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Noskcajdarkxst, I'll try and get the slideshow done tomorrow, i'll be away till tuesday after that09:05
darkxstNoskcaj, ok, thanks!09:06
l3onHello .. gnome-weather does not start .. it reports:  http://paste.debian.net/plain/12395311:01
l3onI guess it should be rebuild against last libgweather11:02
darkxstl3on, was that from -staging?11:07
l3ondarkxst, yep11:45
LinDolhi all13:54
ricotzl3on, hi, i can reproduce this libgweather problem, same thing with gnome-clocks and gnome-weather, no idea why though yet15:27
l3onricotz, gnome-clocks here works fine.15:27
ricotzseems like a gtkbuilder problem15:28
ricotzl3on, try to add a new clock15:28
l3onricotz, uh ok, confirmed...15:28
ricotzgtkbuilder somehow cant instantiate GWeatherLocationEntry objects defined in the ui files15:29
ricotzl3on, maybe you like to dig into it a bit further15:30
ricotzdarkxst, just for references, this is some g-i problem ^15:31
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l3onricotz,  $ python -c 'from gi.repository.GWeather import LocationEntry' && echo ok15:56
l3onpy seems work fine15:56
l3oneven gjs $ gjs -c "imports.gi.GWeather.LocationEntry || print('fail')"15:59
l3onboh.. have to go.. bye! :)16:11
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onesandzeroesSo I've hit a bug in 14.10 and not quite sure where to report it23:31
onesandzeroesStarting a few gtk apps leads to an immediate crash and a message that says "Attempt to unlock mutex that was not locked"23:32
onesandzeroesIt seems like the issue might have been fixed upstream already, since a bit of searching around lead me to this fix: https://github.com/GNOME/gtk/commit/79c3ff3c4ed74bbcc820dac2d5180fa4d48d55ec23:33
onesandzeroesBut I'm not sure when/if that's going to filter through to 14.1023:34
onesandzeroesAny advice on which tracker these kinds of issues should be reported to?23:34
onesandzeroesSeems like the issue has been reported against a few specific projects that are affected, e.g. pyrenamer23:35
onesandzeroes...but I'm also hitting it in a closed-source 3rd party app, Stata, and unless it gets patched at the glib/gtk level project-specific fixes won't help with that23:36

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