
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
Unit193paultag: Hey, got time for a simple review+upload?17:49
paultagUnit193: my vacation notice to debian-private has been bounced to you :)17:53
Unit193Ah, alright.  Thanks.17:53
paultagsure thing17:55
Unit193Good luck too.17:56
paultagthanks man17:56
belkinsaI lost the game, paultag!20:34
Unit193Don't forget canthus13.20:35
belkinsaDoes canthus13 even say anything anymore? No offence.21:12
* skellat ponders the "golf clap" 21:29
belkinsao/ skellat.  I was wondering if we are having any luck in re-booting this team from other members but I'm guessing that we are failing still.21:30
belkinsaWhat a shame.  I feel like posting Ubuntu signs around the Unvi of Cincinnati's campus but I feel like that will not help anything.21:32
skellatIt may21:32
skellatI may need to fire up Scribus and do some propaganda21:32
skellat$AGENCY still has me out in the cold21:33
skellatAnd rather than think about things like this linked case I'm sure making up some propaganda would be worthwhile: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/389205/first-ever-us-ebola-case-diagnosed-dallas-brendan-bordelon21:34
jenni[ First-Ever U.S. Ebola Case Diagnosed in Dallas | National Review Online ] - https://j.mp/1teBUx121:34
* skellat ponders why his phone just went off with BREAKING NEWS alert #4 about that biomedical situation21:37
skellatWe're not facing a sunset either: http://1drv.ms/YCyMTm21:39
jenni[ Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online. ] - ALREADY_A_BITLY_LINK21:39
skellatWell, jenni was not clear there.  That was some recent photography of a sunset at Sunset Park in the Village of North Kingsville as well as shots towards Port Stanley over the horizon across the lake in southwest Ontario21:40
canthus13I rarely talk.  Usually when I look in here there's nothing but connect/disconnect messages and such.22:22
Unit193Of course.22:23
canthus13So.  Yeah. Why sit here whistling in the dark when I've got another very active channel to op?22:24
canthus13I mean, if I'm needed, I'll gladly pop in.22:24
belkinsacanthus13, good point, it's dead here.22:24
canthus13Also, I won't be making it to OLF.  My ex-wife is going, and I'll have the kids.22:25
Unit193Oh, didn't know that happened.22:25
canthus13Eh. All good.22:26
canthus13Also... liberia is 'ravaged' by the virus? There are less than 3500 cases there.22:26
dzho> 9/11 and look how we lost our s&|% about that22:40
skellatWould we want this to play with?  See: http://feeding.cloud.geek.nz/posts/encrypted-mailing-list-on-debian-and-ubuntu/23:34
jenni[ Encrypted mailing list on Debian and Ubuntu ] - https://j.mp/1sMjQQz23:34

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