing until the body is again in place14:15
mterrytsdgeos, OK will confirm I added the bug (seems likely at this point) and try to fix14:16
mterrytsdgeos, good catch14:16
tsdgeosmterry: nice )14:16
mterryMy memories of seeing it before I mucked with the code must have been wrong.  Makes me worried; I feel old and senile now14:17
mterrytsdgeos, updated14:24
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tsdgeosmterry: that feels much better doesn't it ?14:44
mterrytsdgeos, eh.  It doesn't stick anymore so that's nice.  But I'd still prefer instance refresh + no sticking14:45
tsdgeoshe he14:45
tsdgeosyou want it all!14:45
mterryI'm high maintenance14:45
tsdgeosmterry: why a rectangle?14:46
tsdgeoscan't pullToRefreshClippingRectangle be a Item ?14:47
tsdgeosmterry: also update .pot14:48
mterrytsdgeos, (oh we do that manually?  I always think we do that automatically)14:48
tsdgeoswe don't14:48
tsdgeosmake pot_file14:48
tsdgeosi think14:48
mterrytsdgeos, good question re: item.  I feel like I might have had a reason, but don't know what it would be, since I make the rectangle transparent14:48
tsdgeostransparent rectangle14:49
tsdgeosseems like you want an item :D14:49
tsdgeosunless pulltothingie14:49
tsdgeoswants a rectangle as parent14:49
tsdgeosthat'd be weird14:49
mterrytsdgeos, let me just try replacing it...14:49
mterrytsdgeos, no it doesn't care14:49
mterrytsdgeos, manual pot updates inside of branches seems like a recipe for conflicts14:49
tsdgeosmterry: correct D:14:50
mterryI feel like there should be one per-silo update14:50
mterryYeah...  pot updates inside of branches is stupid14:50
tsdgeosnow how do we do that?14:50
mterrytsdgeos, well as part of making a silo, we could add a pot update branch...  but it would have to include all the silo branches14:50
tsdgeosi don't know14:51
tsdgeosother teams do a manual push after land14:52
tsdgeoswe can do that14:52
mterrytsdgeos, I think I was using the Rectangle during debugging, to see where it was -- the joiner point between header and content is weird14:52
* mterry is testing Item14:52
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tsdgeosmzanetti: what do you think about a manual push after silo land to update the .pot?14:53
mzanettimanual push to trunk?14:53
mterrytsdgeos, branch uses Item now14:53
tsdgeosmzanetti: yeah lots of projects do that for the .pot update, since "doesn't need review, it's just an automatical thing done manually"14:54
mzanettitsdgeos: I guess that might be an issue with the rtm sync though14:54
* tsdgeos shrugs14:55
mterrytsdgeos, I've also updated pot though I hate it14:55
tsdgeosmterry: ok14:55
tsdgeoslet's hope we don't get much conflicts14:55
mterrytsdgeos, it's a guaranteed conflict with any other pot update, becasue the pot header timestamp changes14:56
mterrySo only one string change branch per silo14:56
tsdgeosmterry: vote for https://bugs.launchpad.net/cupstream2distro/+bug/135966714:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1359667 in Canonical Upstream To Distro [AKA CI Train] "There should be a hook mechanism available" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:56
mterrySeems crazy14:56
tsdgeosit is crazy14:58
mterrymzanetti, tsdgeos, do we care about rtm sync for pot?  Why does rtm need to have latest pot?15:00
tsdgeosmterry: i don't know, kgunn, mzanetti, seb128 and more people were discussing it yesterday15:00
tsdgeosthere seems to be the fact we have a rtm branch and noone really knows why15:00
mzanettiwell... I kinda do know why15:01
mzanettiwe're just not using it, in unity8 at least15:01
tsdgeosbut someone said we were?15:03
kgunni hazily recall saviq wanted it so we'd run ui tests as part of landing in silos ?....but can't remember how that would be forced15:04
kgunnseb wanted15:04
mterryBut for all those reasons, who cares if the rtm pot file lags a release?15:05
pstolowskitsdgeos, thanks for the ppa15:14
seb128mterry, because the pot before the update didn't include "Restart" and that string couldn't be translated in the rtm serie and was showing in english on e.g my french phone15:29
mterryseb128, but that's a lag of 1 release -- which will happen anyway even if we update pot at release time in both places15:30
mterryseb128, by the time the next rtm lands, it will get the translations from utopic series, right?15:30
* mterry might not understand how rtm translations are generated15:31
seb128mterry, they are imported from the pot in the vcs rtm serie15:31
seb128mterry, dunno what you define 1 release15:31
seb128mterry, the rtm vcs didn't have a commit since septembre 915:31
seb128mterry, that was wrong/outdated in any case, no point have a rtm vcs if that doesn't contain what is in the rtm pocket15:32
seb128mterry, what's the issue with having the vcs updated with the actual code from the serie it should reflect?15:32
mterryseb128, so Utopic releases U1, syncs that release to rtm as R1, then updates its pot.  U2 gets released with translations from that pot, syncs as R2 which includes the pot from U1.  Wouldn't rtm at that point be able to take translations that have been made between U1 and U2?15:33
seb128mterry, when is u8 updating its pot?15:34
mterryseb128, oh I don't have an opinion on what should be in the rtm vcs itself -- I'm fine with it being reflected.  I think unity8 is just being a bit lazy about it because we keep in sync15:34
seb128I don't understand why there is a vcs serie if trunk is what is used in rtm15:34
mterryseb128, right now...  We do it as part of the silo15:34
mterryseb128, but I want to do it immediately after silo release15:35
seb128- the translations are currently defined by rtm/po/unity8.pot15:35
seb128- that was lacking "Restart"15:35
seb128-> therefor that item couldn't be translated on the rtm image15:35
seb128asking for the vcs to be updated was one solution15:35
seb128I would have been happy with another one15:35
seb128mterry, but yeah, translations in upstream projects suck compared to translations in ubuntu where the pot is updated during the package build15:36
mterryhrm yeah sounds like an orthogonal but related problem from when precisely the pot is updated15:36
seb128we need a way to make the pot autoupdated by launchpad on commits15:36
seb128or daily15:36
mterryseb128, tsdgeos pointed me at bug 135966715:37
ubot5bug 1359667 in Canonical Upstream To Distro [AKA CI Train] "There should be a hook mechanism available" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135966715:37
seb128we keep having outdated pot15:37
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dandraderdednick, could you chime in here? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1373966/comments/416:17
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1373966 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Trusted prompt sessions get stuck on screen blank" [Critical,Triaged]16:17
dednickdandrader: yup. just did16:35
dednickdandrader: dont know if what i said will help though16:35
dandraderdednick, what's a "prompt provider" and a "trust helper"?16:38
dednickdandrader: heh.16:38
dednickdandrader: trust helper is what starts and manages a trust session.16:39
dednickprompt provider is the child ui.16:39
dednickdandrader: trust helper does not have any stake in unity816:39
dednickdandrader: the application (web browser, etc) asks a trust helper service to start a trust session with a prompt provider (login ui)16:41
dednickso ends our complicated nomenclature judo16:42
dandraderdednick, I have a faint recollection that you sent me a URL with a diagram of this whole thing....16:44
dandradersome time ago16:44
dandraderor was it me just asking that same question months ago16:45
dednickdandrader: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/drawings/d/1Sx3Q6IugYY0DjrQfN3em6PBhyeNotXtYAa4UioVdT8c/edit16:45
dandraderdednick, thanks!16:46
dednickdandrader: or this is probably more accurate now: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/drawings/d/1IFSCWt_lOe5VPDf7PdplVwyHwimChtJKp1iW5UdlkHY/edit16:47
dandraderah, ok16:48
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dandraderracarr, ping19:19
dandraderracarr, commented on some of your pending MPs19:25
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tedmterry, Can we turn your branch into an MR so I can make a silo to put things together?20:12
tedmterry, It can be WIP.20:12
tedmterry, It seems my phone doesn't have enough space to get all the deps to build U8. It's grown.20:12
mterryted, OK.  I'm in the middle of some sort of awful internet problems.  I'll try to push and propose.  I'm also debugging new changes to the branch, to get the content itself to adjust20:18
tedmterry, K, I just want to get all the indicators and U8 together so we can test them.20:19
tedmterry, Also, do you know if there's a system settings branch to add the MessagesWelcomeScreen value setting?20:19
mterryted, no I don't know20:21
tedWow, system settings has a bunch of proposed branches.20:27
mterryted, guh.  I need to go to a coffee shop.  My home internet is so awful I can't even push a branch20:28
mterryted, in meantime, feel free to take that junk branch, put it in a team branch in unity8 space and make a fake WIP proposal20:28
mterryelse I can hopefully do it when I'm back up20:28
tedmterry, I can do that, but another idea is to SSH somewhere with screen and do it.20:29
racarrdandrader|bbl: Thanks :) will iterate on them20:31
tedmterry, Hmm, there's a "showAllUI" do you know what that is?20:32
mterryted, yeah but these 5 bytes per second I'm getting, I need to move elsewhere20:33
mterryted, OK back from Starbucks20:44
tedmterry, I didn't get a chance to push yet. Do you want to?20:46
mterryted, sure20:46
racarrdandrader|bbl: Should be all updated :)20:48
mterryted, https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/greeter-profiles-test/+merge/23661320:50
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dandraderracarr, you forgot this one https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/platform-api/support-state-changing/+merge/235545/comments/57955423:13

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