
tewardhow long does it typically take for packages to be published to ppas after building?03:40
wgrantteward: 5-10 minutes04:07
karniHi folks. I can't subscribe to a mailing list, because LP is timing out on me. Any pointers? Error ID: OOPS-d0ebcf5d853707cd9f623aa778b2632408:16
apacheloggeraloha, is there a way to find out if a package has been fully published through the API?08:36
geserwhat is "fully published" for you?08:38
apacheloggerall binaries of all succesfully built builds of all published sources of all done uploads are published (available in the archive repo in question)08:40
apacheloggerI actually have everything but the binary part figured out08:40
geserhave you checked the status field of the binary_package_publishing_history object?08:41
apacheloggerI can actualy show you the entire gloriously crappy code, sec ^^08:42
apacheloggerhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/8471508/ line 94 onwards is the intersting bits08:43
apacheloggerso, I thought I could use source_pub_history.getPublishedBinaries (line 156) but as it turns out that will not cover all potential binaries that will need publishing08:44
apacheloggernamely if i386 finished a bit after amd64 but not quite close enough the source_pub will be published, the build_pubs will be published and all (known) binaries will be published and programatically it is as though i386 never created any binaries at all08:45
apacheloggerrelated output from the pasted script when exactly this happened tonight: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8471521/08:46
geserhmm, is the output still wrong when you rerun the script for that upload now?08:51
apacheloggergeser: nope it's correct now08:54
apacheloggerit appears to me that there is a time gap between buildstate reaching 'successfully built' and its binaries appearing in getPublishedBinaries(), that's also where line 154 comes from. there is a chance that one can have everything indicate that the build is done but getPublishedBinaries() returns nothing yet08:57
wgrantThere is a gap, yes. The web UI uses getBuildSummariesForSourceIds.09:03
geserapachelogger: could you use some wait after build.datebuilt before calling source.getPublishedBinaries()? (if wgrant call tell you how big the gap is)09:07
wgrantThere's no reliable gap09:09
wgrantFor very bad historical reasons, binaries only show up in getPublishedBinaries once the publisher starts.09:10
* apachelogger takes a look at getBuildSummariesForSourceIds09:11
wgrantgetBuildSummariesForSourceIds takes the PackageUpload status into account.09:11
wgrantIt's what powers the right column on a PPA's +packages page.09:11
wgrantWhich shows when builds are in progress, or publishing, or all done.09:11
apacheloggerwgrant: that sounds like what I need09:16
apacheloggergeser, wgrant: thanks I'll give this a try :)09:16
florinelHi guys, I get a 403 response code when I try to download a package from a VPS Server hosted on Glesys (Swedish hosting company): wget http://ppa.launchpad.net/iacobs/redis/ubuntu/pool/main/r/redis/redis-server_2.8.14-0~ppa3_amd64.deb  --2014-10-01 13:55:31--  http://ppa.launchpad.net/iacobs/redis/ubuntu/pool/main/r/redis/redis-server_2.8.14-0~ppa3_amd64.deb Resolving ppa.launchpad.net (ppa.launchpad.net)... ::ffff:
florinelis the host blacklisted or something? the provider does not filter any traffic09:57
florinelor how can I proceed to find out what can I go from here09:57
wgrantflorinel: Have you tried using native IPv4?09:58
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florinelwgrant: good point, no, trying it now.09:59
florinelwgrant: damn, that worked. Thank you.10:02
wgrantflorinel: I'm not quite sure why what you tried didn't work. Do you have some strange networking setup?10:02
florinelwgrant: I am starting to look into it, why would it behave like this.10:09
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tewardwgrant: is it possible the builders last night were lagging with uploads?  Had to wait 25 mins after building for it to publish13:07
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glevAm I in the right place for a cloud-init question?14:00
glevI wanted to know if fs_setup needs to be explicity set in the cloud.cfg modules list in order to declare it in my user-data14:02
dobeyyou probably want to ask in #ubuntu-server perhaps? or #juju (if that's a channel)?14:03
glevok thanks, I will give that a try14:05
cjwatsonteward: there was an incident where a libvirt upgrade took out the networking on the virtualised builders, yes14:17
cjwatsondon't know whether that would have affected built -> published14:17
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tewardcjwatson: ok, thanks for the heads up on that, was that all fixed?16:45
cjwatsonso I'm told16:45
t1mpI'm getting "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server." when trying to load https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/20-sm/+merge/23675017:02
t1mpis there a known problem?17:02
t1mpnow I get:17:02
t1mp504 Gateway Time-out17:02
t1mpThe server didn't respond in time.17:02
gcollurat1mp, I have the same error17:02
gcolluraeverything else works though, just the merge interface seems broken17:03
allenapHello. Yes, I only call when I want something. I’m getting lots of timeouts looking at code. For example https://code.launchpad.net/~newell-jensen/maas/pxe-requests/+merge/236368 ends in “Please try again” consistently, for about 5-10 minutes now.17:08
allenapcprov: Hi Celso, do you look after Launchpad these days? I’m having timeout issues, and so are a few others. ^17:17
cjwatsonboth those pages loaded first time for me FWIW17:19
cjwatsonI expect wgrant will want the OOPS ID from the timeout17:19
cprovallenap: it worked for me too, temporary hiccup, maybe17:20
allenapcprov, cjwatson: Yes, it’s working again for me too. Sorry for the noise. Unfortunately I didn’t write down the OOPS number :-/17:21
cprovallenap: it will show up in the reports, if it's working still. I will take a look later17:26
allenapcprov: Ta, thank you.17:26
sethjWhen I attempt to load a merge proposal at this link https://code.launchpad.net/~sethj/ubuntu-packaging-guide/lp1313053/+merge/236766 I get "Please try again Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server" and asking I let people know here. So here I am :)19:11
sethjFWIW I tried reloading the page several times, but it always terminates at the same error.19:11
mibofrahi guys, a thing. For the debs in ubuntu, on the launchpad like https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy, I find a debian.tar.xz tarball under the package details, and this tarball contains the debian directory that is used by the debian packaging tools to package the software into a deb package21:29
mibofranow, I can't find a debian.tar.xz for linux :D21:29
mibofrawhere I can find it ?21:29
mibofra*can I21:30
maprerimibofra: looks like the linux package in ubuntu is not using the debian source format 3.0, but the 1.0, so you don't have a debian.tar.<compressionused>. instead the linux package in debian does, if you want it.21:41
mibofrathanks mapreri21:46

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