
Kilosmorning inetpro  Squirm  nuvolari  and others05:43
inetprogood mornings06:13
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  peer got you hey06:36
ThatGraemeGuyinstalled updates on my htpc for a change06:39
ThatGraemeGuyi should just let it auto update06:39
Private_Usermorning all07:15
theblazehenhi Private_User07:15
Kiloshi Private_User  07:15
theblazehenhi Kilos07:15
Kilosand theblazehen  07:15
Private_Userhi theblazehen07:15
Private_Userhi Kilos07:15
Private_Userhey do any of you know of any good web scraper tools I can use with google chrome?07:15
Private_UserI want to try an extract business info from www.yellowpages.co.za07:16
Private_UserI have tried a few extension on the chrome web store but not sure how to use it on yellowpages07:17
theblazehenPrivate_User: get firebug on firefox07:18
theblazehenthen copy the relevant xpaths, etc. and use http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/scenarios/scrape/07:19
Private_Userthanks theblazehen, I will try that now07:22
spinzaPrivate_User: I've played with imports.io the other day.   Creates an api for a website. 07:38
spinzaThat should be import.io07:39
Private_Userthanks spinza, I tried it but seem to have failed in trying to get data or maybe I just need to go over the tutorial. I was trying to extract data from yellowpages07:39
Private_Userwhich sites have you been successful with using that tool if you do not mind me asking?07:40
spinzaI've pulled some data from financial website that had js07:41
spinzaHad to enable js on the tool07:41
theblazehenhttp://www.programmableweb.com/api/south-african-yellowpages-maps will this help?07:42
Private_Userthanks spinza07:44
Private_Userthanks theblazehen that seems like it may do the trick I will play around now and shout if I need assistance07:44
Private_Userthanks for the help07:44
bdukMorning Guys08:51
Kiloshi bduk  08:57
bushtechKilos: So when you getting your replacement drive?09:58
Kilosas soon as my son sorts the couriers bushtech  10:01
Kilosthey want 400 bucks for the job10:02
Kilosthe supplier said np bring it in hehe10:02
bushtechhuh, should be paid by supplier?10:02
Kilosoh my10:03
bushtechsupplier should collect and deliver10:03
Kilosthey said i must bring it in and theyll swop10:03
Kilosare you sure?10:03
bushtechnot sure but makes sense to me, not your prob10:04
Kiloswhats that10:04
bushtechconsumer protection act10:05
Kilosoh my10:05
bushtechmaybe threaten them with that, but go read their fine print first (supplier)10:06
Kiloslol no man they been very friendly and helpful to me10:06
Kilosthey even delivered personally after the courier messed around for a week10:07
bushtech_damn vodacom10:10
inetprobushtech: ai! Can we not put the cpa on VC as well?10:14
bushtechheh heh would love to10:14
bushtechbut VC bit bigger than your supplier I suspect10:15
bushtechwould be much harder to pin them down once their layers step in10:16
bushtechlayers = lawyers10:16
grembleIncidentally, I found out the other day that the state owns a large share in Vodacom10:18
Kiloscontact their ceo man10:18
Kilosand ask how come they not so slow to take your money10:18
Kilosdont try sort things at the help desk10:19
Kilosi think they own large shares in everything that can make money11:26
Kiloshello Squirm  12:28
=== gremble is now known as Guest69275
gremble_I just figured out transparency in my terminal13:20
gremble_I am much excite13:20
gremble_Now I just have to get vim to play along13:20
charlgood afternoon14:23
Kiloshi charl  14:23
charlhoi Kilos 14:23
charlsince you complain about me greeting the american gangster way i just greet you the dutch way :)14:24
Kilosand thats also from the movies14:24
Kilosdutchmen brainwashed by the same movies14:24
charlno man that's how we greet here14:28
charlnext time i greet you in finnish14:29
Kilosyou dont say dag or something14:56
Kilosim talking about grownups of course not the younger generation14:57
Kilosim sure the hermans dont say hoi14:57
gwoodhi everyone15:36
Vince-0ubuntu-za.org has Drupal error15:59
Kiloshi Vince-0  16:10
Kilosyou been scarce16:12
Vince-0ag ya'know IRL stuff16:16
Kiloshehe life16:16
Vince-0and some more work tonight16:27
Vince-0I need to still get a scale to weigh these hard drives16:27
Vince-0to ship16:27
Kilosjust give me the info when you have weighed them , ian will organise couriers ty Vince-0  16:28
* superfly knows all about IRL stuff17:16
Kiloshaha hi superfly  what is irl stuff17:24
KilosMaaz  define ircv17:24
MaazKilos: I don't know about ircv. Maybe you meant irc, irv, iucv or ircs?17:24
KilosMaaz  define irl17:25
MaazKilos: IRL In Real Life (slang, Usenet, IRC) , IRL Industrial Robot Language (HLL)17:25
tumbleweedit's all imaginary. IRL doesn't exist17:28
Kiloshi tumbleweed  hows things?17:29
tumbleweedKilos: good. Sitting on a plane towards ZA17:29
Kiloswhew welcome home17:30
tumbleweedwatching the very flat kansas float by17:30
Kilosi thought you not allowed to use cells and things on planes17:30
tumbleweedin-flight wifi17:30
Kilossjoe you still far17:30
tumbleweedlong day ahead17:30
tumbleweedthere'll be time for that on the upcoming 16hour flight :P17:31
Kiloswhat you went there for?17:31
Kilosthe job?17:32
tumbleweedyeah, moved to SF17:32
superflyLike so many others...17:32
Kilosso when you leaving us17:32
superflyIncidently I turned Facebook down a second time17:32
tumbleweedsuperfly: I know, right :(17:33
tumbleweedI gave so many other people grief about leaving17:33
superflyMy company is still looking for more developers17:33
tumbleweedso are we: Javascript/Python17:33
superflyif anyone is interested in a local job17:33
superflytumbleweed: uh, yola?17:34
tumbleweedKilos: already left. I'm a little bit crazy, so I'm coming back for 10 days17:34
tumbleweedsuperfly: yeah17:34
superflyah right17:34
* superfly had to jig the memory17:34
tumbleweedpycon.za, + venue hunting for https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Bids/Cape_Town17:34
Kilosaw tumbleweed  you didnt even say bye or give us a chnace to say bon voyage17:34
tumbleweedit was only a month ago. I haven't even found an apartment yet17:36
Kilosbut best of luck with the new job, i hope you will be happy there17:36
tumbleweed(or maybe I have, we'll see)17:36
Kiloshi spinza  17:39
Kiloswhew superfly  just now this will be a foreign channel17:39
Kilostumbleweed  you must still chat with us now and again hey17:49
Kiloshi Golynx  what broke17:50
gwood:'( tumbleweed gone, into the dusty dessert17:50
Golynxhi Kilos17:50
Kilosya sad day for us but good for him17:50
Golynxnothing :p17:50
Kiloshow are you lad?17:51
GolynxKilos good and you17:51
Kilosgood ty17:51
Golynxalways good to hear :)17:51
Kilosbit older but still good17:51
tumbleweedKilos: of course17:52
Kilospc behaving?17:52
tumbleweedI don't IRC as much as I used to, but when one has time on ones hands... :P17:52
Kilosty tumbleweed  17:52
Kilospoor crash kid never has time anymore17:52
Golynxyeah, still running strong, pushed all the heavy lifting to the cloud17:53
Kiloswhew doesnt that eat data17:53
Golynxnot when you do it in increments17:54
Golynxi dont have to update everything , just those things that changed17:55
GolynxKilos you still going strong  18:01
Kilosgot kubuntu 14.04 iso now waiting for new 1TB drive to arrive to install it on18:01
Kilosmaybe tomorrow or next day18:02
Kilos64bit version18:02
Golynxhow is the pc business18:02
Kilosim only doing my stuff18:03
Kilosneed to do data recovery on crashed 500g drive18:03
Kiloshi smile  18:05
Golynxah thats cool, you can fix anything it will work out :)18:05
Golynxhey smile18:05
Kiloshehe i hope so , i had lots saved on it18:06
SquirmKilos: a guy I know wrote a data recovery article18:08
* Squirm tries searching for it18:08
Kilosohi kbmonkey  wb18:10
kbmonkeyhello oom Kilos 18:11
Kiloshows weeny18:11
Kiloscool head sorted18:11
kbmonkeyit is screwed on reverse oom ;)18:13
Kilosstop with the oom man im still here, im not abandining ship18:14
Kiloswhy is it in reverse?18:14
Kilosso now instead of coming you are going?18:14
Kilosas long as youre well boy thats good18:17
kbmonkeythank you Kilos. I just took a time for real life (tm) away from online for a bit18:19
kbmonkeyI just don't know how to tell people these things18:20
Kilosbest way is just to say it18:20
Kilosi read your mail18:20
Kiloswas a sad one that18:20
kbmonkeynah not sad Im still here :)18:21
kbmonkeynot going anywhere18:21
Kilosgood man18:21
kbmonkeyI figure since I have not used ubuntu for a while let's get someone in who does18:22
Kilosim on 64bit already18:22
Kilosin unity that is but going to 64bit kde soon18:23
kbmonkeythat is good news18:24
Kilosyou still on the crashbang thing?18:25
kbmonkeyI been meaning to install something new, but have not spent much time on pc18:25
kbmonkeygot FreeBSD I want to give a go18:25
kbmonkeywork drains passion for technical hobbies18:26
Kilosmaybe you still too young18:27
kbmonkeyso I read. finished a couple of books18:27
Kilosgoosie still keeps doing it18:27
kbmonkeyyou mean I need to be retired? ;)18:27
Kilosreading is good. i used to read lots18:27
Kilosno man as you get older you will be able to do things after work too18:28
Kilosyou need to get fit as well18:28
kbmonkeyafter 8 hours on a screen at work one feels less like it after hours18:29
Kilosyi p , the pro even started gaming hehe18:29
kbmonkeywhen younger I could do 12-14 hours at pc. my old age is catching up ;)18:29
Kilosoh ya you were on the game with us18:29
Kilosthings have grown lots there18:30
kbmonkeyin minetest?18:30
kbmonkeyI like to see it again some time!18:30
Kilosya we just cant keep up with data use18:30
Kilosthe pro and family blew 3g in one day18:31
Kilosso now we all running local servers as well, but not the same thing18:31
Kilosya blame the cell peeps18:32
kbmonkeyIt has been cold and rainy in Durban the past week18:35
Kilosyeah i see in weather reports and we need rain again but it dont reach here18:35
kbmonkeythe cold is nice. Summer is worst, mozzies and bugs come out that time18:35
kbmonkeythat is a shame. It rained the whole weekend here18:36
Kilosno man cold no nice, it sucks18:36
kbmonkeyya but your cold freezes the pipes!18:36
kbmonkeyour cold is only 16 degrees18:36
Squirmsuperfly, ThatGraemeGuy: sorry for all the questions... I've found a digs type hostel type thing, in the middle of town(loop street). It's only a 25km commute, but what would the traffic be like getting OUT of town in the morning? Why I ask is because it's still in the middle of town :/18:36
Squirmthinking of getting myself a scooter too :P18:36
Kilossee kbmonkey  nuvolari  is in ct now and Squirm  going soon as well18:37
gwoodSquirm: I have a motorbike, had one for years, you save a lot of money on petrol, maintenance, easy parking18:37
kbmonkeyhi Squirm :)18:37
Squirmhey kbmonkey18:38
kbmonkeynuvo moved to CT?18:38
kbmonkeyI miss that place18:38
Squirmnuvolari and Trixar_za are the only 2 people here i've met :p18:38
kbmonkeylovely city18:38
Squirmkbmonkey: that's the plan. can pick up a scooter my mate is selling for R6k18:39
Kilosoh you do dev work kbmonkey  18:39
Kilosfly says they looking for dev peeps18:39
kbmonkeyI do, and that is cool18:39
Squirmkbmonkey: any ideas on traffic getting out of town?18:39
kbmonkeythe fly is also CT based, wonder if he accepts work remotely18:40
Kilosask him he is here atm18:40
kbmonkeySquirm, nope. apart from leaving earlier/later than rush hour ;)18:40
kbmonkeyI lived in Obz and Rondebosh, out of town18:41
kbmonkeyliving in town is best if you also work there18:41
kbmonkeythat said I dont mind CT traffic. drivers there are much more considerate and easy going than any other city I know18:42
kbmonkeybut parking is a big issue (narrow roads), so many folk opt for scooters18:43
superflykbmonkey: no, I'm afraid not. we do agile and pair-programming18:44
kbmonkeythanks superfly :)18:45
kbmonkeyI'm not relocating at this time, regretfully 18:45
Kilosnight all. sleep tight. night my monkey, dont be a stranger any more19:01
bushtech_ night Kilos19:01
Kilossuperfly  i saw her on fb, so cute hey19:01
Kilostommorow guys19:01
Kilostomorrow as well also too19:01
Kilosnight bushtech_  19:01
gremblenight Kilos 19:02
kbmonkeyMaaz, tell kilos good night19:04
Maazkbmonkey: Okay, I'll tell Kilos on freenode19:04
kbmonkeyTrixar_za, ping ;)19:05
Trixar_zaping :P19:05
=== gremble is now known as hellenkeller
=== hellenkeller is now known as gremble

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