
Noskcajbeen away the last few days, did i miss anything?05:42
knomeNoskcaj, looking at the lastlong, not much09:34
brainwashNoskcaj: the Xfce4 package recommends desktop-base which installs some debian related wallpapers and customizations. could this dependency be lowered to Suggests in ubuntu?10:00
Noskcajbrainwash, Probably. Maybe check kde and gnome's metapackages too10:01
brainwashthere is one unresolved report bug 108086510:01
ubottubug 1080865 in xfce4 (Ubuntu) "Debian instead of Ubuntu grub splash" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108086510:01
brainwashnot sure how these meta packages are named :)10:02
brainwashlooks like gnome is just gnome10:02
brainwashgnome does depend on desktop-base10:03
brainwashI'll ignore this problem then, better not break anything10:05
knomeit sounds interesting10:12
knomewhat in desktop-base do we need?10:12
Noskcajbrainwash, Please file a bug about it10:14
brainwashwell, we don't really anything debian related10:14
brainwashit's the xfce4 meta package which recommends it, and we somewhat care about the default xfce4 session/installation, or? :)10:15
brainwashNoskcaj: a new report? what about the existing one?10:16
NoskcajDidn't see your link, just use the old one. Try and push for a fix10:17
brainwashbug 108086510:17
ubottubug 1080865 in xfce4 (Ubuntu) "Debian instead of Ubuntu grub splash" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108086510:17
brainwash... bot ...10:17
brainwashwhy u so slow?10:17
brainwashNoskcaj: ok, I'll try to ask the ubuntu devs too10:18
elfylet's see if vm's boot to todays daily 11:32
elfythat'll be no then11:39
=== cmars` is now known as cmars
elfyso I have a new not starting bug apparently14:03
elfybug 1375805 if anyone can confirm that 14:12
ubottubug 1375805 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Lightdm fails to start in VirtualBox " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137580514:12
elfysudo grep SEGV /var/log/syslog echoing nothing at tty1 before starting lightdm14:15
elfyhi slickymaster 14:19
=== qwebirc197358 is now known as slickymasterWork
elfyseem to have a fix at least15:53
brainwashelfy: did you or anyone else talk to the ubuntu devs about the ubiquity black screen bug?15:58
brainwashehm, black background15:58
brainwashluckily not a black screen :)15:58
elfyI've not done so no16:02
elfynot sure if anyone has - I've been tied up in getting an install to boot at all16:02
brainwashbut that's still the vm only problem, right?16:04
brainwashI guess that we should get some logs, "ubuntu-bug ubiquity" should collect some16:06
brainwashelfy: do you also test on normal hardware?16:08
elfyat milestones I do 16:09
brainwashok then, I'll just download the daily and see if I can get some logs16:10
brainwashcan't be that hard to fix the black background16:11
elfyjust booting today's on hardware16:14
elfynot sure I saw it when I did the beta test on hardware tbh16:14
brainwashrun ubuntu-bug and mark it as duplicate of the existing bug16:15
brainwashor would apport-collect work too? it's not your report16:16
elfyso usb just goes straight to desktop - no choice - using the ubuntu usb tool16:16
elfyoh nvm - got black background now16:16
brainwashin the actual live session?16:17
elfyno - prior to that - wasn't really watching it properly :)16:17
brainwashah :D16:17
elfybrainwash: just reporting it again but to ubiquity - any logs you think would be useful to attach16:24
elfybug 137589316:27
ubottubug 1375893 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Black background to Try/Install Dialogue" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137589316:27
elfybug 1284910 was the one we had last time where we had the debian background at that point iirc16:44
ubottubug 1284910 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu|Mythbuntu|UbuntuStudio installers have debian background wallpaper" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128491016:44
elfythat's the one that xnox got involved with - and I'm positive I remember that going on16:45
brainwashelfy: thanks, now we got something to work with16:48
elfyready steady go :p16:59
Unit193Anyone know Spanish and docbook?18:52
Unit193es/settings-preferences.xml:373 is all tangled up.18:52
pleia2I think that's what GridCube is for <318:54
Unit193https://code.launchpad.net/~unit193/xubuntu-docs/utopic/+merge/236589 that fixes the easy one.19:02
GridCubei pinged the translator team a week ago but got no response19:14
GridCubei will try to get them again19:14
Unit193I'm actually referring to a bad translation, broke the docbook structure.19:15
GridCube:/ my friends might got thta messed up19:18
Unit193line 973 in es.po: https://translations.launchpad.net/xubuntu-docs/utopic/+pots/desktop-guide/es/+translate?batch=10&show=all&search=Temas+GTK19:25
Unit193New xfce4-screenshooter in Debian only closes Debian #763387.19:53
ubottuDebian bug 763387 in src:xmlrpc-c, xfce4-screenshooter "xmlrpc-c transition breakage" [Serious,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/76338719:53
bluesabregood evening folks23:36
skellatGood evening23:43
bluesabreHey skellat23:57

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