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lordievaderGood morning.06:29
Novice201yHello. Where is "update button" in Utopic "about computer"?07:28
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nrbrtxDear all! Today I have installed Ubuntu Utopic from beta2 CD and discovered that many bugs are still not fixed. These bugs are: 1245137, 1242572, 1263228, 1244090, 1270574, 1270579, 1280759.10:18
bipulnrbrtx: are you able to install ubuntu 14.10?10:32
bipulbug 124513710:32
ubottubug 1245137 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "hotkeys for keyboard layout switching do not work in unity-greeter in Saucy, Trusty and Utopic" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124513710:32
nrbrtx<bipul>, yes, I'm writing from 14.10.10:32
bipulnrbrtx: I am unable to install Ubuntu 14.10 inside my virtualbox10:36
bipulbug 137475410:36
ubottubug 1374754 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Unable to install Ubuntu14.10 on Virtualbox" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137475410:36
nrbrtx<bipul>, I installed on physical hardware (VAIO F13Z1R on external eSATA HDD).10:37
bipulnrbrtx: Try to install virtualbox on your Ubuntu 14.10 and  see are you able to install ubuntu 14.10 inside virtualbox or not.10:38
nrbrtxbipul, what virtualbox version do you use, from which repo?10:39
BluesKajHiyas all10:39
lordievaderI've heard Virtualbox is broken. Try kvm ;)10:39
bipulnrbrtx:  Virtualbox 4.3.1010:39
nrbrtxbipul, on which system you try to install virtualbox?10:41
nrbrtxbipul, I have 14.04 too.10:42
bipulDoes it works fine from your side? I mean are you able to install ubuntu 14.10 on virtualbox?10:43
nrbrtxbipul, I have just installed vbox 4.3.16 on Ubuntu 14.10, now creating VDI.10:44
nrbrtxbipul, vbox from https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads10:45
bipuloh ok ,10:45
nrbrtxbipul: on which CPU you try to install vbox? Is VMx/VT-x enabled in BIOS (lscpu | grep Virtualization)?10:48
bipulYes, everythings is beiing enabled.10:49
bipullscpu | grep Virtualization10:50
bipulVirtualization:        AMD-V10:50
nrbrtxbipul: I started Ubuntu 14.10 beta2 livecd in vbox, enable 2D and 3D acceleration with 128 Mb video RAM.10:51
bipulnrbrtx: is it working?10:52
bipulYes i can boot with live cd the problem is i am not able to install it.10:52
nrbrtxbipul, yes I'm seeing "Preparing to install Ubuntu" graphical CD.10:52
nrbrtxbipul: now I'm pressing "Install now"10:53
nrbrtxbipul: seeing "Copying files"10:54
bipulok let see10:55
nrbrtxbipul: now it downloads software (still in installer).11:00
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nrbrtxbipul: now it suggests to reboot11:03
bipullet see11:03
bipulIs it working ??11:04
nrbrtxbipul: purple background and some vhdd actitivity11:04
nrbrtxbipul: I rebooted it and pressed Escape in GRUB11:05
nrbrtxbipul: it took too long11:05
nrbrtxbipul: now rebooted in rescue mode11:06
bipuloh ok11:06
nrbrtxbipul: pressed resume in it, got normal greeter11:06
nrbrtxbipul: unity loaded11:07
bipulSO it's workign?11:08
nrbrtxbipul: working only from rescue mode11:08
nrbrtxbipul: rebooted it with "verbose noplymouth"11:10
nrbrtxbipul: could you please try to boot your vbox with Ubuntu 14.10 and press Esc in GRUB?11:12
nrbrtxbipul: if I press Escape in GRUB and select first row, it boots normally.11:12
bipulok let me reinstall it11:13
nrbrtxbipul: ok11:13
nrbrtxbipul: what is interesting - it seems that it boots normally, but does not show Unity greeter by default.11:16
nrbrtxbipul: I logged to in from console and now installing latest updates - 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade'.11:17
nrbrtxbipul: after installing of all updates still no GUI login.11:23
nrbrtxbipul: after manually restart of lightdm (sudo service lightdm restart) it boots to GUI at login.11:26
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nrbrtxbipul: I reporting bug about our issue.11:35
bipulshow me11:42
nrbrtxbug 137623212:01
ubottubug 1376232 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Fresh installed Ubuntu Utopic does not boot to GUI when installed in VirtualBox" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137623212:01
nrbrtxbipul: any news?12:15
nrbrtxbug 137623212:19
ubottubug 1376232 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Fresh installed Ubuntu Utopic does not boot to GUI when installed in VirtualBox" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137623212:19
bipulThe same problem i have mentioned in my bug12:22
nrbrtxbipul: where is your bug, so I created a duplicate?12:22
bipulnrbrtx: Not exactly, But i never loged in grub menue12:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1374754 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Unable to install Ubuntu14.10 on Virtualbox" [Undecided,Incomplete]12:23
nrbrtxbipul: it is great, that your bug is different12:25
nrbrtxbipul: I booted to Ubuntu 14.04.1 and will try to repeat installation on it.12:25
bipulwhat great, i was trying to install ubuntu in a normal way, and i was unable to install it12:25
elfybut are they dupes - there have been a couple of related bugs12:25
elfybug 137580512:27
ubottubug 1375805 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Lightdm fails to start in VirtualBox " [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137580512:27
elfyand bug 137165112:28
ubottubug 1371651 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Daily does not boot into graphical interface after installation" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137165112:28
elfyif you don;t get any plymouth crashes then it's likely to be the first of the 212:29
nrbrtxdear elfy, where you was before? :)12:29
elfyworking ;)12:29
nrbrtxelfy: nice12:29
elfyyou can confirm if it's the first bug - there is a .conf file in post 6 - create that and then reboot12:30
elfyif it is the same bug - please mark your one as a dupe of 1375805 :)12:30
nrbrtxelfy: you can use my description as well.12:31
nrbrtxelfy: so I agree that mine should be set as duplicate of yours, but you can update the description using mine :)12:32
elfyI'm not here really - get a short lunch break then I'm off again12:33
nrbrtxelfy: ok12:33
nrbrtxelfy: you was too fast in launchpad. I have added file from comment 6 one minute ago - it boots to lightdm with it. So my bug is a really duplicate of yours, thank you!12:52
lordievadernrbrtx: Then please mark it as such.12:54
lordievaderSo people who find your bug will get redirected.12:54
nrbrtxlordievader: elfy already did it.12:54
nrbrtxbug 137623212:55
ubottubug 1375805 in systemd (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1376232 Lightdm fails to start in VirtualBox " [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137580512:55
nrbrtxbipul: any news? have you get to Unity in your virtual Ubuntu?12:57
bipulYes after selecting ubuntu.vdi and then i booted it. followed by your instruction.12:58
nrbrtxbipul: so we can talk about bugs from first message.13:00
nrbrtxbipul: could you please paste here my original message (i do not know, how to get my messages history).13:04
bipulnrbrtx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8472626/13:10
nrbrtxbipul: how you did it? with which IRC commands&13:11
bipulno command just cut copy and paste :D13:12
nrbrtxbipul: ok, I mean my first message with bugs in Utopic. No problem - I'll write new.13:12
lordievader01-12:18 < nrbrtx> Dear all! Today I have installed Ubuntu Utopic from beta2 CD and discovered that many bugs are still not fixed. These  bugs are: 1245137, 1242572, 1263228, 1244090, 1270574, 1270579, 1280759.13:13
lordievadernrbrtx: That one ^?13:13
nrbrtx<lordievader>, you saved my time. Thank you!13:14
nrbrtxso let's see the bugs.13:14
nrbrtxbug 124513713:14
ubottubug 1245137 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "hotkeys for keyboard layout switching do not work in unity-greeter in Saucy, Trusty and Utopic" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124513713:14
nrbrtxbug 124257213:15
ubottubug 1242572 in xkeyboard-config (Ubuntu Trusty) "xkeyboard-config, console-setup, and ubiquity should use Super+Space for switching keyboard layouts" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124257213:15
nrbrtxbug 124409013:15
ubottubug 1244090 in unity-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Pressing any global keyboard shortcut causes temporary loss of focus" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124409013:15
nrbrtxbug 127057413:15
ubottubug 1270574 in indicator-keyboard (Ubuntu) "keyboard layout settings must be consistent between gnome-control-center keyboard, indicator-keyboard and gnome-tweak-tool and /etc/default/keyboard" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127057413:15
nrbrtxbug 128075913:16
ubottubug 1280759 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity shortcuts (Super+A/F/M/C/V) do not work on non-latin layout in Trusty - shortcuts are defined via keyboard layout, not the keys" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128075913:16
nrbrtxThese bugs (1245137, 1242572, 1244090, 1270574, 1280759) are very annoying.13:17
nrbrtxThe less annoying bugs are: bug 1263228 and bug 1280759.13:18
ubottubug 1263228 in libindicator (Ubuntu) "icons in indicators are small (difficult to view on FullHD display and smaller than was on 12.04)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126322813:18
ubottubug 1280759 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity shortcuts (Super+A/F/M/C/V) do not work on non-latin layout in Trusty - shortcuts are defined via keyboard layout, not the keys" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128075913:18
nrbrtx(i mean bug 1270579 )13:18
ubottubug 1270579 in sysvinit (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu should have an init script for saving/restoring backlight level on laptops" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127057913:18
nrbrtxIt would be great if these bug will be fixed or confirmed by channel users (or better - ubuntu developers).13:19
whitesnis it ok to ask for troubleshooting for ubuntu 14.10 here?14:34
lordievaderwhitesn: Now until it is released ;)14:35
whitesnlordievader: you mean until it's stable?14:36
lordievaderNo, until it is released.14:37
whitesnlordievader: um, these aren't counted as releases? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-desktop-next/daily-live/current/14:39
ubottuA schedule of Utopic Unicorn (14.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtopicUnicorn/ReleaseSchedule14:39
lordievaderRelease is supposed to be October the 23rd.14:39
whitesnlordievader: oh alright thanks then :)14:40
BluesKajwhitesn, you can still ask your question14:48
whitesnBluesKaj: i don't know how to explain it in a proper way since i'm not fond of linux, but the problem is when i tried to install default ubuntu / gnome 14.10 both of them went to black screen when booting (after install, restart)14:49
whitesnBluesKaj: now i am trying the guest mode / live session user and it's working for GNOME (haven't tried the default package yet) on VirtualBox14:50
BluesKajwhitesn, do you intend to use ubuntu on VB rather than a regular install to a linux partition?14:53
whitesnBluesKaj: i intend to install under VB/VM for now :)14:54
BluesKajok, whitesn, I'm not real familiar with using a windows host with a linux guest installation...what about you lordievader ?14:57
whitesnBluesKaj: hmm, i guess i'll try the 'temporary' version for now.15:02
lordievaderThere are quite a few bugs in regard to VBox + Utopic.15:04
lordievaderbug 137580515:04
ubottubug 1375805 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Lightdm fails to start in VirtualBox " [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137580515:04
lordievaderbug 137165115:04
ubottubug 1371651 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Daily does not boot into graphical interface after installation" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137165115:04
BluesKajwhitesn, perhaps 14.04 rather than 14.10 would be a better choice, seeing the bugs that lordievader has pointed out could create more problems than it's worth for you15:06
whitesnwell, I already tried the 14.04 before so I'm actually just curious about 14.1015:08
BluesKajwell, good luck whitesn15:14
whitesnBluesKaj: noob question: how to switch between workspaces in 14.10? I tried ctrl + alt + arrow keys and it's not working15:19
lordievaderwhitesn: What DE?15:22
whitesnlordievader: GNOME <- is this what it called by DE? I'm not really fond of linux..15:23
lordievaderwhitesn: Yes. I don't think BluesKaj or I know the shortcut in GNOME, we are KDE guys ;)15:24
BluesKajfond or familiar ?15:24
whitesnnot familiar*15:24
BluesKajhaven't used gnome in 8 yrs15:25
BluesKajnot fond means you don't really like something15:25
lordievaderI've tried GNOME3 once, it was horrible. It was trying to be smart. If there's something I hate.... it's things trying to be smart.15:26
whitesnfound it nevermind... hmm i don't even know which are good and what are the differences15:27
whitesni just google a bit, and saw gnome has interesting interface and tried it ;)15:27
whitesnKDE = ubuntu default?15:28
lordievaderwhitesn: Kubuntu = Ubuntu + KDE. Ubuntu uses Unity.15:28
BluesKajKDE is Kubuntu default desktop environment15:28
elfyhi lordievader BluesKaj15:29
lordievaderHey elfy, how are you doing?15:29
BluesKajhi elfy , how goes it ?15:29
elfygood thanks - all done for the day :)15:29
lordievaderelfy: Yayy, congratulations ;)15:30
elfyreally hoping that I see no more vbox bugs this cycle too - it's getting a bit late for more :p15:30
whitesnwhich Kubuntu for 14.10 would you recommend to download?15:30
lordievaderwhitesn: Err, at this point I don't think a development release is a good option for you. Running a development release means you know what you are doing and you have basic troubleshooting skills.15:31
whitesnlordievader: so it's better to start from older version?15:31
lordievaderwhitesn: 14.04, the current release.15:32
whitesni have no idea which distro and which version to start with, i'm not using it for depth development purposes though15:32
whitesnlordievader: and Kubuntu distro?15:32
BluesKajwhitesn, 14.10 is still not an official release, kubuntu 14.04 is a good choice15:33
whitesnalright thanks for the helps, i'll try it out15:34
BluesKajwhitesn, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/14.04.1/release/15:34
whitesnBluesKaj: got it!15:36
BluesKajwhitesn, have fun :)15:37
creichenI seem to have an installation of a recent (Unicorn) `Ubuntu Studio' installation now (trying to re-install an MBR on an existing system).  However, I can't run `onboard' from my existing partition, and I don't see any on-screen keyboards for this `Ubuntu Studio' thing either.  Any suggestions for enabling keyboard input?15:58
creichen(Might be because onboard is (apparently?) a python program?  Not sure.)15:59
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BluesKajrest the router firmware, had to reset the IPs in ssh and ssh keys in known_hosts17:12
BluesKajanyway gotta take a walk to the mailbox17:17
elfyhi vitimiti18:11
lordievaderHow are you this evening?18:13
vitimitiFor off-topic #ubuntu-offtopic has to be used18:14
lordievader... I know it is somewhat offtopic, but some social interaction should be tolerated imo. Improves bonding between testers.18:15
vitimitiWell, I'm kinda nervous, waiting for an important call from university18:17
lordievadervitimiti: Good luck ;)18:17
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AMDPentium!ops | help channel emergency20:58
ubottuhelp channel emergency: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang20:58
lordievaderThat seems rather pointless... Calling the ops when your banned...21:01
k1l_he seeks attention. seems to have a poor life21:02
lordievaderSuppose he does...21:02
jtaylorhm is the person who had the docker problem recently still here?21:22
jtaylornow I have it too :(21:22

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