
bazhang<ShadowSpirit> i need install the ubuntu but i need the MAC OS too00:09
ubottusomsip called the ops in #ubuntu ()08:28
DJonesMust be "Misuse of computer lessons" in a kindergarten school day08:32
DJonesSet +q on *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip. to deal with the multiple users08:32
DJones@mark #ubuntu satureja "You know what, I hate indian people"09:34
ubottuThe operation succeeded.09:34
ikoniahello dev_neoren_14:05
ikoniawhat's up ?14:08
dev_neoren_tell me more about this channel i was told you take suggestions here?14:09
k1l_dev_neoren_: have you read the !guidelines to make sure we start from the same basis?14:11
dev_neoren_you are right...kind of14:14
dev_neoren_love the job you guys do here14:14
dev_neoren_its my first time14:14
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (xbox)14:14
dev_neoren_used ubuntu now for 2 years14:14
dev_neoren_i have removed windows for a full ubuntu laptop....500gb hdd...i need help with optimal partitioning measures for a permanent install and data protected when ubuntu fails again...14:17
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
DJonesBye HFS17:48
DJonesHang on frenocha has voice in -ot18:48
* DJones thinks fox in the chickenhouse18:49
h00krww, elky: lol.19:00
rwwh00k: ikr19:00
dhaval2712Hey, I just like to say I'm sorry for some really bad trolling. So, Could I be unbanned, please?20:34
k1l_dhaval2712: hi. please take some time now and make sure you read the guidelines. i will give you some time to make sure you read them before we continue.20:36
k1l_!guidelines > dhaval271220:37
ubottudhaval2712, please see my private message20:37
k1l_so dhaval2712 you read the guidelines?20:43
k1l_you already said you are sorry about your trolling. do you understand that we want #ubuntu to provide a welcome climate for ubuntu users who seek support and cant tollerate trolling in there?20:44
dhaval2712I do.20:45
k1l_since you came here and show reasonable behaviour i am going to remove that ban. but be aware that this is your 2nd chance already. i hope we dont need to meet in here again.20:46
dhaval2712You won't. Thank you.20:46
k1l_ok, you are unbanned now. you can join #ubuntu. please help to keep that channel according to the !guidelines and the code of conduct. thanks20:47
dhaval2712Yes, thank you too.20:47
ubottuAMDPentium called the ops in #ubuntu ()20:57
ubottuAMDPentium called the ops in #ubuntu+1 (help channel emergency)20:58
geniiTroll, removed and returned, +b now20:58
ubottuAMDPentium called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (repent or you will burn in eternal torment forever)20:59
ubottuAMDPentium called the ops in #ubuntu-motu (oops)21:00
geniiI have no ops there, someone else will have to take care of it21:00
ubottuAMDPentium called the ops in #ubuntu-motu (poor genii has no ops)21:01
genii#comment 64313 Known troll. See also 64312, 6431021:02
genii@comment 64310 HSFPlus again, different name21:03
ubottuComment added.21:03
genii@comment 64313 Known troll. See also 64312, 6431021:03
ubottuComment added. 64313 will be removed after 17 hours and 51 minutes.21:03
genii@comment 64310 HSFPlus again spamming !ops21:03
ubottuComment added.21:03
ubottuHarrySacks called the ops in #kubuntu ()21:03
genii@comment 64314 HSFPlus/AMDPentium again spamming !ops21:05
ubottuComment added.21:05
ubottuHFSPLUS called the ops in #ubuntu-irc ()21:10
AMDCeleronwhy am i banned from ubuntu?21:12
rwwbecause God told me you did something bad21:12
AMDCeleronwhat did i do?21:12
rwwno idea, i just do what i'm told21:12
rwwhe told me to throw you in a lake of fire and brimstone for all eternity, but i don't have one of those handy so i just banned you instead21:13
AMDCeleronunban me like you did with dhavall271221:13
rwwnope, sorry, can't go against the big man upstairs21:13
AMDCeleronwhy not21:13
rwwidk, throw some appropriate quote from Romans in here21:13
AMDCeleronAnd since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.21:14
AMDCeleron Romans 1:2821:14
rwwsounds good21:14
rwwsince you have a debased mind, i can't unban you because your debased mind will make you do what ought not to be done in #ubuntu21:14
AMDCeleronno its THOSE WHO REJECT GOD who get a debased mind, like athiests21:15
AMDCeleronunban me21:16
AMDCeleronbazhang, noooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa21:16
rwwwhy are you atheist, AMDCeleron?21:16
rwwwhy do you hate god?21:16
AMDCeleroni am not an athiest21:17
rwwwhy do you have a debased mind then21:17
rwwyou do, so you must be one21:17
rwwcheckmate, atheist21:17
AMDCeleronno, romans 1:28 applys to all of you21:17
rwwdoesn't apply to me, Jesus loves me and all21:17
AMDCeleronhosea 9:15 refutes that god loves everyone21:18
rwwhence him not loving you21:18
AMDCeleronrww, you an athiest?21:19
rwwclearly not, since God talks to me21:19
AMDCeleronso your a prophet?21:19
rwwhe says i'm awesome and you have a debased mind that does what ought not to be done21:20
rwwRomans 1:2821:20
* rww nods21:20
AMDCeleronjust ban me21:20
rwwban yourself21:21
rwwfor the ##club-nomicon log readers: all of the above was a joke and I do not actually think God talks to me21:21
rwwalso, I do actually have an eternal lake of fire and brimstone handy, so watch it *nod*21:22
* genii contemplates forming the Cult of rww21:22
hggdhfor the record, I am *not* an athiest. I am, though, an atheist. And why this fixation with the romans? Can't he cite the greeks?21:31
hggdhrww: remember the saying: if you talk with god, then you are religious; if god talks back, then you are nuts21:32
AMDCeleronnoooo waaa21:35
ubottuAMDCeleron called the ops in #ubuntu-devel ()21:37
AMDCeleronhi everyone21:37
Gasshohi i just got bullied after someone genuinely cared about my feelings and asked me whats wrong, so they contemptuously ask 'shouldn't this be in #offtopic'?  & then bully my friend who doesn't have fluency in english21:43
Gasshoin #lubuntu21:43
pleia2Gassho: your behavior there was very inappropriate21:43
Gasshotell me21:43
pleia2Gassho: I think you know that, please just move along21:43
Gasshoyou're bullying me now21:44
Gasshowhat a wonderful network21:44
Gasshohow was it inappropriate? asking a question?21:44
Gasshoi care21:45
AMDCeleronwhat the uck you want21:45
AMDCeleronjust ban me ops21:45
Gasshoi want respect21:45
Gasshoand a respectable network21:45
Gasshowhich i dont see here at all21:45
Gasshoexcept in the less popular channels21:45
AMDCeleronGassho, freenode is more respectful than efnet21:45
AMDCeleronban me!21:46
Gasshoi come here to talk about bullying in #wrongplanet-alt & you people instigate it21:46
Unit193I presume '#wrongplanet-alt' was a mispaste?  And the channel is a support channel, for support, so yes of course you get pointed to another channel when you're not talking about support.  If that's how you feel these channels and this network is, nobody is making you stay and you are indeed free to leave.21:50
Gasshoi was in #lubuntu21:50
Gasshoyou only support machines apparently21:50
Gasshonot people21:51
elkywe're not a counselling service, no.21:51
Gasshoyou can't see our eyes21:51
Gasshoso you act tyranically21:51
Gasshowithout any shame21:51
HFSPLUSelky, hey girlfriend <321:51
Gasshoapparently you need a support channel for freenode21:51
elkyHFSPLUS: oh my, are we dating? i hope rww doesn't find out21:52
HFSPLUSelky, did you know god will destroy you in hell if you don't repent?21:52
elkywell i could repent from the out of wedlock relationship you just claimed we have...21:52
HFSPLUSit was a joe21:52
elkyoh, so you're rejecting me now? D:21:52
HFSPLUSbut seriously if you believe in god now is the time to repent21:52
HFSPLUSelky, we go way back21:52
elkywell i don't particularly believe in god, no21:53
HFSPLUSelky, i see you reject god so he hardened you21:53
elkybrb, my cookies need checking21:53
elkyhardened? no i'm quite soft and squishy21:54
HFSPLUSelky, no he hardened your heart, meaning he has hardened you so you wont believe in him21:54
elkythat's nice of him.21:54
elkysaves me the bother21:54
HFSPLUSit means your on your way to eternal hell fire21:55
elkysounds like fun :D21:56
HFSPLUSim bored21:56
* rww squishes elky22:09
elkyrww: i believe i HFSPLUS'd correctly22:11
elkyrww: also, hangout22:13
* genii waits for onryo to show up22:42
onryohello, I am sitting here next to my daughter who I just introduced to ubuntu. She is sitting next to me on the same IP but for some reason cannot join the channel? She does not have a nick or anything yet.22:47
k1l_what is her nick on freenode?22:48
onryoShe does not have one yet22:48
k1l_not registered, but the one she actual uses22:48
onryothis one has been mine for years and years though.22:49
onryoone sec Ill look22:49
onryoannaarbest did not work22:50
onryosays banned????????22:50
onryowe are sitting next to each other on the same IP?22:50
k1l_is she connected to freenode right now?22:50
rww22:50:46 -!- annaarbest There was no such nickname22:50
rww22:50:39 -!- Irssi: annaarbest is currently offline.22:51
k1l_yes. that is hard to see if there is a matching ban if she is not connected22:51
onryoIll get her back one sec. Her English is not that super though. She is 12.22:51
rwwjust have her connect to freenode and try to join #ubuntu, and if it doesn't work have her stay connected and you can tell us the nick22:52
k1l_we have channels for most languages. but maybe she just accidently triggers a ban. so we need her to connect to freenode and you to tell us the nich she uses so we can have a look what matches the banlist22:53
onryook I'm back. She is on Annaarbest22:54
onryoand it does indeed say she is banned.22:55
rww22:55:01 -!- Irssi: Ban against *!*@c-96c2e455.025-521-6c6b701.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se matches Annaarbest!~Anna@c-96c2e455.025-521-6c6b701.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se (Set by k1l!~k1l@ubuntu/member/k1l)22:55
rwwhave fun k1l_22:55
onryoYes that is our IP atm22:55
onryoit is a DHCP22:55
onryoand yes that is my girl Anna22:55
onryoI have a son too.22:56
valorieelky, what a wicked woman you are!22:56
elkyvalorie: i know right?22:56
valorie{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}} to you and your hardened heart22:56
k1l_onryo: well. on 29.09. some of your ip users trolled the #ubuntu channel with malicious advices22:57
k1l_valorie: elky would you mind to let me handle that ban for a bit? thanks :)22:57
onryoWhat kind of "advice" ?22:57
onryoOn ubuntu?22:57
k1l_onryo: <donkeypunch> computa_mike sudo rm -r /home/* then press Ctrl Alt and Print Screen at the same time.22:58
onryoI am going to kill my son.22:58
onryois that nick registered?22:59
k1l_so i kicked and banned that ip, due to avoid harm to people coming to #ubuntu seeking technical help.22:59
onryoAs you can see from my history I have only helped people. In fact I do that a lot. Mostly because I want to teach my kids GNU/Linux23:00
onryomy as in " onryo"23:00
k1l_donkeypunch is not registered. but the ip was the one your daughter is using right now.23:00
onryoand the one I am using23:00
rwwwell, except for that one time in 201123:01
onryodon't understand why I don't have a problem.23:01
rwwonryo: hostname bans don't match when your hostname is masked23:01
onryoWas that why I took a bunch of Ubuntu devs over to debian after the gnome split version 3 rww?23:02
onryowas a long time ago. Don't really remember. I am an old fart now with kids.23:03
rwwsorry, was a joke23:03
rwwbut yeah, it didn't match you because you have a cloak23:03
onryoAnyway the only person who thinks a nick like that in this house is "funny" is my son.23:04
onryoand Ill have a good talk with him.23:04
k1l_onryo: well. if you sort that issue intern with your family i would remove the ban on that ip.23:04
k1l_but since we cant prove that situation this is the 2nd chance for you guys. so its better we dont have to meet here again :)23:06
onryoofc I am going to talk to him. He is a chip off the old block and I did things like that when I was his ago. The problem is now playing around with Kali etc and talking about sqli etc. Going to end 2mRO.23:07
k1l_ok. so if you agree to make sure the users from your ip stick to the !guidelines and the code of conduct in future in #ubuntu i am going to remove the ban now.23:08
onryothank you k1l_23:09
k1l_ok, the ip is unbanned now. hope your sort it out and we dont need to meet in here again :)23:09
onryorww if I remember from 2010-2011 you were a fan of Dr. Who ? Think I remember now =)23:10
onryobeen here for a long time.23:11
AMDCeleronelky, <323:11
rwwAMDCeleron: no hearting my wife23:11
AMDCeleronrww, oh shes ye wife?23:12
onryogood night guys.23:12
rwwonryo: g'night23:12
rwwAMDCeleron: yes. we got legally married (not in a church) and everything23:12
AMDCeleronok good info23:12
AMDCeleronnow ban me!23:12
rwwnah, I'm good23:12
rwwyou're like a court jester, we like having you around to giggle at23:13
AMDCeleronok than i will idle here until i feel like leaving then23:13
rwwok, have fun23:13
AMDCelerongod will have the last laugh(Proverbs 1:26)23:13
AMDCeleroni will not type anymore into this room until i am banned or i decide to leave23:13
geniirww: We can only hope.23:14
rwwi hope he sticks around a long, long time23:14

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