
purencool I have been using sublime as well and liked it a lot. The languages I  develop in are php scss javascript  . I have been using buffers today they are cool01:39
purencoolHow about yourself's what do you develop in?01:42
blahdeblahA year ago I would have said bash & perl; now it's probably more PHP, CSS, JS, & python.01:43
blahdeblahMostly I just use vim with syntax colouring on, but will probably look into a more PHP/CSS/JS-oriented one soon.01:44
blahdeblahI've heard good things about NetBeans for PHP, but haven't had a chance to try it yet.01:44
blahdeblahIf you develop in Java or any of the other languages which use the JVM, Eclipse is far & away the most widely used, and it worked well for me when I used it.01:45
purencoolwhat is python like02:25
purencoolI have never tried it 02:26
blahdeblahpurencool: One of the big differences is whitespace in indents is significant - takes a bit of getting used to. I still prefer the C/Java/PHP way, but I'm over hating on python now04:45
purencoolblahdeblah: So trouble shooting at times would be really hard?06:24
jeaI have never found troubleshooting python to be difficult06:56
jeaYes, you have to use indentation to specify blocks in the code, instead of using braces like C-based languages, but this just enforces more readable code06:57
purencoolHi jea  this is a  newbie question but how does the  python become more readable07:52
jeaBasically because it enforces indentation08:40
jeaI tutor courses at uni involving C programming. We have a fairly strict style guide due to students just ignoring indentation, etc when writing code08:40
jeait ends up being completely unreadable08:41
jeahowever, because the indentation forms the blocks in Python, you don't get such an issue08:41
jeathat is just one example of it. there are probably more08:41
purencoolSo because you  have to adhere to the the tabs for the code to work it creates a block09:18
purencoolThe block then makes the code more readable. But is {} languages you are not forced to adhere to the tabbing to get to work09:20
purencooljea: Is that way you mean?09:21
purencoolThis is not about ubuntu but very interesting 09:21
purencoolI am going off line thanks for everyone's help today09:26
jeapurencool: yeah, that is what I was meaning10:37
blahdeblahjea: I never worked out what the big deal there was; just make them run it through GNU indent before submitting. ;-)21:59
purencoolGood Morning  Ubuntu people.23:36
jeablahdeblah: yeah, we tell them about that. Our style guide is a bit stricter than that, so they have to tweak it a bit more. 23:40
jeaThe main reason for enforcing it earlier is so that when we as tutors go to help them, we should be able to understand the code flow somewhat when it is formatted. If you have to help someone who has braces everywhere, etc, then it is a nightmare23:41

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