
vik_wi fi manager does not appear 14 version03:14
holsteinvik_: i would try starting it manually.. nm-applet03:16
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adesst1knome: thanks07:32
garandilQUick one, is Xubuntu vulnerable towards "shellshock" ?07:58
dkesselgarandil: not if you install all updates08:06
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SuperTechNewsC'è qualcuno?13:34
cfhowlett!it | superkuh13:36
ubottusuperkuh: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:36
cfhowlett!it | supertechnews13:36
ubottusupertechnews: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:36
GridCube!hi | Aurvandill14:25
ubottuAurvandill: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!14:25
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max12345help I hit some button now the desktop moves below my mouse :(14:41
max12345found it14:43
max12345it's the zoom14:43
xubiubuntu it????14:56
=== kblin_ is now known as kblin
kblinoh, seriously? my touchpad's dead again15:18
kblinI wonder why this keeps happening15:18
kblinit works just fine in the lock screen15:19
knosysHi Xubi :)15:23
knosysnice distro... just what i was looking for.. Ligher than unity , higher than xfce15:25
holsteinknosys: shouldnt be "higher" than xfce.. xubuntu is using xfce..15:35
knosyssorry i mean lxde XD faill15:44
holsteinno worries.. glad you are enjoying it15:46
knosysim downloading still15:46
knosysi installed ubuntu but i think its much for my pc15:46
knosysbut im overviewing it and looks great15:47
knosysok burned. Im going to install right away. See you later!16:02
Aurvandillknosys why are you not installing the xubuntu desktop in ubuntu and remove unity afterwards?16:14
brent2anyone know how to make notify-send work with crontab?16:39
brent2it seemed to work earlier but has stopped and I'm not sure why16:40
brainwashbrent2: do you pass the env var DISPLAY?16:57
brainwashlike "DISPLAY=:0 notify-send ..."16:57
brent2I tried that to no avail16:57
brainwashdid you try that?17:00
brainwash1st google search result17:01
brent2brainwash: I found that result too, but I figured I'd ask here before trying it out, since, like I said, it seemed to work earlier with no issue but stopped working after I rebooted17:12
brent2going to give it a whirl17:12
brent2brainwash: is your user's .dbus dir owned by root?17:30
brainwashbrent2: no17:31
brent2weird.. that must be what changed17:31
brainwashdid you mess around with sudo? :)17:32
brent2I did indeed, but not recently17:32
brent2added Defaults rootpw17:32
brent2could that have done it?17:32
garrieI have a problem.17:34
garrieI installed using LVM encryption. When I boot up, my encryption passphrase screen is BLANK. I can still enter my encryption key, etc, but I'd rather have a prompt of some sort. Why is it blank and how do I fix it?17:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 966403 in linux (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #966450 Lubuntu Install (entire disk with encryption) doesn't prompt for disk password." [High,Triaged]17:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 966403 in linux (Ubuntu) "Lubuntu Install (entire disk with encryption) doesn't prompt for disk password." [High,Triaged]17:36
brent2last link looks to be the most useful of the bunch17:37
brent2garrie: ^17:37
garriebrent2, Thanks.17:37
garriebrent2, I already have the correct NVidia driver for my graphics card installed, I believe.17:37
brent2garrie: http://i.imgur.com/MptAwZ3.png17:38
garriebrent2, what is the effect of option number 2 in that post?17:38
garrieEditing the /boot/grub/grub.cfg file with "plymouth:force-drm"17:39
brent2it just appends whatever graphics mode that is so that it's utilized during boot17:39
brent2to the single grub boot entry17:40
brent2you can probably do that by default in grub defaults if it turns out that it works for you17:40
brent2so you don't have to do it every time17:40
brent2but basically that's one thing I'd try17:40
brent2to see if it works17:40
brent2supposedly worked for at least one other person17:40
garrie grub.cfg seems like quite a complicated file.17:41
garrieI'm not sure exactly where to put "plymouth:force-drm"17:41
brent2it contains all of your boot entries17:42
brent2let me check mine17:42
brent2so when you first boot your pc you see the grub bootloader with different entries17:42
brent2mine is something like Ubuntu (3.12), Memtest86, Safe mode, etc17:42
brent2those entries are what you see in grub.cfg17:42
garrieMmm, not usually, no. I only see that when my pc powers off without being shutdown.17:43
garrieIn usually sequence of events, I turn my computer on, I see my pc's splash screen (ASUS)17:43
garriethen it goes black, which is where I enter my encryption key17:43
garrieThen it goes to the xubuntu login window.17:43
brent2maybe you're using efi boot or whatever it's called17:44
brent2which I know nothing about17:44
brent2but still, try editing the grub file17:44
garrieI disabled secure boot in my bios17:44
brent2garrie: http://i.imgur.com/xaokxTs.png17:45
garrieOkay, if I pastebin the contents of my grub file, could you pastebin the edited version?17:45
brent2sure I can try17:46
brent2ok garrie keep that pastebin somewhere just in case your system breaks and you have to fix this from a livecd17:48
brent2garrie: http://pastebin.com/qzWP0Sb617:49
garrieOkay thanks.17:50
brent2garrie: if this works for you then there are more steps involved to make it permanent17:50
brent2so let me know17:50
garrieOh really?17:50
brent2yeah, reboot to check it and if it works I can guide you through it17:51
garrieOkay no problem.17:51
garrieBack in 5.17:51
brainwash"DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE"17:52
brent2that's why I said there's more to it17:53
brent2any luck garrie ?17:54
garrieJust restarting now.17:54
garrie2 secs17:54
brent2brainwash: the problem was that .dbus was owned by root17:55
brent2didn't have to do anything to fix it other than fix that17:55
brent2and .gvfs17:55
brainwashmakes sense17:55
brent2not sure how tha thappened17:55
brainwashyou have triggered it at some point, surely with sudo17:56
brent2impossible, as a user I never make errors or affect the system negatively17:56
garriebrent2, no difference. Still blank screen instead of encryption passphrase screen.17:57
garrieI had the same trouble on Linux Mint last week.17:58
brent2no clue then truthfully17:58
brent2you can restore the old file by running sudo update-grub217:59
brent2"it's not a bug, it's a feature"17:59
brent2garrie: you can try the mainline kernel but I wouldn't18:00
brent2it'll be more of a hassle than not having a prompt18:00
garriebrent2, sorry, was away there!"19:04
garriebrent2, yeah... in this case it is a bit of a feature for additional security I guess.19:04
brent2woops caps19:04
garriebrent2, Just a bit of a pain not knowing precisely when the system is ready for the input or not.19:04
brent2yeah I agree19:05
brent2if you don't see the grub bootloader then that throws an additional monkeywrench into the mix, maybe your system boots magically without respect to the grub list entries or something19:05
garriegarrie, I had the same issue on linux mint XFCE edition last week, and I solved it by running update-alternatives --config default.plymouth19:05
garrieThis gave me the option of choosing a text only prompt instead of a graphical prompt (I think it's the graphical prompt which is giving issues).19:06
garrieBut when I run it on xubuntu it says :19:06
garrieThere is only one alternative in link group default.plymouth (providing /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth): /lib/plymouth/themes/xubuntu-logo/xubuntu-logo.plymouth19:06
garrieNothing to configure.19:06
garrieSuch an annoying issue.19:19
garriebrent2, okay, I have another one for you.19:19
garriebrent2, I'm using a UK layout wireless keyboard.19:19
garriebrent2, However, during login (when entering my encryption key, and when entering my login password), the keyboard reverts to US layout.19:20
garriebrent2, again, you could consider this an additional layer of security, because even if somebody uses my keyboard, they're never entirely sure what keyboard layout to adhere to.19:20
garriebrent2, but I'd rather my keyboard was just ALWAYS in UK layout.19:20
garrieAny ideas?>19:21
brent2garrie: what's the output of:19:22
brent2localectl status19:22
garrie   System Locale: LANG=en_GB.UTF-819:22
garrie                  LANGUAGE=en_GB:en19:22
garrie       VC Keymap: n/a19:22
garrie      X11 Layout: gb19:22
garrie       X11 Model: pc10519:22
garrieThe keyboard goes to UK mode as SOON as I log in, without me having to make any changes.19:23
garrieBut during boot up, encryption, login, etc, it's always in US mode.19:23
garrieEven when I lock my screen after logging in, it's back to US mode until I log in.19:23
brent2maybe this would work: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Keyboard_configuration_in_console#Persistent_configuration19:24
brent2otherwise I don't know19:24
brent2i've never run into this issue because i use the US layout19:24
elfyI ran into similar when we were still testing trusty and had ibus - made entering a password impossible unless you knew US keyboard layout19:25
brent2death to ibus19:26
roninthank you for the 14.04, I love it19:38
zx81how can i find the version of xubuntu I am running ?19:51
Unit193lsb_release -r19:52
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »19:52
zx81Thanks. Description:Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS19:54
zx81my machine is old so can't upgrade19:55
geniiI wonder if they were actually using a Timex-Sinclair ZX8120:26
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