
MaltahlZZRMike yes i tried with the normal user on the server. but when it asks for the password it says: 80:localhost:80@myip's password00:00
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MaltahlZZRMike i have root for the server so if you have any ideas how to fix this, i would be very grateful00:03
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PesinnHow can I gain write access to /var/lib/gems? - I am trying to install compass00:04
ZZRMikeMaltahl: I'm honestly not even sure what you're trying to do, I just took a shot in the dark in hopes that I could get you moving in the right direction.00:06
Maltahlokay ZZRMike i tried changing the command so it was "sudo ssh -M username@ip" instead of "sudo ssh -M username@ip -l 80:localhost:80" and then my password worked00:07
Maltahlso for some reason i cannot create an SSH Tunnel00:07
ZZRMikeMaltahl: Is sshd listening on port 80 on the server?00:08
Maltahlnah default00:09
ZZRMikeGive  "sudo ssh -M username@ip -l 80:localhost:22" a go?00:09
Maltahlsame deal :( 80:localhost:22@'s password:  Permission denied, please try again. 80:localhost:22@'s password:00:10
greenmanHi.  Could use some help00:11
ZZRMikeoh whoops, try "-L" not "-l"00:11
greenmanI recently did an apt-get update upgrade00:11
greenmanMy machine wouldn't boot after restart00:11
ZZRMikeif you check the man page for ssh it shows that -l specifies the user to log in as, -L specifies the port to use00:11
greenmanI finally got it to boot by going into failsafe, then booting normally00:11
greenman(I'll investigate that later)00:11
greenmanBut now, my HFS formatted external drive refuses to mount read/write00:12
greenmanwhich makes, well a lot of the stuff this server does kinda pointless...00:12
DemonJesterHey guys, I was wondering if there is a command I can use to get current power consumption on my usb devices? I use lsusb -v | egrep "^Bus|MaxPower" to see obviously max draw, but is there a way to see current draw.00:12
MaltahlAhhh ZZRMIKE that makes so much more sense gonna try it out00:12
MaltahlIt works ZZRMike !!00:13
Maltahli switched out -l with -L00:13
greenmanAnybody have any clues as to what I can look for?00:13
ZZRMikeYeah, that definitely wasn't helping you. I'm glad you got it sorted out. It always helps me to double check the help info to make sure I'm using the right flag.00:14
BarnacleBobgreenman, what does it say when you try to mount it?00:15
HHGHi, I have a problem when installing ubuntu version 14.04.1 from a usb drive. when i am installing a screen comes up with the title:'installation type'. the list on it is empty, and if i click install now it says no root file system is defined. if i click anything else the launcher crashes. Also, i am a new user, and i dont understand technical terms very well.00:15
greenmanBarnacleBob: mount: warning: /media/BigDrive seems to be mounted read-only.00:16
ZZRMikeHHG: How did you create the USB drive?00:16
azizLIGHTHow come there's no alternate iso for 14.04?00:16
azizLIGHTThe text mode install00:16
HHGlinux live usb creator. i have used it once to install linux on another computer, and it worked then00:17
BarnacleBobgreenman, mount -o remount,rw /media/BigDrive00:17
wil114m- buffer00:17
BarnacleBobgreenman, you should look through your dmesg/syslog to find out why it mounted readonly on boot tho00:17
nanohelp to install broadcom drivers for a dell d430 uubuntu 14.0400:17
fancyfetusZZRMike, what do you think of the Yoga 2 Pro?00:18
daftykinsnano: which broadcom?00:18
daftykins!broadcom | nano00:18
ubottunano: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx00:18
fancyfetusI'm not really fan of this new "convertible" or "multi-use" laptop fad going around right now00:18
greenmanBarnacleBob: yeah, I tried that, same message.  I'll check logs00:18
greenmanit just sucks that it was working before... :(00:18
BarnacleBobgreenman, i expect it wants a filesystem check or something00:18
nanotaking time to load00:19
greenmanI do believe you are right.00:19
MaltahlZZRMike it works with connecting but it times out the connection when i try to use it in my browser as a SOCKS proxy00:19
BarnacleBobgreenman, just try unmounting it and doing an fsck_hfs on it00:19
nanodaftykins | bcm43**00:20
daftykinsnano: see abve then00:20
OerHeksgreenman, do not mount hfs+ drives read/write, unless you disable journaling ( and you don't want that) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/hfsplus00:20
ZZRMikefancyfetus: I've seen it and I'm not particularly fond of the whole "3/4" thing they've going on with the display range of motion. I've also heard bad things in general about Lenovos hinges and subsequent support on that.00:21
nanovery new at linux. tried a few things  but none have work. right now the system has no internet00:21
nanoso far the page is not loading00:21
fancyfetusZZRMike, grrr. I'm looking for something ~1299 hat is <2cm thick and has a 256GB SSD with an at least 1080p screen.00:22
greenmanBarnacleBob: hmm..  i didn't unmount it and it said it was fine, so I unmounted it and now it says: fsck_hfs: Volume is journaled.  No checking performed.00:22
greenmanfsck_hfs: Use the -f option to force checking.00:22
ZZRMikeMaltahl: You're beyond me at this point, have you looked at this http://straightedgelinux.com/blog/howto/socks.html ?00:22
HHGZZRMike: also, it has no OS00:22
greenmanOerHeks: unfortunately, I don't have a chance until I can get a loaner HD from someone00:22
MaltahlZZRMike no but i was using this tuto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iwm2jbjnO8800:22
ZZRMikeHHG: I've never used that application, have you tried using a different image or usb installer? Are you making it on windows?00:23
HHGZZRMike: i am making it on windows, and i tried doing it manually, but that didnt boot00:24
mmazing2i know burning isos to usb is supposedly extremely easy, but i always manage to fuck it up, over the weekend was trying to burn kali linux on xubuntu, unetbootin and startup disk creator both yielded unbootable usb sticks, what is everyone's preferred way to "burn" a bootable usb ??00:24
AvrynHHG - have you seen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick00:24
Avrynfew other things to try in there...00:24
mmazing2two birds with one stone ffs00:25
Avrynalthough amusingly the first one it lists is in fact what you tried - i usually use unetbootin00:25
HHGAvryn: yes, it mentioned using linux live.00:25
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode00:25
nanodaftykings. any other? I am trying to get a more detailed setup from a USB becasue i have no CD drive00:25
greenmanwoohoo, read/write!00:26
mmazing2yumi-multiboot is amazing and always works for me, but i couldn't install from the usb drive since debian couldn't find the "cdrom"00:26
ZZRMikeMaltahl: I would take a look at the link I sent ,it's fairly short and may prove to be an easier approach.00:26
daftykinsnano: none of what you just said makes sense00:26
MaltahlZZRMike yeah i noticed. its pretty good. only problem is that i get stuck after typing the password for the server. it just hangs00:26
nanomeaning. I am trying to get a better article to install the drivers via USB00:27
ZZRMikeHHG: Have you tried using universal usb installer? That's what I've used and had fairly good luck with.00:27
nanothought you were following me00:27
mmazing2dd is sure as hell not my preferred way to make a bootable usb00:28
mmazing2dd cost me around 2500 dollars last time i screwed up00:28
mmazing2maybe more00:29
Avrynmmazing2 - on windows when nothing else works my fallback has always been http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/00:29
Avrynalthough i usually have to re-partition the usb stick from linux after using that...00:29
HHGZZRMike: The usb drive worked installing one computer. using a second time, this screen came up that didnt on the first computer. Also, this screen is part of the linux install, so i dont think its the usb creator.00:29
mmazing2Avryn: i don't use windows :( just linux flavors00:29
Avrynmmazing2 must be nice! I'm a windows sysadmin for the most part by day... so its a bit unavoidable00:30
ZZRMikeHHG: So you wrote the image to the USB and tried it on two computers and one didn't work? Or did you write the image for each computer?00:30
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mmazing2Avryn: nearly everyone else at my office uses windows, but i refuse, it infuriates me so much every time i have to do anything in it00:30
daftykinsnano: what i don't understand is when you bring a CD drive into this00:30
ZZRMikeMaltahl: Did you try supplying -L to the command in that howto? I can't imagine that will make much of a difference but I suppose it's worth a go.00:30
mmazing2Avryn: and not just my bitter hatred of microsoft, actually *using* windows is a terrible experience00:31
nanook daftykins thanks sir.00:31
HHGZZRMike: yes, i tried it on two computers with one time writing the image. also, the computers are similar.00:31
daftykinsthis is not a channel for general chat, take your windows talk to another channel.00:31
nanobecasue that is what I saw on the article00:31
ZZRMikeHHG: Can you use the USB to boot the installer on the first computer? I'm wondering if there wasn't some corruption that happened along the way.00:31
mmazing2nano: why are you thanking him, he didn't answer your question at all00:31
HHGZZRMike: the installer boots on both computers. the problem is, this screen, 'Installation type', comes up.00:33
daftykinsnano: i was helping but you gave up, ok no worries00:33
nanommazing2. being sarcastic00:34
nanogreat help daftykins00:35
MaltahlZZRMike no luck it still hangs. it even hangs with the old command. It connects fine via putty and also tells me on the terminal if the password was wrong. but if i enter now the right password it just hangs forever00:35
daftykinsnano: yeah i'm not a substitute for google. drop the attitude.00:35
nanodid not ask you to be00:35
mmazing2sooo, back to bootable usb drives, i've been making them for years and still have no idea why it fails sometimes. if i have a drive that i know *can* be bootable, and *has* been bootable with various distros on a particular computer, and sometimes unetbootin works (rarely in my experience), sometimes DD works, sometimes (insert other tool name) works, nothing ever seems to be consistent00:37
ZZRMikeHHG: this might be of help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=215175500:38
mmazing2what gives, #ubuntu00:38
pavlosmmazing, always used unetbootin, never had an issue00:39
mmazing2pavlos: in windows or linux?00:39
daftykinsmmazing2: you might want to stop buying rubbish cheap drives :)00:39
pavlosmmazing, linux00:39
mmazing2daftykins: i would agree, except the latest failure is on a drive that i know for certain works00:39
nanommazing2, have you tried: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/00:40
daftykinsmmazing2: right but that doesn't rule out reliability00:40
CharlieTheCabbieany news on the bash loophole yet dudes?00:40
daftykinsthere has been plenty of news, including multiple patch releases00:41
ubottuPlease see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about Ubuntu security updates.00:41
daftykinsnaturally only LTSs are getting patched.00:41
CharlieTheCabbieIs Tahr an LTS?00:41
mmazing2nano: yes, i use yumi-multiboot regularly, and it always seems to work, i think mainly because of their bootloader00:41
MaltahlZZRMike im an idiot... its not hanging its just connected and stays connected until i stop it00:42
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html00:42
mmazing2nano: but the problem with yumi is that you can't install from it sometimes00:42
mmazing2nano: or at least i couldn't figure it out the other day00:42
ZZRMikeMaltahl hah! We've all been *there* before, no worries. Were you able to get your browser working with it?00:42
MaltahlYeah using foxyproxy to connect to it :)00:42
nanosee im very new to this00:42
nanojust trying to find my way00:42
Maltahlgonna test it with my phones connection instead sitting locally00:43
mmazing2daftykins: maybe i need to dd the drive several times and see if the data matches up properly00:43
michael_j_pI'm running 12.04 on an Intel Core 2 Duo (about 2.8ghz).  Will upgrading to 14.04 lts slow me down ?00:43
reisiomichael_j_p: why would it00:43
daftykinsmmazing2: format it as FAT then dd perhaps, presuming your ISOs are md5'd and known good00:43
HHGZZRMike: This is the same problem i am having, but there is no answers on the page there is no solutions.00:43
mmazing2daftykins: although, this isn't just with one drive, i have like 5-6 that aren't the cheapest drives in the world and just doesn't work sometimes00:43
daftykinsmmazing2: oh well.00:43
pavlosmichael_j_p, I upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04 on a duo -- did not see slowdown00:44
mmazing2daftykins: yeah, i've checked the md5s, i don't really care if i get *the answer* to this right now, just trying to have a discussion00:44
daftykinsalright, that's not what this channel is for00:44
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:44
busHi guys, I am having a hard time with Ubuntu getting VMware tools to install. I was on the Vmware irc and they told me to come here. Can someone help me please? I'm a noob and have been at this for hours.00:44
mmazing2daftykins: how often do people come in here asking about creating a bootable usb disk?00:45
daftykinsi never bother installing tools.00:45
mmazing2daftykins: seems relevant to me00:45
daftykinsmmazing2: we always get them running, we don't have chats about the pros and cons of one drive and do the topic to death00:45
lxf_i have lost my network icon from the main menu on 12.04 can anyone offer any help how to get it back00:45
mmazing2daftykins: we've been talking about this for approximately 8 minutes, not quite done to death yet00:46
daftykinsmmazing2: arguing the policy in this channel is a sure fire way to get ignored, anyway good luck.00:47
ZZRMikeHHG: Can you boot into "try ubuntu"? Have you tried zeroing out the drive?00:47
reisiobus: what's the trouble00:47
busreisio, I followed all of the instructions from vmware, then when it told me to reboot all these checks started coming up saying [OK] but then the machine was frozen with a flashing _00:48
HHGZZRMike: yes i can boot that. i just stuck the usb drive in my windows computer and it said something is wrong with the drive. im re extracting the iso onto it.00:49
reisiobus: and?00:49
busreisio, I was not able to press anything until I randomly hit the right arrow key, then Ubuntu started to load the interface, but it was frozen loading, so I rebooted then it came to the desktop00:49
reisiobus: so... all good?00:49
busreisio, then it tells me to install vmware tools again....so I have been trying but it tells me the directories are not there when following the instructions but it shows it mounted00:49
busreisio, I am not sure...I do not know how to tell if it is working correclty00:49
daftykinsshare more detail about what you mean by "it tells me..."00:50
michael_j_pok.  I think I'll upgrade to 14.04 lts.  How long does it take to do so on say a 50 speed download00:50
HHGZZRMike: now that i think about it, i just pulled the drive out of the first computer i installed linux on. Maybe this corrupted it?00:50
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reisioif you're not sure how to tell if it's working correctly, then you don't even need it00:50
daftykinsmichael_j_p: 50 what? 50 apples per second?00:50
daftykinsmichael_j_p: ultimately if your system is working, don't bother.00:51
diddledandaftykins: 50 speeds - like oomphs.00:51
busresio, then how do I make my dispays resolution 4k?00:51
ZZRMikeHHG: That's why I asked if you just used the one copy for both computers. Since you're already rewriting it, I'd give that a go. If that doesn't work I would try booting into "try ubuntu" and try to format the drive from there, THEN try to install it.00:51
tafa2does anyone here use jq? I've got trouble pulling something out of an array...00:51
azizLIGHTAnyone want to help me install a encrypted / and swap that uses 1 passphrase? The guide I found makes you use 2 passphrases, one for each partition00:54
HHGZZRMike: ok, that didnt work. How do i format the drive using try ubuntu?00:54
tafa2azizLIGHT why not whole disk encryption?00:55
busdaftykins it says dir does not exist00:55
daftykinsbus: "it" ... show some output of this process via pastebin, you're not providing enough to go on00:55
carlos_hola estoy probando ubuntu00:55
daftykinsbus: although i'm concerned about your intended goal. why on earth are you trying to get a VM running at 4K?00:56
daftykins!es | carlos_00:56
ubottucarlos_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:56
ZZRMikeHHG: Boot into try ubuntu, then http://askubuntu.com/questions/476589/format-disk-in-14-04 I don't know off hand as I use Kubuntu exclusively at this point, so I couldn't find my way around Unity to save my life.00:56
carlos_no hablo ingles00:56
busdaftykins ok I will get a pastebin together for you. well my new computer is a 4k monitor, so I was trying to get the resolotion of ubuntu to run the same settings as my host00:56
daftykinsbus: what do you VM?00:57
azizLIGHTtafa2: because I'm dual boot00:57
busdaftykins what do you mean?00:57
daftykinsbus: what is the purpose you VM ubuntu?00:58
quietonehi, I can't boot to ubuntu on an lvm encrypted partition (Debian Jessie laptop). grub returns "premature end of file on file /boot/vmlinuz ..."00:58
busdaftykins for a development platform, I am learning to program00:58
busdaftykins and learning to use terminal for one of my classes00:59
GJdanazizLIGHT: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Encrypted_Root_Filesystem00:59
azizLIGHTHm ok00:59
GJdanarchwiki is good resource for most linux distros00:59
daftykinsbus: you should SSH into the VM from your host OS.00:59
azizLIGHTI was hoping it could be done via the installer gui00:59
quietonesearching for solutions hasn't helped much. if you know where I should be reading, please tell me00:59
azizLIGHTOh well00:59
GJdanmost things aren't done with installer gui in linux01:00
cgiliu can use aptitude01:00
cgiliit's an ncurses gui01:00
cgilito instal/deinstall/reinstall software01:00
cgilii use it to admin my servers01:01
busdaftykins windows command prompt can connect to ubuntu>01:01
daftykinsbus: no you download PuTTY / KiTTY01:01
cgiliPuTTY is better01:01
daftykinsno it's not01:01
busand then I have to install everything through there?01:01
cgilifor win i mean.. i rather linux ssh command01:02
GJdanoh no wonder there's linux questions, this is #ubuntu, ha.  (I got lost)01:02
cgilitogether with sshpass01:02
daftykinscgili: KiTTY is a forked project from PuTTY with URL parsing and other improvements :)01:02
cgiliand gossh01:02
cgiliare cool yopu don't even have to remember the password to your servers01:02
daftykinsbus: ... think of SSH like remote cmd01:02
busdaftykins here you go, I typed 'mount /media/VMware Tools' then it returns 'only root can do that'01:03
gkatsevhey, any ideas why chrome would just always keep crashing the tab ("aw, snap" page). I used to have a problem where I didn't have enough file descriptors but I increased them and still have an issue.01:03
HHGZZRMike: thank you so much. this worked. thanks for spending so much time helping me with this.01:03
daftykinsbus: you need to prefix the command with "sudo" but that is not a full command01:03
cgilihe he...  not if you access as 'root'01:03
daftykinsbus: if you selected to install Tools, the disc should already be inserted (virtually)01:03
busdaftykins I believe it is mounted, I can click it and see the contents01:03
daftykinscgili: we do not condone running as root in here, please don't mislead users into doing so01:04
ZZRMikeHHG: Reformatting the disk helped?01:04
daftykinsbus: so there's no need to mount. it's already mounted01:04
daftykinsbus: "df -h" and look for the disc01:04
cgilithen use sudo and sudoers01:04
HHGyes, acutally i reformated the only partition on the drive.01:04
busdaftykins ok, I was just following the steps of the tutorial01:04
ZZRMikeNice, glad that worked out.01:04
JosNZHi, i've installed ubuntu 14.04.1 on my Laptop and it works very well except for one really annoying thing. It freezes when it wakes from a suspend.01:05
JosNZWas wondering if anyone new anything about how to fix this?01:05
daftykinshmm nope01:06
busdaftykins ok I found it and it says it is mounted already01:06
JosNZIts fully frozen aswell, I can't change tty's or anything01:07
cgilidaftykins: is there a system "admins" chat arround here here?01:07
cgilior "developpers" one?01:07
daftykinsbus: yes it will be, so now you need to browse onto the disc contents via the terminal, by changing to its' mounted path (look at 'df -h' 's output and run "cd /path/to/CD"01:07
daftykins!alis | cgili01:07
ubottucgili: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*01:07
busdaftykins it says "cd" command not found01:09
daftykinsare you serious?01:09
daftykinsyou've gotta be typing something wrong01:09
daftykins!paste | bus share a screenshot or something01:10
ubottubus share a screenshot or something: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:10
ZZRMikeHHG: If you're new to linux, I highly suggest you check out the LFS101 course on EDX, it should give you a good solid fundamental understanding of a lot of the internals.01:10
busGoing to post a SS sorry one sec01:10
Dylan_I just downloaded and loaded up Minecraft. Everything is working but I'm not getting any sound. Using 14.04.01:12
Dylan_Anyone have an idea how to fix this or can help me troubleshoot?01:13
busdaftykins: http://i1364.photobucket.com/albums/r733/hardtail75/terminal_zpsa57b45fb.jpg~original01:13
reisioDylan_: you get sound normally?01:13
daftykinsbus: cd /mnt/cdrom - you can't cd to devices01:14
Matthew_05Whats the command to install latest Nvidia drivers? I'm new to ubuntu, not sure what I am doing.01:14
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto01:14
Dylan_Doh. Just got it.01:14
Dylan_Nevermind. Thanks reisio.01:14
daftykinsDylan_: what was it?01:14
busdaftykins so I was going to the device and not the contents of it01:15
daftykinsbus: correct01:15
JosNZIs anyone able to help with my suspend issues?01:16
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:17
tafa2JosNZ ^^01:17
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busdaftykins cd /media/cdrom is not correct is it01:18
daftykinsbus: no, do it as i said01:18
JosNZOk, sorry I asked the full question about 10 mins ago01:18
daftykinsbus: use your eyes :) i told you to do "df -h" which shows where /dev/sr0 is mounted to01:19
JosNZBut my laptop freezes when I resumes from a suspend. Can't change tty's or anything, its fully frozen01:19
busdaftykins, my mistake I figured it out now !01:20
gkatsevhey, what's the best way to diagnose issues with browser chrases? I previously had issues with firefox crashing and did a fresh install and it's crashing again for the same reasons. At first increasing ulimit -n helped (at least with chrome) but still getting same crashes now. Could it be my hardware getting old or something (it's from 2009)?01:20
ner0xCan anyone name some good UML or diagramming tools for ubuntu?01:20
tafa2gkatsev is it on all sites or just a particular website?01:21
gkatsevtafa2: all sites01:21
tafa2.g firefox ubuntu log01:21
gkatsevI just rebooted my machine and previously chrome was always stuck on "aw, snap" page. Now it's a bit better01:21
daftykinsclean profiles?01:21
gkatsevI've tried clean profiles01:22
gkatsevI even reinstalled my whole OS01:22
chaotixhi..  i want to be able to use the zonColor theme for unity with the Numix theme for gtk and metacity, how can i do that?01:22
chaotixit used to be so much easier back in the day...  unity-tweak-tool doesnt seem to have a way...01:22
quietoneCan't boot. grub returns "premature end of file on file /boot/vmlinuz ..." What on earth does that mean?01:23
busdaftykins, I just went to extract the tar.gz it went through the script and ended with a failure saying cannot open no such file or dir, exiting with failure status due to previous errors01:23
gkatsevdaftykins: yeah, you may be right.01:23
gkatsevwould be good if it's just a memory issue and I can just replace the memory. Wouldn't want to replace the whole system for at least a year if I can help it.01:23
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daftykinsgkatsev: or disk health? install smartmontools and pastebinit, then run "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit"01:24
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:24
gkatsevdaftykins: checking. Would memtest86.com be the place to go for memtest info and stuff or is there another thing?01:24
daftykinsgkatsev: memtest is an alternative boot item, whichever website refers to memtest86+ - or even booting the live USB of ubuntu and picking it from the menu01:25
chaotixi almost had it01:26
tafa2wrong window01:26
gkatsevdaftykins: ah, didn't realize. I'll check it out.01:26
chaotixbut when i do gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.gtk.preferences theme Numix, the whole thing changes, not just gtk01:26
gkatsevdaftykins: I assume I want to run smartctl on my root partition drive?01:26
daftykinsgkatsev: the disk device, not partitions01:27
buswhen running fullscreen with ubuntu in vmware, is there a way to get the screen to stretch across the whole monitor?01:28
gkatsevdaftykins: https://gist.github.com/gkatsev/6bab3ddaa48d39f63759 am I reading it right that my SSD is dying?01:29
daftykinsgkatsev: doesn't look like anything wrong there01:31
gkatsevah, ok. I really dont know how to read the output.01:31
gkatsevbut seeing a bunch of "old_age" and "pre-fail" in puts me in alert01:31
daftykinsthose are labels01:32
daftykinsare you running the latest firmware for your drive? i know OCZ don't exist anymore.01:32
gkatsevno idea01:32
daftykinsbus: you needed to specify the monitor resolution in the VM properties in addition to enabling 3D acceleration01:32
gkatsevdon't even know how01:32
* gkatsev googles01:32
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chaotixoh it looks like ubuntu tweak or gnome tweak tool will do just fine01:33
chaotixnite guys01:33
daftykinsgkatsev: yours is out of date, 2.15 and latest is 2.2501:33
gkatsevyep, just found out01:34
quietoneCan't boot: grub return: "error: premature end of file /boot/vmlinuz...." How do I fix that?01:34
gkatsevI guess I should also look for my other HDD firmware updates but I guess the SSD is most important.01:34
daftykinsgkatsev: you don't do HDD firmware like you do SSD firmware :)01:35
busdaftykins, I have done that in the settings for the guest. it still renders at 2560x1600 and not 3840 x 216001:35
daftykinsbus: vmware problem then.01:36
navetzhey can someone help me figure out how to disable ubuntu behaviour of using the alt key01:36
Tam5Would anyone happen to know of Free Software that I could use to 1. OCR a billion or so PDF files, then 2. Organize those files by search keyword?  For example I would use a keyword like say , "GNU Linux" and it would pull up all the pdf files that contain "GNU Linux" in the pdf somewhere.  I could then take those files and put them into a directory01:36
Tam5* ##linux :Cannot send to channel01:36
gkatsevdaftykins: once I update the firmware, my next step would be to run memtest?01:36
navetzi disabled the hud, but now where I press something like alt + s it opens the search menu for xchat01:36
navetzi don't want alt to be mapped to anything01:36
daftykinsgkatsev: make sure you read the firmware update carefully, i have no idea if it'll be a destructive update (wipes the drive) or not. i'd image the SSD up to an HDD as a backup just in case. yep, i'd move onto memtest then resume kicking the tires on my browsers.01:37
busdaftykins: I guess you are right...now a screen popped up again asking me to install vmware tools..sigh01:37
gkatsevdaftykins: cool, thanks for your help.01:37
gkatsevdaftykins: also, I don't really care if it's a destructive update. I keep my data and OS separate.01:38
gkatsevbut I'll be careful01:39
daftykinsgood stuff01:39
gkatsevfor some reason though, I haven't gotten in the habit of having ~/ be on a separate drive/partition, though.01:39
Tam5Thanks for the help guys01:39
gkatsevbut all my dotfiles are on github, so, it's easy to start up again :)01:39
daftykinsgkatsev: the best SSD combo is to have the entire OS install on the SSD, then symlink media folders in ~/ to your mechanical storage, e.g. ~/Music -> HDD01:40
=== PsiOmega is now known as AlphaBeta
gkatsevyep,thats what i have01:41
daftykinsgkatsev: that way dot folders stay on the SSD and benefit from the speed improvements01:41
daftykinsah good stuff01:41
cfhowlettdaftykins, all you said = install OS to ssd and place /home on the hdd, yes?01:41
gkatsevyeah, very nice01:41
gkatsevaklowed ne to once reinstall linux 3 times in 30 minutes because i nessed up xorg conf twice01:42
daftykinscfhowlett: no i did not01:42
daftykinsyou need a xorg config? ouch01:43
gkatsevnot anymore01:43
gkatseva long time ago01:43
buswell I have confirmed in terminal that vmware tools is installed01:43
daftykinsbus: is this workstation btw?01:44
daftykinsnearly called it wokstation, which i think would be an improvement01:44
daftykinsbus: oh and which version01:44
busdaftykins no sir it is vmware player 64 bity01:44
busversion 6.0.301:45
NosophorusMy computer freezes when playing HD videos on VLC 2.0.8. How can I solve that?01:45
daftykinsis that latest? i don't use player01:45
navetzcan someone please tell me how to disable the alt key using the menus in ubuntu? For example if I press alt+s the Server menu dropdown shows up in xchat.01:45
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OerHeksNosophorus, maybe trusty 14.04 with vlc  2.2.0 runs better?01:47
busdaftykins I think so. I have VirtualBox installed but I can't get 3d acceleration to work01:48
daftykinsbus: alright well i think 4K is new enough to be an issue for them and not here01:48
NosophorusOerHeks: Well, I can't say that, cause I'm using 12.0401:48
NosophorusOerHeks: When I was using the 3.8 linux kernel, I got some kernel panics too.01:49
daftykinsNosophorus: memtest?01:49
OerHeksNosophorus, maybe your videocard/driver is the bottleneck01:50
Nosophorusdaftykins: I haven't tried that. Do you think there will be any chances of this problem vanishing after memtest?01:50
daftykinsNosophorus: memtest is diagnostic, it does not fix bad RAM01:51
NosophorusOerHeks: It's an older computer, pal. A Pentium D 2.66 GHz with no video card. =]01:51
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Nosophorusdaftykins: The ram is pretty new. Less than 4 months old.01:51
daftykinsage means nothing01:51
war10ckI can't install these fucking fonts "Fixedsys Excelsior"01:52
daftykinskeep the language family friendly, thanks01:52
OerHeksNosophorus, then it is a hardware issue, low specs.01:52
daftykins^ utter rubbish01:53
OerHeksNosophorus, hd video needs a double core nowadays01:53
daftykinsOerHeks: that's what a Pentium D is.01:54
NosophorusOerHeks: It's a dual core.01:54
Nosophorusdaftykins: What did you say about Pentium D?01:54
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daftykinsthat they're dual-core.01:55
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daftykinsanyway, no point discussing further until the system is proven stable01:55
* Nosophorus lays down his plasma rifle. . .01:55
daftykinsso memtest o'clock.01:56
daftykinsat least 3 passes01:56
Nosophorusdaftykins: I was joking about Pentium D. I'll do that memtest later and report here. Thank you for the pointer, pal. =]01:56
Matthew_05Where would I find the Logitech 3D Extreme Pro Joystick XML file on Ubuntu?01:56
OerHeksmemtest sure can tell if something is wrong with ram01:57
NosophorusOerHeks: This problem I'm having is curious cause when playing low res videos, it doesn't happen at all.01:58
cfhowlettNosophorus, low-res places less demand on the system to perform ...01:58
Nosophoruscfhowlett: Yeah. . .01:59
Matthew_05I'm trying to open an XML file and it says it's "not a regular file"01:59
Matthew_05on gedit01:59
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daftykinsMatthew_05: run "file /path/to/xml"01:59
Matthew_05thanks ill try02:00
Matthew_05daftykins: It says "symbolic link to.. /js0".. and it wont open. I'm new to ubuntu so I may be doing it incorrectly02:02
war10ckWhen I change my cursor theme, nothing changes, only when I go on internet the cursor change02:02
daftykinsMatthew_05: just "/js0" ? seems odd02:03
Matthew_05daftykins: the xml file is in dev/input/by-id02:04
buscan you set resolutions in terminal?02:04
daftykinsbus: i still think you're fighting a lost cause. especially as i've told you the issue is vmware and you're not even sure if your player is up to date. play with 'xrandr'02:05
azizLIGHTHow do I install ubuntu encrypted / and swap with one key02:05
daftykinsMatthew_05: run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "ls -al /dev/input/by-id/ | pastebinit"02:05
daftykinsMatthew_05: i'm assuming /dev/input/by-id/ is where the xml is02:05
xanguawar10ck: tried to log in and log out¿02:06
busdaftykins it is fully updated. ok then I guess I can't do anytthing02:06
war10ckxangua: I try already02:06
busdaftykins I know it is vmware for sure, before I had windows installed I had ubuntu natively installed and it would run 4k no problem02:08
daftykinsbus: yeah play with xrandr then02:08
busdaftykins I would of preferred to just dual boot but wasn't able to identify the partition I made02:09
Matthew_05daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8462837/02:09
daftykinsbus: maybe you should've come in here regarding the dualboot issue ;)02:09
busXD I could delete the virtual machine and go back into the booting..if you don't mind hahaha02:10
Matthew_05daftykins: im trying to open usb-logitech02:10
Matthew_05extreme 3d02:10
daftykinsbus: way too late time of day for me to assist, but you could definitely get help in here with it.02:10
daftykinsMatthew_05: none of those are an XML file02:11
Matthew_05daftykins: Wait, those are the wrong files i'm trying to open.. I think I figured it out02:12
daftykinsMatthew_05: what it's sayig is that "usb-Logitech_Logitech_Extreme_3D-joystick" is symbolically linked to /dev/input/js0 - because it's an input device that's been allocated to joystick 002:12
Matthew_05daftykins: yep I got it02:12
Matthew_05I got it anyways, but thanks for your help02:13
busdaftykins, understandable. thank you so much for everything to this point02:14
buswhen I type xrandr it says it is connected to Virtual1, so when I run sudo xrandr --Virtual1 --3840x2160 it tells me unrecognized option --Virtual102:16
daftykinshmm, read the man page, i dunno02:16
AaraigathorHello everyone. I have having an issue with my ubuntu server running RAID1. Can someone help me?02:17
war10ckhow I can custom my taskbar like this : http://nmap.org/images/matrix/matrix-hack-screen2.png02:17
daftykins!ask | Aaraigathor also consider #ubuntu-server02:17
ubottuAaraigathor also consider #ubuntu-server: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:17
busif I run ubuntu from usb nothing can be saved right?02:18
RustyShacklefordI'm trying to add a ppa without editing sources.list manaully02:18
AaraigathorI get this error on boot: "Error: diskfilter writes are not supported. Press any key to continue..." then it continues to boot normally. I found the fix online, it is at https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=754921    I do not understand how to apply this fix, what do I do? Thanks02:18
ubottuDebian bug 754921 in grub-common "[PATCH] grub-mkconfig: Disable recordfail on non-writable LVM or RAID partitions" [Important,Open]02:19
RustyShacklefordthis is the ppa I want to add: http://ppa.launchpad.net/gqrx/snapshots/ubuntu02:19
RustyShacklefordand the command I tried: "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gqrx/snapshot"02:19
daftykinsRustyShackleford: PPA's are added in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/02:20
RustyShacklefordwell I'm trying to just use add-apt-repository02:20
daftykinsabove i see snapshot vs. snapshots02:21
busoh WOW I figured out why my flippin dual boot install didn't work. What file system is required FAT32?02:21
RustyShackleforddaftykins, oh good catch02:22
RustyShacklefordi hate when your problem is only a typo02:22
AssociateX I set up vsftpd but I can not access it publicly. What am I missing?02:22
AssociateXRustyShackleford, dito that!02:23
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busgod damn I am a bloody moron. Gonna reboot into usb installer...gonna login here with laptop gonna need it fml02:23
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AaraigathorI get this error on boot: "Error: diskfilter writes are not supported. Press any key to continue..." then it continues to boot normally. I found the fix online, it is at https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=754921    I do not understand how to apply this fix, what do I do? Thanks02:24
ubottuDebian bug 754921 in grub-common "[PATCH] grub-mkconfig: Disable recordfail on non-writable LVM or RAID partitions" [Important,Open]02:24
busOkay gents. Here is the problem. In windows I created a 15 gb partition as FAT32. It said it was healthy. Now when I am in Ubuntu installer, it shows just my main SSD. /dev/sda > free space 250059mb and does not show the other partition, where did I go wrong?02:27
daftykinsbus: you need to make unallocated space for ubuntu, not a FAT partition02:29
daftykinsubuntu can't be installed to FAT02:29
war10ckWhen Im in a folder by the terminal, how I can go back without close the terminal ? whats the command?02:31
reisiowar10ck: cd -02:31
war10ckthank you02:31
busdaftykins: damn, ok. I will reboot back into windows on that machine then02:34
daftykinsbus: nah you can partition in ubuntu's installer ;)02:34
busdaftykins: how though? it only shows my windows partition what if I erase it02:34
daftykinsbus: screenshot?02:35
daftykinsbus: also "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "sudo parted -l | pastebinit"02:36
war10ckcan I install Safari without Play on Linux ?02:37
busdaftykins haha it says you are trying to send an ampty document, will print screen work in ubuntu ?02:38
busdaftykins I took one and saved it to desktop02:39
daftykinsbus: "sudo parted -l | pastebinit" are you sure? how about "sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit"02:40
daftykins(it's a lower-case L, not I)02:40
reisiowar10ck: win32 safari is way outdated/abandoned anyways02:40
busoh crap, I was typing a 102:40
busnot L02:40
reisiowar10ck: what do you want it for?02:40
Kwakuhey, I keep trying to open things in gedit using the gui or with Bluefish and both programs freeze. This also happens when I try to save sometimes.02:40
reisioKwaku: "things"?02:40
war10ckJust for try02:40
Kwakureisio, html files, css, or txt files02:41
busdaftykins http://i1364.photobucket.com/albums/r733/hardtail75/ss_zps12afbc66.png~original02:41
reisioKwaku: for what, web dev?02:41
busdaftykins after typing sudo parted -l | pastebinit correctly, there is just a white block and it won't accept any input02:42
Kwakureisio, yeah, some of them are remote. Most of the time it's local. Either way, I rarely ever get to even choose a file to open/save02:43
reisioKwaku: oh02:43
christinits just that i have three breasts02:43
reisiochristin: mmhmmm02:43
war10ckwhats is this ?02:44
christinok something is wrong with mirc02:44
christinall bots are you02:44
reisiowar10ck: the ubuntu help channel?02:45
daftykinsbus: are you sure Windows is on that thing?02:45
christinthe same person and one or two real02:45
busdaftykins yes sir the 250gb drive is my only ssd in the computer02:45
ObrienDavenothing is real02:46
christinyou are defenetly not real02:46
christinyou cant love do you02:46
AaraigathorI get this error on boot: "Error: diskfilter writes are not supported. Press any key to continue..." then it continues to boot normally. I found the fix online, it is at https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=754921    I do not understand how to apply this fix, what do I do? Thanks02:47
ubottuDebian bug 754921 in grub-common "[PATCH] grub-mkconfig: Disable recordfail on non-writable LVM or RAID partitions" [Important,Open]02:47
daftykins!ops | christin02:47
ubottuchristin: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang02:47
phunyguydaftykins: what is the emergency?02:47
phunyguychristin: can we help you with something?02:47
daftykinstroll / bot - needs removing.02:48
war10ckCan I open the chat in the terminal ?02:48
phunyguydaftykins: why?02:48
daftykinsscroll up.02:48
christinim defently a trollllllllllllllllllllllll ok???????????????????02:48
christinbut much more prefer it02:49
christinthis way02:49
phunyguychristin: this is a support channel for ubuntu.  Please stick to support questions and answers.02:49
daftykinsbus: do "sudo parted -l" on its' own (or "sudo fdisk -l" and paste the output manually to paste.ubuntu.com02:49
busdaftykins sure thing boss. when I go to close the current terminal it says the process is still running, should I terminate it and start a new one or just leave it and start a new one?02:50
busdaftykins paste.ubuntu.com/8463014/02:52
daftykinsok and the other one? (fdisk)02:53
* daftykins nudges bus02:56
lakituhi, i am helping my disabled ex-neighbor get a screencast to video minecraft on his new kubuntu machine. he is not allowed internet (stupid grouphome), so he has to download e.g. Kazam (http://pkgs.org/ubuntu-12.04/ubuntu-universe-i386/kazam_1.0.6-0ubuntu1_all.deb.html) onto a sd card or whatever, & trasnfer it to computer02:56
lakituto his offline kubuntu desktop02:56
busdaftykins sorry I did not hear the sound notification I will do the fdisk right now02:56
lakituwhat is the easiest way to install new software for him, given his situation?02:56
timTabI'm having trouble with bluefish and gedit closing when i try to open documents.  I cant even get to choose a file befor it freezes. Any suggestions?02:58
busdaftykins paste.ubuntu.com/8463032/02:58
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daftykinslakitu: find the .deb's, download and install them02:58
lakituwhat about dependencies?02:58
daftykinslakitu: same deal.02:59
lakituno way to download a deb & all dependencies in one go?02:59
daftykinsnot that i know of02:59
lakituthere's gotta be02:59
daftykinsbus: ok well at least fdisk sees the partitions03:00
bencchow can I install 1:4.3.2~rc2-0ubuntu1 from the libreoffice ppa?03:00
Avrynlakitu: quick google brings up http://askubuntu.com/questions/80665/how-can-i-direct-apt-get-to-download-package-and-its-dependencies-to-some-other03:00
daftykinsbus: i really don't know why parted isn't running for you, perhaps your system is EFI capable but it hasn't booted in EFI mode.03:02
ErtoI have got a bad sector on my HDD. Currently running ubuntu 14.04 . Do I have to get a new HDD right now?03:02
daftykinsErto: wasn't i talking to you earlier and didn't i tell you exactly what to do?03:03
Ertodaftykins I lost some messages from you due to a blackout last night...03:03
busdaftykins weird...I really do not know myself. so is it a good thing that fdisk can read it?03:03
daftykinsbus: well kinda, but as it says it thinks it sees sda is GPT03:04
eeeebus: confirm with gdisk03:04
daftykinsErto: backup, use the HDD manufacturer's software to zero fill the disk (or zero fill it with 'dd') then restore your data. if the disk is in warranty though, just RMA it03:05
buseeee how do I do that sudo gdisk -l ?03:05
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )03:05
daftykinsyou will be!03:05
eeeebus: sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda03:05
buseeee: Found valid MBR and GPT, which do you want to use? 1 - mbr 2 -gpt 3 - create blank gpt03:06
daftykinsfigured it was a wonky setup03:06
eeeebus: ctrl+c03:06
daftykinseeee: i could do with you taking over bus's ticket if you wouldn't mind actually :) i must sleep once again! bus has a windows install on an SSD and wants to dualboot, currently has a FAT partition at the end of the disk which can be nuked to make space. here's what ubiquity saw - http://i1364.photobucket.com/albums/r733/hardtail75/ss_zps12afbc66.png03:07
busthat will override the anser?03:07
Ertodaftykins: If I do nothing, the bad sectors will increase and any data i write may be lost?03:07
eeeebus: yeah it should kill the program03:07
buseeee ok done.03:07
daftykinsErto: they might, iirc your bad sector is in 'pending' and hasn't been reallocated yet.03:07
busdaftykins I think you for all your time and effort .... much appreciated it!03:07
daftykinsbus: np :) good luck03:08
eeeedaftykins: ok, gnight :)03:08
=== nyRednek is now known as HiddenDjinn
buseeee: if you don't mind, what the heck should I do now?03:09
eeeeok, let's see the partitions03:10
eeeetype sudo parted -l03:10
eeee( it's an L not 1 )03:10
gkatsevis there a good page overview for memtest?03:12
eeeebus: sudo parted -l | pastebinit03:12
daftykinsdamn it.03:12
buseeee: it takes me back to this paste.ubuntu.com/8463014/03:12
nownothow would I create symbolic link of folder contets to another folder? I dont want the containg folder just teh contents03:13
eeeebus: is this a win8 machine?03:14
eeeepress yes03:14
busok done03:14
eeeecan you paste what you see?03:14
bussure give me a second03:14
buseeee: paste.ubuntu.com/8463108/03:15
Loshkigkatsev: http://www.memtest.org/03:16
eeeebus: try gdisk -l /dev/sda03:17
eeeeif it asks if it's gpt say yes03:17
casteadorsome one have a intel hd4600 ubuntu 14.04 64bits ?03:17
casteadori have a lenovo y5070 wit intel i7 and it dont work very good :(03:18
lotuspsychjecasteador: define your problem mate03:18
buseeee; it brings me back to the first time you asked me that, do I want GPT or blank GPT?03:18
eeeesay use gpt03:18
casteadorlow performance :(03:18
eeee( not blank )03:18
casteadormy old laptop is intel hd3000 and it work more fast03:19
lotuspsychjecasteador: did you check your additional drivers list?03:19
casteadorlotuspsychje: the restricted drivers03:19
casteadorsay dont need03:19
lotuspsychjecasteador: performance on what exactly is slow?03:20
casteadorlotuspsychje: and i try wit this driver https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads03:20
busdone eeee....I think it may have erased my windows now...03:20
lakituhttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man8/apt-offline.8.html fwiw, re offline package management03:20
lotuspsychjecasteador: did you install ubuntu with internet enabled and updates during setup?03:20
busI really hope not, I do not have an install disc lol03:20
eeeebus: what did it say?03:21
casteadorlotuspsychje: nope03:21
buslet me pastebin it03:21
casteadori install wit no internet and next i make update and upgrade03:21
lotuspsychjecasteador: its recommended to install with internet, to let ubuntu find correct drivers03:21
buseeee; paste.ubuntu.com/8463135/03:21
casteadorlotuspsychje: i have a lenovo y507003:21
lotuspsychjecasteador: i would reinstall, internet on, updates during setup, and 3rd party software on03:22
casteadorthe first time i install i use internet but give the same problem03:22
gkatsevLoshki: thanks but doesn't seem to have the information I wanted. I guess my question was too general. Wanted an overview of features and how to use them. Also, what the output in the display means. How to read it, etc03:22
lotuspsychjecasteador: use cable for first setup03:22
casteadorlotuspsychje: yes i install it the first time wit lan cable03:22
lotuspsychjecasteador: same machine?03:23
casteadorlotuspsychje: this is the second time install :P03:23
eeeebus: ok, when you booted the cd, did you see a tiny man at the bottom?03:23
lotuspsychjecasteador: wich driver did it use first time for graphics?03:23
buseeee; I do not recall, and I am using USB installer03:23
lotuspsychjecasteador: paste lshw -C video plz?03:24
buseeee; Do you think my windows is ok? I had to pay to get it installed because I didn't have access to a cd unfortunately03:24
eeeebus: it should be ok, we can always fix the partition table03:24
eeeetry to boot into it03:25
eeeeand also go into the bios and see if uefi is enabled or legacy03:25
busok I am trying to boot into windows real quick03:25
busthank god it loads lol03:25
busI will check bios right now for you03:25
casteadorlotuspsychje: http://pastebin.com/EQbDq0v703:25
skbly7how can i know whats the timeslice of my machine (except sched_rr_get_interval())03:26
lotuspsychjecasteador: you have 2 graphics cards, wich one you gonna use?03:27
buseeee where should I be looking for eufi?03:27
casteadorlotuspsychje: i try to install the nvidia but it give a error and need to reinstall all :(03:27
eeeeunder boot options03:27
casteadorlotuspsychje: the more easy intel03:27
lotuspsychjecasteador: thats just why this get corrupted, your intel is onboard mobo card yes?03:28
buseeee I see something called boot\secure boot mode enabled, os type windows uefi mode03:28
casteadorlotuspsychje: this is a laptop03:28
eeeedoes it mention legacy mode anywhere?03:29
lotuspsychjecasteador: how about you disable intel crad in bios, and reinstall ubuntu with cable03:29
lotuspsychjecasteador: see if ubuntu chooses correct nvidia driver automatic03:29
casteadorlotuspsychje: ok i will try thanks03:29
lotuspsychjecasteador: 2 cards enabled at once is asking for trouble03:30
cerberblueAttempting to use socat with the pktinfo option, yet not getting the source ip of the packet. Any ideas?03:30
casteadorlotuspsychje: sorry for me english i speak spanish  jejeje03:30
casteadorlotuspsychje: this is the first laptop get wit 2 cards :P03:30
casteadorlotuspsychje: thanks for all03:31
lotuspsychjecasteador: your nvidia card has no driver module loaded, that might explain bad performance03:31
buseeee I went through all the menus I can't find anything else..weird03:31
ghosTM55hi all03:31
casteadorlotuspsychje: but the drivers for nvidia is more easy install not ?03:32
eeeebus: ok i guess uefi is enabled03:32
buseeee very odd03:33
eeeebus: boot the liveusb, if there's a tiny man at the bottom it means it's either booting in legacy mode, or it's a 32bit iso03:33
busI did download the 64bit03:34
eeee( it's 64bit though right? )03:34
busbut ok, I will try03:34
buseeee no tiny man, it asks me to try/install/oem install/check for defects03:35
lotuspsychjefor all those who are interested: developers have released RTM version of ubuntu-touch, and still need all the help they can for more info: #ubuntu-touch03:35
eeeebus: ok03:35
jjacklinGood Morning, just a quick question as google isnt being very helpful. Is there a way to view what packages need installing on an update without carrying it out.03:36
AaraigathorI get this error on boot: "Error: diskfilter writes are not supported. Press any key to continue..." then it continues to boot normally. I found the fix online, it is at https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=754921    I do not understand how to apply this fix, what do I do? Thanks03:36
ubottuDebian bug 754921 in grub-common "[PATCH] grub-mkconfig: Disable recordfail on non-writable LVM or RAID partitions" [Important,Open]03:36
jjacklinwould apt-get --no-act upgrade do this?03:39
buseeee - should I go back into ubuntu or do I need to fix the partition in windows?03:39
Snake2kjjacklin: sudo apt-get upgrade --assume-no03:40
Snake2kjjacklin: It should say no to the upgrades, -y for insta-yes lol03:40
eeeebus: usually it's supposed to contain a gpt partition + a protective mbr ( so that fdisk doesn't think that there's free space it can use )03:40
Bashing-omjjacklin: There is the option to decline the upgrade prior to pressing 'y' . The advisory of what the package manager will do is given.03:40
busI partitioned the 20gb as fat32, that is wrong right?03:40
eeeebus: i guess that's fine, as in i dont think it's causing the problem03:41
buseeee; really, wow, ok.03:41
eeeebus: you can't install ubuntu on it, but it won't cause parted to not see anything03:42
eeeebus: try to see stuff from windows03:42
jjacklinyeah I assumed that however I have read that sometimes apt-get upgrade does not query whether you want to commence with the installation or not. I was worried because I dont actually want to run the updates yet as I am scheduling them for one of our engineers03:42
buseeee: ok I will boot back into windows03:42
Snake2kjjacklin: --assume-no will force a no, so it definitely won't hit the upgrade03:43
buseeee  - I have my c drive which is nfts healthy, then ubuntu 15gb fat 32 healthy03:44
jjacklincool thank you Snake2k03:45
Snake2kjjacklin: Np03:45
eeeebus: if you want you can delete the 15gb fat3203:45
eeeeif you have no data on it03:45
jjacklinSnake2k, just to clarify am I putting in the command like this sudo apt-get upgrade --assume-no03:45
buseeee: deleted, no there is no data I just made it when I got on here so I could install ubuntu03:46
eeeebus: does it mention anything to do with gpt or mbr ?03:46
busit says 14.65 gb unallocated now03:46
jjacklinI have ssh'd into this via terminal and just tried to run command however I recieved an error so just wanted to make sure that I have entered it correctly03:46
Snake2kjjacklin: Yep, you can try it and see if that's what you're looking for03:46
jjacklinsee I recieve back Command line option --assume-no is not understood03:46
buseeee: no nothing about gpt or mbr03:47
eeeetry to boot into ubuntu03:47
Snake2kjjacklin: That's weird, I'd try it right now but my system is updated03:47
Snake2kjjacklin: I tried it but it didn't give me "that" error03:47
buseeee: just leave the 15gb partition unallocated? alright03:48
Snake2kjjacklin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8463221/03:48
eeeebus: yeah03:48
buseeee: alright, install ubuntu not try right?03:49
eeeeno, try ubuntu03:49
eeeethen sudo parted -l03:50
eeeeif parted can't see anything most likely the installer wont03:50
Snake2kjjacklin: There is also the "--dry-run" flag03:50
Snake2kjjacklin: so "sudo apt-get upgrade --dry-run"03:50
eeeebus: wait a sec, in the windows partition, did you see a bunch of partitions?03:51
jjacklinyeah that worked, cool thank you. Its not registering any updates at the moment so nothing to schedule03:51
Snake2kjjacklin: "-s, --simulate, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon, --no-act" anyone of those03:51
eeeeas in a first EFI partition ? (fat32) and others?03:51
Snake2kjjacklin: Awesome np03:51
jjacklinwith the dry run does it just kind of run it in a pretend mode then03:51
eeeeor you literally meant a ntfs partition and the ubuntu one?03:51
gkatsevhm... seems like memtest is saying Pass: 0, Errors: 78848, 90% through a single pass.03:51
Snake2kjjacklin: I think it just goes through without caring about the input, it just prints and does nothing, dry run03:51
buseeee: I rebooted to the usb. But yes it literally said NFTS for my windows partition then FAT32 for the ubuntu partition03:52
Snake2kjjacklin: I'm just reading the man page for the flags lol03:52
gkatsevdaftykins: thats probably bad, right? :P03:52
eeeebus: if you're using uefi, you should have a fat32 efi partition03:52
jjacklincool thank you, learn something new everyday lol03:53
buseeee; I understand what you are saying, but it did not say that in the properties03:53
eeeebus: that's quite odd, if you are using mbr, and you have left over gpt data it would cause ubuntu to not see partitions correctly03:54
Snake2kjjacklin: The beauty of Linux Distributions! lol03:54
Snake2kjjacklin: Np :)03:54
buseeee; I am not sure of what then, should I go back to windows and examine further?03:55
buseeee: quite frankly I am wishing I still had a solid os x machine, never had such frustration installing a guest os before03:55
Loshkigkatsev: still there?03:56
eeeebus: you can check in windows if the disk options are set to dynamic03:56
eeeeand if any options indicate if it's using mbr or gpt03:56
eeeeif it's using mbr, then all you have to do is remove the stray gpt data03:56
busalright back to windows I get03:57
gkatsevLoshki: I am.03:57
Loshkigkatsev: your memory is borked, or possibly your motherboard. memtest is pretty much go/no go. Either you get a clean run, or you get errors.03:58
gkatsevLoshki: ok. Thanks. What step should I take next?03:58
buseeee: it literally says nothing else other than the storage properties and the drive name in disk utility03:58
gkatsevfor example, to see whether mobo is still good03:58
eeeebus: open a command prompt03:58
eeeetype diskpart03:59
jjacklinSnake2k, thats interesting just ssh'd  into a different ubuntu server and used the --assume-no flag and worked perfectly03:59
busactially my mistake, for "type" it says basic03:59
jjacklinjust a server being a douche lol03:59
buseeee; ok one sec03:59
buseeee: opened03:59
Loshkigkatsev: change each RAM stick in turn until the error goes away. I think you can identify which bank is bad from the memtest output, but you'll have to rtfm for that.04:00
eeeeok type list04:00
Snake2kjjacklin: Lmao probably04:00
gkatsevLoshki: ah, so, if memtest returns error for only one slot with any memory, it means the mobo is bad (perhaps in addition to memory)?04:00
buseeee: ok few options, disk, partition, volume, vdisk04:01
eeeetype disk04:01
eeeelist disk04:01
RustyShacklefordhow do you swap caps and escape in unity?04:01
buseeee: disk 0 online 232gb free 14gb / disk 1 online 7980 mb free 0gb04:02
eeeeunder GPT does it say anything ?04:03
Loshkigkatsev: that's the idea. But a bad mobo is less common and much more hassle, so we change ram first. What model mobo, what model ram?04:03
eeeethat's your usb btw04:03
eeeenevermind, i mean disk104:03
eeeedoes it say anything under gpt for disk 0?04:04
busDYN and GPT have no values04:04
eeeeok, i found something on google04:04
busfor both ssd and my usb04:04
eeeego back to the disk utility04:04
gkatsevLoshki: looking04:04
eeeeright click on the disk04:05
eeeeselect properties04:05
eeeecheck the partition style04:05
eeeethen i guess you're using MBR04:05
eeeeand you need to remove the stray gpt data04:05
busthis is for the 15gb partition04:05
eeeeit should be for the whole disk04:06
gkatsevLoshki: ASUS P7P55D LGA 1156 Intel P55 ATX Intel and CORSAIR XMS3 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) Desktop Memory Model CMX8GX3M2B1600C904:06
eeeetry clicking on the first partition if you want04:07
buseeee: when I right click properties for the 15b there is a Volumes tab that tells me it is MBR, when I go to my main partition of windows, there is no volumes tab04:07
eeeeit should say the same04:07
eeeeok, this is what i found on google However, if you go into Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Computer Management, select the Disk Management screen, right-click on the disk part (little box on the left, not the volume part) of the picture of the drive, and select Properties, you can read the "Partition Style"04:08
buseeee: MBR04:10
eeeeboot into ubuntu04:10
buseeee: install ubuntu or try?04:11
Loshkigkatsev: I see one hit on google where the guy has a similar setup to yours and notes that corsair is not on the QVL. You've tried each 4GB module in slot 1, presumably?04:11
buseeee: ok it is loaded04:12
Loshkigkatsev: ok, try a single 4GB module in slot 1. Run memtest overnight.04:13
gkatsevLoshki: ok. What should I look for in the morning?04:13
eeeebus: type sudo fixparts /dev/sda04:14
eeeethat should search for stray gpt and remove it04:14
Loshkigkatsev: You want zero errors. Anything else is bad. If it's clean, your mobo and 4GB unit are good. If it's not, repeat with the other 4GB module.04:14
buseeee; it asks me to delete them that is ok then04:14
gkatsevLoshki: Then why would I get a bunch of errors in a general test?04:15
bussays warning 0xEE partition doesn't start on sector 1 this can cause problems with some os's, MBR command:04:15
eeeeit's ok04:15
Loshkigkatsev: memtest writes patterns to memory & reads them back again. If they don't match, it's an error...04:16
eeeedon't change it04:16
buswhat do I do just press enter? it's asking for an input04:16
eeeepress w i think04:16
eeeeor h for help04:16
Loshkigkatsev: you already have errors. We're trying to narrow it down to a particular piece of RAM, or your mobo.04:17
eeeebus: you mean the warning?04:17
buseeee: i think so04:17
eeeepress enter04:17
gkatsevLoshki: oh, I see, I misread what you meant.04:17
buswhen I press enter it just says MBR command (? for help):04:17
eeeepress ?04:18
gkatsevLoshki: you meant that particular stick is good and the mobo is good. Then I can look to see if any other sticks are bad.04:18
eeeeif there's a write to disk,04:18
eeeepress the command04:18
gkatsevLoshki: what if they all end up coming up bad?04:18
busgives me commands for toggle the active boot flag, recompute all chs values, set partition as logical, etc.04:18
eeeeis there a write to disk?04:18
busyes, W is write the MBR partition table to disk and exit04:19
eeeeok, press w04:19
Loshkigkatsev: then it's probably the mobo. Depending on prices, you might decide to beg/borrow a known good RAM card to make absolutely sure.04:19
Loshkigkatsev: any history on this system? Did it ever work?04:20
gkatsevLoshki: I may have my old RAM sticks still, since I upgraded to these later on.04:20
gkatsevLoshki: yep, been working for 2 years04:20
gkatsevthe mobo is from 200904:20
busok it is done eeee04:20
eeeeok, great04:21
eeeetry to reboot04:21
busto windows or just back to ubuntu04:21
eeeecheck if windows is still there :P04:21
eeeeand then boot the live cd04:21
buslol ok04:21
eeeelol, i'm j/k :)04:21
busI hope so hahaha04:21
busok so don't reboot then?04:21
Loshkigkatsev: ok, so you know what to do for now?04:21
eeeelol, no reboot04:21
eeeei mean, reboot04:22
busok thank god windows is still there lol04:22
eeeeand do check windows, it wont harm, just incase04:22
eeeeok, good04:22
busit is there04:22
busback to linux?04:22
eeeeboot the live cd04:22
buslive cd meaning the installer this time?04:23
eeeeinstaller should see the partition now04:23
gkatsevLoshki: I think so. Run each stick through memtest. If all fail, try a known working RAM stick. Otherwise, probably mobo is busted in addition to RAM04:23
busbefore the options came up it said cannot see header04:23
busthen it loads04:23
busjust after my Asus logo for bios04:24
eeeedid it do that the first time you rebooted ? without the livecd?04:24
gkatsevLoshki: can I ping you tomorrow if I have more questions?04:24
busonly when it was booting to theu sb04:25
bususb, not windows04:25
gkatsev(in here)04:25
Loshkigkatsev: of course. I'm usually on about this time.04:25
gkatsevLoshki: alright, thanks! :D04:25
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest89076
eeeebus: it's not a big deal i guess04:26
buseeee; it seems to be frozen at the preparation stage where you select to download updates while installing04:26
busI can move aroudn with the keyboard but the mouse is just spinning04:27
eeeebus: hmm04:27
eeeedid it see the partitions yet04:27
eeeebus: try to exit the installer04:28
eeeethen sudo parted -l04:28
buseeee: it won't exit the installer, it allows me to pull up the window but when I press quit nothing happens, the cursor just keeps spinning04:29
eeeeok reboot04:29
eeeetry ubuntu04:29
eeeei think cause you're using mbr and booting in uefi it would be a problem04:30
busalright I had to just use the reboot button04:30
busfailed image04:31
busfailed to load header04:31
busthen it goes to the grub options04:31
eeeei think the image got corrupt04:31
busthere were a few more lines but couldnt catch them all in time04:31
eeeei think you'll have to make the live usb again04:32
eeeedid you checksum the iso before writing it btw ?04:32
busno I did not04:33
busits virtually unusuable now04:33
busthe keyboard shortcuts window is frozen ontop of the installer04:33
busok so boot back to windows and recreate this usb isntaller?04:34
eeeeif you feel like checksumming you can use this i guess http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=1153304:36
eeeenever tried it though04:36
busI think the iso was ok, it worked for virtual box04:36
eeeewhat im thinking about is how is this going to work04:37
eeeeif the bios is set to uefi04:37
eeeeand you are using mbr for windows04:37
eeeeand ubuntu installer is loading in uefi04:38
eeeeit'll try to install grub-efi04:38
eeeebut there's no efi partition04:38
eeeeunless your bios is set to uefi04:39
eeeei mean mbr04:39
busso do you think the technician from canada computers installed the wrong version04:39
busI am using the installer should I format the usb too?04:39
eeeei think it was a uefi/gpt machine04:39
eeeeand he installed windows without efi/mbr04:39
busI guess I should format it since it has the old one on there right?04:40
eeeeefi/ with mbr04:40
busthere is no way to specify that with the usb installer04:40
eeeeyeah you could format it04:41
eeeein step 3 it says format04:41
Akayllinhey guys i have a problem trying to compile glibc-2.20 on ubuntu 14.04. it keeps failing at elf/tst-xmmymm :\ I don't know how to fix it but I need to install it for the header files for other programs04:42
busok it is writing the information to disk04:42
Akayllinany advice?04:43
buseeee: don't remember it taking this long before, says 7 hours remaing wtf? lol!04:44
busnow its gone up to 8 hours wtf?04:45
busit was literally 20 seconds the first time04:45
eeeehold on04:45
bus10hours haha , alright04:45
eeeecancel it04:45
busnow its gone to the first installer and says done04:46
stangelandwauw.... the dist upgrade worked flawlessly :) kudos to ubuntu folks04:47
Akayllinis there anyway to get a compiled version of glibc that i can just install to the system without having to compile?04:47
gkatsevLoshki: hm... either I'm putting the memory in the wrong slot or my machine won't boot with only one of the sticks inside.04:48
gkatsevLoshki: apparently it was a wrong slot. Apparently slot 1 is labeled B1 on my mobo04:49
stangelandAkayllin, what is glibc used for ?04:50
eeeebus: still there?04:51
buseeee: yessir04:52
eeeesorry, i got dc04:52
busno problem, i canceled that long part and the original installer says complete04:52
guideXI heard there's a way to get ubuntu 14 with gnome2, is it true?04:53
buseeee: should i try to go back to the installer with this or do we have to do it again?04:54
Akayllinstrangeland: it is the c library headers basically04:56
eeeebus: did the liveusb finish?04:57
eeeeok try to boot it04:58
eeeeand click on try ubuntu04:58
buseeee: ok I am clicking the something else button for installation type05:01
zenlikeRawr, I can't figure out how to get a script to execute some xrandr commands and stuff when my computer starts up05:01
eeeewadie, is that you?05:01
zenlikeI have a script in /etc/init.d/ with the right +x permissions but it won't run05:01
__unikIs there any Linux viruses ?05:02
busnow it shows everythinf properly, sd1 367mb sda2 234gb and freespace 15gb05:02
zenlike__unik, yes, you can write one yourself if you want :)05:02
buseeee; so freespace 15gb is obviously what we want I can install now there right05:02
eeeezenlike: you'd have to put them in the /etc/rc?.d/05:02
eeeezenlike: put them in your ~/.profile05:03
zenlikeeeee, oh, what's the difference between then?05:03
zenlikewill ~/.profile run on start even if a terminal isn't opened?05:03
eeeeyeah it will05:03
eeeeit will run right after you login via lightdm05:04
__unikzenlike: I have never heard about viruses in Linux. Haven't been fixing problem occurred by viruses in linux, too05:04
eeeebus: yeah05:04
buseeee; no root file system defined please fix this from the partitioning menu05:04
eeeebus: click on the freespace and press on the +05:04
eeeeformat to ext4, mount at "/"05:04
busah ok05:05
eeee(assuming you don't want a swap partition)05:05
zenlike__unik, Sure, they're more rare, but naturally there are viruses, rootkits, etc. on every OS05:05
busmount point is greyed out for me05:05
eeeewhat are the options before it05:05
eeeedid you select ext4?05:05
bustype = logical, location beginning, use as ext4 journaling05:06
eeeemake the type primary05:06
Akayllinany new people successfully compiled glibc on ubuntu 14.04 server 64 bit05:06
Akayllinany version05:06
eeeeif you want05:06
busok and what does swap mean eeee?05:07
busI just want to be able to go from ubuntu to windows05:07
bipul!info virtualbox05:08
ubottuvirtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.3.10-dfsg-1 (trusty), package size 15047 kB, installed size 59184 kB05:08
eeeeswap is like extra RAM if you want, by using the hard disk05:08
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox05:08
buseeee, ok it created now sda3 ext4 /05:09
eeeeif you have low RAM it's useful, and it's also required if you want to use hibernation ( you'd have to make a swap partition as big as your RAM and a bit more )05:09
bipulI hope Virtualbox version 4.3.10 is the latest version.05:09
busI have 16gb ram DDR3 do you think it is necissary05:09
gkatsevLoshki: looks like only one of my RAM sticks is bad. At least, one got errors instantly and one got no errors for a while. Going to run the "good" one overnite and also buy a new set of RAM.05:09
eeeeno it's not05:09
eeeeunless you want to hibernate05:10
Loshkigkatsev: here's hoping...05:10
busok thank you, it is isntalling05:10
eeeebus: why is it sda3 ?05:10
eeeeisn't windows ntfs sda1 ?05:10
gkatsevLoshki: but probably going to just buy 16GB new RAM. :)05:11
buseeee: sda1 was the backup 360mb, sda2 was the windows 235gb05:11
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone05:11
bipul!vboxmanage --version05:11
busnow it created sda3 after the freespace 15gb was done05:11
eeeebus: backup 360mb?05:11
busyes I am not sure but when I was reading up on windows because it was a digital download from the microsoft store they install the recovery files i think05:12
eeeebus: i thought you said windows disk manage said theres only ntfs?05:12
eeeebus: that 360mb sounds like an efi partition...05:12
eeeeis it fat32?05:12
zenlikeeeee, ~/.profile for the xrandr command worked great, cheers05:12
bipulIs Virtualbox version 4.3.10 is the latest version ?.05:12
eeeezenlike: great05:12
zenlikeanyone have tips how to automatically remap caps lock to control in ~/.profile as well?05:13
busahhhhm I am not sure now. shit. it's is installing now05:13
__unikIsn't ubottu open source?05:14
buseeee does this screw up everything05:14
eeeezenlike: use xmodmap05:15
eeeezenlike: use xev , to get the keycode05:15
=== DanMAbraham is now known as DanMAbraham28
eeeebus: i don't think so, i hope not05:15
zenlikehm, I tried setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps in my ~/.profile, no nice05:16
busit is installing so far with no hiccups, cross my fingers05:16
eeeezenlike: xmodmap -e "keycode 66=Control_L"05:17
eeeezenlike: assuming you want left control05:17
buseeee; the moment of truth is upon us, it completed and says to restart XD05:18
busah shit it tried to boot from the usb again lol can i just pull it out05:18
busok it loaded into login05:19
zenlikeeeee, interesting, will give it a whirl05:19
buseeee: wow this is embarassing, it wont accept my password...must of made a typo lol05:20
eeeelol seriously?05:20
busyup what a f'n joke I am05:21
buscan't login lol05:21
eeeelol, it seems odd05:21
eeeemaybe caps lock is pressed?05:21
eeeeor numlock or something05:21
busman I am certain I didn't make a type like I typed them both and it verified05:21
eeeecause you have to type the pass twice05:21
busOMG caps lock05:21
eeeedid grub show up when you booted?05:22
busno, only when the usb was in05:22
busand ubuntu does not like my mouse apparently05:22
busI cant click anything05:22
eeeeis it a mouse or touchpad?05:22
eeeetry to unplug then plug back in05:23
busit's running software updates05:23
busI can't drag windows or anything05:23
busworks now, weird05:23
eeeecan you open a terminal?05:24
=== phunyguy is now known as phunyguy1
eeeeok, type sudo parted -l05:24
=== phunyguy1 is now known as phunyguy
busthere are 305:25
eeeeok what's the 360mb one05:25
bus1 - nfts05:25
busflags is boot05:25
bussoftware updates are done can i reboot now or gotta check terminal for more ?05:26
eeeebus: did it ask you to reboot?05:26
busjust didnt know if youw anted me to type any more commands05:26
eeeewell there are a few05:26
busnp its almost done05:26
busok it's back in05:27
busterminal is up05:27
eeeetype df05:27
busmy mouse is not working again lol05:27
eeeeis the /dev/sda1 mounted?05:27
busthe only thing showing is sda305:28
eeeetype sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt05:28
busnone,udev,tmpfs, etc05:28
busmoubnted I think05:29
eeeeok, type ls -l /mnt05:29
eeeewhat's does it say?05:29
eeeego to boot05:30
buscd boot ?05:31
bussays no such file or dir05:31
eeeeor just ls -l /mnt/boot05:31
galt2354sound has quit working on my ubuntu 14.04 - i386 desktop box after updates which seem to have removed alsa and pulse audio.  reinstalled alsa and pulseaudio but still no sound.  seems alsa has no drivers.  how to fix?05:31
busand I did it case sensitive05:31
eeeetry ls -l /mnt/boot05:32
busloaded eee05:32
eeeewhat's there05:32
busa bunch of files05:32
busbut I can't scroll up05:32
eeeeuse shift+ pageup05:32
eeeeor the scroll bar to the right05:32
busok got it05:32
eeee(it's hidden unless you put the mouse over it)05:33
busbcd/bcd.log1-3/bootstat,dat then a ton of filles like cs-cz05:33
eeeeok i guess this is just a backup partition as you said05:33
busyeah i think so05:33
eeeewondering why grub doesn't show up05:33
buswhen ubuntu loads05:33
busscreen is black then flashes green dots05:33
busthen flashes a purple border around the screen05:34
busthen login loads lol05:34
eeeetype update-grub05:34
eeeesee if it mentions windows05:34
busso now everytime i use ubuntu i gotta unplig mouse?05:34
bussays done05:34
busbut i did that in sda1 is that a problem05:35
eeeeno it's perfectly fine05:35
eeeesda1 is just mounted under /mnt05:35
eeeethat's all05:35
eeeedid it mention what it found?05:35
knosyshi all05:36
eeeelike found linux vmlinuz ....3.13.0-36-generic.... blabla05:36
busthat one there05:36
eeeeno windows stuff?05:36
busmemtest yes05:36
buswindows 8 loader05:36
eeeewindows 8 loader05:36
eeeeok cool05:36
buson dev sda 105:37
knosyswhat IRC do you guys recommend for ubuntu?05:37
knosysirc client05:37
DemonJesterwhen I am in ubuntu I use irssi05:37
knosysim using weechat now.. but will be a bit hard to handle various servers... or maybe not im dont know yet05:38
knosysi dont even know how to check all channel nicknames, scrolling down the list :P05:38
somsip!alis | knosys05:39
ubottuknosys: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*05:39
romanceknosys: type /script install buffers.pl05:39
romanceknosys: and then type /mouse enable05:39
knosysthanks romance05:41
eeeebus: im curious, can you type sudo efibootmgr -v ?05:41
buseeee: command not found05:41
buseeee: can the mouse issue be fixed with software or is that something i just gotta deal with physically?05:44
eeeebus: which port are you using?05:46
bushdmi on the back on computer05:46
buswtf, lol, USB05:46
eeeeit might work if you try a different port05:47
eeeebus: do you recall during the installation05:48
eeeeif grub was installed to the disk05:48
buseeee: ok no problem, so is everything ready to go then pretty much?05:48
eeeeor a partition?05:48
buseeee: i don't remember seeing anything stating grub details05:49
ThumpxrOkay. Finally. I thought it will be easier to switch vom Windows to Ubuntu. But no. I will quit.05:49
eeeebus: is windows booting?05:50
eeeejust so we're on the same page05:50
buslet me check05:50
busi need to go into bios right05:51
busoh fuckj05:51
busI hope so lol05:51
eeeegrub should appear and windows should be there05:51
eeeetry to hold shift while the pc boots05:51
buswhen I pressed del05:51
busit loaded grub05:51
busoh thank god windows is loading lmfao05:51
eeeeok great05:51
busawesome windows work05:51
eeeeyou just need to get grub to show then05:52
eeeeboot into ubuntu05:52
eeeeand open a terminal05:52
buswhen i went reboot that time grub appeared05:53
busbut i am logging in still05:53
busterminal is up05:53
eeeeok type gksu gedit /etc/default/grub05:53
bustbe ;rlgra05:54
busthe program gksu is not installed05:55
eeeeyou might want to install it, it's pretty useful05:55
busi can install it with sudo apt-get install gksu05:55
eeeeit's like sudo, but for gui05:55
eeeeif you ever want to launch a gui program with privileges use gksu05:55
busso run that command again?05:56
busscreen flashed05:56
bussaid a malicious software was found then the window went away05:56
busthen could not get mouse05:56
busnow it says restart, wtf lol05:57
eeeewhich ubuntu is this btw05:57
busthe newest one05:58
bus14 something05:58
eeeetype sudo nano /etc/default/grub05:58
busok a bunch of menus laoded05:58
eeeewhat goes GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT say?06:01
galt2354anyone able to help get sound working?06:02
eeeechange that to 1006:03
eeeewhat goes GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET say?06:03
eeeeok change that to fales06:04
eeeebus: do you have a CRT monitor?06:04
busno it is uhd06:04
buschanged to false06:04
bus4k resolution06:04
eeeepress ctrl+o to save06:05
busI think it is done06:06
eeeepress ctrl+x to exit06:08
eeeetype update-grub06:08
eeeesorry, sudo update-grub06:08
knosysGuys i have just installed ubuntu 14.04 on my desktop computer, wich is very low cost. but have Geforce G210 , 4gb RAM, INTEL celeron 2,7mhz x 2. And i have the feeling that graphic card its not working as it should.. when i drag windows and all those movements in screen.06:09
buseeee: done06:09
busgrub loads06:09
busloaded ubuntu06:10
knosysCan someone help me to invest if graphic driver its installed?06:10
knosysinvestigate* :P06:11
buseeee: thank you so much for all of your help. i would never have done this without you06:12
eeeebus: no problem06:12
buseeee: i wish i could return the favor06:12
eeeebus: is the mouse working?06:12
eeeebus: no need06:13
knosysAaah i think i have to install nvidia drivers, right? Ubuntu doesnt have by default, like it happens in other OS like windows06:13
busno it is not06:13
knosysis that so?06:13
eeeebus: did you try a different port?06:13
busonly if i unplug it06:13
buseeee; trying new port now with reboot06:13
buseeee; same thing06:15
th3_mol3wonder if anyone could help me06:17
buseeee; i don't think i can stay up much longer it is almost 3 am. i have to be up in a few hours lol. thank you so much for everything, at least now i can get started with my courses in ubuntu....cant thank you enough. will it be ok to ping you tomorrow sometime?06:17
th3_mol3I have a dual monitor setup and on the login screen it chooses the right monitor as default06:17
eeeebus: yeah sure no problem06:18
eeeebus: btw if you have a usb-hub, it might solve the mouse issue06:18
th3_mol3but when I log in the left is default06:18
th3_mol3which is what I want06:18
buseeee; thanks so much mate. talk to you soon have a great night.. actually im not sure let me show you the mouse i have06:18
buseeee; http://www.cyborggaming.com/prod/rat5.htm   maybe it is because of all the features06:18
eeeebus: check in the bios for integrated peripherals06:20
eeeeand disable the usb mouse support06:20
busI will make sure to do this tomorrow, if i have nay trouble i will let you know. i am gonna go pass out now. thanks again for everything. have a great day/evening wherever you are from06:20
eeeeok, thanks you too06:20
=== Guest97211 is now known as NaStYdoG
=== shy is now known as Guest71848
antonio__I've been having a really hard time extracting audio from a .mov file.  If I play the .mov as is, I only hear the guy I interviewed.  If I convert it to an mp3 I can only hear my voice.  Any ideas?06:39
jonne_antonio__, which tools are you using to do the conversion?06:41
anyMoreHCantonio:i've no idea06:41
antonio__jonne_: I've tried ffmpeg, an online convertor, etc06:41
jonne_ffmpeg can extract audio traks from videos, i'm assuming you're doing the conversion from 5.1 to stereo/mono or something06:42
anyMoreHCantonio:maybe you should try a correct tool06:42
jonne_what does file tell you about the file?06:42
jonne_file mymovie.mov06:42
jonne_copy the output into pastbin.ca06:42
abaddonHey guys, I'm having issues getting tint2 to work right in it's positioning. I try to set the settings to the top but it wont show. panel_position = top center horizontal06:44
anyMoreHCabadddon:tint2 is what06:46
antonio__anymorehc: what do you mean a correct tool?06:46
jonne_i mean pastebin.ca06:46
abaddonanyMoreHC: Sorry, it's a panel prog06:47
somsip!info tint206:47
ubottutint2 (source: tint2): lightweight taskbar. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11+svn20121014-1 (trusty), package size 142 kB, installed size 375 kB06:47
anyMoreHC!info tini206:48
ubottuPackage tini2 does not exist in trusty06:48
anyMoreHCantonio:somewhere you did wrong06:48
abaddonBryanstein: yo06:49
abaddonanyMoreHC: !info tint206:50
somsipabaddon: looks like top and center are mutually exclusive - use one or the other https://code.google.com/p/tint2/wiki/Configure06:50
anyMoreHC!info tint206:51
ubottutint2 (source: tint2): lightweight taskbar. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11+svn20121014-1 (trusty), package size 142 kB, installed size 375 kB06:51
somsipabaddon: ignore that - just read it properly06:51
abaddonsomsip: O.O How'd you find that???06:51
abaddonsomsip: Man...I've been looking everywhere. DX06:52
somsipabaddon: no, ignore that. I read it wrong06:52
abaddonsomsip: XD I just noticed. I was trying it out,lol06:53
abaddonsomsip: I need to add that settings wise this is working on a dual display. I've set it to display on my left mon though06:54
somsipabaddon: I have no idea. I was just looking in case there was something obvious. Bu tI can't help06:54
abaddonsomsip: It works fine on the bottom set to center but not top06:54
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest60661
abaddonsomsip: Trust me, if you found somthing obvious i'ds hated you.... In a good but bad way too06:55
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=== jje is now known as Guest83066
kashneed help .... i am learnt to dual boot ubuntu with windows......now i want to  learn how to uninstall ubuntu  from dual boot /////help me guys07:02
|\nhey guys, noob situation here... was trying to set it with a value much lower than 65535 and got "sysctl: setting key "net.core.somaxconn": Invalid argument" what should i read to get understanding on why i see this error at all?07:09
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somsip!test | Raver07:24
ubottuRaver: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )07:24
=== ggherdov___ is now known as ggherdov
kimseI have some kind of DNS problem with my desktop computer.07:32
kimseI have some local hostname on my network07:32
kimsewhich i cannot lookup using nslookup, host, dig etc07:33
ikoniait is very unlikley that your dns server will know about devices on your local network07:33
kimsehowever I cannot connect to the hosts using SSH, browser07:33
kimseikonia: It does07:33
somsipkimse: do they have real DNS records (A, CNAME, etc) as I understand that's what dig & nslookup use07:33
kimsecorp network07:33
kimsekimse@kimse-work-laptop ~ $ host mysql-lan.aras.local07:33
kimsemysql-lan.aras.local has address
ikoniakimse: you just said they don't07:34
ikonia"which i cannot lookup using nslookup, host, dig etc07:34
kimseI can lookup em up07:34
kimsebut i cannot connect07:34
ikoniaso in that case you don't have a dns problem07:34
kimsekimse@kimse-work-laptop ~ $ ping mysql-lan.aras.local07:34
kimseping: unknown host mysql-lan.aras.local07:34
kimsekimse@kimse-work-laptop ~ $ ping
kimsePING ( 56(84) bytes of data.07:34
kimse64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.756 ms07:34
kimseI have a virtual Windows 7 on my ubuntu computer07:34
kimsei works just fine (bridge network)07:35
ikoniakimse: are these hosts on your network, or virtual hosts on your machine07:35
kimseon my network07:35
ikoniaso what does the virtual windows machine have to do with it ?07:36
ikoniawhy did you mention that ?07:36
kimseikonia: that it's connected to the same subnet as my Ubuntu07:36
kimseand it can connect to the other hosts using their respective hostnames07:37
ikoniakimse: on the ubuntu host, please do an "nslookup" against on of the hosts and pastebin the output please.07:37
kimsekimse@kimse-work-laptop ~ $ nslookup mysql-lan.aras.local07:38
unopastekimse you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted07:38
kimsethx ikonia07:40
ikoniakimse: ok, so that looks good07:40
ikoniakimse: can you do "ping mysql-lan.aras.local" and put the output in a pastebin pleease.07:40
kimsehost file: http://pastebin.com/g2GYVQ1f07:41
ikoniakimse: no, not the host file07:41
kimseikonia: http://pastebin.com/J8tEAQMb07:41
kimsesee that paste07:41
kimseincludes ping07:41
kimseand ssh to the mysql server using it's IP and stuff07:41
kimsei think i know where you a going :)07:41
ikoniakimse: I don't think you do07:42
kimseanyway: http://pastebin.com/J8tEAQMb has ping test07:42
ikoniakimse: can you please show me the output of /etc/resolv.conf07:44
sexyboy /3307:45
ommark1I have a problem with desktop freeze, anyone available to hear me out?07:45
taavizHi, Im using kubuntu 14.04. The problem i am facing is that whenever i minimize my windows to tray, the tray dissapeeaars07:46
ikoniakimse: and now /etc/nsswitch.conf07:46
ikoniakimse: for a test, just change "host dns" - nothing more07:48
kimseikonia: like this: http://pastebin.com/96yJArU4 ?07:49
ikoniakimse: perfect07:49
aulIs it good or bad to create symlinks to your home folder, so that you can edit files, that apache2 for example needs, with a custom user?07:49
ikoniataaviz: saying "anyone" is pointless07:49
taavizYeah i pretty much assumed that, but my problem is really simple07:50
kimseikonia: works now!07:50
ikoniaaul: doesn't seem a good idea, doesn't seem "bad" but just seems to be a bit sloppy07:50
ikoniakimse: ok, so change it to "files dns"07:50
taavizIve used ubuntu 100 times i just forgot how to enable trays back07:50
ikoniakimse: as in "hosts files dns"07:50
kimseikonia: still works07:51
aulthe problem i originally had was i couldnt edit files via WinSCP if they werent in my user's home folder. So i made a symlink for the relevant files, to my homer folder so i could use WinSCP to edit them. I dont know if there is a better way07:51
ikoniakimse: perfect, leave it like that07:51
kimseikonia: what seems to the problem?07:51
kimseOr was07:51
=== MasterPiece is now known as Qarekhani
ikoniakimse: your machine was set to stop resolution if it didn't find it in files or mdins07:51
ikoniaso I just told it to use files, then dns07:51
ikoniawhich is pretty much a sane config07:51
ikoniawell, it's pretty much what everyone in the world does07:52
kimseikonia: order of where to lookup07:52
ikoniakimse: pretty much07:52
kimseikonia: but i heard from some network / dns guy once07:52
=== Qarekhani is now known as MasterPiece
|\naul, there is some kind of SftpDrive tool, i bet there are analogs, more cozy sometimes for windows usage in that way, but winscp is "must have"07:52
kimsethat nslookup and dig / hosts works differently07:52
aulWhat are the pros and cons of symlinking /var/www/ to your home folder?07:52
ikoniakimse: that is correct07:53
|\naul, what is your end-goal?07:53
kimseanyway thx alot ikonia :-)07:53
|\nit doesn't worth it for editing configs07:53
aulI want to edit the files with a user set up to specifically edit them. I want to avoid using root07:53
|\naul, i would recommend to get started from this http://www.exploit-db.com/papers/13199/07:54
|\nto figure out pros and cons07:55
aulallright i will check it out07:55
somsipaul: normally you would not edit files on a live server. And if you do want to create files in your home, maybe you should use mod_userdir in Apache07:57
somsipaul: this is a guide more specific to what you are trying to do http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/urlmapping.html07:58
ommark1I have screen freezes almost every day. It started after installing Nvidia drivers on my Xubuntu 14.04. I can get rid of it by exiting the graphical environment (ctrl+alt+f6) and re-entering with ctrl+alt+f7. It is quite annoying though and I'm not sure how to solve this problem. What could be causing this?08:04
|\nommark1, it would be wise to come up with dmesg and/or syslog pastebin output links (via pastebin)08:06
=== MasterPiece is now known as Qarekhani
=== Qarekhani is now known as MasterPiece
aulIm using putty to edit some files in my home directory. I was wondering what it means when a file name shows up green?08:10
ikoniaaul: it's just colours to represent different file type/permissions08:11
ommark1dmesg pastebin http://pastebin.com/cRe7eBrv08:11
aulallright. im afraid i might have screwed something up when manageging said permissions. Should i be worried that the files in the home dir are green? they didnt use to be08:12
ikoniacheck the permissions08:12
ikoniaand make sure they are what you expect08:12
aulallright. yea i should be good08:12
aulwould i need to make a file executable if apache2 needs it for a webpage? or is it fine with read only?08:13
ikoniaaul: read is fine08:13
aulokay thank you very much08:13
drmagooaul: green means that the permission is set +x (which means it is executable)08:13
aulokay cool08:13
violeteagleHi all, pardon me to be a pain, what is the OpenSuse channel if there is one?08:21
violeteagleIs it on Freenode?08:22
nezuvianmorning gents o/08:23
somsip!alis | violeteagle08:23
aulmaybe you wanna search google for opensuse IRC channel08:23
ubottuvioleteagle: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*08:23
squintyvioleteagle,  or just use your irc software to search for channels via "List of Channels" or similar08:25
violeteaglesquinty, Okay, I will have a look08:29
knosysHello, what would be the best results installing an nvidia card on ubuntu , open graphics for ubuntu?  or drivers from nvidia themselves?08:30
violeteagleknosys, Probably drivers from Nvidia themselves.08:31
knosysOkay , to install them, its possible to use aptitude ?08:31
hateballknosys: Use the driver manager in ubuntu rather than pulling drivers from nvidia, is what is least painful08:31
somsip!nvidia | knosys08:31
ubottuknosys: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto08:31
drmagooknosys: either way, you will need the "build-essential" and "linux-headers-generic" packages installed before you begin08:31
MagicSpudhello I want 3d acceleration but none of these drivers worked http://paste.ubuntu.com/8464531/ they turn my screen black. the only working driver is the nouveau08:32
Grimlock1182gd morning afternoon night every one...08:41
PxlVisionmerry kwanza!08:41
knosysSo, to install nvidia drivers should i , or shouldnt i , uninstll nouveau first? I really dont care if its difficult. I want the optimal result for my beautifull machine08:42
knosysin the site you give me somsip, there say not to, but they give instructions to it... as if many people were really interested on doing so08:43
|\nknosys, well, yes, but most brobably installing nvidia-current package will deal with noveau08:43
|\nif not - blacklist it in /etc/modprobe.d/08:44
knosyswich is the clean and correct way , healthy for the OS?08:45
=== Caroga_afk is now known as Caroga
knosysbecause that site leaves some doubt :S08:45
hareldvdgreetings, need urgent help on installing postgresql-plperl. apt-get install postgresql-plperl says: postgresql-plperl-9.3 : Depends: postgresql-9.3 (= 9.3.5-0ubuntu0.14.04.1) but 9.3.5-1.pgdg12.4+1 is to be installed08:45
|\nknosys, doing it with the help of repo packages08:45
|\nand which site you're talking about exatly08:46
knosysthose are not the software im seeking mate08:46
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto08:46
knosys!nvidia |\n08:46
ubottu\n: please see above08:46
knosys!nvidia | |\n08:47
ubottu|\n: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto08:47
knosysthat site08:47
knosysoops first time already worked ... sorry didnt mean to spam08:48
|\nknosys, what doubts this manpage causes?08:48
knosyslook , about if i should remove or not, the nouveau drivers08:48
knosysthey say: No!! dont do it, its bad!!08:48
knosysbut there are the instructions to do it08:49
knosysso i guess there is some reason why people do it08:49
knosysi wonder why, and if i should remove them too08:49
|\nyou primary goal is to disable one of them, will you remove it or not - on your choice, until packages list each other as conflicting ones, so thos howto reasonably mentiones `apt-get --purge remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau`08:49
hateballknosys: you have a gui to do all of this08:50
|\nin general, next stage is doing what is written in there or getting nvidia-current package installed08:50
|\nthe way it is described in there should work, but i never tried that08:50
|\nand it is the most safe i suspect, hateball ^08:51
knosyshateball: with the nvidia closed-source drivers?08:51
hateballknosys: Yes.08:52
hateball|\n: Well it's the officially supported way :)08:52
knosysthen update to our metallic friend ubottu08:52
hateballoh give me a break08:53
hateballknosys: Yes go into driver manager, tick the box for which you want, and it is handled automagically08:53
hateballubottu: someone done spring-cleaned you a bit too mucbh08:53
ubottuhateball: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:53
knosysu told me to use driver manager in ubuntu08:53
knosysim pretty new to ubuntu , ill look for that tool08:54
knosyshateball: driver manager = mint, right?08:57
hareldvdcan I add  http://www.ubuntuupdates.org to /etc/apt/source.list ?08:59
hateballknosys: Well, I run Kubuntu actually so my terminology might be off. But this has the right info https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia09:01
knosyssudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list09:05
knosyshateball: there's a little more problem09:09
knosysi dont find my model's driver09:09
knosysbut i see some kind of generic nvidia-graphics-drivers09:09
knosysmaybe tht package do the job?09:09
knosysmine should be nvidia 20009:10
knosysits a G21009:10
=== derkopf is now known as derk0pf|NA
knosyshttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2081649  < -- this helped09:21
MagicSpudhello trying to upgrade rpm how can I find the 'corresponding db*-util package'?09:22
MagicSpudcorresponding db*-util package09:22
RahulANHii alll09:22
RahulANi am gettiing error when installing opencv libraries : Err http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ precise-security/main libavutil-dev armhf 4:0.8.15-0ubuntu0.12.04.109:23
RahulAN404 not found09:23
ph88hey guys i have ubuntu 14 installed .. how can i get these colors for my terminal ??  https://github.com/pwaleczek/Argonaut-theme09:23
hipitihopI have moved my existing 12.04 based mytbuntu HDD (front end + back end) to a complete new box, original was Nvidia based ION 330, new box is intel H97 Express based mobo with Core i5 , systems boots out of the box and myth runs, however I have two issues, no audio and mythtweb shows no listings or guide data. first step, audio, how do I force a fresh  re-config of audio ? My main goal is to reconfigure so that I get audio over HD09:23
=== derk0pf|NA is now known as derkopf
MagicSpudhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/8464798/ how do I know wich dbutil package corresponds libd version?09:26
|\nMagicSpud, db-util one?09:27
drmagooMagicSpud: db4.8-util ? as it says ?09:27
MagicSpudthis is the problem I am facing: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=72191409:28
ubottuDebian bug 721914 in rpm "WG: DB_VERSION_MISMATCH after dist upgrade" [Normal,Open]09:28
MagicSpudI just upgraded ubuntu from 12.04 to 14.04 and I was trying to install a rpm program09:28
|\nMagicSpud, no luck with README.Debian ?09:29
swenzelmy speaker icon in the taskline is missing... on the loginscreen it is there but once i am logged in it is not... i tried to google but couldn't finde anything useful09:29
MagicSpudso I opened the README.Debian as they told there and this is what I found: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8464798/09:30
drmagooRahulAN: did you do an "apt-get update" before trying to install the package ?09:31
swenzelI think it disappeared after I tried out installing wlan driver with ndisgtk but I'm not sure09:31
MagicSpudas though it is not working I supposed the db4.8-util might be outdated09:31
MagicSpudhow do I find and install the updated one?09:31
bigbrohello guy, I have just got here09:32
|\nMagicSpud, what is wrong with trying the current repo version one? any concerns?09:32
|\nMagicSpud, apt-get install db-util09:32
bigbroI am newbie :-)09:32
=== theGrg is now known as Guest68767
shibbolethI seem unable to bring up my built-in mobile/modem card. It's a Lenovo-branded Ericsson H5321gw called N5321gw09:35
MagicSpud|\n yes same error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8464879/09:35
shibbolethI have added the VID/PID to definitions in /lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-ericsson-mbm.rules09:35
shibbolethand I have added "options cdc_ncm prefer_mbim=N" to /etc/modprobe.d/ncm.conf09:36
MagicSpud|\n and the install went smooth: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8464883/09:37
|\nhttp://iambusychangingtheworld.blogspot.ru/2014/07/fix-error-bdb0091-dbversionmismatch.html (c) google ?09:37
bigbrocould you help me to hack a wifi encrypted with wpa2 without using dictionaries?09:38
|\nbigbro, i suspect you may violate freenode rules bringing it up like this, but hashcat, pyrite and google may help you09:39
k1lbigbro: not in here. we dont support that sort of hacking09:40
bigbrothanks |\n09:40
RahulANit worked09:41
bigbrothanks k1l09:41
MagicSpud|\n the db5.3_recover is asking me for more info?: $ db5.3_recover ./09:42
MagicSpudusage: db5.3_recover [-cefVv] [-h home] [-P password] [-t [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS]]09:42
atomxi've just bought a logitect keyboard, k270.09:43
atomxIt has ISO mechanical layout.09:43
atomxI do not know how to set this layout in ubuntu09:43
atomxany idea, please ?09:43
bigbrois someone were able to use wiconnect on ubuntu 14.04?09:46
MagicSpudhey I dont know what to type in point 3: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8464798/09:50
MagicSpudif I type this: $ db5.3_recover ./09:50
MagicSpudI get this: usage: db5.3_recover [-cefVv] [-h home] [-P password] [-t [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS]]09:50
ikoniaMagicSpud: that doesn't look like ubuntu09:50
MagicSpudikonia it is ubuntu but redhat package09:51
ikoniaMagicSpud: then you shouldn't be using it09:51
ikoniaMagicSpud: redhat packages are not designed for use with ubuntu09:51
ikoniaMagicSpud: hence why rpm is not installed on ubuntu/debian based systems09:51
MagicSpudikonia I need that program09:51
ikoniaMagicSpud: which program09:51
MagicSpudikonia http://sourceforge.net/projects/ostorybook/09:52
|\nMagicSpud, sorry, distracted on job duties09:52
MagicSpud\|n I am stuck at point 309:52
MagicSpud$ db5.3_recover ./09:53
MagicSpudusage: db5.3_recover [-cefVv] [-h home] [-P password] [-t [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS]]09:53
ikoniaMagicSpud: that info has nothing to do with those instructions are for rbuilding rpm databases09:53
bigbrois someone using wiconnect on ubuntu 14.04???09:53
auscompgeekMagicSpud: uhm, there's a .deb package on there. what are you doing?09:54
ikoniaMagicSpud: look at what's it's doing09:54
MagicSpudI am blind09:54
ikoniaMagicSpud: you need to talk to the people who make the software you want for help installing it on ubuntu if it's designed for redhat09:54
auscompgeekikonia: there's a debian package there09:55
MagicSpudauscompgeek where the deb file is?09:55
auscompgeekMagicSpud: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ostorybook/files/09:55
ikoniaand a binary file09:56
ikoniayet you shose the rpm09:56
|\ni still can't figure out what the problem is and what is the end-goal lol09:57
MagicSpudOKAY thanks now I find I already downloaded that deb file before!09:57
|\nmaybe i'm slooow09:57
MagicSpudsorry for the sucker chat09:57
|\nok so when you type the command and it throws usage - means you did it wrong09:57
|\nand most probably have to refer to manpages09:57
|\nlike man db5.3_recover09:58
kandawhats up fellows09:58
bigbrohey guys, you do not wanna talk about wiconnect??09:59
k1l!find wiconnect10:00
|\nbigbro, so there is some wiconnect, is that like network manage or smth?10:00
k1lbigbro: its not in the ubuntu repos, so you might be better off with talking to the wiconnect guys10:01
ubottuPackage/file wiconnect does not exist in trusty10:01
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bigbro|\n: it is like connectify for windows10:02
|\nbigbro, what is connectify for windows?10:02
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|\noh, bigbro, do you want to set up wireless AP of yours on linux?10:03
k1lbigbro: and you dont need wiconnect. you can make a wifi hotspot with the network-manager10:03
|\nif that is dedicated box, you'd better go with hostapd10:03
bigbro|\n: it helps to set up hotspot in order to share internet connection with smartphones10:03
kandawho wants to play some teeworlds ? ! ..... anybody ?!10:04
|\nbigbro, oh, can't help here, if something doesn't have a keyboard i must keep sad silence10:04
k1lkanda: better ask in #ubuntu-offtopic10:04
bigbro|\n: thank you anyway10:05
|\nbut if you're going to set up classy wireless AP (not sure what the difference here), you might want to make sure that your wireless card, preferably pci one, supports AP mode while working in linux and it's native driver, the best shot here is atheros chipsets10:06
k1lNM is just fine for this.10:07
MagicSpudhey I am back again this nouveau driver is a crap I want to change it to privative nvidia driver but none of these worked: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8465023/ please help you can see there which my graphics card is10:09
atomxI ask again. What program to use in order to auto-detect for me the keyboard layout ?10:09
bigbrok1l: the fact is I can't share my internet connection with my phone10:09
atomxI do not know how to select the good layout.10:09
drmagooatomx: there is no program that autodetects. You have to go into system-settings and change that under keyboard10:10
k1lbigbro: which ubuntu exactly? which desktop? what internet input device? what errors?10:10
atomxthanks. I know that10:11
atomxhowever, I do not know how to select the good model10:11
atomxbecause I see in wikipedia that it is ISO mechanical layout10:11
atomxhowever, whatever I choose, not all the keys fit their meaning10:11
drmagooatomx: what keyboard is it and what language/layout does it have ?10:12
atomxLogitech K270 with layout this one:10:12
atomxISO mechanical layout10:13
atomxYou see it there, in wikipedia10:13
bigbrok1l: I am usint ubuntu 14.04, I was looking for a software to share my internet connection with my iphone 5, then I found wiconnect, but it is not launching at all10:13
atomxIt is US keyboard, with that "\|" key near left shift10:14
k1lbigbro: you dont need wiconnect at all10:14
atomxIn this moment that key does not work10:14
bigbrok1l: how can I manage?10:14
|\natomx, you tried that all on the first google link, right? http://askubuntu.com/questions/384758/name-of-detect-keyboard-layout-tool10:16
quantumpantsCan anybody advise me on the current issue with Grub?10:16
k1lbigbro: go to the system tray, click onto the network symbol, then choose to "create new wireless network", fill out the fields, done10:16
atomxgkbd-keyboard-display -g 1 does not really displays the good keyboard for me. It does not displays that key \| near shift10:17
adriennboxhello everyone, who can tell me the command for get mouse on ubuntu 14.04? and command for get wifi on ubuntu 14.04? thx10:18
bigbrok1l: I know this way, but I cannot share my eth0 internet connection by this way10:18
ph88adriennbox: just connect the mouse with usb10:18
adriennboxph88 nope, i wanna use the mouse of the laptop but i dont remember wich command10:18
k1ladriennbox: can you rephrase with more details? both should work ootb10:18
adriennboxk1l i only wanna use my laptop mouse10:19
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k1ladriennbox: and where is the problem? just use it10:19
atomxadriennbox: xdotool for mouse.10:19
atomxfor wifi I do not know10:19
ph88i have ubuntu 14.04 installed .. how can i get these colors for my terminal ??  https://github.com/pwaleczek/Argonaut-theme10:19
adriennboxi cant use it, the cursor isnt at the screen, but i want to know the command for pin up the cursor at the screen10:20
adriennboxu know the command i hope?10:20
k1ladriennbox: the cursor is not on the screen?10:20
k1ladriennbox: what ubuntu is that exactly?10:21
adriennboxkil 14.0410:21
adriennboxthe command is somethig like "-rt -psmouse" i dont remember exactly10:21
k1ladriennbox: sorry, i dont get what issue you got :/  the mouse (cursor) is a default feature and will work ootb10:22
adriennboxk1l it dont work ootb...10:22
adriennboxhello everyone i want to know the command for pin up the cursor at screen and for use wireless adapter in ubuntu 14.04 thanks10:23
atomxI think the easies is to remap the code to another event,10:23
atomxno chance to find the layout10:23
barathHi I really need help, yesterday I installed Gnome 3 on Ubuntu 14.04 but now my desktop is ghosting and moving slow please help I tried to remove it been search the web for help since yesterday but no luck as of yet.10:25
nomicmaybe re-install10:26
nomicor just remove iwth apt-get?10:26
nomicor remove package how you installed it10:26
barathI've tried to but no luck desktop is still ghosting10:26
nomici would re-install10:27
nomiccos you've screwed the window manager10:27
MonotokoYeah... this is why Gnome3 isn't recommended with unity10:27
nomicrather than figure out how to reset your system to normality10:27
adriennboxthe command for get cursor on ubuntu 14.04 is "sudo mod probe -rv psmouse" then "sudo modprobe -v psmouse"10:27
nomicbetter to start with blank slate (reinstall)10:27
barath@nomic I am not great with terminal would you be so kind to help guide me through an clean install10:27
nomic?????  you need a live disk10:27
nomicor a live usb10:27
Monotokobarath: put a disk in...10:28
nomicto install -- installation is obvious10:28
nomicyou need to reboot10:28
barathshall I download ubuntu 14.04 to a cd or dvd10:28
nomicf9 to get selection of boot from cd or usb10:28
nomic14.04 will only fit on a dvd10:28
Monotokobarath: how did you get Ubuntu on your system in the first place>10:28
barathI had an earlier vision by CD then just upgraded10:29
barathwill I need to back up all my files10:29
Monotokoyou should have backups anyway10:29
nomicthere are plenty of methodologies for backing up your files10:30
nomicI would use either a cd or a usb key10:30
nomicpreferably a cd10:30
nomicalways check that the files have written to the media (read them back)10:30
barathI have used backup but their is nearly 700Gb of media which will take a long time to put back on.10:31
barathwill the CD let me repair or will I need fresh install10:32
Monotokofresh install10:32
barath:( ok thank you10:32
Monotokoyou could change your partition layout when you do it10:33
Monotokoleave your old one (shrink it)10:33
Monotokothen install the new one alongside it10:33
Monotokothat way you have your files... but if the partitioner screws up they're gone10:33
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atomxxkeycaps changed me the layout10:37
HuMangHi. I want to run a python scrypt in an endless loop. I'm a newbie. Right now I would write a shell script with an endless loop that opens the python scrypt. Is there a better way? Specific tools?10:53
george___Can somone respond to me , i just want to se if this works10:55
minimecgeorge___: pong10:56
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george___so it works10:56
adriennboxhello everyone, i want to execute command when ubuntu 14.04 boot10:56
adriennboxhow can i do so?10:56
Monotokoadriennbox: depends when you want to execute it during the boot10:57
adriennboxMonotoko after i enter the user password10:58
george___What is that thing with [Act: 1,2] at ht e bottom10:58
Monotokoadriennbox: in that case you can do it from the GUI10:59
Monotokofind the "Startup Applications" in the menu10:59
adriennboxMonotoko startup applications?10:59
adriennboxMonotoko but i want to execute these command when ubuntu start, because im tired of type them everytime i boot11:00
k1ladriennbox: what commands?11:00
Monotokoadriennbox: If you add them to the startup items they will start after you login (type your password)11:00
OerHeksadriennbox, there is a diff between "when ubuntu boots" and "after login"11:01
adriennboxMonotoOerHeks ah yes you're right, so after login11:01
adriennboxOerHerks ah yes you're right, so after login11:01
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Monotokoadriennbox: so add it to "Startup Applications" which will start things as your user after you login11:02
adriennboxk1l "sudo modprob -rv ps mouse" "sudo modprobe -v psmouse" and "sudo modprobe -v ath5k"11:02
adriennboxMonotoko i dont want to start applications, i want to execute command11:03
Monotokoadriennbox: add those to a .sh script11:03
Monotokoand just put that script in as an application11:03
adriennboxMonotoko a .sh script? can i do it with text editor?11:03
Monotokoadriennbox: yeah11:03
adriennboxMonotoko i make a .sh file then tell me how to execute after login11:04
Monotokoit's just a script with .sh after it... you'll need the hashbang (#!/bin/bash)11:04
Monotokoat the top11:04
Monotokoand you'll need to make it executable from the properties11:04
Monotokonow just go into "Startup Applications" click "Add" and for command choose "Browse" and browse to your .sh file11:05
atomxin which file should I add a call of xmodmap that initializes the keyboard ?11:06
george__How do i disconect myself ?11:06
Monotokogeorge__: from IRC?11:06
Monotokofrom the internet?11:06
Monotokofrom the world?11:06
george__from irc11:06
Monotokoit's /quit11:07
Monotokoor close the app11:07
adriennboxMonotoko i dont find Startup Applications where is it?11:09
adriennboxMonotoko i type Startup Applications in terminal but nothing happens11:10
adriennboxbe right back eat11:10
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ph88i have ubuntu 14.04 installed .. how can i get these colors for my terminal ??  https://github.com/pwaleczek/Argonaut-theme11:15
adriennboxMonotoko Monotoko u still there?11:16
adriennboxhello everyone i want to execute command automaticly after login on ubuntu 14.00411:17
Monotokoadriennbox: not in the terminal11:18
Monotokoin the dash11:18
Monotoko(click the unity thing at the top left... start typing)11:18
Ben64or tools -> preferences -> startup applications11:19
adriennboxMonotoko up left and applications?11:19
adriennboxBen64 tools? where is tools?11:20
Ben64the main menu11:20
Monotokoadriennbox: see the answer here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/48321/how-do-i-start-applications-automatically-on-login11:20
OerHeksph88, that would be a OSX theme, unsuitable for ubuntu i guess11:21
ph88OerHeks: yes how can i make it a ubuntu theme11:22
OerHeksph88, don't know, not sure that is possible?11:23
adriennboxMonotoko thx i did it, now i reboot for see if it work well11:23
knosysGuys, im trying to create a launcher. I made the item with a text editor, and saved it name.desktop. I gave +x permissions to it. now with ls -l i can see this: -rwxr-xr-x11:24
knosysbut i cant Run it. What i am doing wrong?11:24
ph88OerHeks: you don't think ubuntu can have colors in the terminal ?11:24
Monotokoadriennbox: good luck!11:24
Ben64ph88: find a unity/gnome/kde/lxde/xfce theme, depending on what you're running11:24
OerHeksph88, sure ubuntu can, but you cannot put a apple thing in ubuntu and expect it to work11:25
ph88Ben64: gnome 311:25
Ben64ph88: yeah so find one for that11:25
Ben64knosys: how are you trying to run it11:26
knosysBy double click11:26
adriennboxMonotoko it dont work :( the commands didnt run after i login...11:27
adriennboxMonotoko where is the problem?11:27
ph88Ben64: i would like exactly this theme11:27
adriennboxMonotoko i did startup program and choes the .sh but it dont do nothing :(11:27
Monotokoadriennbox: did you set the script to be executable?11:27
knosysBen64: By double clicking on it. Why?11:27
adriennboxMonotoko yes, i chosed "allow executing file as program"11:28
Ben64knosys: pastebin the contents of the file11:28
Monotokookay... let's try opening a terminal and running the sh manually11:28
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:28
Monotokosee what it outputs11:28
adriennboxMonotoko ok11:29
adriennboxMonotoko i was on terminal and type "boot.sh" but "command not found"11:29
Monotokoadriennbox: where is boot.sh?11:30
adriennboxMonotoko on the desktop11:30
Monotokoyou'll need go to that directory11:30
Monotoko"cd ./Desktop"11:30
Monotokothen "./boot.sh"11:30
adriennboxMonotoko i did!11:30
adriennboxMonotoko ? ./boot.sh ? ok11:30
Monotokoadriennbox: your desktop isn't in your environment... you'll need to run ./ so it knows where to look11:30
knosysBen64: There http://paste.ubuntu.com/8465409/11:31
Monotokoso yeah, ./boot.sh11:31
adriennboxMonotoko allright the script is runned but what about the startup applications?11:31
Ben64knosys: why are you using that with sudo11:32
knosysits an mmorpg11:32
knosysif i dont use sudo it closes11:32
knosysdont know why11:32
Monotokoadriennbox: interesting.... try to add "sleep 10" to the top of the script (after the #!/bin/bash) so it waits 10 seconds after you log in11:32
Ben64knosys: you should solve that problem. running java as root is a bad idea11:32
knosysi m ean from terminal... i must run that .jar with sudo... otherwise it close itself11:33
MonotokoBen64: depends if it's an old mmorpg11:33
adriennboxMonotoko now i reboot11:33
Monotokoadriennbox: yupp11:33
Ben64knosys: also, mixing sudo with graphical applications is a Bad Idea™11:33
Ben64Monotoko: its java though11:34
Monotokomake sure it's ticked in srtartup applications11:34
Monotokoto actually run11:34
Monotokodamn tiny keyboard11:34
knosysBen64: how could i launch this program?11:34
qknighthi. ufw question:      :POSTROUTING ACCEPT [0:0]     <- what is this [0:0] syntax?11:34
adriennboxMonotoko i am sure i put it in startup applications11:34
adriennboxMonotoko but previous time, nohing happened..11:35
Monotokoadriennbox: just go back and make sure it's ticked :P11:35
Monotokosometimes it might not be11:35
adriennboxMonotoko the startupapplications is ticked...11:35
Monotokoalright, one more thing11:35
Monotokogo back to the script and add "touch /tmp/test.txt" to the bottom of it11:36
Monotokothen we know if it's running or not11:36
adriennboxMonotoko i added "sleep 10" but nothing happen :(11:36
Monotokoadriennbox: add the touch to the bottom11:36
DevihelI'm having a problem with an OS based on Ubuntu. Their IRC is dead. Basically wifi wont appear under nm-applet it used to before.11:37
DevihelCould someone help me out with that?11:37
ikoniaDevihel: you need to use their IRC/support process11:37
rtfmozEvening all :-) I was wondering why "w" was returning an ip address like after doing apt-get upgrade & dist-upgrade. Ubuntu 12.04.05 LTS kernel 3.8.0-44-generic11:37
cfhowlett!flavors | Devihel, nope.  only ubuntu flavors are supported here.11:37
ubottuDevihel, nope.  only ubuntu flavors are supported here.: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.11:37
ResupineEarthhello i was wondering if  someone can help please11:37
cfhowlett!ask | ResupineEarth11:38
ubottuResupineEarth: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:38
adriennboxMonotoko i did it, i reboot now11:38
BluesKajHowdy folks11:39
DevihelWell which is the lightest version of Ubuntu to install on a netbook?11:39
DevihelId like to know11:39
Monotokoxubuntu or lubuntu11:39
ResupineEarthok thanks, i just wanted to know how i can restore a backup from deja-dup if i wanted to format the harddrive and do  a fresh install again11:39
OerHeksDevihel, Lubuntu (256 mb)  xubuntu (512 mb)11:39
cfhowlettDevihel, lubuntu is optimized for lower / older specification hardware.  xubuntu is also pretty nice11:39
Devihel0erHeks: Ah okay, Lubuntu then. :D Thanks11:40
OerHeksResupineEarth, sure, dejadup is standard in ubuntu.11:40
ResupineEartha fresh install of ubuntu 14.04 that is11:40
ResupineEarthoerheks how would i go about a fresh install of ubuntu14.04 and restoring the backup please11:40
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adriennboxMonotoko nothing happened :( i wait 20 second but nothing happene11:41
yecril71plHello, what do I need to have nautilus run over ssh?11:41
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|\nyou need x in both places11:41
RayRutjesHi there11:42
knosys|\n: u tell this to me?11:42
Monotokoadriennbox: open a terminal11:42
Monotokocd to /tmp11:42
RayRutjesWhat do you recommend as IRC client ?11:42
|\nknosys, i doubt that, sorry11:42
adriennboxmonotoko ok11:42
Monotokoand run "ls | grep test"11:42
|\nxchat or irssi11:42
Monotokodoes something come back?11:42
knosysahh nono , sorry i was wrong11:43
adriennboxMonotoko it return test.txt unity_support_test.011:43
Monotokoadriennbox: so it's running the script11:43
rtfmozEvening all :-) I was wondering why "w" was returning an ip address like Ubuntu 12.04.05 kernel 3.8.0-44-generic. Is there a bugtrack I can check?11:44
adriennboxMonotoko oh ok, but why my commands sudo modprobe -rv psmouse dont work?11:44
Monotokoadriennbox: ah...11:44
Monotokothere are two approches here11:44
Monotokowe can run it from somewhere else as root... or we can allow your user to run modprobe without a password11:44
OerHeksResupineEarth, intall ubuntu, start dejadup and put the backup back?11:45
OerHeksand reboot, i guess11:45
Monotokosecond option is probably easiest11:45
adriennboxMonotoko ok, so how to do so?11:45
ResupineEarthoh ok does that mean copying all the backup files in deja-dup folder and then simply putting it back in #11:45
Monotokoadriennbox: run visudo from the terminal11:46
adriennboxMonotoko "permission denied" :(11:46
Monotokoadriennbox: "sudo visudo"?11:46
ResupineEarththanks oerheks11:46
adriennboxMonotoko it work11:46
Monotokoadriennbox: right... press "i"11:47
Monotokogo down to the bottom of the file11:47
raichunatorWiz_KeeD, i heard you can help me with some question about ERP11:47
adriennboxMonotoko then?11:48
Monotokoand put: user_name ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/modprobe11:48
Monotokoreplace user_name with your username11:48
adriennboxMonotoko ok11:48
ResupineEarththanks for your help oerheks11:49
adriennboxMonotoko with a # or without?11:49
OerHekshave fun11:49
Monotokoadriennbox: without11:49
Monotokojust so you know... your user can now use modprobe (but nothing else) as root without a password - so the script can work without a password11:49
Monotokoadriennbox: do you know how to exit visudo ?11:50
adriennboxMonotoko no11:50
Monotokoadriennbox: ":wq"11:50
adriennboxMonotoko :wq ?11:51
Monotokoadriennbox: sorry... press escape to leave "i" mode11:51
adriennboxMonotoko ok11:51
Monotokothen press : w q (seperately11:51
Monotokomake sure you haven't inserted anything into the sudoers file11:51
Monotokoother than the line we want11:51
adriennboxMonotoko the command dont work...11:52
adriennboxMonotoko : w q ?11:52
Monotokoadriennbox: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11828270/how-to-exit-the-vim-editor11:53
raichunatorWiz_KeeD, hello11:54
Monotokoadriennbox: read the first answer, you want to write and quit (but again... make sure nothing has accidentally gone in otherwise your sudoers won't work)11:54
eeeeadriennbox: Monotoko you can just use sudo EDITOR=nano visudo11:54
Monotokoeeee: ....11:55
MonotokoI've never been a big nano user :P11:55
eeeeyou dont know how to exit vi!11:55
Monotokoeeee: I told him how to exit!!11:56
Monotokoesc+:+w+q - it wasn't working11:56
MonotokoI thought the SO answer might have given him more of an idea11:56
Monotokosince they go into a bit more detail :P11:56
knosysIf a java game just works as root mode, it's app fault? i mean, its a programming fail?11:57
eeeeMonotoko: ah, my apologies, i misread11:57
matty_rI'm having trouble getting my laptop to recognize my usb wifi adapter. I can't see it on lspci11:59
BluesKajmatty_r, try lsusb11:59
codebansheematty_r: surely a usb device would only show up in lsusb?11:59
matty_rProbably, I just don't know what i'm looking for12:00
matty_rI mean, how to look for it12:00
Monotokoadriennbox: did you manage to escape and save? :P12:00
matty_rLooks like it's there Ralink Technology12:00
Monotokoif not, we can do it another way12:00
Monotoko(thanks to eeee)12:00
adriennboxMonotoko i tried to save but i dont find...12:01
adriennboxMonotoko is there another way for save the file?12:01
Monotokoadriennbox: close the window entirely and open a clean terminal12:01
matty_rWhat information can I get from this "Bus 003 Device 018: ID 148f:7601 Ralink Technology, Corp."12:01
creatureHello. Ubuntu has *completely* stopped acknowledging my "Alt" key. It still shows up as an Alt_L in xev, though. I am baffled, as I don't think I've changed anything. Help?12:01
adriennboxMonotoko ok12:01
creatureI have tried turning it off and on again.12:01
adriennboxMonotoko then?12:01
Monotokoadriennbox: run "EDITOR=/usr/bin/nano visudo"12:02
Monotoko"sudo EDITOR=/usr/bin/nano visudo"12:02
* Monotoko is too used to being given root on his servers12:02
Monotokoadriennbox: go that line to the bottom (is it already there?)12:03
* eeee is curious why visudo is being opened with vi in the first place12:03
adriennboxMonotoko nope, the text isnt there12:03
Monotokoeeee: I forgot you could use environment variables12:03
eeeein ubuntu it's default nano12:04
Monotokoadriennbox: readd it12:04
Monotokothen I believe it's Ctrl+Q (together) and yes to save12:04
eeeeMonotoko: no i mean, sudo visudo would open in nano, not vi12:04
adriennboxMonotoko ok12:04
Monotokoeeee: maybe he did open with nano originally and I thought it was vi? :s12:04
eeeeadriennbox: is it the same editor as before?12:05
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adriennboxMonotoko ctrl+Q dont work!12:07
adriennboxMonotoko so how to save it?12:07
Monotokoadriennbox: sorry... ctrl+x12:07
MonotokoI haven't used nano for a while :P12:08
BluesKajadriennbox, ctl+o, enter then ctl+x12:08
adriennboxMonotoko i did it12:08
Monotokoadriennbox: great, sorry that took so long on account of me :P12:08
Monotokoadriennbox: go to your script and run it12:09
Monotokoyou shouldn12:09
Monotoko*shouldn't be asked for your password12:09
adriennboxBlueskaj crlt+o isnt neded the file was save with ctrl+x12:10
Monotokoadriennbox: yeah, it will confirm with you before closing12:10
adriennboxMonotoko and now the script will work?12:10
BluesKajadriennbox, that sequence has always been successful for me12:11
adriennboxMonotoko i reboot now12:11
Monotokoadriennbox: good luck12:11
MonotokoBluesKaj's method works too12:11
Monotokoit's just a save and close in two steps12:11
MonotokoI prefer one12:11
Monotokobut his is probably safer :P[6~12:11
adriennboxMonotoko oh ok12:11
* BluesKaj shrugs ...to each his/her own12:12
adriennboxMonotoko it dont work :( still nothing happened :(12:13
Monotokoadriennbox: try running the script manually again12:13
Monotokodoes it ask for your password?12:13
adriennboxMonotoko ok12:13
ukzzIs there on channel someone who talk in polish lang?12:13
eeee!poland | ukzz12:14
ubottuukzz: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.12:14
adriennboxMonotoko no it dont ask me password, so where is the problem?12:14
Monotokoadriennbox: as far as I know... there shouldn't be a problem12:14
adriennboxMonotoko u dont know where is problem? damn12:15
eeeeadriennbox: what's going on?12:15
Monotokoadriennbox: run "ls /tmp | grep test.txt"12:15
adriennboxreturn: test.txt12:16
Monotokoeeee: he's trying to get a script to run on his login... he has the script, it's executable and it touches a file in /tmp called test.txt after running the other commands (just to make sure it runs)12:16
adriennboxeeee i try to run commands in a script when ubuntu start but nother happen12:16
eeeeadriennbox: where are you putting these commands?12:16
eeeeand what do they do12:17
Monotokoeeee: so we know the script runs... we know he can run it manually12:17
adriennboxon a .sh file in the dektop12:17
eeeeadriennbox: no i mean how are you getting them to run?12:17
Monotokoeeee: I told him to use the startup apps gui in Ubuntu12:17
adriennboxeeee with startup applications12:17
eeeedoes it need root privileges?12:17
adriennboxeeee yes but no more now, we modify  a file for prevent to ask password12:18
Monotokoeeee: it was using sudo for some modprobe commands... we added an entry into sudoers to allow modprobe to run without a password12:18
eeeeok, that's what i thought12:18
MonotokoI suppose the next thing to try would be to make the script run earlier12:19
Monotokoin the boot process12:19
Monotokoas root12:19
eeeeif it doesn't need to start after login, you could add it to /etc/rc.local ( it runs as root )12:19
adriennboxMonotoko i have to put a sleep,?12:20
eeee( i dont like the idea of a script in sudoers, it's a huge security hole )12:20
Monotokohe did specify he wanted it to run after login... but I believe modprobe should work earlier12:20
adriennboxMonotoko it ask me password again! so i think the problem is tehere12:20
eeeeadriennbox: what did you add to sudoers?12:20
adriennboxeeee so we have to remove the need of a password12:21
eeeeyes i know but what did you add there12:21
Monotokoand put: user_name ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/modprobe12:21
eeeetype sudo -l12:21
eeeeand paste the line you added12:21
Monotokothat's what I told him to add... with his username12:21
adriennboxMonotoko but the file was writed very well12:21
Monotokoadriennbox: let's see what you added to the bottom?12:22
Monotokomake sure it's right12:22
adriennboxMonotoko with user_name ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/modprobe but still ask password12:22
Monotokoadriennbox: you wanted to replace user_name12:22
adriennboxMonotoko Adrien ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/modprobe12:22
adriennboxMonotoko i puted that12:22
Monotokoadriennbox: with a capital A?12:22
adriennboxMonotoko yes12:22
Monotokoadriennbox: usernames can't contain capital letters12:23
eeeetype whoami12:23
adriennboxMonotoko ooh12:23
adriennboxMonotoko so adrien without capital letter?12:23
eeeetype whoami12:23
Monotokoadriennbox: do what eeee said, that will show you your username12:23
adriennboxeeee my user name is adrien12:23
adriennboxeeee without capital letter12:23
adriennboxvery well we found the problem12:24
Monotokoadriennbox: once you have changed it and saved the file... type "whoami" into the termianl window12:24
Monotokoit will just confirm for us :)12:24
adriennboxMonotoko i typed whoami, my user name is adrien12:24
adriennboxMonotoko without capital letter12:24
Monotokoso that's the problem12:25
Monotokodid you correct it?12:25
adriennboxMonotoko yes i did12:25
Monotokoadriennbox: alright... moment of truth12:25
adriennboxMonotoko noo it still do nothing :(12:26
adriennboxMonotoko i will try if ask password still there12:26
adriennboxMonotoko yes, they still ask me a password12:26
adriennboxMonotoko so the problem is there12:26
eeeeadriennbox: if you type the modprobe command12:27
eeeeit asks you for a password?12:27
cetexso. i have an issue, ifup isn't setting interface lo to state "up" even though it should. (but when i run ifup --no-loopback it configures it properly)12:27
cetexany ideas?12:27
Monotokoadriennbox: sorry I need to leave :( you should copy the script into pastebin and let someone guide you on how to add it to /etc/rc.d to try running it earlier12:27
adriennboxMonotoko aah the file wasnt change!!12:27
adriennboxMonotoko oh damnit12:27
cetexi guess it's a bug.12:27
Monotokoadriennbox: quickly, change the file and reboot again!12:27
adriennboxeeee and Monotoko in the file still a A capital letter12:27
Monotokochange it to lower case... and make sure it's saved12:27
adriennboxMonotoko ctrl+x then close?12:28
Monotokoadriennbox: do the two step method12:28
Monotokoctrl+s then ctrl+x12:28
adriennboxMonotoko ctrl+q then ctrl+x?12:28
eeeeadriennbox: ctrl+o to save12:28
Monotokoctrl+o then ctrl+x >.>12:29
Monotokodamn nano... why can't you use sensible keybindings :(12:29
adriennboxi cant save :(12:29
adriennboxAdrien still a capital letter :(12:29
eeeeadriennbox: what do you mean12:29
adriennboxsaved now12:29
adriennboxi reboot now12:29
adriennboxthe moment of truth12:30
Monotoko(I should go back to work)12:30
Monotokoit works?12:31
adriennboxMonotoko it work thanks u very much!12:31
adriennboxi have mouse and wireless adapter after login now12:31
Monotokoadriennbox: excellent! No problem12:31
adriennboxthanks u also eeee12:32
eeeeno problem12:32
knosysDo you see necesary to install Lubuntu on this machine? : Intel celeron 2,7MHZ x2 , 4GB RAM DDR3, gforce g210, fsb its 1333 ?12:35
knosysI have just installed the OS, and with 5 / 6 things open performance is going way down12:35
BluesKajknosys, no, ubuntu should be fine there, is the file indexer running ?12:37
knosyslet me check12:37
sss_Hello, can anyone suggest me how can I compile and run c++ files from ubuntu in ntfs partition??12:38
Monotokosss_: g++?12:38
sss_Monotoko: I mean after compiling, a.out is created. Which can be executed from ntfs partition12:39
sss_It throws permission related erroe12:39
root____1Hello, can anyone suggest a easy to follow tutorial on ubuntu server firewall commands? Thanks in advance12:39
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo12:40
knosysBluesKaj: sorry i dont know what File indexer is. I though it could be a service, let me check how to see active services12:41
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theGrgzHi, I want to get a basic wholesome picture of the backend behind a complete package management system. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Or briefly describe Ubuntu's system?12:43
sss_can anybody?12:43
__unikdon't ask to ask12:44
__unikgo straight ahead12:44
BluesKajknosys, ok , perhaps the new ubuntus don't use a file indexer, sorry I assumed they do, I;m on KDE so I naturally turn it off whenever I upgrade to a new release12:44
knosysAahh ok12:44
knosysi was almost giving up searching XD12:44
sss_how to execute c++ file present in ntfs partition12:44
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sss___unik: how to execute c++ file present in ntfs partition12:45
Guest87193New to ubuntu, trying to use proprietary driver but games arent opening12:45
Guest87193such as flightgear12:45
BluesKajknosys, you can use system monitor or top to check what's using resources12:45
knosysperformance its really bad. My computer cost 200euro. the pc only, so i think its not very good. Celeron processor, and the graphic card its really bad.. gnome 14.04 its very attractive so... its possible i should switch to a lighter one12:46
quantumpantscan anybody tell me how to get a full list of Terminal commands for 14.04 ??12:46
__uniksss_ Compile and excute them in NTFS, that's easy12:46
BluesKajGuest87193, games as in .exe/windows ?12:47
philinuxGuest87193;~ which graphics card have you12:47
sss___unik: no, then output executable file (a.out) throws error on execution "./a.out"12:47
sss_permission related error12:47
Guest87193GTX 680.12:47
geirhasss_: then the filesystem is mounted with the noexec flag, meaning you cannot execute any files on that filesystem12:48
philinuxGuest87193;~ have you installed a driver from system setting> software and updates?12:48
sss_geirha: yes, what can I do to mount it to exec such that along side window faces no problem12:48
geirhasss_: It's been so long since I touched NTFS that I don't think it's wise for me to even guess. Why can't you just put the binary on a local ext4 filesystem and run it from there though?12:50
sss_ok that I can do12:50
Guest87193philinux, thats where I installed the proprietary driver yes12:51
quantumpantscan anybody tell me how to fix my grub2 bug ???12:52
knosysBluesKaj: yeah already check thanks :)12:52
k1lquantumpants: which grub2 bug?12:52
philinuxGuest87193;~ good ok, as BluesKaj said is flightgear a windows game i.e. a .exe file12:52
Guest87193Yes it is12:53
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OerHeksphilinux, also for ubuntu, it is in our repositorys12:53
Guest87193Must I actually install the driver elsewhere then apply it in additional drivers?12:53
pbxin unity, is there anything like the alt-tap filter for menu items that *also* displays the keyboard shortcuts?12:54
OerHekspbx hold the windows key12:54
philinuxGuest87193;~ not at all if it says its in use thats ok. did you rebboot after installing the driver12:55
Guest87193No i didnt.12:55
Guest87193I will try that12:55
philinuxGuest87193;~ check in software and updates that it is in use12:56
quantumpantsk1l well im told i have a bug that has been giving both my laptops trouble. i understand its all connected to Grub 2. i need to find the root cause12:56
Guest87193Yes it is. ill restart12:57
BluesKajGuest87193, I'm assuming you don't have Wine installed12:57
Guest87193i dont12:57
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu12:57
philinuxGuest87193;~ yep reboot and give it a go. I assume as OerHeks says that you installed it from software center12:58
philinuxif you did you dont need wine12:58
queyanybody can check my progarm java ?12:59
ljosberinni have a problem with custom .desktop entry for one app... i would like to add entry to "run as root" and i did it like this: https://dpaste.de/2fVM12:59
queymy compilator is error i think12:59
queypls priv12:59
ljosberinnhowever, right clicking and selecting that option sometimes work and sometimes don't12:59
ljosberinnmostly doesn't work -_-12:59
k1lquantumpants: what bug?12:59
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k1lquey: stop pasteing stuff into someones PM13:01
queyanybody can check my easy java program ?13:01
k1lquey: ask in #java13:01
quantumpantsk1l thats the trouble, I dont know. for some reason one of my laptops will not charge, the hardware seems ok. other than that the whole system seems to have loads of errors relating to not loading properly.13:02
k1lquantumpants: you need to specify that issues. there is nothing like "the grub bug".13:03
k1lquantumpants: and not charging sounds like some acpi missmatch. charging should be done by the bios at all.13:03
pbxOerHeks, no, i mean that i want to see any keyboard shortcut associated with the menu item i have selected by typing in the HUD13:03
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k1lquantumpants: and that could be caused by a dead battery.13:04
ljosberinni have noticed that even the command "gksudo -k -u root /opt/sublime_text/sublime_text" sometimes doesn't work... why's that? is there some log i can take a look at?13:04
quantumpantsk1l ok, Ill come back on IRC later with a list of Issues, could it be one thing that is causing all the trouble?  I ask as it all started to happen on both laptops around the same time?13:05
k1lquantumpants: pure guessing so far13:05
quantumpantsk1l re dead battery, could that happen over night?13:06
k1lthat could happen any time. maybe there was some electric blast. we dont know so far.13:07
quantumpantsk1l thanks for you help, I will come on later with more info.13:08
pinumbernumber14.04 Unity: How can I control the top panel with the keyboard?13:10
smithzvBluesKaj: I think you (and TJ-) were helping me last week trouble-shooting my MacBook Pro install which couldn't use the Nvidia drivers.  With your help, I eventually figured it out and it is working now, it turns out that the issue was the boot method.  If you boot with Apples non-standard EFI, the video cards are in a weird state, but if you boot in emulated BIOS mode (by holding option on boot and selecting the Ubuntu drive, how I13:11
smithzvhave always run Ubuntu previous to Trusty), the video card works as it always has.  So, thanks, and if it comes up again you can have people investigate this.13:11
philinuxpinumbernumber;~ what do you want to do with top panel13:12
BluesKajsmithzv, thanks for the heads up, that UEFI certainly can muck things up even on macs :)13:12
pinumbernumberphilinux, like, select and interactive with them with the keyboard. So I can shut down or interact with my CPU monitor, etc13:13
greg__Hi all. After the upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 . I m not able anymore to log in with domain users [ samba NT style].  auth.log after "su test" show me "su[3013]: No passwd entry for user 'test'"13:13
smithzvBluesKaj: No problem, if you see the other guys, feel free to pass on the thanks/info.  See you guys later.13:13
philinuxpinumbernumber;~ ctrl alt del brings up the shutdown dialog13:14
CodeGosui use transmission as torrent client, unfortunaly it has guite a few issues, for example if files are changed/damaged on hard drive it wont enable you to simply rehash data as utorrent, you will have to download torrent file again. i have external usb drive, setting download location to it often lead to nothing after client restart, it just starts to load stuff on default partition.13:14
pinumbernumberphilinux, okay but that was just an example really. There's no way to use the panel with they keyboard?13:14
CodeGosuis there uttorent like client for ubuntu?13:14
pinumbernumberCodeGosu, I recall Transmission handling that fine. Maybe try the move option? Alternatively, check out qBittorrent.13:15
weirdcavemanCodeGosu: use qbittorrent.13:16
philinuxpinumbernumber;~ not sure what you want to do13:17
pinumbernumberphilinux, imagine I want to use the wifi indicator to change networks. I want to press some keyboard shortcut to change focus to the panel, arrows or tab to navigate to the wifi indicator, space/enter/down to open the wifi menu13:18
k1l!rootirc > root____113:20
ubotturoot____1, please see my private message13:20
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philinuxpinumbernumber;~ you would probably need a custom keyboard shortcut13:23
TheBigDeala fatal error in gmusicbrowser13:23
TheBigDealPlaying error : Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in. at /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/gmusicbrowser_gstreamer-0.10.pm line 137.13:23
pinumbernumberphilinux, so panel is strictly mouse input only13:23
kodiak1Hey folks, Redhat sysadmin here - does Ubuntu have an oVirt-based product like Redhat supports w/ RHEV?13:24
TheBigDealWhat to do to fix this problem?13:24
kodiak1Assisting a local Ubuntu-based shop and they are looking at VMWare alternatives13:24
tafa2kodiak1 try #ubuntu-server13:25
kodiak1So many #ubuntu channels!13:26
tafa2i know right13:26
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kodiak1thanks tafa213:26
BluesKajkodiak1, kvm and qemu, virtualbox13:26
philinuxpinumbernumber;~ not sure if there is anything in accessibility13:27
pinumbernumberphilinux, assuming that's "universal access", there is not13:27
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philinuxpinumbernumber;~ one way without mouse. hit the win key type network gets you the network manager13:29
pinumbernumberphilinux, sure I was just giving some examples. I have some neat CPU usage indicators and while I could always have separate non-Panel based ones too, it would be really convenient to access the panel with the keyboard13:30
philinuxpinumbernumber;~ unless someone else knows I'm at a loss13:31
pinumbernumberphilinux, okay well thanks for responding anyways13:32
django_Helloe everyone13:32
philinuxpinumbernumber;~ unless there's a way using gnome flashback session instaed of unity13:33
pinumbernumberphilinux, no I like Unity, it's just this13:33
impianyone notice theyr laptop getting hot when chrome is open?13:36
philinuxpinumbernumber;~ aha, alt f10 then left right keys13:37
drmagooimpi: just when running chrome ?13:37
philinuxpinumbernumber;~ alt f10 then left arrow key is best13:37
impidrmagoo, yes - soon as i am surfing the web my GPU temp goes up to 70C +13:37
pinumbernumberphilinux, THANK you! :D man that was well hidden away...13:38
k1limpi: look at system load.13:38
impii have turned off hardware acceleration, and cant even watch a youtube13:38
impik1l, system load is chilling13:38
pinumbernumberimpi, which GPU do you have and which drivers13:38
philinuxpinumbernumber;~ google foo is stretched today13:38
k1limpi: and running 200 flash tabs is not "just a bit load"13:38
pinumbernumberphilinux, yeah I googled myself a bunch. Stuff like "ubuntu 14.04 control panel with keyboard", et al13:38
philinuxpinumbernumber;~ http://askubuntu.com/questions/216024/access-top-panel-sub-indicutors-sub-menu-items-without-mouse13:39
facepalmimpi, Same happen with firefox?13:39
impipinumbernumber, i have a nvidia geforce  315M - used the latest propriaty driver under  sources - that did the same, now using 304.117 - slightly better, tried using the naevou one too but same heat - round about 70C if i dont watch it im sure it will go over 80C13:40
impifacepalm, im checking now13:40
pinumbernumberimpi, on nvidia you definitely need the proprietary ones. Try the latest from NVidia's site maybe?13:41
BluesKajimpi, try the nvidia 331 driver13:42
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impii did try 331.3813:43
impisame thing it's really difficult to work because my temp is constantly around  70C fan going nuts.. and im a developer so my hands get hot13:44
yossarianukhi - can anyone point me to any info/examples of making a specific USB HDD to be (say) /dev/xda - rather than /dev/sd* - this is so I do never accidentally dd this drive.13:44
yossarianuk(i.e udev rule example)13:45
BluesKajimpi, which ubuntu release?13:45
impiBluesKaj, 14.0413:45
impiim going to try 331-updates13:45
drmagooimpi: what laptop model isit?13:45
OerHeksimpi, Maximum GPU Temperature (in C) 105 C > http://www.geforce.com/hardware/desktop-gpus/geforce-315-oem/specifications13:45
BluesKajimpi, you read my mind :)13:45
OerHeksso you can boil an egg :-D13:45
impiit's a crappy (i admit it) toshiba satelite c66013:45
Talidanhey guys, im trying to setup virtual users with my vsftpd, but coming across errors when trying to login, can anyone help?13:46
Talidani followed tihs guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/vsftpd#Virtual_users_with_TLS.2BAC8-SSL.2BAC8-FTPS_and_a_common_upload_directory_-_Complicated_VSFTPD13:46
drmagooimpi: how old is it ?13:46
impii dotn really want to turn off compiz - cause i use the windows hot corners all the time, even that will  make the tmp go up13:46
Talidanbut upon login, i get the error "500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot ()"13:47
impidrmagoo, a couple of years, but i ran 13.04 until a week ago, and that was fine13:47
Talidanwhich confuses me because im not sure how it applies to virtual users13:47
impiim going to vacuum the fan tonight see if that makes a diff13:47
HoNgOuRuhi, I got my /home folder in a separate partition, is it possible to have multiple linux installed on another partition and make use of that same /home/user folder ?13:47
impiOerHeks, at 105C imsure this cheap plastic casing will melt...i am constantly smelling heated plastic smell as it is13:48
impiit's just too hot13:48
philinuximpi;~ just got chromium up and runninh here to test. So far no temp increases shown on conky13:48
impireboot brb13:48
OerHeksimpi, that is what the vendor says13:48
impiphilinux, really?13:48
impisensors  in the console when  you play a youtube - temp must go up13:49
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bonyhoaxI installed ubuntu on my laptop (HP probook) and I have an issue with keys to modify screen brightness. It initially worked perfectly (I even had a nice icon on screen to indicate the current level of brightness), but for a mysterious reason (probably a mistake I did), it doesn't work anymore. Does anyone knows how to enable it again?14:02
knosysHi , i followed a tutorial to configure dual boot on my computer, but im getting weird message when viewing : fdisk -l . Could you guys tell me if i did wrong? http://paste.ubuntu.com/8466216/14:02
cfhowlettknosys, no habla espanol14:03
knosysI know.. sorry, i can translate for you14:03
thanait looks like upstart was continuously calling /etc/mysql/debian-start which spams our logs. any idea why it again and again calls this script?14:03
chaotixhey, i am not sure what setting i changed, but when i click on a window now, it is focused but it isnt brought to the front..  i need to undo this14:04
knosyscfhowlett: you have problem to understand the text on it? want me to translate the error messageS?14:04
cfhowlettknosys, your choice: get English help in this channel or go to #ubuntu-es for spanish14:04
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:04
knosysError says " Partition 4 did not start on physical sector boundary "14:05
knosyscfhowlett: man , am i talking in a different language?14:05
knosysim not talking Spanish14:05
knosysIf you dont want to help me please, stfu :/14:06
Piciknosys: can you try running   LANG=C fdisk -l14:06
cfhowlettknosys, ease up on the attitude and language.  your paste was in spanish or I wouldn't have mentioned it.14:06
knosysok pici14:06
Protocol7!es | knosys14:06
ubottuknosys: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:06
PiciProtocol7: please stop.14:07
Protocol7Pici: Que?14:07
knosyscfhowlett:  , Protocol714:07
knosysthanks for all you have done14:07
knosysi will try what Pici14:07
knosysnow , continue your lives14:07
chaotixhey how to set windows to be brought to the front when they are clicked?14:08
chaotixis that somewhere in dconf?14:08
* impi hangs his head14:08
impiupdated drivers doesnt seem to make a difference14:09
impii even  put powermizer level at 114:09
knosysI am getting this error viewing fdisk -l = http://paste.ubuntu.com/8466259/  - Maybe viewing my partition system anyone could help me what i did wrong? Thanks. Its TRANLATED to ENGLISH.14:10
drmagooimpi: I found an old thread on the toshiba forums about similar issues... they suggest a bios upgrade...14:10
knosysthanks Pici it worked14:10
BluesKajimpi, seems you might want to run a lighter desktop perhaps14:11
impidrmagoo, right, i can do that, can you give me the url?14:11
drmagooimpi: http://forums.computers.toshiba-europe.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=6566214:11
impiwhat do you mean, unity is light <giggles>14:11
impidrmagoo, thank you, lemme give it a read14:11
HoNgOuRuhi, I have to create a custom desktop for a certain type of user, I need only a taskbar at the bottom with only 2 or three launchers, lets say a calculator notepad and a browser... I created a session with only a browser that reruns itself in case of exit... what taskbar do I have to enable/install ?14:12
impiim probably one of the few that loves unity14:12
facepalmHoNgOuRu, lxde, xfce are good options.14:12
BluesKajimpi, I'd suggest KDE , but it can be a bit of a hog depending on your needs14:13
k1lHoNgOuRu: well xfce and remove the rest from tha launcher?14:13
knosysreally, i got annoyed by this channel. I come here with good manners only. I give all detail i can. I am willing to read whatever is needed. I ask PLEASE and say THANKS. but the attitude of people here with me, with few exception, have been a completely DICK14:13
HoNgOuRuk1l, but will that apply to all users?14:13
knosysI am sorry because my english its not perfect.14:14
HoNgOuRufacepalm, I have "Lubuntu" installed14:14
k1lHoNgOuRu: no14:14
knosysbut at least i try to improve a language and dont feel ashame on asking14:14
knosysthe retard is not me14:14
HoNgOuRuk1l, ok, Ill check that out14:14
compdocknosys, welcome to irc14:14
EOBeavDon't feed the trolls people14:14
facepalmknosys could you please tone down and be less offensive.14:14
Protocol7knosys: Please stop calling people a dick and retards. You do not have good manners at all.14:14
cfhowlettknosys, no one called you a retard.  we did advise you to drop the attitude.  and you know enough english to use "stfu" ...14:15
HoNgOuRuk1l, I created a .desktop file, that points to a .sh where there is (in the script) a loop that reruns chrome... just and only that...14:15
knosysno man, i cant14:15
knosysi will just leave :/14:15
EOBeavDon't let the door hit you in the rear on your way out14:15
HoNgOuRuk1l, what should I add to the script? lxdepanel or something?14:15
somsippeople just don't flounce like they used to <sigh>14:16
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BluesKajnow that was strange, first he thanks , then he rants14:20
* cfhowlett thinks it's always a bit scary around full-moon time ...14:21
endewhois edne14:24
Picithats you.14:24
* facepalm 14:24
OerHekscfhowlett, 8 more days untill full moon, samhain ?14:24
totemPici, good morning14:25
OerHeksIs there any mooncalender for gnome3?14:25
impiin the bios i set my cpu, and intel power boost and sata performance modes all to lowest / disabled14:31
impifireup a youtube vid14:31
impicpu chilling on 60C14:32
impithat i can handle14:32
OerHeksimpi, nice14:32
drmagooimpi: nice.. =)14:32
kidsHi - I don't know how this happened but my apt-get is broken :( we upgraded to Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS and now we get these errors when trying to apt-get upgrade or apt-get autoremove http://pastebin.com/tge5P2BN14:32
impi61C now, but its a hellova way better than 70 - 80C and my hands frying14:32
OerHeksgood thing to remember, bios settings/overclocking14:32
impiit was in that post drmagoo posted14:33
impiwell done chap!14:33
* impi chest bumps drmagoo 14:33
impinow i might even use the naevou  driver...cause then my bootsplash is nice14:33
drmagooimpi: you are so welcome14:33
impidrmagoo, +114:34
impilemme try that14:35
impithanks guys! wishing you a good one!14:35
facepalmIf they any way to output some kind of status when using dd?14:35
cas_facepalm: pv /space/office/cas/iso/6.0/altlinux-6.0.2-20130702-spt-x86_64-ru-install-dvd5.iso | dd oflag=direct of=/dev/sdc bs=1M;sync14:36
k1lfacepalm: you mean like progressbar?14:36
cas_facepalm: use pv  for it14:36
facepalmGotcha, thank you!14:36
k1lfacepalm: http://askubuntu.com/questions/215505/how-do-you-monitor-the-progress-of-dd14:37
facepalmI should have searched that but for some reason I told myself it wasn't possible haha. Thanks again cas_ and k1l.14:37
HoNgOuRuhow do I run a window manager with no session ?14:38
pbxis there anything like the HUD that searches menu commands but also shows key shortcuts?14:40
eeeepbx: you can hold the super key to get a shortcuts list14:41
pbxeeee, the shortcuts for the menu commands i'm finding via the HUD14:41
pbxthat's what i want14:41
impioddly enough the nouveua driver is hot again around th 65C mark14:41
pbxnot general Dash shortcuts14:41
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RalliasHow would I go about force-unmounting a samba share?14:45
eeeemount -f maybe?14:45
eeeesorry i mean umount -f14:46
Ralliaseeee: mmk... next question... how would I identify which mount point it is?14:46
k1lRallias: stop smbd? then unmount?14:46
impiumount -l14:46
eeeeyou can lazy unmount with umount -l first14:46
impiRallias, df -h14:46
impiyou'll see the mount there14:46
Ralliashttp://pastebin.com/LyH6hxKv <- df -ah results... I don't know which it is... :(14:48
eeeedf -Th will tell you the filesystem14:48
=== Adamx2 is now known as MetulGeere
andy_wfcIs there a simple way to ask apt and/or packages.ubuntu.com what the *content* of a file within a package is - e.g., what's the default content of /etc/default/spamassassin?14:51
RalliasMmm... it's mounted with gvfs I think...14:53
Hardtail@eeee: Good morning pal. It's Bus!14:54
HardtailHi everyone, I have a fresh install of Ubuntu 14. 64 bit. Every time I boot into Ubuntu I have to unplug my USB mouse and plug it back in for it to function properly. Any idea how to resolve this?14:55
somsipHardtail: I had this for a long time. 4 years actually. A new mouse sorted it.14:56
Hardtailsomsip: It is a brand new mouse, but ok.14:56
RalliasHardolaf: Plug it in somewhere you can reach easily?14:56
cfhowlettandy_wfc, apt-cache show packagenamehere                    gives useful info14:56
HardtailRallias: That is fine I guess, I can plug it into the front of the box. What is it though, just no driver  support?14:56
Snake2kHardtail: Different usb port maybe?14:56
somsipHardtail: I think I did some early research and found it was a dongle that was not recognised and just got used to unplugging/replugging it. It died last weekend, and the one one is recognised fine. Nice surprise really14:57
HardtailSnake2k: I tried both USB ports on the back of the machine and rebooted, still the same issue14:57
andy_wfccfhowlett: not particularly useful. it tells me nothing about the content of any package files14:57
michael_Is it a Logitech mouse?14:57
felonquestion: is there a substitute other than using skype but can video chat daughter that lives across the state in ubuntu14:57
somsipHardtail: no front USB port?14:57
RalliasHardolaf: To be honest, I have no clue. My best guess is a kernel bug, but the only relevant one I can think of was fixed back in 3.5-ish era.14:57
HardtailMichael_ No it is a MadKatz Rat 5 gaming mouse.14:57
HardtailSomsip: Yes there are 2 front usb ports I can use14:58
Snake2kHardtail: Weird, well there is a fix to it..... you can write a startup script to unmount and mount the usb port lol14:58
somsipHardtail: less than ideal, but maybe you'll learn to live with it if you don't find a solution14:58
michael_It could be that the module is not being loaded at boot.14:58
OerHeksfelon, google hangout?14:58
Ralliasfelon: Try jitsi14:58
HardtailSnake2k: Alright, that is a bit over my head at this point. I just got Ubuntu installed so I can start my Terminal courses.14:58
Hardtailmichael_ how would I check that?14:59
eeeeHardtail: hey bus!15:00
Snake2kHardtail: Ah in that case, don't do what I said :|15:00
eeeeHardtail: do you have a usb-hub?15:01
feloninstall jitsi Rallias15:02
eeeeHardtail: check the bios15:02
felonRallias: can i use it if shes using like skype or something else15:02
eeeeHardtail: look for integrated peripherals15:02
somsipRallias: skype is proprietary and only talks to skype.15:03
felonahh didnt know that15:03
felonskype is skype to skype only heh15:03
somsipRallias: sorry - should have gone to felon who saw it anyway :)15:03
Protocol7I'd avoid Skype if possible, it's owned by Microsoft15:03
Hardtaileeee: Ok, any specific feature I need to set?15:04
eeeeHardtail: look for usb mouse support15:04
felonis jitsi, the same way?15:04
RalliasBasically kinda.15:04
somsipfelon: no, it uses SIP (from memory) so there are other clients it will talk to15:04
RalliasIt's open source, but I don't know anyone else that implements it's standard.15:04
RalliasIt can use sip, but it also has xmpp communications.15:05
Hardtaileeee: Ok I will brb going to check15:05
suboptWhich of the available VNC viewers can do fullscreen across 2 monitors?15:05
ssladminCan we play a movie in two monitors?15:05
felonwhat about Tango15:06
felonfor ubuntu15:06
felonthats what shes using15:06
fernando_Algum brasileiro na sala?15:06
eeee!br | fernando_15:07
ubottufernando_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.15:07
felonits a android app i guess that shell use do i have to be on my android phone to tango or could i use my laptop to video while shes on her android?15:08
feloni guess tango is windows only and dosent work in wine so... and im not installing wine.15:10
Hardtail@eeee, no Hardware Integration but I did find a boot setting for USB, it was set to partial so I set it to full - still didn't work.15:11
jParktonwine should be drank not run15:11
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eeeeHardtail: i see15:11
felonwell shit i have to figure this out15:12
k1lfelon: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+question/20767715:13
eeeeHardtail: madcatz is a favorite of mine15:13
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eeeeHardtail: i had a n64 madcatz controller, loved that thing15:13
chaotixhi.  when i click on a window, it focuses on it, but it wont bring it to the front, i am not sure how i managed this...  where can i find the settings to fix this15:14
Hardtaileeee: I really like this one it is very comfortable15:14
laykeHey. I just took a sound card out of my gaming machine running windows. It is a supreme fx x-fi. I basically need the SPDIF to work to connect to my amp system at home. I'm running Ubuntu 14.04...15:14
laykeWill I need the drivers for the sound card/15:14
laykeI don't know how things work on sound cards...15:14
jParktonlayke: Ubuntu is mostly plug and play, plug it in and see what happens, you may some proprietary stuff but might not15:16
Hardtaileeee: brb15:16
laykeYeah. Plugged it in and it didn't seem to want to play the sound. I've plugged in the SPDIF cable and can't see any red lights coming out the end. Whereas on my windows machine the card worked fine15:16
tornikerI am having a very strange things happening on my Ubuntu 14.04. I am unable to use some keyboard shortcuts in any app, like ctrl+c, ctrl+v, ctrl+t (new tab in browsers), but I can still use ctrl+w for closing tabs. also ctr+c is working in terminal like it should be but can't do ctrl+shift+c or ctrl+shift+v in terminal. copy and paste via context menu works fine but my shortcut keys are broken. Any suggestions regarding this problem15:16
laykeThe card came with the motherboard on the other machine.. so perhaps it only works with that motherboard??15:17
pranaIn ubuntu 14.04 my wifi is not working just after updating the software ....how to fix this problem15:17
eeeeHardtail: ok15:17
bekkslayke: thats very unlikely.15:17
felonk1l: thx, but i already know tango dosent work in ubuntu15:17
laykeOkay thanks.15:17
jParktonlayke: lspci in terminal does that card show up?15:18
laykeI'm not all to sure. I can't see anything that looks like it... http://pastie.org/private/xo4i1pifh11kxsykwmc4q15:18
laykeIf I pull it out and run that again jParkton would that tell me?15:19
chaotixhi.  when i click on a window, it focuses on it, but it wont bring it to the front, i am not sure how i managed this...  where can i find the settings to fix this15:20
UbuntuNoobRunning Ubuntu server 12.04.5, trying to upgrade to 14.04.1, `do-release-upgrade` tells me no new releases found? Don't want to do -d flag since that will take to 14.10.15:20
jParktonlayke: I dont see it15:21
cfhowlettUbuntuNoob, -p       flag is the right one15:21
UbuntuNoobhowlett, Thought that would have same behavior as -d15:21
laykejParkton, Okay. The card comes with lights.. I can see that it's getting power.. so it is connected correctly15:21
laykeIt has some *bling* lights since the motherboard it came with was a gaming motherboard.15:22
pranaAnyone knows how to access windows network location using ubuntu ???15:22
jParktonprana: samba server?15:22
laykeNo idea then :( Okay.. thanks for the help.15:22
cfhowlett!samba | prana15:22
ubottuprana: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html15:22
UbuntuNoobstill nothing with `do-release-upgrade -p`15:22
cfhowlettUbuntuNoob, are your settings for LTS only?15:22
UbuntuNoobHowlett, meaning?15:23
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UbuntuNoob`lsb_release -a` shows No LSB modules are available.15:23
cfhowlettUbuntuNoob, Long Term Support only --- if not, you'll be unable to see 12.04 >> 14.0415:23
bekksUbuntuNoob: Whats the full output of that command. Please pastebin it.15:23
bekks!pastebin | UbuntuNoob15:24
ubottuUbuntuNoob: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:24
UbuntuNooblsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS Release:12.04 Codename:precise15:24
chaotixfor anyone else who needs to know, it was gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences raise-on-click15:24
cwarnerI thought there was a way to do whitelisting with unattended-upgrades??15:25
chaotixso in dconf-editor, org ->gnome->desktop->wm->preferences, make sure raise on click is checked15:25
chaotixthat took forever to find lol15:25
cfhowlettUbuntuNoob, right good.  but ... system > software updater > settings > Notify me of a new ubuntu version: For Long Term Support15:25
pranaAfter installing new ubuntu updates ....my wifi is not working ....so any one please help me to get back to my wifi15:26
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UbuntuNoobIt's running 12.04 server, no GUI15:26
cwarnerdoes anyone else have a need for whitelisting packages with unattended-upgrades? Meaning a list of only packages that you want unattended-upgrades to upgrade?15:26
geniiUbuntuNoob: Might find better help then in #ubuntu-server15:26
neriumAnyone knows a way to move a installation of ubuntu to a smaller disk?15:26
cfhowlettUbuntuNoob, ah.  Ok there's a sources.list setting for that but I don't remember how15:26
Eduard_Munteanunerium, partition, rsync files over, change UUIDs and reinstall bootloader?15:28
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neriumEduard_Munteanu: I've manage todo the first two steps, how about the other?15:28
tornikerI am having a very strange things happening on my Ubuntu 14.04. I am  unable to use some keyboard shortcuts in any app, like ctrl+c, ctrl+v,  ctrl+t (new tab in browsers), but I can still use ctrl+w for closing  tabs. also ctr+c is working in terminal like it should be but can't do  ctrl+shift+c or ctrl+shift+v in terminal. copy and paste via context  menu works fine but my shortcut keys are broken. any help would be appreciated15:28
Eduard_Munteanunerium, just update fstab accordingly, use blkid to get the new UUIDs15:29
drmagootorniker: any recent changes made to your system ?15:29
tornikerdrmagoo: there was a system update today15:31
tornikerdrmagoo: I have not changed anything in system I was working on my project and in the middle of this I cannot copy/paste or use ctrl+r to refresh browser, I have restarted but it's same15:32
HardtailIs anyone familiar with installing themes with myunity?15:35
EOBeavHardtail: I don't think MyUnity lets you install them, it just lets you select the ones that are already installed.15:37
kidsHi - I don't know how this happened but my apt-get is brokenwe upgraded to Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS and now we get these errors when trying to apt-get upgrade or apt-get autoremove http://pastebin.com/tge5P2BN15:37
HardtailEOBeav: Ok thanks. I am following this tutorial http://www.ubuntuthemes.org/market/installation-instructions/15:38
drmagookids: what does "sudo apt-get -f install" give for output? Pastebin that too15:39
kidsdrmagoo: here you go - it looks the same to me :) http://pastebin.com/qAm7zkqY15:40
quantumpantsDoes anybody have a complete list of Terminal commands for 14.04 lts?15:41
drmagookids: try to do just "apt-get install netbase"15:43
cfhowlettquantumpants, man man15:43
quantumpantsfhowlett thanks15:43
cfhowlettquantumpants, happy2help15:44
ssladminbye bye15:44
userasdfqweri have a problem with dual boot15:44
userasdfqwercan you help me_15:45
kidsdrmagoo: here is apt-get install netbase http://pastebin.com/fz8Fi8wM15:45
JellyjookI finally got to the deepweb today15:45
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drmagookids: "dpkg --reconfigure netbase" ?15:45
lxf_have a problem with the nm-applet not showing in the main menu15:45
drmagookids: sorry "dpkg-reconfigure netbase"15:46
kidsdrmagoo: /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: netbase is broken or not fully installed15:47
axisystrying to mount a 32G micro sd card.. it says no medium found.. any suggestion?15:50
axisyshere is the dmesg http://dpaste.com/1DA3ZH215:50
drmagookids:  try "apt-get -d install netbase" and then go to /var/cache/apt/archives and from there do a "dpkg -i netbase*"15:50
axisysdetailed dmesg: http://dpaste.com/1MRYQF015:51
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axisysgparted does not detect it either15:53
kidsdrmagoo: http://pastebin.com/GyWQzcsf15:54
OerHeksaxisys, check the sdcard reader, can it handle 32 gb? some can only work up to 16 gb15:54
zy3pDtippt mit geschlossenen aufen15:54
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drmagookids: 'tab' after netbase, so that you get the full filename15:55
felonwonder if skype will work on 14.04 on the skype page it says 12.0415:55
kidsdrmagoo: oops - sorry15:55
zy3pDfelon, it works!15:55
HardtailGuys if I got a new theme in my /usr/share/themes folder, how do I load it? myunity is no longer in development15:55
=== Mike is now known as Guest5005
drmagooHardtail: try "unity tweak tool"15:56
OerHeksHardtail, check your url, it gives the answer in the comments, use unity-tweak-tool15:56
kidsdrmagoo: there are no files that start with netbase in that directory /var/cache/apt/archives15:56
OerHeksHardtail, and be sure it is a gnome3/unity theme15:57
HardtailOerHerks ok thanks, when I use the menu in Tweak Tool it becomes transparent, the window.15:57
HardtailI am gonna reboot brb15:58
drmagookids: try "dpkg --configure -a" then "apt-get clean" and then "apt-get update" and last "apt-get -f install" =)15:59
layke Hey. Sound issue again.. I uninstalled pulseaudio, and attempted to reinstall. In the top right hand corner on the toolbar I used to see sound devices. Now after reinstalling that icon isn't there any more?16:00
axisysOerHeks: it sees the 64G just fine16:01
felononly calls and msging :(16:02
axisysevery time I feed the sdcard into my laptop I get this error16:06
axisyshp-config_usb_printer: hp-config_usb_printer[21388]: error: This is not a valid device16:06
axisysno issue with the  64G16:06
axisyscolord: Device added: sysfs-HP-HP_Flash_Media_Reader16:07
dimitry7do you prefer openvpn or ipsec?16:07
felonwhy dont i have the video option on skype...?16:08
ubottupie870: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:10
felondo i have to install the wrapper16:10
=== Zachary_DuBois is now known as Tokyo
kidsdrmagoo: dpkg --configure -a http://pastebin.com/JFv4ZjUj16:15
snownin $PATH, the directories that are listed first should are searched first right?16:16
axisysany suggestion on how to read this sdcard? sudo gparted /dev/sdb says error opening, no medium found.16:16
axisyslsusb sees it as16:17
axisysBus 002 Device 011: ID 03f0:0423 Hewlett-Packard HS-COMBO Cardreader16:17
axisysit is a micro sdcard16:17
ObrienDavethat's just the reader not the card16:17
punkgeeki install takeoff menu but ive get this error and cant start my kde16:17
punkgeekxession: unable to start X session --- no "home/user/.xession" file, no "home/user/.Xession" file, no session managers, no window manaher, ans no terminal emulators found; aborting.16:17
gggggggggHi.How can I share my internet with my android device,using  usb?16:18
axisysObrienDave: so lsudb only reads the card reader, but not the card.. 64G worked just fine16:18
axisysthis is 32G16:18
ObrienDaveaxisys, does the card work anywhere else?16:19
ObrienDaveaxisys, try lsblk16:19
axisysObrienDave: I just read the 64G micro sdcard with that16:19
ObrienDaveaxisys, does the 32gb card work anywhere else?16:19
axisysObrienDave: I have two of them.. I have no where else to test16:20
axisysObrienDave: lsblk does not see it16:21
kidsdrmagoo: I'm sorry I have to run out - I'll jump on later and try again - thank you for all your help - I really appreciate it16:21
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drmagookids: no problem16:21
punkgeekno bodys help me?16:21
axisysObrienDave: kernel sees it16:21
axisysObrienDave: [69713.671281] sd 12:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk16:21
ObrienDaveaxisys, could be the card is borked16:21
axisysObrienDave: both?16:21
ObrienDavecould just be an issue with that card. sorry, gotta run, family issue16:25
gggggggggHow can I share my internet with my android device using  usb?16:28
axisysany one can suggest why I cannot read the sandisk ultra microsdhc 32gb ?16:28
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=== Tokyo is now known as Zachary_DuBois
drmagoopunkgeek: this isnt the right place to get help with kde.. this is a channel for pure Ubuntu(Unity16:30
punkgeeki cant start X16:31
drmagoopunkgeek: what does "service lightdm restart" give?16:32
feloni dont even have a video option on skype i installed wrapper added the ppa and everything16:32
k1lpunkgeek: dont startx, start the lightdm which will manage X for you16:32
punkgeekget large error with service lightdm restart16:34
Snake2kpunkgeek: Paste that error at paste.ubuntu.com and paste the link here16:34
punkgeekstart: rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.42" ...16:34
punkgeekstart: rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.42" (uid=1000 pid=3490 comm="start lightm") interface="com.ubuntu.upstart0_6.job" member="start error name="(unset" requested_reply="0" destintion="com.ubuntu.upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init")16:37
k1l!paste | punkgeek16:39
ubottupunkgeek: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:39
trismpunkgeek: you need to use sudo: sudo restart lightdm; (or with the service command)16:40
craigbass1976I'm trying to mess with audio volumes... I can see sound coming in on the VU meter, but don't hear anything coming out.  I can hear music from VLC and youtube fine.  What am I missing16:40
punkgeekwith sudo16:42
k1lpunkgeek: what ubuntu is that exactly?16:43
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k1lpunkgeek: "lsb_release -d" gices you?16:45
BluesKajpunkgeek, install kde-workspace16:45
sid_Hello every one , i cannot be able to install or remove libxml2 , some thing says unmet dependency . I googled a lot and struck here what needs to do next .16:46
craigbass1976I fixed it.  I guess the next question is... How do I perform (with Pulse) the equivalent of m (unmuting a line-in jack, mic, etc)) in alsamixer?16:46
=== DGJones is now known as DJones
punkgeekk1l: yes16:46
sid_sudo apt-get purge libxml216:47
sid_Reading package lists... Done16:47
sid_Building dependency tree16:47
sid_Reading state information... Done16:47
sid_Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have16:47
sid_requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable16:47
unopastesid_ you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted16:47
k1lpunkgeek: what does it give you?16:47
k1lsid_: please use a pasteservice and dont spam this channel16:47
bazhangis that debian, sid_16:47
BluesKajcraigbass1976, use the m key to mute/unmute in alsamixer16:47
punkgeekubuntu 14.04.1 LTS :D sry16:47
sid_its ubuntu , yes its debian16:48
bazhangsid_, which one16:48
k1lpunkgeek: ok. so it was kubuntu from the start? what did you do before that did not work anymore?16:48
sid_ubuntu 14.0416:48
punkgeeki install takeoff menu, after install need to restart, when restart the desktop. ive get this error16:48
k1lpunkgeek: how did you install that? i wonder how that is damaging the whole x16:49
sid_WHEN REMOVING libxml2 , i got error like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/8467147/16:49
punkgeekk1l: installed with this url: http://www.linuxbsdos.com/2012/04/22/how-to-install-takeoff-launcher-on-kubuntu-12-04/16:50
k1lsid_: "uname -a" gives you?16:50
craigbass1976BluesKaj: Yes.  I don't see any buttons in the Pulse app (the line in tab) that do anything.  It was on and I could see the VU meter move when I strum a guitar16:50
sid_Linux sid-desktop 3.13.0-32-generic #57-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 15 03:51:12 UTC 2014 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux16:51
sid_While installing libxml2 i got it like this  http://paste.ubuntu.com/8467172/16:51
BluesKajcraigbass1976, I was referring to alsamixer , check your mic and capture inputx16:52
sid_k1l : can you solve my problem please16:52
craigbass1976BluesKaj: Oh, sorry.  My yes was m is hte key to mute/unmute in alsa.  Just looking for a pulse equivalent16:53
LeartSHi guys! Can anyone help me debug and/or solve this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-settings-daemon/+bug/136925116:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1369251 in unity-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "unity-settings-daemon doesn't load settings at boot" [Undecided,New]16:53
k1lsid_: run "sudo apt-get update &&sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and put into pasteservice16:53
Gregor3000how do i paste in console (not the emulator but console)16:53
HSakaHello, I changed my ssd disk that had ubuntu. When I putted my new ssd disk in. Grub Rescue came... how can i boot from usb ?16:54
punkgeekwhat should i do now?! :-S16:54
jParktonGregor3000: Ctrl + Shift + v16:54
HSakaI've acutally tried different ways to solve it. But nothing seems to wokr.16:54
Gregor3000into console (as in on server not the terminal emulator on desktop)16:55
BluesKajpunkgeek, already told you to install kde-workspace16:55
jParktonWorks in SSH over here16:55
sid_k1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8467190/16:55
punkgeekcant install, network is unrechable16:55
k1lsid_: holy moly16:56
punkgeeki insert my lan cable, but i dont know why i ve get this message! (network is unreachble16:56
k1lsid_: you are mixing trusty and oneiric sources?!?!16:56
sid_k1l: what can i do now16:57
k1lsid_: and lucid?16:57
HoNgOuRuhow do I run chrome with openbox ?16:57
k1loh well. that system officially is a mess. (besides that huge amount of 3rd party repos)16:57
HoNgOuRupunkgeek, try "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"16:58
=== aj_ is now known as aj_x
k1lpunkgeek: well. your 12.04 package i your 14.04 system made some bad changes.16:58
sid_k1l: my sources list  http://paste.ubuntu.com/8467207/16:59
punkgeek<HoNgOuRu> tried, but didnt work and didnt say any message!16:59
k1lsid_: please show "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d/" in a pastebin16:59
sid_what needs to be removed16:59
BluesKajpunkgeek, you probly forgot to update and upgrade 12.04 before upgrading to 14.0416:59
sid_k1l: yes i did it http://paste.ubuntu.com/8467207/16:59
punkgeekk1l: i dont install ubuntu 12.04 !16:59
HoNgOuRuk1l, btw I had the same problem last week... after fighting all day with something like that I formatted it...17:00
k1lpunkgeek: that takeoff package was for 12.0417:00
punkgeekim using 14.04 iso17:00
punkgeekaha, so what should i do?17:00
HoNgOuRupunkgeek, try ifconfig and see if you have your eth0 or wlan0 up ...17:00
punkgeeketh0 and lo is up17:01
k1lsid_: this is a 12.04 sources.list. take that and exchange all "precise" with "trusty" https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/sample/sources.list17:01
sid_k1l: for second command http://paste.ubuntu.com/8467227/17:01
HoNgOuRupunkgeek, does eth0 has a valid ip ?¡17:01
HoNgOuRupunkgeek, I mean, your internal network, or whatever...17:02
HoNgOuRuso you have to put a valid ip there17:02
sid_k1l : what about the problem i faced for libxml2 , i didnt even remove or install new version of it17:02
HoNgOuRupunkgeek, do you know your routers ip?17:02
k1lsid_: the main cause is that you made a mess with your system. we need to get the right sources first to work on the other problem17:03
punkgeekplease see this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8467244/17:03
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HoNgOuRupunkgeek, ping google17:04
sid_k1l : i did update sources.list with your list and  did sudo apt-get update command too17:04
punkgeek~$ ping google.com17:04
punkgeekping: unknown host google.com17:04
punkgeek~$ ping
punkgeekconnect: Network is unreachable17:04
HoNgOuRupunkgeek, ok17:05
k1lsid_: did you exchange the "precise" with "trusty"? that is important. all words need to be changed17:05
HoNgOuRuping your router17:05
HoNgOuRupunkgeek, ping
punkgeek# ping
punkgeekPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.17:05
punkgeek64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.828 ms17:05
HoNgOuRuso your lan is working17:05
HoNgOuRumaybe, the router is not online to the outside17:05
HoNgOuRuopen a browser and go to
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punkgeekno. im using this modem on my laptop now17:06
punkgeekand chat with upu :D17:06
HoNgOuRutry this...17:06
HoNgOuRutry ip route17:08
HoNgOuRu"ip route"17:08
Gregor3000jParkton: are you maybe doing the ssh in terminal emulator?17:08
punkgeek192.168.1.0/24 dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src  metric 117:08
HoNgOuRutell me what it says at the default17:08
sid_k1l: yup i did17:08
Gregor3000does it work if you drop to console?17:08
HoNgOuRupunkgeek,  you should have something like ... default via dev eth0  proto static17:09
k1lsid_: ok. then run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" to make sure you will get the most recent packages. all into the paste afterwards again17:09
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HoNgOuRupunkgeek, hold on a sec17:09
punkgeekHoNgOuRu: set gateway in interfaces file?17:09
jParktonGregor3000: well now you are getting deep17:09
sid_k1l: i did that too17:09
jParktonI just terminal17:10
k1lsid_: please show17:10
sid_oh ! sorry17:10
jParktonis there some really useful function in using a konsole rather than a terminal?17:10
Gregor3000hmm... caise it doesn't work here in vbox... wait...17:10
HoNgOuRu"sudo ip route add default via"17:10
jParktonvbox is not the same17:10
jParktonyou cant do that17:10
ROPAhi all, I tried to use my ubuntu 14.04, and can't. It has a weird problem, When I try to run firefox or libre office, everything I type is interpreted as a command of some sort. So, I can't type into the google search box or enter a new url in firefox. Any ideas???17:10
HoNgOuRupunkgeek, try sudo ip route add default via
punkgeekaha its works thank you17:11
sid_k1l :update command http://paste.ubuntu.com/8467295/17:11
punkgeekso now i should enter: apt-get install kde-workspace ?17:11
HoNgOuRunext time you reboot you should face the same problem17:11
HoNgOuRuso, are you connected now?17:11
k1lsid_: "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"17:11
sid_k1l :wait a min its running17:12
Gregor3000well that doesn't make much sense17:13
k1lsid_: ok. in best case that already solved the issue17:13
punkgeekHoNgOuRu: try  apt-get install kde-workspace ?17:13
HoNgOuRuI'm not sure about that17:13
HoNgOuRupunkgeek, what do you want to do ?17:13
sid_k1l : Thank you so much for support , i'll get back if that problem still exist and i think it'll be taking more than 5 min to upgrade17:14
k1lsid_:  there are still issues with that 3rd party repos and PPA. i would suggest to remove the PPA that gets mentioned as offline.17:15
mojtabaHi, Do you know any ebook reader of pdf reader in ubuntu?17:15
xanguacalibre to read ebooks mojtaba17:16
mojtabaxangua: No, I mean in audio format.17:16
HoNgOuRuI am setting a web kiosk, I want only chrome and openbox, I created a script that runs chrome, but I want openbox to control chrome's window... how do I launch openbox and chrome from a script ???17:16
feloni got it working...17:17
punkgeekHoNgOuRu: veru thank you ;-)17:18
HoNgOuRupunkgeek, you welcome... just try to persist the change17:18
k1lHoNgOuRu: i did that with another program some years back. put openbox to start with chromium fullscreen on startup and remove all the menu settings from openbox17:18
sid_k1l : another problem i faced a lot  is that , i am not able to go to other tabs (eg :: if terminal , chrome , movie  are my present applications i am not able to get to other one using keyboard) . I click on alt+tab but its not working and i dont know why .  Can you solve that17:18
HoNgOuRuk1l, yeah, I disabled openbox popup menu, but my problem is that I cannot get both programs running at the same time from a script17:19
HoNgOuRudont know why17:19
HoNgOuRuif I do openbox & chromium-browser then only openbox fullfill the screen and after closing it it runs chrome17:20
k1lHoNgOuRu: both programs? start openbox and that will start chromium17:20
HoNgOuRuk1l, I created a user, with an empty session... no lxde, just runs a script, in this script I call openbox and chromium17:21
k1lHoNgOuRu: openbox is not a "program" in that sort of way17:22
HoNgOuRuk1l, first I only executed chrome, but it didnt have any window bar, so I thought that If I run openbox it will wrap the chrome window17:22
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pranaPlz help....  Tell me how to delete the  grup bootloader17:24
jpdsprana: Why would you want to do that?17:24
naphstorany budddy tel me how i install android application like whats app in my ubantu 13.10 operating system?????(i search in google but there is no any solution about this)17:24
sid_naphstor :: you can use simulator17:25
sid_naphstor :: you can use android simulator17:25
naphstorits cost 3$17:25
pranaJpds : just want to learn how to delete ubuntu from dual boot17:25
xanguanaphstor: please upgrade to a suppoted release, also you may wanna check this when you do http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/09/install-android-apps-ubuntu-archon17:25
k1lnaphstor: for the start: no need to use extra ?. then 13.10 is dead. you need to upgrade first (you dont even have the security fixes for shellstorm issues)17:26
k1lprana: insert windows cd, let that install the windows bootloader17:26
guardianpwr08hello, i have somehow screwed up my ssh access after installing google 2step config.  i get a connection refused error.  I dont have terminal access, but ispconfig is up and running... anything i can do to regain ssh?17:27
pranaK1| can i do this with usb ??17:27
k1lHoNgOuRu: i cant show you the howto i used because its not in english. but here are 2 howtos linked: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/07/create-ubuntu-kiosk17:27
k1lprana: well. dont know about how to do this from the windows side. but if you just remove grub you have no bootloader and even windows will not work then.17:28
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pranaK1| so i have to do it with cd right?17:29
ferrox2Hello.I ran a program that created temporary files (in /tmp) and filled the disk, crashing the machine. I deleted the contents of /tmp manually, and now the machine isn't right: applications keep crashing to desktop.17:29
k1lprana: you need somehow install the windows bootloader. cd works, usb could work, but for that better ask the windows guys to be sure.17:29
ferrox2I've rebooted17:29
reisioferrox2: how much space do you have?17:30
ferrox2reisio: I now have 1.8 GB free17:30
naphstorthank guys i found my solution17:30
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reisioferrox2: run from terminal to see errors17:30
pranaThey are just not replying17:30
nanoSome one help with installing network drivers for ubuntu 14.04 on a dell D430 via usb. Not internet connection and some detailed instructions would be a plus17:31
ferrox2reisio: I've just tried sudo apt-get update from terminal. It quits (the terminal closes) partway through.17:31
reisiowow, neat17:31
reisioyour ~/.cache or ~/.config might be really confused17:31
reisioyou might temporarily mv them elsewhere17:31
ferrox2in my user profile?17:31
reisioin your user's home, yes17:32
ferrox2I hadnt thoughtof that, i'll try that now17:32
ferrox2Need to switch it back on, so a few secs.17:32
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angelo__vorrei scarica re dei film mi potete aiutare17:36
k1l!it | angelo__17:36
ubottuangelo__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:36
ferrox2reisio: That's fixed it, but my user settings are all gone. I can rebuild those, however. Thank you.17:36
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HoNgOuRuk1l, thank you17:38
angelo__dvd rip 201417:38
naphstorgood night17:38
DJones!piracy | angelo__17:38
ubottuangelo__: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o17:38
ferrox2reisio: Hrm the unity dash is reset too, it's not finding the programs. They're still there though - alacarte sees the old groups.17:38
guardianpwr08hello, i have somehow screwed up my ssh access after installing google 2step config.  i get a connection refused error.  I dont have terminal access, but ispconfig is up and running... anything i can do to regain ssh?17:39
ferrox2reisio: And thats fixed too, i reinstalled unity scope and unity. Thanks.17:40
reisioferrox2: some reseting is what would happen if you mv ~/.config17:40
reisioferrox2: yup, now you just have to fix your config17:41
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reisionot really sure why, but stuff like gconf freaks out when it runs out of disk space17:41
angelo__Kite.2014 BRD.XVID ITA17:41
reisioand does terrible things to configs17:41
reisioI even noticed xfce's xfconf doing that17:41
k1langelo__: no warez in here!17:41
drmagooangelo__: sei nel canale sbagliato. Questo canale è per il sostegno relative a Ubuntu!17:43
alessiociao a tutti17:45
alessioavrei bisogno di una mano con la retroilluminazione17:45
k1l!it | alessio17:45
ubottualessio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:46
alessioi m sorry XD17:46
=== luckybunny is now known as lbaway
Revanhere we are17:51
queyhi i have problem with compiling java program in Eclipse , but when i compil in terminal - then all is ok17:55
queycan anyone help me ?17:55
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Guest89252#join i318:01
tmktHey Hey have 2 NICS, right now for simplicity sake have both connected to the same router via DHCP, one for some reason works perfectly....the other, not so much.. ifdown eth0;ifdown eth1;ifup eth0;ping www.yahoo.com doesn't work... ifdown eth0;ifdown eth1;ifup eth1;ping www.yahoo.com does work..they are both retrieving their IP from the router correctly based off of their mac address, and 3.4 works...3.3 doesn't stumped18:02
bazhangtmkt, this is more of a ##networking issue18:05
thesebhow many killing terminals NOT ask..."Are you sure?" all the time?18:09
bazhangtheseb most idle here18:10
thesebcompdoc: i mean......when i kill a terminal...I get a popup..i don't want that...that's all18:10
compdochow  do you kill a terminal?18:11
geniiMy bet is not by typing exit18:11
thesebcompdoc: click on X with moust18:12
compdocif you login to root before exiting, it complains18:12
thesebgenii: right18:12
thesebcompdoc: right..you read my mind18:12
thesebcompdoc: i drop into root and that's when i have this problem18:12
compdocbut if youre just you, it doesnt18:12
jee1mror if you're running some process18:12
compdoctype exit18:12
thesebcompdoc: can you set gconf to just kill when are you root ?18:12
thesebcompdoc: w/ mouse?18:13
geudrikAnyone seen an issue using rTorrent that looks akin to : file_list: Failed to prepare file '/Ubuntu.iso.whatever... due to a permission error, despite having variables set correctly in the config?18:13
mateusz__I am on 14.04. How can I upgrade to package for 1.4.1? apt-get install openttd resulted in really old version 1.3, but 1.4 is available for the next OS version. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openttd18:14
mateusz__Sorry, I am more confused than I expected.18:15
thesebmateusz__: hmm....that may be tricky18:15
thesebgeudrik: fwiw...what world needs is an anonymous bittorrent app18:15
mateusz__thseb: I know that it will work.18:16
mateusz__But how can I obtain it using apt-get?18:16
thesebmateusz__: you can't...just download the package some other way18:16
thesebmateusz__: then do dpkg -i package_name18:16
geniiThat's just asking for dependency hell18:17
geudrikmateusz__: just install it: http://www.sysads.co.uk/2014/06/install-openttd-1-4-1-ubuntu-14-04-linux-mint-17/18:19
geudrikmateusz__: that was link #2 off google by the way, searching for "install openttd ubuntu14.04"18:20
nanoSome one help with installing network drivers for ubuntu 14.04 on a dell D430 via usb. Not internet connection and some detailed instructions would be a plus18:21
n1ckyi want to install ubuntu netinstall to my chromebook18:21
n1cky(no, i don't want a chroot)18:21
n1ckyi only have an SD card18:21
n1ckycan i write the livecd to the sd card, then make a tmpfs of sorts, so that i can write over the sd card?18:22
n1ckyaka where i'd install the os18:22
bazhanguse the mini iso?18:22
thesebn1cky: i thought chromebooks were only for chrome os18:22
mateusz__geudrik: I know. I already installed it this way, but I wanted to check whatever it is doable to do it using apt-get/18:23
OerHeks!offline | nano18:25
ubottunano: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD18:25
nanook. not really familiar with what you said. can you pm me18:26
nanooffline correct.18:26
_marcoI've set capability of a file with "setcap cap_sys_rawio+eip file". I run is as root, but iopl(3) still fails. What should I do?18:27
nanoWhat is synaptic? | ubottu18:27
nanofor instance i have dwnloaded the zipped file with the broadcom-wl-5.100.13818:29
nanoand I am trying to install or configure this on the system18:30
stantonkis there a way to stop/start multiple upstart jobs in a batch / with a wildcard?18:31
nanoOerheks or ubottu? saw my last response18:31
maxvihow can I install numix theme completely in ubuntu 14.04? I installed unity-tweak-tool and do this sudo add-apt-repository ppa:numix/ppa; sudo apt-get install numix-gtk-theme18:31
killerHey , i want to set lightdm as login manager again , so i tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm18:31
maxvibut my folder looks like in default ubuntu18:31
killerbut nothing happened and it takes 40 seconds to take me to unity18:31
Foxtrotwhat if i told you that bash wasnt vuln :O18:32
killerearlier it was 6-8 seconds18:32
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Guest39972For some reason a game (flightgear) is using novueau  driver despite NVIDIA 331.38 being enabled.18:34
Guest39972How do I remove the nouveau driver so it will default to proprietary18:34
rava`can anyone direct me to how i can fix network manager nto letting me select configured vpn connections?18:35
rava`the connection configurations work, as openconnect on the cli works fine18:35
andornautAnyone know of a wirelses adapter that can do AC? The ath10k driver is supposed to worked, but I don't know of any adapters that use the supported atheros chipsets.18:35
rava`but in the networkmanager drop down under vpn, all the configured connections are greyed otu18:35
Guest39972Also, whats the terminal command to install nvidia-331?18:36
Guest39972The downloaded run file isnt working18:36
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest55092
pbxGuest39972, downloaded from where? not working how?18:36
Guest39972pbx, I downloaded from Nvidia and I run it, and at the end it says it cant open something. Cant remember18:37
Guest39972and also downloaded from ubuntu18:37
Guest39972I was just wondering how I can install it in terminal since its not working18:38
hexacodeanyone know a good hex editor for ubuntu18:39
Foxtrothexacode, GUI or CLI?18:39
FoxtrotId recommend Bless though18:40
Revanhere we are18:43
rava`can anyone direct me to how i can fix network manager nto letting me select configured vpn connections?18:47
chris_99Hey, Does anyone have any idea how to fix this bug, without upgrading to Utopic - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-319/+bug/122042618:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1220426 in nvidia-prime (Ubuntu) "[nvidia-prime]Freeze while using touchpad" [Critical,Triaged]18:50
chris_99as far as i can see theres no recommended fix in that list18:50
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LucidGuy4TB drive gpt partion .. one partition.  system indicates it has 3.6TB available space.  Does that sound right?18:51
maxvihow can I install theme with folder icons?18:51
icerootchris_99: at the end its the problem of nvidia18:51
jhutchinsrava`: You need to install the network-manager module for the type of vpn you're using.  What kind of vpn is it?18:52
icerootchris_99: ubuntu/canocial can not fix it, its a bug in a closed source application/driver18:52
maxviI want to install Numix theme18:52
chris_99iceroot, how come Utopic apparently fixes it though18:52
jhutchinsRaver: You need to install the network-manager module for the type of vpn you're using.  What kind of vpn is it?18:52
icerootchris_99: newer driver package?18:52
jhutchinsRaver: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager18:52
icerootchris_99: if i am correct the nvidia package is directly in the non-free repo and coming completly from nvidia18:53
chris_99im not sure it is actually, i installed nvidia-331 - NVIDIA binary driver - version 331.3818:53
chris_99but apparently there is a 337, but its been deleted18:53
chris_99from the repo18:53
killerHey,this is currently  my login manager , how do i set it to lightdm  http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2ccl6p0&s=8#.VCr8HiXbD0018:54
icerootchris_99: let me check what i am using (have also an optimus card)18:54
chris_99one sec i'll tell you what card i've got18:54
icerootchris_99: gt 540m for me (alienware notebook)18:55
chris_9907:00.0 3D controller [0302]: NVIDIA Corporation GM108M [GeForce 840M] [10de:1341] (rev a2)18:55
icerootchris_99: 331.38 and have no issues here (14.04)18:56
icerootchris_99: dont have any newer drivers in my list18:56
chris_99hmm, i'm gonna try nvidias driver directly then i guess18:56
icerootchris_99: yeah there is the legancy as well but much older18:57
icerootchris_99: but its always the same problem with closed source stuff18:57
chris_99apparently nvidias version is  340.4618:57
icerootchris_99: the open source community can not fix there issues18:57
chris_99yeah i understand that, but they can use the latest ver ;)18:57
icerootchris_99: i hope not18:57
trismkiller: that is lightdm18:57
trismkiller: just using lightdm-gtk-greeter18:57
icerootchris_99: latest = not tested very good, beta releases and so on18:58
chris_99true, i'll try it anyway and report back18:58
icerootchris_99: but for vga driver, yes sometimes its better to have the newest because of performance18:58
icerootchris_99: sure, good luck18:58
trismkiller: you can switch it back to unity-greeter or whatever other greeter you have installed in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf18:58
killertrism: I want  the default login manager that ubuntu 14.04 shipped . Is it not lightdm ?18:59
killerI tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm19:00
trismkiller: yes it is lightdm, but lightdm has several greeters (the login screen you actually see is drawn by the greeter)19:00
trismkiller: default is unity-greeter, but you currently have lightdm-gtk-greeter which is default for xubuntu19:00
trismkiller: switch back to unity-greeter by editing /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and changing lightdm-gtk-greeter to unity-greeter19:01
trismkiller: assuming you didn't accidently remove unity-greeter, might want to: sudo apt-get install unity-greeter; too19:02
killertrism: No , but the file you pointed me to , is empty file \19:02
Quantumpantsguys, i have a glitch on my system and i need help19:02
k1lRaver: do you have an actual ubuntu support issue?19:03
trismkiller: do you have anything in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/ ?19:03
killertrism: empty19:05
Quantumpants<k1l> hi im back, are you free to advise me?19:05
swift_fan1What does19:05
swift_fan1$PrivDropToGroup adm19:05
swift_fan1Inside /etc/rsyslog.conf19:05
swift_fan1do ??19:05
swift_fan1Thank you :)19:05
k1lQuantumpants: i am some sort of multitasking here so i might be afk for some time. but just state the issue with details in here and if someone could help he will jump in19:06
geniiswift_fan1: http://www.rsyslog.com/doc/droppriv.html19:06
Quantumpants<k1l> Thank you :) good luck :)19:07
=== mikewalsh7394 is now known as miq-w
QuantumpantsMy laptop will not charge, it does not seem to be a hardware issue, can anybody advise please???19:08
reisioQuantumpants: why does it seem to not be a hardware issue?19:08
Quantumpants<reisio> the battery was fine one day and did not charge the next, the laptop is also getting alot of error codes etc...19:10
miq-wHow can 'not charging' Not be a hardware issue?19:10
reisioQuantumpants: I see no reason to think that isn't a hardware problem19:11
miq-wHow old is the battery?19:11
reisioQuantumpants: if you call the support line for the manufacturer, they can tell you how to distinguish definitively if it's hardware or not19:11
Quantumpants<reisio> oddly it all started with another load of problems19:12
reisiolike what?19:12
QuantumpantsI have a netbook and a laptop running 14.04 lts 64bit and 32bit.......19:13
Quantumpantsthey have just started to do add things at the same time, i think it may have been a dodgy update???19:13
CyberGabberQuantumpants: temporarily remove the adapter/powercable from the laptop, then remove battery for 30 seconds. Put back battery, check if laptop start with only battery. Then connect adaptercable again.19:15
CyberGabberSome battery have a small 'button' on it, with a few leds. if pressed it will show the charge-level19:16
Quantumpants<CyberGabber> ill give that a go.19:16
nyktovusrunning ubuntu server 12.04. looking for someone to help walk me thru adding a swap file on a system.19:16
CyberGabberQuantumpants: Better to remove all extern devices like extra Harddisk, mouse etc while testing19:16
CyberGabberQuantumpants: Check if battery is extreem hot etc.19:17
Quantumpants<CyberGabber> checked and no heat, the charger is fine and it worked perfectly up untill a few days ago when i did sudo apt-get update etc...19:19
CyberGabbernyktovus: maybe ? https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-add-swap-on-ubuntu-12-0419:19
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Quantumpants<CyberGabber> I was told on this IRC chat room it may be a problem with Grub219:21
QuantumpantsGuys what does this mean? " com.ubuntu.apport-gtk-root "19:23
CyberGabberQuantumpants: Something about acpi=nolapic  ?19:23
jhutchinsQuantumpants: It is extremely unlikely that it has anything to do with the OS at all.  It would normally charge with the system shut down.19:24
jhutchinsQuantumpants: It sounds very much like a hardware failure.19:24
CyberGabberQuantumpants: Give this a try, seems to be somwhat like your problem; http://askubuntu.com/questions/427560/ubuntu-battery-not-charging-or-not-detected19:24
sipbautorun run/hilightwin.pl19:26
Quantumpants<CyberGabber> <jhutchins> its all pointing to there being a problem booting, isnt grub2 part of that? sorry im a newb19:26
HardtailHi guys, do I have to worry about antivirus programs or anything like? Anything to do for security?19:26
chris_99iceroot, just tried the latest ver, still got the freeze :(19:26
nyktovuswhats the best channel for help with ubuntu server?19:27
bekksnyktovus: #ubuntu-server19:27
Quantumpants<Hardtail> just a firewall will do :)19:27
nyktovus@Hardtail : no, its linux :)19:28
HardtailSo it's safe to do banking and all that jazz?19:28
HardtailAwesome thanks guys :D19:28
carbon13Hardtail, use brain 2.019:28
HardtailBut I am stuck with brain .025?19:28
HardtailHow ever do I upgrade?19:28
carbon13Hardtail, no worries mate19:29
CyberGabberHardtail: Always check SSL secure site etc. don't save password in browser etc. Never19:29
john_doe_jrhow do you restart the network services after changing the ip address?19:29
carbon13Hardtail, never open phishing emails19:29
HardtailShould I use the Beretta for the transplant?19:29
HardtailOk thanks guys19:29
Martinjo84john_doe_jr: ifconfig eth0 down19:29
Martinjo84john_doe_jr: ifconfig eth0 up19:29
carbon13especially there is a lot of PayPal crap underway19:29
jhutchinsQuantumpants: It's possible that the link CyberGabber posted might be related, but if it's not charging when it's shut down I doubt it's software.19:29
HardtailIf I wanted to learn about system security what should I look into, networking?19:29
jhutchinsQuantumpants: Please read the link, it explains what to do with grub.19:30
HardtailAre there anything I can monitor with Terminal and things like that19:30
Martinjo84Hardtail: htop19:30
carbon13hardtail, go the other way around: learn to hack a system, then you know how to secure it19:30
icerootHardtail: first you should learn the user/right management. i think most of the security issues are coming from that (and of course missing security updates)19:30
HardtailI am just taking a Console Foundations course.19:30
carbon13Hardtail, install an IDS (intrusion detection system)19:30
HardtailMartinjo84: thank you I am looking that up.19:31
Quantumpants<jhutchins> sure, ill try that now, i may need a little guidence as im a newb19:31
icerootHardtail: so why there is a root user and a normal user, why using sudo instead of all the time the root user, what is this rwxr-xr-x and so on. i think that is a good way to understand a UNIX or GNU/Linux system and the security about it19:31
carbon13Hardtail, close all outgoing ports linked to services (like inkjet, samba etc.)19:31
jhutchinsQuantumpants: To make permanent changes, edit /etc/default/grub19:32
CyberGabberQuantumpants: as the links tells you: When you boot, the crub screen appears. edit your GRUB entry and add acpi=nolapic19:32
CyberGabberTO edit it, select the entry (or keep the default one) and press "e"19:32
Hardtailcarbon13 thank you very much I am writing this down in gedit so I can google all this information to learn19:32
Hardtailiceroot thank you, noted as well to research19:33
sipbI Need a live OS to boot from 4gb usb key.I got this old compaq presario from a garage sale.Please name a few very good live OS for this old piece of Shit hardware.Go ahead.19:33
Quantumpants<CyberGabber> <jhutchins> ok, like going intu bios in windows?19:34
icerootsipb: ubuntu, kubuntu, lubuntu, xubuntu, knoppix, systemrescuedisk19:34
Hardtailcarbon13 I understand what you said about learning hacking, when I searched it up I found white hat EC-council and the like19:34
earthrockersipb, what are the specs on the computer19:35
icerootHardtail: and the most important think, please dont use the word "hacking" for breaking into a system, hacker does mean something else and is not related to break into systems19:35
earthrockerram  ghz ?19:35
CyberGabbersipb: When you boot, the crub screen appears. edit your GRUB entry and add acpi=nolapic19:35
carbon13hardtail, there is some good stuff about hacking from ccc (chaos computer club) ... there are even presentations taped and posted in youtube19:35
CyberGabbersipb: Sorry, wrong line,  PUPPY linux puppylinux.org19:35
Hardtailiceroot yes sir, it has to do with much more than just penetrating a system correct, reverse engineering, programming, understanding all systems, etc19:36
sipbBAM KNOPPIX ISO IT IS.Good day bye now.19:36
icerootHardtail: right, Kernel Hacker is a very good example of what hacking really means19:36
Quantumpants<CyberGabber> I have the Grub screen up19:37
CyberGabbersipb: Wow, thats a quick decision..19:37
Hardtailiceroot thank you I am taking a look at CCC right now. I want to learn as much as I can19:37
swift_fan1In "$PrivDropToGroup adm" in /etc/rsyslog.conf, what exactly is the group "adm", and what are their privileges? what users are in adm?19:37
icerootHardtail: ccc is also a good source19:38
icerootHardtail: but for learning a GNU/Linux system the best is to try it by yourself :)19:38
icerootHardtail: just using the system will have a big learn effect, all this user stuff, how to start applications, how different ditributions are working (deb, rpm, source-based)19:39
Hardtailiceroot thank you, currently I am working on this course http://teamtreehouse.com/library/console-foundations-219:39
icerootHardtail: the best course and support i got is in #bash19:40
icerootHardtail: they have a wiki with a very good explanation19:40
icerootHardtail: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide19:40
Hardtailiceroot bookmarked, thank you!19:41
icerootHardtail: but sounds good that you are interested and i whish you luck on your GNU/Linux and Bash stuff19:41
Hardtailiceroot thanks, my background is in design but I want to learn everything I can about systems and programming19:42
asxetoss_i run wamp in win7 for run php,mysql,myphpadmi  for test local my site and other test..19:42
swift_fan1genii : What users are in the group "adm" in "$PrivDropToGroup adm" in /etc/rsyslog.conf, and what privileges do those users have ?19:42
icerootHardtail: you will see, gnu tools dont have a nice design like other tools from this strange fruit :)19:42
asxetoss_in linux what need 2 run ?19:42
icerootHardtail: the most important think about GNU/Linux is that is is free (as in free speech)19:43
k1l!lamp | asxetoss_19:43
ubottuasxetoss_: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.19:43
icerootasxetoss_: sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php5 phpmyadmin  i would suggest for a lamp system19:43
Hardtailiceroot :D my main computer was an Apple MacBook Pro, it has died on me due to graphics overheating. I just built a new computer with Windows 8.1 but I hate it. Feel much more comfortable on Ubuntu19:43
icerootHardtail: yeah, apple and windows 8...19:44
TunaUbuntu rocks, I just ditched windows 7 for the same reason :)19:44
Hardtailiceroot I see that I can build native applications with HTML5 too!19:44
icerootHardtail: ubuntu is a good start, i think there are better systems for learning but it is a good start into GNU/Linux19:44
asxetoss_ok thank iceroot19:44
geniiswift_fan1: adm is the admin group19:44
icerootHardtail: the issue about ubuntu is that is is doing some things there "own way" which is not always the best but that should not be imnportant now for learning19:45
Hardtailiceroot I just ordered an Asus Transformer BOok T100 it has windows 8 on it but I am going to take it off and put Ubuntu19:45
TunaActually that's sort of why I'm here, would anyone be able to point me in the direction of an idiot proof way to upgrade my GPU drivers? Last time I did that I put my computer into low graphics mode.19:45
jhutchinsTuna: Did you order something with decent open-source drivers?19:46
Hardtailiceroot I will brb in 10ish.19:46
frainfreezeTo install open a terminal window and enter19:46
frainfreezesudo add-apt-repository ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers19:46
frainfreezesudo apt-get update19:46
frainfreezesudo apt-get upgrade19:46
frainfreezeTo remove, you can use ppa-purge19:46
frainfreezesudo apt-get install ppa-purge19:46
unopastefrainfreeze you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted19:46
=== arsenal is now known as Gratata
TunaI have an ASUS HD 785019:46
icerootTuna: sounds like ati/amd card19:46
Tunaiceroot: Yup I'm pretty sure it is too, sorry I know nothing about technology shamefully..19:47
iceroot!ati | Tuna19:47
ubottuTuna: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto19:47
asxetoss_and in win 7 i use microsoft expresion web .. for edit php ,htlm19:47
frainfreezeThis is probably wrong place to ask, but is it possible to request something to be added into ubuntu standard distro?19:47
asxetoss_what you use in linux?19:47
frainfreezeI use aptana studio and gedit19:48
icerootfrainfreeze: sure, raise a bug on launchpad as a feature request19:48
frainfreezeiceroot, do you think they would integrate whole game engine?19:48
frainfreeze30mb? open source , bds licence19:48
Tunaiceroot: yeah, I've come across this page before, do I have to remove my already used drivers that I'm using then install the new drvers? Or just install the new drivers19:48
frainfreezec++ and python19:48
Picifrainfreeze: Is there a already a .deb out there for it?19:49
icerootfrainfreeze: there is also the quake3 engine available19:49
icerootfrainfreeze: but the easiest is if it is in debian already19:49
frainfreezeThere is deb indeed, it is panda 3d19:49
icerootfrainfreeze: if not you have to maintaine it by your own and its always easier to move something from debian to ubuntu instead of having an own package (security support 5 years lts and so on)19:49
CyberGabberTuna: check: sudo /usr/bin/jockey-gtk , its for onfigure third-party and proprietary drivers, maybe it works19:50
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/  - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring19:50
TunaCyberGabber: Thanks, I'll give that a go in the terminal now19:50
CyberGabberTuna: Or in desktop choose menu System > Administration > Hardware Drivers19:50
nyktovusanyone use a launchpad in ubuntu?19:51
frainfreezeI am asking if it could be part of normal distro for PC, as when I install system it is there like python and gcc19:51
Picifrainfreeze: very unlikely.19:51
Picinyktovus: What do you mean?19:51
icerootfrainfreeze: no19:52
frainfreezeOk, thanks :) , sorry for anyoing19:52
icerootfrainfreeze: the default installation should be as small as possible19:52
icerootfrainfreeze: only with tools most of the people need19:52
=== Guest9784 is now known as Sleepnbum
TunaCyberBabber: Hmmm after trying sudo /usr/bin/jockey-gtk I got "sudo: /usr/bin/jockey-gtk: command not found" and unfortunatly I couldn't find System, Where should I be looking exactly?19:53
frainfreezeYeah that makes sense, I though it would be like that, but I still hoped :) | thanks iceroot , Pici19:53
=== mohammad is now known as Guest59378
frainfreezeNigh awesome guys19:53
Guest59378why compiz usage %80 cpu with ubuntu 14.0419:54
jee1mrfrainfreeeze: you could use remastersys and create a custom iso which includes panda3d. For yourself19:55
Picinyktovus: You might want to ask the folks in #ubuntustudio if they have had any luck with it.19:55
TunaDo any of you have Skype or something similar that I could maybe have ou walk me through a GPU update? Not a problem if not and I'm sorry if my questions are becoming annoying - just an avid gamer trying to get gaming on linux :)19:55
CyberGabberTuna: Maybe you have to install it;  sudo apt-get install jockey-gtk19:55
TunaCyberGabber: Ah I'll try that, thanks!19:55
Guest59378why compiz usage %80 - %90  cpue on ubuntu 14.04 ??19:56
TunaCyberGabber: VERY bizzare - It said it's already installed, yet the command doesn't work. Sorry to bother you, this chat room looks hectic. If you're being spammed just say and I'll try another day ^^19:57
nyktovusthanx Pici19:57
HardtailIceroot is wine very hardware dependant for running applications or is it all based on the software optimizaiton/20:00
icerootHardtail: depends but normally its slower then running it native20:01
Hardtailiceroot alright, just debating if I should make a hackintosh install so I can use my design software, other than that no need to boot into windows then20:01
icerootHardtail: photoshop?20:02
Guest59378why compiz using %80 - %90 cpu   ?   my os is ubuntu 14.04 64 bits20:02
Hardtailiceroot Yeah Adobe Creative Cloud apps and Autodesk software, primarily sketchbook and Mudbox20:02
iceroot!appdb | Hardtail20:03
ubottuHardtail: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help20:03
icerootHardtail: there is a list of applications and how good they are running with wine20:03
trismCyberGabber: for future reference the functionality of jockey-gtk has moved to the Additional Drivers tab of software-properties-gtk (I guess Tuna logged)20:03
Hardtailoh wow thank you20:03
Hardtailiceroot should I be looking to see if my hardware is being used properly or is running out of the box good enough?20:04
icerootHardtail: you can check it with a live cd to see if GNU/Linux (Ubuntu) is running fine20:10
Dylan_I'm having a problem loading up Minecraft. After I run the .jar file through Java and clicking on the play button, I can hear the game running but I can't see anything. Can anyone help me troubleshoot this?20:10
=== Invader_Gir is now known as Overtime_Gir
Dylan_It was working just fine this morning.20:11
Dylan_And I don't think I did anything to change the system.20:12
lonewulf85Hey I have an idea for a funny virus for windows and need some help. Namely  .bat file that runs "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." over and over again then asks the name of the book. If you get it wrong it stays and repeats "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."20:14
Atlantic777Hey, I've just experienced a unity crash. The ssh was still alive and when I restarted lightdm everything went ok for few minutes and then it was stuck again. I'm not sure where to find logs about unity crashes.20:15
Atlantic777I didn't find anything interesting in dmesg...20:15
mateusz__What is the proper way to enable multimedia keys in Banshee? "multimedia keys" extension is enabled, showkey detects multimedia keys (164 for play/pause etc) - but multimedia keys are ignored by Banshee.20:16
mateusz__I found proposal to use xbindkeys but it seems to be an ugly hack.20:17
Luyinmateusz__: which desktop environment?20:17
fbettagsince i upgraded to 14.04.01 i get a lot of these Cannot add PPA errors, and it's not ca-certificates nor proxy, any ideas?20:17
Hardtailiceroot this is amazing, I'm able to make folders and files from the command line! :D20:17
mateusz__Luyin: LXDE (Lubuntu)20:18
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Luyinmateusz__: I know a solution which works in XFCE, might want to try that: http://luyinsblog.wordpress.com/2014/07/12/banshee-in-xfce-mit-den-medientasten-steuern/20:19
dreamcat4windsows 8.1 already on HDD. in ubuntu 14.04 installer - if i choose 'install ubuntu allonside windows 8' - will it actually work properly ?20:19
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Luyindreamcat4: no experience with that, but why shouldn't it? back up existing system and hf gl20:21
quantsi seem to have a problem with apport wht ever that is.20:21
miq-w<dreamcat4>: Yeah, I'll second that; whatever you do, backup BEFORE trying to install...20:22
dreamcat4i guess i'm concerned that ubuntu may install grub into bios MBR which will interfere with windows fast-start / quick boot20:22
mateusz__Luyin: Where this " Keyboard Shortcuts" entry is located? Either it is different on LXDE or Google translate P guessing failed (I see no entry in Preferences on start menu).20:23
miq-wDon't forget, Windows * requires UEFI and all that stuff to boot properly.20:23
dreamcat4i'm not backing up anyhting because its a fresh install of windows (just installed it today, haven't used it yet)20:23
dreamcat4miq-w: don't think so. at least today the quickboot and everything worked properly. and i don't have any UEFI, just old BIOS + MBR20:24
g0thhow do I paste some text in a terminal?20:24
=== Guest53972 is now known as luckybunny
Devial511Press CTRL + SHIFT + V ;)20:24
Devial511Or RMB + Paste20:24
lonewulf85__I want to prank my Windows fan brother with the virus and I figure "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" will work great because he does not read.20:25
k1lg0th: ctrl+shift+v20:25
Luyinmateusz__: it works in xfce, don't know about lxde. but I'm sure there are settings for keyboard shortcuts somewhere.20:25
g0thit didn't work20:25
g0thI use xterm20:25
g0thI have a touchpad, no right mouse20:25
Devial511Why you use xTerm?20:25
g0thI prefer the look20:26
g0thfont e.g.20:26
k1lg0th: ctrl+shift+v?20:26
Devial511Can you use the standard terinal?20:26
miq-w<dreamcat4>: In that case, you shouldn't have too many problems. Surprises me though; Windows 8 pretty much insists on UEFI...20:26
Devial511Try to use CTRL + SHIFT + V on standard terminal20:26
g0thwhat's the name of the standard terminal?20:26
Devial511Konsole aka Terminal xD20:26
reisiog0th: what k1l said20:26
g0thok thanks20:26
g0thgnome-terminal is installed20:27
g0thand ctrl + shift + v works20:27
Devial511It's normal by default20:27
k1lbut why should ctrl+shift+v not work in xterm?20:27
g0thk1l: seems it doesn't20:27
Devial511Because xterm have different shortkeys20:27
g0thI never had to use ctrl+shift+v before20:27
k1lg0th: ok, seems like its shift+insert in xterm20:27
g0thnormally I use the middle mouse20:27
miq-w<dreamcat4>: Don't know your level of expertise; how are you with GParted & partitions?20:27
g0ththanks for the help20:28
Devial511With Xterm you must press SHIFT + INS20:28
Devial511For paste20:28
g0thyes I tried20:28
=== Seahawks_Kill is now known as KingofDice
g0thI mean it works20:28
g0thins is a bit annoying20:29
g0thI have to use Fn + Delete20:29
Devial511You would a very simple solution xD20:29
Devial511And on Ubuntu/Linux, the very simply solutions are not existing20:29
g0thwell anyway, it works :)20:29
g0thproblem solved20:30
Devial511Are not or does not? xD20:30
Devial511I'm not english20:30
g0thdidn't want to copy a long url character by character :)20:30
miq-w<dreamcat4>: You would do far better to choose 'something else' and then install to a specific partition...works better like that.20:30
Devial511I understand you20:30
dreamcat4another issue is my wired realtek eth0 is 'cable disconnected'. not sure why that is20:31
dreamcat4miq-w: yeah maybe. i guess i should have backed up the windows mbr first too (to save having to re-install windows again if it mucks up)20:31
dreamcat4ah well20:31
dreamcat4time to reboot and see what happens20:31
compdocdreamcat4, you also have wireless?20:31
Devial511Tomorrow I'll go for the shit exam xD20:32
Devial511The doctors mee think I have a snake in the ass20:32
k1l!ot | Devial51120:32
ubottuDevial511: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:32
Devial511Sorry, a worm xD20:32
Devial511Oops sorry Kll20:33
dreamcat4compdoc: yeah - i have a wireless card (but no wireless network to connect to). just a wired gigabit ethernet cable20:33
Devial511I will leave that IRC, I am searching a IRC channel for hackers and programmers20:33
Devial511Who know a IRC so?20:33
k1lDevial511: this is only for technical ubuntu support. see /msg alis help    for searching channels20:34
Devial511Sorry kll20:34
compdocdreamcat4, the system has to bring up the card, which turns on the nic's LEDs, if any. so it needs to be detected. does lspci show it?20:34
Devial511Is there a way for open the list of channels? xD20:35
mateusz__Luyin: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXDE:Questions#What_about_the_Play.2C_Stop.2C_Previous_and_Next_buttons.3F worked, apparently on LXDE it is necessary to directly edit XML.20:35
k1l!alis > Devial51120:35
ubottuDevial511, please see my private message20:35
Devial511I'm writing to you20:36
Luyinmateusz__: ah ok, nice to know. seems to be roughly the same, though20:36
Devial511But you don't answer to me20:36
dreamcat4compdoc: (wired) i can see leds blinking on the ethernet jack itself20:38
dbearI have a lenovo w520 -- it works great with ubuntu -- most of the time. There are cases when the kernel will just hang on boot however. I believe the hardware is working perfectly. I think what is at issue is the kernel loads in a different way -- or perhaps certain parts of the hardware are not ready when the kernel attempts to activate things. To be clear, ubuntu runs fine after boot. The system also runs perfectly fine with windows 720:38
dbear-- no boot issues there whatsoever. Can anyone recommend a way to control how the kernel loads ? or perhaps how to troubleshoot why the kernel hangs on boot occasionally ?20:38
dreamcat4compdoc: lspci does show it. maybe this same gigabit cable is bad for this notebook but not for my mac mini?20:40
miq-w<dreamcat>: That's normal; Ethernet ports are CONSTANTLY running & doing something. As compdoc says, what does lspci show in the terminal?20:41
compdocdreamcat4, cable should work, but you never know. there are files in /etc/ that you can check to see if they are set properly20:41
dreamcat4compdoc: ah it was just the stupid gigabit cable. for some nics/computers the DHCP handshake works, others it doesn't20:42
dreamcat4working fine now with a shorter cable20:43
swift_fan1genii : Thanks, but what exactly does the adm (admin group) entail?20:43
swift_fan1genii : For instance, what users are initially defined to be in there?20:43
swift_fan1genii : by default20:43
dreamcat4yet that same (the longer) cable works fine on my 2007 mac mini. stupid things20:43
lonewulf85_How can I do an if and statment that stops the bash script if the "if= The Shinning"20:44
miq-w<dreamcat>: Yeah, ethernet cables CAN be funny like that. The longer they are, the fussier they are...20:44
swift_fan1genii : And what sets apart the admin group, from other groups, in terms of privileges, attributes, etc ?20:44
geniiswift_fan1: The root user ( which has no login on Ubuntu) and the first user which was created at install time and has admin/sudo rights20:44
miq-w<dreamcat>: Ethernet's safer by far while you're installing, anyway; worry about your wireless connection when you're up and running...20:45
k1lswift_fan1: the users in that group are able to see the systemlogs20:45
swift_fan1genii : What's the name of that first user, usually?20:46
swift_fan1genii : Not root?20:46
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swift_fan1k1l : Being able to see the systemlogs -- is that the only feature that sets apart users in the adm group, from other groups out there ?20:47
k1lswift_fan1: yes.20:48
k1lswift_fan1: the first user is the one you named on the install procedure. so that name is individual your choice20:48
geniiswift_fan1: The first user is named whatever you called it during install of Ubuntu20:49
dreamcat4can i enable the hibternation on 14.04 ?20:53
miq-w<dreamcat>: Not a good idea. Suspend works FAR better?20:54
miq-wHibernation tends to mess things up royally.20:54
miq-wThereIS a workaround for it, but it's a bit of a hack...20:55
cetexa big reason is to save battery? :)20:55
miq-wAnd I can't remember where I saw it, now...20:55
miq-w<cetex>: Yah. Depends, of course, if you're on a PC or a lappie.20:56
miq-wHaven't used a lappie for several years!20:57
dreamcat4miq-w: thanks. i'll try suspend instead then or is it automatic ?20:57
miq-wNot sure what you mean by 'automatic'. You select it from the drop-down on the gear symbol, top right corner.20:58
k1lsuspend and hibernation is the same. there are suspend2disk and suspend2ram. hibernation is suspend2disk. standby is suspend2ram20:58
jhutchins...although nothing actually says that and the terms are used somewhat sloppily.20:59
miq-wMind you, lappies have problems I don't tend to get with a PC. All that batery conservation malarkey, ACPI and all that.20:59
jhutchinsdreamcat4: Do you mean to ask if the system will suspend after being idle?20:59
dreamcat4miq-w: ah right - thanks. perhaps i should be a little clearer because i need to save state, but reboot into windows20:59
dreamcat4i mean if i wake from suspended state - i need it to present grub bootloader for booting into windows 8.121:00
miq-wSuspend's what you want, then....depends how long you'll be leaving the system idle, really.21:00
dreamcat4yeah - didnt work :/21:00
miq-wAh, no...you really want either hibernate, or shut-down, then. Suspend won't give you GRUB.21:01
jhutchinsdreamcat4: suspend to ram won't work - you need suspend to disk, which is hibernate.21:01
blaaaHow can I hibernate with an encrypoted swap partition as hibernation target?21:01
miq-wBut I know hibernate doesn't work under Ubuntu like itdoes in Windows.21:01
jhutchinsdreamcat4: I think that will work though - the system doesn't look for a suspend file to reload until after it's loading linux.21:02
dreamcat4great! :) except for the probelm of me being on 14.04 and the hibernate isn't really ready yet?21:02
miq-wGive it a try; I don't think you'll break anything. It'll either work or it won't.21:02
k1ldreamcat4: its disabled by default21:03
RyviusHello, I have downloaded AMD's driver from their website, it came in a .zip. But how to install?21:03
k1ldreamcat4: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/04/enable-hibernate-ubuntu-14-04/21:03
dreamcat4thanks for the help - great. i'll give it a try21:04
k1ldreamcat4: but test it first. it was disabled because  a lot of devices have issue on waking up since the manufacturers dont ship drivers21:04
miq-wThat's it, kll. KNEW I'd seen it somewhere!21:04
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k1lRyvius: stop. why dont you use the driver from the official ubuntu repos, that is made working with the whole ubuntu setup?21:05
Ryviusk1l: They are outdated, I get flickering and corruption with them21:06
k1lRyvius: you tried the fglrx package?21:06
RyviusIf that is AMD's own drivers, then yes, it's those I'm talking about being outdated21:07
k1lRyvius: ok. the drivers from website tend to break a lot more often.21:08
RyviusLooks like I figured it out... zip had to be extracted first21:10
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RyviusHow do I run sh as root?21:11
linuxuz3rsudo sh21:11
linuxuz3ryou want a root shell?21:11
zykotick9linuxuz3r: that's some bad advice...  just sayin'21:11
jhutchinsRyvius: newer != better.  latest != works perfectly21:11
baaturhey guys, i'm having what i assume to be a driver issue if there's anyone around that can help with that21:12
Ryviusjhutchins: I wanna see if I'll get better performance that the almost unplayable performance I get now21:12
RyviusI wonder why it's still called 14.301 when it should be 14.9 now..21:14
k1lhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD Ryvius21:14
RyviusThanks k1l I tried following that but they're not very helpful. They got the sudosh command wrong and they dont say to unzip the package21:15
k1lRyvius: no. its a different command21:15
Guest74240Hi, I cant get Nvidia 33.1 binary driver to run as default. Nouveau is always default21:16
RyviusI got told that sudosh doesn't exist...21:16
gabry_Hi everyone, lxde power manager won't consider the power option I choose. For example: I tell it to not shut off the laptop screen nor to go in standby ever, but it does after the computer is not being used for 5 minutes. Any suggestions?21:16
gabry_I know I should ask to lubuntu IRC, but I'm not getting so much help there21:17
k1lRyvius: the commands from the wiki will make a package, that you install with the pakcage system. its different from only running that script21:17
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RyviusNow I made it generate the package.... bad idea?21:18
squintygabry_,  probably tied into the "lock the desktop" bug... I have it set not to lock but it just ignores it and locks it anyway.  hopefully the devs will get a fix through soon...21:20
k1lRyvius: you dont need to run everything as sudo/root. that is a bad old windows habbit. if you dont know it really requires sudo/root dont use it with that21:20
RyviusAMD driver requires root..21:20
k1lRyvius: you are mixing things21:21
gabry_squinty, you have my exact same problem21:21
miq-wgabry: I have exactly the same problem. It makes no difference whether you're ona PC or a lappie.....problem's still there.21:21
gabry_miq-w, doesn't sound good...21:21
Ryviusoh god it has broken everything21:21
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miq-wI think squinty's right; it's something the devs haven't got around to fixing yet....what can I say? (lol)21:22
RyviusOkay looks like it succeeded.. thanks for the help, guys! I hope it'll still work after a reboot21:23
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thesebAny ubuntu users have issues with SOME YouTube videos on chromium?....because google forces html5 mode on you?21:23
miq-wI don't think it's something the kernel updates fix, neither. I'm on the 3.13-0.36 as of a few days ago, an' the problems STILL there...21:23
linuxRhi all, I got a question regarding software updates: I just did a "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade" from the command line...but still the "update manager" shows a number of updates...why?21:24
Ben64linuxR: you need to do "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"21:24
gabry_theseb, be sure on your youtube settings you're not trying some new youtube features like html5 videos21:24
thesebgabry_: html5 was optional but now you can't opt out!!!21:24
k1l!dist-upgrade | linuxR21:25
ubottulinuxR: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.21:25
squintymiq-w,  also sometimes even though password is entered correctly, it doesn't always return the user to the desktop but just keeps repeating "this session is locked blah blah...".  quicker for me to reboot than muck around trying to find some hack around it.  Kinda miffed that this obvious irritating problem hasn't been fixed as of yet....not like lubuntu was just released last week.21:25
linuxRBen64, that would upgrade my 12.04 to 14.xx, right?21:25
Ben64linuxR: nope21:25
miq-wTell me about it! I get that maybe 1 out of every 5 restarts...21:26
gabry_theseb, that doesn't sound like a problem related to ubuntu nor to chromium, to me...21:26
k1llinuxR: didnt you read the bots message?21:26
gabry_but I'm not expert, so...21:26
linuxRk1l, not yet21:26
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade21:27
k1llinuxR: you should have. it was adressed at you and did already provide that information21:27
linuxRk1l, didnt yet understand this :/21:27
miq-wSquinty: It IS annoying; Lubuntu's a nice system, but it DOES have some super-annoying glitches still. The devs just don't have Canonical's budget is the top and bottomof the matter.21:27
k1llinuxR: ok, scroll back and re-read the conversation including the bots messages21:28
thesebgabry_: firefox doesn't have this problem21:28
thesebgabry_: basically the solution is to use flash everywhere...firefox does that but not chromium21:28
gabry_theseb, maybe it manages html5 videos better? I don't know21:28
gabry_theseb, maybe you should switch to chrome, I guess21:28
k1llinuxR: if you still got questions just ask21:29
thesebgabry_: yea..i think *some* videos on youtube are html5 and some are not...hence it is always Russian roulette when using chromium on youtube21:29
linuxRk1l, how would I do a distribution upgrade, then?21:30
k1llinuxR: you mean from 13.10 to 14.04?21:30
linuxRk1l, for example, yes21:31
k1llinuxR: sudo do-release-upgrade21:31
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k1llinuxR: dont get confused by apt-get dist-upgrade. that name is idiotic but historically kept with it21:32
linuxRk1l, still don't get the difference between upgrade and dist-upgrade :/21:32
devhenim trying to upgrade 14.04.1 LTS to the latest 14.10 beta as per these instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UtopicUpgrades21:33
k1llinuxR: apt-get upgrade (lets preface apt-get to make sure we dont talk about 13.10 to 14.04 upgrade) just installs new version of packages that are already installed.21:33
devhenbut its still not seeing the update21:33
devhendo i need to enable beta releases somewhere ?21:33
k1llinuxR: apt-get dist-upgrade is the same as apt-get upgrade, but it can install even new packages. that is needed for some packages like kernel packages. the kernel meta package linux-image gets updated but it will need to get the linux-image-3.13...... package to be new installed21:34
k1ldevhen: what command did you run exactly?21:35
TokenizerHello all. Sorry to bug: Is any able to help me configuring bumblebee on my notebook?21:35
TokenizerI'm not a good linux user, and I'm not finding the work arround on the web21:35
devhenk1l: i followed the desktop instructions and it says no new updates found. i then followed the server instructions (do-release-upgrade) and it too says "Checking for new Ubuntu release; No new release found"21:36
k1lTokenizer: afaik is bumblebee outdated. its uses nvidia-prime now21:36
linuxRk1l, ahh okay I think I understand :)21:36
TokenizerI'll search for that kil. Thx21:37
k1ldevhen: you need the -d switch for developer. please make sure you folllow that exact commandy21:37
devhenk1l: do-release-upgrade -d worked. thank you so much. is it ok to do do-release-upgrade on a desktop or is the gui method better for some reason? (i prefer cmd line)21:38
k1ldevhen: the GUI version is just a GUI version for the same background commands21:39
devhenk1l: that's what i figured. thanks for your help21:39
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squintyTokenizer,  there is also the #nvidia channel here on freenode.21:44
Tokenizersquinty, thx21:44
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Tokenizerkil: Just camed back to let you know nvidia-prime works fine. Thanks a lot21:56
k1lTokenizer: np21:56
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geetarScanner question:  I have a Fujitsu S1500.  I searched the web and it appears that for some people it is plug and play with Ubuntu but I can't get it to work.  Is this the right place to ask?21:59
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miq-wGettar: Scanners and printers can be an absolute pain to set up in Linux...22:03
geetarmiq-w:  I am starting to agree strongly.22:04
Raver what22:05
geetarmiq-w:  it is frustrating because some people say it just works.  It is definitely with this computer and ubuntu because the scanner works fine on my mac.22:06
largefarva68what irc client are you guys using?22:07
geetarmiq-w:  sane lists the support for my model as "complete".22:08
k1l_largefarva68: hexchat or irssi (cli) are some famous ones22:08
largefarva68is hexchat any better than xchat?22:08
largefarva68i'm using xchat now22:08
geetarlargefarva68: pidgin22:09
k1l_largefarva68: its the new xchat22:09
largefarva68oh that makes sense22:09
dreamcat4largefarva68: i use irssi in a customized version of Terminal.app, on mac os x22:12
largefarva68yeah irssi seems to be popular but i used to use mirc back in the day so i'm used to a gui22:13
daftykinshexchat has made advances i think, try it, it won't kill you :)22:13
largefarva68i'm on it right now ha22:13
dreamcat4the only thing i don't care for with irssi is that all the 3rd party scripts/extensions are written in Perl (and don't know / like perl)22:13
largefarva68looks pretty nice so far22:13
k1l_hexchat is a fork of xchat while xchat is not in active development, iirc22:14
miq-wgeeter: Can't always go by that. Give me a little bit.....I'll see what I can dig up. I had no END of fun making my Epson all-in-one work!22:14
dreamcat4use an irc client that has good keyboard shortcuts, ones that you are familiar with22:14
largefarva68oh i iddn't know they stop developing xchat22:14
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miq-wgeetar: Have a look at this; I don't know whether it'll help. You'll need to install the g2scanpdf with 'sudo apt-get install g2scanpdf', I would imagine. Then I guess you just follow the instructions for setting it up via the front-end...22:21
miq-wSorry: http://www.micahcarrick.com/scansnap-1500-adf-scanner-in-linux.html  My mistake!22:21
miq-wLet me know how you get on.22:21
geetarmiq-w:  I assume you mean gscan2pdf.  g2scanpdf was not recognized.  I tried that before and it would not communicate with the scanner.  I think that is the app that briefly recognizes the scanner immediately when I plug it in.  Then it loses it and claims that it cannot find a scanner.22:24
geetarThe odd thing is that I can see the scanner with lsusb.  "sane-find-scanner" sees it, but "scanimage -L" does not see it except when I unplug it and plug it back in; for a few seconds "scanimage -L" will see it.22:25
miq-wlargefarva68: I'm in hexchat right now. It's a lot easier to setup than some of the others, and the config for auto-identification using SASL is pretty easy, too.22:25
miq-wgeetar: Hm! Sounds like you might have one of those 'awkward' ones, I'm afraid...22:26
dreamcat4great! got hibernate working on both windows 8.1 and ububtu 14.04 simultaneously! (although not by the 'pm-hibernate' cmd)22:27
geetarmiq-w:  I am wondering if the firmware is missing.  Supposedly I can put the firmware path in /etc/sane.d/fujitsu.conf, but I dont know if I can find the firmware.22:27
dreamcat4so i can dual-boot the same disk and it resumes either one22:27
dreamcat4networking comes back up too22:27
miq-wgeetar: My mistake on the gscan2pdf. It's been a long day..!22:27
largefarva68miq-w not to sound stupid but SASL?22:27
k1l_!sasl | largefarva6822:28
largefarva68what's that do?22:28
geetarmiq-w:  NP.  bbl.  I am going to make sure that I can get the installed windows on this machine to use the scanner to eliminate the possibility that this computer itself is incompatible.22:28
k1l_largefarva68: well, some secure connection to freenode stuff. see the freenode page for howto22:29
geetarmiq-w:  thanks.22:29
miq-wlargefarva68: Sorry. I'm pretty new to this IRC stuff myself, but it's a way to set up your IRC client to identify yourself to the network without needing to do it manually everytime you log-in.22:29
largefarva68thanks miq-w22:30
largefarva68i'll check it out22:30
bjpennhow do i see the network settings of the server? when i edit the file /etc/network/interfaces, it shows me the two physical interfaces, and what IPs they occupy22:30
bjpennbut therea re a lot of other IPs that it occupies22:30
bjpennhow do i see where those are configureD?22:30
miq-wIf you follow kll's advice, the freenode page will tell you all about it.....and there's an example on there for how to set it up for Hexchat.22:31
daftykinsbjpenn: can you explain yourself in better detail?22:32
bjpennfor example when i edit /etc/network/interfaces, i see eth0 , and lets say its
miq-wgeetar: Doubt it's the 'puter itself, especially if it's worked under Windows before. It'll definitely be software that's tripping you up...22:33
bjpennbut i can also get to the server via
bjpenni can also get to the server via
bjpennwhere are these other interfaces,, and configured?22:33
daftykinshmm, pastebin "ifconfig -a" and the interfaces file22:34
hhhh i have a cronjob to suspend and wake my pc except as soon as the pc sleeps the clock stops working so it never wakes up and i have to manually wake it22:35
hhhhwhen i wake it it still has the time that it slept at22:35
dreamcat4hi again. is there some way to auto-hide background windows when alt-tab switching ? (like old mac system X ways)22:37
daftykinsit's not a mac.22:37
dreamcat4daftykins: i know, even macs don't do this anymore either22:37
bjpenndaftykins: http://www.hastebin.com/ebesewidax.sm22:38
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bjpenndaftykins: /etc/interfaces/network only shows eth0 and eth122:39
daftykinsbjpenn: no, it's every $interface:x - you see eth0 is itself, then it has multiple IPs by having eth0:1 and so on22:40
bjpennin /etc/network/interfaces22:40
bjpenni only see eth0 and eth122:40
daftykinsoh right yeah, now i get you22:40
AlexQHi. What should I do when Ubuntu installer and GParted both see partitions on my disk in a different way than they really are? The partition table is created and managed by Windows. I really don't want to backup all data, reinstall windows etc.22:40
daftykinsbjpenn: who is your server from?22:41
daftykinsAlexQ: you should backup before installing anyway. provide more detail though, what are they saying?22:41
bjpenndaftykins: its not from any cloud places22:41
bjpennamazon or whatever22:41
AlexQdaftykins: Well, I have my most important data on Dropbox, so I am safe.22:42
daftykinsbjpenn: maybe contacting whoever it is from or reading their support/FAQ would make sense22:42
AlexQdaftykins: I made some strange things with my disk - at some point the second usable partition (D:) wasn't a continuous space on HDD, but was split into two halves separated by empty space I left for something22:42
daftykinsAlexQ: what OS are you in now?22:43
AlexQdaftykins: Win722:43
daftykinsboot ubuntu media and install "pastebinit", then share "sudo parted -l | pastebinit"22:43
AlexQdaftykins: Okay. And how should I save how Windows sees it?22:44
daftykinsAlexQ: screenshot diskmgmt.msc22:45
daftykinsAlexQ: or run cmd, run "diskpart" within that, "lis dis" to list the disks, "sel dis #" where # = your HDD, then "lis par" and pastebin that22:46
AlexQdaftykins: Wow, nice to know that command to go directly there. It will be in Polish though, but shouldn't be a problem22:46
daftykinsnah i think all windows shortcuts for the run dialogue are english22:46
AlexQdaftykins: I mean the description on output. Wow, I had no idea that windows has such options now. You're both Windows and Unix hacker :D22:47
daftykinsdon't tell anyone but i don't even use Linux on the desktop *whistle*22:48
AlexQdaftykins: Neither had I, so that's why I didn't have my disk prepared22:48
daftykinswhich windows version is it? do you know whether it was installed EFI or legacy?22:49
AlexQdaftykins: Win7. No idea, the partition table is OEM, never recreated by me22:49
daftykinsprobably legacy and so MBR22:50
AlexQdaftykins: oic?22:50
daftykinsoh i see22:50
bazzzbAny advice on how to sync two or more webservers.22:51
daftykinsrsync? :)22:52
AlexQdaftykins: So I removed that strangely divided D partition and recreated it and it looks like that now: https://www.dropbox.com/s/debatfpvt7tpob0/Zrzut%20ekranu%202014-09-30%2023.52.47.png?dl=022:53
AlexQdaftykins: But Xubuntu installer and GParted both see it in a different way. What is strange, though, is I was able to mount both those Win partitions.22:53
AlexQdaftykins: Give me a sec to boot into Xubu and save that infos22:54
ZerockI've encountered a situation on Ubuntu GNOME where X goes nuts and maxes out 2 cores of the CPU.22:54
bazzzbdaftykins: was hoping om something more complex. Databases. Files. Server configs. All need to be synced.22:54
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Demon_Jesterhey guys, For some reason I cannot telnet, and was wondering if I need to manual configure ethernet port to telnet to a device?22:55
bjpenndaftykins: are you saying all interfaces should be on etc/network/interfaces?22:55
bjpenneven the virtual interfaces?22:55
daftykinsbazzzb: have you not ever looked into rsync before? :P22:55
bjpennlike :0, :1, :222:55
daftykinsbjpenn: well, that's what i'd expect at least22:55
bjpennyah thats what i expected too22:55
bjpennbut i dont think thats the case22:56
daftykinsAlexQ: i don't think that pic finished uploading yet22:56
bazzzbdaftykins: I did. Looking at docker now22:56
ahklerneryeah it just says 'this file is uploading'22:56
daftykinsbazzzb: bit confused as to why you don't think it's appropriate then. nevermind!22:57
AlexQdaftykins: Sorry, something broken with Dropbox then :O22:57
Demon_Jesternevermind I had ot manual set up config for my eth port.22:58
daftykinsDemon_Jester: what on earth are you using telnet with? that's an ancient insecure protocol22:58
Demon_Jesterdaftykins: on openwrt in failsafe mode you have to telnet in22:59
daftykinsah right22:59
Demon_Jesterbut I got it working now.22:59
AlexQdaftykins: Geez, that's realy broken, even if I move the file, duplicate it etc. it's still not appearing online, but Dropbox says it's synced :D Uploading via webinterface23:00
AlexQdaftykins: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5984182/harddrivescreenshot.png23:00
AlexQok, rebooting...23:00
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=== Granis` is now known as Granis
AlexQI'm back23:09
daftykinsso that's a bit of a messy disk!23:09
daftykins#1, it's got that wasted recovery partition at the start, stealing 13.67GB from the fastest part!23:09
AlexQdaftykins: You've seen the paste already? :D That's even 'messier': http://paste.ubuntu.com/8469175/23:10
daftykins#2, your disk i can tell is in 'dynamic' mode, which is a lot riskier of a state to run it than the standard 'basic' mode. the good news is you can convert it to basic in Windows with two clicks23:10
daftykinswhaaaaat they're all primary 0o23:10
AlexQyeah :D23:10
daftykinsheh yeah that's not going to work23:10
daftykinsdo you definitely not have any other storage devices to backup?23:11
AlexQnot now ;(23:11
AlexQwhat is risky? Those two clicks converting it back to basic?23:11
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AlexQwell, so that is using some strange MS proprietary technology that is not supported by Linux at all?23:12
daftykinsnah leaving it as dynamic is a risk23:12
daftykinsit's just not a good idea to use, at all23:12
daftykinsit's a setup designed to let you 'pool' drives together i think23:12
AlexQyeah, you can do it23:12
AlexQwhen I was looking for settings you can actually have a partition spread over multiple disks :O So, how to change it back to basic?23:13
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daftykinsAlexQ: run diskmgmt.msc again then just right click on the left where it says 'disk 0'23:14
daftykinsAlexQ: heh, or Dysk 0 ;)23:14
AlexQand then?23:15
daftykinsAlexQ: should say 'convert to basic' right there23:15
AlexQdaftykins: All options are grayed out except for Properties and Help23:15
AlexQdaftykins: It says, but it's inactive too :<23:16
AlexQmaybe that's because I have to many primary partitions?23:16
daftykins4 is the correct limit23:16
AlexQand what's that 100MB"System reserved" space for?23:16
daftykinsthat's windows 7's kinda boot partition23:16
daftykinsit's normal for all win7 installs23:17
AlexQwhat's there?23:17
daftykinswhat's weird is that Linux saw yet another one before that, even23:17
daftykinswindows boot files and so on23:17
daftykinsAlexQ: i'll be back shortly, need to take care of a couple of things23:19
AlexQdaftykins: So what should I do now? Even if I could get an external drive or sth large enough to backup all data, it seems scary to remove the whole partition table23:19
AlexQdaftykins: As I have no idea how that recovery system works - that you press a button in BIOS and it boots that recovery stuff up23:19
bjpennin linux i can define interfaces using ifconfig right? but the problem is it doesn't become persistent?23:21
starlight_How do I make my desktop manager remember where windows are when I close them (so that they appear in the same place I closed them when re-opening)? I use Ubuntu 14.04 with Unity23:22
daftykinsAlexQ: did you say you deleted and recreated D: earlier?23:25
daftykinsstarlight_: tried ctrl+clicking close?23:27
starlight_daftykins: doesn't work23:28
daftykinsno idea then!23:28
karexstarlight_: I think there's no way for it23:28
karex(until now)23:29
starlight_it seems like something so simple23:29
daftykinsi don't know anyone who would ever be that picky.23:29
starlight_i have issues23:29
AlexQdaftykins: Yeah, I did. That's why it's a single block of data now. That was the only way to join it apparentlly23:30
daftykinsAlexQ: what i would do is delete that again, create a partition in the nieprzydzielone space ;) and select "extended partition" and select the entire area - then in the extended partition, create your D: as a logical drive. that'll leave space to install xubuntu23:31
karexstarlight_: because window size and position is defined in the program. if it's developed by using GTK+, as I know, there's no options such LAST_USER for position, so the program should remember manually where the last position if it wants to23:31
failfarmif i were looking for a linux equal to say unity3d would this be the place to ask or somewhere else ?23:32
starlight_karex:  so even if there was a solution it would be on an individual-program basis?23:32
daftykinsfailfarm: the game engine?23:32
failfarmdaftykins: yea, was looking for a native linux game engine23:33
karexstarlight_: yes (I think, but not 100% sure)23:33
daftykinsfailfarm: odd, i thought it was cross-platform23:34
failfarmdaftykins: it will port games to linux but will not install to my knowlege with out wine23:34
AlexQdaftykins: Yeah, but I don't think Xubuntu will see the space and the whole disk correctly then, 'cause it's dynamic and I can't convert it back to basic parttable now23:35
kostkondaftykins, the unity3d IDE does not have a linux version currently23:35
daftykinskostkon: ah ok ty23:36
daftykinsAlexQ: hmm, i'd play more with partitioning utilities in a xubuntu live session before giving up - but i would personally like to reclaim that disk space from the recovery partition :)23:36
daftykinsAlexQ: i think a full backup is your best bet i'm afraid23:36
failfarmi guess ill wait for ue4 to get their stuff together, thanks for the help23:37
guest-lkajdf_431just testing - thank you. Can someone say hi if they see this??23:38
daftykinsdo not use this channel for that in future23:39
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )23:39
Loshkibjpenn: you can usually configure the /etc/network/interface file, or, if all else fails, add ifconfig commands to /etc/rc.local...23:39
AlexQdaftykins: Why do you say it's the fastest space? The physical location on the HDD matters?23:40
daftykinsAlexQ: yes indeed, a hard disk storages data on concentric 'circles' called tracks, starting from the outside edge of the platters and moving inwards (the opposite of CD) so the start of an HDD is the fastest part.23:41
daftykins*stores data23:41
Matt___How do I disable nouveau nvidia in Ubuntu?23:41
bjpennLoshki: thanks!23:41
AlexQdaftykins: I know it does that, but I had no idea that it influences the reading and writing speed.23:42
Matt___So I can active 33123:42
daftykinsMatt___: your question doesn't make sense. if you have an nvidia optimus laptop you have to use bumblebee or nvidia-prime23:42
daftykinsor do you mean you want to use nvidia drivers instead of nouveau? because that's automatic once you install nvidia-33123:43
AlexQdaftykins: Why is this piece faster? The data density is the same, right? And how could I back-up that partition? I can't even make a proper image of it since parted doesn't see it probably, can I :D?23:44
AlexQdaftykins: If I want to keep the installation partition for Windows I have licence for23:45
Matt___daftykins: I want to do that yes. Install nvidia-331 instead. My problem is, running something like lsmod | grep -i nvidia brings up nothing, while nouveau brings up a response. I have nvidia-331 enabled too.23:45
daftykinsMatt___: distro? version?23:45
daftykinsAlexQ: i would nuke the entire disk without a worry. you can obtain windows DVD media to install from, no need to keep the recovery partition at all23:46
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daftykinsAlexQ: unless you're not familiar with doing clean Windows installs, that is23:46
Ben64Matt___: and how did you install the nvidia drivers23:46
Matt___daftykins: Ubuntu 14.0.1 trusty23:46
Matt___Ben64: sudo apt-get install nvidia-33123:47
Matt___before that sudo apt-get update23:47
Ben64why didn't you use the Additional Drivers thing23:48
Matt___I did that as well ben23:48
Ben64you can't do both23:48
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Matt___I mean i've tried both23:48
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Matt___brb.. need to restart23:49
WulframnSo doge, much amaze, WOW!, very impress23:50
daftykinsWulframn: No ubuntu, much offtopic, very unimpress23:52
WulframnWell played23:52
TerosFFFa gg23:52

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